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so this beautiful island here is where we're going to set up civilization but we start right down here with headquarters and from there we get some systems set up like some water we get this going right over here because that's at 100% And then once we connect to it using some roads then our lovely little Courier system will get it set up and now it's creating water which once we set up some Orchards down here we'll create some food and we can just build this right on the track because that's at 100% And the water gets applied to the Orchard and that creates food so now we come over here and set up a lumber camp right here should be good keeping everything connected to the track so now the workers get food and then they create lumber for us and we also need to set up a stone quarry so that can go right up here so we extend the road up like so carrying a few nodes along the way so we can build to it better and the stone query needs planks it looks like so let's get that set up right back here that should work fine enough actually I can place that better because we don't want things to be in a back and forth sort of way so we'll get that going right here and then out like this so now once the planks are made oh it's actually taking from HQ some of the lumber but now once those are made it can go right on to build the Quarry good because we need all those things to build a city center and the City Center will set up right over here by HQ that should work well enough there and we'll actually redo this road because we'll need to set up some houses going around the city center so now once the city center is built we can start to decorate around it with houses so we'll get one of those going right here and then and connect the road work around it in sort of a grid formation because we're effectively creating suburbs and the roads can go right around the houses like so this is looking pretty good I'd say and when we place down new houses that expands the range that the city center can reach oh and the people in the houses also have demands that need to be met like food and water atmosphere people are so greedy sometimes but we do have a population goal to reach so we will place down enough houses for us to do that and I think we'll leave most of this Main Road open for industry so we'll place down houses like this now can currently support 10 houses so let's see can we get another house built right here if we redo this road it looks like yes I'm actually glad that the roads can be this short I was playing an earlier build of this game and they had to be like four pieces long it was tedious but I am liking the way the city is going although I think we're about to have a food shortage because our Orchard is barely keeping up with demand so let's get another one set up it could share a little bit of space because this is still at 100% or is that just because it's biting into that Orchard it could just be because of that I'm still going to do it and then we get a road set up like so trying to keep as much to grid formation as possible so we can just connect over like this so now I should keep up with food better but now we have a lot of things taking water so we'll need another one of those and we will keep the most Water Production that we can like this that should work well enough maybe but now worried to might get a little congested over here why don't we build a second Lumber Camp right here so the Waterway isn't blocked by anything so we can discard this one and now this way is clear for water to go through I like that better and then we still need a few more houses to be set up which we can only do two more this is actually a perfect spot right here and then we just do a fancy little thing like that and then the last house can go right here just kind of on the outside of everything so now we're at maximum houses so once this house is built we should have a maximum population of 40 which once the demands are met the population goes up and we're there and every time we reach a settlement goal we get new buildings like a warehouse here so we can store things this is going to be very good for us and storage can go right in here I feel like ooh that's actually really good right there so this one can be food and this one can be water and we can also redo this row to connect to the system better perfect oh and because we cut off the main supply line people are not getting their demands met well they can suffer for a little bit I'm getting everything established here and let's see there's other warehouses that can go up here and here for planks and Stones probably sure let's go with that for now actually I think those can go on the top side here we'll save this for other things maybe but oh man people are really not getting fed right now are they or actually which one is falling short there's a lot of water that's backed up on the track here for whatever reason our water production is a bit too good it looks like I'm also not sure why the planks are going over here you would think it'd be a shorter PA to go this way and there's so much back and forth happening over here the warehouse isn't even being built even though there's planks right next to it so we should probably start to prioritize some of the buildings that need to function like The Orchards here and you know what let's pause production on The Sawmill we have plenty of planks right now a full Warehouse almost okay now water is being stored up and water is reaching the orchard so food's being made that's good food is actually being stored up a little bit before it gets sent out to the people this is also a full node why are the people not getting fed do I need to prioritize the I can't prioritize the houses okay we have a lot of food being stored up so cool get it to the people the water shortage is because it gets congested right here oh you know what it is I prioritize The Orchards so we could not prioritize those and then the water can hopefully get to the people see this is why I didn't want a lot of things going through this node here it is full just on water okay it looks like things have evened out now we have our population going up again with some shortcomings but not much I'll probably need to take advantage of this water supply up here which sadly we can't get 100% here but we can get two 88s or at least an 88 and a 55 we go with that so now we'll start to expand roads up here in this way still keep it with the grid Network because I like that and then we get it right up here to be in line here hopefully let's see that should work o and you know what we can actually make a major supply line right here so there's less stopping and going for the water or that' be the ideal but now it's okay it's doing that do I need a second water Warehouse let's go and set up right down here next to you know what this node here that should be a good resting spot and then the planks will get there when they get there okay we are maintaining a full population over here good but to expand we need a second City Center so let's actually get that set up right over here or maybe just like this so I can take advantage of those grid spaces right there okay so planks have reached the city center fine but they're not getting to the warehouse just yet I'm also just going to clean up a couple of these things because it's a bit annoying like that or I can't really here let's just get rid of you sorry family of four I'm trying to make a better system here there that's I guess a little bit better that's as good as I can do right now we have the city center set up so we can start to plug in houses here I'm going to need way more food I feel like so where can I set up yet another Orchard I'm trying to keep all the things together in one spot which we can kind of do like this and then we have to expand the road like so that should work well enough for that maybe we still have a major backup of water here and this Warehouse still isn't built and I can't prioritize its building oh it doesn't help that we're out of planks either we should probably resume this again okay but we are maintaining full population again so that's a good sign got to be careful with how many houses You're Building oh also I didn't have planks to build this one okay and then we can obviously redo the roads up here here and maybe we just won't build this Warehouse to begin with because we can get another house set up right over here it's a little weird but it's how we're doing this every time a game has systems like this I get so many comments like this is painful to watch I mean I went to school to learn how to make pictures move not play a city like this but I think we're doing okay once these houses get built that should raise our maximum population to over 60 and as long as we can keep up with demands we should be set here we'll put the water Warehouse right here sure uh let's plan this road better first just just to keep as much in line with the grid as we can yeah the water Warehouse can go right there I think the problem over here is that the warehouse for the water is so far away so let's actually move it to be here between those two oh and this is actually out of lumber so we can't even make planks anymore oh dear well we will get a Forester once we reach 60 so we just have to hopefully do that there now the water's going into the warehouse that should hopefully keep this node a bit more empty since if they don't have an empty node or at least an empty enough node then they kind drop it they're carrying which is not what I want I could probably also wrap the water around this way so I can get to the orchard better so this Orchard will have a direct line from the water collector thingy yeah the well we just need a few more people to be happy with their living situation I could probably also connect roads up here to go better this way except we have a lot of people that are getting demands at once and they expire around the same time oh dear okay I think I understand why this is taking a while once a resource arrives to a node They Don't Really Care where it's going they're just like I need this and then they take it which makes it a bit difficult to get things going again but our population is going back up it just took a little while I probably could have also planned this better so that the grid went across this way but we've made enough people happy to reach our settlement goals time so now we have the forestry just in time for this lumber yard here to need it and it can be placed right in between the two I think that works but that's another thing that demands water oh dear okay next goal is 80 people which is effectively filling up this city center here and we are starting to get a surplus of food or or at least you would think so but people are also not getting fed for whatever reason and they're also not getting water even though there's a warehouse full of water in multiple locations okay but we are staying full so where should we expand so that they can be you know fed better probably one right here to begin with because that's pretty equidistant between this warehouse and this warehouse and we can also get one right here that should work I'm hoping anyway oh but hey the forestry is working so now the lumber yard is creating more lumber good so these things are getting built instantly because of our surplus of planks and rocks okay things are looking pretty good we're keeping a full population again we need two more houses taking this one house at a time and this Warehouse is very much not moving product H I could probably redo the road in here a little bit because it's having to go all the way around to get to anywhere so you know what let's just do that the snow doesn't line up with anything anymore but that's fine okay now the food is going along that path good and you know what there's not a whole lot of reason for this road here to be anything but straight path going north so we'll do that that should make it quicker because it's changing less hands so far so good we're getting up to that number pretty decently and then we'll fill in the rest of this grid right here but oh man it gets really nerve-wracking when there's so many people that need things all at once but I'm not hearing as many of the failure sounds anymore so I think we can get to 80 there is the occasional one but they're a lot more rare now or they were now they're ramping up come on get to 80 I need new things it's all the people in this first First District here that I set up they have food they're just not getting water so here you guys can have a well down here will this make you happy and then set up a grid like so so hopefully it doesn't get congested hey and we reached our sediment goal that worked our next population goal is 200 oh goodness we're probably going to need to expand to the north part of the map here now cuz there's a lot of real estate that we haven't used let's just do some planning here we got water going here that should work and then also water here just taking use of all the water so at least those are connected like that and then and then we'll need another Orchard down here and then we may be bite into the food production here so we can get another water pump here just to keep everything sustained and there's so many other Industries we have to set up too like an iron Quarry and coal and this quy demands bread which we need to make a wheat field for okay so I think I understand how this is going to go there's coal and iron up here that could be good so let's get a wheat field going right there planting stuff out for now now not really connecting anything so we get iron like this and then also coal like this and coal demands normal food which would actually work to set up the coal Quarry down here actually no near by coal ores what do you mean it's right here oh this is for a coal mine I see o actually we could probably Supply the coal quy with its own thing of food because there's a big thing of water over here I think I'm liking that idea more since yeah the C quy needs food to operate like normal apples which can go right there and then like so we need we need to connect everything to the headquarters to get this stuff built though so let's set up a Mountain Road right back here and then we'll line it up with that node up here that should work this is a major highway going back here look at that thing go and then we can set up a similar major highway going back here to wrap around to all of these networks I wasn't expecting to take advantage of the whole island so far but look at the potential we have so the other thing we can do to expand our population is to upgrade the city centers that will allow us to hold more people and more houses but that requires all of these things which we still need to get set up tool makers iron smelters and stone blockers but everything requires iron so we need to get that stuff going first ooh hey this stuff is working really well over here a little self-contained Network I like it all right so for our iron Quarry to work we need to get the bread set up so let's just connect to that super quickly like so and then the bread will go from over there to down here that actually lines up perfectly and let's just get rid of this Cal quy because we have one set up already and from there we'll go down here lined up with the orchard like so there now that side is all connected we have Ro spaning across the entire Island here look at this network and it looks like our Wheat Farm is underway good oh that needs coal to work so it's a good thing we connected it over here and just like that we have bread being made good let's store up some bread next to the iron qu or do we need to I'm not sure we need to that actually looks pretty well by itself that must have been a problem with down here because it's worried about storing the food as well as Distributing it but our population is really steady I have not noticed this number go down at all okay so we have iron being made ooh you know what this iron Quarry is right next to here as well so we could actually get a second quy over here just so things can get closer that's about the same travel distance for the bread so that should be fine there and then we need to set up the iron smelter to be somewhere convenient for all of these or we could set up two of them what does the iron smelter need to work coal and iron that's actually really easy since it needs coal we'll get this set up over here that should be fine because it'll go along that way can I connect them over here I can but it's a little strange let's just line this up better oh that's why it was like that here let's just keep redoing some things oh that's just barely doesn't reach that's annoying so fine this is just wrap around like that okay the smelter is built so now that's being transported there this highway is really not used all that much so that's actually a good thing less congestion which it is really satisfying to just zoom out and see all these going oh and the iron is actually going across this highway here so that's being extra effective and then with the iron we can make tools so let's have those things be up here I think well a stone blocker can be put there and then yeah we'll have this be here I'm just going to space them out for now because I'm not too sure what else I'm going to need let's take a look to upgrade the tier 2 houses we need bread juice and paper paper comes from the tree place so that can go over here and then the juice effectively takes the place of the water so I think this can actually go right next to the Orchards here but I don't need that yet because I haven't upgraded the city centers at all which all these things are being made so let's upgrade this one for now man the bread requires so many things to make but it's working okay now we're starting to get some unhappy people because there's a lot of things traveling along the network now but it levels itself out so I think that's good and once the city center is upgraded now we can have up to 15 houses and we can upgrade all the regular houses too now I'm just nervous about how to do this because the tier 2 houses require a lot so okay now we can get this juicer set up it'd be nice if there was another stone quarry that I could set up down here but this is a stone mine and to unlock the mines I need 300 people oh gross okay but now the juicer is being made so let's start to upgrade some of these houses just a few at a time and then they also require bread so let's get another Wheat Field set up to be right next to the other one and then maybe another bread factory over here going this way okay we here we have a tier 2 house so now hopefully it can oh dear it's yeah it's not getting the things that it needs because where does the juice end up let's see watching the juice go and then oh it's getting caught up in the congested node here that's a problem Oh but there it goes and then will it get through oh it did just in time and upgrading the house means we added more people but I should probably connect the juice network over here so that it has maybe a less congested way to go it doesn't look like it takes it though it's just taking the shortest path although this seems to be working because we're at maximum population again I'm just not sure what speed I should transfer things over because that can get messy very quickly but if we set up another Warehouse over here and set that to juice then that means that the juice can be closer to the houses that actually need it just as soon as the warehouse gets built but it looks like this guy is pretty busy shuffling the apples back and forth and the wood over to the lumber yard which The LumberYard is taking the houses faster than the Forester can actually make them okay but there we have the juice warehouse but the juice is getting congested on a full node H that's not what I wanted it makes it but only some of it makes it because some of it just gets discarded by this guy all right I think we need to put the juicer in a different spot we'll put it over here and then we honestly probably need a second Forester over here because that Lumberyard is going through things way too fast that can go yeah back here okay this seems to be working a lot better we have a full Warehouse of juice good so let's upgrade another house how many people are a second house able to fill 20 wow that is a major increase so we would just need eight of these houses here to be level two and then that should be enough to get to 200 all right things are working pretty well and the good news is the less tier one houses there are the less the orchards are needing to supply the things so let's get another one going I should probably set up a bread Warehouse so that it doesn't need to constantly be waiting on the network there for that so let's see it travels along that way sort of let's just have the warehouse down here be for that and you know what I'm going to do it I'm going to upgrade this city center down here as well even though this is the one that has the population struggle getting these houses changed over should help with the congestion over here and the Second City Center is level two now good yeah it's probably going to be better to change over the houses that are down here next to the orchard than the ones up here first let's do a few of those it also looks like it just puts the house needs on pause while they're upgrading so there's a little benefit from that oh yes and look at the population cap go up we're up to 144 now and some of these houses are still not getting their needs met for whatever reason but the tier 2 houses are getting their needs met excellent which there would be more of them being met if this Warehouse actually got built but there's a lot of things that need planks like the tools over here at least the combined might of two Foresters is able to keep up with the lumber yard I probably could set up another Forester now that I think about it let's get a lumber yard there and then a Forester right next to it and then let's try to connect it to this water supply up here because it actually isn't being used for a water supply that's interesting and then we won't connect the road down here just so that this water Supply doesn't get hijacked and then we'll connect to the road I guess we do have to connect everything together don't we but that should be fine I wonder if it bases distance on how many nodes there are that would explain a lot of things going on here but now we have planks that are able to be delivered straight to this Warehouse so now it can actually be built or you know it just get shuffled along to the other plank warehouse and things I need this plank Warehouse is actually empty right now what happened I guess it's all the things that need tools oh and the juice the juice requires planks that explains it but now we have we have a bread Warehouse over here good so now the bakeries up here should be seeing constant motion I like that so we are having a very stable population right now let's upgrade this house I think we can set up a storage for paper as well somewhere over here close to the neighborhood that should work which we are having most of the things on the wheel here that's very nice oh I totally forgot the lumber yards need food to work oopsies let's just uh fix that really quick oh but look at that bread warehous being filled up that is such a good sign and then it's just two more houses that need to be changed over to get to level 200 or not level 200 200 population so let's just snag one from each neighborhood like so and somehow you're still not getting the food you need what's with you here let's try this if it bases off of how many noes there are then maybe this is a shorter path or maybe it doesn't work that way hey we did it we reached 200 people nice and what was that building oh was that another Quarry please be another Quarry actually it's a charcoal maker interesting and we can get warehouses that are mid I yes yay ooh with a lot more storage and the next population goal is 300 but I think our system is good enough for this video so I think we'll leave it there hope you guys enjoyed the prologue for mini settlers it's a nice little game I like to see how things work together and if you guys want to see more of this game then be sure to let me know thank you for watching and sub to inter and thanks to the channel members including bread Corby Farm Mr kle one Dakota donam Moto Devon X Lucas Matthew hateful Harold Peggy Su Drupal along TJ seriously sarcastic and angel lily Bites The Miner within de Gary Sans Isaac Miguel and zero Fox
Channel: InterndotGif
Views: 90,456
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: interndotgif, intern, blitz intern, intern blitz, blitz
Id: dql9T6DhGd8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 4sec (1264 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2024
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