So I Hacked Duck Life 4.... UNBEATABLE DUCK? (LEVEL 999 DUCK) [Part 1]

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today i've hacked ducklife 4 so that my duck is pretty much unbeatable i can level up all the way to level 999 so let's see how easy the game is now so it looks like genetically modified ducks are bad which is good because some of those looked really illegal one duck racer reigns supreme and it is up to you to beat him so we have to beat the champion again to become the champion and we also get to customize our duck which is really cool well i'm just gonna make the most angry looking obnoxious duck possible i think this looks pretty good and we're gonna call him duck because i think that's a pretty good name for a duck so it gives us some food so we can complete the tutorial great now we may be looking pretty slow now but trust me guys in a couple of minutes we are gonna be looking extremely fast you can always get faster by doing running trading or or you can get faster by hacking so we got joe the running trainer we go to him to increase our running level we also have a tournament in the building uh we also have ducks we can talk to to race and stuff let's just skip through all of this so we actually have multiple dark stocks but i'm just gonna stick with our dark i think that's the only duck we're ever gonna need and in dukkley 4 they actually introduce a lot more mini games there are actually three so we're just gonna play through all of these and the limit to our level is 150 uh but we're gonna see how high it can go just playing these couple of mini games i definitely prefer this running training from the other one so let's just die and you can you can see right here look how many levels we're going up it is actually insane if i go to the menu and i look at my dog i'm already level 79. i just need to do a couple more trainings and i should be at level 500. so in this one for some reason there are melons there are rocks there's all sorts of things falling from the sky i i don't know who's throwing them at me we also get money which is pretty cool but we're just gonna do this for a couple of seconds then we're gonna die and we're gonna see how far our level goes up i just got hit by a melon no okay let's see how far a level goes up and it looks like level 218 that is pretty good so in the final running training i just have to press a couple of numbers you know jump over rocks stuff like that it's not too hard the graphics are definitely a big improvement from the last game like in the last game the ducks look so cursed and now i have this really cool looking lightning dark okay so let's just jump into the spool let's see how far our level goes up wait am i did i just die okay there we go so we're level 386 i'm gonna go up a little bit higher and then we should be good to race okay so level 458 and i love how the duck is just saying i can't teach you anymore but you can still train for fun yeah i i doubt you could train me i'm level 400. so you can see our running training here part energy is zero so we do have to buy some of the seed so we can get our energy level up a bit and then we will start racing these ducks and showing them who is the boss around here so this white duck says he'll give me some coins if you win while i already know i'm gonna win this one wait we're level 990 energy okay i didn't i didn't even realize i changed that okay so our first race in duck life 4 let's see how fast we actually are oh my god we're so fast look at him go he's he's not even that bad though oh wait is this a turbo button i have to see what the turbo barston does yeah we just robbed that guy but do i do i feel bad not really we got another duck over here let's train him if you can beat me i'll give you my invite to the tournament if your running level is lower you will have no chance to i think you mean you have no chance to win because i have hacked this game so i have to see what this turbo buster does does it just make me go faster let's click it oh my god oh my god wait did we win okay we didn't go over the flag okay so we have not only do we have level 450 running we can also boost ourselves even faster that is so broken so i think we're ready to face the tournament so let's go straight into the tournament we can actually choose ourselves for all of the three races so we're gonna do exactly that amazing spartans no no no that is a terrible day we're gonna call ourselves the duck so this is the first tournament of darklight 4 let's see how fast we are of course we're going to use this turbo boost butter because it is absolutely ridiculous i can't wait to use that on the jumping and stuff so actually they all made it i'm pretty sure yeah no one got disqualified that is actually kind of impressive so there are three races in each tournament so we're just gonna play through all of these three i'm not gonna use the booster this one we're just gonna see how fast we are anyway and yeah we are really fast we are on to the final race of the tunnel no we're just gonna win this one straight away way too easy for our hakka dog i think they're gonna get disqualified i think they're gonna get disqualified there we go okay who finished yo i was the only one to finish that race and it looks like duck came first let's go so now we've finished with the grassland and the running we can actually go to the swamp which is where we learn to swim so this guy that kind of looks like a penguin is going to teach us how to swim and there are three different swimming trainings so let's get started and with this one we can go all the way up to level 999 it literally does not matter and look at that wait there are crocodiles that literally want to eat me this is so much different to the other games okay i i just got eaten by a crocodile oh my god i just got eaten by a crocodile well that only got us up to level 52 so let's do the next one so in this swimming training we just have to get through a bunch of caves is honestly pretty fun i really like this one it's basically similar to dark life 3 with the cave one as well in the pro league but i really enjoy the mini games in duck life 4. so we can go all the way up to level 999 with the sewing because we won't like zoom over the map with the swimming so i can basically go as far as i want to or at least as far as my skill actually allows me to go which honestly probably isn't that far well i died let's see where our levels at 660. that one gave us so much experience he's saying he can't teach me anymore but he definitely can teach me because we're going to go up to level 999 so in this one we basically have to do a perfect dive i don't know what i need to do without okay touch and hold to turn so we turn like that perfect okay do i have to press anything that's literally it well i i think that was a pretty good dive oh we're up to level 942 okay one more swimming and we should be maxed if you guys are enjoying the video make sure to press the subscribe button the most subscribers i've got in a day in this year was over just over 2 000 so let's see if we can beat that today i'm going to be doing a lot more duck life hack content just like this so if you want to see more definitely subscribe let's try and beat that record so let's just die here level 999 it doesn't even know what to do the xp bar doesn't even know what to do because we are so far ahead so we just got this red dot chilling right there on the log uh he has a ticket for the tournament so let's just go and challenge him let's beat him up well not really but we're gonna beat him up with something and we're gonna see how fast we are look at his hair it looks so stupid we definitely need to beat this guy look at that we are literally a torpedo going through that water we are ridiculously far he's gonna get disqualified he was just so happy chilling on the log and now he's just gonna get disqualified from his own race but we have the ticket for the tournament but i don't care we we need to beat up some other dogs if you haven't done something training yet i don't think this race will be for you well i don't think this race is going to be for you do you have level 999 something no i think not well there's only a little bit of swimming on this one but it doesn't even matter we're going to get so far at look at that we are literally no wait did we go over it do we go over okay i think yeah we did actually win but i was so scared that we would fly over that's why you can't make those skills so high but that race didn't even matter anyway we want it let's go 100 coins we don't even need the coins we're level 990 energy bruising what are these names these names are so bad we have to go with dark this is the best name what what is that guy wearing look at that guy wait i should probably buy some clothes but it doesn't even matter look at this over the bridge over that we got a kind of slope there but it doesn't even wait i need to use this i need to i need to use the boost in the water because we're already 999 it's going to be absolutely crazy well we disqualified everyone for the first race which is always a good start in these tournaments so if i use the boost at the start right here do we get to scare no we don't get scared look how slow look how slow we are on that thing hurry up dude okay i used to that was a mistake no wait we still finished the race we were all the way up there okay that's really good i'm i'm reassured that we can win these races now guys guys i got disqualified i actually flew over it no no looks like you were too slow are you kidding me i was the fastest stock you've ever seen can i can i still win can i still win whatever look at that dark size that is the most cursed thing i've ever seen in my life okay it looks like we did win that one oh my god this is so stupid i can't believe i got disqualified because i flew over the flag that was what i was scared of oh we came second we came second and we're hacking well i learned my lesson not to do that again no boosting but you know we can boost at the start of races i don't think that matters it's just the water do not boost in the water because level 999 plus a boost is a bit too much speed well it looks like we actually won this race this time which is good i really need to win this tournament okay last race we can do it this time also if you are watching the video to this point thank you so much leave a heart a heart emoji in the comment section so i know you watch this point and i will try and heart as many of your comments as i possibly can because you know it really means a lot to me when you guys watch my videos we wanna overall i have the sad face but i'm pretty happy we won and now we get to go to the mountains which is where we get to learn how to fly so let's do some flying training wait before we do anything let's actually go into the shop is there anything cool we can buy i have to buy the tuxedo okay we're gonna get this let's buy the tuxedo this look at me oh i'm re i'm a real hacker duck now i look so good so in this one you know we're just flying into the sky i have to use the arrow keys to move up and hit these it's honestly it's a pretty fun addictive minigame like the mini games in darklight 4 are definitely a lot better than the other games okay please please please we need to keep flying we need to keep flying i need to get my level up really really high just that one of flying training we're all ready to level 164 i need to be really careful it's already saying he can't teach me anymore but of course we're gonna push this to the boundaries so in this one i basically just have to fly through obstacles it kind of reminds me of flappy bird actually we just have to follow this duck ahead of us it's definitely much easier than flappy bird but let's not follow you let's go straight into the ground and let's see how far our level goes up level 309 okay one more we're gonna do one more wait this one we actually get shot out of a cannon so i got score 91 that's cool oh and there are more levels as well i actually kind of like this it does make it a bit easy though because it shows you where your dock is gonna go but this is pretty cool i actually really like this well it's time to kill my dog let's just shoot we just shot him right into the mountain he didn't even die well i mean he's at the bottom of the lake he probably should have died right there but anyway let's see how far 417 that is that is enough for me now i take it back we need to go a little bit higher we just need to go a tiny bit higher so i've decided to make my flying level 999 if it doesn't work out that is okay i'll just have to restart my duck no it literally just disappeared okay what level are we now 770 we are nearly there we just got to shoot my dog out of a cannon a couple more times and we should be good to go well we're level 999 now so there is no turning back now so let's challenge this white duck over here he says he doesn't like racing people beneath me that's that's kind of narcissistic dude but it's fine if you want to get beaten i i think you're gonna be the one that's gonna get beaten dude okay i'm a bit nervous about this because obviously my doc has level 999 flag oh i'm so fast i'm so fast i'm literally like a rocket through the sky oh i did actually finish as well i did actually finish that is amazing i love that so much okay we got two more dogs and i'm surprised that they're still offering me a race like see how fast i was right there if you can't fly very well your chances of making it to the finish are quite slim okay well i'm pretty sure i'm gonna absolutely destroy you look at me compared to him i am like the sophisticated hacker dog who no one is gonna be please please oh that's perfect we didn't fly over it again i'm so scared of flying over it wait what happens if we use the turbo while we're flying at level 999 that is that is something i have to try that is something i have to try my race is running flying or swimming can you believe it i i can't believe it and i can believe that i'm absolutely gonna destroy you in this race so we just have to test it out we have to use this turbo bottom warranty the air fly oh my that is so fast and i think we actually finished i think we actually finished the race that we initially you couldn't even see me i went so fast the other day must be so confused at least we actually saw him on the screen but we did disqualify him we got the ticket to the tournament let's go to the tournament and show these ducks who is the boss yeah if i was entering a tournament and i saw this uh i would i would run the other way green lightning why does it give me the most stupid names much better okay so again with the weird eyes look how stupid that eye looks but it doesn't even matter we're gonna race ahead where is the flying section no this section is so slow when it's just slide down the mud it takes absolutely ages well wait there wasn't even any flying there wasn't any flying are you kidding me well we won the first race on to the second race let's see wait is that a carrot that that guy is wearing a cara i want the carrot i really want to wear a carrot okay let's zoom oh that is so fast that is so fun i'm so glad i maxed out the flying that was the best decision i've ever made in this game but we won the second race it's on up to the final of this tournament we've got a viking we're against the viking it's okay we're gonna absolutely destroy everybody oh we're just gonna wait oh what is happening i didn't even fly i just ran over the edge all right i'm pretty sure that is not how the game is meant to work but it's okay we got the win i'm pretty sure we disqualified did we just qualify everyone no this one viking homeless dude actually managed to get the win so doug wins yet again surprise surprise and we have unlocked the glacier so i'm gonna do part two of this series tomorrow because i i like keeping these dark videos fairly short and sweet but i hope you guys enjoyed the video make sure to subscribe and like and i will see you guys in part two tomorrow
Channel: TrippyPepper
Views: 2,725,896
Rating: 4.9009795 out of 5
Keywords: EazySpeezy, speedrun, eazy, speezy, world record, level 100, level 1500, duck, life, duck life, duck life 2, duck life 3, duck life 4, eazyspeezy duck life, world, record, hack, hacking, mod, hacked, hacker, game, video game
Id: v4fkmAJoLQk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 26sec (806 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 01 2021
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