Technology Has Gone Too Far

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a couple days ago i was on a twitch channel called code miko for an interview code miko is like if v tubing was made in the year 2077 the technology behind it is absolutely [ __ ] wild and she runs her interviews like the eric andre show code miko is put on by one girl who's behind all of the technology and just everything in the code miko universe it's v-tubing taken to the highest possible level that current technology allows us it looks like some experimental tech out of darpa with what she's able to do with code miko like she's created an rpg world where she can switch from mocha miko to playing an rpg game as miko just seamlessly between the two whenever she wants she has sliders that allows the chat to choose what the miko model looks like turning it into all kinds of horrific [ __ ] lovecraftian abominations on the fly during the streams she has all kinds of animations at play it's just it's wild it's absolutely incredible and i had the honor of being interviewed in the show so i just wanted to show some snippets from it because it was a lot of fun and i know v tubing is huge right now but i promise you you haven't seen anything like this well your viewers wrote something on my face and i guess i have to ask you that what's a sky nut it is a song from the gentlemen which is a musical project that i'm a part of with my boy troy it's a song about machines from the future powered by human semen and in their timeline they ran out of men to milk so they had to come back to the past to milk current generation men and hopefully not repeat the sins of their fathers and you know continue to power themselves so that's basically like the gist of it think terminator if instead of electricity it was nut oh interesting mr charlie so your chat keeps telling me these lies okay that you collect dildos like i know like what the hell is that about right that'd be that'd be weird right yeah that'd be super weird that you have this dildo dick collection that you're trying to compete with belle del feed yeah what a would be the undertaking of a madman i know that'd be crazy yeah yeah yeah that would be weird so i did a roundup pretty recently in dildos and like vibrators that kind of resemble dildos it's right around 43 or 44 depending on how wax you get with it and then for like moby huges i have two but i didn't bother counting like bondage kits and stuff so i have a lot of those as well what's a moby huge it's a three foot 70 pound dildo well dildo's the wrong word because you can't use it so it's just like a three-foot penis made out of silicone why there was a great deal they were doing some kind of like holiday special yeah it was great it's usually a thousand bucks they were going for 651 i was like are you kidding me you're almost half off i know right like jesus it was crazy wait a minute okay what happened on black friday oh i didn't buy anything on black friday wait you didn't you didn't go wait you're a professional dildo collector and you're trying to compete with philadelphia and you didn't take black friday deals no so i don't actually buy the dildos i have a i have a dealer i have a plug and they send me boxes upon boxes of dildos and [ __ ] so i never have to actually pay for them the only ones i've paid for are moby huges wow that must be nice so you have a designated dildo dealer yeah yeah yeah where did you find this guy well it's a company it's adam and eve they just send me like boxes okay hold on a second okay i'm going to break here okay i'm wait what the [ __ ] you're sponsored you're sponsored by adam and eve yep and you get their [ __ ] for free yeah yeah and if you can keep it between us i'll let you in on a secret adam and eve wants me to beat bel delphine so they've been supplying me extra hard seriously yeah i have i have some i have like crazy nipple pufflizers which doesn't even really count for a competition i got all kinds of weird [ __ ] i've got like this sex doll made out of broken glass that i dressed up for christmas i've got it all oh my god that's amazing okay i'm going to break character first hold on yo you get free dildos from adam and lee and they just send boxes and boxes and boxes of it yeah do you give them away not not i'm asking for a friend yeah no it's probably illegal if i was just gonna send them through postage they'd probably get stopped as like a biological warfare attack or something but like i could definitely give them to friends and i've done that before why you you need some or something no no not me technician needs him no no no he's not even technician just just um a friend friend of a technician you know a good girl yeah yeah it's a good she's a very good pal towards this friend um the friend likes the darker ones black hey i have all the colors and all the flavors you could possibly want okay good good we're okay i will i will let my friend know okay yeah just yeah let them know that you've got the hookup now if you ever need a supply you're you're into cards right now you're into pokemon cards you're in the yu-yo cards you're into yeah yeah yeah it's pretty cool right yeah so like what's going on with that have you gotten everything that you wanted we're getting there slowly but surely yeah i've got most of the most of the cards i've been searching for there's still a few that i'm missing but you know we'll get them one day it's just a what are you missing all of base set first ed which is the the white whale but that's so hard to find that's like hundreds of thousands of dollars for those cards unless you know somebody there's just no way i'm getting those uh just a white whale yeah pretty much figure speech what is that is that is that is that a pokemon card or what is that i'm really done when it comes to cards yeah so it's like uh well the white whale's not a pokemon card but the pursuit is like have you read moby dick no it's about captain ahab's quest to it's a metaphorical journey in fact it's not really about the whale it's more about you see captain ahab's chasing this this elusive whale a real bastard that old [ __ ] he just couldn't quite get a handle on it and it's all about his journey to capturing and finally completing that quest and that's similar to what i'm going through right now the white whale of course metaphorically being my pokemon collection that i'm searching for oh i see so i have a few pokemon cards you want to see i got some on my desk unfortunately i only got a bunch of this first edition charizards okay oh no yeah i know they they're like symbolists or something the japanese symbolist you know super apparently they're like symbolists and japanese and holographic and blah blah blah blah blah blah who the [ __ ] hairs yeah exactly who cares about that and apparently they are like mistakes on them oh yeah you have to be a real loser to want those yeah exactly oh it just breaks my heart okay one second i have to fix this oh there there we go do you can i tell you what happened with me and twitch hit me okay can i tell you the story of how i got banned i want to hear everything leave no stone unturned okay so i have this feature okay called uh sen if you send a dollar you can send mikko a d-pick okay so i have i have this phone right and chad could send me a d-pick by sending a dollar and a letter d would pop up on this phone okay in various sizes they could get 0.2 inches 9 inches like all sorts of these right yeah and then um and then twitch banned me for they thought that i was selling actual dick pics and they banned me for soliciting pornography i'm just surprised they gave you a reason for banning you i mean that's more than most people get uh that's actually the most shocking part of that story if i'm being honest so what did you do in response do you still do d-picks we changed it to pee-pee pics oh that's significantly better yeah there's no confusion there yeah so i mean it would just be weird way too weird champ if they banned me for pee pee pigs yeah i wouldn't make it exactly so now chad just gets to have like different size pee pees perfect find a dream come true exactly mr moist did anyone tell you that you're kind of intimidating all the time it's my bulging muscularity and just absolutely disgusting stature i'm i'm standing at a beautiful five foot six like going through doorways is oftentimes burning some it's just massive shoulders popping through are you only five foot six did you say only did i hear that it's cute okay cool yeah so we're on the same intimidating five six and yeah often times you'll have kids voiding their bowels when i come through it's like holy [ __ ] you know this is what happens when you eat your vegetables you can look like this adonis right it's just one of those am i what are you vegan no no no no oh there's plenty there's still plenty more i need to do out there a lot more things i need to stick my fingers in what things do you want to stick your fingers in well i think the next step is like a full blown hollywood production as a lead role because my hunger games one was cut so i still got a chip on my shoulder out there thank god jennifer yep they cut my line out all that's left is my hand how could they do that what was it it was a so i was a district eight helper and i'm sure you've seen the movie hunger games mockingjay part one it was a a tragic film and it's mainly because the my character wasn't as prominent as he was supposed to be so district 8 you know it's in jeopardy katniss is going there to visit the hospital it's carnage blood guts and tits all over the place and then there's charles play charles is 8 medical helper yeah and i was tending to a burn victim and one of my lines was supposed to be like getting the doctor's attention to let him know that she needs help and unfortunately that line among many others from that scene were cut and the movie just never recovered god damn it they should have made you her main love interest that's what i said at the time too yeah oh okay it's like she's clean like her mom is cleaning out her closet and she's like do you really need these pokemon cards and the technician's like uh not really and then her my mom's friend okay who was my neighbor had a son who was a younger kid right and she was like i can take these from you and give it to my son but i'll have to let you know that these might work be worth a lot later down the line oh the prophet i know i know and i was like nah nah nah nah just take them i have no use for them and i just gave them away god yeah that's heartbreaking that is heartbreaking no i know it still haunts me to this day well at least it's not bitcoin at least you didn't have your mom be like yeah i'm gonna get you a thousand bitcoin for your birthday and then you turn her down or something did that happen to you no but i got into bitcoin like super early because my buddy was like charlie bitcoin is gonna be big and i was like i don't believe you so i'll get one and then it got huge so did you at least what did you do with that one bitcoin do you still have it well i still have it yeah it's like a little treasure now do you think it's gonna do you think bitcoin's gonna be worth a lot i mean last i checked and i don't check very often anymore because it's just hurtful last i checked it was like 15k a bitcoin up again yeah it's [ __ ] wild holy [ __ ] so so my ex-boyfriend okay completely out of character again my ex-boyfriend had a got a bitcoin right and he had it in his old computer but his roommate spilled water oh yeah oh god so painful yeah that's the worst i actually like that guy who like the youtuber who bought two pizzas for a tutorial with 10 000 bitcoins in like 2014 i don't know how that man hasn't just thrown himself down the staircase god i wouldn't be able to i would never be able to sleep painful that is so painful it was for a youtube tutorial he spent like 10 000 bitcoins just to show that you can order a pizza with bitcoin and that's like 70 million dollars worth of bitcoin oh my god he i bet he's like he can't he can't sleep these days like no there's no way he's he's literally kicking his own balls well i mean i'm sure there's i'm sure he's got youtube subscribers though he stopped doing youtube that same year it's a dead channel he hasn't posted since it's this it's the saddest story on the internet i think well i guess we know what happened to him then i think we can all surmise a conclusion of that sad saga yeah it's terrible chat tries to teach me a lot about the internet and i've learned that don't look up anything like chad tells me like tries to teach me yeah no well i mean a technician she seems to have a firm handle on the internet and uh making money in niches i remember watching a clip of technician talking about a uh double penetration thing that she made trying to get money from chatterbait does technician have any words on that okay okay that that never got released okay that never got released that was made and put away because the technician has dignity too powerful the dp was too much for the human nut to handle i see yes and also well one of the biggest reasons is because so technician had me and um you know how on chatterbait you kind of have to moan and stuff when you're like a character yeah yeah yeah so she called up a friend to practice moaning so that she can release this dp thing bro that's just couldn't do it it's just awkward you're just it's yeah not to be the uh the manager of technician here but what if you would you if she had used stock moans do you think anyone would have caught on or been disappointed oh my god did i just blow it wide open are we gonna see that dp on chatterbait at some point oh my god i mean if i'm using a different avatar and i'm just using stock modes yep charlie you're very smart i i i've been doing it a long time i've heard mini ammon reused in pornography i've seen it done and it doesn't ruin the enjoyment i'm telling you that's the way to do this is that actually wait wait hold on this wait are porn's not real oh some of it's fantasy if you can believe that can you believe some of the women in the porn aren't even having fun can you even believe that i know right it's all a lie but hentai is real yeah well i mean that's that's a given that god gave us two gifts it was hentai and fire so of course that's real hot sauce wimp absolutely embarrassing what does that mean well i was born without the genetics to handle capsaicin which is the active component in hot sauces and peppers so when i get capsaicin my body just shuts down it goes into overdrive it's it's a disaster really wait you actually like it's like it's like an allergic reaction yeah it's a medical condition it's uh out of my control it's what it is are you just a [ __ ] no no no no i believe the proper terminology is capsaicin intolerant so well i mean that could be the urban dictionary term i suppose but i'm going by the medical professionals and what they say are you good with spicy food that sounded awfully shocked about bad i am at it is technically able to handle it dude technician is korean she is south korean she can handle any form of spicy food that is a bold claim no [ __ ] way no no no i'm dead serious she's like her digestive system is built for spicy food you know like when people eat spicy food like and they [ __ ] like their butthole burns i don't have that i don't have that either that's because you don't even eat spicy food because you're [ __ ] so like technician that technician doesn't even get that like she eats the spicy food and nothing ever happens hmm yeah i don't know what to tell you then she's evolved she she's a final form involved person so are there any videos online of you eating hot stuff oh yeah i i do tearless with spicy food i did hot peppers i've done hot sauces is the most recent one i did hot sauces twice actually yeah i mean you wouldn't even know i'm in pain in half of those videos that's how well i'm able to hide it but trust me it does hurt i do feel it you're a very brave man yeah i go where no one dares yeah especially with your medical condition yeah that's what that is i'm sorry to hear about that it's all right it's okay have you noticed something have you noticed something that's going on with my body uh kind of it's like folding into itself i think my my game engine is really excited to see you oh yeah and things are just breaking crazy like this normally i'm just serious this normally does not happen but i think my engine is just like literally hyperventilating because you're creating like a new vagina with like the the vertex of your two legs crossing pretty much pretty much so if i'm like if i'm starting to like twist around like this that's that's why okay okay even wood yeah i look like i'm i look like a bodybuilder pose oh can i show you my different um different characters muted okay there there there so they can actually morph me into oh they always go for the boobs first classic classic surprise surprise and then um you can you can see they they just thieves glue at it they do whatever they want like they're making me look like a dick um so now i'm a huge penis you see that yeah this is so this is exactly what the future should look like an anime girl that looks like a dick yeah it's kind of like from star wars episode two from those people that made the clones that's kind of what it looks like if they had a massive sack this dobby call because they think it looks kind of like a dobby it's kind of cute right and then yeah um this is well this is ding dong this is basically the penis oh and this is this is here let me the breasts are not shrinking this is this is hassan you see it do you see that yeah that's good yeah i can see it now and then this is okay this one's kind of terrifying this is sperm co and um oh wow yeah it's a they were basically trying to make me look like a sperm pretty much yeah i mean that's a that's pretty close i'd that looks like every sperm i've ever seen under a microscope wow and then not lastly but not least this is pencil co and it's basically another rendition of hassan but more um extreme it's just that you can't really but i have it there's a head do you see that yeah it's a tiny little head right there like a little baby bird in its nest that's so cute isn't that yeah that's adorable it is cute i think what you're doing is one of like the most technically impressive stuff like it spoiler alert i've watched a lot of the streams so i know you also can like go from mocap to like the game world like in real time wait you've watched my stream oh a ton of them i know i think it's the coolest [ __ ] so i i've also seen the chat play with the titties until it's like the massive walking dick thing i've seen it all it's crazy i think it's the coolest deck have you seen my forest simulator yeah i've seen it no i think that's great i think that's the coolest [ __ ] so like all the v tubing stuff i i also like all of that like project melody and everything but like this is another level like uh i didn't even think we had this level of technology like playing vr it's like oh this is cool and it makes me puke a little bit because i get motion sick because i'm also a [ __ ] there but like taking that kind of mocap and making it one-to-one and like free-flowing between a game and like what you're doing with interviews is crazy to me i don't know if i'm getting older or not but that [ __ ] blows my mind okay so this is my room that is you and then this is my bed if i have if i ever have like a [ __ ] hell okay would you be like would you be open to being a boss in my rpg absolutely yeah for sure can i 3d scan you yeah well i don't have to put like alge in it in my butthole or anything i don't even need anything like that no no no no no no all i need are some pictures that's it okay it's not like pictures of like my butthole or anything right like it's still just like normal pictures i mean unless you want to become like i don't know penguin monster and this special attack is butthole okay but it's you and i use my double dick dvd penetration technology and and we have you and i mean you know where this is going like so i'm getting i'm getting spit roasted right mm-hmm okay yeah is that the is that the whole idea it's just so the chat the chat is spit roasting you oh okay so the chat this is is being exerted in the the tempo that i'm getting plowed at okay right so like the speed and the and the pump will all be dignified by i'll be dictated by one in case china by tokens oh okay yeah yeah yeah and then so i mean it's it's a good business model yeah we'll we'll figure something out there let's figure something out there honestly now that i've said it you know the rule of the internet rule 34. well yeah yeah now that i've said it it's gonna just happen someone deep faked me onto a uh i think it was a ski hand job so it was a they photo well it wasn't a photoshop they deep faked my face on a girl giving like double hand jobs to two dudes so that's as close as i've been yet so we're not far off how did that make you feel for a second i thought it was me i was like when the [ __ ] did i do that and who was filming and afterwards i was like wow that's impressive
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 3,911,106
Rating: 4.9731388 out of 5
Id: v8X5YDzVgeo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 36sec (1536 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 23 2020
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