I Survived Using Only Realistic Minecraft Tools

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in order to make an axe in minecraft you have to chop down a tree magically transform logs into sticks put them on a crafting table like this pretend your character and then you get an axe don't question my survival tactics but doing this in real life brings nothing but pain i just get a bunch of duct tape wood global deforestation and a rash most likely from the carrot thing so today i'm trying to avoid all of those things while surviving using only minecraft tools also this video is sponsored by chime it's pretty obvious the first thing you need to survive with minecraft tools is wood so i went to the one place i know with plenty of wood outside this is a tree on earth humans have spent thousands of years and billions of dollars developing technology that can chop down trees efficiently in minecraft you can knock them down with your fists so i'm gonna do that now i quickly realized that i wasn't strong enough to knock down the tree by hand after just three punches i knew i was in for a long day trying to survive the harsh reality of minecraft's game mechanics can we talk about how minecraft is normalized superhuman behavior this tree is practically already falling over i ca i apologize for my frustration but shaking the tree allowed me to spot a tree branch that had already broken off the perfect opportunity to gather wood ah after getting my hands on some wood i realized i was gonna have to figure something else out for the minecraft tools you see minecraft was created in 2011. and so is this kid i know named mccoy mccoy is everything i wanted to be at 10 years old you can probably guess which one is me he's gone camping by himself and he already knows how to build stuff too so i asked him if he would build me a bunch of minecraft tools and he said he would on one condition do i have to say this yes but i don't want the tools or not i am a big dummy stinky guy with smelly socks so stinky so smelly i need to wash my socks okay little does mccoy know the joke is on him i'm not even wearing socks you see most tools retail online for about 30 bucks i was able to secure these finely crafted genuine wood ones for just 500 500 um i can't believe you're still playing minecraft stop playing that five years ago i don't have time to not get bullied and scammed by children it's already midday i need to go hunt a fundamental aspect of survival in both minecraft and real life is food one of my favorite sources of food in minecraft is fish this is a river flowing an abundance of fish seaweed and empty 2-liter coke bottles mccoy says he has built us a technically accurate minecraft fishing pole and boat which should allow us to catch fish for a meal you know what they say the two best days of a boat owner's life the day you buy it and the day you sell it let's see what we got oh you got to be kidding me [Music] mccoy really dude this is not a boat i'm not putting this in the water and acting like it's a boat okay i'm not getting in this thing the boat seems to be a little deficient but at least we still have the fishing pole i refuse to believe that this wooden stick with a string attached to it wasn't a fishing pole i spent the next 25 minutes casting a line with no hook on the end and then i taped a bag of fish sticks to the string in hopes of pranking you here's how that went wait i got a big one whoa i got a big one it's a value pack of fish sticks farming is one of the most important aspects of survival and although mccoy didn't make me this wooden tool i'm gonna try to make it work this is soil perfect for farming frick in this moment i'm starting to think that i may have gotten the short end of the stick in my business dealings with mccoy mostly because this shovel is physically just a short stick with plywood stapled to the end things started to get crazy when i got a real human shovel made a lot of progress on my garden and then i went to the gas station to get potatoes i couldn't help but look at this potato and feel proud things were actually going my way for once there you have it a minecraft farm in real life i don't know what i'm doing but i do know why i'm doing it you see i've never had a grandpa before it sounds like i could have a real shot at dr phil adopting me as his grandson his agent agreed to allow me to contact him if we pass him in youtube subscribers but at the time he had 3 million more than us and i don't think she actually thought we would do it but we're gaining on him rapidly and at this rate this war could end sooner than expected so please subscribe and help me get the coolest grandpa ever this is a bed in minecraft you just place three pieces of wool on top of three pieces of wood and it gives you a bed you do it in real life and you just get scoliosis according to minecraft wikipedia my potatoes should be finished growing in about 62 minutes in the meantime i'm improving my shelter the first thing i did was draw a circle around my bed to prevent wild sea bears from attacking me at night the next step was making it feel a bit more homey so i brought in a bluetooth speaker i found in my closet and played one of my favorite songs [Music] just kidding i hate that song you know why next i need to gather supplies for a bonfire a bonfire is composed of wood sticks and charcoal which looks a little something like this charcoal's right there not gonna lie i haven't been too impressed with mccoy's builds but the crafting table pretty sweet but this didn't turn into a bonfire so i want a refund i need to start a fire for real then i called my dad and asked him if he could bring his fire pit to me that's when he reminded me that just that's shoulder surgery and we don't even have a fire pit he was right i would need to fend for myself fully stocked with the best minecraft setup money could buy i was prepared for the next step to survival cooking so the first cooking recipe we have is cake why is the cake taking so long that's going to be on the internet forever the sun is going to set soon i need to figure out food stat quickly in minecraft to cook food you just put raw stuff in a furnace and wait a few seconds reality ain't so pretty so i'm sticking a half frozen fish stick on the end of a metal pole i found on the highway and cooking it over a bonfire that could collapse at any moment goodness in the process of my bonfire being ruined my fish stick was taken hostage effectively ruining my dinner plans i'm going to chipotle one way or another i fought for my meal so i'm gonna enjoy it you guys know me i like to play games but when it comes to finance i'm strictly business chime is an award-winning financial app that lets me have fun and manage my money well chime has a super fun community aspect with things like pay anyone like that's how i paid mccoy for the minecraft tools and it went so it was so easy i just took out a hundred dollars from this atm guess who's going on a little sock shopping spree mccoy i accidentally overdrafted my account with this transaction and chime isn't even charging me an overdraft fee because of their spot me benefit the first 1 000 of you to sign up will get 10 in your account if you activate your chime debit card within 30 days of enrolling use the link on screen to sign up if you know what's good for you thanks chime i made it back to my minecraft bed i would never admit it but this fire in this moment is so scary right now this is so scary right now oh my bad i spent the next moments admiring a torch i didn't even craft myself dude i i feel like that's impressive hopefully there aren't any creepers out here oh my gosh that my dad came to pick up his chipotle order for centuries parents have been saying chipotle wrong despite endless corrections from the public and i caught this phenomenon on camera yeah chipotle chipotle okay this is my dad he really did just have shoulder surgery all right love you i'll be out here shout out to my dad in minecraft you can go to bed pretty much anywhere as long as there's not monsters nearby in real life a mosquito can keep me from falling asleep me proving that i'm the toughest youtuber on this platform all starts right here on this minecraft bed where i'm gonna be sleeping all night please don't judge me [Music] you
Channel: Ryan Trahan
Views: 2,871,897
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ryan, Trahan, minecraft, minecraft tools, I survived, I survived using only minecraft tools, minecraft irl, crafting guide, ryan trahan, realistic minecraft, realistic
Id: VYY8hOfd13I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 03 2021
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