I Spent 100 Days in Grand Theft Auto

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when i was nine years old i tricked my grandma into buying me grand theft auto san andreas the first thing my grubby little hot cheeto fingers did was punch a man steal his motorcycle and then crashed it into a small business was i born like this am i the drama one grand theft auto day is 48 minutes in real life and i'm spending the next 100 days here in los santos to answer the hard-hitting questions can you buy the most expensive condo legally get rich af morally not break a single law literally all in the next 100 days this is gonna get complicated but screw it i've got nothing better to do this weekend day one on day one i just followed the law like a boss on day two i tried talking to someone if you can hear me jump oh my gosh and just like that i made my first friend cobra bubbles then we just listened to music and he hit me with his car which was romantic on day three i met a guy named kevin definitely not an npc because he says stuff like this the love of money is the root of all evil i realized i should probably just try to buy the cheapest car in the game legally so let's try to do that all right guys i'm walking five miles to casino because i actually think there's a way to make money legally there because i'm a good citizen and i don't steal vehicles it's just i oh my goodness okay i got an absolutely chaotic ride to the casino from a fellow player are we speeding we just ran a red light okay did he do some questionable things on the way to the casino yes did i probably dislocate my shoulder yes but we made it i walked into the casino like a law abiding king they didn't seem to notice that i have a bullet wound um this woman then gave me 1 000 coins which is equal to a thousand dollars which i then used to buy a membership here which gives you another 5 000 coins and then i did my daily spin at the lucky wheel give me the 50 grand okay well that's i don't even think that's financial but what is financial is the fact that i have 5 500 coins and if i convert that to real money we are 0.4 percent of the way to the condo legally and actually i need to buy a car first and in order to buy a car guess what you have to buy a garage and the cheapest one is 25 000 time to gamble when i tell you i became a maniac on these slot machines i am serious it must have been beginner's luck because i was able to turn my five grand into like 30 grand which was enough to buy the car and garage all right guys so this is our garage that we bought with our own money legally that we earned legally and on top of that we have our first car that we bought legally look at that beauty right there it literally has so much rust on it oh yeah here we go wow would you look at that i couldn't be happier that is actually a sincere smile driving this car that we bought with our own money was magical it's not illegal to be a bad driver okay look at me coming to a full stop at that stop sign yes we're still going for that 1.1 million dollar condo but for now i'm satisfied at least until the next day when i saw cherry red audi the sickest car i had ever even seen that's the face of envy i played some tennis and then later that night i got invited to something questionable invite to land race i just got an invite to something i spent the next few days racing to make money to buy a condo legally ish it's like organized racing so i feel like that's legal i think oh my gosh holy smokes it's made seven thousand dollars i probably would be doing better if i wasn't playing with a keyboard duct taped to a glove on my hand i'm calling it the infinity gauntlet next thing i knew it was day 10 another day another dollar as they say and it was time for dinner do all the npcs have like an imessage group chat or like how do y'all stay connected welcome to my store kevin you dirty dog welcome to my i spent the rest of the night racing i'm not so much worried about this being legal as i am this being witchcraft i got last place like every time this was not an efficient way to make money we now have 16 945 dollars yay wish it was this easy to make money in real life that'd be amazing after days of racing it was finally time to go to bed in real life i drove home like a good boy and got back to the garage i'm taking off the infinity gauntlet it's time for bed as i'm going to bed i can't help but be stoked at the fact that we made 16 000 in 18 grand theft auto days which means we are 1.4 percent of the way to the condo so good morning law abiding citizens wake up there's rules to follow day 30 of 100 i actually am very happy with our situation right now i love this garage i love this car love my haircut but today i feel the need to get a better car and apartment and other material goods so let's go make some money i drove to the casino in midst of explosions i spawned the lucky wheel and i actually got lucky i won 25 000 what that is so much money but i am humbled yeah for sure i have 43 so on day thirty one i just looked at fast cars and expensive condos online and ultimately decided gotta go make some money for the next several days if not weeks i just started racing and making money days passed by i just kept crashing into people and they have to pay you apparently even if you suck at the game and never win a race they will pay you money for it and i started making a lot and that condo is becoming more and more realistic legally ish and i'm gonna tell you about our sponsor while i do this final race i'm probably not gonna win the infinity gauntlet really isn't helping anyone here okay link pop is the best lincoln bio tool that you can use to send your followers to a collection of your best links isn't that right kevin i love link pop it is good for small business owners like me and it is free ha ha yay anything you create online your youtube channel your business your blog put them all there isn't that right kevin welcome to my store oh no that's npc behavior kevin come on sorry i think he's mixing up the talking points lincoln bio oh no kevin i'll take it from here my personal link pop is very simple it's my instagram twitter youtube tik tok and my favorite shrek memes it's important to me to have that link there and like kevin said link pop is 100 free so if you have a link in your bio you should have a link pop great delivery kevin law sign up with the link in the description tell them ryan sent ya even though i didn't win that final race i still made a lot of money and on that note we are rich now i guess and i don't think we've broken the law yet you know i'm starting to realize there's a difference between good and legal i think that's what i'm realizing but i'm gonna blissfully ignore that thought by buying a new cherry red audi yay hey i just bought this with my own money thank you i can't believe you just said that it's amazing expensive cars don't fix your driving apparently next i needed some clothes to match the car i actually own a very expensive car so i'll just be shopping thanks they're always like oh money can't buy happiness oh yeah look at those cheetah print pants and then look at that smile well he's not smiling but yeah and i haven't even broken the law you look like a 90s boy band came to life kevin you could not rock these pants let's be honest welcome to my story your boy's got the car he's got the clothes but i still need that condo so i set out for one last money mission for the night something i thought i would never do and that's why day 45 is the day that i started doing crack to i started i started to crack sorry for the past 45 days i've been making money potentially legally with organized races but this mission here there's nothing legal about it my assignment was to steal a fire truck take it to the airport and extinguish a bunch of super cars that are on fire yeah i made a lot of money from it but one thing is for certain i'm no longer the same guy that started this challenge no but seriously we have over a hundred thousand dollars again did we obtain it legally i don't even know anymore morally absolutely not not sure i'll be able to sleep at night but have you seen that condo i don't even recognize myself anymore well that's sad we're almost halfway done and we are already 9.4 percent of the way to the condo legally ish bedtime i love making vr coffee i swear it just tastes so good morning [Music] last night got a little out of hand i'm not gonna lie might have done some questionable things first things first we've got to hit the casino for the daily lucky spin vehicle oh no it was just more rp i don't even know what that stands for day 63 i just drove around thinking of what i can do to make money nothing felt fast enough i love that condo and love will make you do some crazy things i need to make money quickly day 65 is when i said screw it i'm gonna do whatever it takes to make as much money as possible i found some game modes that would make you a lot of money the only problem is it's literally you literally just have to shoot people that's it that's the game i convinced myself that it was okay because of how badly i wanted that condo and i'm assuming that the other players also just want the condo too so who cares it's just it's a dog-eat-dog world if i don't destroy the player then they're going to destroy me and they're going to get all the money and they're going to get the condo but i want the condo and i don't care what it takes because this sentence on my virtual phone hurts basically as much as a bullet wound and let's be honest there's only one antidote [Music] on day 40 right before i started doing crack apparently i met this guy named lester and if you haven't played grand theft auto lester is the guy in charge of heists i have more money than i could ever spend and that's what i want the goal is shifted from buying the most expensive condo legally to just buying it who cares how i get it i'm running out of time and heists are the fastest way to make a lot of money so i'm gonna do it and as i prepare you for this heist with this overly cinematic montage with dramatic music in the background i just want you to know that um at this point i've just stopped talking to the camera altogether like i'm so ashamed of myself but i also can't stop being a horrible person for a virtual condo apparently but at this point i feel like i'm too far gone i have broken the law that goal is no longer existent so let's do a heist when i started the heist i opened the door to none other than cobra bubbles yes that cobra bubbles who is now literally our partner in crime lester then told us the plan of how we're gonna rob the bank make a bunch of money i'm just standing there like this thinking about our goal of buying the most expensive condo it doesn't matter how we get it next thing i know i'm walking out of the door with cobra bubbles and a duffel bag this is the first heist you can do in grand theft auto and our first task is to steal this armored car so that we can rob a bank with it so we're gonna steal it now no i'm so bad i have a feeling this isn't cobra bubble's first rodeo i hopped in the car with him i really wish i could say that yeah this heist is all me but frankly i just got in the car you know how this goes you've seen the movie i run in with a zombie mask i bust open a vault with a drill put an undisclosed amount of money into a bag sprint out of the bank as fast as possible and then let your criminal friend do all the work in which you will probably get picked up by a helicopter with a giant magnet attached to the end of it let's see how much we made oh my goodness and just like that i'm back into society the only thing is i've become my own worst nightmare [Applause] like what would kevin say to me right now if he saw me in this moment regardless we have finally achieved our goal [Music] this is ours wow big house [Music] [Music] day 90 we don't have much longer to go at this point i feel like i got everything i wanted so just rode a roller coaster by myself exploded some things you know games like grand theft auto always make me realize something and it's that you don't need to be the number one player in the game to have fun in fact maybe getting everything you think you want is the worst thing that could possibly happen to you especially if it comes at the cost of the people you really love because the game gets a lot less fun when you have no one left to play it with sorry it's not that deep i spent the final day of this challenge doing what i loved most which was following traffic laws in a game called grand theft auto i also switched back to default skin version of me it just feels right this haircut is so much better in a weird way but let's be real there's only one place i really need to be for the end of this challenge [Music] well this story ends right where it started hot cheeto fingers and regret a deadly combo but honestly i'm just glad that that is over because after all it's just a game you
Channel: Ryan Trahan
Views: 19,791,731
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ryan, Trahan, gta, gta v, grand theft auto, gta 5 online, online, I spent 100 days, i spent 100 days in the metaverse
Id: vAiuLJoWJl0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 0sec (900 seconds)
Published: Sat May 07 2022
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