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who like this shirt makes me look mad muscular bag what is that what Oh someone's been hitting the gym bro and I think it was this guy okay hello beautiful welcome back today I have just an eyelash in my eye but I also have had this video on my mind for so damn long now I mean ever since it came out I think it was published on March 23rd 2019 okay so March April May that's three months okay three okay no it's been not even three months it's been two months yeah wait why No okay it's been one month okay since this video is published in one month since it's been published and listen I wrote this video idea down a long time ago and I was like maybe I should really try and do that video on my own hair because for some reason I just felt really passionate about this video and I'm going to show you what the video is in a second you've probably seen it before it has six million views um and it went completely viral last month and everybody's obsessed with it but let me give you a quick background I'm obsessed with this video I wasn't gonna do this video and now I can't stop thinking about it my thought process was like nobody's gonna watch this and nobody cares Brad and then and then I was still like nobody's gonna care but it'll make me happy to do it and then it's all that matters okay I don't even care watch or don't watch this might be very boring he's gonna be very fun we don't know but we're gonna try it out so the video is by a channel named viv Hair Therapy and she has natural hair and and that is all I know great this is what you get when you first start the video and so if you are still wondering why I'm doing this well clearly we're not on the same wavelength because this is so cool and let me just show you what goes on let's just do a little quick recap of this video and I'm just going to show you like what she did to her hair and why I think it's just the coolest thing ever and why I feel like I need to do this on my own hair for some odd reason and yeah this video is called 48 hours 914 hair pins then curls had me shook and if that ain't a title I don't know what is rad okay okay so this is her where her inspiration came from moenay's hack videos and it looks like they're taking way bigger sections than lifted and this is also girls like straight hair so this gives me a little bit of hope see if I can't like do something with it oh those are not Afro curls that ain't it those are not Africa rules that's a little offensive to be honest I'm offended I mean in his 2019 and we're just gonna cleanse about everything and I am offended with this okay it doesn't look good that is horrifying all because I was okay so she is clearly taking waste more sections than that videos you just watch and she's taking you jumbo hair pins applying a lot of like conditioner in her hair before to make sure it's really Nathan soft and healthy when she takes the pins out I'm guessing and she's going in there and just she's weaving every little piece of hair oh my god like well that looks like it took her a half an hour into that one and she has her entire had to go it's just like relaxing also how perfect she does everything and like the fact that she can do the back of her head like this I don't know we'll see I'm only gonna be doing this top part because I do not have 48 hours mm to do what she did it's also when I am here so I do want to go to bed at some point not saying that it's gonna be anytime soon but I do want to do that at some point so but this should be fun and I kind of want to give myself like an avant-garde moment you know what I mean like a like this like one of these well yeah basically guys she does her entire head oh my god that is not I think I just also love the way looks with the pins in ah do you see how satisfying that is yo it's gonna be lit and then she goes ahead and takes them all out of her head and then look at this ball of fun we have on her head are you joking I want to touch it so bad that looks so fun I hope she didn't wash her hair for like two months after this because like that was a lot of work and you need to reap the benefits of it okay [Music] anything for you wish me luck all right in order to do this I have a towel that's just from hands cuz they're gonna get dirty you know I have glitterati wax mana you don't know if that has been Wow with it a pomade by j.crew and I have water a bunch of eye pins and hair hair pins like that and we're just gonna in my life away hopefully comes out sort of wearable I have a photo shoot tomorrow morning and it'd be nice to swear it to it it'd be fun so today is April 30th the damn filming probably see this two days later so today is national yes sir appreciation day my time makes you guys even if it's late thank your hairdresser for all I do you know it's not easy standing on your feet 10 plus hours a day you end up with respiratory problems back problems leg problems feet problems all the problems from being a hairdresser but it is all worth it because we love making you all feel the most beautiful you could possibly feel through great hair just think your hairdresser and probably do because it is national hairdresser Appreciation Day I'm gonna tell you now that glitterati today today I'm posting a YouTube video will be 15% off to show my appreciation to hairdressers so if so you guys would like to buy glitterati for 15% off use code hairstylist 15 ad check out at ex mono hair calm is linked below you guys know the deal all right so I'm gonna start by prepping my hair I don't want to like soaking wet or else it'll be really hard for me to like I'm gonna now put clear Audion I'm just gonna do like five squares this is gonna smooth my hair out it's gonna add a lot of shine and the most important part of all this it's gonna add a little hold so when I take those pins out it has nice definition in the waves and then because I want a ton a ton a ton of hold like to the point where it's like kind of greasy and like kind of like stiff I'm gonna use a little bit of pomade every time I do each wraparound thing and come back and I'm gonna section out if I wear my hair like this hey guys I don't them to make it out tonight because like I'm just too busy taking care of my pack and make sure I'm not going out okay so I don't have the Jumbo pins because I'm unprepared so what I'm gonna do is just use regular pens it should be fine that because my hair is not long so they're like they're like just a regular size pins I don't know look at this is ever gonna look like okay you know we can't be perfect nobody's perfect guys okay Jim put a little bit of wax in them I'm gonna be extra we're gonna put it in I'm going to just do exactly what she did like surprised I'm just hoping I don't go like completely insane by the end of this but I don't know it won't be the first time you know No okay a little concerned right now cuz this is my first piece and I can't get it in my hair maybe we should turn the other side maybe it's just a bad piece maybe it's just like not trying to do it put this on my roof now that's better okay and then I'm just gonna weave it in oh girl I got Pro and now oh my god come at me alright I'm gonna pin that in I did it one down let's talk about five minutes to do I'm gonna keep going that ain't it to the issue is that once you start wrapping it around it kind of like closes the pin when you do it tight great this looks remarkable this looks amazing that goes in there this goes down there this is the secret it's to wrap loose and then pull tight at the end oh my god I have a bang this is good it's going good me you guys one day I want you to all be my level but like my level is so high up right now that I don't even know if it's attainable let me know once you curl your hair with bobby pins and then give me a me invisible eventually I guess alright next row yo I'm gonna go through this so fast fast forward to me being here for five hours my hair didn't just fall out it's fine my hair does still hate me from that video of me coloring it from the dark blue to silver I definitely need to stop touching it ow keep telling myself this entire time I got this and I am brave and I can do it and I am successful uh help looks like crap oh my god my back already kills ah get on it what is with this one I don't understand what is wrong with this one you've won a Go Go come on point oh great okay that was done that's done see you guys I knew I could do it it's all thanks to you and you did the moral support you gave it to me that one's gonna have to do because I can't spend all day on that and we're moving along guys I mean like come on get at me BAM what do you guys think and we're good I'm very excited to see what this all turns out like I'm kind of hyped about it I feel like I'm like halfway done and it hasn't been that long and I can't believe I'm doing on these like tiny hair pins these are just regular sized if I didn't make that clear before so we now have two rows done and what I've learned from this these two rows is that this is hard actually I didn't learn that I already knew that but I'm gonna reiterate this is hard and also really hard when you have pin straight hair and she does not want to go around these things and does not want to stay in place so that makes it even harder so we're just really going against nature here up oh my god I think I just figured something out oh my god I think I just had a breakthrough I just react the hack of the hack instead of putting the the pin upwards in to hold the hair I put it downward and it works better for me don't tell me I never taught you anything look see if it works again let's do it again let's see if this works better oh yeah that is a total pack putting the pin downwards instead of upwards works so much better man I I'm gonna put a YouTube video hot zone out get this finished watch this therapeutic video of me putting these pins in my hair for the next hour all right enjoy [Music] I'm a little concerned it's not going the best over here my only hope for this whole thing is that it's somewhat comes out cool like in a weird way high fashion for me and it like looks decent but that's like a really big hope to have I think at this point I think my really only hope should be like that I finish this but I'm almost done so now that that is finished all the pins end now gonna blow dry my hair with a diffuser and my Dyson it's just gonna be a quick moment with diffuser because otherwise I don't put heat on this it's just not gonna stay the way hers day cuz her hair already curling so it's just kind of like you know making the curled nicer being in some pattern my hair will be probably still straight if I take these out right now she probably left them in for like overnight and this I need to go to bed I'm not doing this tomorrow so a diffuser is gonna do and I think it's me better this way and then hopefully I'm gonna take these out and it's gonna look dope let's do it [Music] alright so I just finished blow-drying and I'm ready for the big moment where I see if this did absolutely anything to my hair and if it looks good or what happened so you ready are you ready are you ready it is so stuck in please oh my god they're like finger waves it's kind of sick Wow honestly though glitter I really really make you stayed my hair these things aren't gonna aren't budging we this is gonna be a look I really hope it is it's okay though we have so many more to go it's gonna be fine that one was delicious okay know what what is that what is that why don't I try some hard now it looks like this one answer is looks like this looks so gross thanks for watching I'm gonna go this is even worse than I expected it to be and I have really really really low expectations for this I look a lot like the girl that first did this hat that was featured in that girl's video really really bad and this did not work out well I would highly not recommend this for people who have straight hair it just does not work you gotta have some curl in there and wait for natural hair girls out there who want to get some curl in their hair and want to spend ten hours doing it otherwise I would recommend it anybody not a good idea and I cannot wait to wash my hair tonight Oh Oh Brad no sweetie it's ain't it for me mm-hmm Oh I can't even like style it to make it look a little bit better bang so there you have it guys I tried to follow this actual hair tutorial and completely failed not surprised but I was gonna say it was fun it wasn't that fun I definitely thought I was gonna be a little bit more fun but also horrible but also more fun because I thought it was gonna come out better but I hope you enjoyed it and thank you so much for watching I mean I'm like social media at ex mano a frat mundo and thank you for watching today don't forget to leave your extra life and I will see you all next time
Channel: Brad Mondo
Views: 2,896,642
Rating: 4.9032035 out of 5
Keywords: I TRIED TO FOLLOW THIS AFRO HAIR TUTORIAL ON MY PIN STRAIGHT HAIR, bradmondo, bradmondonyc, natural hair, straight hair, curly hair, straight hair routine, wavy hair, how to, curly to straight, pin curls, flat iron, jasmine brown, tierra j beauty, Vivianna, Caribbean natural hair, how to style natural hair, grow hair faster, hair journey, thick hair, type 4 natural hair, medium length hair, 48 HOURS, 914 HAIR PINS... these CURLS had me *SHOOK*, 48 hours
Id: 3L-8WIa7y0I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 53sec (1013 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2019
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