I Spend 100 Days in Ark Survival Ascended and Here's What Happened

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it's been a long time coming but today I spent 100 days in Ark survival ascended finally chasing down specific artifacts so we could battle and Conquer our very first Titan to exploring and finding new dinosaurs with each turn in every corner of the map and spending way too much time trying to build up enough resources for this gas mask yes this was an easier challenge because of certain options raised but honestly it was because of how much fun I found myself having if you're curious and you don't know check out my other video on Ark survival evolved while trying to survive on another map called the center but without further Ado I spent 100 days in Ark survival ascended and here's what happened starting up this new version of Ark survival ascended I began creating my character trying to decide if I wanted more bulk or maybe some muscle perhaps I wanted a little bit of a chub whatever my choice was I knew I would choose well everything seemed normal enough not until actually picking a Zone to stick to are you the one I've been waiting for hello what you might be I hope so is this something new been so many cycles since I was herles do I even still remember hope I don't know do you I wasn't sure you'd ever turn up the odds just kept getting longer I guess I've been losing faith who is this who are you been gaining power you have to reach me okay everything depends on your survival Master this world you got it make allies of its many creatures this is beautiful I love this already your strength and skill explore this place like I did so long ago put the pieces together and find me surviv you may be the only one who can oo okay I'm ready Nostalgia flooded back in as we scratched the arm finding ourselves inside the ark once more everything about this was awesome with me and my excitement all over the place this game looks so good what the heck look at the water it looks even better wait this is the island so this means it's more of like a remastered kind of thing I want to say from learning how to play the game while not being a complete Noob again my jaw dropped with how thick my character was looking man oh man as simple as this was I also never used a shield in Ark before knowing full well that exploration would take over again I needed to think of where I was going to build my base I had just the place in mind soon enough the foundation started coming together Brick by Brick things were moving faster than ever before even with a few walls up and some storage to end the night with day two here and spending way too much time building that was my special y though I wasn't about to bore you here okay oh that's so pretty oh God I died oh I didn't know there was a big Cliff okay that's all good by early midday this is what the place was looking like almost the first floor done with just a roof left to go I also wanted a second floor with a ramp or stairs leading up to the next area the coolest thing I learned about building was switching through different skins of Parts you could build rotate oh we even have these no way ooh wait what is this one oh this is a different flooring wao hold on there are so many different types of floorings oh god oh is that secret oh my god with some fancy doors to match the roof was getting closer to being built something that scared the holy cheit out of me was this Dino it sounded so sketch between that and the next build our base was finally finished I know right crazy just look at it it looks even better than before yay having ideas on where to place torches for some sort of light source next we needed to work on Crafting benches the first ones being mortar and pestl that's so cool look at this I did something a little different all right mortar and pests are ready to go as the mortar and pests were still going next step was crafting some Tran arrows aiming dinos to bigger animals was a huge part of the game and something I wanted lots of just before taking a little break outside I found myself our first tame of the day the only thing that's going to suck is this thing is going to move Bolas are broken in my game for some reason like I look for them but they're nowhere to be found we got to try doing this woo my melee is stronger than I thought you were only level 82 sweet we got some sharks this close hold on hold on where what look at these guys oh this would be a bigger Venture as we were outside in the unknown all was great within the world things looked pretty dinos were dying to my Axe and I knocked a Patera Dawn out so immediately afterwards I found myself across the shoreline looking to tame a few parasaurs whoo that's the baby oh I'm I'm taking your your dad I'm sorry he's mine I need the mommy and daddy to make me a baby it would be a great addition and hopefully giving us the correct eggs for this recipe turning on a little in option and leaving them to do the nasty with a new day upon us a dno on our backs and the world at my disposal we came across the first of many problems I mean look at this this game's beautiful right look at look at that where you going to get that you can't get that any well not yet oh what o I almost fell off oh I haven't died yet oh no no no that's that's not true I've died multiple times that's okay though it's Arc you're supposed to die if you don't die I mean good on you can I tame a snake is it it's still coming right no it got closer than I thought oh you suck oh keep ready keep R keep oh my god oh it was following me oh my God you oh I crossed my leg so fast oh oh my butthole clenched okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay want to fight you want to fight fine Oh I thought that was another snake yo don't even I swear to God snakes are the spookiest things ever I felt Unstoppable like nothing could challenge me is that a raptor oh those are Raptor wait I killed myself I definitely wasn't a happy camper with what happened here but besides the death look at this why is she so thick though oh oh that's what I saw okay M can I get out can I get out can I get out I just want to get out I just want to get out okay okay okay sh it's okay guys he doesn't see us he doesn't see us he doesn't see us he doesn't see us he doesn't yeah I hear something big no no no no no no I'm panicking go first one they can't follow me in this room water great punks by this point in the game I was looking to tame as many dinosaurs as I could and quickly all the while making sure the dinos we tamed were compatible for baby making by the end of the night here it almost became second nature as the tames would not stop this is cool oh my God this is me beating the game I don't care what people say I know there's like bosses and stuff dude but this is this is insane saying this is crazy I never thought I'd say this but parts of the game sometimes had me more scared than subnotica crazy I know oh that was close moments later I found a test subject for trying out my shield you trying to hit me he just go in circles he can't hit you yeah he just can't hit me dude I'm too strong having that same food in the cooking pot all we needed now was the correct egg apparently there were different tiers to eggs used for Kibble with another early morning here I was up and ready for another adventure ahead taking us back into the forest and finding a new dinosaur not too worried about that oh what are you I don't I don't think I've ever seen that dinosaur before I didn't exactly have a plan but all I knew is that I wanted to check out the big oblisk out in the distance oh there's a what what the wondrous properties of the Flora voice acting will never cease to amaze me if I told my colleagues in London that I could create a concoction capable of erasing someone's memories W I'd be laughed out of the room and never invited to tea again yet here it say is it so my mind wipe tonic as usual I've had tribal leaders gring at the gates of Rockwell Mana just for the tiniest of samples and for the recipe oh the bounties I've been offered I'm not interested in their riches though I have their protection supplies for my studies and all the time in the world there's like these four Piner things I want to go down there I don't even care if I die I just want to explore at this point hold on hey no no no that's that's being dumb let's try a safer rout cucumber oh there's something coming oh please don't be dead well I swear the biggest reason for most my deaths in Ark were due to all the fall damage I took stuff was crazy having made a new set of armor the next morning a storm was brewing and by that I meant I was trying to tame those same dinos that killed me a few days prior oh uh can I get on you vroom vroom while being back on my Raptor we were working on more tames that would be then used for more eggs and kibble I'd eventually give up on the idea and find something much better but this was my struggle early on I even snagged myself a few Triceratops later in the day what I didn't like was us having to run away from a berry onx trying to kill us that thing just didn't want us picking its berries if you know what I mean as the day was coming to a close all our dinos were mating and left us waiting with a new day here we began filling up forges with a bit of metal the next task at hand was to find a new flying Dino and one that just needed Basic Foods or bears to tame thankfully all I had to do was search this Shoreline finding these flying birds called pelagornis around the open Waters name of the game was wait let's just wait you know wait with me come on oh and you're a fast one too okay with a huge W to my name we had the bird following us back to base getting ourselves ready and a nice saddle for this beautiful will be word ooh ooh really good stamina on this wao I'm like a boat look at this hold on you think they could catch me I saw a Shark here ooh I heard the big Rumble woo there's a lot more coming hold on o hello that's big shark that's a big one too ow okay you took one bite and I'm half dead what today would be a wonderful day because we finally had a way to Traverse the Skies of Ark in the meantime making ourselves dizzy because pain was fun I'll be it that wasn't the real reason I made myself feel nauseous here okay now this was about to be the biggest tame yet I think this might be a tough one I don't know if I want it but this T biggest problem I was having here was not realizing I could have just left the Rex To Be Tamed while doing other stuff meanwhile I was over here getting my bub and standing around waiting for something to happen so much fun though while thinking of ways to pass the time something you probably didn't know was our pale gorus died from a raptor the other day now I was on the lookout for another lucky for me there were plenty of them flying around the shoreline what I didn't realize at the time was these flying dinos these big birds they were pretty stubborn creatures oh I actually hit it and it um H I don't know if that's what I wanted it to do following the next day here we touched another magic Tech picking up an eyeglass and finally having the ability to see all information on Dinos from afar that's a the turtle pctl taking aim for a final shot we would have ourselves another pelagornis knocked out and waiting for this bird To Be Tamed in the meantime we would find ourselves a beautiful thur that had one of the best damage outputs woo and the terror bird goes down for the count right here ladies and gentlemen the one and only what are you looking at oh oh we got it we got it we got it we got it oh Fly Boy fly there was no way I was about to wait for another Dino To Be Tamed again now I just wanted to take this bird elsewhere next stop base seeing that this base did have everything and sure we already had most stuff built I just knew there was more out there for me to explore to build and gather my biggest gripe with this base was how far it was from everything else and so I thought what about making a base in the center of this map or close to it oh my God yo there's SOS you're going to die that's why I brought you over here I'm an evil person I'm just watching this fight happen you know let's zoom in let's get a closeup oh too close too close Okay my big plan on making a new base would easily take more time than I bargain for but in the meantime it was all about me my new metal shield and a raptor to lead the way groom groom was the [ __ ] and I was able to cut down any dno in my path another Big W anyone come on my favorite place of all time the swamps I wanted to level up my Raptor some more and what better place to do that in seeing that vom vroom was steadily getting tired it was time to give our pelagornis a go at it fly around some more and see what else we could find oh it's one of you oh God I remember people were saying like I found this in the first like couple of days but I had no idea what it was but the quels are like one of the best things for carry weight no idea what I found here but this was easily one of the biggest dinosaurs I'd ever come across what the mother [ __ ] excuse me does anybody want to tell me what this is It's like a brontosaurus met like a T-Rex and they had babies look at that what the fudge are you it's got to be some custom dinosaur it felt like this game was becoming the next Jurassic Park or at least what I felt oh that's a real what the type of dinosaur are you while this may have been one of the longest nights I'd spend we did find exactly what I was looking for and that was chunks of metals and crystals what I didn't expect though was the unexpected as much as dying became a normal thing to me I eventually found a spot that wouldn't freeze me to death giving us the ability to finally mine chunks of iron and then some we were about to have some serious metal cooking up in the forges one by one the upgrades between tools and weapons grew larger than ever before with our Raptor doing Raptor things today was a pretty chill day nothing too much or too little on day 22 however that's when I would really get to test my metal against some pretty tough dinosaurs Oh no you're right there oh you are unconscious can you go to sleep wild baby cetosis is this a sosis if I kill you I get your baby I'm killing you I think it's unconscious oh when did you guys grow up so fast okay I didn't know what was happening nor could I tell you why these dinos were dying but they were yeah I think something about them just can't go actual unconscious so we can't get into like inventories I think these ones are the custom dinosaurs and unfortunately just they don't work properly as much as I wanted to further level up my Raptor we headed north back towards the rich medals in hopes of farming up some more turns out the game would have other plans for me from the long list of things that frustrated me this was another biggie that I truly didn't enjoy farming up more rocks and resources around our teamed dinos really started pushing out more eggs that and we found a purple Tech just floating above some water I was finally ready today to make a new base in the huge Forest due north of course it wouldn't come without its issues too but I made the most of it all right look at this look at this oh it's cozy but outside is deadly so we got to prepare ourselves the only thing that I didn't like about fast travel was dropping everything in my inventory on command the hardest part about starting a new base was trying to transfer everything from our existing place to the new build we had in the for for even with my Raptor killing almost every dinosaur we came across I don't know why I thought this was a good idea oh it might be attacking no I think it's going to sleep wait are you trying to eat me what are we doing yeah you're trying to eat me I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry see that we died I wasn't ready to tackle a fully grown T-Rex more food was needed and I had the perfect dinosaur for that progression was slow and if I wanted to move forward I needed to build a fabricator for stronger weapons armor and just so much more the two biggest ingredients needed were oil and crystals both of which I didn't have while getting all we had situated back inside our base the Raptor needed to get stronger if I wanted more resources that felt at a reach seeing that our Raptor was at a wiing level 74 things started to get real spicy what would come early on was this having to look for wool hair or Pelt better armor was needed to survive these harsh conditions between both metal we farmed up and had on our rapure to everything we deposited into forages and campfires what I really and truly needed was oil I knew at the time oil could be found on trites but I searched forever I couldn't find a single one on the shoreline it seemed that every time I needed something it was never there but whenever I didn't need it the game was always kind enough to stuff our faces it's also that time in the video and if you made it this far comment Titans down below bright and early into the next day this portion had me in the water and looking for anything that resembled oil Pockets or bulbs as we were heading back to base we had a bit of land to cover not the threat though because these were some of the safest woods yet you aren't going to believe this or maybe you will but it took two full days for this allosaur to be tamed allosaur I don't know as I spent way too much time waiting around apparently another tame of ours was finally done so apparently the Rex actually got tamed but my Rex is tamed what I didn't even know that there's no popup again I didn't see it on the map that is insane while trying to take this massive T-Rex back to my base I ran into another explorers note I've decided to take a brief vacation from the laboratory well I say that I've decided to but the whole thing was my assistant Isabelle's idea she noticed that I'd been quite ruffled lately and suggested that I take a bit of time to myself before rushing headlong into my next experiment such an observant young woman that Isabelle she's somewhat lacking as a chemist but she understands my moods almost better than I do I dare say that an old fashioned Adventure will do me some good nothing like some rigorous Recreation to clear the mind perhaps I'll go spelunking yeah a splendid idea I know just the place for it through more more Fields grassy plateaus and finally over a rivered we made it back home this was by far the coolest dinosaur around okay T-Rex let's go baby we do a little bit of this a little bit of that scare our foes did I like the swamps no I absolutely hated the swamps if you didn't know that I was kidding before don't like the swamps so with a T-Rex I felt safest I could have been it was also so much easier running through with a T-Rex and trying to get back to our newly built home desperately in need of oil by this point that's exactly what I was in search for the Raptor was perfect for that because of the Zoomies they had we really needed a more sustainable source of oil the next few days was basically spent doing the same thing but also diving deep into the open Waters ooh there might be oil in here hold on there might be oil in here I have to go check I got to go check I got to go check okay get off you oh not a single thing of oil which I mean I guess isn't surprising it's not that deep here I I thought it would have something running into a few bigger dinosaurs also happened along my travels for me the hardest thing to deal with while swimming around the deep sea Waters was the Aquatic danger what took me a long time to realize I finally found the best source of oil that would last for literal days to come if not the entirety of this playr what is this oh this might be something hold on what is this hold on hold on hold on this is oil this is oil this is oil these little pocket thingies are oil the oil we collected would go such a long way I'm not even kidding okay H I guess we did spend an entire day just mining stuff by stuff I mean tons and tons and tons of oil having our chitten armor ready to go and our T-Rex ready to roam the for forc ahead of us we needed wool this is exactly why I needed more insulated armor okay let me just waking up to a new day you may have noticed something off here vroom vom was about to level up some more and become a guide for the entirety of the day I even came across a new large type of Dino like croc or something like that next part took me into this desolate volcanic mountains taking a little bit of a break to look into the Wilds I fell into something really odd why is there just a portal um kind of attempted to the system has existed for eons hello considering all the variables it has adapted well much like you it has toiled to reach its goals and it has overcome many obstacles however the scale is larger the struggle is longer in organic beings age can slow reflexes and dull thought not so with the system the speed and efficiency of its calculations are not in doubt one could argue they're the problem if a function has a [Music] 0.01% chance to cause an error but it's only run a dozen times an abortion is unlikely but a trillion times then it's inevitable more time more errors a drop turns to a trickle a trickle to a flood as I said everything is finite the system is no exception this day would take me into a new biome and one I wasn't going to last longing the fact that I died multiple times in the forest the snow would absolutely destroy me they're coming those big old bronos this place is cool as we did more farming XP around the island I happened to run into another loud dinosaur wa you guys are scary looking hold on hold on hold on hold on the best way I found to tame T-Rexes was killing off the fully grown ones and imprinting on babies wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute oh that looks like yes use him as bait go oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God oh I died because it was too cold okay right yeah that's a thing God damn it while dying in Ark survival ascended wasn't a new thing I always made it possible to get back to my body and ride or die it out having a T-Rex down and trying to tame it we miraculously found another one the only problem was we wouldn't be able to catch this one because of a certain glow all right you spin around you spin me right round they right there yeah I don't know if I could tame you but if I can't tame you no one can have you and I'm going to kill you with all my arrows finish him we're finishing him we're finishing him we're finishing him we're also getting hit by something oh God we did it the next day was probably one of the luckiest finds or crafts yet cuz we had just enough to make some new pieces of armor a look dude look look at our character she's just like so woolly it's great all right we shouldn't be cold anymore let's go see I'm coming for you guys here I'll let you know that I'm coming okay watch this hello Jurassic music plays oh hold on let's kill this guy now we didn't have to freeze our butts off all the time and made riding the T-Rex look so much easier than ever before everyone is dead yeah oh wait almost killing everyone there oh wait that's me hey with all these good things happening too the greatest thing was about to take hold having all I needed for this new fabricator I was about to be the happiest person yet but we weren't exactly Out of the Woods here we needed another floor someplace to put it that wouldn't make things more cramped with all this in mind and seeing what we could craft now more resources were always needed this led us to the top of the Mountainside farming more crystals and Rich Metals the one thing that was always in abundance oil oil was just huge huge hug huge but we couldn't make anything else until we gathered everything required my next idea while I will admit that this was probably too soon of an idea I was already thinking of tackling caves something I should have just left and never attempted let me just say I died so many times and didn't understand what was actually killing me forever here is that the cave oh this is a cave should I be in here hello what is this I'm really spooked I don't know if I should be in here like I heard something and I'm getting out of here okay yeah I don't know if I like that- between farming more rocks and looking at what it took to make polymer in the fabricator it seemed we were in Need for more resources than once I thought one resource that I started looking for and then felt impossible to find were silica pearls they were in pretty specific areas and I wasn't in the correct spot to find them the next day I would be doing the same thing trying to find silica pearls as much as I still had no idea what I was actually looking for fish was really the only thing I found in farm doing a whole 180 here this was something completely different I wanted to show you all what do you have in this one uh this is a Woolly Rhino horn holy crud I mean that as well I knew that we needed more wool to Chin but their levels came in in waves for this guy in the meantime I had other Tams going a female dir wolf and a female megatherium they looked like fun and I figured why not this big creature of sorts I honestly never expected to tame and it was pretty magnificent let me just say that wao what are you don't kill me I just want to shoot you make you mine but was so wild to me is what happened the next day I was trying to get all these different types of dinos and big animals back to to my base but there was definitely a lot more losses than I thought taking a look at this chunky team everything was going great and so well that there was no way I wasn't on top of the world cement Pace was one of the most needed resources too and where I eventually found real trouble for the moment however we would gather as much metal as this place next to my base offered I don't know why but all I wanted at the time was a gun and that needed more metal and gunpowder than anything else look at this thing this is going to be so good oh my God I can't wait don't ask me why but part of me was so curious to see what this volcano housed inside oh there is a door uh that is like locked or something and a pool of the uh okay we're going to burn burn oh God while climbing down the mountain with my fellow dire wolf we cleared a few allosaurs up and darted back towards our base one last thing I should mention is keep an eye out for all the megatherium we would acquire in the next few weeks prior to all the metal we gathered collected and smelted down into ingots this was the perfect time to start adding additions to the base I wanted to feel a lot more protected than just a small dinky house a nice metal and claustrophobic house would do the trick and then throwing up some walls so my enemies couldn't see me just what the doctor ordered even having the amount of megatheriums felt right I even found myself a pink one too can you guess what I named it oh my God look at it why is this one a different color what the fud while lining up all my recent tames the next day if it wasn't clear then it would be now I wanted an army of floof balls so as I let all the moms and dads do the nasty the plan was to go back out into the wild and get our direwolves some levels though it would be a time and a half for these flying Rascals I swear what I really started to focus on was changing up where everything went inside my new base adding quite a few more storage areas for more clutter to happen and then crafting a lot more fun powder for them Pew pews now who's ready for me to have a big old dying spree a snake sther sther oh while I was sad and upset that my metal shield wouldn't hold up the next best thing was taking Pinky and looking for the brain okay I wanted you to make one baby something I struggled to find in my recipes was this Pokeball type of equipment something that allowed me to capture the dinos and then summon them back out in any location I chose I also threw a diving outfit on my person because of silica pearls also all right I got to test this out I don't know if the suit is supposed to help I looked up how to like survive without even just like anything I never felt so stuck in my life I'll have to come back this way I got to take it real slow I can't I can't see I'm inside oh my God I can't believe I just made it that was ridiculous round three was a gas mask we had almost everything except for one type of resource we jumped back on our T-Rex and took a stroll to some open Waters now who has theophobia and doesn't want to watch this next part all righty T rex is there cool yeah that's what I thought they just know right away guys are crazy I go down in the water oh it's control cool what was so frustrating about all of this was the fact that I still had no idea what silica pearls came from other than certain dinos underwater rocks gave them to but I I don't know what do they look like this is where I caused a bunch of Mayhem just biting away at anything that moved while swimming and scuba diving underwater was fun as we came up for air the distance between me and the Rex was a lot further than I thought only way to get back was swimming in that very Direction well we died as we were back on our Rex I felt it was time to head back towards base I also bet you didn't think you'd see this in AR we were more than ready to start up the next and very important task ammunition finishing up with those same pearls we collected and crafting up as many electronics as we could as well I think I plan for too many babies here I mean just look at this Army of megatheriums all right quel you're coming with me buddy boy I just got to take this out and oop wait hold on how do I hey I caught the quetzel it's like um playing Pokémon one thing I didn't expect to happen and I really should have turned off was friendly fire to dino wait what oh did I I think I might have killed my Dire Wolf on top of that I was now alone and scared for my life sure I could do the damage but anything faster than me and I was a goner okay sabertooth tiger with a new and awesome qule to my name and a saddle to theirs this was the moment as we progressed in the game we would need new and different resources to start collecting and Gathering again most of the stuff was remotely easy except for the black pearls wao we got to go way up there let's say right here oo hello hello I'm Kim Possible no I'm I'm Jason no that's not the one hold on what's the nope not Tim who's Tim what is impossible God damn another way I found getting around the map was our quetzel with the additional movement speed because yes I did find it and start leveling the thing up yo there's like a spiky t hold on I got to get a better oh is laggy look at that dinosaur what are you can I have you please not one not two but 27 different Tech chest just floating in the sky we had the score of a lifetime can I pick you up picking you up look at him look at this guy higher got to go up higher about Cloud yay yay you got this you'll survive you have tons of HP I know you do ready for this guys here we go yo he actually survived with our scuba gear once more and flying back over to the deep sea Waters I Was preparing myself for another Deep dive the next time needed was something underwater and this would hopefully be that day what is that can you guys go to sleep oh there're sleep there isleep there're sleep there isleep holy crap I need to I need I need I need I need whoa why' I die while taking the loss and being back at home something that I knew came to pass the army that we once had from all that Nast was slowly dying off without food in their bellies they began starving and it didn't look or even sound great if you didn't know by now I was also a masochist and enjoyed pain not really but I was starting to become impatient with myself and this led to such a sad fall oh well here's the cave gosh so far so maybe good unless something scary comes in I don't know cuz I'm I'm kind of spooked that goes around in a circle o don't fall in there buddy I know there's a few more things on this side oo I don't like it I don't like it I don't like it I don't like it I don't like it [Music] waking up to a new day defeated and then some all I knew is that I wanted to replace all the resources we had lost or burnt through for all the deaths from wood gains coming in and so much more with day 80 here there was no way I expected to find or even see another Cate as random as it seemed I had to clear this bad boy out and regain what Pride I could problem was the bigger dinos didn't really fit too well though this beautiful animal would fit just right wait no that's the artifact I think holy I don't know where to start with the roris and malot tanus I'm going for it I'm going for it I'm going for it I know I'm naked and this is uh not good what is this artifact of the clever oh oh okay okay okay did I get it wao why is there another one as much as I wanted to continue exploring the cave we had too many important things to risk at all look at that that's so cool we finally have a first trophy artifact of some sort I don't know but we collect them and something happens with the first cave down and two more to go I felt that much closer to finally accomplishing what I set out to do fight and defeat my very first boss fight in Arc survival Ascend though without a moment's notice while prepping the next fight I knew we would need a lot more metal and what perfect place to get just that truly one of the scariest things I did in a long while so unknown and one of the tallest points in the game now it was time to find my balls and take the fight back into the ocean flying over to the waters once more and Diving deep underwater I scoured the depths for this creature oh I got it I got it I got it it okay okay we got it we got it we got it we got it we got it doed you are a oh a murus as our new sea monster followed us to shore I made quick with traveling back to base for a brand new and very expensive saddle oo oh yo this is dangerous dangerously cool also terrifying Not only was this this the coolest of things I actually felt like nothing could touch me while in the water we also had so many black pearls for something special look at this it's so pretty let's go up again and then watch look at the color oh I think we were over here oh my God it's so cool oh we're finally doing the things I've never done before again I have to preference so much went into getting a gas mask for this next part and I still don't know why I SP all that time for it we got to watch our HP all right and it is really laggy although the other one wasn't huge but again I could have missed stff let's let's test it out I'm going to try this out got to be careful though come on come and get some punk I know you want it jeez look at all these like bugs they just keep coming when you have a gas Mas this one is so much easier the craziest thing to me was how easy it was for these snakes or spiders inside the cave to break my gas mask oh our gas mask broke even with another mask crafted all of our stuff from ammunitions to guns and even the direwolf were gone if you made it this far into the video and want to make me happy hit that subscribe button You Beautiful b word you what took me way too long with crafting replacing and getting almost everything we had back I was frustrated tired and wanted another wolf that's exactly what we had and that gave me another chance to find out what was lurking inside those poisonous caves can I also say that I learned what leeches did in Ark and was not a fan holy crap okay okay why we got to have so many it legit took forever to get our direwolf back on all fours hello what is what is this why are you here uh I'm going to touch it okay blot crate sure um I mean yeah I'll I'll take it oops I pause the game for a little second and there you have it God is extremely I got the artifact in addition let's go let's go let's go out here the first thing I did the next day was get myself a shotgun the coolest thing about all this was the ghillie suit we had on the outfit was fantastic and very versatile this may have seemed really extreme but I was just cleaning up I was on clean up Duty okay I also found myself another T-Rex that planned on giving me a hard time though the tame would come the next day or so you finally came up oh my God guys I dug out all that land over there all the trees that used to be a whole Forest thing dug out all this right here this all used to be trees around oh my God there's too much man this too much between T-Rex's mating and trying to hatch eggs I was having quite some trouble here oh my God where did come with me come on don't break anything please for the love of God don't break anything I even believed it would do me good making a completely isolated and separate place for them back on the qule we took to the skies once more finding another cave that was needed for this boss spawn one that actually wasn't too hard and I knew what to expect by this point I hope this is another um Whatchamacallit what are they called again I can't remember oh it is woo let's go let's go let's go baby let's get out of here with it being just a week away from 100 days the prep was real because this next and last cave was something I worked towards from prepping all the ammo we would need to different weapons an entirely different load out even my beautiful saber buddy would help us here look at that big T-Rex there Jurassic Park at its finest all right here we go you ready oo oh it was level one I mean still this gun is strong as heck man like the place I had in mind was about to get us real hot and not in the fun kind of way don't oh do your worst oh my God hold on ooh so nerve-wracking holy crap don't like those I am not jumping that excuse me what if I stand here and then my turn to do some damage oh I don't like this I don't know why I'm do oh my God don't push me you're still there cool I've got a gun and I'm afraid to use it I I really am I supposed to go this way oh my God we're going to have to jump over there I think all right oo okay okay artifacts mine thank you I want to see okay I don't like that one I couldn't believe it but we finally made it to this very moment we had everything if not more all righty look at that 1 2 3 look at all these things man I've never had artifacts before this is the first time I finally had like well I've had artifact but I didn't know and I died and I didn't know what it was at the time I was like ooh that's just nothing cool where's the boss I was like wait a minute okay all that was left to do was make sure our dinos and bigger animals had some good levels for the boss fight I did happen to spend quite a few days flying above and looking to find new blueprints or upgrades to things we already had oh yeah yeah yeah look at this look at my outfit I mean it's all basic stuff but we got like yellow and the blues now like look at this one hold on look at this look at the yeah oh wait I didn't realize we got some recipes here hold on so many colors too I never knew this last time I played ridiculous oh hold on got some more recipes in here while spending just a little more time tending to my wolves and getting ready for some serious levels as the countdown begun from day 97 with our megatheriums to day 98 and making all the gunpowder I possibly could even on day 99 as I used my smaller Tams to give levels to the bigger ones this was about to be it day 100 was here folks 100 days spent in Ark survival ascended and I was about to gather everything we would need for the biggest fight of the game or what felt like the biggest fight to me so how do we do this do I just like press this first what's happening oh I got to get on the Rex yeah come here let me get on the Rex oh God don't get outside okay stay right there stay right there stay right there what's happening just like a orb thingy I don't know man okay okay uh-huh me too man oh it's like closing oh you see that it's like fully closing oh oh God aggressive everybody go aggressive kill the spider [Music] please where am I I can't I oh they killing it you got to get closer woo I don't even know what happened guys but this was the easy one oh my God yo oh look at this I got a a card a spider card this is The Brood mother mind you this was the easiest of the bosses on the easiest level that's why it was so fast oh oh it's actually like a hologram hologram look at that Guardians dossier there's this many Guardians in the game oh you know what different Maps might be different Maps I just wanted to say to you guys to every single one of you thank you so much thank you for the support thank you for trusting me with your time I really do appreciate it I am so grateful so from the bottom of my heart I love your faces I appreciate everything you've done for me and still do for me to this day I hope you guys enjoyed this episode this this video this 100 days of Ark ascended if you did you know what to do this is Ray app pandas signing out bye guys bye Ark I'll see you next time
Channel: Rayofpandas Gaming Channel
Views: 94,326
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rayofpandas, rayofpandas 100 days, rayofpandas 100 days ark, rayofpandas 100 days ark survival ascended, rayofpandas plays ark, ark survival ascended 100 days, i spent 100 days in ark survival ascended, i spend 100 days in ark survival ascended, i spend 100 days in ark, i spent 100 days in ark ascended, I Spend 100 Days in Ark Survival Ascended and Here's What Happened, rayofpandas ark, rayofpandas gaming channel, rayofpandas100days, ark ascended 100 days
Id: O7Hv0GJtg2Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 53sec (2993 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 17 2023
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