Overnight In The World's Smallest Airbnb

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Jh12diez 📅︎︎ Jul 13 2021 🗫︎ replies
come on come on oh my god what do i do what do i do right now this is literally the smallest house in the entire world and today i'm going to be spending 24 hours straight inside of it i know you're probably like okay but what makes this the smallest house in the world first of all it's literally 25 square feet 25. for reference this is how big it looks next to a grocery cart a fridge and honestly i don't think the rock can fit in this house this thing's got running water it's got windows it's got a stove that lights and a toilet 24 hours in the world's smallest house starts right now okay first things first i need to get situated i have a bunch of junk in here that's hopefully gonna help me get through this anticipating the main event this is for if i have to take a dump that's disgusting we are 23 minutes in and since 24 hours is a long time i need to figure out the best way to get comfortable in this thing so i found the guy who built it tell me why i get to the house and there's an envelope in the front door with my name on it and address this like triangle thing and four words top four jeff smith like what so we arrived to this address and literally a key on a parachute falls from the sky he's up there yeah he said he's on top floor and then when i stepped into his studio it got so much weirder what does that represent why are these highlighted it's that big story what the heck is this supposed to be captain america or something so what do you think the oh part about staying in the house is going to be probably freezing your nuts off that'll be difficult i think i can't feel my toes at all oh my gosh what if i can get a pizza guy to deliver a pizza to me in this house it doesn't have an address but if i got some hot food i would be chilling in here like the opposite of chilling warming i'm in the world's smallest house bright green can't miss it delivery accepted i can't wait to see this delivery guy while we're waiting on the pizza this year for every subscriber i gained i'm going to add 10 cents to this piggy bank this month i'm picking random subscribers and giving them a thousand dollars each it all depends on how many subscribers we gain so subscribe and add 10 cents so now we're three and a half hours in and honestly my bladder is fuller than a tick on a bulldog that's when i remembered that jeff said this toilet it's kind of hard to open it's a proof concept toilet please don't use it i'm sorry jeff hey how are you we got the pizza thank you guys have a good one we're going to eat the pizza see you later you guys trying to eat some pizza yeah pinocchio's pizza time we saw your pee out there like if you have to leave because it's literally dangerous that's so cool we're at harvard what's dangerous about harvard someone's gonna come try to teach me calculus at midnight i'm not gonna lie there were several moments where people started messing with me and i was pretty terrified someone just [Music] knocked [Music] my main concern is i don't want to have to confront authority because i don't think i'm allowed to be here i'll see you tomorrow and just like that it was just me and pinocchio only about an hour left in the day in the middle of this courtyard and i feel intrusive i feel uncomfortable a little bit gassy how's it going here we go dude it literally gets so cozy in here when i close that so now the sun's setting right i'm home free literally nothing has gone wrong but that's when i remembered that jeff smith said this this morning and jinxed me you're gonna stay inside this thing for 24 hours yeah what could possibly go wrong hello hey how's it going what are you doing uh i'm doing this uh this challenge this is the world's smallest house so the cops like yo dude you're not allowed to be here and obviously i'm bummed out and if i can get someone to push me in this 500 pound house somewhere else within the next five minutes then i'm failing this challenge and possibly getting arrested so i'm kind of screwed but then the house started moving oh my gosh ain't no other choices maybe honestly just throw me in between those two trees or something i think this is fine take care bye this is the weirdest house i've seen in my life do you think he's going to make it all night i think he might quit one second before oh come on good luck all right see you jeff i'm getting pretty cold it's been interesting to say at least since it got dark outside i'm gonna try to make some popcorn to ease my tension and pain i don't know how to use this really [Music] oh that was insane dude i'm literally making popcorn in the world's smallest house my whole house is smoking right now we might not have we might not have popcorn boys oh i'd call that [Music] good morning from the world's smallest house i survived the night which is honestly a surprise and now i'm making some coffee so life is good i've got my fire extinguisher ready to go at this point smallest cup of coffee in the world in the smallest house in the world cheers i came into this challenge wanting to fully overcome one of my past fears realistically it's not hard to stay in a tiny space for 24 hours it's really just a mental challenge of it for me i'm taking the blinds off the windows and i'm gonna let the world see inside of the world's smallest house to see who's inside of that thing apart from a few obstacles like that freak trying to break in at midnight and uh almost blowing up the house this was actually super fun got some coffee ciao and plus i can't forget that i didn't do this alone like what would i have done without jeff smith and me and haley i think it's important when you're making art of any kind whether it's visual art or music or or writing or comedy that you're trying to do something that's different not just to be different but if you're doing something that's the same as everyone else done no one's going to find it interesting you're looking for that one variable that one thing or that one different thing you want to be careful not to try too many different things when you're making art i learned that no matter what your idea is to make whatever you're creating if it doesn't fit through the door then all is lost you
Channel: Ryan Trahan
Views: 4,032,412
Rating: 4.9543228 out of 5
Keywords: Ryan, Trahan, 24 hours, 24 hour challenge, challenge, 24 hour, worlds smallest house, 24 hours straight, tiny house, house, mrbeast, ryan trahan, team trahan
Id: lCAKBq_t3g8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 29sec (569 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 01 2021
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