I Survived On $0.01 For 1 Week

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five days ago i practically spawned into this little town in texas with this pity since then i bought a bike a hammock a bunch of other stuff and i've just been buying and selling random things to make it in this town you're watching day six we are so close yet so far in fact i broke this branch off last night it's actually very sad welcome to day six of the penny challenge if you're new here welcome go check out the other episodes we have 34.30 and this is a bike i decided to name it montgomery montgomery the mongoose today's a big day shout out to rebecca black because it's friday i anticipate old people with wallets i think today's gonna be a good day it's a gorgeous day outside i have 34 and i have a bunch of soda and frankly i'm just gonna go get some coffee this morning and also hopefully we get some uber eats orders dude these things are crazy what is that thing that thing is sick my goal is to make enough money so tomorrow i can drive one of those [Music] no way what can i get for you can i get a large coffee okay yeah i was literally just watching your youtube video last night with my brother yeah that's so crazy a large food coffee yeah but i was gonna get blue that'll be it okay 2 49. 249 all right all right i'm put this in here okay appreciate you guys thank you so much what instrument are you guys percussions or the coolest oh you guys are drunk so cool i play the trombone but this year i'm the drum major okay so you're on their team i guess okay how much is this right here it's my donation oh donation three four dollars for a cookie awesome thank you guys so much beautiful day let's get it three hot cakes with sausage and you guys have hash browns can i get two of those thank you so much mcdonald's dude i completely just blew a bag i don't know what i'm doing this morning tip the coffee lady donated four dollars for m m cookies let me test them out let me test them out thank you high school band wow there anything in my teeth oh i need water gonna take it kind of easy this morning just waiting on ubereats right i'm also kind of waiting until it heats up a little bit then i bring out my ice cold sodas i actually need to go buy ice i bring out my sodas everyone is parched i force soda down their esophagus we make profit it's a simple equation it really is mcdonald's hash browns to die for oh so good they have no business being this good it's the hash browns for me i'm sorry cheers these people just drive by me and i feel like they're so close to me i was close enough to that man to kiss him straight up [Music] burger king is far man i don't even know if i'm in the same zip code anymore jeez man oh there it is where am i there's only two miles jeez thank you very much have a good one that sucker's 2.2 miles away here goes nothing i rode that build for so long that felt good wow looks like me oh gosh that scared me i decided i needed to go to walmart and upgrade my cooler because obviously the bag yesterday just didn't work so i figured hey you know what let's get the best possible cooler i can get 2564. i have two dollars and 16 cents left it is hottest bullocks is that a bad word there are literally so many people here it feels like 100 degrees outside right now so i just know that this soda is gonna sell like i was gonna say hot cakes again i've been saying something like hot cakes i don't understand that expression they're gonna be selling like ice cold soda sell out let's go do it ice cold soda all righty i am do you want some soda yeah give me uh oh dude i appreciate it dude you're the best i appreciate it take care man oh gosh my poster ripped dang that wind really took it out i'll just i'll just hold it nice cold sodas yummy ice cold ice cold soda so it is so cold you want to slap your mama i got diet dr pepper i got coke i got sprite ice cold soda yes absolutely do you have diet coke i have diet dr pepper will that suffice why not all right thank you so much thank you you have a great day yummy yummy ice cold sodas just had some drinks just had some drinks so cold ice cold soda ice cold soda i just realized the back of my sign says that that's later ice cold so cold extremely cold soda like blizzard level antarctic levels of cold soda doesn't get much better than that guys do you think dr pepper is actually a real doctor ice cold soda straight from the doctor dr pepper that is excuse me sorry i got a cooler check out the sign i scold soda stock pepper sprite goat pepsi there's actually no pepsi oh hold on my forearm's about to burst goodness right go ice cold sodas guys oh wow what can i get for you all right it's diet is that okay hey no okay do you want sprite or coke you said coke thank you very much i appreciate it best in town straight from uh the warehouse i don't know ice cold soda sprite coke diet dr pepper extremely cold sodas i'm gonna go to the park i think that the park might be a good place ice cold sodas ice cold freezing cold oh it's your birthday birthday oh that's awesome that's so fun happy birthday thank you i feel like people that are stationary they're just very parched at all times you know they're just kind of conducive like oh let me sit down because i'm so tired and parched hey guys sodas selling sodas one for two two for three guys selling sodas no worries yawn oh my gosh i'm so used to know this oh thank you guys so much with the sprite you're right i'll take your tokens bro all right there you go thanks so much sir i appreciate you fantastic ice cold yes sir all right i appreciate you guys so much y'all have a good one let's go we're killing it i'm trying to fix my sign we did pretty well with the sign broken though okay so the sign completely broke in the back which is an issue i mean look it just got torn right off yeah i'm just gonna hold it all right let's get back out there nick i think i'm doing in terms of my pitch like do i do i have a good sort of like soda i didn't say it like that should i start maybe start trying it soda soda we're gonna sell out we're gonna sell out gold ice cold soda more like soda so yum so yum nice cold sodas see i got a bunch of diet dr peppers because they've had a lot of people we're gonna buy them but soda my wrist might not be icy but my sodas are i'm gonna need surgery on my forearm after this hold on terrifyingly cold soda right here guys so cold it's scary extremely cold so do you have any water i don't oh man i know i didn't i didn't think about the water oh hey let's go it really is ice cold [Music] heart been broke so many times i i put my heart on nice more like this coke and sprite on ice guys ice cold soda to make your shiver all right that's kind of weird sorry colder than a brass toilet seat in antarctica guys oh let's go thank you so much sir we got sprite coke die duck pepper all right thank you so much oh we don't we only have diet okay that's okay thank you so much everyone wants regular dr pepper i know dude that's helpful though dude water would probably be a great margin ice cold sodas guys colder than a banker's heart on foreclosure day here we go open it up expect sales here we go ice cold soda diet dr pepper guys freezing cold so cold it might be illegal i think it is i think this is actually illegal ice cold soda it's a thirst trap not the one you think hey guys i'm selling ice cold soda no sweat well you might be sweating ice cold maybe i just hold the sign i'll just hold it it's so embarrassing ice cold soda besides says dancing for money oh yeah i do i do it more okay okay all right anything we're doing with the soda should i count our money that's kind of like rude account money i think if you're a businessman how do you know if you're profitable then i'm profitable probable profit they called me pp in high school probably profit ice cold sodas for sale right here colder than my ex-wife's heart i didn't get much of a reaction ice-cold soda coke diet um i'm selling soda it's what i'm selling coca-cola products i'm selling beverages beverages for sale [Music] let's go guys dancing for money oh yeah yeah i can breakdance as well all right here we go [Applause] thank you so much i appreciate that i've been watching tutorials and stuff thank you so much keep it up donations can i twerk oh yeah okay there you go thank you so much i appreciate it okay okay i'll save that how did that just work so well i made five dollars what the heck how's it going good i'm dancing for money i'll dance for free as well you have my okay you guys ever seen the worm yeah you have hold on i have stuff in my pockets all right uh no fortnite dance so oh my gosh are you serious right now i'll take care have a good one she gave me a ten dollar bill what's happening we made 15 in like five minutes dude i don't want to do this anymore i think i'm calling it i'm calling it we're pulling out all the stops i mean this one worked really well on day three made like nine bucks the dancing was that was kind of absurd i honestly just want to do this again because it's fun you ready nick you're about to have a good time you're about to have a good time for real i'm already laughing okay don't laugh don't laugh all right how do uh how do trees access the internet they log in oh that's good i didn't laugh though appreciate you guys yet um no you need to put some pink dollars in there i saw you this morning yeah since it's been an all-day thing oh my gosh are you serious wait lily break them up break them up spread them out what do you call a fish with no eyes tough crowd it's a really tough crowd that's a tough joke laughter joy what kind of instrument is found in the bathroom a tuba toothpaste i didn't okay i thought that was gonna get them not gonna lie what do you call a gummy bear with no teeth a gummy bear sorry i messed it up okay what you guys know those movies when a character comes in like a random character comes in and tells you something that's gonna change the course of your life forever and then they find out that that was actually just them from the future why did this man feel familiar to me what i feel like this guy is just me 30 years from now coming back to tell me a joke that will make me some money for the penny challenge i didn't catch his name i'm gonna go say it right now okay i'll let you know um okay so what do you call a bear with no teeth i have no idea a gummy bear it's okay oh my gosh thank you so much how much does a chimney cost how much nothing it's on the house okay thank you so much for that you guys wanna hear some jokes you wanna hear some laughs am i trying to laugh you're okay all right oh uh wait no i got one what do you call a broken can opener i give up a cat opener let's go let's go all right thank you so much oh thank you sir i appreciate it y'all have a good one that was a good reaction to make him laugh really all right all right i got a good one i'm gonna use my best one on you all right what did the pirate say whenever he turned 80 years old i matey give me one more all right uh um i got one i got okay that's the only one yet i got i got him uh what do you call a fish with no eyes thank you so much okay i still don't know if you laugh for real okay i got a good one why did the coffee file a police report i don't know it got mugged i want i'll throw that one away i'll throw it away what did the drummer name his twin daughters um no i'm not very smart okay drummer twin daughters here we go here we go think about it think about it nothing no and a one and a two oh i thought there was more coming oh that's a yikes moment why don't you guys just go vlog for like uh three seconds say anything you like hey vlogs we're not sure why they came to this town yeah um maybe this might make them not come back yeah why are pigs so bad bad at sports they're always hogging the ball oh my god all right i made them laugh all right it's so nice to meet you guys y'all take care i i'm gonna make you laugh don't worry about the dollar don't worry about the dollar just practice for me i like getting up you know socially i'm kind of awkward so i like it's good exercise that's why you do this i'm trying to do a comedy special like working my way up towards that on netflix what did the val say to the continent consonant iou yeah i was supposed to say when he loaned him money and then he says i owe you okay okay what did one guy on an island say to another guy on the other island let me just do a different one let me just do different okay last one last one what did the pirate say whenever he turned 80 years old i fell off my bike earlier wait i can also break dance you can not get an abrasion [Music] and you said you fell off your bike it sounds like you're like literally like seven years old did the breakdancing look awkward yeah okay cool you guys want to hear some jokes okay what did the what did the pencil say to the no what did the paper say to the pencil i don't know you've got a good point what how do astronomers organize a party they plan it [Laughter] are you sure thank you so much man thank you so much y'all are amazing i appreciate it would it be sorry sorry what um why started blanking ari meti [Laughter] what's the difference between boogers and broccoli boogers and bread i don't know kids don't eat broccoli neither do i that's so good i don't eat broccoli either i've got a really good one you guys want to hear a joke you guys wanna hear jack no no thank you i don't really enjoy joy okay i got this okay all right so do you laugh easily no you don't laugh easily not at all we're gonna change that we're gonna change that okay so what's what's green and has wheels i don't know grass i lied about the wheels all right another one what do you call a bear with no teeth a gummy bear i try harder there what why what did you what what do you call the what do you call the can opener when it when it broke i don't know i can't open her that's good that's all i got i prayed okay i got you i got you can february march yes no but april may not doing it what do you call fish with no eyes i don't know huffs [Laughter] making her laugh oh yeah i actually have a few dollars hi matey i'll tell y'all what i said her okay thank you so much oh my god um oh yes okay what do you call fish with no eyes [Music] thank you guys thank you guys so much that's my one that's mine like playing the thing how much does a chimney cost nothing it's on the house thank you so much thank you so much for that absolutely yes thank you so much you guys are so sweet thank you for laughing i'll take care have a good one bro we've made so much money oh my gosh i hated facial hair but then it grew on me got a good one i admire your friends oh man thank you so much sir i appreciate you guys i'll take care get some jokes guys all right okay um what state has the smallest drinks mini soda thank you so much small drinks mini soda mini soda um they were paying for that experience bro i feel terrible it's like a part of the fredericksburg experience it's like oh there's this guy dude okay so there's this quinceanera apparently that people invited me to it's at 8 p.m i told them i would go i might just go stop by from afar and like wave i actually forgot where it was though all of this is just pity bro dude i'm actually getting nervous on some of these but when you're a joke guys jokes all right uh what do you call a fake noodle an impasta all right all right thank you sir all right i'll do another one um oh what what do you uh what do you call a um sorry uh wait what do you call why why oh wait i was going to tell you a time traveling joke but you didn't like it who's there nobody nobody who whoa the window hey thank you so much y'all have a good one [Music] that was literally the most money we've made in an hour period that was insane dude i have soda left over too oh my god you guys didn't really see it but nick was literally like laughing behind the camera the whole time i feel like that made everyone feel bad for me even more that joke was like consistently good fish fish with no eyes we are up to 79 and 71 cents this is like the second highest we've been i think it was a good day i think tomorrow i literally just want to enjoy the day and spend it i feel like a local at this point i feel like i know exactly what i need to do with this money all i have left to do tonight is go get my mcchickens munch on those a little bit let's get it [Music] thank you hey it's a weird question do you guys know if there's a quincy yet of the night yes where is it again i met everyone who's going it's at the bedroom the fairgrounds that's where it is okay see you guys bye fairgrounds i get some serious speed down this hill [Music] good evening my spot was taken by some very very nice looking grandma also i was like spilling my water the entire time here so all we have left i think this is gonna be yeah 20 mcchickens on the week these are hot i can't believe how much money we just made by making an absolute fool of ourselves myself it's just me it's not you are we breaking up right now just kidding so this is the part of the video where i tell you why we're doing this when i did this last the penny challenge like two years ago it's around the same time we raised twenty thousand dollars for front steps which is a local charity in austin that helps people experiencing homelessness rehabilitate haley and i have also been recently working with central texas food bank the reality is this is like a youtube series for me and the idea of not knowing where your next meal is going to come from or not knowing where shelter is going to be for the night is absolutely heartbreaking so this entire series is fundraiser we're gonna be raising money on youtube but you can see how we're doing down below guys we have raised 11 715 so far in this series you guys keep smashing every goal that's 46 860 meals for people in need that's literally insane this all started with a penny that's so cool i just want to say thank you and if everyone watching right now donated one penny we would smash crazy goals we would literally raise so much money but mark your calendar for may 21st i'm gonna be doing a minecraft charity stream and if we raise a hundred thousand dollars i will literally get a tattoo of a penny on my body i don't have any tattoos i never thought i would ever get a tattoo in my life regardless this this has just been the coolest thing ever seeing you guys being so compassionate and generous and so yeah i appreciate the support on the videos and before this video officially ends and we go to day seven there's one thing i need to do [Music] happy birthday jayla all they said was that's right didn't even come
Channel: Ryan Trahan
Views: 7,758,818
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ryan, Trahan, i survived on $0.01 for 1 week, penny challenges, one cent, ryan trahan, selling soda
Id: jNOKd20KWRs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 14sec (1454 seconds)
Published: Fri May 14 2021
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