I spent a day with PSYCHICS (Secrets Exposed)

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this video was sponsored by Warner Brothers for their new movie dr. sleep in theaters this Thursday psychics people who use extrasensory perception to access information hidden from the normal senses usually used to predict the future speak to spirits and communicate with lost loved ones psychics have existed since the dawn of humanity often referred to as prophets or healers with common examples being Christian biblical figures Samuel and Elijah and the founder of Mormonism Joseph Smith my name is Anthony Padilla and today I'm gonna be sitting down with psychics to learn the truth behind this elusive way of life have psychics genuinely been gifted with the ability to defy the natural laws of space and time to see into the future or are they simply capitalizing on the naives willingness to believe what they're told our psychics genuinely trying to connect people with lost loved ones as a means to heal and find closure or are they simply money-hungry con artists consuming people for everything they're worth during their emotionally vulnerable grieving process [Music] oh hi Megan hi Kolby hi there thank you so much for coming out and teaching me about the wondrous world of psychics just thanks thanks for having me so what do you consider yourself a psychic medium I'm both I'm a psychic medium so I do both I'm an evidential psychic medium evidential yeah psychic medium the evidential part is important it means that I bring evidence forward that you can validate before we learn more about the wondrous world of psychics I thought you know what it's time I'm gonna tell you more about the new film dr. sleep thanks to our marvelous sponsor Warner Brothers Stephen King's dr. sleep continues the story of Danny Torrance 40 years after his horrifying experience in the Overlook Hotel in The Shining Danny who's been dealing with the emotional trauma he endured as a child in the hotel encounters Abra who fearlessly embraces her shine and encourages Danny to call upon his own power causing him to reawaken the ghost of the past and return to the Overlook Hotel to face his own fears once and for all you and MacGregor Rebecca Ferguson and Kylie Quran star in this supernatural thriller by Mike Flanagan based on his screenplay based on the novel by Stephen King click the link down in the description to watch the final trailer for dr. sleep and get your tickets now for its release on November 8 and that's all I had to say now back to learning about the wondrous world of psychics what does being a psychic entail I'll use the things like tarot cards pendulums things like that because I feel so I have clairsentience I have claircognizance which is just a knowing that - sort of comes I'm clairvoyant which is see you clearly hear things you clearly see big clearly feel things yes so the hearing the seeing the knowing the feeling it's that heightened so that's what creates that ability for that connection how long have you been a psychic my whole life really since I was a child my whole life your whole life you're just born with it actually I was a wrestler and this is no joke true sir a real wrestler professional wrestler like a WWF style wrestler Wow when did you first realize that you were a psychic when I was in my 20s I thought I was going crazy Wow seeing images and filling things smelling things hearing things you would smell things like that you were not around yeah like someone baking something or like Cologne as being a psychic something that can be learned or is it something that you're just born with so I think everybody has this connection so everybody has intuitive abilities not everybody pays attention to it and not everybody is as sensitive to it you're just the middleman yes right as medium medium you're in the middle you're the middleman mm-hmm how is your daily life as a psychic different than the average person because I do take on a lot of energies and a lot of people's problems I have clients come to me with problems all the time you feel all that I feel like that not only do I have my personal problems and my personal things going on my life I have everyone else's to deal with as well you're very very sensitive you may be sensitive to the energy of other people right it like if someone's really sad or upset I may start to feel sad or upset and not knowing that that wasn't me not realizing that's not me that I'm picking up on someone else you'll just have mood swings you're not sure why or what's going on where you got that as you develop and hone you can start to recognize wait a second I'm picking up on someone else do you proudly tell people you're psychic or is that something that you keep more of us I really aim to just be authentically me and so that's a part of me and I don't have a problem telling people that for me it was a big battle kind of coming out of that closet but once I did I thought well I'm never hiding again do you find that people are typically skeptical of your psychic abilities a skeptic is someone who will just want something proven to them but they're open to listening and hearing even if they're uncertain a cynic is someone who refuses to even listen because they're already judging there already so set that you can't so I never mind reading first guy I never mind it you know do you think you'd be able to recognize if someone else were faking or if I was in the same room with someone giving someone else a reading and I was able to pick up on that same person yeah I would know if they were fake how can you tell what I'm speaking if it's evidential for me that's what I'm looking for evidential so can they validate it or are they doing cold reading are they looking at a person I'm just judging off of what they look like that's not what I do do you consider that to be fake or scam I don't like when people take advantage of people especially when it comes to this sort of work because there is people that are umber easement and you could do a lot of damage to somebody and so it's really important to understand the ethic so it comes with this work no responsibilities how has being a psychic shaped your perception of life and I definitely know now and just knowing that there is an afterlife like we are a soul in a human body like we're not a human body with a soul we're a soul with a you know sorry about that and in the spirit world said nah very rarely yeah they like to mess with videos and things like that spirits how do you know what you're predicting is true I don't you don't know you're anything is true yeah all I can do is trust the information that comes forward but to know it's not my mind because I've tried my best to move that out of the way why do you think there's often such a controversial opinion about psychics and mediums in our society maybe fear right there's a fear of how can someone know all of this or how can it be true and I think it's just a fear Jay Ronnie wants to know if you can see spirits clearly and if so do they look like ghosts or normal people sometimes I can only sense their energy like awesome around me I'm actually sensing something over here no you're not no I am so anyways oh yeah anyways that's fine I'm just a spirit in the room with us right since we're talking about the shining and dr. sleep today okay I want to know what do you think the shine is and how does that pertain to you as a psychic I think the things that they're talking about as far as like premonitions astral travel telepathy things like that are totally real maybe that shine too is someone who has the ability to tap into a power that is beyond our physical realm mm-hmm and I believe that really is the shine in the film dr. sleep Danny uses his gift of the shine to give comfort to dying people have you ever experienced anything like that in your time as a psychic yes because I do trance healing also it's a form of energy healing where I basically try to move out of the way and let the spirit world ehrlich us specifically a healing guide or a doctor guide worked through me to use their energy to work through my body to provide that energy healing Diego Antonio Pena Leone wants to know if you've ever used your psychic abilities for something like winning the lottery no I wish I collie wishes I would be like my name was like up to a billion billionaire right why do you think psychics are typically more associated with women women naturally just based on history tend to be more sensitive right more emotional now some of that is society because we're allowed to be men have been trained to not show emotion to not cry to not so men have literally had to shut down that empathetic nature in them which would allow them to tune in more growing up that would happen with me people would see me being emotional they would say stop yeah you know someone at school would be like oh what's what's wrong honey girl and it was as a kid you are trained to feel like as male I cannot feel emotion you suppress it so you're suppressing that gift what do you think the biggest misconceptions surrounding psychics is a lot of people think a psychic is really whoo whoo and no and you know that kind of Airy yeah and that's that's not true I mean I have a very I have a lot of hobbies I've owned a great amazing life I have great friends without whoo-whoo I'm not that kind of wheel I'm not an airy-fairy whoo whoo whoo whoo not you or oh whoa yeah demonstration time the moment you've all been waiting for you know as a psychic reading what are you gonna do yeah how about a psychic greeting yes do that now I do feel like there's romance around you so I feel like you've either been seeing someone or there's a connection to being open to bringing in a partner in your life does that make sense yes someone you've been seeing you have been seeing this person I feel like you're already seeing them is that right that sounds right okay good and I keep seeing that their close proximity to you so I feel like either they don't live too far or you're spending time a few days a week in the same place that sounds right okay you know sometimes you know you have those toxic relationships where that's where the passion is you guys have a lot of passion but it's peaceful also yes yeah you know the weird thing is I think we even got in it was kind of so easy that made you worried yeah wait you say into the relationship yeah yeah it was yeah I was worried some of this way too way too simple yeah but it's working and it's gonna continue to work forever really feels really good you're not married yet though right no I didn't think so but I do I and what can I say yeah I do see a marriage you see a marriage I do yes so let me tell you what I saw and then will tune into it I literally saw in nature on top of a like a mountain or did you recently do this with this person or in the last few months that you went on a trip that was more in nature and you were kind of hiking a bit with this person is that right yep okay yeah 100% correct okay good you know just know that you can travel with this person know that you can be with them know that and they're traveling with them is easy oh I got goose bumps oh that's good you know that's the big key with a partner and we would like to see music that's a rarity that is a rarity you never see that I just heard that because I heard the tunes in the car so that is a rarity so any how does this this is how good yeah yeah no no no one knows ninety percent of the details that you said I know Wow now everyone knows wow I wish I was faking some of this whoo I actually have a parting gift for you that interviewers shirts yeah yes you could get this at the dildo shop calm but you know what for you that's free that's for you today okay these drama just told me you should subscribe to this channel what grandma you said you want them to hit the notification back so they're always notified when new videos come out okay thanks grandma all right you got five seconds a shout-out or promote anything you want directly in the camera go find me at Megan at lisa medium.com or she's got a rebel heart on IG follow me on social media at psychic rebel colby rebel comm definitely go visit my website www.marykay.co.uk/awilliam how are we to blame psychics for providing people with just that see you later bye guys press a like damn damn Wow okay Wow I don't I don't know what that was I don't know what that was I typically say I'm skeptical and I probably will still say it at the end of this video but whoa this video was sponsored by Warner Brothers for their new movie dr. sleep in theaters this Thursday
Channel: AnthonyPadilla
Views: 1,837,010
Rating: 4.9679036 out of 5
Keywords: anthony padilla, padilla, anthony, smosh anthony, anthony padilla smosh, i spent a day with, interview, psychics, mediums, fortune tellers, mystics, witches, doctor sleep, the shining, stanley kubrick, ewan mcgregor, stephen king, mike flanagan, rebecca ferguson, tarot cards, tarot card reading, mediumship training, mediumship development
Id: KcFZbCrqdIk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 31sec (871 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 06 2019
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