I spent 328,656,250g on Radar Towers...

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hello fellow engineers and welcome back to rogue tower now in my last stream i actually completed the single defense look current record level 45. that's where the game finishes but double defense our record's only level eight so if we head into upgrades you'll see we we got 3 800 xp to spend so what would be the best thing to go i'm sort of thinking these permanent upgrades so all of these ones make you start with more money yeah sorry let's just unlock all of them and then down here more minor capacity yes please chance of repairing our tower could be useful and then more hit points i i feel like that could actually be useful in double defense then what do we go for i'm sort of at the point where i feel like getting too many cards it's gonna work against me but at the same time i've got 1800 xp to spend so let's max out some towers i do actually really like the frost keep i've sort of fallen in love with it so let's unlock all of these so once you have all these we can unlock the permanent upgrades at the end very nice uh same with the poison tower let's just get the last ones unlocked and then we can upgrade the final treasury one nice cool okay so let's try the double defense so how this differs compared to normal defense is obviously there's two ways that people can come in so we've got twice as many things to defend so first off i'm going to surround all these houses because that's just free money all right so that's pretty good we've got a thousand gold left let's expand wow that guy did not stand a chance oh and then what do you want to go for we got loads of towers this time a tesla an obelisk and the mana siphon three of my favorite things i think we will do the tesla just to start and then i'm gonna expand that direction let me just pick this and i'll show you what i've spotted so shredder we'll have some of you does anyone else see the strongest shape there like left nut right nut um tower that can't just be me right anyway let's get a couple of teslas involved we'll get one up there and we'll get one up there and then we'll expand oh it's wrapping around behind us interesting so yeah that's working all right we've still got quite a bit of gold now i do want to save that a little bit let's increase our bleed damage that will help later on and then let's expand this way i'm sort of just trying to keep it symmetrical for now i might want to move my tesla's a bit further out as well oh they're getting close they are getting close it's okay though oh next up let's go for an obelisk i do like an obelisk and then i'm going to get rid of this tesla i might move it up here what's the range like down there oh it's tiny no that's no good that is no good we have a tesla up there and this one assuming it's still level one yes it is you can go up there we'll expand this way because then these ballistas should get that and then i might just shove some ballistas down next to the houses yeah just get a bit more muller oh god hit them hit them okay that was a little bit close a little bit close to that but uh let's increase our bleed damage all right things are getting a little bit fruity down this side although ballistas yeah they are doing the damage fair play next up we're going for the poison sprayer very good at getting rid of shields later on then we'll expand that direction oh we got a three-way split uh that is a good place for a tesla although i don't have enough gold okay they got a little bit close that was a little bit scary yeah but we're going to upgrade our poison towers which we haven't even purchased yet so i reckon up here this is where we might want a poison sprayer that's going to be a big area very nice and then we can't really afford anything that way so i think we'll expand that and let this poison spray shooting down there poisoning everyone on their journey and rinsing their shields as well lovely although a lot of them did survive uh let's get a shredder down come on shoot shoot shoot shoot or house close oh that was a little bit scary all right let's increase our poison damage or do i get a mortar maybe non-mana things might be clever i do want the frost keep as well this is annoying i don't know what to do actually let's do a mortar i think that's that's sensible and we will buy one and if we can put it somewhat in the middle yeah it can sort of reach both sides i think that's quite a good spot actually mortar hill we will call this and then it might just expand into here because we know that that is a dead area i might put another mortar like in there sort of covers both sides i feel like that's probably the key with the two-way defense trying to cover both sides with as many towers as possible look at the mortar doing the damage boosh although he's a bit strong he is a bit strong eat tesla i'm really really regretting not getting the mana towers earlier so i'd love to be using like the frost keep and and the obelisk uh just not gonna be possible though let's upgrade to concussive shells and then we'll shove another mortar in the middle somewhere nice okay next up we'll expand that direction i could really use a poison sprayer up there i think although actually they've got armor let's make poison sprays better against shields that'll be useful and then expand back that way i might shove a shredder down i'm not sure what side is best at the moment i know everyone sort of groups over this side but there's not as much damage over here though it seems to be coping and i'll shove it there temporarily just to get rid of those go and shred it rip him rip him and then i will demolish that i'm gonna put it over here somewhere probably on that tower probably up there because then we not only get that stretch but we also get the stretch closest to our tower as well all right we've got 500 gold i think i'm just going to expand and think about adding some more mortars maybe oh yes did you see the saw blade getting those guys love to see it oh where are the mana siphons i really need the mono siphons let's do tesla damage to shields that seems sensible i can't go too crazy on the mana look we're at three a second we're only on 25 out of 200 i literally can't afford it but i can't afford another shredder i might shove one up there and then we'll expand over that way all right this shredder is gonna rip those logs yes they're bleeding stupid stacks of logs gone one more boosh oh the blade went the wrong way it went to the portal oh no there's a lot of people there how oh they did get nailed tower still on 100 health okay that was pretty risky though we need to we need to do a bit more damage down this side so let's think about maybe another shredder and then another more so we just need more area damage basically okay expand again it might be worth upgrading some towers now as well they're getting pretty expensive are they ready these logs are gonna get shredded and poisoned can a stack of logs be poisoned i'm not sure but uh quite a bit of armor over here we've got some money let's shove a shredder up there just for emergencies there's gonna be a big group of them yep although all good all right next up i'm going for the frost keep yes we don't have mana yet but later on could be very useful oh and oogie is here oogie is here right let's get a shredder up there he should rip through a load of people make it oogie bleed a little bit and if we can afford a ballista or two that's taken out a bit of damage completely out of mana so let's just get some ballistas going because uh he's got a little bit of health left with enough ballistas we should just about get him oh that was close that was close still no mana siphons this is this is really bad i might do sorcery because that's just an extra two a second yep that went up to five now what's in the treasure chest please be siphoned damn it i guess we'll increase our poison so yeah we've got three unlocks from that treasure chest and no mana siphons this ain't going too well right but let's spend a little bit of money just upgrading everything because it's pretty cheap like i can upgrade my health multiplier just for six gold and then i might shove some things like way up at the start just to do some early damage maybe a tesla on that corner maybe another one there an early shredder up there maybe and that's all of our gold let's expand that direction i'm not gonna lie pretty worried about this round and get some more ballistas going all right we got the big armor guys we need we need more like we need some flames going on although they are getting destroyed actually we did all right we did all right deal no siphons late that's not good all right teslas can do poison damage yeah we'll take that all right these guys straight out the portal get annihilated by everyone it's lovely i'm gonna change these mortars to look at the most armor just because we are starting to get enemies with armor now and we know that mortars are good against armor i just realized this poison tower really isn't in the best spot actually we want it pointing down straight although at least now it is but yeah we're coping we're coping and oh look mana siphons we are saved okay so we'll grab that and then we'll start building mana siphons so these just cost 100 gold each and you can put them around crystals and every time i place one we gain an extra mana a second narrow on plus 12 which is lovely to see i might do a little bit more and then once we start doing some damage i'm gonna get an obelisk i think right plus 18 that's probably good enough let's expand up there and then oh we've nearly got enough money for an obelisk already where should it go is the question i'm not sure where the biggest enemies are coming from actually maybe up here maybe we can frost keep around here as well we'll get that nice and slow and poison sprayers do better against shields oh yeah that's good plus three damage let's get another poison sprayer up here early if we expand that i think if we shove one up there we ideally want most shield nice you can see our frost keep here slowing people down meaning they take more damage for longer might be worth another poison sprayer there and these guys get double teamed for the shields maybe a frost keep here just to slow them down right looking good let's get a mana bank so we can get serious about the mana i'm gonna upgrade the obelisk a bit get your armor up and then i'll get some more mana siphons going with my extra money we're just surrounding all the crystals we can and that's our goal done let's expand over that way and we'll consider another frost keep down here maybe we see man is struggling a little bit especially when the obelisk fires we will get a few more siphons going ooh there we go blame tower yes please first more siphons i'm going to shove a flame tower there i think and we'll say look at most armor because you can see they do most damage against diamond and people also burn nice and early before ironically hitting our frost keeps where they get zapped by the obelisk although we are out of mana let's get some mana banks going so we'll plonk a few of these down just in the middle there you go man is fine now plus 34 mana banks very very efficient over here a little bit of carnage we may want to expand the death area possibly by adding some more towers mana is taking a hit though so maybe i want to stick with ballistas and shredders maybe a few more mortars in the middle all right level 22 we finally got the banditry card this gives us two gold on every death but it makes enemies a bit more dangerous to our tower so we gotta make sure no one gets through if we take banditry i think it's worth it that extra gold really does add up so i reckon let's let's shove a shredder up there we'll expand this way and then we're going to do some early damage to all of these boosh ripped through them they're all bleeding as we know bleed is damaged over time and all the little ones they get shredded as well which means our later towers aren't wasting their energy our death area over here is a little bit scary things are sneaking through like this little guy hopefully the ballistas will do something oh god that was close so i put another frost keep there we might want to add some more towers here i'll tell you what i might just put ballistas like along here i feel like they'll get both sides yeah let's do banditry again i'm liking extra money i know things are getting closer it's a little bit risky but uh you live once i might just sort of think about frost keeping everywhere i think we could definitely use a shredder back here we just got to keep an eye on the enemy types these are it's mainly health getting down here which means we're doing the shield and armor early on all good let's get another shredder there all right poison enemies take extra shield damage from all attacks i think that's pretty good considering our tesla's also poison things and we got poison towers i'm liking that i'm gonna shove a tesla coil there i might shove it on that corner i'd rather it go before the flame tower though although there's no corners up there so sort of tesla on there and look at the money flying up it is beautiful i'm gonna shove another shredder on there and then just a few more mortars oh there's zombie yogi i didn't even see him ah oh no we don't have enough damage down this side right so i've frosted this area up i'm gonna cover it in teslas and poison towers basically so let's hope zombie yogi his shield goes down a lot it's definitely it's going down quite a bit actually whether it's enough not entirely sure let's get another tesla oh god he's got so much shield thankfully this whole area is slowed down let's demolish these teslas we need more we need more one on there right that should do the trick we might need another frost keep ah a few made it to the tower oh that was a big hit that was a big hit i'll just put a load of shield things down we are slowing them down is it enough i don't know oh this could be the end oh we did it we did it oh that was so dodgy our tower health 7 out of 19. if we take another hit we're basically dead maybe it would be wise to fall to fight yeah let's do that it might save us probably won't let's open these treasure chests as well quality over quantity critical hits we could be but i think mortar damage against armor will be very nice and frost damage to shields alright next up i think it might be worth guessing another obelisk sounds dangerous but they're so good against armor and i know that armor is about to go a bit mental i don't know where to put it i tell you what i think i might just expand siphon this crystal yeah man is getting rinse actually i'm glad i didn't do that let's get another mana bank there you go oh still it's still so low right we might need to make our mana banks a bit more efficient we're doing that that's all of our gold those banks are very very strongly oh we actually survived that reasonably okay oh let's give our mortars some burn damage that sounds good then we'll expand over there oh and we've unlocked a shrine maybe we can get some unis down so we'll put one uni there how these work basically you just put money into different sorts of things so if we if we want to increase our armor damage we just invest and basically each round you get a 10 chance of well of studying that and what that does that gives you like global damage so all your towers will do an extra one damage so it's sort of worth investing probably up to like around 20 percent or on 18 on that one and then we can put more unis around we can study like the magic ones and the health ones i mean i should probably actually pay attention to my tower as well i think everything was fine all right let's do it then quality over quantity words i usually live by we'll shove a shredder up there that should just do some early damage as there's quite a lot of health up here although it could be worth making our death area a bit more deathy things are sneaking through i'm gonna upgrade these ballistas as well these are our last line of defense there we go right we've got a load more gold oh look we can see can you see up there so this is our university icon that means we gained a plus one armor damage so the university we only had 18 chance but it worked you see armor studies won so if we get a uni for each of those we can do another one on shield we'll get that we can only afford up to 16 and then we can put another university down and perhaps do that one on health but nice this is looking all right let's expand let's shove a tesla up there once we got the gold there you go that'll do some early shield damage look at our banks oh i love it loves it oh look at this guy he's bleeding he's on fire and he's poisoned and he just got annihilated by a tesla oh mana is low though so perhaps we need more banks we're sort of running out of places to put banks could squeeze one up here plus 56 pretty good and then we could go for a radar tower these are pretty cool actually they're just quite expensive a thousand gold but we should get some gold very early on in the level it goes up instantly just because we kill so many people mainly the people spawning from this portal they just get annihilated yes let's shove a radar down like somewhere in the middle and maybe another one and we want these to look at oh no no i came over oh i wasn't paying attention wow that round got really really really strong out of nowhere anyway we got to level 29 though for double defense hell of an increase and before you guys go anywhere check this out we're doing the modded run again yeah particle cannon is pretty good using the mods but uh what i really want is the radar we didn't get a chance to use it in game so i thought it'd be fun go all out radar we've just got to unlock it there it is the radar tower okay let's grab this i want to delete everything i've done there's not too much we got pretty pretty lucky with that and so the radar tower's pretty cool tower so we can plop a load of these down and can you see the planes on the right they are joining the fight oh that was a rhyme and i sort of just wanted to see like how well they defend so if we expand you can see the area absolutely insane covers the entire map and as you can see they just machine gun as they fly over pretty cool now what i wanted to do is just fill the map with them and it might be better if i press pause and then i build a few of these and then we press play and then oh look at the formation whoa that's really cool look at that man it feels like something out of like the matrix you know the old sentinels all right anyway let's expand and then oh right let's stay zoomed in and see how mullet these are gonna get look all the radars they're all just looking at them all right let's add some more you must keep expanding our air force look at this oh it's really cool i'm gonna i'm just gonna keep expanding oh man they are insane oh god there's so many look at it it's so weird looking i i really need to slow it down that's spinning me out oh actually is it worse slow it might be worse slow let's expand everyone that spawns just gets mulled instantly i love it all right keep expanding the air force unlock heavy shafts for the lows i feel like it's making like a sphere or like an egg of planes i do want to fill this and see what actually happens oh man it's looking pretty special even look at them right level 20 look at this look how long enemies last when they spawn it's just they just get mulled it's beautiful each radar also costs 183 grand as well i just upgraded my planes to do bleed damage as well because i didn't think they were doing enough damage so yeah some of these guys bleed as well which is very unfortunate for them i can't even see the ground anymore there's so many planes all right back to normal speed let's see how long things actually last oh it sounds the same it sounds the same i literally can't see where i meant to place these anymore oh apparently there was an oogie somewhere as well the lights just changing i definitely noticed there he is there's the treasures this is getting really hard to see what i'm doing all right look at this thing there's so many there's so many planes are they looping around i feel like they are doing like an infinite sign all right anyway let's keep expanding and see it's just carnage so much machine gun fire but i must keep building oh we just killed another reggie didn't even see it happen i mean to be fair i can't see anything under this massive plate look how ready there are oh look a portal right we're getting to the end game now oh good i think it's oh i thought my frames hurt my eyes i'll tell you that but we're getting a portal at the end of every run now yeah we're on level 40 so yeah only five levels left hopefully my computer lasts long enough without spontaneously combusting get all these in look at this though it is beautiful actually look at that like what what is that it's just a proper ball of plane right we're nearly there we're nearly i can't even see the enemies but they are shooting at something most of the planes they definitely circle the tower though i thought like if you click like one up here can you see like the range is that like a plane hasn't gone near that they're all around the tower but look we're on level 44 not long left right final upgrade the longboat all right let's pause let's expand and then let's fill the level and then we'll press play look at them okay i'm pretty sure this is probably the biggest air force you can get in the game every tile that can have a radar station has one we zoom in it's just mental like apparently there was a boss somewhere don't know where he spawned pretty sure he's dead now you can see these guys they are actually bleeding they're not my brothers oh there's just so many planes i literally can't see the map where's my tower oh there it is can you see my tower it is under that yeah the residents from a village they get to live in peace but they they will never see the sky again imagine how loud it would be as well because these are all like propeller planes oh it'd be hideous victory we defended all 45 levels nice all right how much did we spend on radar 328 million gold the damage per gold was 0.11 not the best investment uh but yeah that's that's a lot of radar towers that's the biggest so pointless right anyway guys that was rogue tower i hope you enjoyed boost your like button if you did i'll catch you guys next time peace love and sentinel by planes bye [Music]
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 401,114
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rogue tower, rogue, tower, defense, castle, castle defense, siege, fortress, fort, fortress siege, invasion, castle invasion, fortress invasion, rogue tower preview, rogue tower lets play, rogue tower alpha, rogue tower beta, rogue tower ep 1, rogue tower part 1, rogue tower playthrough, rogue tower walkthrough, rogue tower early access, tower defense games 2021, rce, real civil engineer, roguetower, tower defense games 2022, roguelite tower defense, defend castle game
Id: jiM6zuWiA1I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 44sec (1244 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 23 2022
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