Kicked Out? No Problem! I Sold the House and You Won't Believe What Happened...

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we don't need you anymore get out you work from home freeloader with my sister's words even my parents joined in the chorus get out I'm fed up with a family that treats me and my dog is nuisances if they're going to take that attitude then I'll do as I please thus began my plan for Revenge my name is Kathy a 33 year old single woman I work as a freelance web designer my job can be done just with a laptop so I don't work outside I have a workspace at home and I work at my own pace despite having such a great job a disruptive presence began to intrude on my Pace two years ago that was my father and mother one day while I was working at home my parents visited me as soon as they entered the house they looked around the room and started this conversation mom this house really is Big it seems like we could live here too that's right it seems there's even a spare room besides it's a waste for Kathy to live in such a good house by herself yeah that's moving this weekend agreed let's do that ignoring my presence my parents decided everything by themselves I had no intention of living with them and told them clearly wait a minute I have no intention of living with you guys what are you saying my father his face turning red yelled at me this house was taken over by you saying you wanted it from your uncle trying to make it yours there's a limit to how low you can go take over I just had a proper conversation with Uncle and he gave it to me don't make excuses anyway our old house is falling apart your mother and I are moving here this weekend but actually this house was given to me by my father's brother my uncle who doted on me the title is still under my uncle's name but he told me I could use it as I like according to my father the family home has become quite old and a full-scale renovation is needed if we continue to live there my mother is a housewife and my father's salary isn't that high so renovation isn't realistic so that's why they set their sights on this house that I had inherited from my uncle I was definitely not thrilled about it but my parents had already decided to sell their own home and claimed to have know their place to go I couldn't just leave them hanging so I reluctantly started Living with them however the moment they moved in my parents began throwing sarcastic comments my way hey Kathy you're already over 30 aren't you don't you have any plans of getting married I'm enjoying my work right now keep talking like that and you'll never get married why don't you learn something from your sister my sister's married life isn't going that well is it anyway I'm fine for now that's when my mother who had been listening interrupted hey don't bad mouth your sister like that unlike you she's married and she's even working for a company you know I might not be married but I'm doing a decent job too you're always just messing around on your computer you're probably making money through some shady means aren't you shady means I'm making a living doing legitimate work no need to worry how dare you talk back to your mother you really are the complete opposite of your sister that's how it was my parents constantly compared me and my sister sure my sister works for a company but she's just a temp in an office job I don't look down on Thames but I certainly earn more than she does I understand that people from my parents generation don't quite grasp the concept of working from home but it was still hurtful to be constantly belittled then one day as I Was preparing dinner in the place of my ever idle parents the doorbell rang unexpectedly to my surprise it was my sister Sandy burdened with a huge amount of luggage huh Sandy what's going on a long time no see Kathy this is sudden but I'll be living in this house from today as I fail to grasp the situation I blurted out a bewildered huh what a large house if Uncle was going to give it to someone he should have given it to me whoa hold on living here from today I didn't hear anything about this didn't mom and dad tell you I got divorced you see to divorce so I'll be counting on you from today ignoring my Shark Sandy trudged upstairs and promptly took over an empty room despite my best efforts to resist my parents sided with my sister Sandy and I couldn't do anything about it from that moment my stress just kept piling up Sandy had quit her job after her divorce spending her days talking ill of me with our mother hey Mom isn't this dress cute oh yes indeed Sandy you're so pretty it will definitely suit you do you think so too it's totally not something Kathy would wear right well Kathy is a bit plain you see that's why she can't get hired anywhere all she can do is play online at home mom you can't just say the truth like that by my side as I Was preparing for dinner they made sure I could hear their conversation I was dying to retaliate but doing so would only give them what they wanted so no matter what they said I just continued to live without any reaction then one day A friend of mine had a litter of four puppies and I decided to adopt one of them I named him muffin he's a little black chihuahua has the most adorable round eyes when he looks at me he wags his tail as if it might break off owning a chihuahua has been a dream of mine since I was a child working from home can be lonely so I thought muffin could provide some much needed comfort from today onwards you're muffin okay woof I didn't particularly consult with my family when I decided to adopt him after all this is my house and I am the one who is going to Bear all the expenses for muffin so I don't see why they should have any complaints when I brought muffin home as expected my parents and Sandy started complaining hey we didn't hear anything about you getting a dog exactly dogs smell don't they I hate odors Kathy how could you just bring a dog home without consulting us we didn't approve of this as they hurled their complaints at me I flatly told them firstly I didn't pick him up off the street A friend gave him to me also I'm the one who's going to Bear all the expenses for muffin so there shouldn't be any issue would I choose to keep in my house is my business if you have any complaints you're free to leave at first they complained vehemently their faces flushed with anger but within a few hours they were Smitten by muffin's cuteness and began to fawn over him aren't you cute are you Mommy are you daddy or are you sis look over here sweetheart wait a minute what happened to their anger just a moment ago was it all a dream my whole family was utterly fascinated by Muffin since then they were constantly fussing over muffin thanks to this their hostility towards me had lessened and I was able to spend relatively calm days then one day in event occurred they're broke this tranquility while I was out for an errand I received a call from my sister Sandy hello come back home now what in response to my sister's sudden shout I asked what happened she vented her anger shouting back at me it's not what happened muffin did his business on my clothes what if they smell oh that just wash it quickly and it'll be fine and isn't it your fault for leaving your clothes all over the floor what it's my fault it's your poor training desk to blame enough muffin is still a puppy you know if you take him out for a walk he won't do his business at home you said you were excited to walk muffin today did you actually take him well I I was going to take him later and it's all because you didn't teach him properly pay me for the clothes as expected when I got home my sister was extremely angry both my parents had been informed and they were glaring at me standing with Sandy Sandy threw the soiled clothes at me and started freaking out again I'm going to charge you for the cleaning cost okay why should I it's because you didn't take him for a walk and left your clothes thrown on the floor shut up don't talk back it's because you brought this stupid dog home that's this happened what are you going to do about it stupid dog you are quite fond of him before isn't it harsh to call him a stupid dog just because he had a little accident it's because your poor training take responsibility why can't my family think of anything other than their own convenience while I was appalled by my selfish sister my parents chimed in hey Kathy shouldn't you at least apologize to Sandy first that's right all of this happened because of that muffin you brought home ah can both of you give it a rest already puppies are like babies can't you forgive them for making mistakes once in a while pathetic this situation only happened because of this stupid dog Kathy you made the right choice by not getting married if you became a mother I doubt you'd raise a decent child what how dare you say something like that if you took it for walks properly and kept the house tidy none of this would have happened finally my sister raised her eyebrow and pointed at me and said I can't take it anymore I don't need you or this dumb dog get out of this house what didn't you hear me I said get out we don't need a homeworking freeloader here a homeworking freeloader how can currently jobless say such a thing and who do they think is paying for this household expenses it's me as I stood bewildered by my sister's outrageous statement even my parents chimed in that's right Kathy leave this house your presence only makes us feel worse you're a jinx all three kept repeating get out in front of me at that moment my anger exploded that's it I've reached my limit if this is how it's going to be just wait I who had decided to take revenge on my family packed my things and left the house with muffin in the end my sister added fuel to the fire this is all your fault you know if you had just listened to me obediently none of this would have happened they still don't seem to understand their situation even though hell awaits them well never mind you three enjoy yourselves in the house suppressing my grinning mouth I left the house with muffin a few days later as expected my sister suddenly called Kathy help the houses what happened to the house all of a sudden we were told leave by the end of this month hmm so what so what's the problem what do you mean what's the problem why do we have to leave well I've decided to sell the house what at my words Sandy seemed to freeze with a trembling voice she barely managed to get the words out what what does that mean you've decided to sell it you don't have the authority well I do you see that house has been mine a month ago what yes I had officially received the house from my uncle of course the title is in my name it's no surprise that Sandy was shocked I hadn't told anyone about this you're you're kidding right even if the title was transferred to you by Uncle you can't just sell it so easily I was worried too but right after you told me to leave I consulted with Uncle he said the house is yours now Kathy do what you want you should get away from that stupid family as soon as possible what no way whether they've been listening to my conversation with Sandy over the phone speaker or not my parents started to make a fuss hey Kathy cut it out we have no other place to live if we leave the house that's right it's Unthinkable to do this to your own family if you're a good daughter show some respect to your parents respect I asked them with a quiet voice what are you talking about you've always looked down on me compared to Sandy who do you think has been supporting your life for the past few years you all had nowhere to live so I reluctantly let you all live with me with an unusually strong tone my parents were at a loss for words without waiting for a response I continued who treated me and muffin like nuisances and kicked us out it was you guys wasn't it trying to be happy by driving out the original resident is Shameless you people belong to hell at my Outburst my father begged please help us we're sorry I don't care fend for yourselves you idiots with that I hung up the phone with a loud click next I blocked every family member's contacts seeing me raise my voice muffin looked up at me with a worried woof I held muffin clothes I'm sorry muffin for shouting it's all right now I will protect you I'm really glad that I was able to get muffin away from that family that treated him so poorly later on it seems my parents and sister were forced to move out of the house at the last minute despite their desperate clinging with my father's meager income and my unemployed mother and sister there's no way they can lead a decent life according to the rumors my sister is constantly being nagged by my parents to get a job there are family relationship seems to be getting worse by the day although I have no interest in how they live there's no doubt that their standard of living has plummeted since I left this is indeed the case of reaping what you sow serves them right meanwhile I'm spending my days in fulfillment with my beloved dog in a new pet friendly apartment I can work whenever I want and no one can complain about it anymore I can use my earnings solely for myself and my dog I am extremely happy with my life now muffin let's go to the dog park today woof muffin seems more lively maybe it's because that noisy family is gone from now on I want to protect muffin for the rest of my life and lead a peaceful life
Channel: Revenge Stories
Views: 206,064
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Keywords: reddit, reddit stories, reddit real voice, Text story, revenge, Revenge story, AppleText, Relationships, aita, redditstories
Id: UAG2Nwp1Ems
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 26sec (986 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 27 2023
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