I Gave My Viewers $1500 To Spend On Wish

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so a short explanation this video is one of two parts I let you my viewers on one of my live streams decide what I was gonna buy on wish within two hours we had a budget of fifteen hundred dollars and I wanted to see what cursed items you guys could make me buy all the items you see in this video are sent by the viewers live and yes this was filmed months ago because it took me so long to get all of these packages so in this video you'll be seeing all the cursed items that you guys made me buy and then part two where I open most of them will be on the corner Dog Channel so once you've finished watching this video go over to Connor dog to watch part two where you can go and see my reaction live to all of this cursed and horrible stuff guys since when do you have to pay taxes I thought that was for like real jobs not this job what the [ __ ] with that welcome to the entrepreneur sure I'm gonna teach you guys how to spend money to make money you hear this all the time what does that mean card what does that mean avoiding tax literally just avoid tax but seriously guys there are rules today there are rules I have fifteen hundred dollars right and I have wish.com Sarah go to wish.com try and find the weirdest things the dumbest things to buy as long as I can show it on stream that means no titty no pee pee no titty going in PP uh nothing illegal no lollies we can buy v-bucks if they have them yes so if you think we should buy something you just say yes if you think we shouldn't buy something you say no and I have a feeling mostly you're gonna say yes to everything the first item I'll be buying this mods run the poll we're buying this guys no people don't want me to buy this all right whoever suggested this rip to you curse guys you know I'm British he's British he's British he's got no teeth next up we have duck inflatable costume cosplay costume funny blow-up suit fancy dress Halloween costumes are we buying this one Gamers that is a lot of votes for yes that guys I I don't I have too many costumes please think think about this guys one of my guys what am I gonna do with this all right next up are you serious no no no no no right it's a white Asylum patient straight jacket I absolutely love this thing how soon before wifey comes home get yourself one it's the real deal well frankly I'm sold people have attached pictures all right I can surviving it oh for the next one mods can we get the poll running I want I want the pole running before I show this one to you Jesus all right we buying this guy three two one I'm employed I'm begging you guys I'm look at what I'm wearing right now the Kira three-piece beautiful that beautiful Kara design I'm not a man who wears these kind of shirts what is this I don't want to buy this why is it the 86 okay let's get an L I guess I'm gonna buy one for Jerry and gone two three perfect well I don't like this I want this guys I'm begging you I'm begging you no no gang Riser so I'm going to buy this on me God damn it all right all right next up we have this I don't want this this has got to be a no this has got to be a no please this is a no this is definitely a no I I really don't want this no no yes stop saying that I hate you guys no this is precisely what we don't want it's five dollars I don't give a [ __ ] toast it looks like I'm getting a thumb now that's good I'm proud of you guys we don't want this let's go to the next one this one's gonna be a spicy one oh no no no no no no no no no no it's really cheap without batteries the only option that's the size without battery guys I'm curious does your nut sack come with a battery or without a battery I don't think mine came with a battery to be honest with you guys it came fast all right well it looks like we're getting this one add it to the card Gamers our next item that we might buy depending on your choices at home it's a very simple one check this out there's a cute cartoon animal hard enamel pin looks pretty good looks pretty good pretty good A little darker than I expected but great size and detail I love this so much way bigger than I was expecting absolutely hilarious wow fantastic and we have to get it it's a steel all right I'm gonna buy it already the people have spoken they know what they want I'm buying it regardless next up we have a t-shirt that reads send nudes a little concerning uh but sure this guy looks like he loves it all right chat trade off I can always override you guys if I want to if I if I really think you guys are buying something that is just a terrible idea I'll override you guys all right no is the answer next up we have the long-awaited king of what what love guys it is it is 900 and 2.6 meters I cannot guys I look at me I cannot buy this I we will actually be out of money if we buy this we cannot buy this all right I'm sorry guys I gotta override you on this one this is ridiculous next up we have the 10 types now just boring get this out of here 200 mil 250 milliliter creative cartoon bear coffee mug cute animals double glass coffee cup transparent oh penguin ah I like let's go bear Bear's cute here yeah beer uh what the [ __ ] please no there's already enough pictures of me with a child out there we don't need these we don't need this in the world you're first born well now I can finally trade my firstborn like I'm always saying all right listen no we're gonna go to the next one oh monkey yes all right next up we have why hold up friendship is like pissing your pants everyone can see it but only you can feel it warmth thank you for being piss in my pants no I don't want this why would I want a two pack I think one is enough you can put it in the trash taste office actually I like what you guys are saying actually you know what I want this one guys now I want this one it's faded this is my second purchase and hell they loved it so much they bought two I guess we have to say yeah we can't say no to it can we all right well there we go we're buying it easy as that all right what's next well I might I must say I think I could rock this one don't want to brag guys but what do you guys think huh this is gonna look banging on me boys we'll go to xl uh black uh okay um big all right we're getting yes on this one chicken leg all right what do you think guys I I can rock this I mean you know I can do this pose easy let's check this out check this out guys all right what I do like that just for that see you can't tell the difference look at the difference tell me the difference no difference literally no difference this is 100 natural guys 100 natural I'm Gonna Leave the biggest one you have I think that's 5xl that'll do let's look at the yes guys looks like it's a yes all right next up we have hmm if I may I would prefer not but if we have to exactly what was shown just the case no pillow included it's a small nice has a nice small zipper and very soft feel satin like so watch for snagging from rough objects like Velcro colorfast too overall pleased all right we're not getting this one Gamers unfortunately the viewers have decided no now we're talking now we're talking we're getting this Gamers which one are we getting let's do another poll ask the chat which one we're buying oh hard work spending all this money guys I've made very little Investments that I am sure will pay off but this is one of them I think we're buying all of them get blue we'll get a green why has it gone to euros now what is going on all that one is truly disgusting there's one that looks actually disgusting coming up am I buying this guys am I buying this this is what you want am I buying a hundred Lipton tea bags guys this is literally the worst tea the cardboard box this is going to come in will make for better tea than lifted I guarantee it guys I guarantee it please no no no no no no no no sake only five left yeah yeah all right next up monkey shirt monkey shirt I'm a monkey do I need a shirt to show that off I do indeed rude got a rude shirt what is this this is a Gatling what no way does that work you know what guys I think this is a clean one this looks like I think most people want me to buy this I think it's safe to say we're buying this one Gamers I mean this is this is just an investment all right next up we have monkey big monkey big monkey [Music] big monkey is enough for me as a monkey myself guys this is more than enough to please my heart forty dollars though guys it's a monkey it's a look at me look at me it's a monkey big monkey in the car 730 so far what is that what is that ah no no no no no I'm gonna veto that no absolutely not I will not I refuse absolutely not okay this one this is 155 how big is this clappy the monkey animated plush I feel like this is way overpriced the link that someone sent me say what you will man these links may be funny but you guys are terrible Shoppers I you could have looked around for some deals maybe at least come on and that's a no on to the next one I know you guys are gonna buy this I'm ashamed in all of you top quality what does that mean is it not all top quality guys guys we're buying this right but this thing is the funniest product description applicable gender unisex slash lesbian and gay ah it is pride month so fantastic love to see the share of support it didn't quite nail it didn't quite get it I hate it oh no what happened to you what happened to you again I heard a lot of Jojo merch I don't need the [ __ ] stuff I don't need it in my house vote no vote no if you like me it looks like it's gonna be a yes oh my God I'll buy the cursed territory all right gamers are we buying new fashion anime Rick and Morty send glass cute personalized personality mug personality mug oh my goodness this is some personal how is he in this mug peekity rickety wreck all right it looks like this is going to be a no I'm gonna go ahead and end this one all right guys we have next no no no no no no no I know chat is going to say yes because they want me to suffer they're gonna make me buy this guys I'm gonna do something here I'm gonna do something controversial I'm actually gonna buy it I'm gonna veto you guys I I want to know what it sounds like next up we have pickle Rick think wisely guys do we want President Obama cardboard cutout Ben everyone who said no no fifty dollars for cardboard not just any cardboard it's President Obama into the trash taste Studio this would be a great backdrop for my trash taste streams you know what I mean money is going down the drain fast here today Gamers all right looks like we're buying an Obama guys all right next up we have an umbrella sword holy [ __ ] how does this world it was terrifying uh don't think we want this guys this is very expensive it's probably also illegal that's illegal in Japan all right we'll veto we'll veto it 150 centimeter Snorlax absolutely gargantron instead yes I I need this it's only 61 I think this is a good investment is this a spoiler yeah this is the episode where Snorlax gets married and these are the reviews it makes me so happy that your Snorlax looks like he hasn't had a meal in a week Jesus Christ all right it's only the cover I know it is I know it is but we could stuff it ourselves we could stuff it ourselves guys no worries next up is a minion headpiece adult with the headpiece only I mean this is such a scam I thought it was the whole thing it's just the top no way I'm not buying that [ __ ] monkey light sold out no no Mikey what is coming up next we'll save the show boom what do we say guys Mr Bean Halloween mess guys it's very cheap you know um [Music] only twenty nine dollars guys it feels like it'll give you some sort of disease just by wearing it I'm not really sure what but I guess we'll be finding out because we're buying it Gamers we're buying it next up we have the white wool Fury cartoon mouth guys don't buy this I'm not a furry not verified sure sure a fury no next up we have the middle finger novelty mug that's pretty good actually that's pretty funny it looks like we are buying this one Gamers stirring that thing would be a nightmare we have 43 items and we have it's just over a hundred dollars left to spend but guys something is gonna make you break the bank right now I know a lot of you have been holding back you're thinking Connor don't waste your money something is about to come that will force a yes Magic Mike XXL on DVD I find it really hard to keep a straight face right now no guys what do you mean no it's she's JoJo part six on DVD JoJo part five sorry I am sorely disappointed well I'm buying it anyway you guys this is for me this is a personal buyer The Muppets Kermit Deluxe men costume this is hard guys do we want this my mind's telling me no but my body my body is telling me yeah we're buying this Gamers I've seen a lot of no's I thought we wanted that guy we can do better you guys think we can do better we've got 10 minutes left to do better the next thing is gonna blow you guys away it is none other than the polar F and his stand pillow his stand is literally Jesus Christ because we have to buy this not only do we get a JoJo character Jesus Christ we get another JoJo character palmareth if you didn't know Jesus Christ is actually in JoJo Australian dollars that's not real money wait wait were we in Australian dollars that whole time that can't be right wait what's going on hold on [Music] pause timer we'll add more okay well you know what okay I'll give you guys 10 minutes extra on the timer next up air fryer we're getting an air fryer let's go again no unfortunately I will not be fortunate enough to own an air fryer no stuff is going missing while we're in the middle of it no no this can't be this can't be Magic Mike XX oh it's gone President Obama sold out if one of you just buy it Obama's gone monkey is gone plump Pentagon Kiki Kermit is gone it's like Thanos just snapping them away one by one but we have 300 more dollars to spend guys boom what do you think guys are you getting this sold out are you serious don't take this away from me I am a gamer girl okay I found one guys I found one I found one it doesn't matter I think this one will go well on streams it looks like it's gonna be a yes I'm gonna start selecting the size and the color black thank you next up we have among us what a sassy backer am I right guys am I right is this Sasa what am I right this is sasurai guys this is sus the sus right no dies it's among us we may not get the Among Us right but next up we have something that frankly I don't know how anyone can say no to Boom look at it it's the Maverick man fake belly official baby Tommy Silicon Valley fake pregnancy a big fan of Logan Paul I'm a really big fan of this merch drop that he did recently the Maverick men fake belly artificial pregnant this is a great investment 70 bucks giving it away you know to help to help my favorite Creator Logan Paul and his Maverick brand fine with it Halloween animal cosplay monkey costume funny men's hooded pajama trade offer you say yes I get monkey costume what's not to like no tails there's a tail there's a tail what do you mean right we're buying it 37 bucks well spent in the car next up we have um 304 stainless steel bolts I think we need this one guys My Neighbor Totoro vinyl wall clock okay timer all right okay we'll do the timer after this one it's plastic Lads vinyl is plastic okay we'll start it four minutes Gamers it's a yes Chad has spoken they want it all right next up what's our budget uh oh I should change the country hold on let's go yeah Japan okay what that can't be right well apparently we've gone a little bit over oh no the counter the counter the countdown all right we hit two we hit two hours guys so we're officially done even though we had a lot of free a lot of things left out but that's it we hit two hours no more no more buying that is it all my money is gone I have no more money two hours we've avoided all the tax we've successfully avoided tax ah okay yeah it wasn't the wrong country okay cool monkey let's try and find a monkey all right let's try and find a monkey guy to put in what do you think guys yes or no I'm seeing a bunch of yes let's just add it to cart let's just added the card already I guess we got 30 more dollars to spend I'll pick something because you guys have run out of time I'm gonna find something you know me guys I'm a gamer I'm gonna buy a Nintendo switch um this is it this is the Nintendo switch guys I mean guys if you're not convinced of the quality of this might I remind you that it came right on time and I can't wait to use it looks great tried it out works perfectly it's a Christmas present for my games mad daughter I think she will love this and I get to play my favorite game Mario Bros one guys it's it's 30 000 games in one you can watch anime on it you can watch anime on it Victory you win if you have it you lose if you don't 20 000 games in one oh my God inconsistency it's gonna be a surprise I love surprises I'm getting at games it looks like a PSP ah I think it's a switch guys it says Nintendo switch why would they lie all right there he is one thousand five hundred and eighty fine American USD dollars what a waste of money later on I will fill out all my card details and buy all of this stuff today we have successfully evaded tax by spending more money than I am making one year now we can't pay any tax because my business made no money I call that the best thing to do is to subscribe to this channel c.va but also subscribe to the other channel collodog where we'll be posting part two probably but I'll definitely be opening these live on Stream So if you do want to watch me unbox these live make sure to follow me on Twitch ah because I'm streaming all the time so do it [Music]
Channel: CDawgVA
Views: 1,100,240
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: srGyEhWmtGM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 30sec (1170 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 24 2021
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