Can you beat the game with a single LVL 100 flame tower?

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hello fellow engineers and welcome back to rogue tower first off let's do some upgrades i don't think i did any upgrades last time so we've probably got a lot of xp to use three and a half thousand xp i'm not even sure if there's that many things left on there so you've got the encampment ones to unlock the lookout tower which i never really used to be honest the particle cannon and then that's pretty much everything unlocked except for down here the bleed and fire damage i should probably upgrade all of those as i use them all the time so they're unlocked we've still got 2 800 xp left we'll do the lookout tower we'll do the encampment stuff we've got 1300 xp is that gonna be enough to do these i think it actually might be 50 xp to do that we've unlocked everything i have played this game a bit too much i think i've never played triple defense surely as someone that's unlocked everything i should probably give this a go current record zero we've got nothing to lose so let's do it so here we go oh man it's triple defense i don't know why i wasn't expecting it to start every direction for some reason but we'll start off by building our map with ballistas because not only are we covered for every enemy direction we're also getting extra gold so i guess we'll expand that direction right apparently something happened there i didn't see anything we're on to our first upgrade ooh what do we go for i'm thinking banditry get it early on get the extra gold for every death but a bit risky if they do make it to our tower still i think extra gold is definitely useful the other question is do i expand every direction or just one or i don't really know let's expand over that way what shall we upgrade now i'm thinking maybe flame tower or mortar i think flame tower i think that would be useful when the armor starts ramping up i've also decided to expand in every direction whether that's right or not not sure our tesla or mana siphon both s tier options i might go tesla so we'll grab a tesla because i think this is like a perfect tesla spot so we'll put that there and then we'll maybe expand these directions oh look obelisk i do like an obelisk but there's also frost keep i think frost keep is probably one of the best things you can get so i've actually got that now we really need some mana siphon so mana isn't going up too much oh god those guys are getting close as well we need to we need to build some more defenses we've got a thousand gold do i unlock a shredder that would be our only tower minus a ballista that will do damage without using mana i think i'm gonna unlock the shredder we'll shove one there and we'll shove one over here somewhere when we have enough gold at the moment we don't oh and you can see the enemy they've got a bit of armor that white thing is armor we're about to lose a life no we're not oh that was close all right took all those guys down nice oh man of siphon or banditry i think i think i need the mana siphons really but now we've got mana siphons we put these around crystals so these blue things are crystals that will give us mana as you can see in the top right that was plus three minor a second now we're on plus five so it will expand that direction oh that's another good spot for a tesla i'm gonna shove one up there but uh things looking okay things are looking pretty good actually and there's the banditry that we wanted all right 300 gold i think another tesla on there we'll expand that direction as well and then we'll get some more minor siphons with the rest of the money we collect this round all right nice we're pretty secure on all lengths of arm this time so maybe i'll increase the bleed damage as we are using the shredders and then i probably want to add a flame tower to each arm now because that will get rid of the armor i know the armor is going to ramp up soon if we go that direction first we'll shove a flame tower there we'll tell it to look at the most armor and that's burning down there getting rid of that nice that is actually a really good spot for a tesla's right i'm going to shove that there oh that guy got close oh no oh we lost quite a lot of tower health there perhaps upgrading we've got to be careful but look it's banditry three more gold we need a flamethrower on this arm badly though so let's expand and then we'll try and shove one down when we have enough gold there you go all right so most armor i'm gonna upgrade the armor a little bit as well um we're losing we're losing oh that was so close i thought that was it we've got four lives left all right let's increase the bleed damage again and then we need a flamethrower on this arm how much will that cost 450 okay i might expand this direction to give us some time there you go we got enough so we got that there most armor armor multiplier that should knock off all the armor nice shredder doing the business i'll tell you what we could use a shredder over here i think oh especially with a trail of blood bleeding enemies take an extra one health damage from all attacks i think we'll do that we'll expand that way and then we'll add a shredder somewhere on here that's got a very good radius and nice these bleeding enemies they're taking more damage every time now very very nice right shall we focus on bleeding we're getting quite good bleeding upgrades attacks against bleeding enemies have five percent crit chance sure why not sounds good to me we've got 800 gold we could shove another shredder we've just got to work out which arm is the least defended i think with the number of towers it's probably this arm oh look and it's branched off as well i think we'll shove a shredder on there that should make them bleed and then the flamethrower will do even more damage come on shoot there it is there it is nice that arm's pretty good this arm completely fine this one stacks of logs got to be a bit careful we might want to do some earlier damage there's a lot coming through here i think that shredder should deal with them yes nice there's still a stack of vlogs there there's a lot of people they're getting tesla though it's fine it's fine all right next up i think lame throws against armor is good i am a little bit worried in two levels time you've got the oogie we got the boss he has a lot of health i know a radar tower they're really good against high health whether they're worth a thousand gold because that's what they cost not entirely sure it might be best to just like focus on frost keeps or something because we can get quite a few of those then yeah i might do that instead so we'll take the nitric acid we'll expand this direction i think that's where the uggie will come from because i think this will be the longest path as long as we expand one of these afterwards so we'll expand that way or look we've got a junction and then i think we'll shove a shredder like that that should do some early damage and maybe we'll do flame thrower there as well most armor give it some armor damage all right that's burning nice how are the other arms looking pretty good we're gonna make our shredders do 50 more bleed as we are focused on bleed so that's good and then we're going to expand that direction and i think oogie will come from up there so what i'm gonna do i'm gonna get some frost keeps down and these just slow him down so there he's slowed down getting hit by those definitely want one over here then we may want one in the middle and do some damage over this way so we could put that in and then put some ballistas up here on high health or something if you target most health and then we'll probably upgrade you i'm just not sure if oogie will come from that way we'll have to see so we've expanded yep there he is there is oogie that's good he's bleeding he's on fire as well if we upgrade this to do health damage we'll then get another ballista up there also upgrading the health damage target most health and hopefully we should take down oogie quite a bit with this he's going slow he's taking damage for sure the other arms are fine so it's just oogie we're focusing on we've got a lot of gold so i might get another ballista like on there all right oogie is coming do i upgrade this ballista or are we good we might be good we might be good there you go we've done it we've survived the first oogie i don't know how but i'm alive can you believe it it's a miracle yeah now things are gonna go a little bit shieldy so we need to make sure our shield is covered although this make them suffer is very very useful because that increases the max bleed burn and poison per second by 40 and as we've got a lot of bleed we got a lot of burnage as well i might do that instead i was gonna i was gonna upgrade my tesla to do shield damage but i might just upgrade them manually so yeah we'll take the damage over time we'll try and click on this it's sort of hidden there but there you go open that what have we got or we could take a poison sprayer that will help us with these shields they're good against shields and things are going to get shieldy look at our mana though it's completely wrecked the first job of the date we build a few more mana siphons so we got 400 gold left let's get a poison sprayer on one of these arms probably over here so you look at most shield and then we'll expand over that way and then we'll do another poison sprayer over this side so you look at most shield because look these these guys with the purple that shield we got to be very careful we'll upgrade the tesla to do shield damage oh they are sneaking through you might need another poison sprayer here look at shield do some shield damage that one should die he's poisoned these ones are sneaking through they're bleeding they they are bleeding let's get a tesla in there do some shield damage oh i think we just about killed them what about these there's a few coming down there we've got frost keeps on this arm they i'm not gonna upgrade this arm for a while i don't think right mana bank is definitely gonna be needed in the future it's just how long we're gonna survive i'm not confident at all anymore this game's got pretty serious already i will take the mana bank just in k-state but really we need to start getting frost keeps down every arm i might get rid of that tesla i might shove a frost keep there i really want to shove a tesla on there as well but we'll see how we get on we'll see what happens i need gold we've got gold all right let's shove a tesla on that then will we need a frost keep over here we don't exactly have enough gold for it we're out of mana as well we're completely out of mana all right let's build some more siphons quick oh no they've made it through they made it through i just built a cycle in the wrong place poison spray shield no i think we've lost we're on three oh we're dead we're dead right so we go again i'm i'm a few rounds in we're on level four i've just unlocked the flamethrower on the tesla i think that's going to be the combo to do this for me now we've also been pretty kind with the layout of this we got like the river nile going on so we can tesla up quite nicely here one up there and if we expand this direction oh we can shove one in the middle there that is a beautiful spot and then you can see one enemy made it through there because he had armor so i think if we get the flame throws going that will help us as well and now we can focus on upgrading them but i'm also going to upgrade my heavy shafts as well we want to keep the ballistas fairly decent i think they are our last line of defense after all right we got our flamethrower on there now looking at most armor we might need one on the other arms when we can afford it maybe one on this arm most armor those guys are burning nice oh there it is there is the mana siphon we definitely need that so we'll take that i'm going to delete that flame through it and then i'm gonna siphon a couple of these crystals all right then we'll expand that direction and then we've got a flame tower ready to go down wherever we need it i think it might be on this arm most armor flame it flame it right there gone that end's gone nice i do like the frost keep but i'm not sure if that was the reason i died last time we used too much mana i might just stick with upgrading this time do it a little bit differently all right so we've got flamethrowers and teslas on all arms except this one so we'll expand this one and when we can afford it we'll shove a flame thrower probably there all right there it is put you on most armor and then we're pretty well protected on all arms nice we'll take a bit of banditry let's get some extra gold on the goat and then more mana siphons oh we've got some people making it through this side they've got armor so one made it through this side they didn't make it through it was close it was close we'll upgrade the tesla we need we need more armor on this side so we need a flame tower somewhere i think we'll expand and then we'll shove one there most armor so that should rinse the armor before it gets the tesla tesla can finish them off nice that round went pretty well we're gonna double our burn with kill them with fire and then i'm gonna start prepping for the iggy so we're gonna expand this direction to try and make this the longest arm it's got some good curves later on in the level how's the mana looking it's okay i might get another tesla back here oh and i tell you what is nice tesla's doing poison damage yes we will take that please so we're going to expand up here we're probably going to want maybe an early flamethrower because look we've got the dreaded stacks of logs now there's a stack of logs there it's getting burnt you can see the tesla should poison it as well should it hasn't there it is it got poisoned all right nice feeling confident about this oh over here we can do another testlet another flamethrower that's like the perfect layout for us we do need to watch the mana though and we need to watch these shorter arms okay tesla to shield damage that will help us after the oogie then i'm going to spend a little bit on a few more siphons i really don't want to lose the mana then i will actually be screwed expand once more that way you are split off so that is the end of that arm but uh we need to make sure these two are covered although they're doing all right they're doing all right let's upgrade the health damage on you get rid of those stacks of logs we might want another tesla back here depends if these guys make it through now they won't they're burnt they're poisoned all right next up i'm doing banditry three let's get some more money involved although we do have two grand we know the uggi is coming this time so we need along this arm some health damage so what i was thinking we upgrade some of these health damage we get some ballistas on the plus three tower because that does quite a bit damage actually you cannot grade them for really cheap as well we've got some plus threes back here as well so let's shove a ballista there another one there look at most health we'll upgrade it same with this one and we've still got nearly 800 gold it might be worth making this arm a little bit safer because i could shove a tesla on the middle of that corner i could also upgrade these ones they haven't been upgraded yet so they're quite cheap and then we'll expand over that way and hopefully the yogi will come from down there yes it has so we've just got to hope we can do enough damage we don't have the frost keeps this time we've got to make sure we don't lose any lives with these as well they're looking okay i'll get rid of that tesla we've got we got 1700 quid in case we need it yeah the oogie is he's got a lot of health a lot of health i think we're gonna need more ballistas oh god he's not even down to a quarter health oh man all right there you go he's taking damage now he's going through quite a wiggly area so these ballistas are like always hitting him quite nice that i think he's down that was quite tight oh man i really want a heavy shaft three but as we got flamethrowers in every arm i think fire and flames is good enemies take an extra one armor damage from all attacks that will really get rid of the armor although now is shield time to open this treasure chest we could make our plane throws better against shields that could actually help us this round then do we get the mana bank for later i think as this is where we only got to last time it's probably not worth doing that yet let's focus on upping stuff we'll make the poison damage better as well we'll do extra health damage with those how many upgrades are there this is awesome let's do the burn damage as well nice so i'm going to assume this arm is fine the oogie one these are the ones massively need upgrading and we need to focus on shields so if we spend a bit of money upgrading the tesla shield then we can get another tesla up here maybe to do early shield damage that's only cheap so we'll pay for that and then it's just this arm i'm a bit worried of so when we've got some money we'll try and focus on this side are there any shields this oh there might not be any shields this early on oh look they're all up this arm okay oh the shield damage is pretty major there's more shields coming down here we might be okay though this tesla's gonna do quite a bit of damage against him nice the game was very kind to us then it didn't put any shield enemies on this arm our weakest one there's nothing here that's good against shields so i might just take heavy shafts three purely for the name all right i think this location is good for a tesla we'll do the shield damage on that too so now this arm is a bit more fortified if we expand this again is another good spot for a tesla let's get that shield damage down early ideally i want another flamethrower there as well to do the armor early on but we can't have everything remember if we beat this we beat our old record focusing on just three towers seems to be the way i'm a little bit worried about these guys though but it's okay i think we've got rid of them that guy's poisoned and burning yeah nice we're good we beat the record by the way the comments of one of the last videos that when i say tesla coil uh you guys here and apparently the captions here as well testicles yeah we're going to upgrade our testicles to gain three damage to shields that is a very very useful upgrade at this moment of time and then are we just going to expand that direction add a flamethrower like that do some armor all right we've got some shield damage let's upgrade the tesla's for shield down here sony cheat and then make our flamethrowers better against shields why not all right we have a lot of gold 2 400 nearly i feel like perhaps we could improve this arm there's not a lot going on if we do like another flamethrower there you can see armor and shields it's actually good against both of those we'll expand that way as well but back here we have we have a lot of shield incoming so i might get another tesla there i'll upgrade these for shields might give these ballistas some shield damage as well yeah the other arms they're doing all right they're doing okay they are coping we could move on to critical hits or we could go with a mana bank we are gonna need mana soon because there aren't many crystals about i might take the mana bank for safety although i'm gonna max out the crystals first we'll do that now once we have excess cash so that's as much as we can get with our current layout everything else will have to be through the bank oh there's another crystal there that's good shove a tester on there once we have enough gold we don't have enough gold they cost 875. we might just want to upgrade what we have to be honest all these ones are sneaking through we're going to upgrade these ballistas because they are saving us just on the health damage that's all that should be left by the time people get this far oh flame towers gained 15 crit chance yeah i'm sort of moving into the crit area i think look how long this arm is as well oh it's ridiculous let's get another tesla there they're so cheap to upgrade when you first bonk a tesla down in case you're wondering why i'm doing this oh we got some health down here let's do health damage on that tesla but we're doing okay i think there's a few like strong enemies now these skeleton things seem to be pretty strong they're not lasting too long though yeah let's get some burn crit oh man this arm is so generous i think this is going to be the oogie one oh did that bat that bat made it oh that's not good that is not good oh we're losing some lives now it's because they're turning into bats no we've lost oh oh i thought we're doing so well those little dracula things they turn into bats when they die that killed us all right well i quite enjoyed my flamethrower tesla combo we know how good the tesla is on its own shall we find out how good the flamethrower is on its own so we're doing single defense we're gonna go until we unlock the flamethrower there it is flame tower straight away and then we're gonna try and find a good position for it so i think to be honest there is sort of perfect so we'll increase the burn damage we'll then delete these ballistas we're gonna make this pretty strong i think we'll get it to like level 100 overall so we got a 40 times multiplier on everything let's expand that weight and then we'll see how many rounds we can survive i'm just going to upgrade the flamethrower stuff every single time this could take a while right we've got the oogie let's see if a level 100 flamethrower is overpowered i mean we know it is against these guys they literally last seconds all right we'll slow it down to normal speed oh look at the burn on him oh yeah oogie does not stand a chance i think this could go all the way right we got some strong enemies coming in now shields and stacks of logs and they're just dead all right loads of enemies coming in followed by zombie oogie as well the bats they're sort of creeping a little bit but essentially this thing is overpowered level 100 it's doing crazy damage let's see how the zombie oogie's shield copes all right ready oh oh he didn't get through i feel like maybe the later oogies might do they oh oh i think we technically lost with this mod you can't actually lose but i think we did lose there if that makes sense sorry i was in i was in a world of my own there just letting the game run through i think we've lost level 33 i honestly thought a level 100 flamethrower would make it right we should have the same sort of enemies so we'll play this one again i love how the flamethrower is like it's not even producing flame now it's just like like now i've had enough of this i've been flaming for like half an hour oh there you go there you go we saw a bit of flame right so these these hench guys i think they shoot missiles and i think that's what made it through flaming tower is in trouble because rubber oogie is gonna get round the entire map without being hit by flames at all oh look at this there you go they're hitting the tower i think that would have been game over and robo oogie has made it too unless the burn damage can get him there we are then technically game over obviously the mod won't let it be actually game over but i think we got to level 33 and we definitely died at level 35. so there you have it guys a level 100 flamethrower cannot beat the game on its own right peace love and flamethrowers i'll catch you guys bye [Music]
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 305,988
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rogue tower, rogue, tower, defense, castle, castle defense, siege, fortress, fort, fortress siege, invasion, castle invasion, fortress invasion, rogue tower preview, rogue tower lets play, rogue tower alpha, rogue tower beta, rogue tower ep 1, rogue tower part 1, rogue tower playthrough, rogue tower walkthrough, rogue tower early access, tower defense games 2021, rce, real civil engineer, roguetower, tower defense games 2022, roguelite tower defense, defend castle game
Id: nAHV5KGprkI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 52sec (1372 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 12 2022
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