The Problem with 100Thieves

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how's it going boys welcome back to mogulmail today we have to talk about something already a few creators have talked about the hundred thieves versus Frosty situation because I just I wanted to throw my two cents in the ring here as a Creator who has never been part of a an Esports org or B A management team and you know why because they're all a bit weird right think of the the the economics behind those things they are kind of middlemen who want to initially maybe give you money on an Esports org or get you deals on a management team in exchange for taking some value away and and like maybe get their expertise maybe get some production arms but for almost every single management team or Esports work I've talked to it never made sense I never got it it never clicked in my head why this was valuable I don't I don't know why I would want to be NRG Ludwig when I'm just going to give more attention to NRG and I would make more money without NRG I never understand why I would want to join a CAA of the world one of the largest management groups when I could maybe get my own deals with with my friends who I think are pretty knowledgeable in the space versus just letting them take 20 because I don't know they signed Matt Damon too and we can do bold things together now this is all kind of been some context in in in a lead up to a feud that happened between a guy named Frosty who was a part of a Content team called the mob they were super popular on Twitter I remember all the tweets pop off 10 20K likes back in the day and they were assigned with 100 Thieves for a few short years until it fizzled out didn't really go too well and I'd thought of it of it I was like that just didn't work out you know sometimes things don't work out Frosty thought otherwise you guys probably all know 100 thieves he tweeted about them damn I missed the mob house imagine we had enough money to where we didn't have to stress over where our next meal is coming from could have done some big things but I guess we'll never know Harry says imagine you put all the effort in when you had an orc behind you dot dot dot Frosty says imagine we did but we were so broke that we literally could not afford to do anything that was worth filming and that started the drama that unfolded this led to nadeshot founder CEO of 100 thieves to go on stream and and do a bit of a tell-all and this was this was what he said part of it and that is the God's honest truth okay so 2500 a month for each individual they have to pay rent they have to find the home we help them find the home they choose the ten thousand dollar a month house okay we also had a twenty five hundred dollar a month budget for them to use for life for Content was the end of that not it was not a slurp please don't do monetize me seriously please don't demonetize uh so he got about sixty thousand dollars a year every individual got sixty thousand dollars a year which in L.A you can live off that when I first lived in La I worked at Best Buy I made 15 an hour 12.50 actually but but that amounted to about 25k a year and you know hey cowgirls get it done I will say a ten thousand dollar home that's absurd that is crazy that that that is foolish in a way uh and I and I have to give some blame to 100 Thieves for allowing that to go through I mean you can very clearly see okay they're paying 120k a year in rent there's four of them they make 240k total so they're going to lose like a quarter in taxes maybe a little under they're going to lose half in rent that that math doesn't add up a ten thousand dollar home is such a phenomenal waste of money you can live in the valley for much less and then commute if you have to which is what hundreds of thousands of people do so so I I don't get that by any means I don't know why that was allowed by anybody who was involved but so be it uh nature continues they didn't work they they didn't make videos they didn't they didn't stream they did they they got here and we'll never know why it is that it panned out the way that it did but if if you really want to go look at Stats and you really want to look at the work that was done while we're bringing these deals in while we're paying these salaries and while we're supporting them as much as we can with the employees that we have the resources that we've created for ourselves and the platform that we you know we have built along okay so basically it didn't work out because the stats sucked let's look into that a little bit uh because Frosty tweeted out live while it was happening that it's insane how much he's lying so let's look at it uh we can see this is Frosty specifically he was signed I believe like 2018 ish all the way until like 2021 is what it was like and if you look at the hour streamed it's it's pretty low you know it's a it's about it's averaging about a couple bad months in there 40 hours which which is very very low now 500 viewers is is not a small amount that puts you not in the top one percent of creators on Twitter puts in the top like point zero one percent of creators it's enough to live off of when I started going full time at 150 average viewers and had about like 400 to 500 Subs you know which is about like a thousand to two thousand dollars a month that was enough that was enough for me to pay rent get food get everything done uh mixing a few brand deals I was I was living all right uh so so that that should normally be enough now 10K rent that doesn't help but also what it feels like to me is they threw in four people who lived across the country all under one house and assumed it would just work out but content creators are also people and 19 to 20 year olds yeah maybe they're adults when they turn 18 they're kids they're a bit naive they don't know exactly what to do when they live alone they haven't dealt with that before and so you can see what was happening okay we're gonna doordash every single meal living a 10K home you know it doesn't just all click together magically there needs to be a bit of guidance there I don't know if that has to be on the part of 100 thieves and one of the things that bothered me watching through nade shots entire speech was how he talked about how he was giving them an opportunity how he was taking a shot on them which is fair to an extent but they also get a lot of value right like you take a shot because you're hoping that they get big and you're paying someone 60k a year and you get a big part of their brand deals and this is the one part that I need to throw shade on 100 thieves on because I think this is so predatory and terrible to do so it was it was said by Frosty in in his stream that or tell all that 100 thieves took 95 of all brand deals let's listen to Nature talk about that listen that number 95 of all brand deals here's what NHL said I have an email that the key terms of these deals that we bring to the Mob We would retain 85 of Revenue that is so so [ __ ] predatory 85 of a brand deal going to the person who just finds the deal is absurd and surely there is a sales team that works on it that maximizes the amount of brand deal but the work of the brand deal the stream the Twee the YouTube ad read all of that is done by the Creator and to take 85 percent 85 and have that in writing and knowingly allowed 19 20 year olds to sign that it's so [ __ ] now he does go on we did three deals for them and all three two out of the three Deals they took home 65 of the revenue from that deal so they ended up taking actually 35 to even have it in writing and to be able to exercise the option of 85 [ __ ] 35 it's still [ __ ] okay so generally if you don't know it's it's kind of like tipping culture in the way that management teams and agencies have been taking percents it started at 10 and nowadays it's about 20. all right so 20 of every brand deal generally goes to the people who find it and negotiated it it varies sometimes a bit higher sometimes it's a bit lower 35 is very high very much so on the high end if I talk to any streamer that I know and I'm like hey what if I give you a brand deal I take 35 of it they would they would laugh they would laugh me out the room it's it's absurd uh it's still a little bit too high it is still more reasonable than the 85 number I cannot believe Nate shot 100 thieves that you were saying 185 deals that's crazy and to be like it wasn't 95 it's 85 absurd to me uh and there is some support to his points by the way from this person I worked at an agency who hired the mob for that 200 000 deal I can confirm nadeshop's objective account of what went down Source Iran the campaign pretty good pretty good source right there uh so look is a hundred thieves a absolute predatory company that just took apart the livelihoods of a Creator and stop them from growing no do they do something absolutely [ __ ] in the negotiations of it and probably should have had a bigger role in maybe overseeing these guys that they want to succeed as well and making sure they're not going through the [ __ ] by not having them sign a ten thousand dollars a month house maybe that's just because nadeshot's a bit too rich too Jaden what's going on there 10K a month you let that through uh maybe yes but I will put most of the blame in fact almost all of it on the individuals of the mob because they didn't work hard enough with the opportunity they were given they had a chance and this is how it works for almost every single streamer YouTuber Creator whatever you are you have to start making things right that's how it starts you make a video maybe one pops up you have an idea that works you make more of the idea that works you start growing and then luck will strike down one day okay it can be a video hitting the algorithm for a million views it can be an Esports or coming to you trying to ask you to join their team whatever it is you need to be ready when that luck hits to seize the opportunity for the max amount of value and that can be signing with an org and then exploding like Valkyrie did when she went with 100 thieves in YouTube it can be like having a huge influx of viewers and milking it for every penny you can like ninja when you stream with Drake and peak of fortnite and he got the most subs and he got a mixer deal he capitalized on that luck and you have to do that when that luck strikes and you have to be ready for that and I just think they fell short I think they fell short and I want to make one carve out here because I would feel dog if I did my boy classified dirty he did work hard and I've seen this guy I've seen this guy always hustling always grinding whether it's making some tweets with his girlfriend or or going to Mr beasts to do some videos it does feel like he has worked hard and he tweeted out I just woke up I don't do drama I'm not going to say anything about all that all I will say is even though I was picked up as part of a group I worked my [ __ ] ass off to say at 100 thieves after Mako left one of the people on the mob they wanted individual performance and I put in Non-Stop hours on stream pumped out videos did solo projects talent shows to prove I was worth it I didn't care that I was small my heart was invested and I and I and he tried and then eventually even he was cut uh and he and he says that he loves 100 thieves and Frosty and has no hard feelings with him so just want to give a shout out to class uh I think this is a simple case of not taking advantage of the opportunity you're given and and be wary be wary okay because content creators are as vulnerable as stories you hear of sports players who sign contracts that are very predatory in that [ __ ] them over and even though they're seen in front of millions they become poor after 10 years um that happens that happens to Esports players all the time that happens to content creators all the time be wary send it to a lawyer do the due diligence uh because the Esports teams will not do it for you they don't care about you at all all right it's it's a hundred thieves but I'm not your friend thumbnail anyway thanks for watching boys that's all see you later goodbye
Channel: Mogul Mail
Views: 1,218,860
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ludwig, ahgren, stream, weekly slap, jschlatt, story time, twitch, live
Id: 3bLgTqRQevw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 39sec (759 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 01 2022
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