I spent 100,511,625g on Mortars...

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hello fellow engineers and welcome back to rogue tower yes i'm still addicted to this game thankfully we have a mod to make things a little bit different so shout out to almost certainly real gaming for making these and making me aware of them basically what he's done he's made a mod where if we go into single defense we basically have a custom map so we'll start as usual just placing a few ballistas about between all the houses may as well do it around the edge of the houses get all that money all right so if we expand this will go straight into a left-hand bend and then we choose what tower we want probably the lookout and then if we expand once more it's the portal that's literally the entire level now why is that why is the game continuing in the background what's going on wait i haven't picked my upgrade yet excuse me game uh this isn't meant to happen so what if i do an unlock do i just get the next one oh god okay we might have to pause i didn't know that was a feature of this mod apparently it is so we'll just pause between each round manually i think for this challenge we're gonna want like splash damage so let's grab a mortar we've already got a flamethrower down here let's make our flamethrowers more powerful then right and now let's put some towers down oh that was that was a disaster all right so we'll shove a mortar probably on there at the back yeah that covers the entire map that's pretty good we'll do a couple of flame throwers on there and then we'll press play again are we gonna lose some lives we might do but that's not my fault in my opinion right press pause again oh man this is carnage this is quite quick okay next up i might get a lookout tower involved so maybe we'll upgrade those as well i'm also going to select this most at the back we're going to tell the priority we don't want it to look at the progress we actually want the slowest i think is that a thing slowest yeah there you go so i can't do anti-progress i basically want it to like fire here so that's where most enemies will be and as you got a bit more money i might shove another mortar behind it as well that sort of reaches up there we'll also make that one target the slowest and then we'll press plate right come on mortars oh they're just bombing my own tower what are you doing mortis all right okay at the moment mortar is completely useless uh what shall we go with next maybe an obelisk they're so expensive though i don't know if it's going to be worth it i think maybe we'll just make our flamethrowers a bit better all right there you go mortar is actually doing damage this time good work guys and i put a few ballistas on that hill we should be good nice right what shall we go for this i think frost keep will probably be essential and as we got the money we'll place one down yeah one there for now and look how much gold we got nice all right we probably need to start upgrading soon we're about to lose a lot of lives oh goodness okay we lost three lives i think we're going to be okay mana siphon i think we'll do next we've got a few crystals dotted about question is are they worth it or should i just try and wait till we got the banks so i guess we'll do it for now we've got 448 gold i think i'm gonna wait till we kill one and then shove another flamethrower around this area there we go so flamethrower there you can look at most armor oh we are losing lives big time this is this is quite tricky actually is it worth increasing our burn i guess so because they're not going to be burnt for very long yeah let's do that let's tell these guys to also look at most armor and perhaps you just shove another ballista or two like over here somewhere i could really do with like a shredder or something or a tesla but the game's not being too kind at the moment uh we're just about creeping with the enemies oh man there's there's so many okay okay we we survived we survived do we get the mana banks we will need them later yeah i think we probably should to be honest we got 700 gold i might shove another frost keep down maybe one at the back here because this is where most of our damage is happening with all the ballistas yeah we see we seem to be coping okay now i feel like things are going a little bit better although oh god there's quite a few people making it through frost keeps saving our ass i think but yeah we're doing better we're doing better frost keeps definitely helping and look we've unlocked the shredder this could change everything we can afford one so i think we'll put you on there that covers the entire area nice you want them always looking at the progress i might just upgrade or shall i get another one maybe i'll get another one instead yeah stacks of logs they are not lasting too long oh god there's a load of people at the front that stack of logs is gonna ruin us uh the lives the lives right we can afford another shredder as it's got quite a big area i might shove it like back there that seems good all right come on shredders shred shred oh we're down to six lives it's no we're dead no we're not dead we survived we got two lives left oh that was stressful that was stressful all right next up maybe the poison sprayer because we will need that to do shields i don't think we're going to last that long to be honest oh and we're completely out of mana as well right let's just take the burn damage then and then we'll shove a few minus siphons about maybe that's why we did so badly then all right the mana is positive again and we seem to be doing a lot more damage yo didn't lose any lives that round oh man this is this is pretty stressful i'm not gonna lie next up let's upgrade the flamethrower to do health damage and then i might literally just spend money on upgrading stuff so i think this flame throughout the start we want to get rid of the stacks of logs as soon as possible because they burst into people so let's just do armor multiplier on you we'll also do these ones because they're cheap there may be these mortars as well let's just do upgrade both of them then is that working any better i think we can upgrade the shredder and that one oh there's so much going on it's carnage it is carnage oh we're so close to losing lives right come on shredders shred shred all right we survived we survived i think at the end of each round we're sort of gaining an extra tower point so we're back up to four let's do extra burn and then i might put a lookout tower down so what's the range like on you the range is huge so we can put you way at the back so i've put them there we've also got oogie this round so i might do i might make you target most health give you some health damage and then maybe just shove ballistas down we don't really have enough of anything i'll tell you what maybe i need another frost tower to keep him slow and then i can afford one more ballista give you some health damage and make you look at most health on the oogie's already made it through oh man he is taking some damage but not enough essentially can we take him down yes we took him down we took him down oh we won we beat oogie with this okay that was quite surprising not gonna like just one stack of logs to go and we're good right okay shall we do oh we could unlock the poison sprayer i think that's probably useful okay poison sprayer unlocked we're then gonna see what's in the chest that was dropped by oogie i think let's just upgrade the nape arm let's make the flamethrowers better this one will make our poison sprays better against shields even though we don't have any yet and then we will shove a poison sprayer down i think that's a good spot we'll say target the most shield i'm also going to shove another one closer to the front as well so another one there look at my shield then we'll upgrade your shield damage and then we'll upgrade the health damage of our shredders all right nice and we're off again oh we've completed the level instantly very nice okay let's oh we could take banditry extra gold but so risky because basically as enemies get to your tower they do more damage and we've only got six health of our tower left so if they get through it's basically game over but we get a lot more gold or kills i'm gonna take banditry sodic you only live once and we might not live for very long but look at the damage in here they're not getting far at all i say that they're around the corner it's these bloody shield ones all right do some shield damage poison oh no that's game over oh that didn't last long is it game over yeah game over right we go again we've got a bit of a better level this time we've already unlocked the tesla i'm about to unlock banditry i think i'm sort of tempted by the shredder but extra gold extra gold so yeah this is our layout thankfully this corner can you see it's raised this time this tesla has got a three times multiplayer already because it's slightly higher than the rest of the land so so we're doing all right i'm just shoving my ballistas around these to get some extra gold and then we're basically good to go right i think quality over quantity could be good because we're going to be upgrading our towers quite a lot because we're not going to have that many different towers so let's take that straight away and then let's upgrade the tesla let's do some health damage maybe some armor damage and we sort of know just from upgrading a single tesla we can get pretty far and that you can see the electricity absolutely ripping through those people it might be worth taking a mana bank although we do have lots of crystals about i just know that man is gonna be an issue there is actually the siphon there maybe i'll take that to start with and we'll build a few of those about now the mana is going up i'm going to keep building siphons i think all right and now we're going to take the flame tower because we want to get that armor damage as soon as possible flame is good against armor i think we'll shove one on there once we have enough gold so after a few hits we've got enough gold no we don't come on all right now we've got enough gold so flamethrower on there will make you target the most armor and then we'll just leave that running for a little bit i might actually get some more mana siphons we've got the crystals so we may as well use them right nice next up we're going to oh we could do banditry again let's get even more gold yes on it and we'll keep upgrading the tesla we'll upgrade this as well so nice they're working together pretty well i think so oh we could even take another banditry shall we do it i think we're gonna do it we'll be rolling in gold and then i might shove another tesla on here and then perhaps another flame tower as well let's shove a flame tower there most it then i think we're good yeah we're good we are good all right next up let's make our tesla's better against shield that's what got us in the end of last round so it's probably good to upgrade them early on and then i'm just upgrading a bit of everything all about the come on is pretty good for now i could shove more siphons down but i think there's any need we're going to need to find the balance between getting enough space for towers and making enough mana i think we'll definitely need the banks at some stage all right the question is are we ever going to use an obelisk or are we better using the lookout i might get a lookout because that magnifies the damage that could save us against oogie so if we shove that like way back there tell it to look at the most health and at least we're covered that does use mana though so we've got to be careful but uh we survived another round is it worth making our testers do poison damage no i think it's worth getting a frost keep yes that is a good idea so for the frost keep if we put one there does that cover oh i don't think it does so what we might want to do maybe put one there yeah if you put one on that corner and then one there that's everything covered so everyone should slow down a lot let's upgrade to do the armor damage because now the stacks of logs are here things are getting a bit serious i think we're okay as long as we can kill those guys yeah we're good we are good next up perhaps we want some mortars they don't use mana because our mana is pretty low at the moment i'm a little bit worried so if we go for mortars we've actually got quite a bit of money i'm going to shove them more to buy this house we got one either side we're going to make them look at the slowest as before and we'll upgrade the armor multipliers on both of them and then we're going to build a few more siphons and then hopefully we should be pretty good this round here come the mortars nice oh look there's some stacks of logs in there they are we taking them out before the tesla's not really thankfully two tesla's really doing the job all right next up let's just upgrade the flame throws we got quite a lot of those well we've only got two but you know what i mean maybe we'll do a couple more mortars like back there and the restaurant money will just go on upgrading the tesla so things literally come out the portal and then get smoked by the flamethrower i'm going to upgrade the armor damage on it because the logs they are getting round they're getting tested which isn't ideal but uh with the upgrading i think we're doing pretty good so flamethrowers damage to armor sounds good to me and then oh look oogie is here oh man he is getting through like anything perhaps we need to upgrade some ballista so you look at most health i think we might need some ballistic damage up here all right little bit worried about oogie we've got some new ballistas they're doing some damage are they going to do enough oh yeah his health is going down tesla's helping as well oh yeah quick quick quick quick quick quick quick oh that was close that was so close all right next up sorcery let's regenerate one percent of our max mana that's an extra two mana is very low i think we might need some more siphons yeah now we've maxed out the crystals we can't put any more siphons down so plus 19 a second is the most we can get without banks okay next up what did oogie give us well universities and haunted houses are pointless because we're not going to get shrines or the gravestones because the map isn't going to expand so i guess encampment which i don't really want and he only gave us one upgrade nice cheers right and now we're getting to shield damage so i think it's worth just upgrading the shield multiplier on the teslas i just spent a lot of money on that but i think it should pan out i'm also not convinced that this frost tower is actually slowing people down it seems to take time for it to actually do anything well let's upgrade the mortars then this was the round we died on last time but thanks to our teslas we actually completed it fairly easily for our upgrade we're gonna do increasing the burn per second that doubles it and then we got 1600 gold i feel like it's worth upgrading the old flame throwers on the armor so they should get rid of the stacks of logs a bit easier and then it's gonna upgrade the tesla for shield damage nice this is looking pretty good actually i'm quite impressed with myself we are definitely surviving teslas are the op tower i'm just keeping upgrading the shield damage because look these guys with the purple shields they do make it through quite far ah look there is the mana bank i think we need that check out the mana situation not good so start the next level we'll shove some mana banks right at the back here it's when we got 500 gold which is about now we'll shove another mana bank down and i'm basically just going to keep doing this until the mana is positive again unfortunately i can't make use of the most efficient mana bank layout from my previous videos but uh this will have to do oh man come on mana it's so low uh flamethrowers 50 burn i'm not really sure what 50 burn means i think as they're going to be flamethrowed for the entire run i don't think that one's worth doing i think i just need the one that makes them burn more per second so i'm not going to bother with that i might be wrong let me know in the comments if i am oh we could make our tesla do poison damage don't think that's going to be too useful because they're pretty much just in front of the tower but i've taken it anyway because i like damage over time all right i'm gonna try and shove some more mana banks down mana is now going up so i think with one more we should be good i might even replace some of these siphons with banks over time but at the moment yeah i'm pretty impressed we got some big shield guys coming maybe we can upgrade a shield on this tesla and the health why not nice survived another round shall we do the savings account let's get some more mana going future proof a bit and then i might upgrade the frost towers i haven't touched these yet i think a bit of everything damage on those the lookout definitely shield damage it only costs five and then we've got a meme amount of gold left so i'll just press plate oh man some of these things are moving pretty fast now it might be worth shoving another frost keep there just to make sure we're slowing enemies down for the entire run let's upgrade that flamethrower we'll upgrade this flamethrower as well and then what upgrade shall we take this time i think poison per second because we will get poison towers at some point i hope all right let's test those level 20 now it is ripping through to be fair i'm just very concerned if enemies get through they're gonna do a lot of damage to our tower because we took all the banded trees earlier so yeah that's not great anyway for the upgrade let's increase the poison damage even though we're not doing any poison damage really there's a lot of shield stuff coming through now i'm a little bit nervous actually i might upgrade shield this tesla is also level 20. one in the middle we could upgrade it more for shield it's now level 22. it sort of needs some shield damage at the start maybe i could make this frost tower do it aha there you go there is the poison tower i think we'll definitely take you and we'll shove one pointing at the start so probably there will make you look at the most shield and then we'll upgrade your shield armor as much as possible and we got some poison people at the start nice if we can get a shredder we'll be doing all the damage over time the only trouble is there's literally no time all right poison tower upgrade the shield damage or people are sneaking through a little bit i might put another poison sprayer down at the start maybe one on there my shield get some shield damage and then we'll take the fumes one upgrade and oh god it's zombie oogie oh we could take the shredder but i feel like the mana is going down quite rapidly and i've got those poison towers so i'm gonna take the savings account so that sort of rectifies that issue a bit and then just gonna upgrade these towers to do shield damage so hopefully we can get rid of zombie yogi's shield it's going down pretty quickly actually is it going down quickly enough fate i am not convinced oh god right we're gonna have to upgrade a tower or two over here what if we shove some more ballistas down we'll set to most health and then we'll do shield damage and health damage that's out of money are we gonna do it he's down to just health he's down to just health game over no oh i think he exploded into loads of little people that was pretty closely it seems like the game's actually carrying on in the background screw you game over oh no it did stop it did stop well that was fun but before we go i'm going to go mental with the mortars so we're back on a normal map i'm just going to shove a load of ballistas down we do have the mods installed or unlimited anything so i don't actually need to worry about money there you go the mortar is unlocked instantly nice so i can delete all these blisters i put down and we're literally just going to go mental with the mortar tada and then we'll expand and oh my goodness oh this is awesome all right so we're literally just gonna expand the map with mortars i assume we like won't ever lose i love how like just the closest ones fire at first and then more and more oh yeah this is good this is good all right this is pretty good because i think whatever way we expand oh sort of disappointing doesn't kill everyone instantly but i love seeing them fire again can you imagine like walking and just hearing them all fire oh man people get so mullered look at how many are fired right we're on level 10 mortars cost 30 grand per mortar and just look when you start everywhere love to see it all right my mortars now do poison damage as well so if you happen to survive like a billion mortar hits uh you're then infected enemies are actually sneaking through further than i thought they would despite the initial bombardment but we will keep expanding there's my microphone picking that up pad is snoring and in case it's not check out this clip of paddy sleeping with a little jingle my friend from my band polar point for my old band polar point uh the singer happy hippo she has twitch channel you should check that out she made this lovely jingle for my dog [Music] wasn't that nice and you know what else is nice all these mortars like spurting in fast motion the sound of it the sound of it it almost sounds like a war chump right look zombie yogi is here is he gonna last i haven't got around to uh monitoring all of this area yet but let's see how he gets on so many mortars oh he's taking the hit he's actually taking them quite easily actually with all that shield he is poisoned at least oh and he's taking a beating now for some reason he's going slow oh yeah he got done oh mortars do bleed damage yes please all right level 35 here is the robo oogie and he's taking a beat look at the poison damage from all the mortars it is beautiful i wonder how far he'll get he's not even gonna make it to there is he that's gotta be terrifying just seeing that like over your head thousands and thousands of mortise well actually he's gonna make it to the junction i didn't think he would looking at what's in front of him though i don't think he's gonna survive long i did just about make it three but then he's dead well frame rate is definitely taking a hit now you can see when we fire things slow down a little bit we are at three times speed though oh god come on game please survive please survive till the end it's starting to smell like burning plastic in my room right now all right and in case you wondered what the final level look like completely covered in waters here we go i'm gonna hide the ui there's so many more look at them all firing it's just like they rained down it is it's quite beautiful actually yeah the final boss here he is the brain with arms the big brain oogie he is bleeding and on fire and poisoned all from the mortars he's actually getting quite far through should i be worried i don't think i need to be worried something freezes him around here not entirely sure why i'm not going to complain oh look at the hits he's taking we know mortars are good against armour so if they actually look at him which they will when he gets to the front oh the armor takes a hit and then it's just health left yeah he didn't send chance think of mango there we have it victory we spent oh god is that a billion is that a billion oh my god it's even more than that it's a hundred billion i know it's not it's not quite a billion it's a hundred million oh just a measly hundred million that's not great might make a good title though yeah right guys that was rogue tower the challenge at the start pretty good fun that i'd recommend giving that mod a download yes for now peace love and mortars i'll catch you guys next time [Music]
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 235,228
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rogue tower, rogue, tower, defense, castle, castle defense, siege, fortress, fort, fortress siege, invasion, castle invasion, fortress invasion, rogue tower preview, rogue tower lets play, rogue tower alpha, rogue tower beta, rogue tower ep 1, rogue tower part 1, rogue tower playthrough, rogue tower walkthrough, rogue tower early access, tower defense games 2021, rce, real civil engineer, roguetower, tower defense games 2022, roguelite tower defense, defend castle game
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 41sec (1361 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 05 2022
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