I Survived On $0.01 For 1 Week

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this is a penny that was a peppermint um this is a penny and this is all the money i made yesterday welcome to the penny challenge where i start with only a penny and work my way up look how i'm standing right now this is real this is what i i'm standing like this yesterday i bought a pen sold it for a dollar and i bought some mints and kind of failed at selling those best deal on this main street block eventually i bought some legit candy and sold them like hotcakes well it's day two and we have 45.36 and a half of a dollar and a lottery scratch off that we actually won ten dollars from so we're gonna go cash this in bought this last night you're gonna confirm that that's the win i'm kind of shocked all right yay that's crazy thank you so much thanks have a good day you too so basically on day one i walked a lot i'm talking to dollar general and back like four times literally i think i walked about 15 miles yesterday so that brings me to my purchase like 58 bucks that's a lot of money and so i went on facebook marketplace and i was just trying to investigate as to what i could get for my 58 saw lawnmower i saw this burger king nascar suit which was really enticing like so enticing almost bought it almost this is the most stereotypical small town texas facebook marketplace i've ever oh my gosh dude holy what the heck is that and don't even get me started on this i know exactly what i need to buy and i need to pay logan to help me go pick it up hey no solicitations sorry can i pay you five bucks to go take me to pick something up sure time is money goodness five eight oh there we go i think it's gonna work 40 bucks yeah 40 bucks all right boom forty dollars thank you thank you thank you so much i will you'll subscribe yeah ladies and gentlemen we have a bike we have transportation other than our phalanges on our feet it's a good feeling so here's my game plan window cleaning business lots of windows here we have 13 30 or so three dollars for windex we need a squeegee i feel like that's exactly what squeegees have i'm having a moral dilemma right now can i consciously buy this and tell people hey can i squeegee your window sir that's a dust pan i'm gonna do it i believe in it i just made a big mistake i have three dollars left in another one if i go cash that at the bank oh dang boy that heavy tail we upgraded we upgraded baby what's the chances of you being able to deliver like uber out here like uber eats yeah i'll just uber people get on my back dude that would be insane dude you might have just done something but i just bought that windex i needed i need also clean windows i'll meet you downtown we're gonna clean some windows whether they like it or not and they're gonna pay us whether they like it or not just kidding about they're just kidding we're not gonna have a cool musical transition because i don't wanna hurt myself trying to be casey neistat so i'll meet you downtown logan there's my bike there's my cleaning supplies right there i'm basically walking down the downtown strip and i'm looking at businesses that have like smudges on their windows and then i'm just going to go inside and ask if they'll let me clean their windows for like 10 bucks i'm going to go inside i don't want to intimidate these people with the camera so i'm going to go inside and talk to them but yeah you should just like get footage of the smudges while i'm in there okay so i had a lab mic on when i when i recorded this but it didn't work we didn't we don't have the audio so i'm just gonna like be imitating sort of what happened just like word for word hey excuse me ma'am how's it going hi welcome in oh wait are you zac efron oh oh no no ma'am i'm not zac no you're you're dwayne the rock johnson no oh oh oh i do look like you you're literally actually going to do the thing from high school musical gotta get you get your head in the game i get approached by many people they already got somebody everyone's windows are pretty clean hey guys how's it going i was wondering if you guys wanna sir don't move there's a dragon everybody stay calm i got this pass me that sword pass me the sword i'll slay this thing we just got to a bank i'm gonna see if i can turn this half dollar into a dollar they'll give me a real dollar bill that would help hello can i trade in this half dollar for a full dollar yes sir no problem she gave it to me dude that's the one let's keep moving hey excuse me miss i was wondering can i clean your windows please five bucks we just scared our client five bucks i don't know if that's a bad idea we can literally get more money just returning this stuff look at that look at this how's my form she gave me a 10. i think i'm gonna take the dustpan back to dollar general at least get something back 1.50 maybe i'll meet you there and then i have another plan okay all right thank you very much okay so we just got 146 back for the dustpan okay so i think what my new plan is i have the bike i think i'm gonna go up to people's houses and ask if there's anything i can do around the house to help out for money so before i go do my next plan i actually need to make a pit stop and it's right about over there i'm nervous to vlog on my bike i'm either gonna drop my phone drop my bike or drop my self-esteem oh this is like the shortest ride ever okay we're good here we are mcdonald's let's see what we can get it's exactly lunch time right now this drive-through isn't really moving too well i don't even know if you're allowed to go inside i'm sorry we can't take the order on the bike you're gonna have to come inside the doors are open oh the doors are open yeah you can come inside in order okay thank you okay be careful doors are open for business hello um can i get a mcchicken with no vegetables 161 hold up all right there's 161 chicken time gonna absolutely pound this burger perfection it's like a big chicken nugget it was really good okay so the next game plan is to go on up to people's houses um and ask if they need any help in exchange for some money but in the meantime i'm going to re-list this bike on facebook marketplace i bought it for 40. it's gonna list it for 75. why not at this point we have nothing to lose other than a bike which is pretty important so i'm just gonna take some better photos portrait mode iphone you know beautiful get a picture of this put that on the listing right there we now have a bike for sale on facebook marketplace for 75 dollars i don't know if it's going to sell maybe it will oh my gosh someone just bought it this guy's getting we're gonna go to people's houses now and see if they need help for some money hello ma'am is there anything i can help you with oh you're sweet thank you i'm just sitting here all right sounds good dang man i didn't have the nerve to say for some money so she really thought i offered out of the kindness of my heart also my tire popped oh my gosh i heard a noise i thought i farted literally my tire just went flat are you kidding me oh my gosh dude it literally went i'm asked the guy if he has a pump or something you're telling me i can't ride this thing beats walking screw it okay so whenever i said i didn't know anyone in fredericksburg i kind of lied so the people that basically remodeled the airbnb they're also working on this house joe is here i know a guy named joe and he said a lot of stuff needs to be done at this place gonna park my vehicle go meet joe i basically just wanna like tidy everything up like all this all this brush and stuff okay anything that's like out like random tools can come inside okay any like little materials and trash you could pick up sweep out like all the rooms would be good okay i can do this anything that you can move uh-huh you're not gonna hurt yourself you can all go in the dumpster in the dumpster yep easy hard work yard work so we're rocking with all right first up front yard it's gonna be artistic i'm excited [Music] so [Music] onward [Music] big man big strong man [Music] sheesh have you guys heard it anyone do that before whoa oh ryan you didn't buy that broom with the penny i hear you martha this woman is looking at me well technically i bought the bike from the penny and i drove the bike to the job site and the broom was at the job site [Music] yes i just picked up a bunch of dust with my hands there's like a ledge there so i can't physically sweep off the dust i don't i want to make joe proud okay no joe mama jokes in the comments either i'm just so baffled at how people can build houses that's like something that i've just never understood how do you just build this there's just pieces of wood holding together other pieces of wood that's insane in the concrete everywhere when they teach you that story about the three little pigs and they teach you like oh this house is made out of mud this house is made out of bricks how what even is that oh back just popped it was actually my pelvis or my sacrum i i sort of just call my bodily areas whatever i know about that was hardly a complete sentence the house is looking a lot better the front yard looks great uh the house itself hank broomed and the backyard i would say is the biggest project though a lot going on back here let's do it like nike houses are so [Music] crazy [Music] so joe agreed to pay me 40 for this project which is a ton of money that would literally be like selling 20 pieces of candy it sounds like our guy on facebook marketplace agreed to buy us a new tire and inner tube so we're not actually out of a bike hopefully if he follows through with this come on pedro i think you're gonna i'm about to pass out it's all good it's time to conquer that yard uh behind me right there uh frankly i'm excited let's do it it's a nice clap he did say a lot of this stuff i probably can't pick up myself yeah right joe yeah right oh come on oh my gosh two three oh my goodness voila much better much better beautiful wonderful so we recorded joe handing me the money as if we were gonna plug it in after but literally it doesn't make any sense so here's joe handing me the money before great work and everything man i really appreciate you thanks joe all right sweet thank you 40 my sun burned i j i'm sunburned oh my gosh do i look like patrick starr's cousin 40 bucks in the back and the other good news on facebook messenger the guy showed us the bike just told me that he'd buy us a new tube or inner tube and bike tire he brought it to logan and logan is right here so we're gonna we're gonna fix the bike logan i'm ready to change these tires open my auto body shop dude that thing is so pathetic with the flat tire this bad boy right there you think it's too big i don't understand though we're going to walmart refund no way dude money for you twenty dollars and new inner tubes we're over 70 bucks i'm gonna pop this thing up like where the black eyed peas nice dude oh it works every time you rotate it just comes out you guys see that 30 thicker talk about me we're doing the impossible right now let's keep it going everybody say sausage keep it going let's go i think i have to pump it up some more my head is pounding it's on both sides right here oh dude i almost gave up i literally almost said screw the bike here we go i am mike king i'm gonna go it's gonna be so long for the night why can i not english you need the camera don't you yeah but you can like film me driving away for dramatic effect as if we did have a production crew okay all right logan see ya bye all right i'm coming with the camera okay we made it three chickens right yes thank you thank you so much oh so awkward riding a bike's scary dude what is this drop off it's a drop off i feel like this should be on like a shot shot on iphone commercial it's right here throw all those chairs for green lights where this is getting harder oh my kneecaps watch for high water or like watch for high watch time i'm referring to the youtube video flying down this road right now essentially a bird right now the essence of my being is a bird that's a nice house is that even a house oh my knees my quads my sunburn we're not quite there yet big old truck alert not one not two not three oh those are those are napkins not four wait actually yes four we have four make chickens dude this is such a good feeling right now not gonna lie also i asked for a small water because it's free and i think she gave me like a medium or a large shout out to her that was very sweet what a day man what a day i'm not sure if it translated on camera but this was a long day trying to decide if i want to stay there tonight and by there i mean that super eight right there that's the one we went to yesterday and i asked the woman how much at night was and she said 50 57 i think yeah see how much we got 20 40 50 55 60 65 66 67 67 and 70 cents i think so we just bought dinner so make chicken time he's like the physical form of i don't know harry styles he's cool and if you guys didn't see in my last episode essentially with this whole series i want to do a fundraiser and it's actually live on youtube so we're currently raising money in the description so raising money for central texas food bank and just in the last episode alone we raised 1 110 snaps snaps everywhere so since the dollar is four plus meals that means we already donated literally over 4 000 meals so thank you so much every dollar counts you guys are just amazing we're also gonna be doing a minecraft charity stream at the end of this series on this channel so stay tuned i'm gonna eat these chickens i don't know why i keep doing these shots they're so inconvenient i gotta go get back on my bike and get the camera as real as it gets dude i'm so full right now i am literally so full you forgot a little bit on your chin my guy who's with me all right guys i'm putting the camera in my backpack for convenience sake so enjoy this iphone footage i found more like i i home i going home all right i'm done this is so cute look at this greetings from fredericksburg texas i love stuff like that i just took a wrong turn i should probably turn around dude look how wide these streets are what you see what i see we're almost there i can taste it it might just be the chemicals from the chicken i'm fine all right somewhere around here it's at the corner there house sweet house the money maker let's go inside this doesn't close hey shout out to whoever cleans this place because this thing's spotless penny challengers good night sweet dreams see you in the morning for day three sorry this has to work this literally can't not work what uh is green and has wheels uh grass i lied about the wheels
Channel: Ryan Trahan
Views: 11,544,982
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ryan, Trahan, i survived on $0.01 for 1 week, day 2, bike, ryan trahan, penny challenge
Id: vNtKVuVSsyk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 13sec (1093 seconds)
Published: Tue May 04 2021
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