Adult Diapers Tier List

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this episode was brought to you by honey it's time to once and for all settle a debate that's been raging for decades now what is the best brand of adult diaper i feel as though we're the only scientists qualified to tackle such a controversial topic so today we will once and for all definitively answer what the best adult diaper brand is now unfortunately we were only able to get five different brands of adult diapers because there's not that many to begin with and two of the other ones we ordered just never [ __ ] came one of them was really cool had like dinosaurs on it and [ __ ] and like one of them was flintstones or something but they never showed up i think the delivery guy must have just sensed that there were good diapers in there and stolen for himself but we made do with what we had which happened to be the five most popular adult diaper brands the other two were like some luxury diapers like some very bougie kind of adult diapers so i guess it's not the biggest deal it didn't show up but it would have been at least nice to test like the rolls-royce of diapers with the cool [ __ ] dinosaurs on them but anyway let's get into it pins the most common adult diaper brand we got the night defense fender wet dreams and [ __ ] like that i guess so i'm pretty optimistic i think this is going to be high quality i think so too yeah compared to the ones that came in just empty plastic wrap yeah this also says it goes up to a 34 inch waist and i wear a 34. so there's a chance playing with fire yeah that we can get this on let's take a peek okay not to spoil the surprise oh they go with anything let's see that's that's a [ __ ] mean diaper damn yeah that's heavy stretchy grandma's [ __ ] diapers here wow why are they so big they're like those uh those like high-waisted shorts and pants that girls wear look how big that waistband is it's like a baklava really or like a balaclava a baklava is a greek dessert no that's what i meant they do remind me of the nutty honey dessert kind of reminds me of that [ __ ] like knights would wear over their head like that like chain mail with i was about to say jesus let's see your thoughts i didn't know a man was gonna throw a diaper at me today um i can see like the resiliency of the material like you could go out on the town you could go on a marathon like if you piss your pants regularly this is for you it's a good place to start i'll tell you it's well made i'm gonna go slip into it right now i don't know wait yeah we'll put them on boys charlie just looks like he's had a bad day at the pool this is i think i put it on backwards is it supposed to be like way up my ass that's what i can't figure out it's not comfortable wait a minute pick up your shirt a little bit i was gonna i was gonna go like no compression shorts but i made the last second audible to just you know what were you gonna wear instead nothing i was just gonna go you're just gonna go diaper i was just doing a diaper i think you should have i feel powerful like i heard you injured i don't know if you can see it on camera i'm ready to slay the dragon my right testicle keeps popping out of the side so i have to like keep adjusting i don't think you're wearing them right if that's happening because they're kind of loose it kind of feels like a cup you guys want to do like a little shorter lap activewear the mobility so what's the first um absorbency is the first here you want me to like pour some water on it for you yeah all right and then pull out the waistband yeah no it has to go on this oh no it goes inside pee i'm pretty sure this is the tag in the front by the way i thought so oh no i i've had a big accident did you though the magic of depends i can see it kind of coming through now you got to do a little walk around again shadow i think you're good i really [ __ ] short lap are you cramping no it's very cold that's pretty good it's not it's not leaking i mean it's kind of like it's pooling you can definitely see it pooling in here because it's kind of like keeping it all right here well that's good that's where we want it to stay yeah like you can see well that's that's doing great wow give it a good give it a good squeeze why is it absorbing jesus christ now i know why they depend on it holy [ __ ] wow yeah that's actually really impressive all right let's really i'm gonna waterboard the [ __ ] out of it on this one here do you want to lay it down or you're doing more that way i'm doing oh i'm gonna do it this way this is the only way that makes sense to me yeah that's true no other method oh my god that is a man piss right there yeah that was madness big tinkle time there still all right run to the wall i think that also has to do with the being on backwards oh you're looking good oh oh well you might have flown too close to the sun on this one wait there's no standing water yeah like if you wow come in here that's nuts wow all right in a surprise to absolutely no one defense against the dark arts of night tinkling from depends is incredible the night time defense depends is top tier i'd say this is the gold standard in diaper enthusiast wardrobe i believe this is like your first and last choice when it comes to diapers like this is pretty much the gold standard when it comes to diapers but i gotta say it's not very comfortable when you do have an accident like when you go a big piddly time in that diaper it weighs that whole thing down i wish there was a way of keeping it more level so it doesn't just droop in there but i guess you'd also have pants on to help with that so maybe that was just the shortcoming of our testing since we didn't do it with pants over top so i'm just going to give it an a for the lack of comfort but i don't know exactly what kind of beauty and grace it would work with in a symbiotic relationship with pants maybe it's a lot better in that environment but just free flow and diaper out it's gonna be a little uncomfortable when you do [ __ ] or piss 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say immediate impressions it is not nearly as secure as the defense well and i would like to point out this is an extra large and the depends with small to medium i will say as the man who's wearing it as fashion yeah they smell a lot better well that's like the dependents are pretty neutral but this actually has a nice like fragrance to it good like wait like let's go andrew all right much more comfortable i will say yeah there's more room to move i don't know if that's the design of the diaper or just the size that we ordered i don't know could it also be because you put it on right this time that's that's another good point i feel like this one holds in heat though despite saying that like it's more breathable it feels hotter than the first one my whole [ __ ] is exposed though that's the size for sure that's definitely the size difference all right let's go over here we've got your test set up on the concrete let's get the absorbency going i got this i'm not as optimistic about this one we'll start with a little tinkle good aim maybe do a couple jumping jacks yeah let's try and really force that water out oh you've been working out haven't you yeah not bad good oh actually oh we should do a test on uh protection too like a cup chip oh yeah you're nuts i can feel me hitting my nuts so it's not super secure i can't wait for somebody to walk up to the door and be like what the [ __ ] i felt a little water on the last couple of taps now let's really waterboard it yep you missed there all right full bottle gentle that's true it's prevail not kevlar there you go damn this is not good boys absorbency is failing now your date would immediately know you pissed yourself a hundred percent just listen to this can you hear the water sloshing you want to take a little quick back and forth to like the wall back see how it holds in motion yeah it's not the best it's like a pendulum it's not leaking like completely but it is popping out of the bottom here like if i gave it a little squeeze you can see the little water coming out so it's definitely not as good as the pins in the absorbency department how about comfort comfort's up there but i just i think i just like the size they just feel cheaper too they don't feel as high quality there's not a lot of love sewn into the diaper exactly prevail was a bit disappointing i do like the extra large turbo size to fit like any one of any size ever in the entire history of humanity i think that's kind of cool but it's just not very good at absorbing like it did the job right like it's like if you had a full-blown piss like an entire water gallon you [ __ ] jug it's gonna absorb most of it without like leaking out the sides which is good but it's also gonna really weigh you down it's like rock lee when he was wearing his training weights like when you take off the prevail diaper after a big [ __ ] urine accident you drop it on the floor and create like a crater on the ground and smoke would puff up from the impact because it gets really heavy like it it falls off and the absorbency isn't that good to be fair as i was illustrating when you tap it you can hear the sloshing because the spongy material in there didn't absorb it fully it just kind of like trapped it underneath one layer of the fabric if that makes sense it's hard to explain without you having worn the diaper before i'm sure people that have tried prevail know exactly what i'm talking about so i'm just gonna give it a c for now i think c is appropriate all right what do we got is that ben batman beyond brand yeah great value unisex protective underwear overnight absorbency wow what brand is this maybe amazon this actually might just be an amazon original these are a local tampa manufacturer it's a man in his basement home brood yeah oh it's silly yeah this is deleted by amazon salimo though oh gotcha he's one of the finest diaper virtuosos sommelier yeah let's do it that's where she opens this looks better already yeah they're kind of stuck i'll push from this side thank you oh wait this this is just like prevail yeah this is back to a small medium so they should fit a little better wait yeah these look look at look at the tag and everything they've seen all of those available but rebranded it's almost identical to prevail it's very close there's no purple yeah it's inside like there was unprevented it's like pepsi and coke of diapers yeah all right let me slip into it i'm coming in danny for the vogue shoot yeah again [ __ ] not very secured but you're supposed to wear them like under your pants so i guess when your pants are on it like that's kind of like boxes how they tucked in some like clothes there taking up the space yeah it's very snug which i guess is probably good for like active like if you're fighting you can like get a lot of boobs i don't know i don't think this could take an enemy sphere to the chest can we test that should we add that into the test let's do that on the next round yeah yeah i'm not sure i think i can tell you depends was so thick it would probably stop a bullet it's like dragon skin yeah i hate to keep relaying it back to the penthouse all right let's do our mouth come on man i went big strides still pretty comfortable you feel how it is to sit it just shoots themselves that's a feeling it's pretty nice it's a little lumpy yeah a little lumpy like i i wouldn't be comfortable for a long gaming sesh but it's not bad but think of how much more gaming you could get if you didn't have to go to the bathroom that's very true oh you know what would be really good though for gaming swamp ass this would absorb a lot of swamp ass gaming sessions yeah tonight yeah that's smart actually this would work really well we should test that out i think if you're a more busty woman this will operate as a good push-up bra as well so maybe for one titty maybe to get the boob sweat get the good uniboob yeah so if you're like a c cup or higher think about it it's cheaper we should wear these for the next destiny right we should yeah well we're gonna have to all right where's my water holding nice pretty standard diaper stuff yeah it's not it's not doing anything too crazy let's say i just [ __ ] explode though whoa i there's there's a lot of velocity behind that too a couple jumping jacks definitely stronger than the previous one in terms of absorbency give a give a jug to the wall back it's holding up do you think you could [ __ ] yourself and go for a jog and not have to hold it up no no that's that's definitely it's gonna wait you know science hasn't come that far yeah the technology just isn't there so i think the biggest problem it just holds all the water all the fluid it should have like a release valve so like you piss yourself and then you can just come over here i was literally about to say has anybody thought of a diaper like an airplane toilet where it goes down well i know airplanes don't just let the [ __ ] go out into the world but imagine like you said just open drops out good you're fresh yeah that might be a billion dollars that could absolutely be a game changer because the problem is like when you piss your [ __ ] like if you're like going in you had a big old accident it's going to weigh on you all day you don't want to think about that anymore you want to put it behind you exactly real quick run boom empty you're back you're confident i mean i guess you could just change the door can't post this until we get our patents in place i can't wait till you get messages from like 70 year old men this really helped me out thank you oh another thing i should point out though for anyone looking at salimo amazon brand or [ __ ] whatever it was it is leaking out the sides a little bit yeah this is the first one to leak i feel like this and prevail took the cheap approach they made the sides wider to kind of give you more like of a chance to hold it up whereas something like the depends it was thinner but stronger you know that's great materials had more like research and knowledge behind it like yeah this is a diaper by baby's four babies right this is a joke it will hold your poo-poo and pee-pee in but like this will hold your poo-poo and pee-pee in but feel like it's what you should be wearing when you do it like it was maybe yeah yeah yeah so far depends to me is like the top there's a reason it's a household name for adult diaper enthusiasts they're dependable yeah this one this one is a little this is probably the worst one because it is absolutely i think we got like 96 of those for like two dollars so holy [ __ ] this this came straight from an amazon where that's where you got to start looking like these you can do one and done depends is going to last you 12 hours multiple goes but you get so many for the same amount of money you could just toss and put on a new one yeah i guess that's the thing it's like the old kodak cameras right yeah it's not very good it's not something i'd want to keep after using but depends i might want to keep it right that's true hanging up on the wall if you wear these in the whole time you're thinking i wish i was wearing depends they're probably not very good this one was the worst one of the bunch so far it's a brand i've never heard of despite being very knowledgeable in the field of diapers so i can't say i'm overly surprised that it wasn't very good the quality just wasn't there you could tell from the craftsmanship that they didn't really put their heart and soul into it it's just very very much going through the motions very cheap doesn't absorb very well isn't comfortable just kind of fails in most aspects the only benefit i'm going to give it is you get so many for so little so you can just constantly be like [ __ ] and pissing and then like throwing it to the side and slapping on a new one so i'm gonna give it a d for that reason live dry baby oh no the enemy of moisture yeah cause when you don't want to live wet live dry the antithesis of everything i'm about they look soft they've got a barrier leg cuff to prevent leakage salimo didn't think of that super absorbency oh god extra large 64-inch waist good that's my favorite all right soft absorbent leak proof will be the gift of that they feel way sturdier than the previous two yeah it feels like it's made out of sheet metal god damn you're not wrong yeah they're like super tough this bad boy packs up this is like the off-roading version right for those rougher yeah if you like mudding you'll love these i'll give it a whirl this is huge yeah that's just where it has a shirt cut a head hole in the middle of it you're on to my strategies a little like can you pull this down so it's like a like a cloak yeah there you go oh like shoulder armor yeah that's what i was gonna pull drinks perfect okay straight jacket perfect no this is perfect wow that looks good i'm working on my legs a lot too so i think it's really bringing out my thighs that is looking good why don't models wear these i couldn't imagine why actually that's a good point first impressions it is absolutely massive this is for like the largest 70 year olds you'd ever see in your life but these leg cuffs are really innovative i know nobody ever thought to have the scrunchies from the waist to the legs yeah it's really interesting it's a nice feminine touch it's got like nice fashion that's true these are the kind of diapers you'd want to be seen in right yeah i want you to know that i'm wearing lip dry all right boys take your laptop oh yeah i'm ready for the nfl combine in these i will say if you're trying to uh hit up a cowl such as a batman look not very mobile i've already lost my agility here i will not be flying through the night in this you know what i will say in comfortability i feel like the pad is bigger and it's bunching up between my legs are you i was just fixing that i was poking up in my mouth it's like really squishing together and i feel like if i ran for too long i'd legitimately get a rash yeah absolutely all right let's get the uh the water that's the absorbency we got all right let's dirty this diaper a little piddle nice very dry and then give it the splash whoa oh you're spilling on the side i just missed on that one actually whoa we can't let it affect our let's do that real quick this one's handling it like a chain yeah get get six more bottles of water let's really put this one to the ultimate test see if we can go in the leak yeah actually this would be like the forged and fire of diapers oh whoa whoa that's a busy shoe oh no that's a messy dumpy oh god wow that's not that's awful it handles urine really well but [ __ ] and fat loads like it was just more urine yeah but it came out of it like diarrhea yeah like the ass region is not nearly as i want sturdy squeeze oh yeah i take your little lap not good at all live drive or like can't live at all where it means what is happening this is this is a bad one i don't like this one yeah when you when you really [ __ ] gotta go it's not gonna be there for you by far the worst diaper we've tested up until this point now yes of course we're a little harsher in the testing round here as compared to the previous diapers but you gotta be able to step up to the plate and handle the fire the piss and the [ __ ] that come with the best of them and live dry just wasn't up to snuff it wasn't up to the task it suffered a catastrophic failure and for that reason i'm going to have to ask it to leave the forge i'm giving liv dry enough these are made by none other than depend not even allowed yeah premium technology up here's the large depend yeah these are dry shield technology i've heard that lie before yeah very exciting you get a diaper i can feel the depends quality already it's already there it's always lighter but you know i'm already excited so what's the difference between the first depends on this one the others are for night time these are for daytime yeah i think so okay so the run should be easier actually well unless it's a night marathon true all right let's get going that depends for you all right let's check it out raise yourself danny i'm feeling confident these aren't these are very nice i'm ready for the arena yeah andrew looks like the doritos samurai super bowl commercials i just wanted to see if these were combat ready yeah you have to this is very snug for a large yeah i was going to say this might be the first one that i feel is true to size yeah like i would buy a large of shorts i'd buy a large in these yeah this one's really nice it's nice and snug i don't think it's going anywhere on my run could even do some high kicks whoa whoa i've never actually seen you kick that height whoa i've never jumped that high before this is like giving me super powers i think i peed myself while jumping well we'd never know if you did yeah it doesn't even matter all right give me four bottles of water i think the pins can take it boom [Music] don't do that no okay i'll just hold on to the water yeah this thing is nuts it's a mammoth [ __ ] oh no that's just your shorts malfunctioning all right we may have pushed science too far we had such high hopes all right yeah we had a little accident it's still coming out we're not done yet yeah we started running yet oh actually that held kind of nice it's still now that the like splashback is gone it's actually holding it pretty good it's still coming out i think you just overloaded it yeah i think that it wasn't ready for once they're holding up firm maybe not i can absolutely feel a lot of water flying down my legs yeah i think three if you have to pee a lot this it's not going to get it done put it here ready oh it's great at holding it though yeah once it starts absorbing she does not look good they're so absorbing some space rocks like meteorite or something yeah well it's pretty good uh minus the initial like splash zone it's holding really well i would i would rank these right under the first dependence yeah yeah i agree i feel strong in these i really do i'm so disappointed that the dinosaur ones didn't come in oh it's starting to leak again jesus christ yeah i agree uh pretty good overall though if i'm gonna need an adult diaper i'll probably just go with the pens in the double fisting of depends the maximum absorbency one here it performed pretty well especially considered we really went deep on this one three bottles of fluid and it absorbed it pretty well minus the initial flooding phase where it was just overloaded it did a pretty decent job i'm just gonna go ahead and give it a b
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 1,479,040
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: HMYaaB8koU4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 10sec (1810 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 09 2021
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