I Joined A Japanese Pole Dancing Club

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welcome my beautiful weebs uh you might notice that so far nothing looks pretty special but if i come this way just a little bit you'll see all of this this is the jail bar in roppongi and it's a pole dancing bar and today they have some male performers and joining me is the lovely shibuya cajo again for thank you for introducing me to the sketchiest places in tokyo so today we're going to learn how to pole dance and pole dance ourselves about me you're going to laugh at me yes i can wait all right let's go in oh my god this is terrifying it's so trippy oh there's chains on the giant [ __ ] holy [ __ ] you know you see it in movies and it's a lot different than seeing it up close [Music] yeah that's wow oh my god i'm speechless [Music] that high [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh my god it's even gayer than jojo this is shima a pole dancing champion in japan and internationally and today he's going to be giving me a crash course of pole dancing with the hopes that in the end we can do a performance together in style but before that let's find out more about shima first of all i love your work just then that was great i want to know how did you get into this because this seems like a strange kind of skill to just have even today he just saw a guy dancing and he was like that's what i want to do with him i think he started at the breakdancer a foreign normal progression from break dancing to bowl dancing and you also are in a a bl movie as well i'm responsible shima is also a bl movie star yes that's yari i wonder how long has you been doing this for yeah to call i guess listen can i actually ask him to sit here because like this when we were filming this interview i thought that it would be a funny idea to have him be interviewed from the stage um i didn't account for the awkward angle um so i'm sorry about that man who's your right here is it something that like you can tell and talk about to your friends and family openly someone said i feel like my parents would just be like all right connor fine again so if i wanted to become a pole dancer how would i become more confident in my dance moves suddenly needless to say my confidence going into this challenge was high low today are you going to teach me how to be a good pole dancer that's what i want to know i'm a pretty awful student i'm not gonna lie i've had not much success in learning things in japan so i wonder does he think i have the ability to do it oh wow he believes in you my teacher shima may believe in me but i certainly don't we're going to the other room now to practice pool dancing for the first time oh god how embarrassing is this jesus what the [ __ ] that's so tall not only was this the reddest room that i've ever been in this poll was gigantic and it just hit me how difficult this was going to be why couldn't i just like japanese food review okay so we're going to start by learning the technique he's going to teach me so show and tell i guess he's going to do it first so that i'm going to try and copy yeah he's gonna do this crazy isn't he [Music] huh what if i can't do that holy that was terrifying you're gonna burn your thighs and so it was my turn to try and climb the pole can i just normally climb it is that okay wow [Music] okay that hurts though i'm not kidding it really hurts can i try sure go ahead [Applause] feels like some budget jav plot about to happen wow that was a good attempt i lied it wasn't okay climbing done easy that was easy nailed it what's the next step how do i do that okay so i like maybe stretch your leg i'm good at it okay that's okay your turn right oh you can't see kanji so so so i'm finally not the worst one here at something i may have gotten my confidence up by nailing the first pose but it was about to be crushed excuse me at first it was just left leg yeah and down right okay okay oh [Music] but the moves were starting to get a little complicated and i was losing track of which light goes where and what to do when and we were still on the basics it looked so smooth when he does that yeah and i snip mine here oh look poor it's so elegant how do you do that all right elegant spin watching this camera spin and then and right neck oh yeah one hand okay okay go kick it wow that's so hard that's so difficult to keep track of i can't do it so so so so so that's [Music] posing for the camera wow i can do this this is easy all right so just spin right like this i feel like i just didn't do anything right there that's the next move because i just mastered that one obviously very elegant whoa backspin buffs me it looked like a beyblade yeah beyblade so hand right here and then stand leg right now combination okay okay just a little bit basic spin and after that backspin yeah of course that makes so much sense left neck oh wow did i get something sort of right there okay okay touch of course with your oh wow first of all right left touch boom and then later left leg yeah okay i definitely will get that far obviously that'll be easy duh spin round like this okay nice ah i can't do it my brain does not work i was getting frustrated that i could not memorize which way my legs were supposed to go so i asked cajo to do it so that i could feel a little bit better about myself it like doesn't feel natural like you know how you're thinking okay put your right leg but my right leg's not near the pole at all amazing car thank you my confidence was waning and i just couldn't get the grip that i needed but luckily shima brought a secret weapon oh i've got to put leather pants on is that why what the hell these feel like one of the cheap cosplays all right wish me luck how big is it bulge out not as big as his this is definitely a look i look like mr slave from south park don't know look at that they're like supposed to supposed to be like that i didn't do that that wasn't me they're like ripped a little bit truly the most embarrassing thing i've done yet but oh well those pants are tighter than my t-shirts they're like oddly breathable but not really i know this is too much information but they weren't breathable they were just so tight that i couldn't feel my legs sweating that sounds gross but trust me they were unbelievably tight those cats here [Music] [Applause] okay pose jojo pose on the pole wow yeah i can do that that's terrible make a bow oh wow oh wow okay that's a stretch and you can do that while climbing it wow look at that that's a view eh i guess the customers get what they paid for so that noise is horrible so like this and then like this trust me trust me he says trust me okay okay let me go there let me get it we're going to get a grip again oh sorry my whole body was in pain the next day it's like moving your skin whether that's wrong it's the same but it can spin okay i feel like i've already got like a full body workout my my sides are like dead already ah get me out of here oh wow what was that how do we do that what the [ __ ] is that there is you want to try it i want to see someone else fail first so i don't feel as bad i'm wearing jeans so okay okay yeah it actually feels like glue it feels like rubbing glue oh yeah oh nice nice nice nice nice all killed okay okay dancer let's go new channel now that i was mastering the moves it was time to learn a new move oh level out level up next step because i did [Music] just don't be on the ground stay up stay up yeah cool so he was just doing it like this like cats get oh yeah oh my god [Music] like i don't know what i'm doing when i get on i don't know how to change direction yes my thighs the next day were like bright red and it hurts so much i'm just i'm sorry to interrupt that was just [ __ ] my heart my thighs hurt so much my skin is burning but the final performance wasn't just going to be a solo performance it was going to be a duo performance so i needed to learn some moves to go along with my duo partner okay oh wow be a moment right in front of me whoa yeah oh wait merry-go-round needless to say i killed it with a perfect unstoppable pole dancing duo that is so cute like this and then okay nice like that okay okay all right here we go again jeez oh [Music] i felt like he was carrying himself and then me all right so like this oh like this wait i'm sorry sorry she kicked you in the nuts i'm so sorry oh okay yeah put your neck on his bottom oh yeah this take it let it go let your hand go but that was definitely some content always suffering for the content you know me it's so hard trying to like where the [ __ ] is the pole i'm like stuck on it i'm like trying to grab it so i think i was close i don't know though maybe the cameras made me look really pathetic and sad that that felt like an epic battle you know like in a movie like choreograph sweaty these are like the tightest things i've ever worn in my life going on the main stage now to i guess practice more or do something i don't even know i'm not doing it right whatever i'm doing it's going horribly wrong how am i doing so far better than an eye definitely i feel like you're like boobs get in the way though cause he's gonna show us the performance now of what we're gonna do all right so is it my turn now i'm not looking forward to this but of course i couldn't just do this in a normal t-shirt i had to get into my stage persona through my outfit i do feel like mr slave now from south park nice chess here how do i look gaunt am i ready to dance [Music] this is basically jojo outfit you want to do that now okay oh ah i can see the reflection this is like budget and like magic mic right now [Music] no no no no [Music] my god high five high five i don't know if it's because the bright lights were shining in my eye or what but i am sorry shima that i missed the high five i do not know how i missed that oh what do i do i'm so awkward but now it was time for my final performance [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] me oh yeah that thing [Music] a massive thank you to jail in roppongi for hosting this video and allowing me to embarrass myself further and a massive thank you to shima for teaching me how to be an amazing pole dancer and basically being embarrassing with me and teaching me the ways and every single monday night you can find shima here performing so if you do want to see him you know when the world stops ending please do come here you can watch this man go ahead so go and follow shibuya kahu on all of her social medias and a huge thank you once again to shima for being just such a great guy and being so nice to me and willing to do this dumb video with me i i really appreciate it so i really would appreciate it if you guys did go and check out all of his social medias and yeah that's the video don't forget to comment like subscribe go check out the patreon all the fun stuff did you know that i have a new youtube channel connordog where you can watch all of my best streams edited like any video on my youtube channel uploaded once a week so if you like the video that you're watching now there's a good chance that you'll like some of this why am i nervous oh god i want to punch her so bad it never goes this fast everyone can blink i have eyes so if you want to watch these videos right now click the card up top right now or go to the link in the description down below and click the connor dog youtube channel and don't forget to [Music] subscribe you
Channel: CDawgVA
Views: 1,273,289
Rating: 4.9870391 out of 5
Keywords: Pole Dancing, Japan, Japanese, Japanese Pole Dancing, Funny, Fun, Fail, Connor, CDawgVA, CDawg, CDawg Japan
Id: Jt1U4A59TgY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 17sec (1157 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 02 2020
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