I Evolved The BIGGEST UNDEAD ARMY in Right Click To Necromance

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oh hey everybody i'm blitz welcome back to a game called right click to necromance anyone remember this game totally unfinished game from 2015 it's a game where we take our little tiny army and we grow that army to become the biggest strongest undead army ever by necromancing our enemies that we have slain it's pretty exciting and i'm surprised that nobody has taken this concept and making a good game with it but whatever i will enjoy this one because i'm going to make the biggest army in the history of big undead armies yes just by killing these guys at a time without getting flanked destroying two or three people at once it's beautiful it is beautiful now pretty soon would you guys come back here i'm trying to kill you they don't even know what's going on right now oh okay a little scared um maybe they were part of a different group because i couldn't necromanced him oh there they are nice and you're gonna die and then you're gonna die i'm getting flanked i don't like getting flanked i do not like getting flanked that wasn't good oh look at the size of that little army now i do want to go after and hunt some of the bigger dudes now i don't want to mess up those that big group but there are enemies that are stronger and oh no stay away from the big groups because that gets really messy where are they where's the bigger guys bigger guys where are you oh and not that one i don't want to mess with him yet oh there's the bigger guys right there hey come back here i'm trying to kill you okay i don't want to get flanked though oh great okay there's a big group take this guy out that would be nice okay that's like four or five oh run away run away run away [Music] we do not want to get flanked oh my word there's so many of them just a second ago i couldn't find any you're going to try to take out this group of four one's dead two are dead three are dead and forwarded nice oh a caster i'll take you i'll take you down very good attack attack attack attack attack plus we're in the corner of the map which is a little more uh easy to attack things in yes yes i have a caster i have a caster now you everyone shall die all the bad guys will die and then they'll be undyne oh that was scary that was a pretty big army that came through let's take this group out i don't mind farming one little corner of the map like this especially when i get three casters out of the deal yes die oh we're about to be flanked it's okay it's okay come on kill it yes yes now i need some fodder will you guys be my fodder a group of five is kind of scary but they died easily oh these guys are bigger um i'm scared of them i'm scared of big guys these guys aren't bigger oh there's a little donkey a little a little rock donkeys okay i gotta get out of here i gotta get out of here gotta get out of here i said did you not listen to me they don't have ears they're undead [Music] okay scared of this scared of this scared of this not scared not scared run away i'm scared now that's a big group this is a small group oh it's not a small group but they're kind of spread out i'll kill these guys hopefully pretty soon come on yes and it'll split on this side oh boy right away run away run away i said i forgot how to run okay come back attack oh oh i didn't like that i thought those guys are gonna get me for breakfast nice that's a big army i would like a couple more casters before engaging with these really large guys or the rocky boys oh those rocks would have been easy though oh nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope i don't like this right now i do not like do not ah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i'm feeling that my casters can take care of this pretty easy my single caster and it got flanked which is not good come on yes that was good that was good strats very nice i just got the bigger group we are evolving we are advancing now what do i do i don't know what to do oh i killed this guy that's what i do i always take the low hanging fruit always easier oh i could go after the big dude not going to oh there's two big dudes okay i could go after the rocky boy we're gonna take oh he's so big i don't like him come on casters take him out he is destroying me i got it i got it nice and i don't want to go into the middle there oh i'm so scared okay i feel like i can take this group out pretty easily especially with my rock and the two casters that was easy okay here we go here we go and now our army gets bigger and stronger just kidding nothing happens to them because we're scared this group of five is nice and their their friends another group of five as long as oh no get out of here get out of here okay good i got him get you good excellent those are bigger i don't want bigger yet i want the smaller guys oh like you smaller groups are better to get my numbers up and then once the numbers are up then we can getting more numbers we make small numbers bigger oh someone just spawned in there um sure oh that was nice here we go this will do the trick i am against three armies right now and oh i thought that was gonna be four we have one on our team we have two on our teams we have three on our teams we're gonna get for this group nice nice stay away from the rock good take this guy out that's another super big guy okay we're going after this now oh no no we're not we're not look at this little fella our army is getting so big now i love it take out the group at the top that's two groups that's two groups that's okay that's super okay i'm feeling comfortable maybe not oh i got them both nice i feel like i could maybe go take out one of the giant rocks in the bottom corner of the map now even though there's like three there okay we got everyone dead there this group i'm just gonna kind of move through the middle now and see if i can take out some just take it slow and steady slow and steady i just got flanked that's not good take out the rocks take out the rocks they got the wow they left and i destroyed every one of them excellent take out that one good move whack regroup i have two rocks oh that's a nice little group you know there was a time where i was scared of the bigger swords guys but not anymore not with two little rocky boys okay i'm totally gonna do it we're totally gonna go down and try to get one of the gigantic rocks maybe i'm so slow right now though oh maybe we'll just slowly work our way in here we're gonna get flanked no we're not oh there's three of them i do not like that we need to get bigger come on use my crushers come on crusher yes get this guy [Music] okay i gotta pull off oh hello oh this is bad this is so bad i'm surrounded here okay it's not too bad i'm not surrounded as i thought i would be i'm feeling confident that i could take one of the big rocks maybe yeah no okay oh yeah yeah yeah just crush him with my my wizards the thing is i don't like being surrounded from above i feel like i gotta take more guys out before i can move in there i know my army is strong but i just do not want to get flanked right now [Music] especially with all these squishy casters that i have oh this caster's getting destroyed right now okay good oh there's another group that just spawned in take it nope nope nope nope back out my arm is so big okay come on come on got it got it oh wow those guys are coming from everywhere this is bad this is bad run away run away run away run away run away i don't want to take out the entire army at once if i group up everyone in the corners i can get the rocks in the front there we go i don't want my casters on the front lines that's the biggest problem i'm having right now that's cooler movement this will work get them reorganized a little bit hit the rocks in the front good all right let's move in now and try to take out the big guy just kidding [Music] sure big guy big rock whoa he's so big there's three of them here i don't like that we gotta do just a little bit of damage at a time since there's three and they're all friends replenish the numbers as soon as i can very nice oh wow where did you guys come from uh oh oh this is not good this is i am so flanked right now it's not even funny oh okay i've got a ton of casters oh great oh great i'm getting hit from behind okay i'm just gonna have to move out the side gonna move out the side clear the way clear the way revive what i can oh it's so hard having a giant army i totally know that i would have that the big rock eye on my team already oh we got little rock eye okay man just moving around the outside i gotta clear out some stuff in the middle there's just too many of them man this is so hard there's so many bad guys kill that one kill that one kill it good all right yeah that's a big melee i'm gonna take them all oh maybe not i need more casters though yikes my casters got ripped apart because i can't control the entire board at once i did it all right we're going in for the bottom now baby get out of here get out of here no run away okay here we go this is it this is for all of the marbles in the marble factory and by marbles i mean the giant rock guys taking them out i need my rock guys here to attack their rock guys oh this is so rough i think i can do it i think i can do it yes i got one if i got one that means i can take out two and if i take out two that means i can get three there's a third one run away we have to replenish our numbers we have to defeat to the ogre cave i really want more casters though i don't see any of them nice crush them crush them crush them crush them you guys remember that time i told you to crush your enemies you got to do that faster so less of us die for a second time why are there so many of them hot dang okay there's a lot more of us now i don't want my rock eyes all dying though no i don't oh man i get flanked so bad here ah this is horrible we gotta leave when the army gets so big it's so dangerous oh my big guy's dead that sucks surround divide and conquer get them flanked i really don't like this my army is so small again the biggest problem is i just keep getting hit by bigger and bigger enemies oh that's a good flank come on rocks come on little rockies do your thing oh come down here come down here come down here we gotta clear away nice nice that was good ah i'll take these guys out the real question is where are all the casters i haven't seen one in a long time and there's supposed to be little groups of guys oh these these guys might oh stay away fine i'll take them out i just want to take out one group at a time before they spawn in and get more bad guys that was good that's also good there's a free rock you were dead but now you're not dead okay we gotta run away there's too many there wow at the groups that are down here that i can resurrect if somebody would come in and want it like that there's just like one guy left this is a really bad corner but i think i can i think i can clear it out okay keep working to the right keep working to the right very nice keep working up now even better good okay come back down we're gonna kill their rocky boy yes that worked perfectly good now we're gonna come back up okay i don't want to attack those come down come down everyone down everyone down we're just gonna we're gonna rush this bottom corner and then we're gonna rush these guys they're so small now just a couple minutes ago they were huge all right i'm feeling confident that i can take another big rock i'm scared to do it but i feel like i can do it the biggest problem is there's like seven of them in that corner now and by seven there's probably like three but i have to battle my way there because these guys are not letting up okay battling my way there was a bad plan battling my way there was a totally not a good plan would you guys leave me alone for a little bit i'm just trying to kill your leader hot dang i can't even make it to him okay i made it to him destroy everything living so i can make them wow my army is gone again i just wanted to kill your big leader and now you're just killing me back so rude never did anything bad to you bad guys these little rocks are so annoying too they just cleaned through my guys like crazy i can't even how am i supposed to kill the big rocks now why are my little dudes running through the middle of everywhere okay can i take out one want to take ow oh yes another caster i need them uh i don't really want to engage a lot ooh there we go i got the caster finally and why is there a little group of four spawning in where did you guys come from i thought i made you extinct oh that's adorable maybe the game was like yeah that was a little too hard i'm sorry for what we did we're just gonna make it a little easier there are four big bad guys in that corner i have no idea how i can take those out the worst part is there are so many dead guys on this map that i could get on my team if they were to die like if the rest of the squad were to die then i could get them oh you're supposed to come down a little further there are so many dead guys on this map that i could get on my team if they were to die like if the rest of the squad were to die then i could get them oh you're supposed to come down a little further so i'll just go over this way and maybe hide and then maybe go back up and then hide again and then there's this group down here shouldn't be too bad i'll hack and slash my way through this everything's good i have my big my big rock died though that's not good and i only have one caster i don't like that at all here's a little group i'm gonna hide from them i am so scared to go in that middle there are too many but there's a caster that i need in my life okay yep two big rock guys this is bad wow rock spawn in the middle where did you come from dude okay this is fine i need to kill it oh there's two of them still no this is this is the end this is the end of me now there there's there's just five and just like that my troops have been pooped on what do i what do i even do i just commit sudoku and the game over anyway guys thank you for watching hope you enjoyed right click to necromance we did capture one of the big guys so keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time i'd also like to thank all of the channel members and patrons including ben ellen hagen dickie james apollo bunny auto dave hawks hawks eagle arc whip it good des bogger maxer sarnoff baron fox jason mcfarland deegan rail splatter sax and iffy sphere
Channel: Blitz
Views: 1,684,200
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, blitz plays, blits, right click to necromance, right click to necromance biggest army, right click to necromancer, right click to necromance blitz, right click to necromance gameplay, right click to necromance game, right click to necromance itch, rctn, rctn game
Id: OxWRIu752CY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 3sec (963 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 09 2021
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