She hated her wedding so she married her cousin!?

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oh the poor kid wait am i now your daughter or am i still your niece hey there friends how's it going my name is kevin and today we're doing some more little reactions to woman leaves new husband for her cousin on her wedding day really sounds like a sentence that should never be actually true but here we are i've not seen the video so i'm excited to see what happens let's begin shall we what's a time to break my mic stand why do i have to be so big and strong my mom always told me it was positive but yet here we are does this work that'll do all right now let's really get started oh yes hype music i'm really nervous about today i can't see any reason to be nervous surely the title implies that it's the husband that should be nervous also i'm a bit concerned that it's husband and not fiance because does that mean they actually get married and then she leaves because come on you could have done it before the ceremony like it's a big day yeah i have a lot of thoughts going through my head what like leaving your husband for your cousin cousin kyle old cousin kyle okay it could be any cousin but i'm thinking it might be kyle with that confident walk how could you resist leaving your new husband has asked her cousin kyle to give her away he's like no no i won't give her away she's mine are you excited today's the day this guy's blurred out he's like i want nothing to do with this nothing good foresight kyle's my holy family oh even the way she said kyle is my only family she sees him as family oh this is getting spicy and we're less than 30 seconds in it's gonna be one of the harder moments in my life i wonder why kyle why will that be hard for you do tell i want to be where he is what okay i was joking but no you're just being upfront okay you just wanna marry her all right well gotta appreciate the honesty i suppose my brain is confused kyle like does a lot for me but can he do everything for you oh oh dude i even bite new sleeves for you too oh my god you should marry him i mean not that you should be looking or anything i'm just saying that you know he seems really nice your cousins by any chance are you damn nervous there's no reason to be nervous sam relax you'll be fine what could go wrong you're this poor dude he's just heard about sierra's decision i kind of found out last minute kyle's walking down you know oh no he's thrilled about the whole situation you know oh he knows he knows it's a bad idea that her cousin is walking her down the aisle it's just like i sense a spark between those two to have uh somebody else that she's been in a past relationship and wait hold on this is getting so much deeper now so this isn't a spontaneous thing like they've been in a relationship before as cousins and they describe each other as family and he's saying that he wants to be the one taking her down the aisle like there's there's no dishonesty here he's being very upfront that he wants to be the one taking her down the aisle no wonder the guy is worried like he doesn't even seem that worried he's just like i'm a bit concerned about the whole thing to be honest god damn yeah it's crazy as hell yeah it is crazy a lot of things are going on but this is just it's too much i understand i mean your expression seems like you're bored but i understand your point you seem completely normal you understand that this is just absolutely bizarre the cameraman is just like can you guys go over there and just celebrate or something i want to see tears from sam like i want him to cry wait you want him to cry is that why you brought the cousin you want to worry him or do you want to make him cry with joy honestly i like him so far he seems nice he seems normal but he doesn't seem like the kind of guy who's going to get emotional and start weeping you know what do you think okay it's okay i'm bright on her wedding day what do you think okay i'm not sure white is your color it makes you look too pale [Music] wait they're all wearing white isn't that a no-no you don't wear white to the wedding at least she probably got a good deal on this wedding dress it being half off that was a terrible joke and i'm sorry i know i should i feel like a gypsy princess but how am i getting it oh you didn't think about this so did you how is she going to get in poor kyle here is doing everything where's the bridesmaid or is kyle also the bridesmaid and the the maid of honor because maybe that other woman was just a random woman maybe she was no part of the wedding at all she just happened to be there just all dolled up at least i kind of hope so cause look at kyle he's doing everything oh my god moving so slowly down the road for god's sake it just seems so out of place feels like you should only just around the corner in that horse thing it seems inconvenient otherwise like you're going to get your hair all messy you know kyle went through all that alone could have had some help waiting near the church and just come around the corner and let you off and you get married and by the way i love this no one is trying to upstage the bride here maybe this dude [Music] wait to wait did she fall wait what the [ __ ] hold on one second i also like just before we see if that person did fall i like how the the blurry-faced horse driver also didn't want to be in this i completely understand is that always a child [Music] the poor child i'm gonna watch it again the fourth child and the poor camera person you feel so bad [Music] sorry i rewound it to watch it again okay i'm ready to go now sam's family members have turned up enforced unfortunately her family members showed up in force as well he's not at his best oh he's not here they really have a horsey carriage he's pissed what a waste of money or is it because kyle is with her that actually yeah that could be it they just went on a romantic horse and carriage ride down the motorway her hair must be a mess from the whole thing i told him something what why did you subtitle the part where you can clearly hear him but then the power he mumbles maybe they just couldn't figure it out either i don't know i told him over a driver or something i i told them i'm going to drive that son of a [ __ ] i don't i don't know sorry i can't help you on this one maybe youtube captions can how to turn on closed cap bear with me i'll figure it out go to yeah i'm there click sign in button at the top right i'm already signed in yes search for a video just pick any of them come on is it off is that it yeah they're just they're not here well now we'll never know damn it they didn't want to be made a fool of so they just didn't put on captions for this one oh he's smiling as soon as he saw kyle his eyes lit up and like maybe i'll leave you for your cousin sir dominance jesus that wedding dress is massive no wonder they struggled to get in the carriage oh no why is that music playing why what is going to happen is there a shark i'd like to on behalf of sam and sierra to welcome all of you here oh he's not crying that's it oh no that's it oh she's not happy why are you not weeping i could smell the alcohol on him oh no he shouldn't have had that beard i was even thinking earlier they had to just cut away from this scene because he just keeps drinking it's the bottles aren't going down so they just got away i invite you to join your hands look in each other's eyes what oh no oh no i didn't expect him to be drunk this is a plot twist now i'm kind of against him again well for the first time i was never really against him he seemed all right i want to see what does she mount him is he you're drunk that really looked like you piece of sugar you piece of yeah i can't figure out the last word i'm sure it's something nice you piece of lovely man i was just so disappointed this is not unknown this is how things are supposed to go let's go off the rails i mean like i agree with you this is not as stuff as supposed to go look at kyle looking in front from the background but i i still don't think it you know it means run off with your cousin i really hope there's a like if there's any objections speak now and kyle goes i have an objection like like in the movies but i don't think that's gonna happen he doesn't even know what's going on he's just kind of staring bored oh no oh no you can't swear in front of the reverend he's got to repeat after him he's going to mess it up because he's wasted drop it yeah cause you had a little bit too much to drink he dropped a ring this isn't funny i shouldn't laugh hmm this is serious where is it oh no it could be anywhere in that dress okay you found it it's ridiculous it is ridiculous how fast he found that i was gonna say it could have been anywhere on the dress that's a good skill to have right there that's kind of impressive i see him awesome look at her he's like you're marrying her not me and kyle is looking on from the background she's just going to look for the first men she sees it's not to do with kyle it's just anyone else she'll just look over the shoulder and go yep that's him he couldn't look me in my face he dropped our wedding rings well my wedding rings oh no it's like an episode of the office he just looks to the camera it's just kind of this awkward acknowledgement of this is going wrong sam take and wear this ring say i'm taking away this ring as a sign of my love and fidelity can i just say as a sign of my love no oh no she's been very upfront about this oh this is so bad i feel like they're both just going through it out of stubbornness and anger like neither of them want to get married i'm i'm kind of just thinking maybe and i can't believe i'm saying this maybe the best option is for her to go marry her cousin i cannot believe i'm saying that i didn't think i'd say that going into this but here we are you may seal your vows with a kiss no thanks no oh no oh this is awful this is terrible no no no no what's he doing oh he's just high fiving him i did it cut the cake come on no he's drinking again oh sweet jesus kyle's like my odds have never looked better i wanted time to pause it as well he's getting ready he's not just eating cake he's preparing to be the entertainment he is the clown of the wedding oh that goes without saying i'm gonna have a [ __ ] seizure can you get out of my face oh no oh no we can't even talk you're my best friend wait who is his best friend the cake they're my best friends what is he saying he can't [ __ ] talk okay i don't think she knows either they're my best friend when i was a kid they were my best friends they would nail them that's what i'm hearing but it can't be true because it doesn't make any sense but then again does this look like a man who would be making sense everything that's coming out of his mouth is like a slur it's embarrassing i'm just so mad i'm totally on her side and i can't believe i'm saying this i'm just in shock i have whiplash how fast i swapped sides because i was thinking she's terrible for doing this to him but like he's kind of bringing it on himself isn't he oh no that is so depressing everyone thought it was playful and a joke it's like ah newly married couple they're so cute and playful but really it was out of anger look at this look at this this is the image of a man's life falling apart is he going picking up this cake okay dude this is the final nail in the coffin if you throw or smush anything at her it's over for you i'm [ __ ] pissed no he's too drunk okay phew for once i'm glad my prophecy didn't come through i can't it's just like more cake for me oh and she's like well more cousin for me then [Music] what get get me another beer get my beer kids don't even understand what's happening they're just like oh cake on your face hahaha funny sam you're on my wedding like i just don't i don't even want to look at him right now i just want to leave you oh here's kyle sneaking off he's like i can be the hero this is my moment i didn't see it coming i thought this day would be depressing but here we go and the camera person knows it she's sitting at the kitty's table at her own wedding this is all so depressing now's the time to just slip away oh no oh god she's so happy oh my god it was so easy to convince her like i'm not blaming her to be honest i can't believe i'm saying this but i'm not blaming her because jesus christ that was a train wreck oh my god next thing you know is we're like running out of these doors together how romantic just two cousins oh the poor kid wait am i now your daughter or am i still your niece oh look at them running away ah that's kind of gross it cuts back to him drinking alone with the kids wait they're going where are they going are they trying to just get away from the camera people because they're running off the path into the darkness on the grass where are they going this way like they came here by horse and carriage they have no way of getting home yeah they're just running off into the grass all right guys guys guys come back what about sam we still have a tv show to film here what the hell all right what do the comments have to say the crying baby in the background the drunk husband were rotten teeth the incest and the dead silence this wedding was a mess her you're drunk him that is so accurate oh i'm glad someone noticed this as well getting absolutely demolished by the camera person yeah i'm kind of on donna's side here i'm not trying to justify the incest but jesus imagine your husband showing up drunk to your wedding and it wasn't even drunk it was blackout drunk and it didn't seem like it happened by accident welcome to another episode of where quarantine has led me today yeah this this was a hell of a line as a sign of my love and fidelity can i just say it's a sign of my love that was whoo that caught like a knife but to be fair the guy had no idea what was saying all he heard was so i'm sure he was fine the cousin is low-key and upgrade 969 thumbs up but yeah naomi i'm kind of also on your side being her cousin alone invalidates this statement who is this vision 12. not all women have decency like you naomi unfortunately is my brain just slow or just what kind of response is that when they break up let's just be cautious i can't even read it i can't i can't read it no i can't all right we're gonna we're gonna end it there i hope you enjoyed the video everyone let me know if you did i'd love to do more videos like this i'm having a blast watching this awful tv oh my god what are we doing okay thank you very much for watching if you're new be sure to subscribe we'd love to have you around regulars thank you so much for watching i hope to see you all next time bye for now
Channel: Call Me Kevin
Views: 861,090
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Call Me Kevin, Call Me, CallMeKevin, CallMe, funny, funny moments, comedy, lets play, gameplay, gaming, gypsy wedding, tlc uk, gypsy brides us, woman leaves new husband for her cousin on her wedding day, tlc wedding, bride, husband, cousins, tlc, tlc usa, reaction, react, callmekevin react
Id: 3PjHMIcQmcw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 26sec (986 seconds)
Published: Wed May 12 2021
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