a mod with mobs you've never seen before

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- [Skip the Tutorial] These are the Minecraft mobs you've never seen before. And today, me and my friends looked at everything from an elephant to this tiny octopus and so much more. But first, we got a problem here. YouTube told me that it's impossible to subscribe and like the video at the same time. So to prove them wrong, take a double stab of those buttons below. It's free, and it helps out a ton. Today you guys get to choose the video. - [Failboat] Oh my God! So you're gonna go, you're gonna search "spawn egg" and then spawn whatever you want. Okay? I'm for... - [Failboat] Wow, look at this. - [Skip the Tutorial] I'm for nature's cruel joke. (Skip the Tutorial laughing) - [Failboat] The hippo. - [Skip the Tutorial] The hippopotamus. Hey, Gloria. - [Failboat] Ow, ow!(laughing) I tried jumping on it. This hippo... - [Skip the Tutorial] Jumping on it? Dude, they've got really scary, like go into survival. Their bite animation's scary. - [Failboat] Oh my, this is stupid. - [Skip the Tutorial] Oh my God, dude. Owie. They got Dixie cup teeth. Wait, put a hippo down. I wanna see if I can survive it in a boat. - [Jaymoji] Okay, there you go. - [Skip the Tutorial] Oh, well, there goes my boat. There goes my boat. (Skip the Tutorial laughing) - [Failboat] What? What? Why? - [Jaymoji] How about this guy? - [Skip the Tutorial] Oh, they'll also attack boats, probably. - [Failboat] Oh, God. - [Skip the Tutorial] That's an awesome looking gator. - [Jaymoji] Love me a good crocodile, I mean, alligator. - [Skip the Tutorial] Going down the bayou. Going down the bayou. This is horrifying. - [Jaymoji] I love Florida. - [Failboat] Okay, so it's passive to me right now. Look at it. It's just me and my bro. - [Jaymoji] He's these, these little Lego bricks on his back. - [Skip the Tutorial] He is adorable. I love the models in this. Let me see if there's an alligator egg. Now this is gonna make you, make you question something. - [Jaymoji] Is it? - [Skip the Tutorial] That's a lot of eggs. - [Failboat] Yep. - [Jaymoji] Whoa, whoa. He can't get to you because of his eggs. - [Failboat] It's like, "Oh no, my I, my own spawn". - [Skip the Tutorial] "My children are my own, tying me down." (Skip the Tutorial laughing) - [Jaymoji] "Hold me back kids. Hold me back". - [Failboat] Look at the little walking animation. - [Skip the Tutorial] Yeah, go ahead. - [Jaymoji] Maybe he's tame. - [Skip the Tutorial] Ow. Nevermind. (Skip the Tutorial laughing) - [Failboat] Let's see. What have we not done? I'm trying to kind of remember... - [Jaymoji] This one that I just gave you. Try it, try it. That's not what I gave you. Oh God. I gave you caterpillars, Dan. What is this? - [Failboat] It's a caterpillar. - [Skip the Tutorial] Whoa. The caterpillars are adorable. So this is naturalist. - [Jaymoji] He is adorable. - [Skip the Tutorial] Cuties. - [Failboat] Oh no. Hey, back to you. They take a lot of damage for a caterpillar. - [Jaymoji] Yeah, really. A lot of, a lot of hell for a caterpillar. - [Skip the Tutorial] Why does it glow when you right click it? - [Failboat] Better right it. - [Jaymoji] Because it stores water in its hump. Skip. Duh. - [Skip the Tutorial] Oh, yes. I missed that part. Well, look, there's so many different camels. There's like double hump camels. - [Jaymoji] Whoa. And they spit. They spit at each other. That doesn't look like a camel. That looks like a jaguar. - [Skip the Tutorial] That is distinctly not camel-esque. (Failboat roars) - [Skip the Tutorial] All right, I, I have something that I've been wanting to look at. Elephant. - [Failboat] Oh my God. - [Skip the Tutorial] Look at that guy. - [Jaymoji] Whoa. Wow. That's a big dude. - [Skip the Tutorial] That's awesome. That just looks like real mine, oh, you dirtied him. - [Failboat] Oh, buddy. - [Jaymoji] What did you do, Dan? You dirtied him up. - [Skip the Tutorial] Well, no. He dirties himself. I think he sprays up and covers his back in dirt. - [Failboat] Yeah, Jay, this brown streak is not my problem. - [Jaymoji] I should have known. I'm sorry. Does he take in water? Wait. Perfect time to test this out. Drink. Drink, my brother. Drink. - [Failboat] Slurp. - [Skip the Tutorial] Oh, he's drinking. Oh my gosh, he's actually doing it. - [Skip the Tutorial] This actually looks really good. - [Jaymoji] This is beautiful. - [Failboat] Damn. This feels like Mario Wonder. - [Skip the Tutorial] So I was gonna say National Geographic, but that works too. - [Failboat] Wowie zowie, ey? - [Jaymoji] Wowie zowie, dude. - [Skip the Tutorial] Does it stomp? Ow! - [Jaymoji] Oh my god. (Jaymoji laughing) Dan, I have an idea. - [Skip the Tutorial] Show us your tall brethren. - [Failboat] Oh. Wait, I, just outta curiosity. Could I like... (all screaming and laughing) - [Skip the Tutorial] Oh God. - [Failboat] It's perfect. - [Jaymoji] Hey buddy. How you doing? - [Failboat] Guys, I'm as tall as a giraffe. - [Jaymoji] How you doing? - [Failboat] Wow. - [Skip the Tutorial] Wow. Look at him go. - [Jaymoji] Looks awesome. - [Skip the Tutorial] We should give him some leaves so he can eat. - [Jaymoji] Oh, these are actually so cool. - [Skip the Tutorial] Oh, oh, he's a little too close to the leaves. - [Jaymoji] Yeah. - [Failboat] Oh, yeah, oh. - [Skip the Tutorial] He's very hungry. - [Failboat] Look at the baby. - [Skip the Tutorial] The baby's as tall as you, Dan, with your hat. - [Failboat] Does it kill me? - [Skip the Tutorial] Oh, no, they just run away. - [Failboat] Oh my gosh. Dude, having to look up at any mob is so scary. - [Skip the Tutorial] It's scary, isn't it? It's terrifying. Let's give these fellas an apple. Shall we? - [Failboat] I got a giraffe. What? It's sledding around. You got, you're not running on this thing. - [Skip the Tutorial] Oh, this rules, dude. - [Failboat] Why do you guys slide? It's so funny. - [Skip the Tutorial] Whoa. - [Failboat] Oh, there you go. - [Skip the Tutorial] You got I, I'm off of it. No! (all screaming and laughing) - [Failboat] I just got it. - [Jaymoji] Wait, I'm sure you're tired of looking up, Skip. But what if you look down? - [Skip the Tutorial] Ew, ew, ew, ew. - [Failboat] It's a snail. Why do you not like him? I love him. - [Skip the Tutorial] Can we have, wait. - [Failboat] Oh man. Look, they get scared and they go on their shells. - [Failboat] Aw. Sorry little guys. - [Skip the Tutorial] Hey, anyone wants to, oh, guess not. (Skip the Tutorial laughing) - [Failboat] We got, we got... - [Skip the Tutorial] I got a snail shell. Is this how you make your snail shell armor, Jay? - [Jaymoji] Maybe. I don't know. I don't hunt them for sport like you, so I wouldn't know. - [Failboat] Sorry, I'm just, I'm just inspiring them. - [Skip the Tutorial] Dude, when I sneak with my snail shell chest plate, it gives me resistance three. - [Failboat] Oh, look at me go. - [Skip the Tutorial] Are you racing them? - [Jaymoji] How'd you know? - [Skip the Tutorial] I'm gonna race in them. I'm gonna see if I can sneak next to them and race the snails. Wait, if you, if you step on the snail, you'll get the snail shell. - [Jaymoji] That's terrible. That's... - [Failboat] Ew. - [Skip the Tutorial] You can jump on it. - [Jaymoji] Here we go. (upbeat trumpet music) - [Skip the Tutorial] This is like Undertale. (beep) Go snails go. They all hid in their shells. (all laughing) (upbeat music) - [Skip the Tutorial] I'm off to an early lead. - [Jaymoji] There they go. They're off. They're going. - [Failboat] Hey, stop it. Come on, Gary. Come on. You can do it. I believe in you. - [Skip the Tutorial] Lemme just do a quick cleanup. (Skip the Tutorial yelling) And the winner is Rocky. (Skip the Tutorial laughing) - [Failboat] Let's go, Rocket. - [Skip the Tutorial] Hurray. Oh my God. Look at him go. - [Failboat] Woo. - [Skip the Tutorial] We have a winner. Oh my gosh. We got aircraft support. (Skip the Tutorial laughing) Let's go to a desert scene, so we can spawn the canaries. - [Failboat] Canary, in the coal mines? - [Skip the Tutorial] We gotta bring it down to a mine. - [Jaymoji] Well that's right. Yeah, yeah. - [Failboat] Oh, so cheery. Ah. - [Jaymoji] See ya. (Jaymoji laughing) - [Failboat] Welcome to the pit. Inside, we're at the caves where Skip has been mining for years. It's a little poisonous. Please send in the canary to see if it's, if it's any poison ahead. - [Skip the Tutorial] The canary's never been more calm. It's never been more silent than right now. - [Failboat] Walked right, it flew into the poison. - [Jaymoji] It flew right into the poi... - [Skip the Tutorial] I mean, I guess if I saw this, I would know that the mines were dangerous. But that's pretty obvious. (Skip the Tutorial laughing) What about a lying fish? - [Jaymoji] That's not right. - [Failboat] Oh, it's lying down. Look at that. - [Jaymoji] I hate you, Dan. - [Failboat] Here to help. - [Skip the Tutorial] It does hit you. Ow. - [Jaymoji] Just poisoned that robin. - [Skip the Tutorial] Yeah, it does give you poison. Ow. I'm so glad I died. - [Jaymoji] He didn't go down without a fight. - [Skip the Tutorial] Oh, it gives me, ow. That gives you poison four when you eat it. - [Jaymoji] Oh my God. Yeah. You're definitely not supposed to eat that. At least cook it into a delicious dish first. - [Skip the Tutorial] Lemme see if there is a delicious dish with my lionfish. - [Jaymoji] Okay, Dr. Seuss. - [Skip the Tutorial] A lionfish filet? - [Jaymoji] So, no. - [Failboat] Jay, I'm dying. - [Jaymoji] Oh I don't know. I have the perfect thing to heal you. Join me over here in the water. Will you? Where the other lionfish is. - [Skip the Tutorial] Let me clear the board real quick. - [Jaymoji] Yeah. No, keep the... - [Failboat] There's a duck. (duck quacks) - [Skip the Tutorial] Oh my God, the duck is getting poisoned by the lionfish. - [Failboat] Oh, God, oh no. - [Skip the Tutorial] Nature is a cruel, cruel mistress. - [Failboat] Bro. - [Jaymoji] Look at it go. - [Failboat] Oh no. I was being poisoned by Skip the Tutorial. - [Jaymoji] I'm gonna get worms. (Jaymoji laughing) - [Skip the Tutorial] And so the cycle of life continues. - [Jaymoji] Yeah. Wow. Can we go hunting? - [Skip the Tutorial] Yes. Duck, hunt. Duck season. Wabbit season. Duck season. - [Failboat] Oh, Jay, start shooting. - [Jaymoji] Oh god. I'll get 'em. I'll get 'em. Go, go, go, go. Oh no. Oh no. - [Failboat] They scattered. - [Jaymoji] Oh no. The scattering. This is actually like a game where you've just gonna hit as many as you can. - [Skip the Tutorial] This is awesome. - [Failboat] Oh, what's that? What's it? I got snowball balls. - [Skip the Tutorial] Oh no. Yeah. It's a bad time to be a flightless bird, now isn't it? - [Jaymoji] This, this looks like a mobile game ad. - [Skip the Tutorial] Where there's like an overflow of ducks in the river, and you have to make a mess nicking them down. - [Jaymoji] Your mom won't believe you're playing this game. - [Failboat] Yep. - [Skip the Tutorial] If you can get past 30, level 37, you don't have to pay rent. (Skip the Tutorial laughing) (bang) - [Failboat] Oh my gosh. - [Jaymoji] It's got micro transactions. You can unlock the bomb for 50 bucks. - [Failboat] Yeah, cookie clicker. - [Jaymoji] Yeah. - [Skip the Tutorial] Okay. Snakes. - [Failboat] Can we kill 'em? - [Skip the Tutorial] I remember that. They look different. - [Jaymoji] These are snakes from naturalist. - [Failboat] Oh, look at them. They're so cute. - [Skip the Tutorial] Are they evil? Ah! Yeah, they are. Wow, they're for four hearts. - [Failboat] Oh my. Okay. - [Jaymoji] Better get away from them, Skip. - [Failboat] Jay, Jay, Jay. I don't know if that's what I needed. And a rattlesnake. Ow. - [Skip the Tutorial] And a deer snake. Oh, it's just a deer. - [Failboat] Whoa. The deers are awesome. Whoa. Look at them go. - [Skip the Tutorial] Wow. The deers are so fast. - [Jaymoji] They are. They are very fast. - [Skip the Tutorial] Do they drop venison? - [Jaymoji] Maybe he has a little kid. - [Failboat] Oh, look at the baby. - [Skip the Tutorial] It looks like an ugly llama, but it's cute. - [Failboat] Aw, it's Bambi. - [Skip the Tutorial] And here's the recreation. - [Jaymoji] Oh, no. Skip, no. Aw man. - [Skip the Tutorial] Sorry for the spoiler alert. (Skip the Tutorial laughing) - [Jaymoji] Skip, do me a favor. Are you able to lie down somehow or sit down in the, in the desert heat? You know what desert scene? - [Skip the Tutorial] You're gonna wanna sit down for this. - [Jaymoji] Now, just don't mind me. But the vultures are circling. (birds growling) - [Failboat] Oh no. It's the drama channels. (Failboat laughing) - [Skip the Tutorial] All right, next mob. - [Jaymoji] Hmm. - [Failboat] This one. Butterfly, butterfly. - [Skip the Tutorial] These are big butterflies. - [Failboat] Big butterfly. Oh my God. It's a little freaky, actually. - [Skip the Tutorial] Yeah, it is scary. - [Failboat] Like this is actually a size that makes me uncomfortable. - [Skip the Tutorial] I didn't really think about this, but their scale really does play into the beauty of it. - [Jaymoji] Butterflies don't have skills. - [Skip the Tutorial] That's, good point. (Skip the Tutorial laughing) - [Skip the Tutorial] Let's put down some, some freaking flowers, guys. - [Jaymoji] Oh, yeah. Look at them grow. What a beautiful scene. - [Failboat] But let's grow. - [Skip the Tutorial] Did he pollinate? He's pollinating. Let's bring out our crop scene. So they're pollinating our crops, so they kinda look like bees. - [Jaymoji] Oh, the butterflies are. - [Failboat] That's awesome. - [Skip the Tutorial] Yeah. Ah. - [Failboat] Oh, he's drowning. - [Skip the Tutorial] He's drown... - [Failboat] He's drowning. - [Skip the Tutorial] What did you summon? You summoned a, a bass. - [Failboat] He's landing. - [Skip the Tutorial] Planet of the bass. - [Jaymoji] I'm wanting more. - [Skip the Tutorial] I'm wanting more. (Skip the Tutorial laughing) - [Skip the Tutorial] Dude, look at him and just, just striding along. - [Failboat] He's trying, he's trying his best. - [Skip the Tutorial] I love this guy. What is that? - [Failboat] New animal. New animal drop. - [Skip the Tutorial] Is this a teddy bear? You make it with bear fur. - [Jaymoji] It's like weirdly disturbing. - [Skip the Tutorial] Yeah, dude, if you, if you walk out and there was like a whole bunch of these. - [Jaymoji] Yeah. I'm just like, "oh man, having to go out on my day". - [Teddy Bears] We want eggs. (Teddy Bears laughing) - [Skip the Tutorial] What's this? A slizard. - [Jaymoji] A slizard? - [Skip the Tutorial] It's his... - [Jaymoji] It's just lizard. - [Skip the Tutorial] Oh, just lizard. They just run away. - [Jaymoji] Yeah, well they're scared of you. - [Skip the Tutorial] I can't blame them. - [Jaymoji] You ever been to Florida? - [Skip the Tutorial] I imagine this is what it's like. - [Failboat] Wow, they drop their tail. Look. - [Jaymoji] What? - [Skip the Tutorial] You can brew potions with? Oh my God, it's moving? Ew. Ew, ew, ew, ew, ew, ew. - [Failboat] Wait, wait. Is there a spawn egg for the tail? - [Skip the Tutorial] I'm guessing it's just a summon, not a spawn egg. - [Jaymoji] It's just actually disgusting. I hate it. - [Skip the Tutorial] Dan, I got it, I figured it out for you. - [Jaymoji] Oh. Oh. They look like scary zucchinis. - [Failboat] Ew. (Failboat laughing) - [Failboat] I love zucchinis. - [Jaymoji] They do, they look like little zucchinis. - [Skip the Tutorial] You pair this with the right music and this is a horror scene. All right, get ready. (gunshots) - [Jaymoji] Right click back. - [Failboat] Oh, they're all coming out of it. - [Skip the Tutorial] Oh, spooky pickles. - [Failboat] Oh, when pickles attack. - [Jaymoji] This is disgusting. Speaking of disgusting, catfish. - [Failboat] Aw. - [Jaymoji] Oh, he's a big chunky one. - [Skip the Tutorial] They're awesome. Look at that. Look at him flop. - [Failboat] Little blumby boys. - [Skip the Tutorial] He's like huge. Oh my God, he can fly. - [Failboat] Whoa, wee. - [Skip the Tutorial] Perfect trick shot. This is called the catfish cataract. - [Failboat] Can we do like catfish skeet shooting? - [Jaymoji] What did you just say? - [Skip the Tutorial] Catfish curling. Okay, everyone get their own. We're gonna smack it. Yep. So Jay got it to here. - [Failboat] Yep. Yep, yep, yep. - [Jaymoji] Nice, Skip. You got it. - [Failboat] Oh, a little off the board though. Off the board. - [Skip the Tutorial] I get it less far. - [Failboat] But what if I have like, like a little like. Ooh, not doing bad. - [Skip the Tutorial] And Dan sets the record. - [Jaymoji] Wow. Pretty good. - [Failboat] Canada. Canada. - [Skip the Tutorial] All right. Next, next mob. - [Jaymoji] Let's see. Need another river scene. - [Skip the Tutorial] I don't know if this is a river creature, but here it is. - [Failboat] Aww. A little octopus. - [Jaymoji] These are so cute in real life. - [Skip the Tutorial] Do have really big ears? - [Jaymoji] They do, that's why they're called that. I think that's how they swim. - [Failboat] That's awesome. - [Skip the Tutorial] If you start drowning, watch what happens. Just gimme a second. I've got really good lungs. - [Failboat] Just, just. Oh, they're jumping to you. They give you an air bubble. Oh my. What? - [Skip the Tutorial] They give me a bubble helmet. - [Jaymoji] That's too cute. Look, he's doing a little dance because he is your friend now. He looks like a street cleaner. (Jaymoji laughing) (street cleaner humming) - [Jaymoji] Oh, that is really cool. - [Failboat] I'm having a great time. I'm not gonna lie guys. - [Skip the Tutorial] Oh, Danny, you're so happy. - [Failboat] Ah, ah, ah. Why? - [Jaymoji] Hey, let's see. - [Skip the Tutorial] A leaf insect? - [Jaymoji] It'll blend in as well as I thought they would. - [Failboat] What are you going to spawn in the mob? - [Skip the Tutorial] Oh, you don't see them, Dan? - [Jaymoji] Oh, that's 'cause they're camouflaged. Yeah. It's pretty cool. - [Skip the Tutorial] These guys are awesome. Getting music in here. (upbeat music) - [Failboat] Look at 'em go. What? - [Skip the Tutorial] Just like got stick bugged. - [Jaymoji] Thanks, Dan. - [Failboat] Think somebody gets me. - [Skip the Tutorial] This one is getting jiggy with it. He's like, he's got, he's like, he's on hydraulics. - [Failboat] We just start to hear like clapping sounds from it. (Failboat laughing) - [Skip the Tutorial] Damn. - [Failboat] Dude, it gave me a stick. What? - [Skip the Tutorial] Dude, I gave you a stick. - [Failboat] Aww. - [Jaymoji] You thought you got stick bugged? - [Failboat] I thought I got stick bugged. - [Jaymoji] Red pandas. - [Failboat] Red pandas. - [Skip the Tutorial] Oh my God. - [Jaymoji] Oh, they're cute. Look at them. - [Skip the Tutorial] They sleep through the day. Breedable with bamboo, and tamable with sweet berries. Look at 'em snoozing. Look at 'em snoozing. I can't tame them while they're asleep. Wake up. - [Jaymoji] I just beat it. There you go. - [Skip the Tutorial] Oh, perfect. Now we're best friends forever. - [Failboat] That's not how I would say it. Look, he's sitting. - [Skip the Tutorial] Oh. Bow de bow de bow. Wait. Get a polar bear in there. I wanna see if it scares it away. Get scared away. Yes. He's like, "eh, I'm not feeling it today". Oh, he scared him off. That's awesome. - [Failboat] Look, he stands up and he just like, "roar". - [Jaymoji] Wow. He shows his claws. - [Skip the Tutorial] I don't know what a sea bunny is, but check these guys out. - [Failboat] Sea bunnies? - [Skip the Tutorial] Well, yeah, I sure do see them. - [Jaymoji] I don't, they, I don't see any bunnies, but I see a disgusting underwater creature. - [Skip the Tutorial] They're so gross. I love them. - [Jaymoji] They're so gross. I need all of them now. - [Skip the Tutorial] All right, next blob. I don't know what Oshima Anaga is, but we're gonna find out. Oh, it's a bird. - [Failboat] Aw, it's a little fat bird. - [Skip the Tutorial] Oh, and they can't fly. - [Jaymoji] All they're, they barely fly. Too heavy. Too heavy. They can't fly. - [Failboat] Little babies. - [Skip the Tutorial] And what? Whoa. Where are you going? - [Failboat] They're tamable with seeds. - [Skip the Tutorial] Want to be friends? Man. They are, they take a lot of food 'cause they're so chubby. (Skip the Tutorial laughing) - [Failboat] Oh, just like me. - [Skip the Tutorial] Yeah. You need a wine and dine me before you mine me, before you mine me. - [Jaymoji] I don't know how I missed this, but this is my new favorite. Koi fish. - [Failboat] Koi fish. - [Jaymoji] Oh my God. There's koi fish. - [Skip the Tutorial] They give you luck. - [Failboat] Whoa. That's awesome. That's sick, look. No. - [Skip the Tutorial] You just lost one on your way out. You violent monster. Now you created a hole. They're getting sucked into. Come on, Dan. (Skip the Tutorial laughing) - [Jaymoji] Oh, now we're getting, now we're getting into the weird stuff. - [Skip the Tutorial] The weird stuff is good. We've got things like the end whale. It's just about to summon an end whale. Oh, way too scary for me. - [Jaymoji] I don't like the sounds at all. This is, this is indie horror. No, it's not comforting in the slightest. Failboat] What do they do? - [Jaymoji] Maybe we can ride them? - [Skip the Tutorial] Jay. You might be onto something, buddy. - [Jaymoji] Wait, does it come down naturally? If I have the chorus fruit? - [Skip the Tutorial] Yeah. Here it is. - [Failboat] Aw, buddy. - [Skip the Tutorial] Ah, I'll see you guys later. No way. What? - [Jaymoji] I want my own. Dan. Get me one of those. - [Skip the Tutorial] Da, da, da, da, da. I feel like one of the guys from Shadow of Israphel. - [Jaymoji] Yeah right? - [Skip the Tutorial] Sky Lord. - [Failboat] Sky Lord. - [Skip the Tutorial] That has three rows of hearts. Jay, Jay, I'm doing a, I'm doing a wide turn radius. - [Jaymoji] Whoa. Maybe make it a little wider next time. - [Skip the Tutorial] Oh, there's one approaching. Here he goes, it's coming. I'm gonna feed him. No, Jay-Jay, I'm coming in hot. - [Jaymoji] There you go. (all screaming) (machine explosion) - [Failboat] What, silly? I got a few more here. - [Skip the Tutorial] Last few, here we go. - [Failboat] Alright. Overworld sporeling. - [Skip the Tutorial] Sporeling? Be tamed with bone meal. Give them bone meal. - [Failboat] Oh, they do a little sit. - [Skip the Tutorial] Oh, wait. If you give yourself, check this one out. A sporeling backpack. - [Jaymoji] What? - [Skip the Tutorial] I could take my kid to work. - [Jaymoji] What? - [Failboat] Aw. - [Jaymoji] That's awesome. Look at him go. - [Failboat] Ooh, little baby. - [Jaymoji] Oh, I love this dynamic. You guys look like an adventure duo. - [Failboat] Wait, here's another swirling. Oh. - [Skip the Tutorial] Oh. Damn man, that's scary. - [Failboat] My child does not bite. Yes, you do. - [Skip the Tutorial] Oh, they're like infecting them. - [Failboat] Oh, no. - [Skip the Tutorial] Oh,no. They are, they're like zombies. - [Jaymoji] Yeah. Mushroom sport. - [Skip the Tutorial] You know what? That actually makes sense. - [Failboat] What do they drop? - [Jaymoji] Nothing? - [Skip the Tutorial] They drop dead, is what happens. (Skip the Tutorial laughing) As a matter of fact, in case you're wondering. - [Failboat] I'm gonna take my baby. I'm running, I'm a single parent and I'm running. - [Jaymoji] Sure, Dad. - [Failboat] Okay, okay. I have the next mob. Little grebe. - [Skip the Tutorial] Little grebe. Oh. - [Failboat] Little grebe. - [Skip the Tutorial] It's little birdie. - [Jaymoji] There's like a baby riding it. - [Skip the Tutorial] Whoa. - [Failboat] They carry their babies. Look at that. Look at them go. That's so sweet. - [Skip the Tutorial] That's kinda like me. I feel a kinship to it because I'm also a single parent. (Skip the Tutorial laughing) All right. - [Failboat] Next up, cactum. - [Skip the Tutorial] We got the cactum last time. - [Failboat] How about the Yeti? - [Skip the Tutorial] We did not get to the Yeti. - [Jaymoji] Good God. (Jaymoji laughing) - [Skip the Tutorial] Neutral until you get too close to their babies. - [Failboat] Aw, spawn a baby, please. - [Skip the Tutorial] Here you go. - [Failboat] Okay, like that. (Failboat laughing) - [Jaymoji] Well, that proved to be immediately effective. - [Skip the Tutorial] You can earn their trust with melon slices. Oh, like most people. - [Jaymoji] That's the key to happiness and friendship right there. - [Failboat] Look at them eat it. Oh my God. The babies are so cute. - [Jaymoji] That's adorable. They're not even mad at you or hate you. And they stick in packs too. - [Skip the Tutorial] They're chill, dude. They're super nice. - [Failboat] Chill? Yeti? Come on. - [Jaymoji] I see what you did there. - [Skip the Tutorial] Oh, if a tamed Yeti grows up as a baby, then it'll trust me. - [Jaymoji] Whoa. You'll be cool friends. Ha, cool. Get it? 'Cause getting in the snow. - [Failboat] Don't worry. Icy what you did there. - [Jaymoji] Icy. (Jaymoji laughing) - [Skip the Tutorial] I am gonna cry. - [Failboat] I think I have the last one. - [Skip the Tutorial] The creme de la mob? - [Failboat] Sender shell. - [Skip the Tutorial] Whoa. - [Failboat] It's a Pokemon. - [Skip the Tutorial] It does look like a Pokemon. That's just Torkoal. - [Failboat] Torkoal, Torkoal. - [Skip the Tutorial] When killed they drop shards of their shell. Well, see you later. - [Jaymoji] Only, only one way to find out. - [Failboat] Ow. Why did you attack me? Oh, - [Jaymoji] Oh, dude, he saw you attacking his homie. He was like, "no". - [Skip the Tutorial] Cinder shell shard, which you can use to make these cinder sword. - [Jaymoji] Whoa. Does it set things on fire? - [Skip the Tutorial] I think we've got one way to figure it out. I earned your trust? How quaint. Allow me to make you faint with my cinder sword. Jeez. He hits you for so hard. - [Failboat] It does not light them on fire. - [Skip the Tutorial] It does not light them on fire. He did like, in fact, light me up though. - [Jaymoji] Oh, nice dude. - [Skip the Tutorial] It could be equipped with a cinder furnace on the cinder shell itself. And now we've got a furnace that's like permanently powered on this cinder shell. - [Failboat] Oh, what? That's awesome. That's silly. - [Jaymoji] That rules. - [Skip the Tutorial] Just gotta keep him close... (Skip the Tutorial laughing) I wanna see. Have we looked at whale sharks? Oh my God. - [Failboat] He's got a mouth to, his mouth is open like a whale shark. - [Skip the Tutorial] He looks so happy. He's like, "I love cinder shells. I would like some water though, haha. Just a little bit of water. Pretty sure it'll be, I'm awfully parched. If anyone could help me out, that would be fantastic." (gentle music) And with that, folks, YouTube thinks that you might like this video, so see if they're right. And have a good one. All right?
Channel: Skip the Tutorial
Views: 3,014,386
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: T-PqV4cF-f8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 7sec (1147 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 05 2024
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