Overnight in the World's Loneliest House

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Got here randomly. Good video!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Yoshizuki 📅︎︎ Nov 07 2021 🗫︎ replies
this is the loneliest house in the world oh it's so lonely no there are tons of conspiracy theories around it like like some people think a billionaire built this place in case of a zombie apocalypse some people think it's like a religious cult but most people just want to move here and get away from their problems don't be surprised if one day i just no but on a real note this trip is said to be extremely dangerous and locals say you'd have to be stupid to try to go with no experience which really only leaves one man for this job hello hello clearly i'm not prepared for a country named iceland basically i'm taking a taxi to a ferry that ferry's gonna drop me off at an island and from that island i'm going to the island with the loneliest house of the world on it [Music] i made it lunar malunar did i say that right sort of a celebratory harry melons oh dear it is so cold i'm wearing shorts i'm meeting a man named like journey or something i don't know how to pronounce his name okay i'm moving a little faster so let me explain in 2017 a man named bajarni uploaded this youtube video he explores the island in the house and everything but he's only speaking icelandic so i reached out to him and he actually responded and he said he would take me to the island and make me juicy steaks so that's about all the information i'm pulling up with and this is bajarni how do you pronounce your name bertney bertney yeah so he shows me the boat we're going to be leaving on to go to the island in treacherous waters might i add looks like a pretty good size not bad it's the small oh this is raw nature oh my gosh yarn you just gave me a bunch of clothes because i wasn't prepared ready i feel deathly sick to my stomach right now i'm not sure if it's because i ate two bags of icelandic candy i haven't pooped in 40 hours or i i'm so scared right now can i just say that and we're going in 10 minutes it's a cinematic shot i got to get the camera so just for the record we're not taking this boat we're taking that one hi hey how are you doing ryan i'm rocking out ragnar his name is ragnar my life is in the hands of a man who is 100 not afraid of anything this dude probably eats fear for breakfast the dark is afraid of him he'll drive like crazy are you serious it's not a good sailing weather ah love to hear that the icelandic ocean is literally freezing and i also can't swim so they give us this life vest that gives you one hour to live in the wintertime okay [Music] thank you okay i couldn't really fly my drone so i found some free stock footage to like portray my experience on the boat to the island so i'll just cut back and forth between [Music] i just remembered i forgot to put on my goggles these are yours i'm terrified so this is the part of the video where i can never really illustrate how scared i am and like just how dangerous this is for someone like me who has no experience doing anything but i have to jump off of this boat over the icy deathly waters i hope i don't fall this is insane so this is the part where we actually climb up the mountain we're around here you go first okay i'll be behind you okay always one hand on the road okay great let's go nice and easy so the camera ends up dying so i'm just gonna do a quick photoshop example of what actually happened so we're climbing up this rope at a very steep angle i'm terrified guarantees just talking about juicy steak ragnar is like ragnar he's like a pokemon or so i don't know we're climbing up the mountain we're climbing up the mountain and at this point i started getting ahead of ragnar and pajarni and they're like ryan slow down and i'm like i guys i can't hear you ragnar is like ryan watch out and that is the exact moment i slip and fall into the ocean [Music] and then i levitate out of the water on a on a flying shark the shark the shark also asked for my god for the goggles the orange ones uh that was just part of the transaction we're flying we're flying we're flying around the island he takes me over here he takes me over there but johnny can't believe his eyes finally he drops me off right at the top of the mountain he gives me my goggles back and he leaves so now you're caught up i regret this and there's a lonely house on the other side of this mountain and i've got two icelandic dudes to share it with [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so we made it to the loneliest house in the world but i can't forget why i'm here i need to find out who owns this place how did they build it how long could you survive here without leaving the stakes are high and they are juicy hopefully i hope that's happening still so i'm the eleven thousand two hundred sixty thousand two hundred sixty-fifth person to step foot in this house yeah there's some snack here [Music] juicy this is the dining and sitting area enjoy my friends everything that's here was carried up by hand like how we climbed up yeah oh my gosh every nail every wood every stick everything was carried up i'm in the bedroom right now i got this shot earlier this is what it looks like i can't believe where where am i this place is lonelier than an instagram model in 2013 okay all right i'm sorry if that was even remotely offensive to any sort of demographic or community but jeremy said he's making some coffee and some pancakes in the morning so don't mind me if i just teleport in the future right a brief lesson on the animals of lowly island sheep puffin seals a handsome guy so we're about to eat but the fog just disappeared for like 15 minutes it's already back i was able to snack some pictures make some tick tocks don't be surprised if one day i just i found it let's go eat breakfast all right breakfast is surged looking good he's looking really good so the time has finally come i've built up the confidence to ask if a billionaire owns this place and why why this house is all by itself here and bajani's answer was that it's not so this was the first loneliest house in the world and that's the new one so this isn't that lonely there's two houses oh my gosh yeah biarni says that most people think this place was built for bird scientists to study the famous puffins the bird scientists keep the stuff here six to twelve guys really yeah but that's pretty much all you can tell me so i'm gonna go look for jeff bezos in the pantry this is the pantry how many days do you guys think you could survive off of this food right here about a week i would think a week this is the workshop yeah so pretty much here we have paints for the window and all kind of tools because there's no hardware store in italy so we pretty much have everything this is the bathroom come on in got a sink here toothpaste a mirror with a handsome guy in it shower nice toilet haven't used it yet which you know you know what i'm talking about 40 hours yeah that's still happening um and then out of nowhere ragnar got a call from the sailor back home that the seas are pretty calm right now and we should probably leave otherwise we might be stuck here for another week and my flight leaves tomorrow so well one thing's for sure i know where i'm going in a zombie apocalypse thanks guys thanks guys [Music] not constipated anymore
Channel: Ryan Trahan
Views: 13,546,770
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ryan, Trahan
Id: taXDBwLOWg8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 45sec (525 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 01 2021
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