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even if this isn't really supposed to be what we're supposed to do we might as well do it for science baby here we go science hello everybody grace - plays we're back with more house flipper guess what the game got updated some things happen actually don't know all the updates I know one of the updates is check this out that cup of coffee is still hot baby over here in the browser section there's legitimately a house we can buy now I'm pretty happy about that because we were gonna have to grind away like $20,000 to buy though yeah 21 grand in order to buy the other one but this one has been put here specifically for our usage as a matter of fact it's called first house to buy so yeah let us go ahead and do such things I completed like two other missions I feel like we're getting more money now I don't really know for certain but I definitely feel like we're getting a lot more money per mission like before I was only getting between like two and four hundred dollars for the beginning missions although to be fair we've completed like five or ten missions or something like that here we go home I got a huge yard look or flying look at this can I even get out of the I wonder if you can get out past the fence over here you guys were wondering - what would happen if you knock down walls that you weren't supposed to knock down I don't know we can give it a shot I guess I'm just not sure I want to do it on my own house well good though one at all - the beautiful creature you see before you weeds as tall as we actually the weed is taller than we are I'm pretty sure this is not a shrub I've seen these weeds before people I've seen them in my own yard back when I bought my house it was a foreclosure because that's what we could afford and this is all yeah oh you can dispose of the cobwebs thank God I'm so happy now let's check something out real quick over an hour over in our tool area we can see that there is a ton of new tools that we can use we got the paint we got the cell we got - oh there's the hammer we can build some walls as well so first things first let's not do this let's go back to the Handy gute you can also use your keypad if you want to switch through here and you can use the which we call it you know what it is the the mouse wheel that's what it is you can use the mouse wheel if you want to let's open up our Beauty is what our money brought us people to be fair the house was like what four grand or something like that I don't even know if you could get a house for four grand where I'm at oh did you get a house for four grand damn near anywhere let us begin picking up all of the goo you can see each time we fix up the house slightly its value goes up a little bit now right here this is just like disposal crap mother of god what happened to that many rooms are in this place got a four-room house for room else you know what this isn't actually that terrible I think I've seen worse now it does appear that the homeless convention was in here spraying there I don't know like freaking rectal porridge all over the walls and stuff like that but I will tell you a story of sadness and regret I have a lot of stories in my time because I'm an old bastard no but I've always listened it come for the love of God I can't grab that one cobweb I'm always listening to stories every once while people on like young nothing against young people I wish I was younger but it kind of embellished stuff a little bit you know people are like oh my boyfriend stole my stole my phone he robbed me when in reality what happened was like they bought the phone together and then they broke up and then like the boyfriend just like took the phone with him II never gave it back but I remember one time going into a house it was an abandoned house this was for work purposes I had to deal with it and inside obviously there was roaches there's cobwebs just like we see here there was all kinds of like horrid stuff all over the walls and the floor and everything you're gonna want to skip ahead about a minute if you don't want your mind to be blown one of the things that I saw though was a bucket and inside of the bucket was fecal material now that in itself is not that horrifying realistically I mean there's I'm sure there's plenty of people that blow their own Fuca material into buckets but this was slightly more horrifying than the others and here's why the bucket was moving why was the bucket moving you asked because inside was about three inches of maggots there you go there's the horrifying there's the horrifying house story from me obviously you can't really replicate the scent in a story but the image if you will was like a witch's brew moving inside of the bucket thanks to the lovely creatures that are maggots you have any kind of horrifying house stories feel free to let me know in the comment section because I actually like hearing about that stuff you know assuming I haven't eaten in the last like two hours okay so we've been cleaning up quite a bit we've removed a lot of garbage again you can use your cleaning tool in fact I need to learn this the cleaning tool is always mapped to seven it seems so we don't even need to use that that wheel if we don't want to now I have some additional upgrades that I got for the cleaning tool over here so our cleaning tool is freaking legit I mean we're gonna clean everything look at its cleaning fabric it's clean the walls clean the windows this is like this is like some sort of Ron Popeil thing we got going up in here oh I missed one of the cobwebs this is like some Ron Popeil stuff we got going over here this is like you know like the magic bullet for cleaning man all right I think I've managed to get most of the crap off of the ground over here you see that said dispose what am I missing is there like a like a small cobweb that's just kind of laying around over here so you're out right there oh what's the entire doorframe of course it was why wouldn't it be fine as well throughout the entire doorframe got to clean up the door here because the last tenants were probably beating the living crap out of each other is probably like a hit man's house this is probably what this is we need a background for this house I think it being like some sort of hitman houses is probably appropriate it seems like something John wick would have that although if you've seen the movies the guy lived like a friggin king with his giant ass mansion oh did or uh it almost looks like our smashy thing our smashy thing our you know what it is the thing that that sledges stuff the sledgehammer that's what it's called it almost looks like our sledgehammer got updated or something do you think so it looks like it got like a new texture I'm not really sure it's cleaning up the old vomit stains nothing to see here folks nothing to see here I got to tell you when you when you start playing this game definitely upgrade your ability to see the dirt it helps a lot man oh I'm so glad I got I think I got the maximum distance I'm allowed to clean dirt now I've got quite a few perks just from doing the various missions and stuff like that oh there's an outlet we're gonna have to fix in fact we'll do that in just a second lemme go ahead and pick really really can I pick this up no no that's not what I want to do you know what I want nope that's not what I want either you're my hands you're my hands there they are alrighty craptastic outlet let me make you glorious again out with the old in with the new that's what I'm talking about it's good pull this thing out of here and make it legit pull that out with the fresh one in luckily we always carry a large cache of additional outlets on us and you should as well especially when you are a house flipper there we go there we go no big deal um everything else with me I can't seem to throw this way it's very odd normally there would be like a dispose button I feel like this should go this this goo over here but I guess I'm not gonna worry about it is that an additional cleaning area that needs to be cleaned I feel like it is right over there there we go ah we need a radiator in here we could do that very easily with the glorious radiator button ability that we have I don't know where we're getting these materials from but the shipping is fantastic they're putting Amazon to shame over here okay laser ship has nothing on them I'm gonna tell you hey you guys work for laser ship laser ship is so interesting to me because like every time I've seen laser ship it's always been like some guy in a Ford Focus like it's so random the delays our ship people they they're just have like a Ford Fiesta and like 600 packages packed in the backseat alright let's go ahead put this thing in over here alright Oh I just got like a little congratulations you've won like trumpets in the background I don't know know what that was the house values going up and house values going up pretty good got another radiator we gonna put down over here which is totally fine let's go ahead and slap that down I feel like um I'm trying to remember I could have swore like before we just clicked on the radiator to start into the installing the various pieces but now it looks like you press the e button which is fine I'm totally okay for that I feel like I want to take let me see here that's fine what is this this is a kitchen this is like the worst kitchen what's in here into the bathroom kitchen to the bathroom huh I feel like I want to take one of these walls down man if for no other reason than to bust down some walls not gonna live the demolition is probably my favorite aspect of this game that's interesting boys notice that there is a the reflection over here and the glass is not what you would expect that's fine though I don't I'm not gonna worry about that I assume what we need here is a toilet and then also a sink so let's go ahead we're gonna go over here we're gonna pull this out now I'm wondering can you put any can you put any sink that you want here let's go over to our catalog I want like a different style of sink I don't just want like the mountable sink I want something cool wooden cabinet with a sink okay looks good looks good not too bad got the classic can open out we're starting to get into some money though modern cabinet with sink I think I like that one I like the look of it standard cabinet let's go to modern cabinet whoo brass or Chrome we boys think I'm thinking chrome for this one pine chestnut oak or white hmm this is a hard that's a hard row to hoe ah let's do let's just do white for right now I'd buy this now let's see if this is gonna work for me because I don't know 100% if it will I'm trying I'm trying to to check to see here if this is a thing or because it might not be it's totally possible that ya see it almost seems like you need to get a very specific style to put here let me show you so if we go over to actually let's grab our price GU thing right over there who wouldn't sell that um like if we go to regular the regular sink right over here and then see how it Auto puts the mountable Zinn right over here right there now is it gonna let us mount them I think not enough space to place this item that's interesting really all right you know what let's leave can you can you mess with this there's anything you can do with that no there's not but huh I was curious though I almost looked like there was something you could do with it okay let's do a toilet then let's try a toilet over here we got a mountable toilet is there any other toilets besides besides that well you know what I guess we could search over here you know I only see the one the toilet paper couldn't grab this yeah mountable toilet that's what we got over there it looks like you put it yes okay so this one gets mounted normally everything's happening as its supposed to with this particular toilet pretty happy about that that's right man when you're a house flipper you gotta have skill and everything you do man so we're not just flipping houses we're like we're plumbing and all kinds of stuff as well did you see that something something lit up for just a second over here what was just putting toilet roll over here no big deal put it right about let's see right about there you figure right about there there we go look good now you can get your toilet paper as you do what else could we do in here I want to get this sink in here I think we'll deal with the rest of this last let's let's put oh don't want that doorway either that black what happened to this I don't want to dispose this I wanna i want to remount it Oh Mother of God Oh what has happened over here no no no no why why would you why would you come off I want you I want you to go on well I mean I guess I could oh that's interesting it's like it broke or something well crap see how it still counts though it still council it gets a part of the game even though it wants me to dispose all right well we'll deal with that a little bit what some let's spruce up the kitchen here the kitchen is kind of looking like crap in fact it has crap all over it this appliance isn't that bad though what else can we fit in here let's check this out alright we got a couple different refrigerators over here I I worry about using the big refrigerator because I feel like we might not have enough space oh the details on this one in case you guys wondering were uh s LS are one three one seven and po1 some of those may or may not be okay let's uh Brown is fine I assume this is like maybe like a I don't know what this is I have no idea what does this let's go with dark brown let's just buy it how bad could it be alright so now oh god it's pretty bad that is dead is like a that is like a craptastic Brown I can't we can't do it guys I got to get something else there we go channel colors folks channel colors right there let's go ahead and put it down for right now I'm gonna lift this up and move it over slightly how far over can I pack this thing to the corner right about there there we go now we can go ahead and pick up our refrigerator over here now the only issue is is that there's still some crap on the ground and it doesn't appear that I can get rid of it I'm gonna put you over there is there anything I can do to get rid of this the answer is no so we're gonna work around it that's fine that's fine we'll find a way to work around it back over to the kitchen set ah let's see we got some cabinets is it wears like there a sink there we go there's a sink with corner what are the kind of sinks do we have for the kitchen let's go check this out over here a lot of them are really big kitchen cabinet with sink that one might be small enough to work this one right here can I get an orange and green oh I think I can oh my god Oh orange and gray sure why not is there a green on over here oh there is but there's no oh there it is okay there we go green and orange right there oh sweet Mother of God look at II what is what is the II do oh it opens the little guys over there all right I'm not gonna lie the fact that I can't clean this is triggering me but there's really nothing I can do about it ah you know what let me go ahead and do something that I can take care of which is first off pick this up get it so that it's legitimately like you know level instead of facing all jacked up actually the headboard should probably be over here are in about like hold on right about like that there there we go now we can put a radiator in over here because we do need the radiator now how much before we do this let's check something else the house value is 46:58 okay now if we put this down what is it get us alright 46:58 and close $45 for the radiator and then we get hold on now hold on now 4705 so is it really worth it not really um not really at all I mean it looks a lot better maybe painting the rooms will get us something glorious let's paint this bedroom what color should we use it's kind of got a green on it maybe we'll stay with the green tones but we'll pick like a cool green color well what I think is a cool green color go over here to green we have pistachio green and dark green then there's gray and gray uh you know what how about a nice bright pistachio yes that looks legitimate right there this is gonna be friggin amazing no put away the BT stick grey we're not using that yet we're using the paintbrush where in the name of God is the paintbrush I know it's here there it is all right let's start lighting this place up now I'm curious how the value goes up from here so we're at 47 twenty-eight hey not really seeing any kind of increase in value yet well I've painted the entire room and the game really cares not let us put a doorway in though maybe having a nice doorway well something what kind of doorways do we have in here I kind of want to keep everything uniform it's kind of just like a very very gray like a rusted brass style of doorway let's take a look over here interior door Brown okay front door interior door white I don't know if I would really call that a white door I mean it kind of looks white it just looks like a beat style of white go ahead put that in right there I will say I add it to the value of the house I mean we had to pay a bunch of money in order to do it in fact maybe I'll go ahead hold on now maybe I'll go ahead and sell this door over here and get all the doors to be appropriate as a matter of fact do why I'm really considering getting rid of this whole this whole wall right here and just having the main room kind of go into the kitchen area you know what screw it I said I wanted to bust something down even if this isn't really supposed to be what we're supposed to do we might as well do it for science baby here we go science what what sort of what sort of odd sorcery is happening over here science come on do it do it oh it weird how what what the hell happened I beat the I beat the wall up and now it almost looks like the wall has reconstituted itself this is very unusual folks I really have no glue what in the name of God is happening right now the wall is regenerating okay so if you're not supposed to take down the wall yet it appears that you have no choice but to allow the wall to stay there okay that's fine well put some more wall we'll put some more doors in no big deal no big deal let's go ahead and get a legitimate front door because our other front door look like absolute garbage if we flip around this way right right in nice and smooth right there right there yes good question did the door look like it went in kind of catty corner noticing that every once in a while it almost looks like the doors can go in slightly imperfect like you notice how the the doorframe is like out over here let me check something hold on hold on one second over here huh yeah the door just doesn't line up purpose like perfectly that's so odd all right hold on I know someone's gonna go ballistic so I'm gonna move this door so that they're all facing exactly the same way so by what luckily to buy it like it doesn't it doesn't cost you anything extra yes you can only put it in that way but you can set it back from the wall which is a little odd but there we go okay so all our doors are looking pretty sweet houses worth five grand now not too shabby I'm gonna go ahead and grab a little bit of modern art over here no big deal there we go a little bit of artwork right about right about there no big deal just looking up over the bed I have a feeling that we're actually not like gaining any like real value like after you clean up the house you don't get anything additional for like cleaning it up more that's kind of what it seems like all right I've decided we're gonna go ahead and tile the inside of this bathroom just to see if anything happens now I've never I've never messed with this well I really don't exactly know what I'm doing oh there we go there we go all right so you grab you grab a tile and then you slap it on the wall yeah look at legit okay fifty-five sixty-three will it actually go up let's find out Oh guess what there was like a piece of garbage somehow in here like you couldn't see it but I was messing around putting the tile in and look at this look at this it's letting me put a full sink in yes our bathroom is finally coming together I feel like it may have been the garbage that's sitting inside of the kitchen oh my god I hope it is so I can finally put the rest of the kitchen together I don't think it is but it might be let's go ahead and continue finishing up over here with the sink things are looking good all right slide that on put that over there boom there we go we got ourselves a legitimate sink I'm not gonna lie I feel like we should be getting paid for some serious labor going on over here because you know look what we've done with this this bathroom I mean this bathroom look like absolute hammered garbage and it's looking pretty good right now let's go ahead move this over here for the moment time we're gonna have to move that aside so that we can continue putting the tiles over here I think I'm gonna do the floor as well like I said I don't really believe that we're making a ton of money doing all this but this is kind of like the fun of the game getting the opportunity to make the area the space look a little bit more legit look at this we're gonna end up meeting another friggin pack of tiles over here that's fine you go ahead and buy some more tile 106 dollars in tiles there you go you can see when you put the tile down the house value goes up but it goes up simply because the tiles are present it looks like not because you're putting them on like this is the last tile you would figure that we would get like a big benefit for putting the last tiles on oh we can tile this area too up there so I guess let's go ahead and do that like we can tile these little areas you can also tile the area around the the window what's odd though is the paint the way the paint works is you need less paint to paint these tiny little areas over here like these tiny little chunk lists but it looks like we need one tile each time to do it so that's kind of annoying now I will say you can tile the interior portions of the windows too I feel like we should be doing that you know what I mean so let me go ahead okay I get one over there there we go I want both both chunk let's there we don't want to leave anything out we can do the top portion as well all right here we go we tiled the living crap out of this place and you know what it doesn't look too bad I'll hold on I gotta move these tiles actually can't I move these tiles oh I can okay good I was gonna be like I was gonna be like these tiles aren't like stuck there now are they but no it's fine it's fine let's good and put this over there in the corner there we go there we go and there's the bathroom baby bathrooms looking pretty legit we got a sink we got got a shower got everything you need for the most part all right so we have a couple of livable rooms over here the bedroom I put like a big bed in here just to see if it would increase the price of the value of the house it doesn't increase it that much and we're running out of money pretty quickly so I think what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna sell this house just to see what happens sell the house okay so we bought it for 4207 we're selling it for 59:22 is that correct yeah it's correct so the profit was seventeen fifteen all right let's go ahead and sell it we earned some money for it now I have a question does it give you does it give us another house to mess with or is the next one I don't know why I went to my bedroom or is the next one gonna be that $21,000 house I wonder it looks like there wasn't really a way to make it worth a ton more do you know what I mean so yeah from here we need the $21,000 house that's the plan let's see if we can make some money real quick oh I still have my little my little thing over there open over to the mail area the aunt's home to be redecorated hello I inherited my aunt's home the house is typically decorated as for an older lady we're trying to say I would like to live in it but lacks furniture and needs to introduce some modernity to it paint walls with modern colors get rid of old war furniture I would like specific furniture in their place sure why not let's go check it out wow this house is actually looking pretty we'd tastic as well some of this looks appropriate like you got like these little like almost lavender looking plants over here actually a pretty legit looking house kind of like it inside what are we dealing with oh boy oh boy mmm yes look you know what though there's no dirt that's kind of nice we do have to mount a radiator let me go ahead and just pull this over here for the moment so that we have space to do it let's go ahead and throw one down right quick no big deal right there this is gonna be I think we're gonna be able to handle this house pretty quickly now they want us to remove a lot of stuff old fat what does this remove old fashion times three classic times - what the hell is a lot of that about that okay that worked that Network - how about that I think we weren't supposed to do that I have a feeling that was supposed to hang out there ah let's see her coffee table so full all right how about this there we go now we're getting somewhere how about that okay that was good as well that was good as well Andrew old fashioned uh this yeah that worked that worked pretty good alright so we need to place furniture refrigerator and a bunch of other stuff but I think that's not gonna be in here let's continue going through the rest of the house and seeing what else there needs to be how about this room right in here bye and mount new one place furniture coffee to paint using strawberry or sandy okay well let's put down our radiator first because that's always an easy thing to do to get a good portion of our job done way think sandy or strawberry strawberry I felt the same way let's go ahead and throw down strawberry over here we're gonna start in this corner so will can you put this on table I'll be cool if you put on a table let's go ahead and throw that right about there I'm gonna go load up the old the old paintbrush over here just Payton does paint all these walls baby these walls are gonna be looking freaking sweet when we're done this place looks like hammered crap light right now but don't you worry yes you know quickly you get it done I feel like the tile like your stack of tile is worth the same no matter what but with paint is definitely different you can get much more painted if you're painting um like really really small sections let's go ahead and do all this there is one more radiator that we need to put in as well right over here you know what let's some let's do it now while we're looking at it we might as well good throw this over here buy one of these there we go goes in kneel on down don't worry though we're wearing our kneepads as well you should when you're working hard especially when we're like laying tile and stuff like that would probably be a good idea oh hello it was wall tile so it wasn't terrible all right look at that really opens up the space I wonder if we get rid of these these horrible pictures over here let's check it out oh I think we can that's right madam succulent arable pictures although our quest earnings are not going up if you know it is our quest earnings are definitely not going up but those pictures looked absolutely atrocious so we're not gonna deal with them it does want a coffee table in here so let's move over here this paint bucket if we're allowed to use the same color in another room I think we're gonna go ahead and do it over here coffee tables all right we got a classic coffee table we have this remlick coffee table or the four Oh coffee table ooh ooh that's a tough one Oh what the hell have I done I just put in cow ah and then this regular crappy one let's do let's do it just this coffee table so imagine hey these are good let's do this one over there can I have a cream wood or you can have a white wood I think we're gonna do that one because this table over here is like the same color so let's check it out if we put down this coffee table there we go there we go look in legit okay let's head out of here now there's more devices that need to be mounted refrigerate or a bunch of other stuff I think over here we haven't done anything yet there we go a sink okay we can do this this is pretty easy as long as nothing's in our way of progress the sink is usually pretty simplistic right over here go and grab the bathroom sink boom there there and this one went in without any problems I'm pretty happy about this one this one's gonna twist right in nice and smooth nice and slow and and whoever went sylvie or whatever will be friggin ecstatic or maybe she won't because this guy technically inherited it so I don't know if she's dead or what it probably said but I just wasn't paying attention over here sink topper you go in with the slighty goo right over here you have the patented sink phallic bars this is all normal vocabulary for sink hood and there you go sinks done baby paint using colors Oh wants me to paint the inside I didn't know you could paint this area I thought you had to tile it okay well it wants it painted white so I guess that's what we're doing by a bucket of white throw it on down no big deal let's go ahead and there we go uh yeah I guess you can't paint it oh all right let's make it happen and we are set there we go yes all right so we're almost done in here I think all right so they want a lot of painting done in here let's do the painting before we put down all a furniture because that's gonna take forever to do I feel like I'm annoyed that this one door is a different color than the other doors actually this doors different color too but the thing is is that we don't get it seems like we don't really get paid any extra for taking extra time out of our day to do more stuff so let's give this lady the bare minimum that's what we're giving her all right orange or light peachy ooh that's a tough one orange or orange is very very orange or light peachy Oh light peachy is probably the better color like probably the color that's more appropriate to live in but too damn bad we're going with orange baby right over here orange uh-oh it's everything I thought it would be it's almost like a goal like a burnt gold color like gold rush and see it reminds me of the game it's working out perfectly because that's what we're going to be getting we're gonna be getting stacks of cash once we get done with this mission I feel like the mission value is pretty high on this fences to be honest flipping the other house didn't bring in as much money as I thought it would although it's totally possible that next time what we'll do is what in the hell just happened here look at this then the doorway the doorway like elongated itself what's not afraid transformation magic is going on here it's totally possible that if we had the money to like fix every wall and every floor and paint every room maybe it would have been worth a lot more I really don't know it just doesn't feel like you get paid enough for the labor portion like over here we're getting paid good money for these jobs man good money but it was also a very very inexpensive house I mean we made like what did we make like 25 or 35 percent profit so if we start doing that unlike you know $200,000 houses like we're gonna be getting snacks I happened over here as well odd sorcery I wonder if we sell out if we sell that door and we put a different door in what color was the other door yeah see the other door was like gaya was like that crappy brown the only problem is I don't know if we would lose money or if we would gain money to do it I'll mess with it in just a second all right now we haven't messed with this room yet this room also wants a radiator so let's go ahead and move this it doesn't need to like go very far I just want it to kind of be off on the side so I can make sure to get in here with the radiator all right put that down right over there shouldn't be a big issue now it looks like there's POW for the love of God all right hold on let me go ahead and move this real quick you just just sit over there for right now there now it's not in the way there we go okay now we can reach this much easier all right you go over here and then what else does it want looks like it wants like a desk in a bookcase and paint all kinds of them well this job actually ended up being a lot more than I thought it would but I'm hoping that we get some decent cash now again we get anything for that we sold it nothing appears to be happening all right single bed desk standard chair all right so can I get rid of all this yeah get rid of that get rid of that get rid of that get rid of that get rid of that sort of yeah that's fine okay single bed desk standard chair bookcase got it let's get a nice uh a nice single bed grill over here the pillow you get that one don't know what it means uh what color do they want this a blue some but if we do this in like a navy how about that oh yeah oh yeah look at this that looks glorious hold on right about not there not there right there right there we can put down the desks and stuff I'm looking at it we're gonna have plenty of space as long as you can see the wall you can paint all right got the oak desk coming in over here regular chair a standard chair as a matter of fact very specific I like that as specific about the chair so if we type in standard that doesn't that actually doesn't do anything ah well there's a sack oh it's like a beanbag chair that's interesting oh you know what maybe it's in desks maybe the chair is here nope definitely not over here must be over in chair I'm gonna use the blue swivel chair for this one I do believe that should work out perfectly there we go now coming how far can we kind of move it in right about there that good enough nope didn't like that chair if you were curious which one did it it was the leather swivel chair this is the one the game wanted that's what it considered a standard chair then it wants a bookcase alright where in the hell are the bookcases all right there we go does it come in oak not really comes in nut or white gonna buy it nuts let's go ahead and put this up against this wall right over here if we can squeeze it in it doesn't appear that we can't let's go ahead and put it up against this wall brass right about about there perfect alright now we just need a dark blue or sky blue IV I'm gonna go with sky blue here I think that's really gonna open up the room a little bit let's go with sky blue right there looking friggin sweet in fact I really enjoy this color of blue this is actually a fantastic looking blue I'm telling you I think I think this is legitimately gonna make the room look cool trigger me timbers this wall looks like crap this wall is white I know I'm not supposed to touch it I know it's just a waste of money from us if I fix that but god I hate the fact that it's like that oh and you know I am NOT I can handle just about everything I am NOT OCD at all I will let the walls be inappropriately spaced apart I will allow the colors to be bright orange and all jacked up but for some reason that specifically annoys the crap out of me put one other bedroom in the books boys one other alone one other bedroom in the books okay now we've got a few more things in order to get our full hundred percent over here we got to put down a ton of freaking furniture up in here and this is the area where we're gonna put it in so let's go ahead and grab this and move this way out of the way I'm just gonna put next to the door over here alright refrigerator kitchen island with sink okay let's start with the kitchen island with sink so let's do island there it is kitchen island with sink a white body [Music] cherry huh that sounds delicious of course there's always gray there's nothing wrong with gray not gonna lie let's try the cherry though the top over here in Nice elm or a black granite oh wow ah I'm just gonna keep it white because I think that we may have white colors for our oh you can be darker light I think we might have white colors for our appliances so let's go ahead and get this set up set kitchen with hob what the hell is that let's do white white on white yeah there's nothing really else I can yeah no other real colors I want over here what in the world is this oh that's interesting should I I feel like that little area over there could be used if I don't put this up directly with it um it actually doesn't look that bad either like I don't know like this little this little area almost looks like it's supposed to be connected looks pretty legit actually right refrigerator set kitchen with oven I mean I feel like there's not enough space in here white on cherry look at the size of this thing holy hell okay wow this is this is massive like I had intended to try and shove a lot of stuff in this space but this is turning out to be a lot more crap than I had previously anticipated the other problem is that we have that radiator over there so am I allowed to knock down any of these walls hold on let me just let me just throw this in the middle of the room for the moment yeah look at this big kitchen small kitchen we have a little crappy kitchen area over here they want me to remove all this which is fine I'll go ahead and remove all this real quick yeah okay there we go now will it let me I don't think it will I was gonna say will it let me take down this wall I don't even think that we have a mallet on us yeah we don't even have a mallet on us so there's nothing we can do over here oh that's annoying and this stuff has to be inside of the big kitchen I'm guessing well crap I wanted everything to fit magnificently but it's not happening at all yeah we can't even put this refrigerator in here it doesn't count if we put it in there no no one cares ah so we need a coffee table and then a bar chair two bar chairs and a coffee table okay not gonna lie the setups driving me nuts it kind of works we're losing a lot of moveable space over here I'm not really sure how I would do this I can't like elevate anything this creature is the thing that's in the way it's like the most annoying thing so it just says a sofa aa sofa standard sofa le so far read on let's do so fast and it I guess pine cherry cherry cream yeah sure cream now where in the world would I be able to fit this friggin monstrosity yes we're just gonna forget that these two doors are here this was tough cuz this is weird it was just a weird space like I could have moved this over here I guess but then we'd be blocking this doorway and there's freaking doorways everywhere if I could knock down I'm telling you if it would let me knock down this wall we could have made this a legitimate kitchen like a really nice kitchen but for now let's go ahead and turn the order over complete not worried about my rang you know I ranked number six lucky me we have 9 grand so that was actually pretty good money making wise and now we're getting to the point where we'll probably what is her next mail a split room from Thomas Johnson Oh Oh Joe Hanson my daughter is 3 years old and should have her own room now we're living in a house with two rooms but this room thing that was platoon so build a wall okay so our next job is going to be us building walls now two new houses come in here I wonder still looks like 21 grand is what we're gonna need for the next one that one's gonna be next time though guys Bob you're enjoying house flipper this is a cool game man I'm gonna tell you I think that if I get enough practice with it maybe even my inner interior decorator will come out until the next time folks stay foxy a much-loved [Music] [Music] you
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 3,252,791
Rating: 4.8080482 out of 5
Keywords: House Flipper, House Flipping, House Flipper Game, House Flipper Gameplay, House Flipper Highlights, Simulation Games, Simulator, House Renovation Simulator, How to do house renovation, house repair, house flipper simulation, house repair sim, wrecking crew, house flipper playthrough, house flipper walkthrough, house flipper gameplay part 1, house flipper review, home renovation, home repair, graystillplays, home demolition, construction, demolition, hgtv simulator, hgtv
Id: IZga43hjYFQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 23sec (2663 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 12 2017
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