I spent a day with PAPARAZZI (Celebrity Secrets Exposed)

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paparazzi those whose careers rely on capturing sensationalized celebrity photos for gossip magazines tabloids and other media conglomerates since the mid century celebrity culture broom in Hollywood paparazzi have played a critical role in connecting the curious general public with their favorite celebrities who otherwise remain shrouded in mystery paparazzi photos have been known to sell for truly astonishing amounts of money with the most highly valued of these photos going to People magazine for an unprecedented 15 million dollars my name is anthony padilla and today i'm gonna be sitting down with paparazzi to learn the truth behind their infamous careers as candid celebrity photographers are these paparazzi secretly deployed by celebrity PR or do they sincerely stalk their prey in hopes of revealing celebrities at their lowest of lows is having a job that could net millions of dollars in the instantaneous snap of a photo a blessing or a curse hey Keith hey good good Rick hello well what an introduction hello thank you so much for coming out and teach me about the wondrous world of paparazzi wondrous good words very wondrous right not for me what do you consider yourself paparazzi celebrity photographer I just picked up a camera a tile and everyone else called it what it is I don't know II think they've labeled it and I just accepted it because it brings hype it brings attention I don't even know what a paparazzi is paparazzo are made-up words I would consider myself press because I don't just do paparazzi I do red carpets I got night crawling at night I just roam in the streets with your camera whatever I see that opportunity to make money I'm there how long have you been a paparazzo about nine years now got to be at least over 20 years over 20 years your paparazzo career is almost old enough to drink what does being a paparazzo entail basically a photographer who finds a story of interest to the mass audience photographs it and just showcase it to the world and I get paid as they write their stories so you get paid to see what people's reaction is to what you captured it's all about creating heart what makes a good paparazzi photo versus a bad one is the photo in focus is the photo full-length is the photo properly lit it's like an elaborate game of Pokemon snap you guys Center frame what kind of facial expression they're making how many of them are in the shot and what they're doing together yeah rare they are yes rare rare you want the rare what's the biggest paycheck you've ever received for a single photo for a single cell was the last video of Michael Clarke Duncan he came out of Staples Center watching a Laker game and I asked him hey what do you think about Kim Kardashian running for mayor of Glendale and he just gave me this whole like speech about how she doesn't live in Glendale and how Kim Kardashian shouldn't be a mayor and like two days after he died so that video was the last video of him and it went everywhere TMZ paid five thousand dollars just for that one clip and after that it's sold to the other networks and other agencies and built up even more revenue comparison time can you tell me which of these photos between these two paparazzi photos is better and why the Bieber photo the Bieber photo more money because he's coming after you and you know he's mad that looks good you want them to be mad I don't want them to be mad but if I capture it then I'm happy for myself what first made you want to become a paparazzi when I was younger I would walk around with the 2-liter soda soda bottle and I would fall around my family with you know just going around and just like pretending to be you know paparazzi I always wanted to be a paparazzi Wow yeah ever since I was younger I don't know I just I grew up around pop culture and yeah I have lived all my life in Hollywood so I knew that this is what I want to do what is your favorite or most elaborate paparazzi photo that you've ever taken my Kim Kardashian video because it's epic I've altered pop-culture one night at a club called Hyde in Hollywood and this is the one that Harvey Levin has stated that my video that I recorded made Kim Kardashian because that faithful night Paris Hilton had already broken up with her BFF Tara Reid uh-huh Tara Reno frequent carried being denied at Hyde nightclub and then I quickly look to my right and I see Paris Hilton all the paparazzi's already gathered over there she took her stylist and her stylist was Kim Kardashian there's one faithful moment when Paris is walking straight forward and she looks to the right and right at Tara Reid and that's what Tim Z's post it and they used the old wah-wah and that was your video that's my video who are some of the most recognizable celebrities that you've gotten photos of you can name a whole list and I can check off every box Kim Kardashian check Paris Hilton at Taylor Swift yep LeAnn Rimes yeah Leonardo DiCaprio yep Prince yes Frankie Muniz yes Brad Pitt yes lil nas ex what has been your scariest paparazzi experience I I myself got run over by Britney Spears I'm gonna who got run over with the foot Britney Spears run over your foot yeah so she went around the car she hit the gas and I'm on the side she gets my foot and I'm like don't hit the gas don't hit the gas and the first thing she does is hit the gas in and in one second whoa drops me cars the tires on me so then she's okay so she's not she starts moving the tires the tires now the tires trying it on my foot she's like smashing like a cigarette thanks thanks nothing puts my foot thanks you for that comment I'm sorry what would you say to anyone who has harsh judgments against paparazzi and maybe thinks negatively about that come with me any night that you want and I'll take you out right along and you can see that it's not just get a real job sort of thing it's actually a real job and I work hard for what I do and come with me and I'll explain and you'll have a whole different view if this video gets over 100,000 likes I will join ki for a ride-along paparazzi experience yes as being in the paparazzi industry changed your perspective of celebrity culture it has because I know what's fake and what's real the whole thing is rigged it's like it's a game of gimmick if manipulated people don't move from the cluster of LA come over here man it's Hollywood land oh I spend your money here and they built an industry out of this it's all manipulation the whole thing is rigged that's all the constructs is a real thing none of it exists so do celebrities ever purposely tip off paparazzi so that they can elevate their their image of Fame if you look through my phone and my contacts you would see about probably 40 or 50 different celebrities in my phone that contact me directly directly yes directly do you think anyone ever does it to impress a date I've been paid by people that are not celebrities to impress their date I'm Madison what's know how far a celebrity is gone to avoid you Taylor Swift wouldn't leave her apartment in a music box way she would climb inside a music box this is what people say I mean you don't have an Escalade parked inside outside of your house in New York and two security guards walking out a big music box on wheels getting into the car and security guard goes with that music box I mean and you don't see Taylor Swift for like three four months you would think that she is leaving in and out with that music box that keeps coming in and out every day I've I've shot I've shot Kim Kardashian being driven by Kanye West you know white Prius nice do you think so yeah how do you think you would feel if you were being stalked by photographers I would hate it I would paparazzi follow me hate it yes because I know what it feels like to be in that crowd and then you know I see first hand and the celebrities yelling and saying stop taking my photo yeah and I know the feeling of hey I just want to go get a milkshake so you would hate it but yet you participated in it yes I participated because that's my job ray wants to know if you ever decided not to publish a photo of a celebrity because you felt like it was invading their privacy never never never the sky is the limit and the term I haven't gotten one of those photos yet but if it was like I've shot funerals where the celebrity is crying I've sent that in you don't even care your morals don't speak up loudly they do but there's three other guys that are gonna send the photo if I don't send it so I gotta send that photo even though someone's going through a deep emotional moment at a funeral yeah and I'm sure when I you know go through one of those neon things myself and I'm sad it's Dahmer he's gonna be back in my head like Bing are you gonna be able to sleep at night knowing you've done that I sleep at night good you're kidding wants to know if you would consider me a celebrity you're kidding yes I think I would know why why not have the common person be the celebrity that they are and that goes for all of you not just some of the people that are rising or the people that are there it's every single one of us we're all a star you said you saw me the airport when you were waiting for Halle Berry yes I saw you in the airport and I was waiting for Halle Berry to come down you know I'm looking down the hall and I see a familiar face and you know it took me a minute to you know get the face to who it was I see you and I get you know photos of you coming out because you know I'm waiting for Halle Berry and there's an extra person coming out that was that was a weird experience paparazzi mobbing Halle Berry and also a few photos turned to me and get yes snap to mice yes did you sell that photo you cannot sell it did you try to sell it I don't even think I submitted I'm gonna waste my time what is about being a paparazzo that brings you the most joy having my own hours working my own time having no boss and doing whatever I want if I don't want to work today I don't have to work I'm starting to get paid for today I can sit there and chill at home playing call of duty or I can go out there and make you know a thousand bucks would you mind doing a demonstration capturing a photo of me I'll run past here okay and you can see what kind of a photo you can capture in the moment okay maybe explain why it's good or bad let me get the right settings here for this shirt this place here right up the nostrils everyone that's it you LM gonna surprise and you got to be quick there's no time to wait there's no setup you could have just walked out that door and I would have never seen you again and I would have missed my opportunity to do the same huh but hell no I'm not gonna waste that time I'm sure I got you know do you ever get your feelings hurt when people say such harsh criticisms about paparazzi I've had a girlfriend that broke up with me because I would spend too much time working and she said you know you're just a scumbag paparazzi that you know it's gonna get nowhere in life did that hurt that hurt your feelings what she called you a scumbag you know what you do it does yeah it hurts my feelings yeah because they don't actually know what goes into being scumbag paparazzi I actually have a parting gift for you this is perfect paparazzi uniform and it's homemade and let's sharpie maid and that's the point which you could get at Badillo shop comm where again where Kayoko shop comm yoga shop comm subscribe to happy video on youtube if not your photos are not gonna be taken and you're just gonna be a d-lister and on the bottom of the list don't be a d-lister yeah alright you got five seconds to shout out promote anything you want directly in the camera go whenever you get a chance go to a YouTube and look for Hollywood tubers follow me on instagram Keith's game Jane shut oh ok bringing it way back thank you so much Keith yeah I feel like I fully understand in the wondrous world of paparazzi yeah after spending the day with paparazzi I've come to understand that their desired of photograph stars is motivated by the thrill and sense of satisfaction that comes from capturing dazzling photographs while under immense pressure in a society where celebrity culture and photographs have become increasingly valued paparazzi are merely feeding society's demands and if they're not actively participating in this someone else will see you later bye guys press alike got nip slips yeah leann rimes you were in charge of the leann rimes nip slip yeah if she sees this right
Channel: AnthonyPadilla
Views: 1,682,560
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anthony padilla, padilla, anthony, smosh anthony, anthony padilla smosh, i spent a day with, interview, paparazzi, paparazzo, paris hilton, britney spears, kim kardashian, celebrity
Id: 8s6syevtPhk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 38sec (758 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 16 2019
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