Using Particle Cannons to defend my tower...

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hello my name is matt and i'm addicted to rogue tower yes hello fellow engineers and welcome back to rogue tower i've been playing a fair bit of this offline you can see in the upgrades we've been slowly gaining xp unlocking more things now we've actually got 200 xp to spend so let's quickly buy some sort of upgrade before we start so i think we're just going to increase our poison damage should we need it all right so let's play we've got a current record of level 35 to beat let's get involved holy crap look at all the houses around here what's that all about it's like a housing estate right so if you haven't seen this before this is our tower we must defend it by building ballistas to defend ourselves when we click this button expand the world expands but enemies spawn so we'll expand again and then build a few more ballistas and then after every two rounds we get to pick an upgrade and i've got six to pick from now because i've been slowly upgrading things in the background and we've been unlocking more weapons and everything so this is going to be a lot of fun there should be a lot of variety i hope now i really want to do that one just because the shape of the castle is awesome they sure know how to get sales this game yeah but i guess it's probably worth a tesla coil so we have another option if we want to use those i do remember last time i was saying if we if we plunk like a tower down if we do the plus one we get an extra one damage if we do plus three we get extra three damage i was talking nonsense absolute load of bollocks apparently that's range so if we plunk one up there can you see that's like a massive circle if we click this one which is just on the floor i'm a lot smaller circle so sorry about that i i have no idea i'm gonna do anyway let's expand and let's grab a tesla and shove it there that looks good it is the strongest shape after all nice and they didn't get very far so it will expand again and we'll shove another tesla probably on that corner there just look at the tesla damage it is beautiful and then going to shove ballista next to that house we may as well use these houses they give us extra money right so we've got upgrades to choose from i'm so just a little browser and i'll say the particle cannon so you haven't used this one yet very very excited to see what it does so let's select that it costs a thousand coins oh goodness it better be worth it i don't know whether to just save or get rid of a tesla i think we'll just save for now maybe shove another tesla there just to do some damage some temporary damage go on tesla that's it knock him down knock him down and we'll demolish that i might shove a few more ballistas about just in case and that's slowly knocking all them down nice so they're done we've got 496 coins if i demolish some of these we now have enough to buy it the question is what's the range like can i put it next to a house is that a good idea it said long range oh it's a really long range okay look at that man that is like the biggest ranged thing i've ever seen no idea how it's actually going to work so let's expand and oh it just it lazes them does it gives them a bit of lightning oh it's like direct hits oh i wish it did area damage though i'm a bit worried we don't have enough things damaging yes that does do the damage but there's a lot of enemies coming although the rest of my towers doing the business i think we're good although there are two coming let's just shove another ballista down just in case there we go there we go all right so next up we can improve the damage of our ballistas i i really want to go heavy shafts just something about that one drawing me in happy ness hap penis that deals extra one damage to armor but i'm also looking over here a new tower called the shredder oh we're gonna have to go with one of them surely i think it might make them bleed as well so i don't know let's go for the shredder it costs 500 gold we've only got 56 so i might demolish these early ones actually they're all level one so we're not gonna lose anything right so if we grab the shredder and we shove it there yeah you can see here it does bleed damage it doesn't do fire or poison damage it does bleed damage good to know all right so i'm going to change the particle cannon to shoot at the most health now the saw you're looking at whoever's got the furthest so let's try that and see what happens i i'm hoping this is just gonna like oh did you oh it just goes for miles look at the saw oh that's really cool that's amazing okay i love the sword that's so cool look at that all right the only trouble is i sold all of my ballistas to afford that although pascal cannon with the range it doesn't really matter all right i might expand again and then try and get some money maybe a tesla there might be quite useful i may as well i may as well actually just shove some ballistas down for now make them do the damage and i can always delete them afterwards we'll do another one up there and that's got rid of them easy i am loving the circular saw that is awesome all right so we've got a new upgrade we can either go for a new tower the obelisk or the poison sprayer oh the trouble is these are going to be using quite a bit of mana i think uh but the alternatives aren't great so let's give the poison spray go we did just upgrade that at the very start so i'm gonna delete some of these towers just so i can afford to put it down and we'll shove him on there we want him near the start so he can poison people straight away actually on there would be even better so you can see these guys they get a little poison sign and they're constantly hurting and the saw comes through and rips them a new one the saw goes really well oh this is this is awesome so let's expand again what i might do i might shove another sword when we get 600 gold somewhere near the start yeah how much mana does this thing use up uh 13 per shot oh not too bad and the poison thing uses up one per shot i have no idea how many shots it's doing oh yes i do it's doing 60 shots per minute good to know all right so next we can upgrade our ballistas or i think it's worth guessing some mana so we can either siphon them from crystals or we can use this generates mana through the magic of the magic market i don't know what a magic market is but looking on our map there's only that one crystal so i think we might try it let's see what happens so we'll select the mana bank it costs 500 gold but let's shove it down so this bank currently stores 20 mana it's generating one a second okay so it's just gone up by one a second for 500 quid yeah it's not too bad all right we're finally out of range of the particle cannon but they are gonna get close i i'd love to build like another saw up here just gotta save the money i'll tell you what actually we don't need the bank let's build the sawn out so if it's up there is it gonna rip through these guys there we go oh i'd love to see it love to see it but i think the placement of this one is probably better off going up on there so when we expand again you can see us just slice through them and they're bleeding constantly although the old stack of logs a trojan horse will not bleed but this saw is doing the damage i'm pretty impressed it's ripping through everyone yeah then they're getting poisoned and they take a few arrows to the knee before guessing hit with another saw blade now over here we've still got our test i might demolish that tesla it's sort of not needed over there but it might be needed here if we explode some of these oh they do bleed the stack of logs do bleed interesting all right then a tesla just to get rid of that guy sorted another upgrade let's sharpen the blades of our saws i'm really enjoying the saws so sharpen blade yes i'm gonna sell that tesla i'm gonna expand and then i'm just gonna shove another shredder there so when you're ready mate when you're ready there we go there we go oh they're all bleeding it's beautiful it is beautiful i might as i've got some money also put a poison sprayer up here as well so basically as people come through they they start bleeding and then we fill up their wounds with infectious poison and then we cut them open again poison them again cut them open for a third time this is it's a brutal map uh we do have these tanks to deal with i should probably just ballista up a bit maybe a tesla there because we're gonna need some area damage to take these out all right nice so let's just work out how much money we're making from this tower being next to these houses just giving us 76. oh that's quite good actually and maybe this saw will demolish that we'll put him there instead likewise the poison will demolish that and we'll put it next to the house because as long as they stay there they'll be leveling up and they'll be getting us more money and i'm just going to shove another shredder there cool all right so you can see our towers are working perfectly everyone's bleeding everyone's poisoned love to see it love to see it we got our cheeky little ballista here picking off the wounded and only they get past they get poisoned again all right nice and we're ready for another upgrade what i might do i might get the siphon for the mana because i think i'm going to want another particle cannon soon so let's do that and then we can like surround these things and basically they just give us one manner a second and they only cost 100 gold so that's way better than using the bank personally i think oh and look who it is it's mr oogie and now he's bleeding because he got a saw to the gonads oh and again right between the legs that's horrible all right there you go you can see he's bleeding he's poisoned don't you love to see oh he's he's bleeding a lot all right so let's get him poison again we want him to lose some health that's it bring him down bring him down and we got the two towers here doing some electrical damage around this corner oogie's still bleeding he's bleeding a lot and he's super poisoned i don't think you're going to get far me although there's not actually anything down here defense wise but your particle cannon doing the damage let's let's upgrade his health damage boosh we've gained a treasure chest so let's unlock that oh and let's sharpen our blades again an extra two damage to health with the shredders right we really need something up this end maybe i want to save up for another particle cannon i've done two teslas for now but my aim is to get a particle cannon so i'll probably sell those at some point oh man when the saw hits a group of people it's so satisfying all right let's get another saw going ripping them a new one right and we've got enough to buy another particle cannon so i'm gonna shove that one next to this house so that's doing a fair amount of damage all right so next stop do we add another tower we could get a flame tower because then we'll be doing bleeding poison and flame yeah let's do that because you can never do too much damage so let's demolish that tower i think and let's shove the flame tower on there it will expand and yes i'm gonna do the priority to the most health so it should just burn up that road covering the most amount of people maybe a poison sprayer on this one oh god oh god there's a lot of enemies coming there is a lot of enemies still they're all getting burned out and those stacks of logs did not last long not too much of a surprise all right this area really is just death if we can get flame in there as well there'll be all three of the constant damages going on all right these guys are getting close though thankfully particle cannons are there to thin out the crowd because they pretty much one hit kill most people now boosh nice okay let's expand into here and i'm thinking we get a shredder down i was already a shredder all right let's get poison sprayed out because i didn't realize this one can actually reach up there amazing i'll just spend a little bit on upgrading these early ones and yes this is looking very good look how good the fireworks on the big old tanks they are burning like anything and then they erupt full of people who then get hit by sores before coming around this corner and getting hit by poison that's the best thing about these these guys that they just constantly bleed right so this time i think we should go for bleed them dry this increases the max bleed a second to 50 so yeah we'll have some of that we're using the shredders quite a bit as we'll expand and i might even put a shredder behind that house so it can level up so there you go you're in you can just about reach and everyone is bleeding along there that's nice this is looking good this is looking very good also this level's been very kind to me we haven't branched off at all yet we're still on a single line which is also very nice because it means i can build some things on here so perhaps another flamethrower up there that's pretty good we get the full combo you can't even see them they're not lasting long enough but they are bleeding on fire and poisoned all at the same time the triple threat all right so let's expand and then let's do a shredder up there and it is it is beautiful i don't know what to add next perhaps some maybe some more poison 600 gold we need we can do that very soon so let's plonk that up there and then they'll have the triple threat as soon as the as soon as they enter and this tower can reach down there as well well mana is getting low though so i'm going to build another mana siphon and i'll probably just surround this one so we'll just build four of them for 400 gold now we're making 11 a second so the fire the poison and the particle cannon they all run on that oh and we do have some testers down here i forgot about you guys but nice now what do we go for we could increase our pascal cannons but we're not even using those so what i might do instead shall we try a new tower the encampment tower this covers the paths with landmines that could be good at the start it costs 500 gold though oh that is pricey that is very pricey let's expand and hopefully we can save up some gold i'll probably just put it in this corner although look the saw blades reach up here this is awesome all right there we go we've nearly got enough so i'll plonk that there what's the range the range is good mystical new tower oh we heard one explode yeah i'm not sure it's doing too much i think we'll upgrade it a little bit and then it should do some more damage but uh the tactic of doing the triple threat i think that's what we're gonna stick with mainly we can afford another flamethrower i might put it up there and that reaches both sides nice you wouldn't think that skeletons would burn or be affected by poison but they are and i'm glad they are because that is all they're running into all right then let's expand and there you go you can see the mines going down now they look like lily pads but uh they're not lily pads oh they do they do area damage oh yes that's quite a good spot for that then early on before everything's done the damage let's get a flame through there pretty good area so up there oh look at the area of that yeah this tactic is great until we run out of mana let's build a few more mana siphons we did get a new crystal up here plonk those down oh and there's another crystal there that we missed we may as well do that one i'd hate for us to run out i really want to try a new tower the obelisk use mana to melt nearby enemies i feel like we've got the flamethrowers we're using quite a lot of flamethrowers as well so it's probably better to do one of these too i'm gonna go with the pyro chemist 50 burn oh yes then we'll expand again oh here we go we've got a three way up i'm just going to spend some money upgrading all these i think so i think how upgrading works we can choose which we want to upgrade you see over here shield multiplayer four so it does 44 damage to shield so if we upgrade that it then does five so well worth upgrading it doesn't cost too much and you can really increase the damage if i level up these ones next to the houses we'll actually make some money back all right let's expand back in this direction so maybe some of our towers down here might be able to hit them but uh oh goodness that is a lot of enemies actually i would love to shove a sword up there just gotta save a little bit more money and then we can do it nice although it's probably a bit too late now all the enemies have gone matt thankfully they've all been melted in here let's do some more poison up there siphon some more mana and then what upgrade do we want to go for we could build a haunted house i think you put them near the gravestones and that will also gain you some mana so yeah let's do that that's sort of preparing for the future yes let's expand again oh look they're coming over here and look we've got a zombie yogi new boss in the house he's got a lot of shield i think purple is shield so the flame throw up here let's do some shield damage let's make sure we're taking that down oh man he is just waltzing through the death area he's not even hurt really he is burning so much though nearly three yeah 3 000 damage 5 000 flame damage and now he's getting poisoned but i'm a little bit worried about his shield he's surviving a bit too easily look at the poison damage and fire both over 5000 both over 6 000 now but that bar is not going down a lot so for the first time in a lot of rounds i think these guys yeah they're going to do some damage so let's do your shield damage way up look at the shield multiplier it does 1100 damage okay they're literally saving us for the boss i can't remember if this guy ejects like little babies here he does there they go there they go they're off take him down oh we let you have nothing up here um we can afford a shredder so we'll shove that on there is it going to do enough damage oh it's making them bleed but not enough we've taken down the zombie yogi but we're getting more ballistas more blisters that's no good they're way too quick right well anyway we've got we've got loads of health we've got 9 out of 12. so let's unlock these chests and see what we've got in them let's add some nitric acid into our flaming towers and this other one let's do more poison damage yes please oh and there's a third one as well uh high explosives yeah why not why not so back up here we're gonna expand this weight so we get these guys but then we also get them back here as well and i'll probably do like some poison up there because we got flames around here already i might do some more poison up there as well maybe some more flames why not why not i also want to see how the haunted house works they only cost a hundred gold if we shove them there do we get plus two oh wait it's using mana wait so these turn mana into gold do they i'm not sure but look these landmines they do 25 burn damage if we get that so yep let's do that and then we'll shove some more land mines we'll do one up here i think so yeah now these mines they're doing flaming damage they're like napalm landmines this log thing is already on fire love to see it down here is just a mess of flames and poison and all sorts but as long as it makes out the cloud i'm pretty happy oh look and we got a tower here so if we put things on there we gain it's basically extra height did you see was a plus four so that just means we get extra range probably not worth doing anything on there i'm going to delete that and we'll move a shredder over to there i think and plonk another one up there as well now the other thing we unlocked with that tile look at this this is an occult shrine we need to place a university next to it to learn what mysteries it holds i have no idea what it does yeah but we'll look into that i'm also worried look the mana is really being used up are there any more crystals we can mine no there aren't okay next upgrade we're gonna have to try and get some more mana because that was a bit close i granted we survived don't get me wrong but it was close so let's do sorcery one regain one percent of your max mana per second we'll do that it went up by one to 22 a second wow that wasn't really worth it was it and we will expand this way and look we got some more crystals let's siphon these bad boys and put another shredder there level it up all right enemies still aren't getting very far there's sort of a few are making it sort of round the main death area but not really i think i'll probably just invest my money in making this death area even more deathly so we'll do a load of flame towers do a bit of poison and as mana is going down i might add a mana bank and maybe another one that's up to 29 oh it's still going down it's still going down oh it's about to run out that's not good enemies are making it round now as well look at the damage they're taking though 2 000 fire damage all right then we got another upgrade uh let's increase the poison damage and then we'll expand once more i'm gonna come down to where am i gonna do it i feel like i need more things that aren't mana related maybe an encampment on there maybe a load of ballistas i might do them just lace this area with ballistas so if anyone makes it through they sort of deserve to make it through absolute death zone there look imagine being stood in the middle of that that's pretty terrifying let's just keep expanding spend a little bit on upgrading oh man and we really need some more mana okay let's get rid of this haunted house then let's build a mana bank all right so we're going to increase our poison damage from 30 to 80. and another crystal so let's just siphon around it oh god people made it through the death area the ballista death area didn't work as intended because we really don't have many defenses down this end all right let's expand again always expanding and we'll do some poison on that tower look at the range of this maybe a flame on the tower next to it man elemental temperature is insane i literally can't see a thing and death area is doing the business now because there's people they're shooting missiles you can't see him there there is someone under there he's firing a missile thankfully he didn't get too far and neither did his missiles oh lifesteal every enemy kill generates one max mana yes please that sounds incredible all right let's expand this direction oh no we got a two up that means twice as many enemies i think oh look there's robo wiggy he's a big boy he's he's on a unicycle apparently is that meant to be scary the confidence of this guy just really really it freaks me out right he is getting poisoned how's everyone else doing everyone else is doing fine uh as i've got some money i'm gonna get a particle cannon and we're gonna shove it on that tower for a plus three area there we go that looks pretty good if we tell him to shoot the most health then he should take out the robo oogie especially if we upgrade him nice in fact i might shove another one down so he's got loads of armor so let's just upgrade the armor i can't i got no money i've only got one gold but he is burning 12 000 burn damage and then the ballistas getting involved i don't think they're gonna do much but uh he is taking some damage let's just go check over here what does this do for armor damage only 540 that's not a lot actually not for someone like this i'm sort of i'm debating deleting some of these or are we going to do it is it going to be fine oh man yeah i'm going to have to delete some of these towers i got some money now let's shred them oh god he's really he's taking a beating he might actually make it more ballistas oh no he's made it to the tower is that game over that can't be game over shoot him oh no 34 levels defend we didn't beat our record i thought with the elemental damage we were we were on to something but apparently not oh that's that is gutting that is gutting look how much money we generate from the monsters 52 grand we spent and we still couldn't defend it right well anyway guys that was rogue tower we learned a lot about the new towers and if we look in upgrades look we got 600 xp to spend love to see it but we'll do that next time and i'll say peace love and robo oogie on a wooden unicycle i can't believe he beat us bye guys [Music]
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 1,021,669
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rogue tower, rogue, tower, defense, castle, castle defense, siege, fortress, fort, fortress siege, invasion, castle invasion, fortress invasion, rogue tower preview, rogue tower lets play, rogue tower alpha, rogue tower beta, rogue tower ep 1, rogue tower part 1, rogue tower playthrough, rogue tower walkthrough, rogue tower early access, tower defense games 2021, rce, real civil engineer, roguetower, tower defense games 2022, roguelite tower defense, defend castle game
Id: Pr60sCL14w4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 52sec (1612 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 02 2022
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