I Automated The RAREST ORE in Hydroneer

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well my friends I'm back in more hydroneer and it's time to get rich because well I've got a lot of resources going here and I've expanded our underground mine just a little bit oh I missed am I a little bit I added a few more mining things on here and it's going a little bit at a time but the good news is I've collected a bunch more claudium so if I take this throw it in the back of my truck and then hop in I get to go fast I'm hoping this single bar of cloudium is going to be enough to get me a brand new mining thing so we'll jump down in here say hello to our friend run across so I'll just throw this bar right into The Crucible and let it bounce for a while while I'll go buy the new claudium Harvester design and the other one cool you guys are doing well 2 300 money as long as I have enough claudium to make it build so we'll throw this on the pedestal well I hope this works I hope this works oh good it's in ah didn't have enough money maybe this one's slightly smaller it only takes 50 clodium so it might work and realistically speaking I only need one of these so if this works we can do a little bit of an upgrade oh shoot we still don't have enough so I'll just casually drive back over to my mining plot oh oh yet landed it beautiful where I will wait for more cloudium to spot actually I'm not gonna wait I'm gonna dig some more out here my thought is that I can have a similar drilling system this but in the tier 2 dirt also there is a node of uh iron or gold right above me that I could mine out but I want to go down to right on the cutoff between tier 2 and tier three and then if I dig over I can bring up another conveyor belt and then drop it right on there and then we'll Harvest everything at the top so I just need to get to work digging Dirt away one hour later okay so after a good hour or so I've made up another conveyor belt system that goes down here and I've got it primed and ready to go for 5 five additional tier two Miners And I think there's plenty of room to expand there but we are running into the wall of imaginable Rock in my in mindable is that a word oh so it's a little bit difficult to get out of here now you just have to parkour like crazy and I'm never good at that I really should make like a ladder system to get out of here but hopefully there's a good amount of claudium in this oh why are you falling though that's illegal so all I have to do is click that button and hopefully that's a big part that's just a tiny bar still why are you so tiny bar oh it makes me sad like this one's big isn't it or maybe just bars in general or small or maybe I'm just not making much money we have to carefully make our way across the bridge of Doom then slide right into the DMS oh come on get in there we'll grab our teeny tiny bar of clout right here and drop this right inside the crucible that really didn't even make a difference Okay click oh you're kidding me even more that's like nothing oh okay then let's retry that's gotta be more than 50. the game's broken uh well I guess I'm going to lunch and letting the game AFK for a while [Applause] alrighty lunch is complete and I did buy one of these to see how big of a bar I can get and 642. wait that sounds good also I should probably put these things back in because I've just been letting them go and letting them go and then I wanted to see how much they weighed too so I'll take this teeny bar that weighs 600 pounds and throw in the back of my old dump truck now if my brain thinking is properly I should be able to make three of the miners in one of the Harvesters that would be 500 weight these game be nice to me oh oh okay that's fine it's bouncing for good reason I just need to put the tier two stuff in tier one uh tier two this one yep tier two grinder all right I heard it melt so that's cool nope why why does that not work all right let's take that thing off drop it down and I should be able to clear it out why do you not why do you not function you were worth 600 pounds and I only need like 50. it says I need is that the other metal do I not need claudium in this can I be that dense if you answered that question you shouldn't answer that question all right so I feel like an absolute dummy I just DM the developer Max uh he's like hey dummy you need to iron too because that number isn't the price that's the weight of iron that's the weight of claudium so if I drop my teeny tiny bar in there and then I grab this larger bar oh I can grab it from above that makes it easy wow amazing look at that that was two hours of struggle bussing so I'm just gonna throw this into here all right tier two grindy Diggy thingy and Boop really go now my minion make your drilly boy am I going to need to change I'm going to need to change how I have that all plumbed too it's been so long since I played with these tools oh balls why is that a thing don't step in the death trap and we made two so hoping this third one works maybe we can get a fourth I kind of doubt it yeah I didn't think that would work so we have three of them and hopefully they made it in the back of the truck yeah relatively now my hope with these is that we can tumble our way all the way to the new base sort of oh yeah landed it it's like an Olympic speed skater or figure skater that's the word I'm looking for and I'm hoping by using these I will get the new resource I don't remember what it's called but there's like a new ore that comes from really low in the world so first things first we need to take the new grinder and put the grinder in let's actually unplug the water supply so everything shuts off the grinder needs to go into here that's nothing is that the grinder are you the grinder are you gonna be the grindy one no that's a digger we'll just throw that in the hole grindy boy where are you please tell me I made one there it is all right and then we'll just turn it around I think so that goes that way oh no it spits it out from the side that's fine that'd be easy we just need to spit it in the front we need the front spit is that the front spit front spit okay we'll put that in here that should work I'll redo a little bit of the piping then I'll put the conveyor belts back on in the proper direction oh I hope this works okay conveyors go on we'll re-plug this in like such as and oh neat it's working oh no don't do that don't grind those up those are expensive and now it just kind of tumbled its way it knows where it wants to live all right we're gonna try to put you in next buddy you're gonna go down here and I'm hoping this works all right that needs to go that way and it didn't get plugged in nice where does the water go into it through the bottom hello where does your water live like for real for real where does your water go into you oh through the top Corner hmm boy this is drastically reduces the amount of fun things we can have shoot I guess we'll have to do one on both sides here okay is that gonna work then probably oh first tier two nuggy Nuggie it's gonna take forever to get there so I'm going to rewire these up and by the time I get them rewired up or re-plumbed I should have another one in there and I'm just gonna make this as big as I possibly can right now three hours later so mission complete I've got I think there's six in here working I hope they're all working all of their lights are on anyway but the fun thing is they're doing the work they're going up they're bringing their resources up up I said up can I knock it up and check this out there's the new ore just hanging out here I don't even know core Stone ore a nugget of course Stone can we melt it into a crucible into a bar or sold to a jeweler also speaking of Jewelers there's a lot of jewels there that I haven't done anything with but I do have room for two more sorters here so that's what we're gonna go buy next just kidding I don't actually have any money and I literally don't have a grinder either so I mean whatever I'll just grab that and sell it wait I think you can make these out of any resource now yeah you can but this isn't hot so whatever I'm just gonna sell it it should be worth quite a bit of money anyway I always love it when I have shop day and well we're at 93 that's still worth a cool 329 000 money I knew it would be a lot I didn't think it would be that much though excuse me sir I will have a gander sir I would like to buy his oh boss which one is this I don't know I always get these confused which one I can't I have to buy them first I think it is this one no that's the bat I bought the wrong one that's okay I still have like 300 000 more I also want to get one of these Grinders oh the polisher hook yeah we could just buy one of these I forgot about those I thought there was a grinder hook too but I guess that's not it anymore that just ground up the bigger chunks whatever and my brain is currently telling me that we have a problem with our setup I should have brought more pipes too because I'm out but this thing here compresses the gemstones and now that centralizer hook should make it work I could put this right here as long as this is the proper one good everything goes there's so many of them I've been clearing that too by the way oh I forgot to buy another one of these yeah there's so much of it stuck everywhere I'm so sorry game just been Breaking All the junk so we need to grind up the gemstones too I could do that if I remember where I placed my pickaxe come on the last I used it was in here there it is okay so what I need to do is either split the gems but I don't want to do that I can just split this instead we'll bring that into the first area here the gems will keep going through and we can put you over here like so cool that works we'll put the grinder wheel on it so it'll grind it up and then I've got this thing that I don't know how it works but I'm thinking if I just do a little bit of this it should work maybe yes I know I could put a valve on here but it's more fun just to unplug the entire system okay we have to do it we have to clear all the resources no we don't oh they're bouncing great so I need another magnet they're not as expensive as they used to be I also need another one of the smelters so then I can put the smeltery right down here good we can grab this thing which should be able just to pick up everything oh yeah that's a satisfying noise I'm kidding that's a terrifying noise okay do not like do not like do not like do not like oh that's really not good that's really the bad that's not the good one all right and then we just uh gently drop it it should keep splitting things properly it seems to be working it didn't work we gotta spin it around again oh boy there you go friendos nice that's what I really want I just want to sort off the new tomato soup here also what's happening up here what is this thing what are you doing I thought you were supposed to be my friend at least I got a bunch of tomato soup coming in and I'm excited about that I think it may just be a good idea to buy this one no that's the one I bought okay compresses cut gemstone hmm so I'll buy a button just a single button and a few of these dumb wires also I should have been putting these in the back of the truck so I don't have to handle them all a second time but whatever so I think uh plug in the button right about here and then if I do that okay it compresses is it compressing it's doing something I don't know what's wrong with this thing but oh okay ah there's other junket oh okay I see what's happening I got it I'm picking up what you're putting down game and the worst part is these aren't even classified as raw resources so I can't delete all these jumping things of money because I can clear the dirt chunks which is fine I can clear all the raw resources which is fine but these aren't raw I do think the good news is though there's area for me to be able to drop that down and then sort the gems in another area because I think what's happening is that's only available for one color like the Reds it only took the rubies to begin with but if I split each one off I think it'll work better yeah cause look a green one showed up and it's like nope not happening but if I take a blue one and if I drop a blue one on there it's gonna go right inside yeah the blue ones go in the green one doesn't and then another green one gets cut and it starts jumping too okay so I do really need to split this off okay after another hour of painstaking situation happening we made a little bit more tomato soup I'm actually really excited to see how much is in there I think what I'm gonna do is make like a big ring or something and it's not gonna be a big ring it's going to be a little ring but oh I didn't show you this uh yeah so I did exactly what I thought I would do and I put so the gemstones go in here they get cut up they drop into the funnel and then they come out on the back side here and as they come out the back they go up this handy dandy elevator and then get sorted into their individual rooms now that should open up and it'll go there it goes and you saw the big Emerald inside so yeah it's working as intended I got all four of the gems there and anything extra if there's a dirt chunk or anything it comes out there so I mean that's kind of cool uh I like it I like it a lot and now we're gonna make something big and expensive Maybe I don't actually know and this is really annoying why is the ground half a block tall this has been like four or five hours of struggle busting today for me so okay uh we need oh quit it fine we're gonna do we don't have any of this stuff I have a blacksmith hammer and no heating thingy so let's go buy a bunch of that junk toot this is Bob the Builder just got wrecked I have to say of everything in this game the most annoying thing to purchase is these wood floors like hot dang are these stupid for this reason right here you just jump up and you have to place it in but sometimes it doesn't go and then it just eats itself into space so yeah yeah I've been doing really good at getting it figured out now though you go way over the side and then you click up see it's working no wait you just you just wanted you want to chunk you just want to I mean sure I'll trade you for something a two-way dire North oh but 53 prospector Guild doubloons I need that what am I do with this though I'm gonna tell you what I want what I really really want I really really want some more blacksmithing stuff where's the Saw at where's this where's the sun I can want this I need this others this off and I need a Bernie pit and there we go Yeet over the hill oh we didn't get much air all right turn this around we're gonna make a little platform that's better beautiful little platform really I should have purchased four I don't know why I didn't purchase four but I'll take this one because that one's not really necessary and then I'll put this one here don't tell it it's not necessary though because then it'll get mad at us and be like of course I'm necessary realistically it's not shutter brought a tool rack too man I just I've been doing so many stupid trips back and forth to the gas station just really annoying all right so so take a chunk of this oh there's gems in there there's jumps everywhere and we're gonna heat it up in the Old Furnace neat what should I make do I want to make a a giant ring is that a giant ring or is that a necklace I mean I feel like the necklace is probably more expensive or what color should we make it what goes good with that color the what is what did I call it tomato soup do we have some cracker color nope no cracker color I mean the Onyx might be expensive this could be a real bust too it might just be a terrible idea and it doesn't really have any value that's a tiny gem all right nope that's the wrong what did you do to me game why is that floating cut it in half oh it grew when I cut it that's a smart idea look at that crackling thing though that's awesome and bunk okay I mean that looks cool it's like all lava and stuff I mean it's core Stone so we're we made the one necklace to rule them all and watch it be worth like seventy four dollars oh wait hold on hold on we gotta we gotta get that 53 token stuff we have to get that one single piece of garbage he just wants a big chunky Rock give me that rock right there got it I also do not know who it was so do you want to rock nope would you like a rock nope the man just walked up to me and he's like hey I want to rock Desmond a Bridgeport Desmond I dropped my rock oh there it is your name Desmond it's your name Desmond do I have to shoplift one of these world maps to see where Desmond is I won't shoplift it I'll just buy it or that could be Desmond because realistically oh there it is I see it there's an exclamation point but for real this time I lost my rock oh no where'd my rock though whatever Desmond doesn't care about it are you Desmond yeah you are here you go sir oh I gave him a rock thank you you're welcome oh I need I got one of these things 53 Bridgeport tycoons now I need to go to the necklace store which should be right up here and see how much our gigantic uh core Stone thing is worth it's it's I'm gonna say it's gonna be worth like six dollars although that Onyx Stone should be pretty expensive so I don't know I mean it could be a real I'm really scared plus it's 84 right now oh 10 000. okay well that was four hours for ten thousand when I just sold a pile of gold for three hundred and twenty nine thousand anyway my friends that'll do it for today's video of hydroneer our system is finally online and we should be going into tier Three core Stone operation in the next videos thanks for watching keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time we'd like to thank all of my patrons and channel members including Auto day Ben Dickie J Teddy ipius ninja General Harris Trent Dem Codine of starting off maxer Ralph BC engineer with it good sir carsmart X Spencer T whiskey endless splatter sex Doug rules skunk chess Corian Brad Dalton Z second or D Grayson Aurora monkey Kyle V Zane W Mr one codino ah and fussy badge nine
Channel: Blitz
Views: 679,913
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, blitz plays, blits, blitz hydroneer, hydroneer blitz, hydroneer gameplay, hydroneer ep 1, hydroneer mods, hydroneer mod, hydroneer gems value, hydroneer modded, hydroneer multiplayer, hydroneer intern, hydroneer coop, hydroneer multiplayer update, hydroneer, hydroneer machines, hydroneer sorting machines, hydroneer prospecting, hydroneer 2.2, hydroneer tier 3, hydroneer update, hydroneer new update, hydroneer corestone, hydroneer core stone
Id: bUJqb771gSA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 38sec (1178 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 24 2023
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