I Survived 100 Days ABANDONED in A Frozen WASTELAND in Hardcore Minecraft!

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in today's video I survived 100 days alone in a secluded Frozen Wasteland in Hardcore Minecraft during Christmas time everyone loves the North Pole and a little snow on the ground but this was different I was trapped alone with nothing but mountains of ice above water and terrifying creatures hiding Down Below in the depths throughout these 100 days I was forced to fight to survive with death all around me due to the frigid Arctic climate resources were scarce and safe places were hard to find to make things even worse scattered throughout this world of Torment was an onslaught of Pillager fishing rigs and pirate ships holding prisoners if I wanted to survive here I would have to take them out to relieve any supplies they were hoarding once I did that I would surely be fine but little did I know the true hoarders that this world had to offer me from the undead Captain of pillagers Captain Cornelia to terrifyingly massive eels to whatever this thing was I was in for quite a trip Merry Christmas to me this is 100 days secluded Frozen Wasteland sahura was stranded in this Frozen Wasteland and the very first thing that I was greeted with upon spawning in here was this terrifying ocean noise and this mysterious Lake of Frozen depths directly in front of me along with some fish that kind of were looking like they wanted to eat my butt but uh I did find some dirt there is some dirt here I'm going to take this dirt because I have a strange feeling that dirt is going to be a difficult thing to find in this world I know there's like ocean but I feel like there's creatures down there that kind of want to kill me and speaking of things that want to kill me if I look at the map here there are um quite a few things that want to kill me we have a ship over here with some villager prisoners and tons of pillagers uh we have like couple of trees we're going to go get a tree I think uh we have polar bears those are our options we have polar bears spine fish tortured soul that sounds wonderful let's go get a tree I guess I probably shouldn't run either because uh I don't know how much food we're going to acquire here luckily I do know our our game our game plan we have a game plan we're going to use fish traps so fish traps require a fishing rod sticks and string we can make fish traps and they will provide us with a good amount of food actually oh I just realized I also have to watch out for like powdered snow man now that I'm up here at the at the beautiful Peak we got a couple of things we got lots of sugarcane here and there so that's cool we have access to sugarcane it's a little laggy I'm noticing and we got pillagers and the pillagers have food there's just you hear the noise right there's this horrendous noise that keeps playing I do not like it so we're going to get some wood maybe make us some basic tools so now that we have some wood I'm going to make us a we're going to open this cuz I'm lazy we're going to open a make a craft bench got a crafting bench ooh I can make Nature's com comp we also got boats and stuff we're going to start out by making ourselves some tools I'm thinking an axe I'm going to make the wrong way according to some people even though axes can be rotated going to make an axe to get trees easier and I'm going to make a wooden sword I'm thinking and then we'll make a pickaxe oh do I have enough yet we're also going to make a pickaxe so that way I can get lots of stone so we can move up since I don't know know what kind of resources this world has to offer but I do know that I'm I guess I'm going to be hearing that scary noise forever it just it just played a dude it's like I'm in a Jaws movie what is this now that I had a couple of basic tools and some wood I waited around for a little bit for the tree to drop some saplings and after collecting a bunch of them I began setting out to look for whatever resources I could find part of me kind of wanted to go to that pirate ship because honestly it was day won and if I died you wouldn't be seeing this because I would just have to start over so that is exactly what I did okay so the ships are right over there um I'm going to stop and check this little campsite I found it's got some barrels and stuff and I kind of want to see if this polar bear is going to be aggressive if I remember right polar bears are only aggressive if they have babies so if I see any baby bears not going to mess with those please have food or something okay we got one leather and we got one Lea leather yeah most useful campfire I'm going to take both these and I'm going break the campfire so I can at least get some I got some charcoal I can light up an area now don't touch me polar bear don't touch me don't touch me okay they have bows which is kind of oh boy okay this is dumb this is dumb why am I here why am I here why why am I doing this okay we got some fish I don't have a shield without a shield I am actually why am I here okay I should probably just leave I don't think you know what no we're going to grab some wood okay we got some wood I'm going to craft it into planks and what we're going to do is we're going to try to Rob them oh um hi villager I I guess you're free wait wait wait this is an idea okay wait this is this is going to work I have a a terribly bold idea we're going to place this like that so we're safe from that side and I'm going to build my way through to some of the chests yes look at it okay that's empty okay that's also empty ooh ooh okay fish we got wheat I can heal now I'm gonna eat my Apple uh we're going to eat a Cod I like how a lot of the times when I start these like crazy worlds this always ooh o that is a that is a stabby boy he's going to stab me come here bud come here come on drop me some emeralds yeah yeah yeah yeah come on come on come on come on he going well I'm going to spend the night here this place is cozy wait did he what did he drop he dropped a pumpkin pie oh as long as there's no like Arrow Boys in here this kind of works actually this is a hey Emerald Farm I got to knock get cocky though if I get too cocky this could be dangerous I'm going to break up by one okay there's no more chests I have to watch out for boys that have bows ooh more fish okay some bones I guess I mean I'm I'll take anything at this point I'm kind of desperate for Loot and it's becoming nighttime so honestly I'm just going to stay here do I have any slabs oh I do have slabs look at this can also Place slabs for safety I could smack people this is the great robbery right here I think I made it safe I think I yeah I fully made it safe let's go we got the whole loot room okay okay this is where we're spending the night look at this look at this it's all safe uh just in case no chance no chances okay we can loot to our full arts contest I guess I mean this is mostly just fish and stuff but since I don't have resources yet I mean fish fish kind of works I'll take some fish you know I'll take anything and everything I would help out the villagers too but they uh not that useful to me so honestly kind of don't care about their struggles these chests are going to be crazy look at the emeralds we got gold iron ooh seven iron we got emeralds we got gold I might as well take the Nuggets too since I've got inventory space for them more emeralds gold more iron this is the start we needed so with this successful first day behind my belt I continued trying to push through the bottom of the ship and collecting all of the resources that I could while spending the night here I didn't really feel comfortable going outside in the ice because I'm pretty sure mobs can still spawn out there so things were not really that safe however today was highly successful I did make myself an iron chest piece a helmet and some pants before the sun had risen the next day with my new iron armor I was prepared to take on even more dangers while waiting through the night in this place I decided you know why not strip it I mean there's tons of wood here and I don't even think that I can get Spruce Wood out there yet so I figured you know why not grab chests grab Spruce Wood I'm stuck here for the night anyways so why not o that's a little dangerous let's put those back also I could take these cobwebs and I can get string I don't remember exactly what I needed string for but oh I just realized I got an iron axe yo wait it's got good durability one of the vindicators dropped me an iron axe dude I can get so much wood now I was also thinking about maybe trying to trade with one of these villagers but like I mean I've got 48 emeralds my only problem is I don't know what I could realistically trade with them for that I really need like those emeralds could go towards getting something better later on in the future so I'm tempted to keep them especially since I can't make el Lecter down here but maybe I could just come back and get these villagers anyways though I've got 44 Spruce logs do these just craft into oh bone meal okay so I got 40 raw salmon 23 Cod I got some Esa which and I also got some fins which apparently can be used to make like this armor this is like on par Diamond seven defense only problem is Echo of the ship graveyard which is found in the ice maze which is really really dangerous and then angler fins which drop from I'm guessing lers which we could find underwater but I've got a bunch of iron armor got a shield and I think we're ready to take off out of here I also got into this room and there was even more iron and emeralds so I could actually almost make myself a full set of armor I just need one more iron Nuggie or Ingot I also have 20 chests so we're we're sitting pretty we're doing good we're going to going to leave here though because I just I don't feel like this place is just the safest I don't know like I don't know what gives me that idea that this place is unsafe you know what I mean maybe we're going to go up here and just kind of scope the place out and I want to see you know how much loot we can take look at all the hay I heard I heard pillagers but I don't see them I feel like if I set foot down here it might be a mistake I don't want this stuff I'm desperate okay we go got no inventory full inventory full uh gold can go let's build up three just wow this this loot kind of sucks I mean I guess I got in here pretty easy I want to go see that that is the cap oh there's a lectern in there I mean I don't really need a librarian yet is there anything else in there there's chain mail armor there's a bell I kind of want to go for it I don't see any other guys anywhere I still hear them and it's making me so anxious oh okay found the guy found the guy anybody up here I don't think there's any more guys I think it's just him I'm not scared of him we don't have good food but we could take him if there are any oh oh there are wa there's vindicators hey buddy vindicate elsewhere vindicate elsewhere vindicate elsewhere go away go away go away these guys do so much damage in hardcore mode they are genuinely really scary oh God okay I came in here with an almost broken ah oh I think we're good Pirates pouch ooh what did they give me shell horn summons Captain Cornelia can be used near water and ice oh get that out of my hot bar that summons a boss no thank you after fully looting the pirate ship and stuffing as much as I possibly could carry into my inventory I set back out in exploration of either the next place to loot or some place that I could possibly begin building a base overall I didn't really know what my future held for me because this place was a um Frozen Wasteland anyways while I was out here just exploring around it had begun to get dark so I decided instead of Taking My Chances with the mobs I would go under the surface of the ice and build some doors to struggle my way down through the water into to an area where I could begin getting Stone after getting into this little Stone pocket I had found underwater I mined a bunch and I made myself a stone pickaxe and some furnaces that I used to cook a lot of my food throughout the night by time I now had a supply of freshly cooked food it had become day three and I was ready to go back up to the surface and continue moving on real quick if you haven't yet please consider subscribing due to YouTube unfairly demonetizing my main Channel I've had to start over here and I put a ton of time and effort into making each one of these videos as entertaining as possible if you're enjoying the video and what I do every little thing helps consider also leaving a like and or dropping a comment to appease the YouTube algorithm Gods because remember they're always watching anyways back to day three so while waiting for my fish to cook up there I didn't really have a ton of resources to cook with so I decided to just kind of tunnel down and luckily I found some iron down here I want to get more iron so that way I can make myself a iron pickaxe I need a new axe soon and then I also need a replacement for my my grippers can't be having your grippers out in Minecraft oh it's a ravine okay we're taking the iron and we're leaving we're taking the iron and we're leaving we're taking the iron and we're leaving Bila taught me long time ago don't be in ravines for no reason this is a desperate time we need iron but uh yeah I'm not going to get exploded by a creeper no thank you okay so I have 23 cooked fish now that's it's not great but I mean it's it's like acceptable I think what we're going to try to do here since we don't have much room we're going to convert our hay bales into regular wheat we're going to turn those into bread I can make a a gold fishing rod ooh that's an idea oh and look at this Remnant saber what does this do deals 100% more damage in water that's kind of cracked okay so we got that um we're not going to make one of those for the time being I'm thinking we're going to cook some iron we have 14 iron so we can cook 14 iron that's great I guess we're going have to use Spruce Wood and once we get that we can make a replacement pickaxe and I can make boots and we have a full set of armor already we're moving up in the world we got a nice little safety zone down here I hope nothing like comes up here I'm going to I'm going to put that there just for safety you know I wish copper would be useful that would be super cool you know actually we have this little water area right here I wonder we can make a fishing rod like what if I just made a gold oh wait it uses our string I kind of want to keep the string so we can make a bed so I can sleep through the nights for now so we need to find a good place to maybe set up like shop in a base and then we can even get a Way Stone and teleport back to it that would be the play so now that we have 15 iron ingots we can go ahead and make ourselves a iron pickaxe get rid of that piece of trash put that here and iron boots make El some iron boots and now we have a full set of iron armor doing pretty good I'm going to keep the doors for the time being we got to keep the leather leather is very rare since I don't know if animals can even spawn in this world and I'm probably just going to leave this furnace no we'll take it we'll take it all right we are free to explore I also have I can look at the map to see if there's other structures that we can like go for I'm kind of scared that something's going to attack me when I'm not paying attention though oh I see something over there what are you what is that even in the midst of an icy Wasteland a Wonderful Life can what Wisteria what is that we're going to go up to the top of one of these so we can kind of feel a little safe and we're going to look at our map I'm noticing a pattern of the ice structures this is a nightmare to look at are there any friendly structures what is this oh it's one of these okay those are not friendly this ship over here what is that is that also not friendly and what is this we're so far away from any of those areas though it makes me I genuinely don't know where to go so I found this ship right here that I wanted to explore and wow there are a lot of drowned around it it looked like a good ship that we could maybe take over and steal there's also a ship right there and there's a ship right there but that's not what I was thinking about if I go out here oh did it disappear there's a spider on my map there are spiders spawning there's also some more dirt over here oh there's a whole little pile of dirt and like a farm oh there's a spider wait there's a spider over there we're going to go for it wait does that count as a baby I feel like being out here is not a good idea but I'm not seeing that many mobs spawning there's a spider or two but like oh that's the ship that I want to take on you know what maybe maybe we will just we're going to play it safe is that oh there's a golden moth dude it's really cool I'll try to catch it but I think I have to try to kill it what happens if I kill it oh I feel like a monster and it dropped gold nuggets it was really pretty though there's an item called let's go to safety we're going to go to safety this is this is dumb all right boom safety door safety door now we wait there's this item called like gold moth jar some Treasures can have their own Souls gold moth in a jar maybe you could like capture them somehow now the sun's coming up and I am free I noticed a spider over here we're still going to take on the ship but I really want to get this spider I see him oh is there more than one spider wait there's two spiders wait where are they hello I'm not as crazy am I right there a spider right there he's don't tell me he's underground what did that just what do those give me water breathing oh I don't like it down here I guess those when they're lit up they give you water breathing I'm okay we're not going under there cuz I'm not going to risk it I don't know where that cave is I don't know how deep the cave is instead we're going to risk it a different way by taking on this beautiful ship over here however I want to check that out first probably not much but it's something and then I want to check that out since that might be a bit easier to conquer with less combat that I have to worry about so we got raw Cod and just more fish okay we're not going to get a ton from the campsites but maybe we'll get something from over here oh it's like a wait is like a mine thing what is this oh okay let's Le and fish which is good and ooh Pirates pouch okay I want to see what I actually get from the Pirates pouch pants of the Dead Sea yeah we're okay goodbye that's garbage I will take my dirt back thank you would rather have dirt than those pants ooh we got another Pirates pouch and this one gives me I think what they're doing is giving me like either emeralds gold or iron I just don't notice which one I didn't look at the actual numbers first probably should have to be honest that's okay we're going to take on this pirate ship I'm way more prepared we have real food we have a shield and we have a sword and we are prepared to destroy them and more importantly take all their stuff we're going to make their stuff stuff into my stuff oh I got to be careful I already hear these guys I can't do basic parkour on nice all right I hear them okay there's one guy down there try just get rid of him come here bud ah you's stupid look at this guy stupid ah ah whoa I lied I lied oh my God whoa see that's why pillagers are dangerous that man did so much damage also there's a baby over there cute and deadly good combination okay uh there are a couple more of these guys down there okay you're a bow boy I'm more concerned about the vindicators where are the vindicators at wait that's not a Vindicator is that an evoker wait no surely not right that looks like an evoker yeah that's a Vindicator that's an Yo No thank you how do I kill if I had a bow and arrow oh if I had a bow and arrows I have to just leave this is too dangerous this is not worth it we're going to come back though don't you worry man I'll be back yikes dude I wanted their loot but if he if that evoker starts spawning stuff it's game over we can't take that on okay so what I'm thinking is that any of these structures like the boats that have colored wool on them are going to have evokers on them so those are the ones we're going to stay away from but this one is one of the ones that we kind of looted nearby last time and there were no evoker spawning Vex So in theory we could loot this one safely I scared of you yeah hi guys ah you're all stupid small brains small ow okay can you we good here okay this are just col is cool purple pick ooh purple purple picker weed this is perfect we can make U purple Dy with this which we could use to craft the gemstones the warp stones or a away Stone I just don't have any space for it in my inventory I don't know what to get rid of here uh the door I guess oh no oh no they're going to jump [Music] down wait wait are they stuck ah step bro pillagers wait oh they're going to attack each other now yeah cleaning up the cre look at this look at this actual imbeciles average Floridian drivers oh look at this we got an anvil we got blast furnaces we got more emeralds and yo look at all this iron we got tools oh please tell me dude this place is cracked okay so I figured something out that I was looking at so I can make a backpack right I need a chest this backpack is going to be my savior because there's too much stuff here do I have enough to make it yet okay I need two sticks let's make some sticks and now boom backpack and now we have a whole backpack okay emeralds first we're taking all the lapis as well oh this is so good okay so we got emeralds we got gold we have our iron we're going to put in the enchantments we got that we're going to put in raw salmon put in leather put in that cuz I never want to use that that would be terrifying put in chests we got sugar cane paper another enchanted book our saplings we got those dude and we can this is so good this is so good okay we got iron nuggets let's finish looting this place we got the iron nuggets gold nuggets all this good stuff our tools oh I can even backpack so we're going to take the blast furnace of course we're going to to take an anvil already got chests so we're good for in here I Wast a lot of my wood but we can get this we can get this wool oh that's gone see we could have gotten the wool from the other ship if there wasn't any evoker on it all right and now we have enough wool I should probably grab like extra just in case right you think just in case I you know I need more beds or I want to bring a bed like with me can also collect some of this for addition wood anyways by the time I had left this place my inventory was pretty cleaned up and I had an additional backpack full of Loot and it was now day six all right so we have gotten so much loot from this place I have two backpacks in here we have a bunch of stuff like this including a whole bunch of stacks of spruce I grabbed as much Spruce as I felt like I needed I mean I didn't want to sit here and mine forever so I just decided you know I'll get i'll get a couple of stacks I'm I'm not going to come back to this place as a house so kind of okay with just destroying it there was a bunch of like hidden chests and stuff that I ended up finding after breaking the place apart but overall we got pretty stacked and I also learned there's like different types of backpacks we can make so I have enough iron to actually upgrade a backpack I am so worried about and gold so we can I really hope it doesn't like destroy the items inside so if I upgrade this to iron it can now have 36 please don't destroy my stuff okay cool and now I can upgrade it to Gold using one iron and a bunch of gold and now we have 45 also it looks really cool Gucci backpack the achievement is literally Gucci backpack that's kind of funny big boy backpack Boom Big Boy backpack now we are ready to set back out into the abyss and since we're going to set out I have the perfect plan so over here is an evoker right we you can get a totem of undying if we can take him on but I need arrows to do that how do I get arrows emeralds I've got enough emeralds to trade a villager a Fletcher for for arrows so I'm going to go over to here and we're going to take on this place loot up all the stuff here since I think one of the places yeah it's one of the ships that we already had taken over kill a bunch of these guys and then turn these villagers into Fletchers and then this bad boy is going to give us arrows that we can use to kill the evoker from a distance but we have to go around the ship first also I don't know what is a m so we got our first Target over here is this guy getting range not playing around with him oh is he stuck in the water can you come over this way so I can you're lying that is my only arrow that I had inside of this my my guy come on don't make me don't make me go down there okay first Target executed the boat is somewhat safer now we're going to come over here from a it's from the side angle because I don't want to I don't want to risk any more of those guys sneaking up on me at least we have the mini map the mini map is our savior here because it will tell us how many of these guys actually exist so now that I was here and ready to take on these villagers one by one I snuck up on and sliced and diced each and every one so I could begin looting the ship after cleaning out every single guy from the map and going through all the chests for some dank loot including more iron gold and emeralds it was time to get working with the Villagers so I could get the arrows that I needed to take on enemies from a distance this area is pretty much cleaned there's one Pillager left down inside however there was like these crazy looking fish down here I don't oh oh it's still here not a fan and don't know what you even do where'd he go okay okay okay ooh not a fan oh he drops pins wait I don't have a block I don't have blocks okay where's the last Pillager ooh we got diamonds more emeralds and gold see this is the loot that I promised I think the game plan here is to get enough diamonds we're halfway to make a diamond chest piece and give it protection for and mending and then we'll just have protection and we'll you know never never break so we'll have a crazy like start in defense we will be goated with all of the sauce that is possible but first I have to find this one more Pillager speed speed speed speed speed ah ha come here sucker okay this ooh wa this thing wa what the okay I've got 33 emeralds pick these up that guy dropped me four emeralds and I've got another one I've got another one even more gold even more iron no more fish I'm tired of taking fish I'm not going to eat them I'm going to get better food anyways dude this is so good all right we've looted I think everything got a couple of apples as well and I got a Pirates Booty so I've got no iron gold or okay it dropped me garbage cool sea tramps love to see it pun intended okay so now let me make sure this is are this area is safe just in case I I'm I'm seeing things okay now we make a crafting table pop this bad boy down we're going to make a Fletcher I need Flint for a Fletcher so if we're going to make Fletching table I have to go underwater grab a shovel we're going to take a couple of gravel until we get flint or I could just take it up I could always take it I here's some Flint oh here we go boom two flint perfect now we have gravel and we have Flint get some more oxygen and I am out of here before I get lost that is my biggest fear in Minecraft in probably real life one of my one of my big fears is getting trapped like underwater like open ocean is terrifying anyways Fletching table which one of you uh which one of you friends wants to be a Fletcher oh okay we're leaving we're leaving I don't oh no oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no um oh my God why I thought about this how did okay you know what I don't know where they spawned it's okay we got this they can't they can't get in here if they don't spawn in here right so they did not spawn in here which means we are safe we're going to do this and we're going to leave all right let's level this guy up see if we can get some more arrows before leaving all right he's leveling up good good he didn't refresh his trade what is what is his problem are you for real man fine give me emeralds give me emeralds yeah yeah give me emeralds come here come on oh where'd your friend go I don't know he just became a pile of emeralds on the ground don't want to try to get this guy to he no he's going to want to rip me off right cuz he's mad cuz I killed his friend I don't know what he's talking about I don't think he has any proof that I killed his friend but uh stuff happens all right he's just a regular villager we're going to get a Fletching table and job you want this job you want this job one of you wants this job somebody take the job also the raid disappeared The Raid is gone it's like the raid failed to spawn and then just didn't nice cool we could just kind of do our thing now so I've been down here for quite some time now and I made B however the longer I've been like down here the more noises I've been hearing so those Sirens are like going off more frequently not a fan of that and also there's like this weird like I don't know how to describe it it's like a knocking noise almost it's like a d as if something is getting closer to me anyways we have to find a new place to go now I guess we could take on the evoker kind of scared to do that but if we get far enough away from him and take pop shots with our brand new bows and arrows we'll probably be good right okay I've gotten really close to the ship but I'm kind of scared to get too close I really don't want The Vindicator spawning so I'm going to be as strategic about this as possible not taking the chance so we're near the ship okay we're we're going to start taking shots we're going to get up here and take shots and if I need to we can just bail so I'm in the same spot as I was last time I was up here and he did not spawn vindicators now I'm not sure or not vindicators Vex I'm not sure if me being up here and shooting him oh okay he sees me uhoh uh-oh okay can I get him one two oh we got him I don't think he summoned any got rid of him get rid to this guy my new mouse is so much better for this the other mouse that I had was really difficult to aim with it was like the same model just a little older and it had issues what wait where's the totem what he didn't drop a totem oh I was so scammed all right where's this last [Music] guy you down here buddy where are you I I hear you I got scammed he's like right here so he should be either he's trapped over here or [Music] he's where where is my guy at is he in there oh there's beds in here oh hey buddy I've got distance now I've got range dork aha pathetic loser oh he's got a sword too oo oh maybe that's why he didn't drop a one he didn't drop one because he's one of these special named guys dude that sucks get rid of that before something explodes it we got a bone I'll take that take any arrows we can get ooh fishing rod fishing rod we can make use those to make uh our farm we got gold I'll take some cake we have furnace I'll take the furnace too I am taking everything since I've got inventory for it ooh okay iron a new axe another fishing rod these are all things that are mine now that's crazy how that works yeah we conquered the we killed the guy and we conquered the ship not really much uh loot to be had for it but we did do it after stealing all of the sails from that ship I ended up with about 58 of each color of wool honestly pretty good little bonus to you know not getting a totem of undying but anyways after I was finished with this ship I began checking my map to find any other potential areas to spawn ended up finding an abandoned ship and the other really large ship down to the left corner I'm really curious what would be there and possibly I could even make a base in the area so I marked the two before going to sleep for the night to scare away any of the potential Sky demons that were coming my way so now that I had conquered this ship and taken all of their worldly possessions here I was on the morning of day 10 I had now lived through 10 whole days of this Frozen Wasteland and I was prepared to set out to look for a place that I could make myself a home I didn't quite know where I wanted to go yet so while I was checking my map I was looking at nearby structures for me to potentially loot along the way and that's when I had remembered that huge ship that I had marked from before and that was going to be my new Target so I spent most of this day traversing through the hills of ice and snow until finally I had found the ship and uh it was not quite what I had expected why does that guy have a torch he's the light of my life so we're going to take on this area and use it as a vantage point and I have a genius idea to farm emeralds from these guys since we have that weapon that gives us emeralds for stabbing people that's exactly what it o I see him [Music] ye uh uh-oh oh hey come here bud ow [Music] jerk don't shoot just you know what just die he took an arrow to the knee he he died the Skyrim way he died the way we all wish to [Music] die obviously I can't get the guys with arrows because they are not going to let me but Mr stabby guy right there he's an easy target see ironically the way these structures are made the they can't get out oh hey guys look at you make a nice little safety net oh you guys just want to give me emeralds it's so kind of you thank you you're all so nice so taking advantage of the hospitality these friendly guys were showing me I kicked every single one of them out of the house one by one until this entire structure was now mine for the taking all of their loot was now my Loot and honestly there is not any better way for that to be the case it is now official I have looted everything in sight in this ship and honestly this is some of the worst loot I have gotten I did not get nearly as many good things as last time either it was just a worst place to loot or maybe I'm getting so used to it that it's just gotten kind of stale but anyways my inventory is destroyed now like I've been struggling to shove stuff in these I know I'm a hoarder I've got stuff like barrels that you don't really need and like chain mail armor backups for iron I know and I took all the shovels I know but hear me out here it makes sense it'll make sense that we have this stuff in the future also I got six pirate loot boxes and I only had to spend $5.99 in the Apple store to get them and now before we leave I'm going to take the blast furnaces of course take the Lantern and take the Anvil because I mean free Iron is free Iron that I am not going to leave behind and now we're going to take on the ship it is time oh look there's another even bigger sh oh that's one of the good ships wait that's got like uh wait it's this way ooh that's one of the Giga ships that's what we're going to call them Giga ships we need to find a place to live quick so I could just start mining or something we need to get ourselves good armor I am terrified out here okay so now there's only one guy on the map which makes me think that that is the evoker I made my way up to the nearby Ice Mountain to try to get a vantage point to see where the evoker had gone I waited up here for quite some time and there was no sign of him anywhere so with my massive big Giga brain I got the idea to make myself a flint and steel by using some of the gravel in my backpacks and I set the ship on fire I sat nearby idle watching this entire potential family of pillagers burn alive while doing this I did manage to find one of the evokers in the distance that I quickly took a couple of Pop shots at until he was down for the count but the ship didn't appear to have anyone else on it it's almost like the evoker was just gone as I watched the ship burn the TNT inside of it finally set off and that's when I found the treasure my diamond after this I just placed my bed out and went to sleep because I did not want to be out in the Frozen wastelands in the middle of the night okay so now that that ship has been eviscerated from the map let's let's actually see uh ooh yeah it's uh not looking so great we're going to go check out this big ship nearby that's going to have even more dank Loot and then oh this is that's the grass oh it's got one of those scary fish so in order to take on this ship we're going to break in the same exact way we did that first one I'm going to use the walls to our advantage we have lots of lots of things to loot here like just look at all these chests however I got to be careful down here appears to be safe for now got to block it off real quick okay I think we're good we've already taken over this entire bottom hole of the ship kind of goated when you think about it so we got like wheat in here we got fish fish ooh hello okay more emeralds I'll take those more golden iron beautiful fish at this point like I want to take all the fish but like we're going to have plenty of fish trust me when we start making our Auto Fishers we're not going to need fish so for the time being I'm just going to leave behind most of the fish based loot really don't need it I'll take the fins though fins definitely have some use and it's nice that we're getting leather because otherwise we would have like no way of getting it we need animals there's no animals in this world that I I know of all right we got our villagers now so we have our three villagers and now we just need to further make this area safe I love how you can cheese these ships it is so great and now we have access to this look at this another Diamond let's go we got diamonds we got gold iron more emeralds more diamonds we might be able to make a diamond chest piece what is that sea stew what is this I want to keep these doors in case I need them the power of the sea in your stomach strength in Fury Three 30% ability power whatever that means three attack damage and a lot of saturation oh wow it's expensive you need a bowl you need some of those you need baked potato you need Esa which we have cooked spine fish which we have puffer fish and fins we actually have all of these items it's not the craziest piece of food that we could make though but if I have a ton of those I'm not complaining like if we can set up the auto Fishers and get a ton of these dude infin Seas to 12 hunger 12 hunger 80% saturation I'm going to keep I'm going to memorize that that is crazy good okay we got more emeralds more iron and gold more diamund beautiful we might have enough now we might have enough Let's see we have nine diamonds I'm doing it it is time cuz we have that really good enchanted book we have have protection 4 and mending unfortunately we're not going to have looting but that's still like crazy dude these guys hit like dump trucks so it'll be nice to not have to be scared as much of getting hit by one of them so we're going to place down one of these Diamond chest piece boom we already have an anvil on us look at that cover me with diamonds let's go got Anvil we're going to pop this bad boy into the Anvil and boom protection for and mending my only complaint is that when I get Unbreaking 3 it's not going to be like in order but honestly kind of can't complain six levels boom I think we have Unbreaking three don't we so apparently we don't have Unbreaking three I guess one thing that I could try to do here since we have emeralds right is I have LEC turns we could try to use a lecturn to roll one of these villagers for Unbreaking three we've got two lecterns right here so I oh boy after I I go through and break every single one of these barrels Apparently after being forced to wait here the entire night because I couldn't sleep and these guys stopped taking jobs I finally got one that's really good I got power five normally I wouldn't take that but like it is oh hey buddy hey you found the Trap it is perfect it is perfect okay uh hey backpack I'm gonna need what need books need lots of emeralds that should be good I want to take I mean I could take two maybe I should take two just to have an extra one I don't want this guy to get killed now so let's make a boat let's make like a safety boat for this man make ourselves a boat and you need to go away you need to go in the boat yes safety boat now I take this guy shove him back in his prison because ironically it's the most safe okay I can't get out now it's so safe that it even blocks me from entering isn't that funny all right it's not perfect but he's he's back in there so there's that now that we have him doing that let's go get this guy to get un breaking three Riptide no thank you now I have to do it this way since I don't have more than one where is this guy going why do you fight me now that this place had a lot more value I decided that I was going to build a base nearby but first I had to spend the rest of this night clearing out the remaining enemies above ground after putting on my brand new diamond chest plate I didn't quite yet have Unbreaking three but this thing still helped me so much with not getting beat up by these stupid axe boys and bow boys there's two pillagers there and it shows me my three villagers so my three villagers are still here and there's two remaining pillagers I don't know what happens if I try to take on the pillagers let's say I like try to fight some of the pillagers maybe it starts the raid they have to die either way cuz they're you know still there so I mean really hoping I did not just screw this up I cannot believe I forgot that TNT counts as the player killing something that is such an oversight I tried to drop an anvil and the Anvil didn't get him oh I hear it somewhere there's a grass block down there don't sneak up on me the raid appears to not be spawning which is kind of odd maybe it's maybe it like counted as a village but also didn't count as a village at the same time I don't know why this is the second time this happened where it spawns a raid but the raid is like failing to spawn so I got seven grass blocks and the uh it's night time now and the raid counter is now back up by half I I have no clue what's going on my interpretation is maybe some of the mobs that are spawning are counting as raid mobs like maybe witches or those like weird ghoul versions of the pillagers we saw earlier I don't know but I'm not oh oh I just went back down again this is terrifying man I'm just trying to like do my own thing what is going on I'm I'm really scared oh did just go back up I'm so scared this raid is going to spawn and get my really good villagers killed things are not not things are not going well let's try to sleep we're going to sleep for the night make it daytime it oh oh what's it doing what's it oh two remaining yeah something something that was spawned at night time maybe counted as raid mobs so now it was day 17 and because the raid had still refused to leave I was stuck here just doing random basic chores around the Villager place until they did decide to leave throughout the day I went and crafted myself some iron backpacks so we had even more storage I crafted a brand new Anvil because the previous one had broken after that I use said Anvil to add power five to my bow making it an absolute killing machine and I spent the rest of the day just cooking stuff in the furnace so I had extra food and apparently spine fish give you six hunger they're so common that's really really good okay so the raid's still not gone and there is the villager trading area I'm thinking about building right here this has an amazing amazing view like look at this View and what I'm thinking about doing is maybe like going down to probably about here let's say maybe this would be the level and then just clearing out this entire top area so I have my brand new silk touch shovel so we also get snow now which is pretty useful actually we can use snow for a couple of things including making snow golems if we I guess need to overall I want to make this area different than I've ever made before I want to make a type of Base that's unique and different I'm okay if I use the same type of woods though if I use Spruce Wood and like stone bricks that's fine because I don't really have a lot of other blocks to uh work with here to be honest but yeah I think this is where I want to call home because we make a base here we have access to the villagers and we have a beautiful view like it's gorgeous up here so I've spent a good good portion of this day kind of you know discovering what I wanted to do with this platform this like base up here I built out a beginning platform structure so the idea oh is that a creper ooh so yeah mobs cannot spawn on Ice by the way I hit the wrong key okay that was stupid uh mobs can't spawn ice because it's a transparent block so that makes the world actually ironically safer oh man I got to build up it's kind of wild I can't even build up with like random blocks I want it to look kind of nice anyways we have this area up here and the idea that I was kind of going for is I'll make this like the front stairwell so door will be right here we'll have an area right here an area right here and we'll have like this kind of this area already kind of mimics it but we'll have like a path that goes down like that to a then lower area platform that we have built around the bottom that we can then build other areas down there around and then I'm thinking we're going to turn this into like a central area so we have this square right here I'm thinking about widening it back just a little bit and then maybe having like a side piece that goes like this a back piece that goes like this and another side piece that goes like this kind of so it's like a how do I it's it's like a nice little tent roof like half circle I don't know how to describe it but I've got I've got a crazy good idea for this it's going to look amazing so now that I have this little platform up here I decided to place out a bunch of chests and I cleaned out my backpacks so we do have a decent amount of stuff here we no longer have any diamonds which is okay not a big deal we have a ton of random loot here I can finally see what these are we have like lots of loot like we've got lots of crops we can plant we've got books we've got food we are off to a really really good start I am definitely a loot Goblin and then in this chest we have a couple dirt blocks and grass blocks I know there was a couple that I left while exploring that I really want to come back and get but for the time being we're going to plant a couple of trees up here before we get building so as I open these pirate loot boxes I was actually thinking we're going to go over here and we're going to take on this it's going to be a two for one special we're going to take all of their stuff rightfully so and then I'm going to take all of the spruce wood that I can get my hands on to use to start building my base also if you're wondering I put I put the other backpacks inside of this backpack which is so broken this is like the ultimate Ender Chest it's got even more slots than an ender chest and these are more efficient than shulkers sure they they cost like a lot of resources to store stuff in but this is crazy storage you know actually maybe it's not even broken because of how expensive they are to craft maybe this is kind of balanced maybe regular vanilla Minecraft after all these years we've we've just gotten so used to like not having inventory space that now it's just like whoa you know what I mean and boy did we sure take this place and Burn It To The Ground after getting all my resources together I made my way over there and built my way up to the top and one by one I absolutely annihilated every single Pillager here until all of their loot was now my loot I stuffed all of that stuff into my backpacks and I spent a couple of days here just tearing things apart taking every piece of spruce wood I could find along with anything else of value by the time I was finished with the place I had come out like a king with plenty of wood to start building my own house coming back from my extended trip over at the Villager thing which um does not look so good anymore I might just burn it down it kind of kind of ruins the view it's uh I didn't get every piece of wood there as a bunch you can see cuz it was just with a regular iron axe it took so long I actually ended up breaking like three iron axes so but we did get this much wood you know we got a decent amount of spruce wood we got some Spruce endpiece Wood I grabed some fences cuz why not and then we got some spare like dark oak stuff nothing really that much for dark oak and my backpacks are full of crap ironically I didn't really get that much from this place this time normally I come back with a lot of stuff this one kind of sucked oh is snow going to build up up here I didn't think about that I guess when I have a roof it doesn't matter but this is why I almost never build in snowy areas in Minecraft cuz then you have to clean everything up constantly all right it is in the middle of the beautiful night out here looks so pretty and I've made a platform and I've kind of got an idea for the style of house that I want and we have lots of spruce wood for it we have a a decent amount of spruce wood I kind of didn't want to build with Spruce but I don't really have much of a choice because there's not exactly like in a abundance of trees here what oh yeah you guys yeah I love those guys guys are cool I guess technically we could still go to the Twilight Forest but I I think I need grass for that actually oh that's just not enough grass I also need flowers that I don't think I have I think I need yellow and red flowers to go to the Twilight Forest and I don't know if I want to go to the Twilight Forest cuz I feel like it's it could be a little little cheaty in comparison to living on the you know the icy frozen whatever you want to call this monstrosity anyways uh this platform is ready to go for our house only problem is I need a second type of block I'm thinking like stone stone brick Cobblestone would be a nice um complement for Spruce only thing is we don't have much Stone period we have no stone I was thinking Black Stone could work we would have to go to the nether Coral stone is really cool looking I like how coralstone looks but I don't know how to make it oh oh 16 coralstone for one nautilus shell in stone do we have I don't even think I can get n shells that easily I think I've been like throwing them away yeah so you know what we're going to have to do we're going to have to dig down and we're going to go mining I meant to find a Cave System that's not full of water and fish that tried to kill me where would I want the mine to be what if I did it like right here maybe oh oh okay all right so what we'll do is we'll get some Spruce Woods like this so that way it's at least all kind of blocked in and I'm stuck digging straight down now you really oh okay no let's get rid of these you never want to dig straight down I know I say it like every time but never dig straight down I saw this this clip recently of Captain Sparkles ironically digging down and he was standing on one single block while digging down you know what happened he fell into lava so after digging extremely far down IID finally struck water and there were some terrifying sounds coming from Behind the Walls I was not looking forward to what I was about to find down here okay so in hindsight did digging down from one of the highest points in the world was probably not the best of ideas I'm wasting a tremendous amount of wood right now as building blocks uh I'm on y 52 on the map you can already see like the skeletons and stuff nearby and I hear them but I am I'm hitting non-stop water now like this is um not a fan I see all the creepers not a fan I would prefer to just okay that didn't do anything oh because the ice doesn't let mobs spawn they're all down here instead oh whoa whoa why why did I slide there dude I just almost fell down whoa whoa the ladder the ladder chill chill chill chill chill chill okay real quick real quick accessibility where is it sneak toggle sneak toggle please that is terrifying that's what I have to work with you're lying I I just I just said it don't ever dig straight down if I was standing on that block I'd be dead right now I think I could take the fall with my armor uh maybe not I could I could maybe take that fall but the mobs around it would probably finish me off and while I'm down here fighting for my life to find some coal and hopefully other resources I did want to mention something real quick so if you are a longtime viewer or even if you're a new viewer of the channel recently well I guess at this point it's not been recently it's been several months now about in August my main channel was falsely demonetized and I have been desperately struggling to get it remonetized with basically zero luck it's an issue with Google AdSense and it has caused me a lot of stress and grief and really slowed down the progression of my content actually kind of put me in a very bad mental state for a while there and I I tried not to bring that up too often but it it kind of really did um so if you're noticing this is my new second Channel that's at this point named after the main Channel I I changed the name so it was the same oh we got some dirt okay I'll take more dirt I had to go through what is essentially called an MCN which is like a management company for YouTube to get monetized on my second Channel because my AdSense account is no longer monetizable which is terrible honestly it's it's not just like oh my main channel is demonetized that sucks oh we got some coal and we got some iron it it's more than that I I can't monetize that Channel or any other channel essentially ever until I get it fixed if I get it fixed right now it's not looking like that which is why we are unfortunately kind of restarting here so if you are new to the channel it would really mean a lot to me if you did subscribe and if you are from the other channel and you are here don't forget to go down there and check to see if you are subscribed because you probably aren't and YouTube's feeding you this video all right we are back at the surface and overall that mining trip was uh kind of a massive waste of time so while I was down there it was really difficult to get around there was water just littering the place everywhere I did end up finding the noise that sound like a villager it was one of those tortured souls and they are very tanky he took quite a few swings of the sword to go down overall I was down there for Cobblestone and I didn't really get a ton I got about four Stacks here but I went through so many iron pickaxes and you always forget once you get to Diamond you know you kind of forget just how weak iron pickaxe are how slowly they actually mine and without enchantments how useless they are like I mined quite a bit of coal down there and I didn't really get that much I mean my backpacks are kind of a mess of like random stuff I found this embedded ammonite which no clue what that's for so it's part of the upgrade aquatic mod I does it does it do anything I I don't think it does anything I think it's just it's nothing you can make Turtle waa that's crazy you can get some Scoot and you can make uh you can make scoot pavement or is it scut scoot scut I don't know yeah we got our Cobblestone and I got some amethyst I did find a Geo down there I actually marked it on the map where is it I made a Way Stone is it not going to show it's a villager trading home sweet homo oh there it is amethyst right down there because I wanted to incorporate some purple blocks here in the base make it look nice now that I was back to the surface with what little resources I had gotten from mining it was time to get down to building my base since we already had the platform I started out by building the front area of the perimeter and the door area at this point I kind of had an idea with where I wanted the base to go but it was a bit jumbled in my head and admittedly I was still struggling for resources all right so this is what I got so far for the front so the idea kind of is like a rounded design there going like a rounded rooftop Corner that'll go to there the only problem is I kind of need dark oak see I need more oak wood and I need dark oak because Spruce does not work on its own I love Spruce but dark oak and Oak plus Spruce makes the base a lot nicer and honestly I kind of wanted to go into the whole purple aesthetic more but I don't don't really have the types of wood that we need for that like we need like in fact I don't even think a lot of them are in this version of Minecraft I need like cherry wood and I need like a lot of sheep wool and stuff to kind of make it work so we're probably not doing that oh look we can begin our New Day by getting some oak wood let's go this is kind of the only way I have to get oak wood at the moment I mean there's trees all around and I I think there might be oak wood in those structures it just takes forever to te to tear them down like it is a very very slow process so replant those we got 10 Oak Wood already I did clean out this backpack it's all nice and clean and we've got the iron backpacks inside of it which we can put even more stuff inside of which is super cool uh this one it's got a little bit of crap in it still bits that's okay we don't have to clean that out we are going to set out on our our beautiful Journey here this house is going to look pretty cool oh you know what yellow flowers ooh wait a second if we need to we can possibly go to the Twilight Dimension we are back home sweet home away from home this place has taken a beating I'm kind of I don't know part of me does not want to do this I don't want to sit here and um mine all of this away for resources I've already done it I already spent a lot of my time doing this but I mean I really want my base to look perfect if I could just find a way to get dark oak wood I I could go to the Twilight Dimension perhaps what does twilight forest have after spending an entire day collecting as much dark oak wood as I possibly could from the structure it was looking uh a lot worse than it did before but my inventory was looking a lot better I had gotten a couple stacks of dark oak planks I had gotten some stairs and I had also acquired a whole bunch more Spruce Wood that I could use to build unfortunately there wasn't much Oak log that I could Harvest from this so I'm still kind of stuck farming for trees for that but luckily I don't need as much Oak as I do need dark oak for that nice additional Accent on the base anyways now that I had what I needed it was time to head back home and continue slaving away building my brand new base we are now back home nice and safe I really need to make a path to get up here that's like mob proof because it's not easy it's not easy getting up here but we got some more Oak loggies for the boys it's time to get back to work all right so for a little bit of work here we got a a decent layout for kind of how it's going to look I can't really go further back to to look at it but I had to fix a couple spots right there and then put some lanterns up there but that looks pretty cool this is going to look cool ironically it looks kind of like my villager trading Hall from the one block Sky Block original series I did but you know what that's not intentional also one of those wandering Souls is over here where is he so yeah we got this progress um I'm going to probably fill this in after we kind of fix that again I said I was not going to make my base too big but here I are doing exactly what I said I wasn't going to do making making the base super big what is actually wrong with me do I not have any lanterns I'm actually thinking if this building is going to take a good chunk more time I might start working on like a fishing Farm first so if you've seen our 24 hours of modded Ocean video which I would highly recommend you go and watch it's a really good video I played it with a friend which is something I don't do very often CU I don't have friends no I'm kidding I I don't do it often because it's difficult to record when we have friends that don't also do content but it was still a really fun experience and you should go check it out anyways we got a bunch of different items from it right we've got the fish trap iron fish trap wood fish trap Diamond Fish Trap these things are insane Farms are just everything from food to XP they're absolutely insane they're a little expensive to craft though right to get an iron one cost this many iron to get a diamond one cost this much Diamond but we can make wooden ones off the bat and then we can make iron ones and the iron ones they do pretty well all we have to do is submerge them in water and we can leave the top open so I wanted to make like a nice little like fishing area so that way these can produce resources for us why we actually like while we work on the base the only thing is I don't know where to put them quite yet I don't really have an area laid out to make a fishing Farm because it's going to be a a decently sized area it's going to be kind of big so maybe for the time being we'll just make a couple and we'll like kind of like put them inside of our base so that they they can like start functioning so in order to make these bad Bo boys we need fishing rod and string if I don't have string then we're kind of okay we got two string we need to hunt spiders oh man we got three string I don't have fishing rods oh do we have any wool okay I've I've got wool can I that I don't have a mod to do that okay well wait oh okay wait wait wait wait two w makes four string okay we're oh that's a lifesaver okay cool cool cool so we got our string need to make ourselves a fishing rod we're going to make how much iron do I actually have we're going to make I don't use too much of my iron we're going to make four of them actually yeah we'll make four four is good so we need four fishing rods I've also got this fishing net I've never used it and I don't think it works nearly as well as this one will so we're going to make four fishing rods and then I think we can just craft it right I to do one at a time because it's a and I don't have of sticks okay all right so now we have four wood fish traps and we need 32 iron now we just take our iron oh oops take our iron and I could still okay no we can do four cool how many diamonds do we have no diamonds I thought okay so now we just need a nice little area that's going to be temporary that we could like place them for I think they need to have water underneath them as well so this is going to have to be like too high maybe so let's you place one right there space one right there oh we can place them diagonally so we can do like put one there put one there put one there and I guess like that it's they're not going to be even but it it it works it's fine this is such a mess this looks really bad and I'm wasting all of my Cobble do I not have any more Cobble you're kidding me have I not made any buckets of water I swear I had two buckets of water I I swear I had buckets right surely have I just been out here existing without buckets this entire time oh that means I have to go down there it's almost nighttime as well oh we've also got the iron diamond fishing rods we can test out as well I haven't tried those yet we can see what kind of loot we can get from those we got our two buckets let's go down here real quick before things start to spawn really not a fan of being down here at night time those big fish things are horrifying I've realized as I got older that I was kind of like I never had any like active fear of the ocean as a child I used to swim at the beach a lot but as I got older I randomly just like I I feel like I'm kind of like Markiplier in a way where I just the open ocean is terrifying like it might like people say oh let's go on a cruise let's try travel the world and a cruise then you see the horror stories of cruises and you're like um hard pass I'm good man all these are slabs okay that just makes my life harder all right so that was a super scuffed process and this thing looks kind of scuffed but it should be fully functional now so now we need to make bait so bait cost fish and iron nuggies luckily I just have I just so happen to have a unreasonable amount of fish an unreasonable amount of fish literally everywhere got a whole bunch of cod and we're going to blow through some more iron nuggies I'm going to run out of iron though I need to smelt some and maybe start focusing on mining some more luckily these bait little like bait things they last a long time they unfortunately do not stack though I'm going to make yeah three four five 6 7 8 all right we are all set to load these boys up boom look at that already producing boom black fish okay boom C boom so they will produce like random fish and stuff they give you Enchanted items Enchanted loot they give you uh enchanted books these things will start filling up with some of the most goated items you will ever imagine in the last video that we used this mod we actually use these to entirely build up our enchantments like we we had so much loot now I'm going to be like checking these non-stop pretty soon they'll fill up and then I will have a ton of garbage to deal with with my AFK fishing Farm officially huh huh not sorry officially up and running and producing tons of loot for me while I work I quickly got back to building the beginning of my base admittedly this is taking a lot longer than I wanted it to per usual because I just kept adding more and more details now that I had the dark oak wood I added the extra arches over the top and I added a triangle piece to the middle including this nice little golden amethyst kind of touch in the center including this nice little golden amethyst touch to the center that really speaks my name only thing was I now was in need of a lot of sand because I need glass also just a additional funny thing that happened during these days while I was doing this a bunch of pillagers actually spawned on the nearby area over there and I was just kind of chilling watching them you know fall down the side of the cliff like the micro brains that they were and then later that night they attacked and ended up killing one of those big fish for the next seven in-game days this house was all I was focused on I started out by adding to the perimeter with different levels of wood and Cobblestone and and some of the resources from the amethyst I wanted this base to look like it wasn't all just one block even though I really did not have much to work with that this world would actually give me after finishing up majority of the walls I ended up running out of Basalt and after going down to the mining area I actually found some future diamonds that I made a way point for once we get fortune 3 you know I'm going to come back down there and steal I mean sorry borrow every single one of those that it is if I don't get blown up first by one of the many creepers that spawn down there because the entire surface is unsafe and full of nons spawnable blocks because everything is snow anyways after coming back up to the surface and adding the remaining balt blocks that I needed I actually ended up running out of dark oak wood because I wanted a lot more dark oak for the top part of the roof to really add that kind of layer of depth to the building I wanted part of it to be darker than the other I mean if I have my way honestly I probably would have used a lot more dark oak wood but in this world it was not so easy to get so anyways I was looking around on my map and I found another nearby ship to go and borrow some from but unfortunately the only nearby location that I did find was still full of Pillager DS so I sat here very carefully 360 no scoping each and every one of them out of this plane of existence before rightfully making all of their belongings into mine not to I also had found more villagers that I could use for some more beautiful capitalism and I stole all of their iron and gold and I even found three diamonds after fully cleaning the loot from most of the chests I decimated all of the spruce and dark oak wood that I could before heading back to my base and overall I came out of here with way more stuff than I was expecting including the three diamonds that I just mentioned that were the perfect amount to make myself a diamond axe to speed up the process of stealing wood and with my luck by the time I actually make that I will probably have a wondering Trader come by that's like hey yo you want some dark oak wood anyways after all of this extra journeying I got back to the base and I got back to working on it finishing every single side including some extra touch-ups up on the ceiling and the overall Archway roof that I had in mind now that I had all of this place placed out there was only one remaining thing that I needed a ton of and that was going to be sand because all of these empty spaces that you see were for Windows I was going to need a lot of sand so now that I've got a lot of the outline of this base put together it's looking pretty cool there were some spots that were kind of difficult to work on like how it goes from being very tall to kind of very short down here that's just like an outline to keep the ceiling whatever this is a relatively small base for what I normally build but look at this you could see it on the map it is like as big as one of these ships that's pretty cool so it turned out turned out pretty good we're need a lot of glass though right we need to get a lot of glass to fill in all these individual areas which will stop the snow and I can move all these torches so the snow doesn't build up but anyways I wanted to show you all what I got from that trip to the ship not that bag look at this so we got 25 more iron we got more emeralds 21 gold three diamonds along with efficiency for book goated CSE of Vanishing that's kind of a trash book because of that protection three is pretty good sharpness three and then a log book I don't I don't know why I picked that up I don't think I meant to so we got some goated stuff there and I'm thinking what I want to do is make a pickaxe first then go down there and get those diamonds but first we're going to check on these because I've not checked on these it's been very difficult for me to not check on these okay they drop some crazy stuff the iron ones not quite as good as the diamonds but even so look at all the stuff we got like water bottles we got like Driftwood and stuff ooh Nautilus shells wait a second wasn't there something I needed Nautilus shells for ooh there's like a lot of them in here I didn't I forgot about that there like a crazy amount of Nautilus shells we've got 18 what is I need Nautilus shells for well that's unfortunate but yeah we got a lot of Enchanted stuff and the one thing that I used this for last time besides crafting good weapons is this Enchanted loot can all be unenchanted or disenchanted whatever we can get crazyy enchantments from it right we can get lots of XP we can get XP we can get enchantments it's like right here we have our power five bow we can give it punch one Unbreaking three I don't want to give it mending oh look at this Unbreaking three power three that's crazy we're going to we're going to disenchant all of these because we don't need those oh there's a lot we have another protection three book which means we can get protection four we're going to unenchant that unenchant that that's kind of trash we've got another Power four book don't quite need that we'll disenchant that that's a pretty good bow on its own power three and breaking three mending kind of crazy Let's uh let's put this stuff in a chest that so I don't destroy it to the mines we go I'm hoping to get at least what is it it was like a four vein minimum so I'm hoping to get like 12 diamonds right that's reasonable re per I think that's like super high luck oh look at all the mobs on the map that is quite a bit of mobs all right so this is what we got to work with here it's not the worst what I could do is just start like bridging out I just got to be careful like any those more diamonds what is that it's a glow squid ah yes one of the most useless Minecraft creatures the glow squid all right I made my way down here nice and safe I don't know where that zombie is we're going to get ourselves our diamonds no way is that no way come on game you can't do that to me five diamonds it only dropped five that was a five vein this is a fortune 3 pickaxe I just got practically I got one for one odds not a single one of those dropped I just Wast my time I just spent all this time going down here extremely carefully just for that all right you know what we're going to craft ourselves a boat so I can try to get this chicken the goal is we can just get this chicken and we can sit on it not like that though get ourselves a chicken we can sit on top of it till we get enough eggs and we can take it to the surface to try to get more chickens we can get enough eggs to hatch a chicken we'll be good he's here somewhere we found him and he's only in a super dangerous area yeah how oh he's got an axe too wow he's a dangerous guy how do I capture you safely all right boat get in the boat where you at yeah chicken boat rider oh gr well this took um an exceptionally large amount of my time down here just to get this guy so that was great but now we got ourselves a chicken all right I box this area in a little bit and now I have the idea we're just going to going to there we go cool chicken friend yeah El going to block off this area wasting a lot of blocks here but it's okay it's for safety we need we need safety is what we need I'm also going to take all this iron long here overall this took an entire day just to get a stupid chicken but you know we now have infinite chicken am I going to eat the chicken am I going to make a chicken farm maybe not if we can get golden carrots but it's a good thing to have for now you know nice to just have anything and everything now I just got to wait for this guy to make some eggs all right so it's it's another day I actually decided to just build up here because the chicken would not land an egg I don't know if like the The Tick speeds just give me unlucky luck with him but I've waited like 15 minutes or so he's not laiden egg so I'm building him a path up and turns out it's actually really easy I built still staircase little staircase ends up going right here which is right to where I need him to go let's get him to come over here and then boom let's block off that block off that and he can come this way we're going to make sure he doesn't plummet to the abyss chickens are not that smart brain also a spider somewhere over here all right cool after collecting what little seed I could get from the nearby grass made my way back down the M shaft and over to our new chicken friend with the seed I very carefully broke the boat before leading him all the way up step by step through each and every part of the cave after finally getting this man to the area where my ladder was I couldn't actually get him to go up the ladder so I decided instead to make a temporary little indent in the cave where I could put his boat and the second I did that the man decided to go up the ladder except he ended up getting stuck because of this small little block hole with a torch at the end of the day I couldn't get him to cooperate enough to go up the ladder so I instead lured him back down and pushed him into the boat and I guess he's just going to chill down here for now after this I went back up to the surface to grab a name tag and I named it Roberto I then made my way back down the ladder and gave the chicken his new name let me know in the comments if you know what show this is from I'll give you one hint anyways after getting rid of all the enchanted loot I now have 20 levels again so after all this time we can finally so after all this time we can finally add in efficiency five I don't know why I struggle to say that efficiency 5 extra fish if you know what I mean to fortune 3 we got our pickaxe boom fortune 3 efficiency 5 now this pickaxe goes bur and we don't need that one anymore also I discovered I mean you can't cook majority of this fish like the like pink salmon rainbow trout poock all that crap but you can actually make a filet knife you can make filet knives and turn them into filt and these fillets are pretty decent cooked fish fet gives you three hunger and 60 saturation and I'm not sure what those symbols around the three hunger mean I don't know if that means they give you more than three and more saturation or if that's just like the symbol they use about to find out no they don't I mean they're not great food but it's definitely food right like we don't have a ton of bread so we can get like our better food for combat and then have this be our basic food that we eat outside of combat we don't really need a ton of saturation not to mention bread doesn't give much more saturation than it you know it's just five I I don't know why it says 60% on both even though it's they're not the same number I don't know anyways we smelted a bunch of our iron and we got tons of that now so just from that tiny little trip we now have a couple of stacks of iron we're good on iron we've got all of that I can now make slime Balls by smelting the jellyfish oh and we have extra fish bait look at that we have backup fish bait as well and then if we get more diamonds we can actually go ahead and make our Diamond fish traps which cost eight per which is is I don't know how we're going to get that many diamonds in this world I'm going to be real we could go mining I guess but like there's not that many sources of diamonds we could go to the end maybe I don't even know if the end biome spawns in this world we haven't gone to the nether yet so we could also do that yeah resource wise we are doing good I'm waiting for these to break you know while we're waiting for those to break let's go down into the mft and see if chicken friend has actually laid in eggs L robberto what's up my guy why are you not laying eggs do wait do hostile chickens not lay eggs am I crazy I'm pretty sure they oh no wait I think they don't I think I've made a grave ER I think we need a second hostile chicken to spawn and then we can breed them using seeds and then they'll make eggs I was really hoping that was not going to be the case so I guess while we're waiting for that we could probably go go for some diamond armor I'm thinking we're going to grab all of our emeralds for the time being and we're going to go over to the trading area the villagers and see what they have I'm really waiting for these to break though let's check on villager boys what are you you're power five that's not very helpful you're mending that's extremely helpful let's get a mending book for this pickaxe and and probably just one we'll just go with one for now okay so what we could do since we have a lot of emeralds and a decent amount of resources is we can go to the other ship and we can actually turn a villager there into an armor and try to get some more diamond armor so that way we can we can get ourselves like stacked up we can just get some more diamond armor we've got protection four we've got mending and then I'll just need like feather falling and stuff and we'll be really really well off I think we're actually done here though so you guys enjoy your stay I know you guys love it when I come here steal your stuff as any good friend would do ooh is it night time already since the sun had set and I didn't want to travel across the icy lands during the most dangerous time of the night I made myself a bed using some of the wool from the ship and upon daylight begin setting out towards the other ship my goal for today was to turn all of those Traders into absolute cash cows we were going to get full diamond armor all right here we are at the second ship I stopped by the house and made three blast furnaces and then found the blast furnaces that were sitting in plain sight inside my base so that was kind of fun I did not bring much iron not thinking this through I'm pretty sure they're going to want Iron about to find out though okay that is a rash start but you know what we're going to go with it oh here comes the the fun part wasting my emeralds yeah I'm going to be real in the new 1.21 version they changed how villager trading works so you can't like quite do it this way anymore and I'm going to be honest I'm not a fan not a fan at all in future videos that are 1.20 which I do have some coming up sorry 1.21 I might install a mod that disables it I don't know we'll see I'm sure someone's going to make a mod that'll stop it from happening and if they do I'll probably use it all right this is actually going really well because I have gotten lucky enough to not need any type of resource and I got a new Shield yes oh they have feather falling already okay diamond boots with feather falling two should I get more than one pair to try to get a better feather I guess I'm going to have to screw it oh oh oh I just threw okay we're going to put all the helmets in here for the time being I might actually use them in the future probably oh man I need I need those emeralds sir [Music] uh I don't want you no no no no no no no no no aha okay so we got two sets of boots we get a pair of pants cover my gach we're going to get some more Shields to level this man up no more Shields cool no more okay cool that was one of the easier armors I've ever leveled up I have to spend any iron right he's got them breaking two chest piece that's pretty decent and he's got a kind of trash helmet we're going to take two helmets we're going to put one on we're going to take two of the boots we're going to put one of them on and I'm out of emeralds now that we have our that was really easy I did not expect that we have a bunch more villagers over here too it is almost night time again all right we're going to make a quick quick run home we're going to speedrun our way home so that way throughout the night we can go ahead and work on different stuff to get our armor up there after Gathering all the resources I was going to need for these new Traders I made my way back over to the boat as quickly as possible so I could begin getting those enchantments I broke out the first villager and I began placing Lecter to start rerolling him except immediately this man decided instead of becoming a nice smart trading Lecter boy he wanted to go for the 10 million fishing barrels that were scattered throughout the boat so to begin the day I had to clean up every single one of those so he would actually become the proper Trader and right after that he just got Unbreaking two for a meager 11 emeralds so 22 emeralds per Unbreaking 3 book so far so good except now I needed emeralds to actually start trading with him and this is where things went downhill very quickly I placed another Lecter inside of one of the cages for the other villagers and this man ended up having absolutely perfect trads I sold him tons of paper and books for as many emeralds as I could get unfortunately this didn't end up being much but as I was doing it he was quickly leveling up he didn't really have any good enchantments but after enough time I had realized that he was a good source for glass I could get four glass for every one Emerald only problem is I still don't have a consistent way of getting emeralds and it would probably be easier to dig sand down from below instead anyways while I was trading with this man my first villager that had become on breaking boy had walked straight into the only hole in the floor of the ship and this man was now stuck in the water and this is where things went downhill I spent all the way until Nightfall trying to get this absolute doofus this dummy this micro brain this tiny IQ amoeba to get his butt back into the boat after enough wasting time resources Etc I finally managed to lure him in with Lecter and push him back inside and close it up before Knight had fallen all right buddy so after trading with him he's got dep strier 3 that's pretty good dep ster 3 is pretty good 27 emeralds is not the most expensive however I can't currently afford it where is my guy now where are you where's the other villager there's no other way out of the boat right wait wait wait why do villagers hate me so much I treat them so well he loves it look at him he's smiling on the way back home I decided to test the waters literally a little bit by checking underwater in some of the areas see if I can find any exposed sand I ended up finding this one spot that looked pretty okay so I made myself some doors and I swam down and collected all of the sand when you're underwater in this world the only thing you really need to worry about are fish which is kind of ironic if I ended up finding one of those large shark fish things the Thrashers and I had to fight him in close to close combat I don't know if I could win especially not without diamond armor so as long as it's daytime and it's bright enough underwater I should be fine but luckily I have the mini map to keep me safe while I collect this sand anyways I ended up finding 24 sand in this one little patch which is really good because that's going to save me a lot of emeralds in the long run all right so we are home now we have 24 sand we can make our glass with that uh unfortunately I can't make glass panes which would save me a lot because a lot of this is like vertical build building or well I guess I should say like it's like polygonal building it's like an angle so that's just not going to work anyways though we have 24 levels and we can start putting together our books so we got Unbreaking two to Unbreaking three we have protection four Unbreaking three oh that's backwards Unbreaking three protection four and mending got that we're going to grab our Diamond pants we're going to unenchant these bad boys so we don't have to worry about that and let's see how expensive these guys are where 16 levels okay let's move all of those over there nice safe area and we're going to check these for some stuff I guess ooh we got an efficiency 4 book not going to get rid of that oh please tell me this there's no other Enchanted items in here that kind of sucks uh I'm still smelting the sand let's smelt some more raw fish for XP and I don't think I have anything I mean we don't need this book don't need that book we can we can just get rid of these we don't need the protection 3es they're kind of just a waste we're also going to get rid of that that's fine it's kind of like a waste of XP put those together here to you here to you look at that perfect I can't name them but we have enough to make them so we can always name them afterwards boom Unbreaking three protection for mending leggy boys look at that now we've got two pairs of Unbreaking or sorry protection four and mending now we just need enough XP to put the rest of these together and add him to the boots I also want to get feather falling four in the boots but as of right now it's not looking so great since it was now night time and I was out of XP or loot inside of my fishing traps to make XP I kind of just spent the rest of my night hanging around the house collecting stuff out of the furnaces and placing out the glass blocks that would smelt I was kind of stuck for a little bit waiting for more experience all right well I made a diamond fishing rod and I was like maybe this will give you better loot so far it's just give me crap fish I know it's unenchanted but I I really think I wasted two diamonds on this not a huge fan this kind of sucks I was trying to scrape together XP more but I guess not so maybe instead what I'll do today to get some more XP is maybe we'll just go mining cuz maybe we can also find ourselves some diamonds while we're down there so first things first definitely have to clean out my inventory it is a yes I have so much crap on me and I'm just going to dump it in this chest because I don't feel like organizing it I will keep these like there or something and and we're just going to dump the rest of this random stuff this as a backup don't need the fishing rod on us I have this fishing rod is there any other enchant stuff I can no probably not o gone roadway I cleaned out my backpacks and got a couple more things with some XP so I'm up to 10 levels now we're going to see what I can put together with 10 levels probably not much but I want to be at an exact zero or as close to zero as possible before we leave so that way I don't have to worry about wasting XP okay and it costs five to add mending so what I might do while I'm down there cuz it's cheaper is bring the Anvil and oh I guess it's the last oh man that's okay so I don't need that much xp I just need enough to put these together and we don't need emeralds on us we're going to take this backpack we have food we have arrows take that enchantment with that [Music] enchantment get the Anvil just in case you can never be too careful we'll bring some iron so now we got iron and we also have torches all right and just like that we are now prepared to go mining so depending on how this goes we might be down there a little bit or we could down there quite some time I'm hoping to get a long straight line mining this time because before I I went straight down into the stupid Ravine thing so so now that my inventory was all prepared I went down the M shaft and began finding a location to dig down ended up closing off the other half of my kind of messed up mining area and just one by one digging all the way down as deep as I could get until I hit Y 12 only problem with this was uh every step of the way I kept hitting water cave after water cave after water cave however after enough of them I finally got to a point where I could just mine in peace without that being the case and shortly after I ended up hitting a super deep cave system and the very first thing I saw after laying my eyes on this dark damp gross place besides the creeper was a couple of diamonds that he was camping so I quickly shot him in the face and began checking out the area just to make sure everything was safe and after it was I mined the diamonds along with everything else in the area I kept moving on until I noticed some skull that I was not really trying to have to deal with Honestly though since this is a caves and clips backport mod it doesn't quite work how regular caves and cliffs does and I'm pretty sure that that also goes into effect with all of the ores I'm mining because once again fortune 3 did not affect the diamonds these two diamonds only dropped one a piece so if I was going to have to get a lot of diamonds to make a lot of diamond fishing nets I was going to need to mine even more but now that my cave system was looking pretty lucrative that's pretty much what I was here to do so now that i' had come to the realization that these caves were more scuffed than I had already thought and I couldn't get XP from them there was only one thing left for me to get down here diamonds and I was going to need a lot of them my original plan was to use some of my diamonds to make diamond backpacks along with the diamond fishing nets however with how many diamonds I'm actually finding myself getting because of Fortune 3 not working I guess I'm no longer going to upgrade the backpacks after all gold backpacks have tons of storage on their own so they're kind of good enough so anyways I spent the next couple of days just finding a way trying to to get as many diamonds as I could while trying to stay away from any potential Warden spawns really was not looking forward to that for the next 3 days straight I continued on this journey of mining unfortunately even though I was mining quite fast because of the efficiency of my pickaxe because none of the ores were dropping any XP I was very quickly burning through durability and I would find diamonds here and there but mostly whenever I hit cave Lees and not so much when I was just strip mining I kept pushing on to the point where I just struck a nice vein of diamonds and my pickaxe was just about to break at this point I was only using the pickaxe to only mine diamonds but I was still struggling with durability because even the diamonds didn't drop any XP my goal was to get 16 diamonds down here that I could use to upgrade two of my iron fishing nets into diamond ones so I could Farm experience from them instead of being down here struggling to mine so since I was very close to that 16 Diamond mark that I needed I kept pushing on until finally I had struck a four vein of diamonds only problem was my pickaxe was down to a measly 18 durability and I didn't know how much it was going to take to mine those diamonds so while I was down here I had the idea to smelt away a bunch of my iron to give my mending pickaxe some XP so I sat here smelting what little little Cobblestone I had into a blast furnace and that's when I realized I never even added mending to the pickaxe in the first place luckily though I did have a spare mending book inside of my backpack and an anvil because of my original plan while I was down [Music] here unfortunately though I was going to need 9 XP to enchant that pickaxe so instead so for the time being i instead placed out my blast furnace and got to smelting a whole bunch of the massive stacks of iron that I had in my inventory at least this way since it was a blast furnace things would go much quicker after fixing the diamond pickaxe I went to mine the diamonds and lo and behold after all of this time that I had spent down here finally some of the diamonds that I had mined were real they gave XP and and Fortune actually affected them all right now that we are back nice and safe at home we have gotten we got some Moss blocks we got a whole bunch more iron we have 27 diamonds we got a bunch of redstone more iron gold lapis overall not the best trip because majority of these diamonds were not what they're supposed to be but now we can upgrade three of these let's go ahead and check them first to see if they have any more Enchanted stuff o we go and then I guess I have to dump their inventory why was that sound extra loud that was you never get used to that okay we got another bow bow and okay inventory full uh goodbye a flame Unbreaking three bow ooh that could be good good you know what we're going to keep that where's the other boat we got oh this one's already got breaking three and punch one this one's kind of better though to be honest the problem now is we need XP but all of it is going to go into this pickaxe cuz this pickaxe is oh that that did a lot wow okay this pickaxe is pretty messed up but I guess it's not going to take that much to fix which is great so it's a shame because we we only have enough for three we almost have enough for four all four of the fishing things we can make them Diamond but ironically I spelled out an L which is kind of what I took on that mining trip I'm I'm going to be real that was terrible like to lose my durability on a fortune pickaxe that is garbage so anyways first thing we're going to do is we're going to dump out these I guess we're going to take out the bait First We Take out the bait they'll stop producing we take all four of these I really need to start sorting my inventory I've got way too much stuff do I have like more there we go we're just going to stuff more stuff in barrels right what could ever go wrong by doing that all right so now our inventory is pretty clean it's time to start sorting all of this stuff real quick I guess and by sorting I mean throwing majority of it off the side of my house because let's be real I have so much fish that I'm never going to need I I do not need all this fish there's we're going to keep jellyfish for slime and we'll keep other miscellaneous items like name tags Nautilus shells and stuff but I I don't need most of this crap I just want the enchanted stuff that's pretty much the only reason I'm even doing this is to get good Enchanted stuff I also they drop Saddles so often I kind of don't care right now so I'm just throwing the Saddles off the cliff as well and stuff like sticks cuz I don't want to waste time organizing that I will keep the Driftwood cuz it's Oak it's it becomes Oak planks you know all right so I've pretty much got everything sorted now so now that we got all of that stuff out let's let's take a look at let's take a look at our uh our fine work look at that pile down there got to undo all that work Mr Beast doing somehow you know what I mean how dare he help the environment am I right all right now that we got these diamond ones it is time to get them going and they you're just going to have to see how much stuff these produce these are insane and then we're also going to dump out all the stuff from this one so we can compare them these will give you much higher quality loot as as well along with numbers so now we can just get you know even more Enchanted stuff on top of that I get like some other cool items like lily pads lily pads are great for farming we got like jellyfish for slime we got Driftwood iron we got some bones bone meal look at this they've already produced like double after that night of afking I didn't quite have enough XP to get what I needed and I figured since I wanted to have all of my armor and tools fully prepared to go out and explore again I might as well just AFK so I did the reasonable thing that any other professional gamer would do and I buried myself inside of a couple of blocks in the middle of my base and I afked while walking away from my computer to go make myself some dinner after coming back and checking on it a couple times I got quite a few items that I could disenchant for some XP and Peace by piece I put together my full set of armor we have our Unbreaking three protection for helmet protection for mending Diamond chest piece our Unbreaking three protection for mending leggings and our feather falling 3 Unbreaking 3 protection for diamond boots at this point all I needed now was to put together the enchantments for my diamond axe and I had some books that were sharpness 4 and efficiency 5 ready to go on it only thing was I still needed more XP so while I was killing time I figured I would go check the nearby water areas to try to get some sand so I can make glass to fill in all of my walls I set back out to get the sand and uh this process never gets easier with some of the mods in this mod pack being underwater specifically being under like a surface of ice is horrifying it sounds like you're actually under there and I have a little bit of a fear of oceans in real life so being stuck underwater under a coating of ice in a nice claustrophobic area where I have to also look out for the possibility of Thrashers the massive shark things beating my butt cheeks not the best time but anyways I kept on doing this till I figured I had enough sand and I was going to have enough enchantments to get my tools all fixed and after getting home I added the enchantments to both the axe and my diamond shovel and I was now prepared for the next step of the adventure all right so as you can see now I have gotten glorious improvements of my tools we got a better axe sword pickaxe shovel and I really want to put this Infinity on my bow but it would cost me 18 levels which is such a small amount in retrospect but like right now that's a lot I would have power five and breaking three punch one Infinity but for the time being we're going to have to leave that bad boy behind I am sorry we really got to do something about this inventory but anyways good news since I have gotten decent amount of glass from from our little sand Excursion I've pretty much filled in every single [Music] Corner around the base with glass now we don't have to worry about like you know I guess whenever we whenever coming inside or something I don't know I I don't know I'm really you know I keep seeing that one little leaf block right there why is that there but this is uh this is good news we don't have to worry about you know as much stuff as we did we got all these Windows filled in I don't have to worry about stuff coming in from the sides and whatever else could happen I don't know you never know before we begin our journey I do want to check these one more time look at that dude these are just so good the iron ones don't produce as much Enchanted stuff they produce a lot more fish and crap which is why these have lower fish numbers but I've been getting tons of enchants from them these have like stacks of rock cod I don't need a stack of rock cod even to smelt it's not worth the XP that I get you know what I mean however I will take this bow take that XP that's pretty good uh so I did want to go out and continue journeying but I was thinking before we attack the map some more right wow this is all exactly the same looking that is horrifying so anyways I don't want to quite start targeting stuff out here yet because I have a better idea of going to the nether now I was debating whether I want wanted to go to the Nether in this whether I wanted to be like a oh we're just stranded in the ice you know frozen Antarctic or if I wanted to actually do big boy things and maybe take down the Ender Dragon to get an elytra to Traverse this place and I I'm going to step foot in the nether I want to see so if we're going to do that that unfortunately means I have to get some obsidian and I do know there is a couple of areas I can get obsidian from down in the M shaft there are just not pretty oh yeah Roberto I'm just living the life of a 6'1 gamer always hid my head on the ceiling and stuff you know how it is can I get a can I get a uh yeah 6'1 in the comments for all my 6'1 Giga Chads out there whoa whoa whoa whoa hey hey whoa what just happened I have never in all of my Minecraft life seen that happen what just happened how did these guys spawn down here I have never in my life had that happen that was horrifying so with that little scare behind me I collected all of the obsidian that I needed to make a Nether Portal or two just in case I get stuck somewhere in the Nether and I spent the rest of the day just heading back to the tunnel very carefully making sure to pay attention the entire time in case anything else wanted to spawn down here because that encounter was wild all right so I grabbed myself 40 obsidian enough for four portals just in case you know enough for some contingency portals if I need them enough to go into the end or sorry into The Nether and out of the Nether and speaking of the end I need to hunt Enderman while I'm in there because I can make way stones right so you can make a warp Stone using four ender pearls and then purple dye which conveniently enough lapis lazuli and red flowers we can make purple dye emeralds obviously we have emeralds I just killed a couple guys and got one and we can make way stones which are really easy to make which I can also use some of my abundance of obsidian for which will be super helpful um I don't know where to make the nether portal at I don't want to listen to it that's for sure I'm also unsure what could spawn inside of the nether portal what if I put it over there see that would kind of require me to make the porch that I was going to make I was going to make myself a porch that goes around and connects to things that a power I'm getting so many good enchantments for bows oh wait oh wait go back go back Unbreaking three wait what needed Unbreaking three so this pickaxe needed Unbreaking three I could put it on I'm going to put it on the pickaxe it's going to be out of order but that's okay it kills me inside but it makes it so the pickaxe lasts a lot longer and I can stop wasting mending XP on it which is fine I just hope it's going to cost less than 10 if it costs 10 that's perfect but I put a lot of enchantments on that thing 18 levels all right not putting that there anytime soon unless I get a bunch of stuff and get lucky so what we've got so far is this nice little porch area I'm thinking of expanding it around the entirety of the base like all the way back there Etc but for now we just ended it right here so it doesn't like get in the way of anything and I closed it off as well just to be safe added some spruce outside and then some Spruce you know vents to kind of like change up the coloration and then we have this nice little path right here that will go down into our little area after getting enough resources from the mines I headed back up to the surface to continue working on the new area and of course being the alpha gigachad gamer that I am I couldn't just build this new area having it look all basic and plain I had to go all out so I spent the rest of today and the next day just decking this place out oh my God wait hey hey hey hey hey whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa hey [Music] calm I've never seen one of them go oh my God they're smart so anyways look at this gorgeous place we got here we got this nice cozy area we come down here into boom this place is looking like an area for a nether portal and and we are ready to build ones we got 40 obsidian I don't have a flint in steel yet I'm pretty sure I do have some Flint though so boom boom now we're ready for flint and steel got our another portal and it's centered all right so we have our flint and steel here and I haven't checked on this in a minute ooh these are almost full okay so we got a whole bunch of Enchanted stuff got treasure chest dep Strider three yes please another silk touchbook book wait what can I use that for I can put it on the I can put it on my axe maybe got soak touch fire protection 3 y anything oh there's even stuff in here sharpness three curse of cringe uh there's a lot of stuff to do here okay we got to clean these out before we go to the nether but first we're going to light the portal also I added these blocks there so if anything comes up the stairs we don't have to deal with it it's like the fish guys whatever I just don't to get knocked off be honest fish guys or whatever those other dudes I don't know what to expect from them so yeah we light that I go through it I think we're going to go through it all right let's see if my notorious bad luck for the nether wants to continue here we go oh not a fan not a fan switching the sword hello hello I have never in my life of Minecraft seen the portal just not work I've seen it like crash a game or like you know do any of the weird things but I'm speechless I've never seen it just not work I actually don't know why it's not working either that's that's the kind of scary part we're going to try a different location maybe it just can't find a good spawn location right there in the nether no clue why that would be an issue though okay something's not right here I can't open chests my game is not doing good uh-oh is a good thing I backed up my game before I always back up the game before going to a dimension in a mod pack always never fails okay let's try this again I guess we're going to we're going to go to the nether again we're going to see what happens here if it happens again then maybe we oh boy okay okay the nether worked okay oh dangerous biome okay no piggy boys a whole bunch of piggy boys over there we're against the wall which is kind of great all right well we are in the nether you know waste like having way points when you go around like the nether is so freeing I feel so much safer oh my inventory is full what am I what am I doing in here still oh all right we're going to do a little bit of reconnaissance and then we're going to turn around nothing over here is hostile luckily I think this is just a regular nether oh wa Stone wait wait wait wait wait Way Stone yo let's go [Music] yes yeah oh inventory is full okay uh go away yes we got a Way Stone dude that's sick so now that I had a Way Stone and I was in the nether successfully this time I kind of got a bit too excited and instead of originally following my plan to go back out and check on my other fishing loot i instead dumped majority of my inventory into one of my backpacks so I could continue looting in the nether while I was here I had a couple of goals including getting some ender pearls and going to find that nether fortress to get me some blaze rods things were going pretty well with the location of the nether fortress being across the entirety of the basalt biome I found myself with a couple of options one was to try to build all the way around it two was to try to difficultly Traverse the basal biome in three the one I ended up going with and probably the most dangerous was to build my way above and across normally I would use blocks that cannot be blown up by a ghast but I didn't quite have that many blocks that were like that so instead I found myself building across with Netherrack which is a huge no no when you're in the nether if you run into a gas but I didn't have many other choices so here I was being extra careful building along my way this has my my hands are physically sweaty I hate that I can feel it but I can't I can't take a break got to keep going got to keep going no gas in sight don't hear any Ghasts this is going well all right my AC is off and we are here at the nether fortress I can feel my armpit sweating I hear blazes already that was surprisingly really easy to get to I'm going to actually no this is the perfect let's go all right we see nether we see wither skeletons we got to be extra careful about them come on guys oh look at you who stupid small brain did he just drop me I thought that man dropped me a Wither head I was about to be like what okay oh we got looting on there we can just take pop shots at [Music] them where' they go are they on the roof ooh we got some gold okay a lot more wither skeletons a lot less blazes I'm noticing there's like no blazes in this Fortress this place kind of sucks so I've been here for a good minute and this part of the nether fortress is kind of garbage there's like a couple of skeletons and stuff spawning oh okay he's dead no there's like a couple of wither skeletons here and there it's kind of weird there's like nothing spawning I'm thinking maybe if you look on the map over here there's a lot more of it in a different biome area and there's little areas like that which is probably like you know a a blaze spawner so maybe if I head over there I'll have better luck this reminds me of back when I used to try to farm wither skeletons inside of this biome and I was just like wow they just don't spawn that's great right on shoot me what I was blocking excuse you excuse you oh he died I didn't hit him with looting I didn't want to I didn't want to hit any of the piglins oh man finally after all of this time a blaze spawner this was ridiculous there was like nothing here how do I get to the safely before they knock me off I guess I could do it this way maybe I should build this out of a strong block like B salt oh they're totally going to just shoot me though hey guys I'm just your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man trying to kill and take your loot did I even get a blaze rod I got o got four blaze rods oh yes perfect we're getting all the the blaze rods we need here boys we're up to eight already dude these guys are I I love how we got looting three before this this is great this is so good uh realistically we're already at 15 that's amazing I kind of want to come out of here with like like 30 or so just in case I need them for anything else oh this is perfect we got like a low hanging ceiling too so these guys can't even get out I'm just trying to watch out make sure nothing else spawns down here I don't want anything to come up from behind I don't know why the fire is not doing that much damage to me not complaining though and just like that I had now gotten everything that I had come to the nether for I scored myself some dank blaze rods and we got ourselves some Nether wart we were good to start making potions or anything else that we needed to make using stuff from the Nether and more importantly we could now begin going to the end okay well I'm home but my portal broke and it put me way over here a dude Nether Portals suck Nether Portals still after all this time are one of the most unreliable sketchy things I want to get more wayist Stones so we can just teleport back home the proper way screw Nether Portals we don't do that anyways it's a new day and we are now home with all of our loot well now that we're back home and we've got our loot we can kind of do whatever this is the beginning of my XP Empire so I I do have to dump my inventory let's see how much gold we got let's see how many nuggies we got 13 gold well we got 17 because we also looted some from the chests so we got almost two stacks of gold that's pretty cool we're going to put some of that iron back we also got a bunch of other important stuff like we got blaze rods we got Nether Warts two things we came there for I have so much crap in all of these chests okay we got like balt which is cool love Basalt Blackstone another great sand or another great uh block we got some Soul Sand just enough to plant some Nether wart we don't really need and we got Netherrack nothing really great there all right so we got 16 levels and our pickaxe is kind of taking a beating let's take out all the enchanted stuff that we're going to get rid of and we're going to decide whether I want to fix the pickaxe or just give it them breaking that has curse of Vanishing that's actually just trash that also has curse of Vanishing which is also trash get a bunch of treasure chest which is good fire protection we got punch one bow Unbreaking three I wish I could take the enchantments off of some of these how does the regular one have more Enchanted stuff than the others that's crazy sharpness three but curse of Vanishing no thank you really nice Infinity bow okay let's also take the lock box box let's see what these have first three treasure boxes two gold and an emerald and the two has an iron and a dandelion okay we got iron Emerald gold cool so first things first I wanted to give them breaking three to my pickaxe which I should just be able to do 18 levels I forgot about that okay so we need 18 levels for that bad boy let's not mend any of this XP oh look nice that was really quick okay cool now we got pickaxe we got Unbreaking boom Fortune three efficiency 5 mending Unbreaking three pickaxe this is a perfect Fortune pickaxe just the enchantment rout of order what should I name it I'm going to name it the Gimme ghoul gold gobbler because one alliteration is great and two let me know in the comments if you know what gimme gol is from let me know if you know what the game it is and what franchise it's from anyways dink efficiency 5 fortune 3 bending Unbreaking 3 pickaxe after smelting all of our copper and getting a couple of Enchanted items out of there we are now ready to combine our bow power five Unbreaking three punch one Infinity it's not quite a god bow yet I mean it's it's pretty close it's a it's really good bow we're just missing punch two and Flame if we can just get another punch and then also flame which I think we've gotten a couple of we've probably just been scrapping them because they're not really priorities we can turn this into a godbow and once we do I will give it a name but for now especially since I don't have much xp we have Infinity just like that we are ready to take on more of the ships and stuff we can start going around and getting more loot to get even more resources because we need to start preparing ourselves if we want to take on some of the bosses that this world has to offer we're going to go into The Nether real quick so excited to go go back to the nether I'm making you so anxious okay uh we have a hoglin over there I think they're both out of range we have another okay no enemies over here though so that's nice let's go and grab a couple of these in case we have to deal with hoglands and we're good to just F our pickaxe real quick and get a bunch of XP after going on my little rant about how you should always mine nether quarts for some easy XP I spent the rest of this day in the nether just getting tons of easy XP I've very quickly repaired all of my pickaxe by mining both gold ore and tons more nether quartz and I even broke this entire little glowstone area using a shovel because I had silk touch and I wanted some free glowstone to make myself some decadent lamps because lamps are such a good block in Minecraft after that to top off this triple layered cake dessert of XP I went over to the warp Forest cuz I noticed a couple of Endermen and I looked at them before quickly running into a Too Tall area that they could not get into I know very off for me being 6'1 and all but either way I killed a couple of Endermen and they had dropped me four ender pearls the exact amount I needed to make a warp stone that I needed to make a Way Stone meaning I now had the ability to craft two way stones I could place one at my base and I could go out and loot whatever I wanted to loot and use that way Stone as a temporary wayo to teleport all the way back to my base dump whatever inventory I had get whatever I needed and go back and continue on my way this was the Pinnacle of achievements in this Frozen deserted Wasteland we are now back from our arduous journey in the Nether and I have ender pearls now we've got four ender pearls I also made myself some glass bottles just to catch some golden moths doesn't really do anything but they're kind of cool looking every time it's night time there's like oh almost up in my trash every time it's night time there's like golden Ms outside kind of a Vibe kind of want to catch some anyways I was looking through the the stuff inside of the fishing nets and look at this flame and punch to we could make a god bow if I can afford it ooh I don't know if I want that I don't think punch and Flame are worth wasting 32 levels right now so we'll just hold on to that anyways I can now make so we're going to get some lapis and we need to find some red flowers I have like red flowers somewhere really need to organize okay so with that we can go boom go boom and how much purple can we make with this two each okay so one more of you one more of you and then two of you we have ender pearls we just need one Emerald we now have a warp Stone uh I think the warp Stone teleports you as well just the warp Stone if I remember but we're going to make another wayist Stone so now I need obsidian which I have already somewhere in my massive piles of garbage so we got obsidian and I need stone bricks which I don't even think I have any stone oh fun I could make a silk touch pickaxe but I do I even have Cobblestone let's just smell some Cobblestone so along the ways when I was mining underground I think it was this way maybe I had noticed at one point there was a bunch of pillagers on the map and I was like that's kind of weird because I'm underground and I had realized what that actually was is one of those underground Pillager camps and they have this weird like eel tentacle monster okay I don't know if i' call it a tentacle monster but sure whatever and I want to go fight them so I was thinking we could do is kind of gear ourselves up a little bit here so we've got cooked fish as trash food we've got bread we're actually just going to put the bread like that and and the cooked food like that and then I think I've gotten some apples somewhere okay we got 14 apples so we're going to take some of our piles of gold and we're going to make golden apples we're going to make like we'll just make the maximum amount so we got seven golden apples now and we're going to put our apples with the gold so we have it right there and we' got seven golden apples and then we also have sea of the stew stew of the sea sea stew this gives you 12 hunger 80% saturation 2 minutes of Fury 3 2 minutes strength plus 30% ability power and plus three attack damage this gives you strength and attack damage this stuff is crazy it also fully fills up your saturation and hunger so we're going to throw them like that just in case for a little bit extra safety and then I'd like to try to get sharpness on my sword but I don't think I even have that opportunity can I get up here without getting trash in my inventory I think we're good I don't think we need that much I think we're pretty good we're going to go down to the mines and we're going to find them all right so we're down inside the mines now and you can kind of see like the length of the mine shaft I'm thinking they're right here this little like ice room looks kind of suspicious and I think that's where I saw them ironically that's pretty much at the end of the path so we're going to have to run all the way down here and hopefully not run to any more pillagers I also did a little bit of studying on like the aquam mod pack and it kind of turns out that's where the pillagers came from they just like spawned with aquam that's great to know I'm glad I could just have pillagers walking down here that's fun after making my way down what oh after making my way down the seemingly unending path I had finally gotten to the end and over to the side I had noticed tortured souls and the pillagers so it turns out that area that I was looking at I was right about this was an underground area full of enemies and on the map I also noticed one little thing called eel now this eel could be a regular eel or it could be the monster that I was referring to before and another scary note is next door I also noticed a warden on the map so I had to be very careful about handling this situation they are directly there's so many mobs here oh look this area starting to like look you can see the wooden stuff now all right we got we got our first one in sight okay oh I don't know their attack range got our second one come on go away see they turn invisible like that scary is that it for now that chest I see a chest already oh yo look at all that stuff 16 iron 14 emeralds whole bunch of gold some nuggies ow but where are the rest of the enemies this is like the baby room so it's like up more I think I'm really scared of that about that eel I don't want to deal with the eel do you hear that oh I hate every bit of that I hate all of that okay so over here is like [Music] relatively [Music] safe [Music] okay we're like relatively safe in here now I don't know what to expect I'm kind of scared okay those guys take two shots from the bow though so they're not that strong actually we do have creepers that thing is really really loud there are two more tortured Souls next to me oh I see it I see the eel dude he's ugly wait can you not shoot him with arrows oh you suck oh that was a creeper okay that's a thing that just happened what I hate every ounce of that is he going to eat me off again I I can't even get back up there can I shoot you or something I just realized they do Insane damage to Shields what oh my [Music] God and now he just left okay what do you like Dad you're not even doing anything you're just pushing me back this is the dumbest fight [Music] okay as long as I'm on this side I'm fine this thing is ugly but he's like ow am I even damaging him am I even damaging you right now am I am I even hurting you this is so stupid that thing is so creepy but so so stupid like what is it I need to figure out how to kill it there sounds like there's a lot of these guys in here after failing to take on that eel I decided to instead go and make my way through this underground mansion full of pillagers because I was here for loot one by one I eradicated every Pillager baddy that I could while I made my way from the top and attic area down to the basement and overall this place had a pretty decent amount of both enemies and loot there was a lot of barrels around that had different pieces of loot kind of miscellaneous stuff nothing too crazy but as I made my way further up to the top that's where the real loot hid I found a chest full of some absolutely goated Saucy resources and I found the ice locked chest in the center of the room if you didn't know one of the two bosses in this mod pack is Captain Cornelia in order to open this chest I had to kill him so for now I was stuck without whatever loot this thing had to hold but boy oh boy did that not matter because after making my way down from the attic and into the basement that's kind of taken over by this geode I had noticed gold yes totem of undying oh my God okay that was scary I panicked yeah that went great wait did did my shield just break and then Unbreak what just happened what okay well I got the to of undying for the time being I'm going to keep the shield equipped because it is safer I guess I mean this one's almost broken that was really terrifyingly close Okay so we have now successfully looted this entire place I could not get the ice chest which sucks but we got some okay stuff you know we got like diamonds and stuff I mean I'm going to be real this place was not the most worth looting we got like one diamond we got some emeralds I guess some iron that totem of undying is kind of just the one thing that we got and I'm lucky that I didn't have to fight the evoker I just sniped his booty so that's good um I need to figure out how to kill the eel though I why can he take damage I'm pretty sure after looking it up online this guy just has a lot of Health that's all he had left that's all he had left I hit him like three times here this place kind of sucks not really having a great time here after making my long arduous Journey back through the tunnels back to my base I got home and I quickly organized all of my inventory out of my backpacks and into my pile of chests overall I got a pretty decent haul of emeralds with some iron little bit of gold and a diamond but everything else was kind of just random stuff here and there still supplies nonetheless but it was about time I got them out of my inventory so I sat here dumping everything except for the essentials from both of my golden backpacks and while doing so I stumbled upon the dep Strider 3 enchantment that I had sitting around waiting to put on my boots and since I had plenty of XP I popped that bad boy on there which conveniently enough broke my Anvil but either way I was now a speedy AF boy when it came to water and my boots were looking pretty good so we do have our Echoes of the ship graveyards now just like this set of like terrible armor it's not actually terrible but taking damage in water increases your swimming speed by 120% for 6 seconds and then full set ability enemies that attack you are poisoned for 4 seconds and there's even weapons you can get so like if you search like aquam it should work Aqua why is it not working there we go so if you do this you can see like all the stuff so Scroll of the Dead Sea is one of the items that can drop from those guys but didn't I don't remember what that does coral Lance is a goated weapon that you can get if you're lucky enough from Captain Cornelia after you kill it and then Frozen key is also something we can always go back to the chest and open it if we do get a frozen key I'm curious what's going to be in there there there's also like Whisper of the abyss and weapons like that I don't that gave me a hard attack why did it make that noise Yum Yum Yum give me that XP all right all right I'll sleep I didn't realize it's night time chill calm down calm down it's not that deep it's not that deep man come on see this is why you should have never been voted in Minecraft you should never be born anyway as I was saying before I was rudely interrupted we've got a lot of cool stuff so we have like collectible paintings we can get you can make like uh Remnant Sabers these are actually pretty cheap to make deals 100% more damage when in water so in reality these do 10 damage which is stronger than a diamond sword and that's without enchantment those are really cheap to make as well I wonder if I could enchant those let's go ahead and keep keep that in mind we're going to save that and we also have this armor this is the weaker armor but it does do a whole bunch of other stuff when you take fatal damage your death is delayed for 90 seconds you deal 80% less damage while the effect is active does that mean that I just don't die for 90 seconds but I know I'm going to die in hardcore what if you could use those 90 seconds to grab a totem of undying out of your inventory that be kind of goated so the two enemies we have to fight are the mother of the Maze and where is it oh Pillager Patrol spawn that's interesting and then the captain Cornelius spawn egg I also want to find some angler fish but I don't know where to find them at yo Poseidon's breakfast 20 saturation how do you make this a golden you need a God Apple to make that honestly that could be kind of these are really good I kind of want to make more of those so you need oxil gum which you can get underwater potatoes those spine fish and pufferfish that's not that expensive to get all I need is the oxium I can make them and I need a wooden Bowl which is really easy maybe we should go down there and get some of the resources to make a couple of those my big concern is the angler fish but I also need to I need to hunt them there's no way this is how much it takes to break these there's hello just disappeared don't break him with that do I break him with sword no am I confused here or what you don't break him with that do I break him with a hoe do I use shears how do you collect these what what it just keeps giving me the oxygen I don't want the oxygen oh I hate that it resets your oxygen bar that's scary what if I just break what's underneath it well that works what so none of my tools work to mine them but I could just break the block they sit on how does that make any sense I need Anglers I'm thinking maybe the reason why Anglers aren't spawning is because they're like a lot deeper like maybe like under like the cave like down in the cave systems for the time being we're going to go back up here though because I don't want to deal with the Moos kind of sucks because we're kind of stuck waiting on the Anglers to make that armor although I guess I need to enchant it all again anyways so it's not like I'd wear it right away but it would be pretty cool to have I think we just need a shield and we're ready to go on the great journey after sleeping and waking up to the beautiful sunrise I looked at my mini map and I marked the first location that we were going to journey to today was day 69 nice and it was what marked and it was the day that marked my beautiful journey into loot we were going to come back with so many resources that it wasn't even funny so I was on my way to the first way point that I marked that's like still 400 m away and apparently we have not looted this area I don't even know the exact proper way to go about looting these I guess like where would the best loot even be in them it just at the top oh yeah it's in that room on the top so I'm probably not going to take all the wood what I'll probably do is just like eliminate every one of these dorks quickly and then just take all the stuff so after in my first area to loot I did what any loot King Goblin would do and I built straight up while sniping out any all of the guys that I could along the sides and I very carefully made my way to the very top room that I blocked off killed the guy inside and began looting all of the chests I'm trying to go that way and this is showing tons of pillagers my only concern is these ships have villagers on on them so this could start a raid all right if this starts a raid I'm going to have to piece out of here I think it would have started it already I think we're maybe good all right so we got couple of enchanted books with Smite I don't think smite's useful for anything unless those fallen count is Undead I don't know if they do yeah punch efficiency three we got paper all that taking this [Music] dude I'm going to come back with so many dank resources and then is it under [Music] here where are these other guys at not moving okay hey buddy how's it going dead dedge this man's dedge all right give me oh you didn't really drop much huh all right well that's most of the ship there's still one Pillager oh I should have kept the hoe on me cuz I could use it to get all this wheat speaking of wheat I think I left all the wheat down inside the ice maze kind of my bad yes give all this resources to me right this man's probably like under here what's up dude boom boom any other takers here I think we're clean cool after finishing off that first location I spent the next 4 days straight non-stop moving from location to loation I marked each one of them on the map and I made my way up and through each each and every one I kept pushing on and looting until on day three I finally had to sleep so I didn't get any unwanted Sky visitors and after that I found myself in one of the largest ships that spawns just like the one that I use for my villager trading Hall and this is the point where my inventory couldn't quite fit anymore and I already spent enough time I felt out here and I really didn't want to organize all of my stuff so after looting the entirety of the ship and cleaning up all the enemies I placed Out The Way Stone so I could use it to get home all right here I am back in my house still with the bad Omen effect by the way because every time I'm almost about to get rid of it the thing comes back cuz I kill another guy with the banner but anyways I came back with immense piles of loot I was starting to organize it into this chest and that's when I kind of realized that this was going to be a lot more than I kind of realized so as you can see here we have come back with 1 2 3 almost four stacks of emeralds 17 diamonds which is pretty good A stack in a little about a stack in 10 gold three almost four stacks of iron we got a stack of coal we got some lapis I grabbed lots of paper we got books we got tons more SE tons tons tons more of SE I got some item frames we got LEC turns gra bookshelves whole bunch of hay bales a lot of enchanted books including this one mending book which is pretty good like even more bookshelf El a lot more food we got wheat more spine fish I stole tons of blast furnaces and then still just look at all this stuff look at all of this stuff there's a little uh these are mostly nothing new but I took a lot of stuff out of there we got all this including more beds more blast furnaces we got all this including more beds again more blast furnaces again and then even more enchanted books and some of them are pretty crazy if I get a trident which I don't think I can o I got an Unbreaking 3 book I didn't even notice that what needs Unbreaking 3 so this has Unbreaking three that needs it my sword technically needs it but that's fine for now I think my armor needed it helmet's good chest piece needs it for mending yeah let's give it to the chest piece because then we will increase our XP [Music] retention so it's not perfect it's out of order again but now this will have a significantly higher durability so we'll just use less XP and then since we got The Mending book I can always go back and trade the other villager but for the time being let's put mending on the helmet since the helmet and the legs take a big beating since anything that shoots me hits your helmet and anything that I jump off of damag is the boots so all the fall damage is like adding up so we got mending on the helmet and that's looking pretty good I want to name these eventually but I'm thinking we're going to either get a better pair of them if we go to the end or I could make the terrible set it's like terrible sets like boots is two leggings are three so three and ooh chest pieces yeah they're kind of weak though I don't like when mod packs do this where they give you like a set that has a couple of really good Buffs but they're just overall weaker than you know the rest of your stuff I'm not really a huge fan of that what I do also want to do is make more backpacks so we grabbed more leather get a lot more leather we can make more backpacks so we're back home now and I'm thinking it's time to working the base some so I'd like to get this place a bit organized it's kind of a mess I want to get the glass and I want to move this downstairs and you may be thinking downstairs what there is no downstairs well that is the plan the idea here is that we make a downstairs area I'm thinking my original thought was just to have it be under the core part of the house but maybe we could make it under this area on the sides right so like with the extra like overhang that would be kind of huge the idea would be I'd make it go down like a regular box square I'd add Windows to it and I'd add extra like design to it Etc and then I'd add bracing supports down to the ground so it looks like it's actually a real base and not just standing in the m in midair I guess we're going back down to the mines we can do some regular mining maybe get some more XP because we'll be mining in stone so yeah first things first mining for stone I guess because we need Cobblestone so down to the mines we go so I'm going to continue to mine for cobblestone here once we get cobblestone probably about five Stacks or so is my go oh I mean God damn it so I'm going to continue to mine for Cobblestone down here and once I have enough Cobblestone we can go to the Nether and find ourselves some Endermen we're going to hunt down a bunch of Endermen so that way we have enough ender pearls to give us exactly what we need so we can get more was stones and teleport we can teleport a lot more and then we can go back to some of the areas I had already looted and we can just like Harvest a lot of the dark oak wood then once we have all the dark oak wood we can move on from there we can come back work on our base some and after we work on our base and get the fishing sparm once we work on our base and get the fishing Farm expanded we can then start making our way to the end to be honest cuz we don't need anything else besides that make our way to the end kill the Ender Dragon maybe get with with skeletons for a Wither kill we can start hunting the bosses so with my plan all pieced out together I spent the rest of this day just mining stone down inside the mines until I had roughly five or so Stacks unfortunately I kept hitting water so this ended up taking a lot longer than it should have taken but overall I didn't really need that much Cobblestone so I did come out of here with a mission success and I was now ready to move on to the next step so anyway it's still night time so what we could actually do really fast is just go to the Nether and get some more ender pearls from some Enderman uh my boots are the only thing that's kind of damaged I do have to trade for mending as well I just don't have the ability to trade for mending right now because I can't step foot in anything without causing a raid all right so since it's night time as well this is the perfect timing if I go to the nether now when I come back it'll be daytime because the stupid nether portal is broken it keeps putting me back in a different different area so I have been in the nether for I don't know like five or so minutes and only one Enderman has spawned and I couldn't find where he was at this is not going well it kind of sucks that I'm using such a small area for Enderman there's okay yeah there's oh oh wait wait oh we got one we got one get out of my hole come on Enderman come on please am I too far away I I saw him get mad oh Enderman come on man watch the second I come out here he's going to attack me yep I knew it I knew it I knew it he wanted my butt cheeks oh you're not going to drop that warp flower are you please drop ender pearls he dropped one ender pearl what a great guy we can dump out a bunch of our inventory and we can go head out to the nearest area for us to borrow some wood from okay so we're going to go steal some stuff but while we're doing that I also have a mega genius idea we're going to teleport back here okay we're in this village now which is still safe right this Village since there's no beds it doesn't count as a village so is not a raid we're going to find a nearby Village as well are there still why there pillagers here we're going to find a nearby area that has some villagers so there's this big ship over here we could go and then there's a thing nearby so we're going to create Waypoint I have a terrible habit of making waypoints that are just Nam go or like go here loot me like stop for I never delete them we have arrived at our destination okay I'm going to do this the easy way we're pretty strong now when it comes to enchantments so the pillagers are not as dangerous as they used used to be but I do still want to be safer than sorry there's no reason to engage for pillagers if you don't have to all right with that place kind of decimated it's time to start taking out the remainder of these guys oh hey buddy get out of here anyways uh now you see this place full of dark oak wood and with the snap my fingers it will be gone yeah so I did not take all of the dark oak wood because uh one it's going to take a lot of effort two my axe is about to break and three it's night time and my inventory is also very four four four is that my inventory is full and I'm not having a stroke but anyways uh we got what we came here for and these villagers are probably not going to last that long realistically with their house like this you know what I mean it's not very safe anymore all right well it's time to head home to work on the Base mission success all right so I think the first step you want to do is we're going to extend our outside porch area all around the base I've already got some dark oak slabs that I've gotten from looting and then we should get some additional ones maybe uh before doing this just in case anything tries to come up these stairs let's go ahead and block this off I'm not we're not doing that I have I feather falling three we have feather falling three so we'll be fine but I'd rather not have to deal with it you know what I mean after crafting a bunch more dark oak wood slabs I spent the rest of this night going around the side of my base placing out the additional balcony I built out from the side of the house using four dark oak wood slabs and then I've topped it off with one regular Spruce set of planks that I would eventually put fencing on top I built it just like this around all of the square portions of the house and then each of the diagonal Parts on the back I also built out by four using the additional Spruce at the the end but now that I had this entire deck area built out the next step was to build underneath it and make a room underneath the house that mimics the exact shape of the top part now that I had all the preparations ready I began by putting together a brand new pickaxe using one of the efficiency books that I had and silk touch so that way I can collect a lot of the ice that I break from the underneath area so I could just use it in the future perhaps I could use it to make part of the under lying Ice Area look a little more natural in the base or I could use it for whatever I just didn't want to break it all and waste it anyways after clearing out the entirety of the ice I began filling in this bottom layer with Spruce Wood this was going to be the new floor of this room overall this ended up taking quite a bit of time and I actually ended up running out of majority of the spruce wood that I was using which is kind of impressive because I had quite a lot so instead of actually finishing the bottom areas of the other two sides of the base i instead moved on to the next project which was finally building my expanded fish farm I ended up blocking off this one area in the center of the downstairs room that I strategically mapped out to fit exactly 30 Fish Farms that's right 30 I was going to have 30 iron SL a couple diamonds and they were going to produce so so much loot that's right every time a single tick happens that develops loot in one of them I now have 30 RNG chances at dank loot unfortunately a lot of my tools are broken so I'd like to go get some mending books now to get some mending for them we have all these fishing rods or sorry we have all the fishing things working for us now I need to get mending ooh that is almost broken not using that for a minute we need mending for the axe mending for the sil silk touch pickaxe and mending for the shovel we've got mending on our actual boots now this means I need I need like a basic axe what is this I have to use like an iron axe now what what kind of peasant am I what so yeah look at look at from the outside it's it's not like the most fancy thing don't look at the other side it's not done but yeah this is looking good if we go down here and look at it dude it looks great we need a lot of sand for glass now is the only problem that looks sick like actually minus the massive mound in the front of ice we can clear that up eventually if I have the time I'd really like to kill the bosses first so I want to put a lot of our Focus now into that I know my inventory in the base is a mess that sucks and that kills me but there's not much I can do about it all right so mending for pickaxe mending for axe mending for shovel can't put mending on the bow I guess mending for sword I mean we don't need it but yeah what we came here for time to go back home goodbye after finishing adding mending to all of my tools I still had a lot of time in the night so I spent the rest of it by placing out the beginnings of my crops anyways by the time it was morning everything was looking good and I was prepared to move on to the nether look at all the sugarcane we got so we have sugarcane that we can use to make paper if we need it and more importantly we can use that paper to make fireworks because when we go to the end I might just uh stop and pick up an elytra I was going to say you know oh it takes too long to go and do that but then I realized something we have a map the map makes the end so much easier so we're going to clean out our inventory and we're going to get going I also fix this ladder here so I have like a ladder to this floor it's a little scuffed but we will fix it as we come back and touch up the base uh I'd like to get these ender pearls though so we need to go to the nether and we're actually going to go all the way back to the oh dude I got so much stuff oh there's so much stuff to dump looky what we got here hey buddy okay um okay well you know what we're doing this oh okay I was so worried about hitting the piglin that I got withered kind lame I was hoping to get some skulls while I'm here maybe but I mean there's not a lot more guys I brought some extra blocks these ones are gas proof unlike all of this dude this is just the worst you just this is why if you get a Nether Fortress inside of a Basalt biome don't after picking out my new location to start farming for Enderman I quickly got right to it I ended up building a couple different areas with a twoo high platform to hunt down different Enderman I know you could use boats and yes I thought about using boats but typically this is just easier just stare at a couple of Enderman wait for them to run up laugh at them when they apparently fall off the cliff straight into lava hundreds of feet Yes this happened multiple times by the way uh but anyways I sat here farming this for the rest of the day getting as many ender pearls as I could and we were getting some pretty lucky drops I think overall only one of the Enderman actually ended up dropping nothing okay so there will be a couple of things that we're going to need for the end obviously we have our blaze rods and ender pearls we're going to use some of the Ender Pearls to make Eyes of Ender so that way we can locate the stronghold and we're going to hold off on making them all that way and I'm going to use some of them to craft uh way points and if we want to make way points that means we're going to need to bring with us purple dye and emerald so let's go ahead and grab us a bunch of emeralds we definitely don't need more than 25 so we got our emeralds and then I don't know exactly where I have two purple dye I I swear we had like a bunch of the purple prickle weeds I or they're not prickle weed they're pickle weeds okay uh oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait here's eight we have eight hold up hold up we're going to keep one and they make one a piece do I have any flowers do we have red flowers let's just use the red flowers make that and then no no no no no not you we'll make those throw these together now we have 17 which is cost four a piece okay that's pretty good that should be enough right okay so we have one last thing to do which is just get stuff together for our inventory for the most part because of this care package I've actually gotten almost everything that we need right now I'm cooking some stone bricks so that way we can you know make some of that um and as long as we have way stones it doesn't really matter we always have access uh for the end fight we have C which will give us Fury and strength I still don't know what Fury even does what does Fury do I don't know what Fury does but it gives us strength I haven't killed any Phantoms we've well I've killed some but they haven't dropped any Phantom membrane so we don't have any membrane so we don't have any slow falling which is fine because we have ender pearls and we're going to make some more golden apples and besides that in building blocks we are we're good we're going to turn six into Eyes of Ender and we are ready to go kind of not looking forward to this what what oh that's bad that that is bad okay I swear when I was in a creative world testing this that I found an End Portal or was that an ocean version of the world oh no okay so scratch that we can't go to the end we can't kill the ender dragon that also means we can't really we could take down a Wither for a beacon but without the end cheese am I I mean we're pretty we're pretty well off we got like strength and stuff I could make an alternate Smite sword oh man this sucks okay so we got like a couple of wether skeletons over there realistically I don't think this I don't think this is good enough to spawn me a consistent amount of Wither boys unless I get really good RNG we'll take our luck here for a bit of RNG see if we can get some weather skulls but even so battling the Wither will not be that easy realistically I just don't see this working there's not enough spawns here to get a Wither so I guess today's kind of a bust I guess instead of this we're going to go back to our fast travel point and we're going to make our way we're going to start progressing to kill the first boss we're going to take on King it's not King Cornelia what is it it's like something Cornelia Captain Cornelia we're going to take on Captain Cornelia and he's got some wacky boss mechanics so we've got to be prepared at this point I had been in the Bastion for pretty much the entire day and it was now day 91 and just when I thought this place was almost done I had stumbled upon the entire massive Center room which fun fact this type of Bastion is actually the first ever type of Bastion I have ever found in Minecraft and even then it was an absolute nightmare to navigate luckily though because I had the ability to see all the mobs on the mini map this was a much more thorough experience while stopping for all of the bone blocks and skeletons in between I made my way through the Soul Sand Valley until we very quickly found ourselves at our brand new nether fortress and luckily since I was going to be placing a Way Stone here we didn't have to worry about going back home we were home ooh look at this there's four wither skeletons up here oh I feel it in my bones and I guess in their bones okay nothing if anything this is a huge source of Bones and coal there's also a blaze spawner right there so we do have a blaze spawner over there uh I'd like to place the way Stone somewhere kind of safe to be fair ooh now this is wow this is the area to hunt come on guys one at a time oo ah blazes get out of here okay so yeah this place is very very efficient it's nice open area there's no like mobs hog in the spawn like like spawn caps we can just sit here in farm so after getting my first Wither Skull I was absolutely popping off this place was ample for spawns every 2 seconds I'd walk away from an area there was another pile of with skeletons only problem was because the Wither Skeleton spawns were so good the blaze spawns were also equally as good so now I have myself dodging both fireballs and literal wither it was not that fun but luckily with the good armor that I had everything was fine and I sat here grinding until the end of the next day to get those sweet sweet weather skulls I have a good feeling about this oh I I said it I said a good feeling about it let's go that's number three baby number three it out of really my face well we also got 28 levels and we've got a lot of Bones and a good amount of coal from it yeah I'm good to leave now I have we have exhausted a lot of our bread here and throughout all of that I managed to not snipe any zombie p PS by accident so that's a win I placed the Waypoint down right over here and we're good to just dip I don't know where we're going to fight the Wither but we are prepared to fight the Wither so back to the base we go it's going to cost me 3 XP when I pressed the button the lights in my room dimmed and I had a miniature heart attack all right well we got our three Wither Skeleton skulls can't go to the end but at least we did this so now that we have these we can begin prepping to fight the Wither so we can get a beacon because we've got ample amount of blocks and stuff and then we can move on to kill Captain Cornelia and the mother of the maze now that I was back home I started off the day by building myself a new enchantment area overall this kind of took a little bit because I wanted it to be at a nice angle so that way it would look very interesting only problem was because of how enchantment tables work it was very very difficult to get a level 30 enchantment to actually work because for some reason most of the books were just not in the range so the final product was a bit more crowded than I actually wanted it to be but once I added more details things would be fine either way the reason why I was building this enchantment table was because I was going to build myself a brand new sword specifically for the Wither I guess that means we have to just craft a new sword I could try to trade with a villager actually wait that's a good idea a fire aspect come on that's fire aspect that's [Music] garbage oh you made me work for [Music] that uh should we make another one or should we just go with it because of how much xp we have I say we just go with it we're going to buy the last one that we can buy can I have that XP please thank you and uh buy doofus okay so we have looting three so we can have sweeping Edge three we have looting three um I think besides that that's technically like the best ass sword can kind of be cuz we have Smite Smite is what we really needed um besides that's like Unbreaking and looting but we are just fighting the Wither with it you know what I mean I kind I kind of went overkill on all the other ones I wanted to see if I can get lucky with a good level three enchantment but because it was sharpness it was like well that's not really going to work for us all right so we got a nice little open area we're going to go boom boom boom and we are good to place the heads I'm I am ready to go we've also got a totem I didn't think about that we have a totem of undying is an extra extra backup just in case this is a Wither after all right if I can't take down the Wither how am I going to kill the other two bosses you know what I mean all right we are ready to go let's do this boom boom boom we got our blocks we got our bow ready we're going to eat one of these going to eat a golden apple we're going to Boom boom ow oh this is so easy come on so easy let's go it's also so loud yeah easy hello everybody my name is Markiplier my voice is not deep enough skull veins I don't want to hold this man's veins in my hand wait skulk sensors are cool and very useful but uh we can make a beacon now let's go Beacon boy we just need glass and obsidian make ourselves a beacon let's go we didn't even use like any of our resources in that fight that is great because we can save him for the next fight also I just realized I went down there was seven bread I didn't even I had no food on me I mean I guess to be fair the seew fills you instantly that's what she said and the golden apples just give you regen and stuff so don't really need it but uh now that we have our Beacon how many blocks are we going to need to make a level one in order to make a level three Beacon I need 83 blocks right here we have about like 81 is and after smelting the rest of this gold we should have just enough to make a level three Beacon I used a lot of my iron while trading with the Villagers unfortunately and we didn't go on as many trips as I quite wanted because they they took a long time right like those trips those little trips took forever right is a lot of traveling all right so we smelted a lot of our extra iron and we have plenty of blocks now we can make a level three Beacon and I'm thinking we're going to make it regeneration right so that way we always have health so the first box we're going to take on is Captain Cornelia and she's pretty beefy for the most part but I'm not too scared about that the one thing is we need a splash potion of weakness or the terrible sword which has a chance to crit because when she gets down very low health she'll begin regening way too fast only problem is we've never found an angler there's no Anglers that have spawned we don't have deep enough water so instead we're going to have to make a splash potion of weakness which we have our potions already set up over here we need a fermented spider eye which we're pretty much good I think we just need mushrooms which we can go to the nether for so now that all I needed was weakness potions I very quickly got to making them I crafted the sugar cane into some sugar I already had six spider eyes and all I needed now was brown mushrooms which meant a quick trip to the nether I ended up fast traveling to the first nether fortress hoping it would save me some time but there were just no mushrooms to be found anywhere not to mention I got jumped immediately by both a piglin and apparently an Enderman that I looked at while I was fighting the piglin but since there are no mushrooms I ended up having to backtrack and waste a whole bunch of time anyways so that was great but finally I did find some mushrooms and I was ready to teleport back home now we just need Nether wart and blaze powder which we both already have and we are good to go so boom get cooking that get cooking that I'm on my Breaking Bad Arc right now and then I need gunpowder for the splash potions we're going to make six of them because I want enough backups just in case anything happens right somehow she Over Heals I have to damage her again sometime somehow she I don't know gets her health back splash potions of weakness boom oh wait you can make them with you can make you can use leeches to make mundane potions and Jellyfish that's kind of crazy okay gunpow powder um excuse you that was weird and gunpowder now that all my preparations were done and now that my room was hotter than the literal Sun I was ready to build the beacon so we can take on Captain Cornelia the only thing is we had to go to an area with an ice maze IE those little squiggles on the map and uh if you look at the map here I think we're fine I I don't think there's too few of them there's actually one right behind our house that was going to make the perfect location all right we got the horn we have the shell horn with us and here is the ice spiral all right so we start with the 7x7 area we're going to put this like right here I guess so 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I conveniently had just enough for the entire bottom layer to just be Iron that's kind of funny BL this bad boy down and we're going to get oh regeneration is oh okay so now what jump boost not that helpful Hast not that helpful resistance could be good I will be eating golden apples speed is okay strength we're going to have we're going have strength too because of these or no I guess just strength yeah man we're just one Beacon that sucks we're just one Beacon off from it being I don't have enough resources so we want resistance I guess we're ready so I'm going to take the bow out of our hot bar because she's not affected by bows I think sharpness would do more damage because she's not Undead but we'll keep that there we have our pickaxe we have ender pearls so we can eat ourselves out we've got regular food we've got a warpstone we've got sea stew I'm kind of anxious uh what else we need blocks of some sort I don't think we're going to need blocks but maybe we are ready to fight Captain Cornelia all right [Music] man okay nothing [Music] happened what do you mean nothing happened [Music] what oh oh oh I don't like that oh my God is that a candy cane oh okay okay we got this we got this does she have a candy cane because it's Christmas oh my God it's so hard to hit her come on oh she's so weak uh stop that stop that I I can't move she got all of her health back did she just poison me her chakras poison me now uh oh man this is hard I got cocky take back what I said I take back what I said why am I in the water all right she's weak now's her chance no before the weakness goes away way I I can't move this is this is ridiculous you can't like and then she heals oh man don't drink me in the water okay that Final Phase is rough is my strength gone stop that stop that oo okay going to heal get a new stew ready stop that this is with resistance where did my stew go wait wait where did my stew go did she take my stew okay no it's right there I hate you I hate you so much all right just let me hit you with one of these all right I've also got weakness so I got to make this L I got to make this work come on come on before it runs out before it runs out stop knocking me back stop knocking me back it's going to run it's going to run out it's going to run out come on she's so weak yes let's go yeah oh that was scary that was really scary oh man that was rough like overall it's when she gets to the end it's hard to like ooh she dropped the weapon this is an extreme rare drop and because it's Christmas it's a candy cane which is great dude we got the weapon I look sick with this weapon dude let's go so now that the first of the bosses Captain Cornelia was down after finishing picking up my beacon I headed back to the base and I began my long trip through my M shaft to get to that place with the ice chest since I had been given a frozen key I could now see The Spoils of my victory and boy was this loot sweet all right here we go Frozen key boom oo oh we got a rune of the sword attaches to the sword in your hand your off hand increasing its damage in cold biomes by 33% w what deals 33% more damage in cold biomes dude that's insane we also got some of these we got a lot of golden apples to make up for what we had we have a god apple and we have more Echoes of the ship graveyard and we got two of the collectible paintings dude this is exciting uh I've got too much stuff I don't want the sea PLS I don't need those uh we don't need those and then a Smite three sword we don't need that dude this is awesome I want to see how much damage is more damage that that that didn't make more sense I I want to see how much I do with 33% damage that is so cool okay we're going to use this to go [Music] home use that to go home which by the way I always forgot that this thing existed this thing is is goated and it's way better than just carrying around a was stone with you I am dumb do you know how many mod packs I have used and not use that in all right you know what let's go fight this tortured Soul let's go beat up this guy I want to see what this does Mea let's go how many hits yo two hits okay because we're always in a cold biome this is an always cold world dude what a crazy I could also get more of those we could put them on like we could put them on more I can put it on this like this thing hits for 14 damage oh man of course now that I have like this weapon there's just no enemies to fight with it go figure okay though so now that we've defeated the first boss we should probably get to figuring out how to summon the second boss and when we take that one down we are free we don't have to worry anymore and we can work on the base or maybe I'll work on touching up the base a bit first so we'll touch up the base we'll get some uh more supplies going such as more golden apples so I'll Harvest some more wood just to make sure we have enough for this final fight our base will be all nice and we will have all the supplies that we need to take down the mother of the [Music] maze so now that I had my plans all put together and I was ready to start hunting down the mother of the maze I first had to figure out how to take this bad boy on because after all i' had been in this world for 100 days and seen or heard no signs of them so I went online did a little bit of research as to how I could find myself the mother of the Maze and this is where I learned there were actually quite a few problems involving this mob so it turns out the mother of the maze is actually a mini boss so it's probably not going to be too difficult to take down like Captain Cornelia was but it spawns with a 0.5% chance alongside an anglerfish and apparently the angler fish can spawn in the waters around you and will jump up and attack you and if they jump up and land on land then they'll actually just get stuck in Lay sideways the only thing is if you have't noticed until now I have not run into any angler fish at all nor have I seen any on on the map well it turns out that both anglerfish and the mother of the maze most likely cannot spawn in this world because it is only this one type of Frozen biome because this world is only a shallow ice biome there's not enough underwater area to spawn the mobs meaning the mother of the maze probably won't spawn naturally and that means I cannot hunt down the B boss at least not entirely the legit way for the sake of content I'm going to do the most cursed thing a Minecraft player can do I was going to use console commands to summon a mother of the maze all right so I summoned the mother of the maze she's supposed to be underwater um my shovel is almost broken so I can't really help you that much how do I how do I free you she's able to break ice but she can't break the snow how do I free you how do I attack you oh are you free are you're not supposed to be above land you're supposed to be underwater this is supposed to be a fair fight oh oh okay she's swimming now she's in the water okay potion of water breathing let's go what water bottle oh I I right clicked the water I was like what all right uh doors just in case get rid of the water bottle we're going to eat sea this mini boss sucks I okay we're killing her where's even her HIIT box yeah she is so much weaker than Captain you know what we're going to kill Captain Cornelia again is what we're going to do that's it that's it wow that's not even a boss I can't even use this Crystal because I obtained it the I it just feels like I cheated man it just feels like I cheated that's all it feels like okay we're going to put this in item frame and put it on the wall we're going to frame it we have killed the mother of the maze it was very anticlimactic it would have been a weak boss fight anyways and my AC is on for the commentary you know actually we're going to keep these potion Brea these uh water breathing potions I can use these while I'm collecting sand so now that the mother of the maze was slain even though it was kind of a let down of a fight and it kind of just felt wrong the way that I had to summon her I spent the rest of this day cleaning up my enchanted items fixing my diamond shovel that was quite damaged and going back to the underwater areas where I'd left my way Stone to get tons more sand because it was now time to start tricking out my base and finally filling in the windows with glass look at what I got so the original area that I found was sand was very unlike the rest of the areas it just had a ton of sand like so so much sand that we are good for a while in fact I kind of want to get more furnaces because I want this to smelt as fast as possible so we can work on our base because we do not have much time left and I also would like to maybe kill another Captain Cornelia just as a final send off you know since the the mother maze boss the mother of the maze didn't she she didn't sit right with me you know didn't feel right I mean I'm sure it's also just a weak boss like it seemed really weak but I don't know something about how that fight went down just didn't feel that great all right our glass machine is going now we have tons of glass so I've already got a bunch of stacks to work with here and we can start filling it in I was actually thinking we could try experimenting with some stained glass but I'm not really sure I'm not really sure we can make enough enough stained glass you need purple dye if you wanted to make purple I mean we have purple dye I don't know do we want to use stained glass or do we only to have some stained glass right that's the new question does that look good or is that too much I don't think the entirety of the glass would be purple but maybe we could just have like some stained Windows right like maybe right there could be stained now that I have all the sand that I needed it was finally time to touch up the base this has has been waiting for a while and I ended up taking all the way until the end of day 99 and partially into day 100 to do this now that I had all the glass I began by filling in the ceiling and all of the other areas outside of the base that could technically count as Windows while doing this I also added quite a bit of purple and yellow stained glass throughout the different areas in the base to kind of add some extra theming perfectly on brand if you know what I mean not to mention these match the aesthetic of the amethyst absolutely perfectly after filling in all of the glass I began adding more touches to the inside of the base I first built up these columns on the inside that would add an extra layer of support to the roof or at least it would look like that so it wasn't just one big open room I began breaking through all of the copious amounts of loot these chests had and I built a nice little chest wall where I started stuffing all of the inventory into each and every one of them when I say each and every one of them I mean like oneth of the chests because I am a hoarder and I always make a ton of chests or in this case steal a ton of sorry borrow a ton of chests and after doing this I could have organized them somewhat but with how much stuff there was and how little time I had I kind of just said screw it and just kept them all in the chests as they were this was an absolute nightmare for my OCD after finishing up the chest area area I added one final area to the left side that had the mirrored size space of the enchantment room and this one was going to be my miscellaneous room full of different blocks that I use such as blast furnaces furnaces we had some anvils in here and a grindstone typically the areas that I use to smelt things are very like methodical it's either a bunch of Auto smelters or it's like a wall of furnaces this time I wanted it to be a bit more kind of like a nice cozy little house I was going for the smaller build Vibe even though this place is technically massive don't you know what sue me anyways after that room was done it was on to more of the finishing touches I got lots of lanterns that I applied to different areas in the rooms so that way this room oh so that way this building was finally well lit without all the torches on the ground because they are hideous I then move the wayist stone over to the right side since there's nothing over there yet because I don't really even need the space space that I have and I added lots of carpets onto the floor using what little wool I actually stole from one of the nearby ships and by the way apparently all of the villagers in my nearby Trader ship you know The Mending villager Etc they're just gone I guess they just got like clapped randomly since the chunks are loaded I don't know but anyways my base was now complete and it looked beautiful now that it was officially daytime on day 100 my final day of surviving in this secluded Frozen Wasteland I was prepared to kill Captain Cornelia yet again I figured since the mother of the maze didn't end up going that well as in like it was no challenge at all very easy that I wanted a real challenge so in preparation to summon her yet again I made my way out to the nearby Circle and I filled in all of the holes of water so that way while fighting her I would not get sucked down into the deep after that I once again built out my beacon and I finished preparing my inventory including my brand new God Apple which was a last resort or I guess first to last resort since I have a totem of undying so that way I would win the fight because last time I'm not going to lie she kind of pushed me pretty close so here we are fully prepared we have our Beacon we've got resistance we've got all the stuff we need I've got seeds of the stew we got golden carrots as our food golden apples a god apple as a backup totem of undying as a Backup backup warpstone is a backup Backup backup which doesn't buy me a allot time just puts me up at the house all right SE two eat the se2 eat a golden apple quickly move that over let's go let's go come on where's she at come on oh stop that stop that let's go let's go I hit her oh we hit her could you not could you not I can't even move she fully reheal from that this is an annoying boss this is a really annoying boss in the poison damage I got to be careful this is a stupid this is so stupid you know what I'm eating the god Apple I don't care what is going on I I can't move I can't move come on come on she really stops you from being able to do anything come on two more hits two more hits this is such a dumb fight I hate this I hate it one hit away she's literally dead yeah annoying boss to fight she like gets like you get stuck like especially cuz you're on ice what did she drop she dropped me another helmet another key she dropped me the cool music disc that I would play but I'm scared because of copyright uh this time we got no weapon and another ice Mage shelter that was great that was totally worth it worth my God Apple I only ate the god Apple cuz it's day 100 it's a special occasion so why not but yeah that fight that fight's not the greatest oh this helmet wow protection three and breaking three mending okay that's plus seven head armor wait what wait plus seven head armor oh okay I see well I mean I don't see because you can't see out of the helmet are you are you kidding me this is a thing this is a thing okay well it has in okay what does it do provides you with oxygen underwat protects you from freezing and Waters of of what Waters of the ice maze how do you freeze she did a number of my armor again but not quite as bad as before but we have successfully taken down Captain Cornelia two times now two times and with that it's time to go home for a cozy Abode yeah we've survived we're here we're alive and just like that I survived for 100 days in this secluded Frozen Wasteland in Hardcore Minecraft this place was incredible living here was kind of wild not used to the ice but I had a fun time if you made it to the end of the video then you are amazing thank you so much for watching thank you for being here and thank you for supporting everything that I do I also want to give a huge shout out to all of my patreons which you can see on the screen if you do want to become a patreon member and help support me additionally outside of YouTube there is a link in the description down below thank you all so much and I'm excited to be uploading new videos again even though they are on the side Channel and it will be a little bit of a difficult time building back up but you know what when life gives you lemons you punch it in the face
Channel: PainDomination
Views: 1,326,173
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: paindomination, paindomination minecraft, paindomination 100 days, i survived 100 days on one lucky block in minecraft hardcore, 100 days minecraft, 100 days frozen wasteland, minecraft ice only biome, surviving 100 days in a frozen wasteland, better minecraft 100 days, paindomination 100 days frozen wasteland, I took Minecraft's Most Popular Challenge to its Absolute Limits, I survived 100 days on a raft, I survived 100 days frozen wasteland, minecraft frozen wasteland, 100 days
Id: p2xRXvn7RJY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 223min 29sec (13409 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 26 2024
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