I Spent 100 Minutes Evolving The Most POWERFUL Slime

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so this is my friend his name is bingis bungus every time he moves he's Big And Chunky so he damages enemies nearby All I'm gonna do is bounce around and shoot things out of I don't even know where he's shooting them but I do do knockback damage which is actually quite hilarious hello little bingas fungus let's Destroy Everything by stepping on it wow ooh thick hide I get even stronger so not only do I bounce them back I also take less damage and wow back to back upgrades okay I mean I don't mind seven and a half percent damage reduction I'm just gonna step on everything just stand right here oh I actually have to keep moving though I kind of forgot about that okay I didn't get it this High time but I can get worms that's kind of terrifying so if I jump around on everything I can give them parasites and then this is interesting I can chain together or my attacks can Fork I kind of like that idea so if I keep shooting then they'll all Chooch can turn into four bullets they also don't do much damage at all but that's kind of okay because I'm just a big chunky boy jumping around on everything oh and there was worms nice hey more experience okay so I think I really need to get my damage multiplier up because I am not gonna do much damage to bigger enemies and they're gonna spawn me really badly so I mean all projectiles do mint but attack speed I think I'm gonna go for the orb of experience and then try to get a movement speed upgrade and this is good to deal more damage the faster you move okay I'm doing five damage now instead of three the big chunky boys just stepping on everything creating an earthquake look at that and making worms that's terrifying I mean this is good too or you know this is interesting attack range or I can turn things to death let's do this one I just want to step on everything or ah man that's so much so interesting being able to make like uh fiery earthquake so if we get that upgrade again we might use it there it is all right or a tranquilizing mass that floats around you stuns enemies and Deals damage that's good because that's more damage about locally awesome all right this build is going very weird and I like it somehow I have a multiplier of 29 already that's awesome paying more worbs oh convert ghosts or more worms that's a two percent chance I don't like that we're going worm mode yeah we have to be careful about the explody boys or just send in the worms good job parasites uh-oh tranquilizing Mass level two it's working oh it does work so nicely too and more thick hide great okay so I haven't even been touched yet but if I do it's 15 less damage is this the most overpowered class in the game it might be I don't know I haven't played them all yet and I do feel like I'm getting overwhelmed a little bit which I don't like but having another hard tranquilizing mass is a good thing because look at all the worms now and we're still on the end level one don't look now but I did take damage I'm sorry I failed you but at least I leveled up again more experience yet again movement speed movement speed is better than XP right now because then I do more damage and buy more damage I just hit faster yes it's working it's working so well give me give me all that loot okay I want more tranquilizing masses too look at this big group I'm gonna step on them dealing damage enemies above 95 20 damage more I'm wondering about this one though if it attacks like my AOE radius it kind of looks like it does you shall not pass get back get back fiends out okay the exploding boys are dangerous I need to hit them with my explodey orbs good and then we'll disappear we'll go this way where my friends are out speaking of friends dizzy balls but the more tranquilizing masses now we have four of them this is the way I was thinking this build was gonna go but it's kind of fun and exciting also slightly dangerous and now we have a boss that's Bond yeah yeah it's working oh we spawned right on top of me okay increase of all radius of AOE wait hold on that's not the boss that's just his arms where are you bossy boss okay I mean this is working extremely well look how fast his hit points are going down go away creatures just need to stay away from him for a little bit out explode his friends on him steal all their experience get uh what is this attack speed by 20. or the more damage ideal of faster yeah yeah yeah we want more movement speed attacks all right game give me something cool oh very sharp splinters 30 chance to Splinter nine times upon impact okay and piercing so by whoa my main attack oh that is so cool does it work on anything let's see nope it's only shots that's uh that's an amazing upgrade right now hop on in Next Level we're gonna be unstoppable Maybe okay oh my goodness did you see that chain reaction ow it tickled too yeah we're gonna fire everything we can what it clears the whole room out exploding Boys Still deal damage to me though which I do not like yes okay spikes attack speed yeah that is a huge upgrade for me I wish it would be a like movement speed but it works stupidly well especially with the Splinter and and going in half there's another level oh Splinter shower okay 35 chance to splitter nine times piercing twice releasing a shower of 10 more splinters what is this oh he kills everything there it goes there's that shower hot dang is that a cool upgrade I would never have picked that if the game didn't just give it to me I watched The Chain Reaction ready here it is ready here it is that's so cool oh here we go chain we get an actual chain or you know this one again more damage current movement speed yes this is working so well we're just gonna stomp on them all I'm gonna come back and try to get more upgrades in this field I also want more movement speed in general oh oh they died instantly good step back get that knock back going out I took damage but I healed immediately this is a huge build I just killed 119 things which isn't a huge amount but oh the soul of Amon so this one is a three percent chance I'm not a huge fan of it I just want more damage multiplier and it seems to be working really well that's such a better upgrade than just a standard three percent uh oh okay that's a mini boss which I'm fine with there he is walkie boy wriggling worms 20 chance to release six worms on death doing 8.25 damage sure there we go oh my yeah guy's Dead come on get dead give me your upgrades I need them for science okay that stun's huge Frey has been slain come on 20 all three oh it was almost at three times 20 damage multiplier but I'll still take 15 more I am kind of cornered here until something is cleared out like that now all right I don't like any of these but I'm gonna get this one anyway a 10 chance to crit is just more damage especially when we have all the worms and all of those hits we're doing a lot of strikes at once go little worms clear them out all right I'll projectile's deal or we have a 10 chance to explode on death this might be one of my favorite upgrades in the game especially when you kill a whole bunch of stuff and we have giant chain reactions these guys are also super annoying so let's kill them dead go do some giant explosions on the ground and then move through to collect all of the loot I like it such a good plan Get Wrecked big things watch this Chain Reaction ready fire 376 430 okay um I mean the spikes spawning I don't like that but we're gonna take it I know that one's really powerful hopefully let level it up too chain reaction of 880 out 1000 great oh so yes another Splinter shower uh oh another mini boss I mean not a no it's Freya again I'm sorry Freya but your time is disappearing very quickly no no no no no no you're dead Okay give me something cool give me something cool three times what is this strange fruit uh yeah I don't know what that does but I'll take it that's the that's the AOE range right they're just the attack range oh hey man's here we just killed 900 things in one strike hello amen and give me that oh nice girth up radius of all AOE and then explosive AOE or this one's good let's do the explosive AOE this damage is insane though hot dang is that strong give me something else cool four times a four times that thing million needles oh my word another 50 chance to Fork this is huge there's so much forking happening I didn't oh there it is okay look at all that Splash and attacks does it still do the same amount of damage it does those are like ones and fours okay whatever level three is here now I don't think I've ever beat level three because they're always fast but since we can Splash damage plus we have the slowing orbs I think we're gonna be okay are we ever gonna be okay I just instantly killed a thousand things essence of Sigrid five percent chance to conjure a meteorite or enemy's chance to ignite increase your movement speed that's gonna increase my damage significantly more yep yep yep we need damage upon everything else 700 dead amazing goodbye giant Chain Reaction it's it's working it's working out I got tickled that's huge all right oh so that's the strange Feud yeah attack range we can do the crit or we can do the AOE let's do a seven percent chance for more crits because we do a lot of damage and we're gonna kill these guys there they go excellent get a big stomp on I even forgot we had worms somewhere because they haven't been doing much okay I'll just stand here I don't even need to push people away with my jumpy Bill uh there's a lot of damage down here too look at all this look at all this experience go away okay oh Swift capsule yes more movement speed that's gonna increase the damage even more 23 crits beautiful blow up you guys blow up over here hey I can run faster than you I don't know why I'm a big chunky boy but I can run fast uh um attacks have a 10 chance to throw an arching Boomerang or a 10 chance for a hailstorm for five damage or five each I don't know which one's better I think we're gonna go hailstorm just because it's gonna split up and do even more projectile damage which is totally cool with me and it's working really nicely even though I can barely even see it working with all the other explosions happening oh there's the armored boys go away armored boys they're not gonna live very long shoot they're gone all right ready for this big Chain Reaction there's an insane amount of creatures here oh okay more of this I don't need that this one's kind of nice each crit this is another pulse I don't want that or I could just dissolve it and get that experience back nah we'll do the slashes that's gonna help with the bigger groups especially these big chunky boys and the armored ones because there's a lot of them and they're dangerous and we got another mini boss of Freya again I thought I've killed you twice Freya why don't you stay dead and Magnus is here oh Magnus Opus more like it okay we're to try to kill magma oh sweet Jerkins I don't like that hey die okay give me our times four again times two and then that's a fire AOE right yep all right magmas you've made fun of me one too many times wow look at that damage though oh Magnus you're not allowed to live that was ridiculous okay give me something cool four times oh yes four times and is that the black hole no that's the sentient Halo ah sure why not okay I'll grab the little heel to get up to 15 and head into the circle to stage number four hello friendos what are you doing down here dying quickly oh I'm kind of Trapped in a corner this is bad why did I attack them I should be the one being attacked I don't need to be aggressive I can just be defensive oh my word why are there so many creatures here and the Caster type too they're annoying go away 700 I don't want that yet I'll just stand here collecting all of the things and then I'll get that magnet to give me all of the stuff wow all right crits this is almost a little bit bad a little bit scared right now these things are so big and in charge and large my goodness look at them all okay can I make my way through here I can't oh oh all right we're good we're just gonna hold the line and then fight back just gonna fight back ow I took damage okay I'm gonna fight back grab that only because they just want to experience and we're gonna get a level because the ticking is going up a little bit more yes okay chain essence of Sigrid I mean I'm already doing enough of this all conjure meteors I don't care there's four healing things on the ground right now too there's some meteors I've taken more damage in this round than I have the entire game combined but they've taken way more damage than I have wow this is 780 multiplier keep on dying keep on dying oh we're down to 50. never mind okay out they tickled me I had to keep moving for that pushback there we go for that pushback die gotta stay out of the bubbles okay moving in here this is actually kind of a nice area I think because nothing can make it in I can just hold that direction are you kidding me I'm just gonna stand right here and push back and I'm gonna fall back and kill all those this is huge it's a like an ultimate funnel right now okay stay alive stay alive ah yeah okay we're good I'm just gonna move around this way because I got scared over there I'm not gonna lie it was a little bit terrifying I don't know why though because I'm destroying them so quickly these guys also remind me of sheep uh spikes more damage take that more movement speed damage oh yeah 16 hits these are good beautiful I could barely even see where I'm going right now yeah we're gonna double back collect the loot my meal just collect this thing and collect it all for me I will blow them up and then click their XP um yeah I'll take this one I'll keep getting more X more damage every attack a little bit scared there's so much these guys have so many hit points now attack and spread good hit and grab that cool ow that didn't even hurt though oh guy is here I mean I'll just uh maybe orbit Gaia again that's 16 000 hit points but we just did five thousand and one Folly got a Dodge duck and dive around here and we're gonna do another big hit that's stupid I love it how do you feel how are you feeling right now you're dead oh you missed me because I'm so fast I'm a fast boy and give me that good get whatever you got I want times four again times two and that's saw blades uh yeah I'll take it and I don't know why I took it because I don't like getting close to things but the saw Blade's all right especially when you hit directly and that it kind of I mean I can't even hit him whatever I don't know what I'm talking about and I don't even need the health oh my goodness all right this is the level I always have problems on but I just cleared the first wave so that was good ow there's so many bad guys here we already have a multiplier of 800 and it's been like four seconds in this good news is I'm faster and I can deal more damage but I don't know if I can keep up with the spawns okay maybe I can because that chain reaction is just ridiculous look at that give me Health oh okay uh yeah more damage the faster you move bonus damage per current movement speed yep I don't mind that at all I really want to get that experience in there because it looks so tasty so I'm gonna go and grab this and get it all right goo and spikes 1.5 chance to enter frenzy nope spikes there's four pickups there I just had oh hello there oh wow they survived that they survived my volley that did 5000 damage to the boss speaking of bosses another mini ones Bond oh things are dangerous I don't even know where he is I just need to kill him to gain his resources there he is that's a big guy I don't like him alright alright good we've done 10 000 damage to him and I'm gonna grab this all right kill down here kill the big boss man give him worms give them the worms I said I gotta back out again I'm just getting surrounded yay Bjorn has been slaying again give me oh one times fifteen percent crit sure yes other level chain lightning or fire AOE uh dang I feel like leveling this up is probably better when upon death okay yeah so there's big explosions now I'm down six hit points whoa I didn't recognize that thankfully there is two healing things here one and two all right we're back up a little bit I'm just attempting to stay alive grab this perfect there's another one too oh there's a health too great all right let's try to go get that Health we're gonna work our way around the back side I don't know when the boss is gonna show up oh my goodness I didn't realize those were all enemies I just thought those were trees moving there's the boss okay okay I gotta get to the boss to kill the boss 32 000 hit points all right just sit right next to it and just Spam it it's got the the healing juice right over here got it all right just keep moving back and forth give it a stop you stop you missed me you dingus you're almost dead you Dingus ow ow ow I only have 6.9 Health right now but I will get another upgrade real soon come on come on come on die die in junk there it is okay so this is the farthest I've ever been give me it four times again four times three two times twenty oh forty percent crit chance yes oh oh that's incredible I'm gonna try to grab this thing I don't know if anything came out of it but I'm on another stage which is awesome okay you guys shouldn't live anymore I have here's my warning you guys need to go away shadow creatures wow the map is all Wiggly now there's so many explosions happening I've got a 1100 multiplier I gotta stay away from everything because it's all deadly and stuff I wonder if I can win this game I don't actually know never gotten this far before okay is there any healing in the wake of that mess that just happened I literally don't see any healing this screen Shake's really annoying me too but at least they do like 159 damage to some of these attacks so let's turn that screen shake off that's better okay Big Chain Reaction I gotta stay away I'm taking too much damage now and I haven't been able to find any health either they're just kind of spawning everywhere okay I can make it around the side what is going on look at that huge damage all right grab this there's some health I need to get in here and get that excuse me fellas that's mine now this is insane oh here we go Esther instead of Sigrid 10 chance to counter a meteor yep I mean that's like double chance ooh good one all right move move it seems to be nearly Unstoppable I'm taking a lot of damage but I'm doing all right I feel as long as I can get another health or two I'll be okay I'm a little scared right now the damage though I gotta stay away from the bubbles dude the big bubbles that some their friends some in their friends these things right here because those are the ones that are popping out things right next to me oh mini boss that's gonna have like 60 000 hit points all right get in here keep firing get those chain reactions going we just need chain reactions that's all that I need right now and there's that boss it only has 12 000 hit points so we're good look at all this experience hot dang that's cool if you guys die you're into really annoying me there's a health what are you doing down here buddy all right oh stay out of that I just want to stay away I'm getting sucked into it this is the the vacuum okay it's half dead and I've hardly even attacked it yet just for all the chain reactions those are the the explosions okay die die good hit good hit oh oh I'm in trouble I'm in trouble okay I gotta get out great a man's here yeah we're gonna get that mini boss first because they're very important and they give big upgrades so let's just keep attempting here great oh you're dead nice give me a four times four times three times three times what is that spiky hide oh yes spiky hide deals way less damage enemies who touch you are dealt oh enemies you touch me okay regenerate HP I'll take that all right the boss has 30 000 hit points what is this faithful Spear of the Halo gain one extra damage per HP lost whatever it's shiny looking and I like it all right hey man you're going nowhere Freak Show I know you're spitting those bullets out like you're big and scary I'm bigger and scary here if you didn't know that already my meteor just almost killed you entirely yep that worked amen's been defeated okay something else cool this is the best run I've ever had three times what is this Frost bolt 15 sure I'll take more shots that split off why not all right I don't see any Frost bolts but I don't really care I just want to kill them all move on to the next level it might be the last level oh I should have ran around more because I have hit point regen these levels are getting smaller too the maps are they keep exploding and sending their people my way oh my goodness all right we gotta keep moving I don't like these ones those ones do the most damage to me just like that oh we got a mini boss already on this super tiny Island stop it stop it stop it no no get away get away get away from me get away kiddo I'm breaking them somehow I am also being broken but I'm 80 spamming keep the mini boss oh these big guys have helmets unknown too yeah push you out of the way I think he just he just made a baby okay can I get away oh oh oh oh what is that oh oh my word it's the superpower it destroyed literally everything on the map what the world just happened oh that was so cool it's doing it again I like that upgrade I don't even know what it was but it's insane what is that this game before that's incredible I just want to keep it rolling 2700 yeah 3 000 killed the boss easily I can dissolve it first oh three times yes 15 more damage that's actually something I really need oh that is insane I'm doing so many so many combo strikes that does a lot of damage surprised my computer can handle all these numbers too I think I just died did I just die oh I got hit I got hit right at the same time by a bolt I need health badly hey hey that's not Health but I'll be able to see it easier there's health new thank you my goodness kill him dead Gillum dead kill these ones dead yeah oh I gotta hit I don't want to get hit oh lots of spam lots of bullets spam okay we're fine we're doing all right shoot we're in trouble we're not doing fine okay I want to get to the edge come on come on kill him these guys aren't dying they are dying there they go they are dying that's so cool all right do it again I just need to damage them enough that the chain reaction begins I have 1.8 hit points shoot okay get it clear get a clear out those things explode they're annoying get another clear out get a whole bunch of chain reaction happening give me some health on the ground there's a health there's a health I see a health ow ow got it all right do the same thing again you guys are annoying ow you touched me okay 80 spam 80s fam 80 spam nope nope just get away from me oh I have zero hit points somehow I'm alive if I get licked again I'm dead okay I need health badly point two yes I'm regenerating here we go here we go here we go here we go give me another hit point come on you're not nope 0.6 oh this is so tense nope oh okay okay I'm sorry this is two tens I can't talk I can't make real words out of my mouth but I want you guys to see everything everything just explodes oh like me 4 000 combo multiplier there we go six thousand my computer's really crying right now wow Swift capsule movement speed movements oh this one extra damage per HP loss this is huge but that's a big okay we're doing this one because this I I met like really low hit points so I'm doing way tons more damage which is what that giant Spears in space is doing oh Mufasa just showed up no that's me I Mufasa too all right come on die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die 62 crits from just that AOE I want him to get uh uh uh uh bad Mufasa okay work in circles working circles it is not getting stunned but the stunning orbs oh health I know do less damage but I don't care I need health too oh no no no oh you ate me see if I wouldn't have got that Health yes oh that's so intense okay give me some of those cool four times three times is that the black that's more fire oh my word the fire is insane now so are the the orbs of death hot dang okay is there any health laying anywhere around here just one that'd be cool even just one of them nope no more say I don't know what level this is but I've killed 108 000 things oh my word am I multiplier in first seconds is 1600. there's so much garbage on the screen push back push back attack them you shall not pass use all my Pokey Spears of space deaths and kill you deader and dead out 2.3 hit points you guys shouldn't be around here anymore either yep yep yep yep yep yep yep Health Community Health give me Health where's my health at there's a health yes delicious nugget of Health just gotta group them up and hit them with my meteorites oh more spawns oh these are the annoying ones too because they spawn other ones and then I have to do this again but that's okay because I'm figuring out how to do this [Laughter] uh uh yep all right they all died up here these guys are still chaining like crazy I just need to keep up with it so I can kill the ones off screen because if I don't keep up with it they don't get hit yes send another Health give me that somehow a boss showed up and I didn't even know about it and he's half dead already no all of you guys are not allowed to be here you don't have armor Hey where's that chain reaction when I need it where's the chain reaction when I need it come on come on am I too healthy I might be too healthy I need to be below 30 hit points but this is okay I would rather have more hit points than do more damage I just have to walk around them in circles until I take more damage Something's Gonna spawn on the other side and then it's gonna yep there they are all right things aren't making it too well I mean I can stand and oh my goodness good thing I left that corner I don't want to just take a little bit more damage there it is all right we're just gonna hang out at this point then so what are doing whatever this is uh-huh he died so quickly once the Omega mode went on what is that two times tranquilizing Shield oh okay we had six orbs now instead of just two look at the game look at the frame rate my goodness everything should die okay we'll kill all of that this is a crazy mode Health do I want it I'm Gonna Leave It I get it never mind things are still exploding just from the explosion I'm trying to get just close enough to get a little bit more damage so I can get into that weird frenzy mode again but I don't feel like I need it oh Wildfire again do I want that or all damage okay we're gonna go crit we're gonna level up to crush Ruby so I can do that I'm trying to intentionally take damage and the game won't even let me we're gonna go back to mumza wherever mumza is there's a huge Chain Reaction going mom's uh there's mumza what are you doing bud dying very quickly oh wow you have a hundred thousand hit points generating hit points too fast I need to take a little damage there we go so I can do more damage there it is [Music] all right let's grab one though maybe I don't want one maybe I just want to go in circles around this guy all right I'm gonna grab it anyway yep okay that's perfect or it's not I just want these Spears out that's all I need yeah there he went mum's has been defeated okay how many rows does this go there's got to be an end right cracked Ruby yes more crit oh and bleed in we go I'm concerned at a certain part I'm just not even gonna be able to keep up but until then I'm just gonna keep destroying everything that moves with giant over the powered Spears from space look at this this insane oh my computer is just chugging right now it doesn't like recording and making big numbers at the same time unfortunately I like big numbers so I'm gonna make it suffer with me it's bad that I have to take damage to do that though because I feel like eventually it's just gonna overwhelm me I'll just stand right here [Music] it's just endless amounts of experience popping into oh there we go speaking of which more Wildfire I feel like these are not great to keep leveling up maybe I should go with the Goo Ah I mean that could be good if I level that up enough or this one constantly is good too just a more damage over time because things just explode when I touch it now good job everyone's dead ah they're exploding now and I gained too much hit points to make the spears from space do the work so if I stand on one of these bubbles it does enough damage oh that did too much look at that mini boss popped up I didn't even know he was here and pop down what is this one a tomato exploding fire pool oh boy you didn't have to ask game thank you wow just a giant wave seven thousand eight thousand multiplier that's huge pickle go go go go Everything Must Die nothing shall live even you guys all the combo broke hello momza welcome back for a was this third time did you not learn your lesson the last two other times I know things are difficult but I don't really care about you I know that's sad I'm just gonna walk in circles hitting you with spears from space and then you're gonna fall over Dead with all of your friends how's that feel I did a hundred thousand damage my DPS passing 10 000 there for a second I mean once I do the giant chain reactions it gets 12 000 yep yep yep thirty thousand and the boss is gone again give me some sweet loot I like it when it gives me two times things Frost Nova whatever 220 000 DPS oh get up there again oh this would be a big one I'm just trying to get as big a number as I can now it's working 100 000 okay just these fire things on the ground nothing can survive anymore oh including me I didn't even notice but my hit points are at 1.7 1.6 yikes maybe there's a health thing hiding somewhere I just kind of zoned out with the big numbers makes me happy inside there we go another large Chain Reaction going maybe yeah it looks like it's gonna be a solid one nope it just ended because the enemies ended stay away oh oh halfway concerned halfway not concerned yeah we found an Escape Route this way health is going in the positive direction again another Escape Route over here everything's dying two hundred thousand deaths completed I'm just really wondering if uh there's an end to this or am I just gonna eventually get overwhelmed and die because I'm really close to doing that right now like right now actually for real for real right now oh okay I got an escape route we're gonna do a ton of damage over here and somehow I managed to get out all right cool there's just a lot of bad guys over here again I'll try to kill them and I don't have an Escape Route again but I'll try to kill these ones there we go all right sounds good looking fine 2.4 damage or health another boss's spawned and soon to be unspawned oh I don't know where you are but I'm gonna try to bombard you with chain reaction before you can even see me there's so much xp over here how's that feel does it tickle your innards no stay away I'll just stand right here this seems to do the work out no bad oh there's another mini boss I gotta kill that first or both of them together I'm cool with that all right I pinned him against the wall you're in big trouble mister I'm scared oh I hate those things I didn't even see it now I have point four hit points no no I don't like you point eight hit points I'm regenerating dying jump ow 0.6 again oh I was getting cocky they're like how does he only have point four hit points and have done 105 000 of that fella if we hit him once we will kill him or we get three times AOE radius 45 AOE that's a big amount oh that almost killed me it's hard because I can't physically see what's happening there's just so much happening that I can't see at all all right I'll Circle back destroy him no oh he killed me but I did unlock the uzi woozy dang ah I unlocked a lot of artifacts too symbol of pain the bloodbath did the bloom bloom oh dang okay killed 215 000 for 34 700 damage that was my best run ever I had fun thank you Mr bingis bongus I appreciate you and we have the who's he next thanks for watching give a stick on the ice we'll catch you next time I'd like to thank all of my patrons and channel members including splatter sex Doug rules skunk chess spread Dalton seat scatter D Grayson alvora Kyle V Zane W Mr one Peyton please could I know fussy badge written the warrior sniper Noland Kyler J pink tiger zarnoff BC engineer ax Spencer D whiskey endless Zenius Auto Dave Ben Becky janikius Ninja
Channel: Blitz
Views: 296,345
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, blitz plays, BLITS, blits, goobies, goobies game, indie games, steam indie games, indie games 2023, games like vampire survivors, blitz goobies, goobies blitz, goobies best character, goobies dizzy wizzy, goobies bingus wingus, goobies bingus
Id: g1GvmqhZ5OM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 52sec (2272 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 03 2023
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