OVER-ENGINEERING spaceships in Space Scavenger!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome to space scavenger i've been meaning to play this for oh i was going to say years not quite years it's been out like a year and a half and it's basically like a sort of upgrady space game like you get to like stick bits onto your spaceship and all sorts it's good it's going to be good it's going to be good let's get into it and before we get too far a massive thanks to star trek fleet command for sponsoring today's video so star trek fleet command is free to play on ios and android and you can download it by using the link in my description now there's all sorts of things to do in this open world strategic mmo you can send officers on expedition missions to the edge of space acquiring resources and developing new improvements you can enjoy thematic adventures around the multiverse with story-driven mission system see your story as monthly updates keep the story and rewards fresh and engaging as well as alliances so you can battle alongside your alloys for a common goal capturing territory pooling resources dominating the multiverse and if you reach level 5 you unlock a free origins burnham like look at her and also if you reach level 10 by february the 10th you'll be given shards so you can tear her up to a rank 2. so if this sounds of interest to you click on the link in my description you can download the game for free thanks once again for sponsoring but let's head back to our video so basically you start off as this little guy you can spin him around and as you can see from the background we are in space we're not quite in space we can't we can't escape we're in a part of space we are this ship and we've got these weird little slug things that keep trying to kill us we're in space we've got this like lasery gun thing now as we scan planets like if we head around here can you see we're scanning it's like a oh god the slug that you got me when we do that we scan and then we can get some parts so we've got a body here so we can shove that down there and we've got a little bendy pipe i don't know if that's going to be useful but uh we can we can shove that there and now you can see our ship is a bit different it's got a weird sticky out arm for some reason but yeah we'll carry on millering the slugs as they try to get here oh and there's there's a planet over here we can't really do anything we can destroy the crystals that's about it right into the warp hole and on to the next level right so here we are and there's there's a new parts we've got a battery so you can see in the bottom right this is our sort of power and uh different weapons use them up a little bit differently oh god there's like a weird manta ray thing but he's given us an engine so if we shove the engine on the back we can now move way quicker oh god trying not to get hit by the slugs i will scan this planet that's covered in traffic cones for some reason uh no part that time so let's try this planet out right and now you can see we've got a mini map because we've scanned all the planets that shows us where the enemies are so come here manta ray all right there's one more hiding up here it's a big ah slug oh and look at this we've got a new weapon i think a slingshot okay so if we grab this part and rotate so it's pointing backwards and then put the slingshot there then i think you can see the way the slingshot's facing yeah it shoots forwards now nice oh these now destroy the asteroids which is good i think all right so i'm just gonna have a little explore what if i go through the whoa did you see that because it's a water planet you can go straight through it all right anyway we've got everything from the level i don't think it's worth destroying the asteroids i don't think they get you anything so let's head into here all right so here we are got some slugs a little planet to scan over here so we'll head around this one we'll get out the way asteroid scanned no upgrade for that late although there's another engine there let's grab that then yeah i might just put the engine over here in my cargo this just allows me to like not waste the object i don't want to use it i'm basically storing it for later i need more body parts i think although actually i could yeah i could move that to there but the catapult there put that there and then an engine there and an engine there battery on the side i'm not sure what the battery does yet but now we're a bit of a chunker but we're twice as fast right okay come on then slugs i don't know if i want to be this fast i feel like i'm a bit too fast oh god oh god all right screw you slug all right so there's another planet up here there is a slug in the area so we'll get rid of him oh and uh and a stripey one have some of that oh look there's something to unlock down here it's an old part or another slingshot do we want another slingshot so if i don't want items i can recycle them using f i think that filled our power back up and possibly gave us a crystal i probably should have checked all right let's go over this way there's a lot of enemies down here look at the map i'm scared i'm gonna hide down here all right come on then you sluggy bastards slugs are like the architects of the animal world aren't they like there's just no purpose to them oh look there's an ammo crate let's grab that so if we shove that on the front that should allow us to carry more ammo for our slingshot nice all right screw you oh look at that the area effect is real i will go check we haven't missed anything yet there was a crystal up there we'll have some of you and now into the warp hole all right we've just spawned in and there's already bloody slugs attacking us damn space architects ow oh he hurt me i'm not sure if i have a health bar maybe that's what it is bottom right maybe that is my health that's not energy i'm confused as to what the battery does say there's a crystal we'll have some of you well look in that rock is a crystal so i did destroy that with my slingshot and we got a load of slugs to kill the big slug the mother slug oh look more ammo you may as well shove that on for now yeah because look down there look at our look at our icon for our left click the slingshot it's now covered in five different things it was just three before so we may as well use our slingshot a little bit more it's got a good area effect nice all right they're all down what do we have over this way there's another oh look there's a spaceship there another slingshot i don't want another slingshot i'm not going to litter it though i am going to recycle and then we'll use our slingshot to get that crystal oh slug slug slugs oh what is that it's like a weird mothership thing oh it's giving birth to the slugs right have some of that then did we just see how architects are born oh just about dodged that as a bit matrix bullet time i have another crystal thank you i don't really know what the crystals do i think the more things you add to your ship like they take a crystal to power them but i can't actually add anything more to my ship because uh there's no space we need some like parts some blocks you can scan this though is that mountain wearing a hat what is that i'm confused right it's just one planet it's to scan in the middle lovely oh look and apart a beam so what we'll do we'll take the battery off shove that on the side i think we'll move that to out there and then we'll just put the battery on the back nice we're a lot more balanced now i think let's get out of it all right we're in the shop so we can go over this way and we can repair for a crystal okay yes that is our health bottom right 190 out of 190 so now we're full health so what can we actually buy body oh battle drone okay so crystals are the currency in this so that's good to know so solar panel regens a hammer in space i think we're gonna grab some body first so we'll grab ye and then we'll probably just try and save some money and come back maybe for the battle drone i don't know let's go to the next level all right here we are we're in the green area of space oh the slugs the slugs have changed to like weird egg slugs we'll scan this first see if we get any unlocks no nothing look at the hexagons on there though oh man there's there's like weird fish things what are they they're shooting stuff at me oh oh they hurt they really hurt all right we're gonna have to do circles around him oh look we've got a battle drone we didn't have to buy one that's good let's shove you on the front there's our battle drone doing the damage i wasn't even paying attention then oh machine gun as well ow wow oh god we are in trouble we are actually really hurting tell you what let's grab the machine gun maybe we'll swap the slingshot for a machine gun and we can always change back to that if it's no good right we are in serious trouble though we are hurting bad the drone is amazing i'm not gonna lie all right a load of slugs i'm gonna scan this planet first maybe i'll get some health back now i got hit again there's like a weird frog fish oh look it exploded like poisonous puddles oh don't go near those matt all right there's a booster there i think we may as well grab it i might not use it for now i've really got to try and stay on top of my health i think we want to avoid those flowers is there anything on this level to collect all right let's warp all right get back i think i need to use my machine gun a bit more it's got a longer range than the old laser thing holy crap what is that like a moth space moths all right get back it explodes into bad stuff oh look at that though a sentry turret i think we want that the less i have to think the better uh what if we swap some ammo we're not actually using up all of our ammo what if we put that on there so the century turret shoots automatically at enemies at short range so that's good i don't think we want the slingshot i think we're past slingshots let's recycle you and then we'll shove that in oh god i've just noticed look the game's still carrying on something's about to crash into us hey excellent move back oh god right this is actually going pretty well considering i don't look like the strongest shape yet we're coping we're smoking yes but we are coping all right let's scan this come on give us something good i've got another beam that beams are good all right so if we grab a beam i can take that off dude i didn't really do anything but can i then attach that anywhere no okay all right another one of those stupid fish things that's down it's down it's all good oh look another machine gun do i want another machine gun possibly is the answer i think if i can get room for it go away moth right so i want to know if i put another machine gun on perhaps like that will they both shoot while i'm trying to shoot i might swap the engine with the booster and then we'll recycle that does that give me health back again no it gives me crystals okay oh yes double machine guns yep i'm liking that i am liking that a lot the question is what is that is it good or bad i don't know what it did okay not sure all i do know i got 20 health which isn't a lot so let's head up here towards the next planet go away slug thing we'll do a speed run scan oh no i think those things murdered me last time there's a moth by me rude oh god that was close oh i'm such a wuss at this game look how little health they have they think i'm allowed to be cautious right there's an enemy over here just one on his own oh two on their own there's a cheese string and a moth oh look it gave us a large engine let's take the old engine off we will recycle that it's a large engine or booster better i don't know we can destroy that for some good parts and some health a toxic launcher okay what if we what if we try and like make ourselves a bit longer if we try a new engine at the back we'll store the booster do that at the front with double machine guns and then the toxin thing in the middle the drone can go there that can go there that can point backwards with some ammo and then we can have battery on the side right so toxin launcher oh it shoots behind okay so the toxin launcher shoots like the old it shoots how the slingshot shoots so we gotta keep that in mind okay all right couple of enemies down this way oh look another shield i think that's maybe just like a safe place for me to go i think i prefer the booster to the engine as well so we'll put that back on oh god oh we took a hit we took a big hit screw you chi string oh crap it hit us again we got 18 health there's a crystal there though we'll have some of that and another crystal up here thank you all right let's get the hell out of here we are hurting we need some health bad we're back to the shop thank goodness all right so laser boomerang battery beam i feel like i just need to buy some health it's 25 per crystal that is pricey yeah it's gonna spend all my crystals i gotta survive i gotta survive that is the key right so we gotta be more careful with our health this time all right so just spin every direction get rid of the bloody fish thing i hit it with a toxin that did some good damage all right plan it up here let's scan this my shift is like huge and really hard to maneuver oh look more body more body that is good because we can now extend forwards so we can do that machine guns back on there and then we can add more ammo and then we've actually got room to add something else now oh like this ammo crate yes now we've got all the ammo and look all the like the gun shells floating about right i'm quite liking this build actually i feel like i'm pretty unstoppable oh god apart from those things we're just quite oh so that is the trouble we ought to stay head on we're not the most maneuverable from the side oh this planet is spewing out enemies right there we go they're all gone they all gone look all the shells everywhere ow ow ow wow wow it's gonna explode right okay we've got an observatory what does that do scanning planets is easier and grants bonuses okay we probably want that instead of ammo i'm going to recycle my old engine shove the observatory on the side so i might keep the flamethrower for later just because it sounds fun there is also a big engine down there and i'm just going to scrap that recycle give me some crystals all right have i got everything in the level it's really annoying i feel like i have to go circle around every time i don't want to miss anything any planets with crystals on doesn't look like it alright let's get out of here then all right let's scan this planet oh yes look at our observatory nice did we get a bonus from that oh we got extra health it's like yellow down the bottom oh these planets are like like an oil spill but not oil i don't know like a toxic thing there's you can see like barrels floating in them with a warning sign oh god i'm being sucked in oh it's all stinky up my ass that's quite an unusual sentence without context you can see like the trails of my of my machine gun like the old ammo oh god yeah i like the machine guns i am liking them a lot oh god the moth there's a female all right there's a lot of enemies over there oh a shield that could be wow [Music] all right let's grab this shield then so that blocks enemy projectiles okay so what if we were to i feel like i don't actually use this the gas one i might get rid of that if we get rid of the gas let's recycle it we can move that down there oh yes now our front is protected okay i've also noticed we've got an extra slot down there look we've got a little side that we can add some more ammo to or we can try and add a flamethrower somewhere what if we were to move that we've now got a flame for a facing backwards for some reason all right but hopefully our shield will actually help us if you rotate the right direction matt you idiot oh man the flamethrower is huge oh maybe you need a flamethrower at the front flamethrower is really good actually okay some upgrades here what have we got oh nothing just parts just health and parts that's all good oh look at the observatory that is useful got an extra 10 health bonus always handy all right chi string you're dead as they went behind me we'll use the flamethrower out of our arse and then we're back to shooting out the front with the machine guns nice another booster i think we'll grab the booster just to recycle like oh god what's going on there's like is it saying we're shielded or something what does that mean all right let's flamethrower out the top spin around flame throwing does the flamethrower have different ammo notice it's in yellow all right destroy these guys i can actually hit those flower things and they actually hurt the enemy as well i'm not sure why they're the enemy like i feel like they're a lot more natural than i am another machine gun we are taking that for later if we can get three machine guns out the front we will be very happy all right there's the end of the level i don't think we've explored over to the right yet maybe we'll head over there just see what the crack is or is this where we started no i think this is where he started okay we'll go back all right let's walk right back to the shop all right loads of cool weapons i want to try but look at my health for about half health there is another beam as well at e-shaped beam i'm sort of thinking can i do a better layout what if we go like wide rather than long now if we're wider though we're a bigger target for everyone oh hang on i've just realized this machine gun can you see it's like side mounted not front mounted ooh okay so if we were to buy that beam we could replace that one and have an extra machine gun there or even we could get rid of that and shove you there that's not gonna like kill me is it that will shoot through me although the range isn't good now it's got to be it's got to be at the top it's got to be at the top right the beam is for we'll increase his maximum health as well okay we'll buy that it's increased our maximum health so let's get rid of that plunk that down machine gun back on this machine gun to the side of it oh so all of these beams increase maximum health just because i think they're like more bits so i think we can shove that down the bottom put our ammo on the back right now our health's gone up let's get some more health back right we're not even max health but that's all of our crystals gone let's head to the next level oh there's like scorpions and stuff this is a very scary area what the hell was that they like spiral and fire i'm scared two can play that game all right look at our health now we have we've done some good stuff the planet's trying to kill me now that's no fair right we've tamed the planet though unfortunately no goodies for us but we did get plus 10 health so you can't complain too much oh god they shoot really far those scorpion things oh no that's lava fish right he exploded all of you are dead i'm killing everything all right what's in there oh artillery artillery sounds fun death from above perhaps we should use that instead of the flamethrower is it facing the right direction though i don't know right so artillery is right click there's also a sentry turret up there oh artillery is good anything we're not using can we get another sentry turret involved i feel like we can lose the flamethrower maybe i don't think it's that good another century turret we are lacking in ammo now but look we got full health we got four crystals things are looking good have some of that your turtle bastard all right let's get out of it oh god oh god we're being attacked from behind oh we are surrounded i wish i had the flame throw up get out of it all right come on artillery cluster him i've noticed as well so if you want to shoot the artillery further you gotta like get some speed right i think we just about survived let's grab the thrust we lost 100 health there guys a hundred health so a thruster is a two-way engine oh look what i've just realized i'm an idiot oh the observatory has bloody arms on it so basically it's a waste putting it where it is so if we put that like that engine out the back we're even longer now i've added another thruster in the middle whether that will help don't know oh yeah oh god we are look how quick we can turn oh we are low on ammo though reflective armor what does that do blocks damage taken or is it better than what we have i don't know we can shove on there though so i think the key with the crystals is yes they are currency but i think if you don't have enough like the parts of your ship that use crystals like the shields they won't work anymore so that's pretty cool a bit of building strategy oh god i'm i'm so low on ammo i'm actually nearly out of ammo thankfully we just got some for unlocking that oh and there's some body let's grab the body let's make ourselves even longer what is this ship i've just made like the longest spaceship possible it's actually working surprisingly well come here you turtle bastard oh look at that mortar right in the head all right there's a load of cockroaches and a turtle right toxic launcher i think we've had one of them before so we'll just recycle that i think we can only shoot two weapons at once anyway wow that hurt yeah because each weapon requires a click of the mouse and i've only got two mouse buttons so right planet unlocked fertile dead second turtle dead third turtle dead i'm destroying all the turtles screw team seat all right let's just check the top of the map make sure there's no crystals lurking oh look there's a spaceship we would have missed that homing missiles oh god all right we're gonna have to add them yeah the trouble is we've got too many weapons now to go with artillery or do we go with missiles all right we're back in the shop we got six crystals we could get more body i feel like we've got quite a lot of body now it's flamethrower oh double laser or another battle drone i do like the battle drones you can almost leave them to it i think i'll just be boring and repair a large solar panel can we shove that oh we can shove it down the bottom does that help us repair keep an eye on the bottom right three five seven as long as we don't get hit oh we got hit three four seven then keep an eye on that will it go up all right i might try out the homing missiles oh no i'm shooting them backwards yeah let's just swap sides we'll put homing missiles over there oh they're quite good they killed that thing and won what about that turtle oh homing missiles guys i think they use up a fair amount of ammo though right i'm gonna do the bottom first and then we'll do the top after let's scan this planet oh my ship's too long run away run away there are so many enemies down there oh god look at all the stuff they're firing at me all right we're good we're good we're back i got a bit tense for a second all right let's get in here safety we are shielded all right we've unlocked another planet but i feel like our ship is a bit long now we're sort of it's not the most maneuverable anymore all right loads of turtles around here screw you guys more fish more turtles oh god i can't even fit down there i'm so long that's not what she said all right there's a lot of enemies on this level and we're now out of ammo so now we're gonna have to be patient and try and get some ammo back there you go i'm just gonna hope that our drone does stuff go on drones that's it all right more ammo more ammo all right we're back we're back in business loads of ammo now i will head around this way with the flames or gas clouds whatever you want to call them all right there's the warp i saw over here there was a couple of crystals there we go boosh so let's get out of it all right loads of cheese strings and stuff on this level let's unlock this planet in the middle all right another spaceship destroy that anything good no just health oh my goodness that's a lot of enemies i think they all sort of killed each other with their own gas clouds that's good and there's loads of ammo in there yes please look there's a battery we can shove that on the end of that and we'll just float around here oh not too fast not too fast oh and the planet unlocked us a beam or a t one as well nice okay so i think i'll do pretty similar over here so you've got that on that side machine gun on the front that just for banter i don't need right up in this corner we nearly missed that oh look we can buy another machine gun i really want to i really want to i know health is more sensible but you only live once machine gun on the side yes right the rest will go on health there we go and now we shall warp oh god straight in with the enemies holy crap what oh they got homing missiles as well this isn't fair all right i think we can't attack when they put their shields up so we got to be a bit careful right there you go they're all sorted that was quite a major start wow wow wow look oh god dodge the lasers oh big mines we got to watch the mines holy crap that's like a tank look at all the shells that i've dispersed everywhere ow i put my ass in the thing that was silly all right we've nearly scanned this planet there we go the planet is safe now it's been scanned oh god is this another planet i got a scan yep just gotta watch the jedi swords and i think we've taken over that's all good have some of that there's a big area shockwave thing oh god homie missiles have some of that get back oh god sorted right we've gained a thruster do we want a thruster we don't have space for it actually i think i can take that off put a thruster there and then put that back on yes that's using your brain oh god we're quite fast now bloody tank oh tank got owned but he did he did just about clip me another ammo crate no space for that yet actually we're not actually using our artillery are we i think we'll get rid of the artillery recycle now we got more ammo storage oh god oh no that was quite a big mine grab the crystal off that and we're done let's get out of it right back in the shop what does a mining drone do mine's extra crystals i think extra crystals are always worth doing so let's buy that and where can we put it do we need all of this ammo i thought it would never fall on ammo anyway so let's put that in there 25 health let's go all right entering level four two there's this annoying planet with the shooty bits oh god oh oh god i've been hit from all sides oh god get back come back i'm in enemy territory all right let's get out of it oh god i don't even know how i survived that that was terrifying oh look large solar panel don't think we can add that anywhere so we'll just bonk it there for now ow that hurts oh god we're down to 96 health this is not looking good oh look at all that ammo though all right let's grab this ammo we'll get in here a bit of safety can we get that ammo nice wow 84 health i need to use my home and missiles a bit more i think they shoot further artillery recycle you give me some health yeah homie missiles are the ones we got slightly more range and they mean we can stay safe right let's head up here all right if we get close to these rocks our little thing is going to mine it yes it's turning it into ammo oh does it only get us ammo and now we're full there's no army to be got right well let's get out of it oh we did it home sweet home we completed the game what a beast of a spaceship it sort of resembles the strongest shaped spaceship i think oh look we're landing look how tall it is oh wow there's balloons really big balloons is that me oh look how many kills yes amazing oh that was good that that was really fun all right we'll save you to the hanger because i'm proud of you my first ever complete and we've unlocked hard mode right nice that was space scavenger i think i might be playing this again in the future because that was really fun and i want to try all the different weapons and stuff but a long boy with machine guns is the way to go i tell you that but for now peace love and space scavenging bye [Music] you
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 550,566
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: space scavenger, space scavenger game, space scavenger gameplay, space scavenger steam, blitz space scavenger, space scavenger ep 1, space games, space scav, space scavengers, space sim, space game, space scavenger review, space scavenger bot, rce, real civil engineer, spaceship upgrade, engineering spaceships
Id: 6BR7HlJVi-E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 50sec (1490 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 24 2021
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