Overnight in the World's Cheapest Hotel

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i found the world's cheapest uh hotel on airbnb the lowest you can sell your place for is like ten dollars a night i found this listing with hardly any photos and asked how many nights she would give me for ten dollars that sounds bad well she said ten that's a dollar per night not bad huh even though this place is only a dollar a night i wanna treat this like it's a five-star hotel that means i need to find a way to achieve all of these amenities while i'm here so here we've got the beautiful bed i mean so cozy couple nightstands what more could you ask for they're calling these three dumbbells the fitness center how about you sit back [Music] i'm literally wearing boots this isn't bad at all pillows 10 out of 10. you know i didn't expect this i didn't expect the world's cheapest hotel to turn into a survival challenge all right i wouldn't be as terrified right now but on the way over here we literally saw a wolf and a dead horse carcass what is out here killing horses that can't kill me i'm 5 8 maybe this is literally a kiddie pool with gallons of water in it i almost passed out there i need to stop screaming like that i don't do survival things i'm literally on my own out here the nearest hospital is only about six hours that way so if something bad happens i'm literally dead why am i laughing at that by the looks of it i've got about two hours of sunlight left let me show you what i packed to prepare first of all i got on boots new boot goofing oh no oh my gosh oh oh oh no oh no got it a sleeping bag flashlight this army knife baby can't see any bears wanna throw hands i thought he said bear what it is that a rock got some durable washcloths in case i have to take an absolute dumper got a half drink in arizona iced tea hand warmers some jerky mini prep bear attack deterrent and maybe the most important fire sticks i actually want to start a fire before the sun goes down i just have to find a tree oh no there's literally not even one tree out here i spent the next 30 minutes gathering rocks any rock i could find truth is i am very scared a fire is going to keep me warm and deter animals and it's kind of do or die right now i need to get this fire started it's so cold out here it's so cold i need fire i need fire see there's lights i don't know if this stuff really catches on fire to be honest oh it's getting really cold okay i am fine the only bad news as of right now is the fire didn't start and for some reason my flashlight doesn't work are you serious at least i've got my washcloths so i actually found this cardboard box under the bed and it actually had some valuable stuff in it look at that what else is in here they left me a sleeping mask what is this no way room service there's no way this is for real i'm literally so far away from everything 334 there's no way i doubt anyone's gonna answer thank you for calling the front desk stella how may i help you is this room service yes would you like to place an order yeah can i get uh a hamburger okay that should be about 30 minutes and we'll see you soon okay who did i just call the front desk of what the front desk of pain apparently the sun has set darkness has set in and the cold is blistering it wasn't until 10 pm that the driver called me saying he was lost so haley went to go meet up with him in the nearest town and drop the food off for me well the food's here five hours later thank goodness this is insane this is absolutely insane it's literally mcdonald's these fries are so cold according to the weather the feel like tonight is gonna get down to negative two degrees and at this point i feel like i have no choice but to try to start this fire again the good news however is i actually found another lighter in my luggage oh yes guys we got this i'm gonna set myself on fire over here as cold as it is i just farted we got this we didn't got this i don't know if this stuff is flammable man i'm so bummed out about this fire but at the end of the day i just got to keep on keeping on i literally can't wait for the sun to rise if i were to rate this on like hotels.com i would give it two out of five so far what the heck was that what the heck was that oh it's midnight right now the mcdonald's was bombed it was literally hard as a rock but it was bomb however i do have something up my sleeve that i think is gonna be literally insane if it works i have a generator my ps4 and a monitor i brought a hot spot if the internet connection is success no way it works fortnite why does this feel like a bigger success than actually lighting a fire my face my facial is just non-existent all features watch a bear is going to pull up and want to play duo's just my luck ah i look gross this looks like fake guys i'm in the desert there's literally snow on the ground look at this look at that i think now's a good time to tell you this year i'm trying to give away a million dollars to my subscribers the way i'm doing it is every time someone subscribes to me i add 10 cents to this piggy bank this month i'm giving away a thousand dollars to as many of you as possible so if you're getting 200 000 subs that means 20 000 that i'm giving away to you guys ninja is quaking my fingers feel like frozen fish sticks i i just died is that what my life has come to my extremity is just feeling like frozen delicacies this guy die i just lost to a bot i need to go to bed this is the first time i've seen my face in a while and i literally think i'm turning green is my face gamer boys this very well might be the coldest hotel room i've ever been in i'm gonna try to just get some sleep tonight it's quite literally snowing i got that thang on me that bear repellent with that being said good night [Music] good morning the wind was the hardest part but my sleeping bag was awesome i physically can't feel my lips checkout is in like 30 minutes so i'm just soaking it up you know rocking the eight pound dumbbell thing i'm gonna get a little workout in um if you guys think i'm cold right now don't worry it's only four degrees i've got my fuzzy crocs on we're chilling no pun intended i don't even know what to do with this dumbbell right now there's like only so many movements look at that big juicy fat sunrise even though this challenge is coming to an end i said you know what i'm gonna run ten miles just kidding i'm gonna sit down on this bed drink some arizona iced tea oh it's it's literally frozen solid that's crazy frozen solid even the hand warmers are frozen solid i've officially completed a night at the world's cheapest hotel i honestly thought i was gonna die a few times last night one of which being when i was playing fortnite then i did die maybe i did but this was not bad okay apart from the fact that this hotel is really just a full-size bed with a frozen mattress a kiddie pool filled with frozen water jugs and somebody's grandma's dumbbells all in the middle of nowhere i kind of loved this in fact my ride is almost here and i don't even care i could literally stay here for so good smash like you
Channel: Ryan Trahan
Views: 10,025,516
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ryan, Trahan, overnight in the worlds cheapest hotel, hotel, airbnb, ryan trahan, 24 hour challenge, overnight, worlds cheapest, challenge, mrbeast, living cheap, 24 hours, 24 hours challenge, outside hotel, sleeping outside, sleeping outside for 24 hours, hotel tour, ryan trahan and haley pham, sleeping outside in the winter, sleeping outside challenge, sleeping outside without a tent, cheapest hotel, outside living
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 45sec (525 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 15 2021
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