Out Of A Job, A Nurse Went To Care For A Wealthy Man And Noticed Odd... And Putting A Hidden Camera

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welcome my friends and let me tell you a story of greed deceit and the unwavering Spirit of family enjoy the story Jack Dawson felt like the luckiest man alive as he pulled up to the sprawling mansion on the outskirts of Beverly Hills sure the nursing job was only temporary but it was a godsend after being fired from Cedar Sinai Medical Center for blowing the whistle on the head surgeon's unethical practice of reusing bandages Jack had been struggling to make ends meet jobless and freshly moved out of his stepfather's cramped apartment in the valley this gig to privately care for a wealthy elderly man named Alexander Roth's child was just what the doctor ordered remember dad sometimes has episodes Mary Alex's daughter had warned Jack over the phone he hallucinates that he has another wife and son just smile and Nod if he starts rambling oh and he's rather particular about his routines and diet I'll leave instructions Jack took it all in stride in his years as a nurse he'd seen it all dementia delusions difficult patience it was nothing he couldn't handle plus Mary was offering an obscene amount of money he'd be a fool to refuse straightening his scrubs Jack rang the doorbell a severe looking woman in her 50s answered her bottle blonde hair pulled back in a tight shinan you must be Jack she said curtly looking him up and down I'm Mary Roth's Child come in as Jack stepped into the cavernous foyer his jaw nearly Hit the Floor marble floors sweeping staircases Priceless works of art on the walls this place made the Ritz look like a Motel 6 he followed Mary through a Labyrinth of hallways until they reached a wood Panel Room overlooking the manicured Gardens this is Dad sweet Mary said he spends most of his time here your room is just across the hall in a massive four poster bed lay Alexander Rothchild looking every bit of his 85 years his skin was as translucent as parchment his once powerful frame now frail and shrunken at the moment he appeared to be asleep his chest rising and falling with each raspy breath has he been ill long Jack asked quietly heun been deteriorating for a while Mary sighed the doctors say it's only a matter of time that's why I hired you to keep him comfortable in his final days she showed Jack the array of pill bottles and supplements on the bedside table he gets his meds at 8:00 a.m. 2: p.m. and 900 p.m. I've written out the dosages the kitchen will prepare his meals just make sure he eats other than that your job is to keep him company and notify me of any changes in his condition Jack nodded committing it all to memory as Mary turned to leave he couldn't help but notice the enormous Diamond glinting on her ring finger clearly the Rothchild Fortune was no exaggeration ation one more thing Mary said pausing in the doorway dad's mind tends to wander as I mentioned pay no attention to any nonsense about other wives or children it's just the dementia talking with that she was gone her stilettos clicking down the hallway Jack settled into the plush armchair by Alex's bed marveling at the strange new world he found himself in he had a feeling that this job was going to be anything But Ordinary over the next few days Jack fell into a comfortable routine at the Rothschild estate he'd Wake Early enjoy a gourmet breakfast prepared by the household Chef then see to Alex's morning medications and ablutions the Old Man spent most of the day dozing waking only to take his meals and pills before drifting off again Mary hadn't been exaggerating about Alex's mental state he'd roused from sleep in a panic eyes darting wildly around the room as he called out for his real wife and son it was heartbreaking to watch but Jack did as Mary instructed and gently redirected him each time on the fourth day as Jack was tidying up the room Alex suddenly grabbed his wrist with surprising strength you have to help me he rasped his roomy blue eyes boring into Jacks my daughter she's trying to kill me Jack's blood ran cold he'd heard paranoid ramblings from patients before but something in Alex's voice gave him pause there was a Lucidity there an urgency that seemed all too real what do you mean Jack asked carefully perching on the edge of the bed why would Mary want to hurt you shek not my daughter Alex whispered not my real daughter she's Lena's girl Jack's brow furrowed in confusion who's Lena Alex's face crumpled tears leaking from the corners of his eyes my second wife the biggest mistake of my life I left my true family for her my sweet Nancy and our boy Michael but Lena she was a Viper only wanted me for my money and Mary's just like her he gripped Jack's arm even tighter his nails digging into flesh they've been poisoning me Jack slowly so no one will suspect they want my fortune and they'll stop at nothing to get it Jack's head spun this was far more than the delusional ramblings Mary had described Alex seemed completely coherent even if his story sounded like something out of a soap opera I'll get you some water Jack said gently extricating himself from the old man's grasp his mind raced as he filled a glass from the bathroom tap could there be any truth to Alex's wild claims and if so what was he supposed to do about it when he returned Alex was sitting up a manic energy animating his frail frame in my desk drawer he said pointing a trembling finger there's a false bottom inside you'll find documents photographs proof of who I really am and what they've done you must find Nancy and Michael tell them the truth before it's too late Jack hesitated torn between his duty to his patient and his reluctance to get involved in what sounded like a family drama of Epic Proportions but the desperation in Alex's eyes tugged at his conscience if the old man was telling the truth Jack couldn't just stand by and let him be murdered okay he said finally I'll see what I can find out but I need you to rest now Alex getting agitated won't help matters he coaxed the old man to lay back down promising to investigate his claims discreetly as Alex drifted off to sleep Jack pondered his next move he'd need hard evidence if he was going to accuse Mary of something as monstrous as poisoning her own father checking that the coast was clear Jack rummaged through Alex's desk until he found the secret compartment inside was a trove of yellowed papers and faded photographs there was Alex as a Young Man beaming next to a pretty brunette who must have been Nancy another photo showed a tow-headed boy grinning Gap toothed at the camera little Michael the documents appeared to be legal papers a marriage certificate birth records a deed to a modest House in Pasadena as he sifted through the artifacts of Alex's past a plan began to take shape in Jack's mind first he'd need proof of Mary's misdeeds The Nanny cam he used to keep an eye on his scile grandmother would be easy enough to repurpose he'd hide it in Alex's room to capture Mary's actions when she thought no one was looking next he'd hire a private investigator to track down Nancy and Michael if they were still in the area they deserved to know the truth about Alex before it was too late maybe they could even help expose Mary's scheme and get Alex the Justice he deserved Jack's heart raced at the thought of the risk he was taking going up against someone as wealthy and well-connected as Mary Rothschild could cost him a lot more than his job but his conscience wouldn't let him walk away he'd taken an oath to protect the vulnerable and right now no one was more vulnerable than Alexander Rothschild he carefully replaced the documents and photos tucking away a few key pieces of evidence in his pocket as he watched the rise and fall of Alex's chest a newfound sense of purpose settled over him come what may he would get to the bottom of this Twisted plot for Alex's sake and for the family that had been stolen from him all those years ago over the next week Jack played the dutiful nurse by day all the while Gathering evidence of Mary's treachery By Night the hidden camera proved to be a gold mine capturing hours of damning footage each evening after Jack left for the night Mary would creep into Alex's room with a sinister-looking black bag from it she'd withdraw vial after vial of mysterious liquid injecting the contents into Alex's IV line with a steady hand within minutes the old man would be rendered completely catatonic his eyes glassy and unfocused even more disturbing was the presence of a shadowy male figure who' joined Mary in her nightly ritual though his face was obscured by a surgical mask Jack could tell by his furtive movements that this was no medical professional he moved with the ease of a seasoned criminal assisting Mary in her Grim task with cold efficiency meanwhile the Private Eye Jack had hired was making steady progress in tracking down Nancy and Michael abery Alex's long-lost family the detective discovered that Nancy was still living in the same modest Bungalow in Pasadena having never remarried after Alex left Michael in a poetic twist of fate had grown up to become a respected neurologist at UCLA Medical Center armed with this knowledge Jack spent his days off pouring over medical textbooks and journals trying to make sense of Mary's covert drugging regimen the sheer volume of Narcotics and paralytic agents she was administering was staggering far beyond any therapeutic dose it was clear that her intention was not to heal but to slowly and methodically destroy one evening as he watched the hidden camera feed in Horror Jack witnessed Mary's accomplice fumble with the vial sending it skittering under Alex's bed in a stroke of luck they failed to retrieve it before slipping out of the room like the criminals they were heart pounding Jack waited until the coast was clear before dashing into Alex's room and fishing out the errant vile he recognized the label immediately from his studies suil choline a potent paralytic used in surgery in the wrong hands it could be lethal suppressing respiratory function until the victim suffocated to death Jack's hands shook as he pocketed the vial his mind reeling with the implications this was The Smoking Gun he needed to bring Mary to Justice and to save Alex's life he knew he had to act fast before she realized her mistake and took even more drastic measures the next day Jack placed a call to Nancy abery though she was initially skeptical of the wild story he spun the tremble in his voice and the mention of Alex's name after so many years convinced her to hear him out when he revealed the evidence he'd gathered she broke down in sobs her heartbreaking for the man she'd once loved so deeply I never stopped loving him she said her voice thick with tears even after he left us I always hoped he'd come back someday I never dreamed he was suffering like this Jack arranged for Nancy and Michael to come to the Rothschild estate under the guise of a routine visit not wanting to tip off Mary until they could confront her directly his heart heart raced as he watched them pull up to the mansion knowing that The Showdown that was about to unfold would change all of their lives forever the tension in the air was palpable as Jack LED Nancy and Michael into Alex's room the old man's eyes widened in shock and recognition as he took in the sight of his long-lost wife and son tears streaming down his weathered cheeks Nancy he whispered his voice trembling with emotion Michael is it really you Nancy rushed to his bedside clasping his hand in hers as she wept openly oh Alex what have they done to you my love Michael though more reserved was no less moved by the sight of his ailing father he examined the array of medications on the bedside table with a critical eye his jaw clenching as he recognized the potent cocktail of drugs this is Criminal he said tightly no doctor in their right mind would prescribe these medications in these doses it's a wonder you're still alive dad before Alex could respond the door burst open and Mary stro in her face Twisted in Rage her accomplice slunk in behind her a menacing presence in the shadows what the hell is going on here Mary snarled her eyes darting between Jack Nancy and Michael who are these people Jack stepped forward his voice steady despite the hammering of his heart they're your father's real family Mary the ones you've been trying to keep him from all these years Mary's face drained of color but she quickly composed herself I don't know what you're talking about she said coldly I'm the only family dad has and I don't appreciate you bringing strangers into my home drop the ACT Mary Michael said his voice laced with contempt we know all about your little scheme the drugs the deception the abuse it ends now Mary's accomplice made a move toward Michael but Jack was faster he whipped out his phone the damning video footage queued up and ready I wouldn't do that if I were you he said evenly not unless you want this video to go viral I'm sure the police would be very interested to see what you've been up to Mary's eyes widened as she watched herself on the screen caught red-handed in her Wicked Deeds she lunged for the phone with a shriek of Rage but Michael intercepted her pinning her arms behind her back with practiced ease it's over Mary he said his voice hard you're going to pay for what you've done to our father as if on Q the sound of sirens filled the air growing louder as they approached the Mansion the police had been alerted and were on their way to apprehend Mary and her accomplice in the chaos Nancy cradled Alex's face in her hands her eyes shining with love and forgiveness I'm here now darling she murmured and I'm never leaving you again we going to get you the help you need Alex wept openly clinging to his wife as though she were a Lifeline I'm so sorry he sobbed for everything I Was a Fool to ever leave you Michael placed a comforting hand on his father's shoulder his anger melting into compassion it's all right Dad we understand the important thing is that we're together now we'll get through this as a family as the police burst into the room Jack watched the scene unfold with a sense of profound relief he had done it Against All Odds he had unraveled the Twisted web of lies and deceit and brought a family back together in the process in the days that followed Michael used his medical expertise to wean Alex off the toxic cocktail of drugs slowly nursing him back to health with Nancy by his side and the love of his true family surrounding him Alex seemed to gain strength and vitality with each passing day for Jack The Experience had been nothing short of life life changing what had started as a simple nursing job had turned into a harrowing journey of Discovery and Redemption and in the end he had not only saved a life he had given a man back his reason for living as he packed up his belongings and prepared to leave the Roth's child Mansion for the last time Jack couldn't help but feel a sense of Bittersweet Nostalgia this place had been the sight of so much pain and heartache but also of incredible courage and love Michael caught him as he was heading out the door a warm smile on his face I can't thank you enough for what you've done Jack he said shaking his hand firmly you saved my father's life and brought our family back together I'll never forget that he reached into his pocket and pulled out a business card pressing it into Jack's Palm listen I know you're out of a job now but I could really use a man like you on my team at the clinic someone with your instincts your compassion what do you say Jack looked down at the card a slow grin spreading across his face a chance to work alongside a brilliant doctor like Michael helping patients in need it was more than he could have ever hoped for I say yes he said clasping Michael's hand in his it would be an honor one year later the Sun was shining brightly on the day of Alex and ny's vow renewal ceremony after everything they had been through the couple had decided to reaffirm their love and commitment to each other in front of their family and closest friends Jack stood proudly beside Michael watching with Misty Eyes as Alex and Nancy exchanged heartfelt promises and slipped gleaming new Rings onto each other's fingers in the front row Michael's wife and children beamed with joy a testament to the beautiful family they had all become as the ceremony concluded and the guests erupted into Applause Jack felt a hand clap him on the shoulder he turned to see Alex his eyes twinkling with gratitude and affection I wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for you son Alex said his voice thick with emotion you saved my life in more ways than one I'll never be able to repay you for that Jack shook his head a lump forming in his throat you don't owe me anything Alex being a part of this family getting to work alongside Michael at the clinic that's more than enough for me Alex smiled pulling Jack into a warm embrace Youk always be a part of this family Jack never forget that as the reception got underway and the happy couple twirled around the dance floor jack took a moment to reflect on The Incredible Journey that had brought him to this point he thought back to those early days at the Roth's child Mansion when he had been just a lost soul searching for his place in the world now as he looked around at The Smiling Faces of his Newfound family he realized that he had found so much more than he ever could have dreamed he had found love purpose and a sense of belonging that would stay with him forever and as he raised his glass to toast the happy couple Jack knew that no matter what the future held he would always have the strength and courage to face it headon for he had learned the most valuable lesson of all that with love and family by your side anything was possible so he clinked his glass against Michaels a grin spreading across his face as he looked out over the joyful celebration this was only the beginning he knew the start of a brand new chapter in a story that was still being written and he couldn't wait to see where it would take him next
Channel: LifeTales
Views: 11,478
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: eKpua4h3_-U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 5sec (1205 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 04 2024
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