I Spent 100 Days in Realistic Minecraft

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this is real life this is minecraft and this is minecraft with real life graphics dude this graphics pack is insane a real life day is 24 hours a minecraft day is 20 minutes i'm gonna do some quick maths they are not the same amount of time 100 minecraft days is equal to 33 hours in real life and that's how long i'm spending in real life minecraft vr a few minutes in i was already so mystified by my own shadow it felt like i was really there [Music] that's not a good look the first several days were boring i collected resources found these blue rocks blah blah blah but things got crazy when i got a vision for my base a place like none other base a place where no mobs could ever get me a place that i'm calling the platform so yeah the rest of day five i kind of just got started on that on day seven i had my first visitors good to meet you what's your name huh i said what's your name huh i worked day and night on this vision of what i'm calling the platform and before long it was complete alright dr phil fan club it's time to show you what i've been building for the past nine days the platform it's a platform calling it the platform uh pretty safe for mobs it looks cool at night all right look i like it and that's all that matters it was time to go on a journey i need to find a village and on the night of day 14 that's exactly what we did howdy i came to this village for one reason business i was checking to see what trades were available and one of the farmers and i just hit it off i'm following you around for the day okay hey what's your name i didn't get your name joseph your name is joseph now i'm gonna be honest i i have no idea what his name is if you put what he said in a google translate nothing happens i need a friend so i'm naming him joseph and that's really none of your business and on day 17 our friendship deepened joseph can we talk in private what do you have to say not sure if you heard what i heard in joseph's tone but i've been playing this game for six hours and my need for some sort of human connection led me to make up a fake narrative and this is it i hate farming i hate my dad i want to leave this village and see the world maybe even go to a taylor swift concert but most of all i want to slay the ender dragon so yeah that's what we're rolling with the game plan is simple the first thing i'm doing is destroying joseph's dad's crops effectively making joseph the best farmer in town joseph i don't know if you're asleep right now i literally can't your eyes are wide open joseph oh my gosh goodness okay you're awake i'll come back for you and we'll beat that dragon okay i have never beat that dragon but we're gonna do it dragon d's nuts on your chin joseph with joseph's dad so occupied on replanting his crops we're going to bust joseph out of the village take him to the end defeat the ender dragon all without dying for the next 80 days but on day 20 we hit our first big roadblock oh no my hunger bar's low [Applause] i spent the next several days doing more boring stuff but it was all to prepare for joseph's escape so it matters so here's the updated platform yeah whatever okay i need to get back to joseph and on my way to joseph i wanted to see if moving my arms in real life made me run faster it didn't joseph has anyone seen joseph that's when i ran into joseph's dad hey i don't mean to bother you i see you're replanting your crops where's your son joseph was exactly where he was designed to be on top of the hill tending to his crops crops are looking nice crops are looking good how you been that might just be the saddest thing i've ever heard joseph essentially said ryan get me out of this stink hole i haven't taken this head off ever like i was born with it on my head i do not have free will help me at this point i've been in this vr world for 10 hours straight and i need to go to bed myself i need to sleep for real like irl so far it's been 30 days we're level 28 we haven't died yet and we need to get joseph to the end this is the most strong emotional connection i've i've made ever don't tell my wife i spent my first night stargazing it was actually kind of beautiful [Music] wake up joseph in my world six hours had passed since i last seen joseph in his three weeks and no that time didn't count towards my hundred days so i've got a lot of work to do i left the village before joseph could notice i decided that before i could get joseph to escape i needed to get him a name tag name tags allow you to name npcs in minecraft one of the only ways to get name tags is through fishing the only catch no pun intended they're extremely rare so i needed to make an enchanted fishing pole certain enchantments increased the odds of you getting rare items like name tags so i started slaughtering cows for the enchantment table i promise it's necessary on the night of day 34 i almost died and on day 36 we finally had our enchantment table oh ryan you really going to enchant a fishing pole on your first enchantment yes and our first fishing pole was really bad it's probably the worst you could get you see we're looking for the enchanted luck of the sea which allows us to get the name tag faster then we enchant it again and we got it oh that thing's heavy i combined our two enchanted fishing poles and gave it a name that the world would remember hashtag free joseph so on day 39 i started fishing with hashtag free joseph and before long days turned into weeks well like i mean hours days i don't know anymore on the night of day 49 i was doing some fishing thinking about how i would get joseph out of that village when something crazy happened don't mess with my boat oh my gosh now i'm pretty bad at minecraft but even i know that zombies and villagers go into boats and you can move them that way but i just forgot and now i had confirmation that i could really get joseph out of there thank you so much you are so sweet on day 51 i luckily caught a really good bow like really good and finally after 14 days of fishing tag oh my gosh there's nothing in this world that is more precious to us than our names i'm on my way joseph i'm on my way joseph joseph i have a surprise for you ready three two one seeing joseph's name hover above his straw hat gave me goosebumps those piercing green eyes looking into mine i don't know it's like he was really in the room with me and there was just this understanding that we would never leave each other's side oh he's leaving what the heck when i got to the village i saw a disproportionate amount of farmers making out with each other it was in this moment that i realized the perfect plan to help joseph escape i would need a distraction in a village full of testosterone-charged farmers there was only one thing that could get their attention a 200 foot tall farmersonly.com billboard that casts the shadows so wide the entire town would be hypnotized by it it took nearly 10 days to chop all the wood from this thing i'm talking absolute deforestation but the final product was so worth it i don't know who did it either but that's like a major distraction you know isn't it just insane and it seemed to be working perfectly every farmer in town had their lips on another farmers next i built a water passage all the way from the platform to the village allowing me to transfer joseph via boat just like that zombie from earlier the final step would be waiting for nightfall and then setting the entire village on fire as i was preparing though the entire village seemed super suspicious of me hey how's it going uh just my hand here yeah i'll see you later i'm not gonna lie altogether this process took about seven hours of my life but it's for a worthy cause and if this works out this might be my greatest accomplishment ever and now all we had to do is wait for nighttime joseph tonight's the night okay tonight's the night we bust you out of here you're gonna live your dreams and i'm gonna burn this place to the ground oh that's not oh my gosh that's not joseph all right joseph yes that's joseph okay i caught him up to speed on the plan not only were the iron golems trapped but the boat was ready to go right outside his house we just needed the village to stay calm for a little bit longer [Music] one word free joseph all right i'm gonna burn this place down i began lighting the entire village on fire oh yeah the entire village was up in flames i didn't have much time though because night time was only 10 minutes joseph we're leaving come on joseph let's go joseph i'm not gonna lie i had been in this headset for 25 hours and watching this village burn to the ground felt a little too real to me joseph look at the stars by guy look how they shine for you i'm just kidding man i'm just kidding you know coldplay yeah goofball and just like that joseph was free and we made it back to the platform i got him out of the boat and the first thing he did was run to the crops hey hey joseph he went straight to the crops joseph oh my god joseph i was so confused at the time but joseph's hat literally popped off i mean he was no longer an npc farmer he was joseph i haven't had a roommate in a while so i just uh put up a bunk bed told him i would be top bunk he'll be bottom bunk and that was that i'll be right back i'm just going to this place called the nether so joseph wouldn't be worried about me i told him the nether was short for netherlands one of the safest countries in the world however the place i was going was very very different another is one of the most dangerous places in minecraft however you have to go in order to get to the end when you land in the netherlands you're greeted by fields of tulips and soccer balls when you land in the nether you're greeted by death and as i was running away from death i ended up seeing another fortress yay i need to kill these things to get blaze rods which will allow me to make eyes of ender which allows me to find the in portal which will allow me to make joseph happy anything for joseph i spend day 75 collecting blaze rods and then trading with zombie pigmen for ender girls oh oh three ender pearl and i just mean elon tusk and the last thing we needed was nether wart for potions and probably other things yes i'm taking this seriously hey siri play how to slay enderdragon on minecraft on youtube ryan don't forget to apply your ointment tonight at 9pm look i've watched enough youtube videos to know what i'm doing i did some more boring stuff and then knows if oh gosh sorry that was a little too hard i started enchanting my weapons and got some really good stuff and just like our fishing pole hashtag free joseph i enchanted all of my diamond armor it wasn't perfect but it would do i made the best bow possible i made potions and on day 82 my inventory was ready but i was not so i told joseph i needed to have an epic training montage and he said what does epic mean i hate my dad epic i set up an arena that would emulate the end and if i could knock off the tnt on top of these dirk towers i would be fully ready to defeat that dragon that's way off first try first try at first my accuracy was atrocious i partially blame that on our sponsor robo rock that's right i've been snacking on this white floor for nearly 30 hours in one second yep still missed this floor is absolutely trashed i'm talking pretzels nacho chips remnants of sandwiches that i can't even remember eating the rower rock s7 new all rubber brush laughs in the face of such things this is the one i can feel it it has an intelligent mop that knows the difference between hard floor and carpet meaning it lifts that wet mop up when it absolutely ascends up mountainous terrain like carpets or yoga mats is this an off-road vehicle maybe no legally it's not speaking of maybe it's been a full day of shooting arrows and i still haven't hit this tnt block the robo rock also has precision mapping which means it's basically smarter than joseph and i combined you can also set no-go zones this bad boy docks itself empties itself and charges itself i can't even take care of myself that well this is actually becoming sad check out the link in the description to snagarobo rock possibly the best gift in the entire world except for a name tag facts joseph straight facts on that note it took me nearly two days to hit that first tnt block and it was almost at point blank range i'm screwed to get to the end portal which takes you to the ender dragon i have to throw these eyes of ender i made when you throw them it points you in the direction of the portal i figured i would go find it first and then take joseph there on the start of day 86 i started getting really close to this place and then i found it i had to dig underwater which was scary because i can't swim this place was pretty horrifying and it took me a really long time to find this place and almost died a few times as well but we finally found it oh my gosh i've never gotten this far before how are we gonna get joseph in here i had an idea if i could somehow dig a tunnel up to the ocean i could successfully push joseph inside of it directly into the in portal it took three days to do but it was foolproof whatever i don't know what that means exactly but now i just have to activate the portal and get joseph holy smokes it was day 92 at this point and i couldn't believe i hadn't died yet all i had to do was build another river going from the platform to the end and then there was no more running from it it's time say goodbye to the platform joseph probably not gonna make it i'm just kidding i'm just kidding i don't even know if i'm gonna make it it was a beautiful metaphor passing through joseph's village we even took a second to appreciate his old house then the river led us to the ocean as we approached the important uh hole it seemed like joseph was having second thoughts i think he said something like dang i was hoping we would do the taylor swift concert before this my dad would be proud of me at least i think that's what he said it's time joseph get out of the boat go jump joseph what are you doing go ryan if i die tell my dad i love him maintain my crops and tell taylor swift i am an epic stan see you on the other side ah i actually misclicked i did not mean to hit joseph so soon this was the craziest visual i have ever seen in my life and on the 98th day we're gonna slay a dragon i'm coming joseph oh wow this is nice joseph this is what we've been training for seconds after mining out of this hole the dragon had already spotted us it wasn't looking good watch out watch out watch out watch out no joseph joseph joseph died instantly [Applause] now i have nothing to lose i gotta slay this thing for joseph the end is a dangerous place it's actually more dangerous than the nether there's a big dragon and if you beat him you beat the game there's also a bunch of enderman one of the strongest mobs in this video game that we call minecraft and there's a ton of quote-unquote healers that i have to destroy or the dragon will just heal itself forever the first thing i did was build a little wooden house a house that the endermen are too tall to access i'm 5 8 in real life so i'm familiar with this tactic then i started destroying the healers one by one i don't think i was doing it right but eventually i was able to get some hits off on the dragon i threw my ender poles and almost died in the process but before long i destroyed all the healers and it was time to just start attacking the dragon i listened to a youtube video and they said to do something like explode to bed i almost died in the process i'm on fire things got really scary when i took a dragon ball to the dome that's not good that's not good i was able to build up to a tower to escape and that's why i just started absolutely drilling this thing yup oh got it [Music] oh my gosh joseph this one's for you [Music]
Channel: Ryan Trahan
Views: 32,792,054
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ryan, Trahan, minecraft, realistic minecraft, I survived 100 days in realistic minecraft, I spent 100 days, I spent, minecraft vr, vr, forgelabs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 6sec (1026 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 10 2021
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