taking social distancing to unrealistic extremes

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alright so we're checking out the only game where you can build a monument the size of the entire United States that symbolizes the downfall of society it's City skylines as we slowly spiral down into hell I want to create a literal downward spiral into the nether realm out of the United States so basically the plan is I want to build a gigantic city that is a downward spiral in the middle of the United States that takes up the entire United States and then want to drain the ocean into it and then I want to crack it open and allow it to drain back out into the ocean effectively flushing the entirety of the society away with it I am effectively going to make a toilet bowl the size of the entire United States that is the plan I want a working City to to destroy well-working I mean this is you see what we built here usually I want people to live in it in everything I need roads liquor stores and then I want to see if anyone intentionally travels down there into the darkness Springwood know the future of mankind we will simulate such futures using this lovely to scale representation of the United States I'm not gonna lie though Florida is looking like it ate too much it's kind of bulbous I feel like Florida is getting more slender as the oceans slowly sucks it down to the bottom all right it's time for the pain-in-the-ass part I want this as high as it will literally go the issue is it takes forever because the map is so goddamn big all right the tumorous growth is that maximum see from the top down it's like a nine but when you get down face to face it's like two and thus despite all begins I didn't really plan it this way but because we're going through a bunch of different states it's gonna be multicolored okay I'm realizing two things first off this looks like an egg not a circle and second off this is nowhere near big enough hold on okay now it kind of looks like a minion that's facing sideways see there's this goggle okay this is way bigger than I had previously anticipated and a close-up the little gaps here wouldn't want any of those oh sweet ray powder going on I think that the game knows what I'm trying to do so it was trying to give me a seizure so I stopped sweet I'm trying to decide if I want to leave this inner sanctum here when the monstrous attack on Titan alien you start coming in all the wealthy people get to live here let me make sure that it's not touching any of the plebs I'm trying to figure out exactly how the hell I'm going to put a highway that goes in a spiral around this I mean there is a slope option okay this could totally work it's gonna be like rings of an onion now we need the second layer just like rings of an onion I'm going to cry making this this is also going to unintentionally make a Titanic Highway I don't know if the cars in this game are going to traverse it or not usually they give up halfway through my ridiculous highways because they just can't take it anymore I feel like the AI in the game develop sentience and when it finds out that it needs to drive thirty five thousand miles just to get home it says fine I'm gonna have to get rid of this thing it'll still be here but I think I'm gonna put it right in the middle I say it's where all the betters will live but I'll probably just end up filling it up with sewage amazing I wanted to make a bunch of layers but what I ended up doing was making testicular cancer on the plus side it's totally working I mean the cancer part and the lair part all right prepare your property values cauldron of suffering I'm bringing the hell to you all right this wouldn't be a downward spiral if we didn't go down a little bit all right investors time to see you has the biggest balls oh I can't wait to see how this game tries to build these houses the mayor is doing well leading this city new citizens are flying in from all over and this just goes to show you that there are a lot of people in this world with very low expectations we need to get some water in here I think I have a way to do this how the hell is there a tornado striking here it's a gigantic toilet bowl all right power and water is connected at the trench ass water going around the outside here now I have to begin the absolute agonizing pain that people must go through in order to get into the city yeah just gotta kind of go up here like this and take a little little bridge across like that there now the spiral begins this is where you really get to see who actually wants to live in the United States now the big difficult part is gonna be putting buildings on all these little rings so that they're built down the layers of the onion all right now we bring this down down they're only three more layers to go on the last layer got it all right and a leave go down this way here I like that the exit wound is in the middle of Texas if you survive the drop you get a lovely Texas t-shirt all right feel some of that I like that the tornado is attacking the one area where I'm sucking in water to power this entire city this tornado is like I will take away the sustenance for your Satan onion gray not gonna lie it light it actually looks pretty legit ah the first poor bastards are on their way in hold on I got to see exactly how they're entering hell I'm just glad the street lights are working this is what it looks like inside of the onion of agony it's not until you step back that you realize just how big this got I think it's a little bit of water the best thing about the slopes you can kind of just guess wherever you want to put your power at part of me wonders if as everyone gets more and more educated they'll start moving out because they'll understand just how horrifying its places congratulations the mayor just won most attractive city it must be the beautiful lake of sewage that I have surrounded the inner sanctum with this is the most efficient power grid I think I've ever seen as the dead bodies are starting to pile up hold on we have a way to deal with this where's the burger place is that okay y'all are producing a lot more sewage than I had previously anticipated things are starting to fill up kind of quick down here this smog of people's fecal material is getting thick on the plus side though business is booming look it's the future of mankind all right you take what you can get when cars make that left-hand turn some of the wheels destruction derby vehicle [Laughter] just dudes like I can't wait to get here yeah if people have been waiting waiting for the downward spiral noise pollution doesn't look too bad it only looks slightly hemorrhoidal the ground pollution anal sludge is slowly making its way to the end might be able to get some cemeteries right next to all the ass water there we go I realized why I keep winning most attractive city is because all the other cities in the world are completely destroyed we're the last bastion of humanity I'm not actually a hundred percent sure when I screwed this up but there's a random drop that goes straight into the underworld since we're the last ones left alive I might as well just to prove all this school is out the future of mankind is more prosperous than ever look at everyone moving in if only they knew what was coming oh my god the game is starting to break because of all the crap that's entered in this pigsty this plane over here is probably flying over us like a tourist attraction the pilot is like always remember to save often okay the city exists most of it exists in a constant state of depression but now I need 60 billion pumps so I can get enough water in here to fill this place up see this fecal ring down here all this really does is give it flavoring you may ask yourself but gray how many pumps do you need I need all the pumps I might just outline the entire United States with pumps although if I attempt to do this I may end up going completely insane oh yeah I can feel the desire to die rising I can't even build over here what the hell main that's a right main you will live on through New Jersey and it's other brethren god I never thought the United States having so many crevasses would be so annoying to also fund that slowly but surely I have to keep backing down the graphic settings cuz it's the only way for the game to continue working congratulations Florida I'm saving your ass global warming was gonna put you into the Gulf of Mexico but when I'm done there won't be a Gulf of Mexico left to put you into does this this count I think it still works oh yeah that's totally fine right there that's the way the game was meant to be played can't build over here oh my god it's almost over Thank You teeth it's well it's not almost over I have to supply power to all this and I have to have piping that connects them all Oh Issei Bufton okay just gotta connect all these this is probably the probably the easiest part come on great you can do this you're halfway home alright luckily all these drug-addicted water pumps aren't posing any problems I'm super dedicated I'm connecting even the ones that I know aren't connected to the water thank you guy all right just kind of put this about there all right just making sure it's working now is another 10,000 of these I was all like oh it's over it's not over you don't mind if I put these these eco pumps right in your backyard do you okay now the whole top part of this is filled I just have to connect all these as I come upon the homestretch here I'll have to make sure all this is powered and then the purification can begin okay now I don't know how many of these will actually work right off the bat thanks to God is warning of a tsunami approaching the area residents should avoid roads and water fronts when a tsunami has struck the city take caution and avoid roads and water fronts until the water recedes what Coast Guard is warning of a tsunami Jesus Christ I don't care shut up please okay real quick tsunami who gives you there's no way in hell it's gonna make it inside of the city because I'm lazy this is how I power things this is also why my computer hates me alright looks like everything's working perfectly you know air quotes perfectly everyone who's going down this road here what is this like Lincoln Avenue they're getting a free car wash on the plus side we are currently pumping sixty six point three million cubic meters a week no that's a lot of damage is the water line of Florida going down yet are we saving the entire state hell yes we are I can't wait until this giant pocket fills up because it should all just start cascading downward I like how there's still people moving into the city what is wrong with this old guy over here is like if there's one thing I love it's walking down the street with my cane in my hand next to my grandson only to see 66 million cubic meters of water come rushing happy let me see if I can get a few more of these hold on if I anarchie this can I put like a hundred of these on top of one another Oh my god all right I don't actually know how to connect these if you touch it in its special spot it kind of works in retrospect that probably should have filled in all these crevices while back oh yes now things appear to be working appropriately and by appropriately I mean slowly but surely all of my citizens are getting washed away Oh God the first breach has become this roadway here now luckily for all of the civilians there is this little pocket over here that it needs to fill up first if you listen closely though you can hear the screams of the Damned I mean I might as well just keep this going while I still have framerate just felt like messing around to help things along are you ready for this there we go I am legitimately amazed at how well the city is doing is actually prime property you're like right over here because you get to have the very first look of the apocalypse of civilization we've got another breach over here there is a ton of water falling down into the city it's just riding all the walls at this point but there's still 20,000 people that love masochism I love that this is the cinematic camera this is the camera that is currently deciding what is the most impressive things to look at and no matter what it is it's either some guy that can't park worth a damn or it's a bunch of water pumps this is adding more just to see if we can get this moving along well amazingly the country is still standing despite draining the entire ocean into it the water just I think isn't rendering because everyone is clearly flooded out however I'm gonna need to see if we can crack the side of this toilet bowl open with a couple of these just do like a like a little column of them like this here put the old power level up to 25 times normal make a nice little hole in the side here okay I think the the degradation of my audio equipment means that they're in good well that held the water get it's that's rahl the water was that's beautiful I don't even remember making that many of them we see if I can let the water go back out into the ocean you can see it's having a hell of an effect on global warming I like how I made this canal so that the water inside of the city could flush out and instead all the water in the ocean is flushing in don't worry about me just you know just making a little artistic canal over here what the hell is this what is this tsunami you're kind of late like you know an hour and a half late I mean I guess if nothing else it'll help me fill up my health so technically since this is ocean water can i tsunami this I mean it looks like you might be able to I'm so happy that my help has filled up nicely about time here comes the rolling pin of blue saran wrap finally coming to drown this place come on tsunami you got a job to do there's still 9,000 people left living here well let me see if I can get rid of some of the protection then you grab this do dish alright the few of you that are left you got a you got a go man Society is so tough we're like cockroaches we never give up there's still 252 people come on you can do it there's still two hold on if they're still alive when this is over I will leave them be out of respect for their ability to not die there's only one now okay the meteorites are over the entirety has been flooded and drained and one single individual still remains he's not happy what do you still live in here nevermind he just died that means the entirety of the population is now wiped out alright and that's what's left of the United States I think it looks pretty JIT and we folk hope you enjoyed this episode of City skylines till next time stay foxy in much love
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 4,044,379
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Simulation Games, graystillplays, gray still plays, greystillplays, simulator, tycoon funny, simulator funny moments, funny clips, funny moments, i built a city, built a city, building a city, city simulator, city tycoon, cities simulator, cities bridges, city game, cities skylines, cities skylines mod, cities skylines tips, cities skylines funny, cities skylines funny mods, cities skylines game, worst traffic jam, cities skylines tsunami, city business, city insurance
Id: gJGre87HmlY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 13sec (913 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 20 2020
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