I Spend 100 Days in Grounded and Here's What Happened

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it's finally here the moment where I spent 100 days and grounded and do my best not to panic but as we both know that didn't go so well sure the game is filled with lots of luscious plants and wonderful insects such as bumblebees and ladybugs to red ants traversing the lands in packs and with creepy crawlers thirsty for some Rave pandas the amount of spiders in this game really had me scared to my core BT dubs if you enjoy this type of video leave a like down below hit that subscribe button and let me know what game you'd want to see me record next so without further Ado I spend 100 days and grounded and here's what happened not even the first day in and I was given the option of choosing my character and who would take those first two steps and grounded with us all right all right continue what I there's not even a game oh Max Willow Pete and Hoops what's the difference oh that's just hey nice to meet you hey I'm Willow the voices holy crap my name's Peter my friends call me Pete Ali who yo Ally me yo let's go okay uh creative creative with bugs custom so we have mild which I'm guessing is easy moderate trust level managed thirst hunger stamina the most punishing way to live the tiny life bugs are tougher vitals are harder to keep filled and everything breaks faster in the hardest difficulty was just literally called whoa it's just Whoa man whoa all right by now I was a little afraid of copyright with the cartoons in the beginning screen so my apologies for skipping the intro uh what are we watching okay I'm gonna be honest I kind of skipped the beginning there just because I didn't know if that was copyrighted or not there was like legitimate cartoon shows happening it's cool so if you want to see if there's other videos for that but hey stay here because thank you I love you guys explore your surroundings though today was the day suitcase and doll uh okay where am I I don't know what the heck is this place everything seems so big whoa jump okay [ __ ] oh hey I can see my body holy crap dude look at me check me out wait what happened to mine either two three four there's five of us what about the grounds collecting and Gathering a few resources Stone in hand NAB and try what is that what the [ __ ] wait are you right here yeah you are where'd you go uh there's like a little bug over there is it bad what the fudge I don't want that did the mites follow you I have no idea hold on where is found out that I was part of the movie Honey I Shrunk the Kids with two lasers sitting about seeing this baseball in the distance as I ran up the stick checking it out oh wait hold on I want those things you see those like little jelly dudes this is getting real you got this whoa laser shooting over there somewhere oh there's another oh dandelions cool what the f is that me dude that that oh my God that scares the crap out of me wandering about some more as I found my very first field station started learning more about how the game worked Field Station I should keep searching and see what else I can turn up science cool okay that's kind of cool um well what about this one this charge is is it every day I have no idea uh how do you how do you build tool craft I need uh the tool fuzz a lot of stuff did I mention this was woe difficulty which meant hardest difficulty oh I might die oh my God yo don't go for ants what the f uck I respond okay so yeah I'm just gonna put this up there right now I'm not trying to do no lives challenge okay I like to live but I also die a lot in video games you're just gonna have to get used to that like I do but that said um I'm gonna try my best not to die as much making my way back to my stuff I started searching around for some food oh I got it yes okay cool uh what I need more oh sir I mean the stuff I got three of them now baby alrighty soon after with our new ax it was time to start chopping and see what real damage I could do aha we got our first ax dude okay wait can we get the pebble thing no this yes we can we can consume this but we should probably cook I don't actually know oh shoot didn't even do that uh yeah I don't actually know how to build so I need a roasting pit uh Trail maker it even shows you what you need that's really cool look at that look at that okay and then building uh maybe we gotta do more material oh probably as busy as the day was the only thing I had left to do was get my base going I don't see any drop lope I see one ah damn it it's outside wait what if I oh it worked perfect I just don't know where that ax went dang it all right wait where I keep pressing the wrong button sorry uh so when it's night mode it goes into like this green thing I don't know man but it's super cool I love it sleeping through the night was a new sensation for me I like that they didn't have that last time I played oh and it actually all right terrifying it shows you the full-on thing cool not gonna show that every time but you better believe I'm gonna sleep some nights away starting off strong I checked my map out a bit and decided to build our very first workbench no other way I'm gonna build workbench right here oh I have sap I got him oh I see another one there's another aphid yeah I know this okay but oh wait that's water too hold on I want that water oh I want that water it was there it is there it is there it is hydration is the key to Performance aha I did it worked very much just need to craft more complex items interacted with the opening of your crafting menu next thing I knew was a bird coming down to swoop on me what the f uck what was that oh I don't like the big noises okay that's fine let's just grab some of these breaks something still didn't feel right like we were close to an odd machine of sorts uh uh oh wow oh it's just with with the we need okay so we need rope Clover Leaf armor protection engage we're the Foodies hey look at the armor that's awesome with a fresh new set of armor I felt more than ready for some Revenge can I win against this ant here oh my God no no no no no no okay okay apparently they have hacks they can jump at you wow good thing I'm not playing on Hardcore oh I'm out of stamina really how do you throw oh I think I got it oh what the heck am I dying I I think I'm dying I gotta get up I gotta get out I gotta get out I gotta get out is there something following me [ __ ] was that oh come on dang it oh I'm so bad at this game God these are so strong and they're like eating the sap up foreign armed guards and all that stuff oh red ant Club too oh this could be good feeling a little better about myself now safe and back at what I call Base I fixed myself up a storage compartment continuing to work on chopping down more planks and doing what I could to finish up the place the following day I finished more of my chopping Bonanza came across a few more aphids and met a mean the looking answer to I did find a few more things to analyze with the red ants and then fell into the trap on how to place a freaking door down like a door right here and then on like a door actually put everyone here too while placing more walls up and chopping the planks down inside we were greeted with a really cool and with many more to come surprises mutation detected wait what's a grass master I mean I've been chopping for a while mind you but no idea what a grass Masters Master of the grass chopping now couldn't have been any easier being able to save both on stamina and swings chef's kiss we did manage to also level up with the field solution apparently when you cook food and grounded on an open fire and with no door ants will walk straight in and eat your stuff oh that is a ant and coming through yo these guys were actually eating my food so whenever they make that noise they eat the food oh you sack of okay I gotta I gotta watch this stuff I mean actually this is kind of a good way to uh pull some ants okay there's something over there now with the problem I mentioned before those laser looking tripods it was time to deal with them hello what is this hello what the is this like a remote control or something hello can you turn on what's this hello Kaminsky like schmitter like all of ominant I am here in the backyard Target in the backyard I mean I am speaking to you from I am [ __ ] occasion it is because here's the the way the light falls upon every surface the subtle patterns and all of the objects that surround me the grass even common lawn grass looks like an alien world wait what's that sound I don't know every Earth is trembling no it's not what could I don't know oh no [Music] [Laughter] this man is crazy I'm tiny okay what do I what happens if I won't touch it oh light Joe oh it didn't work looks like one laser is blocked and the other is shorted out time oh okay so we chopped down that one and then there's something happening over there that's being shorted out ooh so it's like giving us stuff to finally do through my workbench I was so excited to see new recipes I could finally craft do that and then we'll do uh no no no no no this one yeah there we go all right grass yo these are mutations whoa what like an insatiable Lumberjack you're becoming a living a lawnmower you're okay your intimate knowledge of chopping grass allows you to topple them with increasing I can chop faster you're giving me faster okay trying my hand again at killing some red ants didn't go so well oh plenty of water oh gotta wait you're going for the food oh got him hey oh that's a big one mama no did I get wait oh I got hit hard oh my God actually I might be able to kill you oh oh my God I killed him bought my HPS solo Oh I was so in need of a new weapon an upgrade of sorts at the very least that said if I wanted something new I would need to find and slay my very first red ant Soldier awesome um or HP we can put away the spear finally I hope it's easy to repair all right we got the new club uh this one I think we're good okay I kid you not this new club was used for the majority of my playthrough because of how strong it was though with a torch in hand now it was time to survey the lens and see what was up with the laser not getting full power oh these are the things that are eating everything do I have that spear okay it looks like we're using an ax foreign cool look at all the mites we're getting actually it's pretty sweet oh this thing goes so dark door deep and it's dark it's deep and dark dark oh hello oh my God Jesus oh we did it we unlocked Dr like we got rid of all the stuff what is this I want this stuff I don't know what you are but give me oh wait is this a place we can go into oh a sturdy marble additional flavor scheme available what okay you discovered scabby uh allows you to change your interface to new visual flavors you can choose unique ones to use both daytime and nighttime in the OS tab now that was pretty great though with a few more scans I did get another level going all right what can we oh this nice oh we should get another level then right come on come on yeah level up baby all right what do we get what did we get grub vest so grub stuff and then okay I mean okay we're getting there we're getting better you know a few chests built to sustain my inventory I was looking for that added protection okay and now we've gotta break this one yeah hold on I'm gonna do this real quick too [Applause] all right we did all three what happened oh can we touch this no cool uh oh wait what's happening I don't know oh my God it's stranger things I think honey ice trunk The Stranger Things [Applause] what oh oh do you see that there's like a Halloween thing over there with a scary monkey mask thingy oh that's so cool that is legit so cool what happened investigate oak tree explosion uh oh that way I'm guessing with it being night I figured now would be the perfect time to sleep the next morning I took the new handy dandy mutation and the red ant club for some test runs that and we found ourselves a weird looking biome while feeling good about the upgrades we made so far I got a I got a little too ahead of myself oh see that is a spider yo look hold on hold on hold on look at this look at this look at this oh it's right there with the cobwebs dude yo with the cup oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God the old ant hill wait this is where I'm supposed to go I think right I don't know I'm gonna go oh my God fudge I swear to god dude another new location that had me in awe an almost world-like tree that housed many different insects from ants to aphids mosquitoes and more this place was truly massive while terrified and excited for what was to come I went around collecting more of those acorns finding myself at a little or big Crossroads what's in there I don't know I'm not doing it um wait what was that yo is that a spider oh what the fudge the wolf spider what the [ __ ] yo I knew there was something in those caves oh my god oh just just ah oh my God that um red worker and cool we can like peep everything I like that actually can't reach that oh could I go over there oh hello yeah bumblebee now with the lab right in front of us we could further the story and see what this new 1.0 update hat oh oh we got a secret laboratory laboratory oh Dexter's Laboratory man holy crap yo that's actually so oh what's this hold on I crouch I don't like I don't like this I crouch so hard oh his spider this time going back to burgle now seeing what he had to offer and what my next goal would be explore the lab you bet I will uh oh oh this is so cool I'm taking big guy out hello jeez what oh this was the explosion that happened like when those three things went up it looked like the real oh wait that's raw science cool and then we got Acorn chest plate face mask leg so we have more okay and storage man that's awesome last one oh snapcatcher yes yes yes oh my God yes Spinning Wheel don't know Garden patch that sounds good too oh my God uh oh hello I have isolated the source of the park the byproduct of the shrinking process okay uh yeah I guess the oak lab what is this warning battery backup failure it's a camera going places hi burgle I don't even know who burgle is I've got you don't worry gotcha buddy yeah come here hi I'm low on water uh I know this might sound oh wait he's talking I am manager for this project I am also a robot so this is where we have to get you your memory chips that have been corrupted or fixed year corruption I don't know Tully used two types of chips to back up my memory okay that's good chips are small capacity chips used to store project data if you find these I should be able to help you learn new survival recipes oh yes yes please those would be great okay super chips are special oh it turned because the nighttime thing I like that factories of my memories you too bye oh you talk a lot burgle I like it he actually helps oh oh yo we can go in here I mean this could work for my science fair project let's see what's sneaking around here [Music] we're all science containment field is working at 99 effectiveness 98.5 Sparkle right however as bergel indicates there is some minor insignificant raw science leakage a note for another time it but I see no reason to put off a human trial I believe there should be no issues but Al dente's Fortuna you what I am ready to prove my Creations full potential one thing that I realized a little late was it being night time Not only was I terrified of spiders just with the game itself it was freaking night time okay I wasn't paying attention to anything that dude was saying because I am really scared I don't know which way is my base there's no marker on the map like I don't I gotta put a flag thing up what if we do that yeah here we go on the leaf I gotta I gotta like talk to myself as I'm doing this because I will I'm I'm very scared I jumping on this then the stick okay go down keep running there's something following me don't like that nope there's something else with more knowledge now of what to do next I started with more builds to my base it wouldn't stop there though I needed to fight a ladybug to test my real strength oh oh one hit one hit guys I'm gonna go back I'm gonna go back I'm gonna go back I'm gonna go back I'm gonna go back I'm actually killing the ladybug oh killed the ladybug yo this guy's eating my stuff not today not today yo I killed my first ladybug the next day was the same me trying to kill a ladybug but being met with another obstacle here ladybug a ladybug I killed ladybug foreign oh I was bulldozed okay we need food too I gotta kill these big ants oh God he's looking at me oh crap with a big win under my belt I had more to store and needed a bigger storage I think that's good enough okay we got bigger one all right quickly out and about attempting to kill another ladybug which we did Kill by the way I filled in some more of our place with planks and decided I was ready to take on a spider oh how wrong I was oh that was a spider okay you know what maybe I got it for gotta verdict got a third okay I'm gonna do it I'm gonna do it I'm gonna do it guys I'm gonna do it I've gotta overcome my fears only part of that spider not one [ __ ] it's okay it's okay oh God oh God oh God here oh my God oh my God oh my God oh that's when my defense breaks foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] was that really that low no way was I ready or prepared for that fight right now just before night fell here I did a bit more exploring and found my worst nightmare small spiders what is it that's a baby spider oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God my God still following me how much sap we got a lot of snap we got we gotta build stuff with sap now ooh I gotta build this right this is the flag marker I'm gonna make it purple oh this is gonna be home home sweet home with a bunch of plank floor set up and my ant farmer giving us that extra hauling power it was a matter of time before finishing up the entirety of the floor also yes with different sets of Armory equipped each one provides its own fun little bonus stat with two additional doors added at the front some torches to go inside the base came along quite nicely the next day I tried messing around with the water container some more at this point I was slowly giving up on the darn thing all right this looks different I like the looks of this until I don't okay oh that that just means I'm getting closer to the uh the super powerful stuff whoa I think lives in that nasty hole I wish I knew spider [ __ ] snitch oh get some more so spiders live there okay yo don't let the little ones those ones are nasty don't do it oh you did also get this new mutation while slaying about another mutation hold on hold on hold on uh strong and Reckless you pride yourself in using the biggest weapons possible your muscular arms have no problems so swinging clubs with great force and blind rage deals largely increased damage while raged wait while raged but cannot time your I get a rage what's that even mean traveling far and wide for the first time it felt so right to finally get out of my comfort zone oh spiders wait what yo hold on there's a research facility here whoa what was that oh okay so Burger Quest um Pebble Foundation see we don't have I don't know how to get clay yet where are you there's a scooter that's fine I mean not really oh [ __ ] we're fine we're fine we're fine we're fine the next little project of mine was setting up some sapped collectors I was running low and these provided a great way of getting just that thing was I had no clue on what to do or where to put them I tried so many different branches and Tree Trunks and only got one specific area so sap will do all that stuff um I'm going to make wait hold on actually I think we can just do yes that's cool um we're gonna place this right this is going to be um so that's sap this is where we get sap from uh might actually come back and build more eventually the next part was me looking for some flower petals now the Tropicana juice box to end my knight something I didn't expect was how often that big bird the crow itself would try and swoop down on me hello hello bird are you like the boss you're probably the boss I think you're the boss I know yeah next thing to do was fill in the marker as part of a quest dealing with some red ants along the way wait well are we cool oh I think we're cool I thought we were not cool before holy crap yo okay this is kind of nice actually um is that custom marker ants red love it I need to fight one where it's like by Seal if you know that one no one saw all right cool it's okay it's okay that's the little one huh you might hit it hit it hit one more time one more okay okay we gotta heal with it with a six holy smokes man how do I take this curious to see how much the snap collectors were while collecting I wanted to make sure they were gathering the droplets it's not much oh this one's a lot okay never mind I thought it was like you only get one yeah that's that's perfect okay the biggest thing I wanted to do was explore more of this world the map that was grounded and everything it had to offer so much to do and still be seen everybody see where the spider went oh there it is there it is there it is there it is oh okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay trust me I'm just afraid as you are a bit oh this thing is oh my God the legs dude all right so this is like very very new territory for me I don't know if I should go in the water right now I'm gonna wait I have stuff on me that I don't want to lose but I want to explore you know that's the point of these games you gotta explore and do stuff you see that shed I really want to go over there oh is that clay it might actually be clay there but if that's clay what else is here there's like deadly something oh it's quartz a lot of spider webs over there oh what spider eggs beautiful whole dozen love to see that okay hello oh she's looking at me no no they're sleeping oh my God okay oh dude not not cool juice box there's like a cool thingy over there oh my God I think that's what I saw before what is this armed raspberry poncho Pawn truly was something magnificent not only for how big it was but the depths it offered and the things we would do and find along our Ventures even with a giant koi fish ready to suckle your toesies at any given moment the next big Landmark or something I was just a big fan of was this Franken line looked like one of those chalk drawing boards hello what is this Franken frankenline this is so cool hi frankenline hi Bumblebee oh what the f zap color [Music] what are we doing zap cutter and the bottom eyes maybe we gotta turn this foreign what are we supposed to do draw down drop okay uh I don't know what to do with you but you're the good gnome I didn't know it now but certain insects in this game sounded like a demonic Spawn from Hell big and no here no no no no no upper yard oh wait a second what hello wait cracked Rock requires explosive excuse me I definitely can't get up there then but I can go this way yo something's above me that sounds like Godzilla did also find some new materials some clay in fact the last thing I attempted was this weird device called the mixer overdrive I yeah yeah those are the stink bugs I think I don't know if I can take that yo yo yo yo oh there's a lot of stink oh [ __ ] no no no no no what is this Max Overdrive checking out a newly acquired construction piece was the smithing station and I was so close to having it just that single marble piece was needed the next day I was having some problems with this giant ladybug going through the rest of the day was just a lot of chopping until nighttime came around and a new type of insect decided to rear its ugly mug oh oh hello hi uh do we do we do we go for it I'm gonna go for it what the fudge dude okay maybe we shouldn't hit them because we need bow and arrow trying to figure out how the little garden worked we planted some stuff down and give it time I also moved my chest to the Upper Floor for less congestion the next little bit here was me just building some more of the bridge going around for more Acorn pieces to finally building some new armor is that top or below whoa what the fudge I didn't know that that was there that kind of scared me uh okay um still curious to learn what the world offered I wanted to explore the deeper parts of grounded googly eyes and all how do I get across safely is the question we go around this way or I feel like the shed weighs better do that although we're gonna run into some spooters yeah they're just sleeping sleeping sloping oh God oh God oh God okay I didn't know I could get caught in a web oh my God my nipples got so hard there wait what is this oh crap are they oh can I win oh shiznick oh [ __ ] okay okay okay nope can't win I can't even kill these dudes it's fine oh no it's not no it's not okay apparently with the acorn bits uh Acorn not bits but you know all right we're going back the scary way terrified of what this bug would do to me as a last resort I jumped into the water continued to build the bridge some more filling in the planks to the floor and creating another set of stairs on the opposite side of my base for a faster way in looking through some more in this sign shop I was really hoping for an unlock with the stone walls or at least something not grass plank related sadly I couldn't find a single thing as it was still too early in the game we did however take our journey back to the swampy Waters looking around and Mining up any clay about wait wait wait wait oh look look at this guys these are the things I was trying to find before the thistles because I wanted to make some arrows I never could figure out where to find thistles holy crud okay okay okay okay okay rock cracker yeah I am yeah this new and magnificent place was the Hedge Ascent a glorious bushy area filled with many berries about and spiders hidden in every crevasse it was also home to the boss of all spiders something called The Brood mother but to this day I still have yet to find or fight it myself not that I want to but with a few steps into this place we got another mutation to match that's fine natural Explorer what does that mean hold on uh memory map even uh bump crack and pass between even new landmarks found between lines become familiar so okay powered by any intuition your tiny feet skitter through the muck and weeds oh so we're not yeah we're not chopping so we can do that one cool let's do that yeah oh what's this oh is this the berry pouch the berry chunk yeah yeah yeah holy crap let's see what's sneaking around um where did I see day at one oh right there Field Station yes baby hello okay um wait no is it this one thistle first Spike trap let's go baby oh traps are gonna be so good okay what about this hedge Lord Berry leather yes yes yes they really weren't kidding when they named this place the Hedge Ascent because that's what I was exactly about to do just gonna be quick you know it's gonna be quick no idea where I'm going actually I think I go over here just don't look back just don't look back don't look back don't look back Ray you look back you're dead don't do it don't do it I might have to do it oh crap I went the wrong way I don't have grapple oh shiznick all right all right all right all right all right why are there so many spiders up here I have no idea looks like I go this way [Music] what is this open whoa yo look look I got the brittle marble holy crap okay hold on I really need that this is gonna help me so much um I just need to know where to go now [Music] whoa what's this hello what what hello hi oh crap what if I just like run past you guys [Music] survey scanner oh rebooting what are we rebooting oh my God that's allowed this I did it I did I don't think I found the Hedge lab sure connection established use survey stations to stand for analyzed materials oh my God yes we finally got it guys to expand the survey Network back outside it was a matter of time before finding a lot more baby spiders here oh what is this a big lab wait what's down there oh hello us foreign [Music] today Trudy asked or rather insisted I take a break from my work for a family day I'll admit the argument that preceded my brothers [Music] not lost as fate would have it our little trip to trip torment beaches wave park has given me fresh inspiration oh maybe this way a particular exported a zip line over an undulating pool filled with sun-baked tubers basking in the light of the cruel Sun the victim like red red raisins but I digress it was the zip line that captured my imagination such an elegant solution to my problems in the Hedge at home it was straight back to work after another argument of course this next part was me attempting to try and get down safely emphasis on try I don't know how to use this thing okay if I die I die oh so oh crap not sweet um I can can you oh okay ah whoa oh I'm not starting that thing God no that's gonna get me killed um we gotta get up there somehow before heading home of course I wanted to make sure the radar was working okay so we're good but now building the last piece of the puzzle our smithing station giving certain items some upgrades oh my God look at this okay ah level one nearby storage in range three wait what do we need oh you should space to select and then oh the brittle Stones holy crap look at that plus five percent damage and durability yeah that'd be awesome the next day I was out looking for some mites and decided to scan for them [Music] foreign while racing back home I had my first event an Ant Invasion uh incoming payback from the red ants payback okay okay hold on why is there an event for payback what did I do to you this is so cool I hope I don't die hey thank you oh my God they're destroying everything did I win base defended well sort of not really but we did it anyways cool took to the evening sky and found myself another Firefly okay maybe we can do this now oh they're gonna fight each other I think I can kill it [Music] I think I can kill it got it I got it I got it I got it I got it it's mine it's mine it's mine working on something else now I was definitely in need of more arrows oh it's fast it's fast it's faster than I thought faster than I can watch at this point I started collecting more Clay on top of what we already had being met with another insect challenge oh my God it like when they attack they get like if they lock on no matter what that's the annoying part about it I think I crafted up enough arrows now the last thing we did was somehow get perfectly stuck in between the analyzer and the scanner 10 11 12. so there's no building stuff here how do you get more building stuff then foreign okay so I can give up the next two days I did a bunch of chopping down dried planks and shooting of the red ants and their soldiers cool five ants and a whole lot of stuff holy I am full on inventory seeing as I never explored it yet I was still curious to see what the Ant Hill had inside I hope I don't get caught in here I really want to see if I can find some quartz or something red ant egg cool I didn't know we could find eggs as well oh hello oh hello oh it's so good to be friends with the ants man I don't know if I'd be able to make it all the way down here killing every single ant there's so many all right I like it I like it so much oh a couple days in and things will respond actually I don't know if they respond I think it's just like you have to go around but there's a lot of places for everything thank you ah I'm so sorry okay we're good I think it was just the ones that I took okay oh my God I mean I found a lot of stuff while looking through my inventory somehow a big old ant just walked in or rather phased in ah with a little more surveying of the map I was curious to find what was waiting near the big hazardous Circle whoa these things are like oh they're radiated stuff it almost looks like that should I go down here yeah we did get a chance to place a marker down reminding myself of where the mixer was not only that but I did some more peeping is that a that's a mother flipping wolf spider what the fudge uh um no no no no no continuing the quest to find more stuff we did also come across this mad looking threat okay maybe we don't fight it just yet we came across this cool Landmark the Leaning shovel heeped me another interesting insect holy well that's not guy faw you scared me walking around some more I discovered the Bumblebee there's bees oh can I jump on this beat you're like the Flying Tigers of the yard they get mad why did they go I got a lot of stuff on me too there was no way I was about to leave all my stuff behind so with a small hop skip jump we picked up our stuff and made our way back home I knew I wasn't done here though back at the Ant Hill looking for more Rarities to find looking for the way outside another Firefly decided to show its ugly mug to us again we saw one of those bugs foreign today something terrible happened I was a witness to a murder this poor ladybug just didn't stand a chance yo the ladybug's gonna kill people I'm gonna watch this hello oh my God look at all the ants what the [ __ ] feeling as bad as I did I couldn't just stand there and watch I also had a dummy built to show off this armor pretty cool Beast set this is the new outfit we got we got a B outfit in the caves the ant caves there apparently when you go to those skeletons you can find these like really cool pieces hidden on their body so it looked like parts of them were torn apart and then they were like dragged all over the place this is it man this is freaking it I love it so good thinking back to that mixer we found and pinned on the map I was ready to see if I had it in me to defend the territory apparently they're a lot harder than they look so out with the old and in with the new plan figured I could try my luck at building a small set of walls around it chopping down some planks and then building them up but of all the insects though and close to finishing up I have stink bug drove me out oh my God the next best thing to do was take my anger out and frustration on these poor little beetles up ahead finally finished and back at base I was curious to see what these slurries did okay so what if we just leave those there or do aphids will aphids come and get them let's see apparently this is how you can tame aphids Apex apits I don't know I am going to call them aphids even though it sounds so wrong today I did a bit more bridge building here let me show you I did a little bit of um stuff you know I did some stuff I was building a bridge literally just built a bridge did for a couple days uh just because if you see the day you'll be like why is it this day and not that day and it's like well that's why but when I was doing that it hit night time and I completely forgot at night time a lot of spiders like to roam and if I'm not within my safe Zone which I don't really think there is a safe Zone unless you're like above water and like you have a base that stops them from coming in but just allowing you to go in but I had a spider that came at me at night time just literally started roaming it was the scariest thing because I was running back as I was trying to like get stuff done so I was running back here I was like why is the bushes moving with me and then I saw something come up here and it came right at me and I freaked out freaked out I also jumped down because I don't want it to destroy my big bridge I built look at this thing by the end of the night I was so excited my first aim happened all right so I'm gonna finish off the bridge the bridge will be great because it takes us straight to the Hedge lab without hitting a lot oh I got a new pet oh my God what new pet aphid oh look at it oh we got an inventory on it too whoa whoa oh he's so cute oh it's so cute I'm sorry for killing you all those times with the beautiful little aphid by my side I was also in need of more sap checking out the builds we had down and how much we'd got from each individual collector now with those in hand I needed to trade my chip we had to burgle in Burger girl I'm coming buddy I'm coming oh wow look at the the apids like hey don't do it hey there you are oh uh auxiliary yeah raw science oh we've got more stuff ooh canteen upgrade holy crap honestly I'm gonna do this one and this one oh I can't do the canteen I should have did the canteen first then headed back home we did come across another ant hill cave leaving a marker in place for just later use desperately in need for some Bombardier shells though we then started our search oh there's one why is that dead just really dumb but I did it anyways okay so we got that one which was in the radiation there's another oh there's another one right here I'm going for it I know I know I know I know okay we go back home we go back home I did it did it I did it we got two for the price of none or one or like we we did good with a successful run all the other items collected we had our very first drying rack at play something else I figured I'd give a go was making smoothies yeah okay uh that's I'm just going to recycle this and we literally like it just won't be any use like I wish it was but unfortunately no okay cool I actually kind of like that a lot now with more berries now needed the plan was to race over to the swampy Waters swim across to finding some land back into the Hedge chopping down anything remotely of a berry type Harry wait was that a droplet I want that ooh oh never mind can I shoot that for me oh oh there's a lot of berries there but the spider uh so many berries oh my God yes come to me [Music] the only reason why I won last time is because I've had something to freaking like jump on all right all right I think I'm good for berries for now um I I mean I think so what do we have what do we have we have I mean if we can find another couple that would be cool I couldn't believe the amount we were able to farm up but apparently even with that amount we still only made a few pieces we did work on a few upgrades shortly here too defense five percent defense oh we used the brittle plating for this one oh that's even better because we have more of that yes please the next day was me testing out how the spike traps worked needing defense I was hoping these would do just that okay I'm really curious how much this hurts people say I do that dumb dumb ow [ __ ] sorry excuse my language I'm so sorry I'm so sorry what the mother Pearl yo okay okay okay okay okay started off with a fresh new day here chopping down all the stems I could and placing them into these pallets I was in need of a lot because building a new base was now underway nothing crazy spectacular here but just enough to get us by and have me feeling safe again getting the full Foundation built now and with stone placing the plank walls was next on my list trying to see what the final product would look like moments later with a bird swooping down again I found my very first feather this thing was massive hello can I oh what do we get what did we get oh feathers crow feather piece oh baby looking to finally repair My Level 2 ax because yes it was level two I needed things I didn't have just yet so now being this much further into the game I wanted to test my luck one more time for old time's sake maybe if I go wait actually if I go around or if I sneak up you just don't hear you foreign [Music] come on come on come on [Applause] the big problem for me was once you hit and then killed the first spider others around hear the screams and come rushing over I was scared and so very close to dying at this point gotta run gotta run gotta run gotta gotta run okay okay okay okay okay it's also that time in the video and if you've made it this far comment spider down below the next few days was a lot more resource farming things we needed for the Long Haul and stuff that would be used for later on for mites on the big log to Clay back in the swampy Waters even while in the Hedge looking for more berries all seem to be going very well I mean there there is like a slight notice where it's just they're big chunks they're blue different in size than that but I gotta like oh look wait is there a spider nearby here someone whispering in my ears is that a berry that might be a berry that's one I'm gonna kill this dude wait hold on actually [Applause] oh my God the three hits is kind of annoying oh wait we okay [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh man okay though I will say I probably had more problems with the smaller spiders than I did with the actual orb weavers oh god let's go let's go bring it on is there another spider what was that oh baby spider looking at it now though the real help here was the ladybug armor something else I crafted up and that would go a long way to helping was the Firefly headlamp let's do it guys we're gonna get our first helmet look at that Firefly helmet okay now to repair this though I want to see what it takes to repair oh wow this is really nice holy crap oh my God this is beautiful look how much it lights up perfect place I had in mind to test it out was that ant hill back at the giant tree we saved a few nights ago what does this up here oh it's a molar the biggest part I still needed was something from the stink bugs so now now I needed to think all right first ever stink bug fight let's do this I don't I I mean I know they're pretty difficult pretty hard stuff but I gotta do it just here yeah about it oh are they fighting each other I mean I mean I mean not me not me not me fight the stink bug please that was actually well I mean the ants definitely helped that one can't believe that worked knowing me though I wanted more all right I need to go kill another another stink bug these were kind of easy to I'm I'm just saying man well let's just keep this going then all right all right all right foreign oh my God this is actually really sweet I love this oh my God yes please baby alrighty definitely shot a lot of arrows as you can clearly tell it was amazing how easy things got with knowing how to play the game properly now certain parts in my hand level two Mallet here I come here we go baby movie here we go here we go oh man here we go welcome molar yeah this is it what it what oh you found milk molar C and asml terminal and then this this right here whoa yeah let's do healing what okay oh that's good fortified base this far into the game and I could honestly say I was feeling better about living and standing my ground so so here's the thing with getting comfortable and overly confident when that happens the game finds a way to break you or well me again here we go this is supposed to look for these guys I need to kill all these guys foreign oh it's okay it's okay it's okay we killed like four or five of them okay I'm gonna be honest that was it was pretty good after that I had to take things slowly and patiently creeping up on each larva and killing them without pulling multiples in again ran around the Hedge a little bit taking our bone aiming the sights on more berries for farming a couple more days passed here and I started back up with my other base getting the materials met with the walls we placed and top stems needed to fill in the rest even some torches to get everything else going it really did come along nicely and I was so happy with the design or at least where it was headed curious to see how strong I actually became I wanted to test out those strengths though just before that I did manage to warm up on a few beetles here let's get the crap out of me hold on I gotta get close to this guy Oh I thought you were gonna hit me I can kill him I can kill him there we go there we go there we go there we go okay you'll gotta heal that was a little scary but we got the Bombardier parts oh my God now to look for that roly-poly of a beast oh you are a tough son of a gun huh is he rolling I think he's rolling can I get on top of this rock okay I did walk around some Sleeping Beauties as much as I didn't enjoy the bees killing me when they were asleep they were super adorable though taking our Ventures on top of the Rocks I found a not so nice sleeping insect it sounds like there's a fire breathing dragon somewhere I need to go figure this out where is this fire breathing dragon it's like somewhere we need a rock to explodey that I can get the milk molars yeah yeah yeah oh I didn't mean to eat the food milk molar hey thankfully with more exploration in the midst I came across yet another milk molar these things were hype and hey would you look at this milk molar today was the day to head back over to the Hedge and climb up the branches looking for the super chip inside the Hedge lab but in reality this is what actually happened foreign I drank I drank I drank I got a okay okay okay okay okay definitely saw that one coming especially when dealing with spiders this time I would do it though find and pick up my bag on the ground climbing back up the branch and looking for anything else I might have missed this might be it yo this oh this is it [Music] hedge lab yo this is dumb but I want it [Music] doesn't make my stomach turn so much I'm so bad with Heights all right door system oh oh I gotta hold it yeah all right over on that bad boy let's go come on now that's a long one huh Tada door system all right cool um I'm gonna take some food get ready for a battle hello robot sweet can you come through here yes you can goodbye bye goodbye bye bye okay uh next door wait where do you guys keep coming from maybe through there I don't know so it looks like there's some sort of co-pass Route 58 all right what's next what is next it's probably easier just killing everything in this if you can oh don't fall don't fall don't fall I made it okay oh my God that was oh I don't like that okay hello friend of a friend with the aspirin I need to find one of those things hold on [Music] okay um retrieved super Virgo find the Hedge super chip it says on the map the super chip is wait it says it should be like right here somewhere oh super chip cool no verbal's memories are on this super chip is this Wendell maybe you want to play the video game yeah oh no the amount of stuff this place had and all the spiders or Bots was pretty intense by now I was more than ready to finally finish up the first floor and onto the second of my new place unfortunately I didn't take the time to really measure out how much room I would actually need for the stairs on top of tearing everything down to start anew this event took place oh God oh God oh God what incoming payback or weaver spider what spiders oh shiznick um I might you know what hold on hold on hold on I got an idea crap crap crap crap crap yo yo yo yo you know what I could probably get them I'm gonna get them to follow me oh shoot okay I'm gonna get them to follow me over here over here over here come on come on they disappeared why come on okay we're gonna have to do perrymaster they're attacking the bait I mean to be honest as long as that's fine foreign the amount of spider webs everywhere was insane and that was the last thing I needed with the other floor now removed we placed the two sets of stairs needed and began finishing those up setting up this idea for the floor was up and ready to be built taking our leave home seeing as it was too dark to really do much more here on top of that I could have sworn this was an orb weaver ah it's a spider it's a scooter thank you this looks like a wolf spider holy crap okay wolf spider it is that's definitely a wolf spider that that's just that that's don't like that that so wolf spiders are the ones that roam okay I thought it was I was I always thought it was like the orb weaver trying to get through the grass some more the darn thing was still there that's that's it that's it that's it oh my God I don't like these dude oh I really don't like these with a new day here I made my way back to the giant world tree taking a little peek or two at some wolf spiders no Aunt don't go in there you're gonna die look at that wolf spider Galore in there man wolf freaking spider Galore that that [ __ ] is crazy I don't like that they're so strong though like that's the skit hello but being back at this base oh man burgle and I are about to have it out not really but talk we're gonna talk we're gonna chat that hello there you go you hand it over and we processing processing all right uh retrieve one of the last three super trips so the next super chip is oh crap it's in this oh this is the haze I'm guessing so missing burgle chip wait all the chips are over here with only three more Super trips to go this was definitely deceiving for how big grounded's map actually was that and there was three layers with underground being the first the middle ground and then the big old Pond one last place I tried going to was the spider Den located under a white board of sorts this was absolutely terrifying here we go baby spiders let's do this I hope this is baby spiders dude I'm kind of scared is it baby spiders rare laughs I mean hey we're just about guys okay instead of is it an orb or is it a big mama [Music] yo I think that's a big mama can't do it not right now at least maybe we'll come back one day bye Big Mama I think I mean wolf spider definitely think that's a wolf spider which sucks because man those guys are so damn tough today felt the longest with our first ever cutscene to wake up to I listened closely [ __ ] ing please don't move and look straight ahead I promise you won't feel a thing foreign spacer is crying where you are going all your worries will seem so small uh yeah I'd say I'm not here hmm okay probably soon after I took off and wanted some revenge on those spiders no wolf spider is gonna bully me and get away with it come on wait wait wait okay come on my turn my turn baby once done I dusted myself off picked up my action started collecting all of the stems this next floor I was building needed a lot and that's basically how the rest of the night went that and moving a few things between the two homes from chests and my smithing station with the majority of my floors done I started going back and forth moving all my other chests to the new place even had some outlines of walls up and ready to be built by now we had all the outlines up walls and the roof to go for the roof I'd have to build some stairs up but that came later finishing up the second floor walls and windows I was impressed with how well the stems looked as such even with some grass planks going to the roof this was definitely worthy of a home base to give the outside a little more Flair I found these Pebble Pathways and started snapping a bunch going around the home with nighttime engulfing the sky it seemed a goodest time as any to build ourselves a new bed and call it a night now to finally finish off the rooftop I needed to make the set of stairs I mentioned the other day building them up as much and as quickly as one could we started hauling all the pieces we would then need for up top a few more pieces to the roof away and we would have our officially finished up home having moved a few things over already we still needed a fire pit for the cooking and workbench itself there it was finally finished in all its Glory now thinking about what to use as a light source I came across these Firefly hanging lanterns this was it though almost everything moved from drying racks and all seeing that I was looking for more berries however that meant we needed to travel back into the Hedge what was that hello let's take a look we can't hide from me no the mosquito but wait where's my arrow what having done all that I still needed berries and did just that okay yeah okay dandelion tough is the the other thing we gotta remember when we do this again chances are I could see myself doing this again I thought you were a spider for a second I'm about to shoot you dead kill you you're dumb face oh those ants man when they crawl up like that was enough armed up I got myself stuck with another mosquito and as we killed it finally maxed out my Parry what a wonders day hello you coming after me foreign dude we got the next perrymaster giving it my best and another go at the mixer I still wasn't prepared enough and I'm not doing the whole building thing I already got these walls down for whatever let's try this out [Music] friends freaking out hello they're gonna run away yeah this thing is going crazy holy geez Louise man oh my God just let's go faster and faster dude something big coming oh is it a spider why is this getting so hectic the next day and with those same materials I finally finished building the Firefly lanterns ready for when nighttime came around I did also add some regular lanterns around the place giving it some balance inside taking a little bit of time to farm some rocks up the pathway of ours would be finished eventually the only other thing I could think of doing now was crafting up that gas mask and seeing what the hazard Zone was all about I look like I can't really see it yet okay hello oh I'm gonna kill it where what the f yo this thing is teleporting oh there it is foreign those things are tough as mother trucker hello dad oh that seems like something big what is it and fast too shiz oh crap oh crap oh crap that's a haunting spider I'm stuck down here oh shiz okay it's okay it's okay if we like hide over here what is there a hunter spider doing over here man after that it was clear as days to what to do next go to the Ant Hill cave and steal the babies run away as fast as I could because I stole their children craft those said bombs we needed and then heading back to the beetle rock formation just how oh my God did it work I think it did holy crap oh I hope there's not spiders in there though whoa It's a field station holy crap look at this [Music] can I get extra credit for this okay whoa and this too yeah uh-huh still needing more of those fungals for now I just stuck to upgrading some pieces of armor okay so we gotta upgrade I'm gonna do this again upgrade oh whoa look at that it goes to Mighty so we have an extra 25 now holy crap oh right here back into the Hazardous Zone and collecting as many fungal Parts as I could these things were easy to kill but they also get a good bit of damage to me something else I figured I could start doing over time was building those spike traps around my base though they wouldn't last long it was still pretty fun build on a few more pieces and watched as my masterpiece went to work oh God answer coming well I hope it's ants actually they're attacking our Zone is it ants red ants in coming yeah it is all right sounds like a stranger things though did we defend aha we did defend okay cool the only thing I wished was for the traps to have better durability because it seemed like I'd be fixing them non-stop okay now back to stealing more babies all right we need to find all of the ants thingies I will steal all of your babies foreign down this way because I'm getting hit too many times I don't like no sir nope definitely not a thing holy crap there's a lot of ants here huh look at all the ants this go around I was able to craft up to seven bombs more than I definitely needed but hey at least I was prepared this time now let me tell you a story of how I threw a bomb down and ran for my life watch out for that larva where oh my God is it can I yo wait can I oh God okay if I could I drop a bomb Maybe would that work I'm gonna try it nope nope definitely didn't work oh my God oh my God I mean it did but it didn't kill everything that was the scariest larva thing I've ever seen with some success and the ability to breathe once more we did a bit of exploring just before night time hey buddy boy I'm gonna try like sneaking around go over here yes I got a milk molar oh I needed that third milk Muller so badly now I can put on another like a third thing the next big place I planned on going was the haze lab setting a marker down on the map to lead my way and doing my best not to die just a ladybug over there actually I think we need this now there someone's behind me someone's behind me someone's behind me yo this place is crazy the haze lab can I get inside there oh I need a bomb shoot I can do this I can do this I can do this I could do this I could do this did I put a ball I think yeah bomb Works bomb definitely works I'm going in thank you come on come on come on okay mushroom uh I'm gonna go I'm gonna do it oh God oh my God how do I open this that's how you open it whoa hey what's this what did I just open there's a camera on that one that's kind of cool actually um did we just I'm gonna run through I'm gonna run through oh I do not like this oh crap do I need the knife damn it I do I need the level two knife I don't have if only I searched around for a little longer I would have seen the thing I missed but oh well for some reason I thought I needed a knife at the time but it was just a simple mistake though that didn't stop us there as we continued on our path finding another locked lab door and new ants it's another lab how many labs are there oh it's locked of course okay oh Jesus black worker ant what's the difference between a red and a no idea could I kill her foreign so much tougher holy God we got black ant part I'm stuck on another thing yeah those guys are really tough I gotta watch that moving forward we found a new discovery the exposed pipe that and we made it back to the Leaning shovel another place that needed a bomb hold on um we're just here I must find out oh crap oh that's how you get on top of the picnic oh I love that holy crap yo oh my God that is legit the coolest thing ever holy crap yo I wasn't recording that I think I was oh my God that was beautiful now please let's not die when we're up here we made our way up the handle and saw that this was another big area to explore I'm gonna crawl back down a bit this is so cool yo look at this View oh my God this is whoa that is not mushrooms there's a way into that sand castle imagine if they like yeah like there's like a DLC and it goes like into the house or something that'd be so cool oh my God there's the thing okay so we can fall through and just go I think we're cool until like or not you know hahaha again for those who have played this game already you know that I've missed a lot of stuff and especially this part but I do come back to it the last place for bombs was near the sleeping demon though how do we we gotta jump up there oh I gotta go back around okay I'm going back around [Music] spider's not no no no demons still there okay hope this bomb doesn't wake it up six just gonna place that right there and just making sure I don't want that demon to wake up what's up we found a roly-poly and shot an arrow seeing what the HP was like oh it's one of these things again the roly-poly okay so we got up to the second half of this this wait do you think I could kill the roly-poly just by standing up here probably not right run yo I gotta run where did I drop down from oh crap yeah I will literally fall to the ground if I have to oh shoot oh shooter something I was really looking forward to doing was upgrading my weapon some more but with collabs sadly I wouldn't have those until later much much later waited around until night time was gone looking through more of the science shop and hoping I just missed the next upgrades the next day I had it all planned out I was going to get this thing called a mint Mallet sadly I was mistaken though because we would also need those Globs for crafting with that in mind I grabbed a few items ran off to the analyzer and see what else I could build or craft all right so let's see no not uh this one oh dude look at this black ant Shield black ant leg Place little black helmet here's where I thought I could really fight a wolf spider 1v1 and during the day if I hit one can I [Music] [Music] here we go here we go [Music] hold on I gotta I gotta I gotta talk about timing too yeah it's all about timing I don't think that gastrogue did anything something I was able to craft finally was a crossbow high damage but slow speed this thing is awesome look at this craft one it's gonna give us tons of damage it's a lot slower but honestly I want to try something different you know I like different different it's kind of nice um it's level two as well foreign but that's okay that's fine we got that Notch my ax figured something out I didn't know I could do it you can do it early on too you don't even oh crap they destroyed a lot of this you know what maybe I'll just not deal with the spikes because I think the spikes are just they they die so quickly I really enjoy the crossbows damage and even the instant shooting the only thing that made it difficult was that Ultra slow reload speed oh oh and something else I found while looking for that mint Mallet hold on I'm going to show you this other thing it's so cool I only just realized I was like wait how do I get inside so I was like looking I was dealing with this thing I was like hitting this thing up I was like Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam right you can't open it and then I was like but I want to get these mints I don't know what they do not too sure then I was like What if I hit this latch and then one more oh look at that all right let's go in shall we if I get fit that would be there we go you do need level 2 hammer for this but man oh man here we go I still don't know what the Min shards are for I think I did put them in but I didn't get a recipe for it mint shards no idea what you're for but they're so cool look at that we're inside this thing maybe we go in here if we want to play it safe next was to try out some new food something called might's Loaf and with that using our crossbones seeing how strong we really work and then we craft somebody oh they're done cool that's actually amazing all right we got a lot of food and now we're going to the shovel let's go to dishevel while making my way back to the Fallen shovel I almost forgot to grab a tough ladybug ladybug all right let's go up I'm ready I'm ready ready ready ready I feel like I missed something I'm gonna double check here and just like with the what was it it's like a Tic Tac holder or something I I felt like I missed something there for sure so over here definitely feel like I'm missing something else oh maybe I gotta go in there oh hold the phone wait a second I think I do but I'm gonna need uh dandelion where'd you go there you are one two okay let's go back so if I jump I should right hold on I'm gonna oh crap I don't know if I'm gonna make that I think I need to shift jump Maybe close oh wait there is a way over here there's Nails holy crap I did not see this before yo wait what oh don't do it how do we have to hit this oh okay I love how interactive this is cooler box look at me I'm so cool oh damn there's a lot of stuff going on there it's like a DND dice cool or die hold on I don't want to oh look at this yo hold on I did not see this before look at this that's so cool oh my God all right I like that look at this place man what is this looks like some sort of maze oh maybe I'm gonna need to mail lasers there this place couldn't have been cooler shooting bees and killing them in a cheaply manner I felt great only thing was I got to the end of the maze apparently we needed a key in which I didn't have yet the Minotaur key Minotaur whoa what Minotaur maze key holy crap okay looks like I really gotta find whatever's in this place dig oh I'm gonna need a yeah I need a higher tool God level three stuff now holy crap I I don't have the Minotaur keys so we're gonna have to wait on that what do we want Max health or healing um honestly house luckily we did find a zip line a way across to another important area though bees would not let me have it oh wait can I smash this hold on can I smash cookie open whoa look at this can't whoa candy corn I love candy corn oh my God I want candy corn in real life though I'm not even kidding I think the milk molar along the way as that would be the end of our day oh that rhymed this next part was long for me it honestly just really frustrating I was set on finding out what was in the depths of the koi pond here we go we got food we got stuff let's find them bone shards yo there's some big fishes over there it's a little tapple can we shoot I'm just trying to see if there's anything oh oh whoa whoa whoa there's algae ah those water spiders come on man why is there water spiders like of all things are you kidding me that's so dumb what oh now my nose is itchy because I'm getting all anxious oh that happens every time I've now learned what that means is whenever I get really itchy I'm so anxious I mean I got a bunch of this all right we got 10 seconds before we die wait do I actually die here [Music] well at least my stuff goes to the top right that's fine you want a piece of me you want a pizza me I Pizza you the dirt son tattoos [Music] he's three oh this thing is like on point with the shooting luckily when you die in the water everything floats to the top but with that said if you die and you're in a cave underwater things get really annoying all right I need to find what's over here spiders oh I gotta take melee out then of course would be spider yo that's kind of creepy though I don't like how it's just that's fine um I want to go up there boom so the first thing we need to do is find bone shards the only way we're gonna do that is what the [ __ ] give me y'all bubbles I know I know I know I know I know there's the spider again God damn it I don't like that I was about to say crap I need these I need these oh what if I just stay right here oh thank you thank you thank you oh okay it's just it's just a toys [Music] koi fish scale cool I need more bubbles I know I know I know okay so it's like right there this is tough because I I like I also can't see and is there bubbles over there there might be it's just gonna push me [Music] I'm gonna die today oh crap wait how do I oh crap I'm gonna lose all my stuff aren't I this was to be the biggest mistake I made in a while I need uh the only thing I could come up with was scouring the waters looking for anything I would need and trying to find resources for building better underwater equipment that led to another death at this point all I could do was swim underwater find some new materials and then die rinse repeat finally started to notice more materials and easier to get places like the lily pad wax not so much losing the stuff because I can always make it again it's super easy it's just having to put upgrades on again like I'm not doing that there's no way I'm doing that I need to go analyze hold on what are we gonna get nothing wait a second oh wait no it's because we have everything with that I was able to build my first knife we want the dagger craft one thank you very much koi helmets koi fish skills this is perfect whoa what plus perfect block light armor oh that's actually really nice as the last resort we chopped and gathered as much seaweed stuff we could taking what we found back home and feeling a small sense of relief else I could do this okay we need this silk rope so we get extra O2 with that that is gonna be beautiful so we'll be able to go deeper and oh do so much more this is good this is really good with a new morning here and my other bag's still afloat we needed to craft up some more weapons and a few pieces of armor that was just to get us back on our feet deciding that this was it my last time to see if I could survive the waters once more 75 seconds holy crap that's amazing I'm gonna go kill that spider spiders spiders hello spider [Applause] thank you okay I'm not gonna deal with that fish though you oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no nope nope nope don't look at me like that don't look at me like that I'm going don't worry thank you that's not happening dude I'm not fighting a fish oh my God he just opens his mouth like get inside me it's just like oh wait hello can I kill you right tadpole me oh yummy with what we collected it was more than enough for the next piece of underwater equipment the flippers I got this i got this i got this i got this I got oh space the craft baby freaking go oh now we're gonna be able to roam the depths so very much I'm so excited I also have to analyze that today I knew what I had to do go back to the pond kill a few things along the way and not that then to head back towards the T-Rex realizing we hadn't any Vision Without a light source I guess that helmet really did help oh man our thing is stuck over there oh man I want to go there but I don't want to get stuck again hold on I'll try I'm gonna try we have a lot of stuff though taking ourselves to the top and looking around for anything else of use I did get myself stuck here when going into the cave thinking I could grab the raw signs but in turn it actually got rid of my light source Pebbles what is this it pulls it's getting really dark okay foreign crap I I can't see definitely wasn't going to make that mistake again this next death was me finally getting deeper into the weird cave looking for any place to breathe and no luck there's a big treasure treasure chest holy smokes I need a Mossy key for this one oh God bubble I mean that's okay this time it's okay because I know where I am my stuff is gonna spawn up there and with many many more deaths later I did get my stuff back but ended up dying to this ladybug on the ground whoa whoa whoa don't you charge me like that what what the fudge yo this whips it whipped me good why how is that a thing can I use those to whip everything what the fudge like it's not even like I could have done anything to that that's what this go around I finally crafted a new piece of swimwear oh yeah yeah this one is Safety First well I guess we won't really know until we try really yeah okay what do we have 160 seconds oh my God this beautiful okay okay okay wait wait hold on oh no no no no no no go away I couldn't believe how much this helmet gave us when it came to O2 now feeling the extraordinary powers of my breathing apparatus I darted off into the underwater area once more seeing some raw signs I Then followed the course Howdy Doody Day come here buddy oh I should probably put this here five so I can see where are we going oh oh this looks good this looks good we might be able to catch our breath here water bill I don't need that stuff wait do you guys have any spikes here uh no I need Spike uh looks like that's it oh I gotta start this I'm starting it I'm starting it let's go let's go let's go probably should have did this first are we good let's get out of here oh yes look at this oh my God finally oh I can breathe ooh each other family accepting Yours Truly looks at Brussels sprouts the great cabbage of Belgium with utter disdain So within its densely packed leaves a high-powered nutrient boost in a miniature form factor it's after meal time it is recklessly cast aside well more for me it's lacking something funny that it doesn't tell the Mind why though but I have taken the history function lab retractable solar Dome I mean what could possibly go wrong [Applause] already ah the joys of getting older Rudy pushed me to go see a doctor after she remarked that I looked like a plate of wet ham very well mustn't be late and keep Dr Applebaum waiting with most of the stuff looted here I wanted to see what else awaited me oh it's oh okay if I go into cave hello I say hi to Cave it's a dead end am I gonna die oh man if I die with all this stuff [Applause] thank you sir uh something else I should be doing here okay I got a key oh my God I'm going back I'm going back I'm going back I'm going back I'm going back I'm going back I'm going back I'm going back I'm going back I'm going back I'm going back wait crap is this the right way oh I hope this is the right way out of the creepy crawler area more exploration was the way to go taking the Kiwi picked up moments ago and checking out this big chest hello what oh Mega milk molar oh God's sick also I picked something else up what I pick oh Burger chips sick oh my God look at we got another way oh my God we did find another opening that only seemed to open whenever I got close to it opens oh it's opening wait oh we oh we get here okay wait is this Brita pretty yes it is it is ah let me let me let me let me let me oh my God yes okay oh this is water oh okay cool nope nope we're going back we're going back uh oh no oh that's time oh what's this oh that means it's on okay all right heck yeah oh man if we could do this real quick like I'm just going I'm just going for it I'm just going for it I'm just going for it no no no no no no no no no no oh my God no yo come on dude my keyboard shift button don't want to work but I'm gonna make you work go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go dude okay okay you didn't hear any of that guys I wasn't swearing so loud so so loud I think I might get kicked off the team if I eat those oh heck yeah I'll take that cool did a bunch more of exploring inside with a chest full of goodies more baddies to kill and another computer like the last to turn on not the way we came originally but the way to get over yes on this side perfect login to Hollywood wait what's there there wasn't anything else over there was there oh I think that's what oh what the [ __ ] I definitely I've never seen that oh [ __ ] wait wait wait wait okay let's go thank you wait actually what am I doing I can just do this I win you lose whoa look at this place this place is big I love it all right oh wait maybe we should have our light out here another scabby boy some more stuff first to upgrade with I can't wait until I can upgrade again and then connection error what is this on super chip whoa we just got two super crap gone too far no you wait I won't get down who can blame Trudy I know that I push things to the breaking point that she has to grit her teeth and born it she told me that she could not bear to watch me destroy my life let alone hers the children's in single-minded pursuit of this technology never in all the years of knowing her has she given me such a cold immovable ultimatum my science or my family but if only she could see I am doing this for them I understand it has been hard it has been harder on no one more than myself if only I had more time if I could just prove to them the Wonders that are so so close now they would understand wouldn't they and if they did not perhaps they never understood okay [Music] ominous doors version 3.0 whoa whoa whoa whoa it's like a big dome wait where was this underwater I think I remember seeing it it's just where holy crap auto mode this is so cool who's better did I mention we got a new mutation and one that deals with water minor swim speed Junior now you give me this come the [ __ ] Jesus come on dude uh I couldn't believe the day we had it was like every time I had food cooking ants were nearby smelling it what are all these ants doing here man like this [Music] checking out a field station it was time to see how good those Mega milk molars were though oh oh wow no it goes a lot though Max arrow is 25 now Max resource stack size or consumable what do we Max consumable or stack size I might do this because I feel like fighting is usually yeah Max Boulder now you can hold more consumables let's do it took that same chip we found at the pond back to burgle and was filled in with some more store recipes yes okay what about this one oh more science more raw size okay um oh yo 10K holy crap 10 freaking k fani um what do we have now a bomb sticky substance okay fin flops upgrade upgrade that fin flops allow the wear to swim even faster that's actually kind of good diving Lantern unless the twist as long before burning out to church pollen Paul and turretch whoa what a stationary turret that requires manual operation loves pollen nuggets at flying enemies to help bring them to the ground deals extra damage against creatures involved in defense events with the new day here we fell into another deep sleep body mass readout is an acceptable range the skinfold degradation is minimal specimen vitals are stable in holding looks like we've done it great job everyone let's set up three more trials for replication uh sorry to crush your party the defense department has arrived early to discuss project org the director needs you to be present at the meeting sure what source our director or a three-hour meeting with the military look at the core okay then we got milk Mohler um can't go wrong with this right the next few days I was satisfied and also uncertain of where to go next so I decided third time was the charm what I did remember here with new tier weapons and places to be explored once more it was time to set it again this time it was near the big sand castle of a place with a seemingly innocent pipe we saw before oh whoa holy crap we found the Minotaur key yo yo yo yo yo we found the Minotaur key we can go back to the picnic table I I forgot why did I need it again I I mean I needed there was something in it that I wanted but I can't remember what holy crap I did not know the Minotaur key was there Wicked and I needed this level two dagger for that too like to get inside now with the key we could finally go back to the picnic table and see what was in that chest foreign why is it so laggy there see this middle molar and then what is this our people oh that's so cool hold on high contrast where's is it this one RPG module yo I'm gonna I'm gonna leave it as the RPG module I like that yellow stuff what is this picnic uh oh hey we did it guys we gotta go to Burger now but we did it we freaking did it we got this chest holy crap I don't know what it is but I wanted it all right we're gonna wait what's this where's the zipline to this connect zip line oh that's how you do it oh and I can connect oh that's how you freaking do this holy crap yo that is sick we connect this to that that's how you get in there oh my God taking the tough down from the bench I knew exactly what I had to do next what did we unlock wait we have two things milk molars holy crap um healing honestly I'm gonna do Max stamina wait can I not oh Oh wrong one wrong thing okay uh consumable stacks yeah okay wait did we get anything new here Teen Spirit scab scanner mint me so the mint mace the men mint maze guys that's what I wanted the giant Club crafted from a chunk of ice caps and then steals fresh damage on hit but useless for busting the only problem now is that we needed the furnace if we wanted to progress something I did recall was that zip line from before near the field station cool and then I love it suckers catch me now you can't I'm too cool for school oh suck a toe loser that's right I said it look at this place all right now this place is filled with black ants and they'd be super tough I also don't know if there's actually scary things in here I feel like there's gonna be other stuff now do we need like protection in here because it seems like it's gonna be really hot jumping down into the sandbox there was immediately this Sizzle effect too hot and you die how are you living excuse me sir oh interesting I gotta use the Shadows um there's a shadow down there okay okay okay wait this looks like a footprint Sizzle Sizzle baby Sizzle Sizzle okay I kind of like this this is really nice it doesn't make it too easy and it's not too difficult you just gotta watch it right hello why are we sizzling so much I don't like oh my god what the [ __ ] yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo what is that it's coming up three oh baby I knew I heard something moving in the sand and Leon [Music] oh he's gonna he's gonna do this oh yeah there it is as the gods would have it that wasn't the only thing in the sandbox okay there's a demon child in there and I'm I'm kind of curious so I'm gonna be honest with you I'm gonna take someone down I'm gonna take some of this hold on hold on hold on what is it please don't be a spider please don't be a spider please don't be a spider please don't be a spider that's a spider that's a [ __ ] spider I probably should have scanned the antleon thing too damn it I didn't think of that all was going well until well until I realized that as the Sun moved so did the Shadows we used to get inside here oh crap wait whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa yo I legit can't get home right now oh you know what this would be a great place at night oh no it would owe son of a mother trucker I couldn't believe how tough this place was it seemed that every lab only got harder and tougher with insects so the ones in the middle of circles those are scary and we don't want to fight those but how do I get out of here by the way oh I gotta go all the way over there to that corner I don't think they can get out at night time it's actually kind of cool I like it with a few parts we did get from the ant Leons we were able to craft up a single piece that would go a very long way we could also do the mint mate so soon or not soon but like I'm coming if we're getting to it let's do craft okay so now we have this we'll keep now here's where I really messed up some prayer row some prayer like what the [ __ ] man all right I guess we're killing roly polyoly God dang it dude it says go for the leg so I'm gonna go for the legs foreign got my first kill that's actually kind of easy I don't like that why is that so easy tough guy tough Gunk oh my God tough gunk roly-poly part and then yo hold on maybe we can kill some more of these guys then round two anyone with a successful jump this time and down the zip line again I did too right okay turn my oh okay we got a level three axle build now holy crap what about this roly-poly press play and like plates let's go hip hip hooray just don't touch anything I don't want to die I was having this stare off with an angelion with it finally at half HP the rest I could work with it's okay it's okay it's like a boss one Jesus oh my God yo this guy's shooting hard foreign [Music] oh God oh my God what what where I can't I can't see dude okay I see I see I see oh got him no no no no no okay it's uh it's kind of dark in here but look at this hot chocolate candy yes please that sounds delicious as fudge hold on this got me thinking though with all those other antlions in the pit there was definitely more caves to be explored the next day came and went as I went back into the sandbox luring and trying my best to kill another antleon in the pit with another ant Leon down nice and easy so was this big cave lots to explore now with the final attempt as we regrouped back at home eating and drinking together a strength sandbox was a go the ants that are like in those big circles and hopefully find a way into this like laboratory I don't need to fight them anymore I just need to find the ones with this thingy little circles something that I was too oblivious to pick up on was this open black ant cave just sitting there wait there's like a little cave here hello there black ant hill descent all right let's do it let's go in kind of spooky but I gotta do it I gotta do it for the meme boys think girls I'm gonna lose this oh wait a second this is kind of cool okay this is I like that that's super dope oh I don't like that though this place is huge I'm going this way oh look at this look at this kind of like a space station I told you oh crap oh crap oh crap oh crap oh crap got him oh I'm gonna need a bomb for this holy crap damn it that's fine so after a few more kills from the black ants and their soldiers we made our way back to home base slipping it off as fast as we could there we had it six bombs was plenty and I was ready smile on my face and Sizzle Sizzle armor to go hey hold on I did it with us scanning this was it oh is this me man all right let's go almost there hello raw science [Music] cool we got access game clearance level to B nice wasn't really sure what to expect here but it was big oh number b or what the [ __ ] yeah number no I'm okay smart oh my god oh I want this I want this I want this I want this hold on hold on hold on okay so how do we get in oh crap they found me oh hi five holy crap I didn't know we could use this here oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God we did it [Applause] intruder alert oh crap what the hell is happening oh my God foreign watch behind you buddy it's okay it's okay everything's fine everything's fine everything's fine okay so this I guess this is what uh the assistant manager is remember how we needed that key card from the assistant manager well there he is oh crap nope nope nope don't want any of that buddy oh my God this stuff is so hard it's not hard it's just like a lot you gotta do we go here we go here we go here we go one more shot one more shot come on come on baby oh God I still got a Dodge yo yo yo yo yo yo yo shocking dismissal we did it oh my god dude I cannot believe we freaking did that I mean I can but I can't you know holy smokes um can I get that one yep I can and I did all right what about here oh my God it seems that no precaution is too much I had no idea we would end up here of all places now we're on our way back home then to burgle once more it was about to get pretty awesome there you go one more time all right we did the black ants assessing what retrieve the last Superchip man oh let's do resource okay and then we go here oh my god look Advanced smithing holy crap this is what I wanted just before calling it a night here guess who surprised me back at home you're still in my face all right you're just you're just your mind forever new cutscene alert doctor Specter the director uh director these specimens are the Breakthrough we've been looking for just like you predicted we're close to eliminating the reasoning problem our team was up all night recalibrating the spacer I hope all of you remember this moment the next time you question my methods now then what progress has been made on kovalent Space expansion how did Dr Wendell tubby a lifetime failure best the brightest minds are dominant working on that formula I know it's been months but the ambiggin process is far more complicated and dangerous than we predicted ah looking bad for you little ones prepare the specimens for termination isn't what I signed up for working with more upgrades again I had to make a choice here but looks locks the item into that type and prints other upgrade types from being chosen do you wish to upgrade this type yes I don't ah what's increased stealing hold on I need a Google that is actually wait don't we have a PDA for that hold on plus healing oh see heals friends okay yeah we're definitely going for bulky then okay never mind we don't need it sorry guys um bulky it is we could keep going oh my God yo you could get so tanky in this game bulky a yes please bulky ah yeah please guess what everyone for the first time in ever I did it walking up to that big tree again I took a little peek or peep inside oh this is so scary oh did I not hit him oh that's right come on come on come on oh my god oh I killed my first one holy crap holy crap holy crap holy crap holy crap Mr Right um yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay holy crap we had more than enough healing too but if I had even more healing like imagine that how's our armor our Armor's so beefy and tanky what I felt in this exact moment was so surreal and just unbelievable the biggest help to all of this and the best healing I came to find was straight from those aphids that second spider actually dead I wanted to go inside the cave but being there was one thing and in the darkness no that one oh I blocked it I didn't Parry dang there we go baby holy crap guys yo your boy did it what all right I'm gonna keep this out why I gotta be so dark yo it's really dark what the fudge I I can't do it I can't I can't do it right now guys I can't I can't I gotta go get a light a torch just being careful you know playing it safe what is this brittle equipment is that all that's in here oh no no no no this is it this is what I was looking for hold on hold on hold on please don't wake any up hold on I gotta get this quickly let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go I don't know which way to go out crap is it this way I'm going out this way many aphids is that to send out the night in a good way I also went for that other bow [Music] done here though I needed more spider blood metaphorically speaking of course oh alrighty I guess I will take that thank you okay oh damn okay maybe I shouldn't have eaten that that's okay so we're gonna take another oh man that's really killing me holy crap come on come on come on come on come on actually wait hold on foreign [Music] [Music] wow foreign again my turn again oh baby looking around I couldn't find the sleeping demon in that little cave so top side it was if I could fight and live to tell the tale after three wolf spider attempts I could easily take on a roly-poly now roly-poly sat on the wall he's gonna die today all right take extra potion I want to fight you down here foreign [Music] I need to get those freaking parries [Music] come on come on roly-poly sat on a wall he's gonna die today the doll oh wait did I stun it holy crap I killed him yo we got it holy crap oh my God yo I'm a boss like I am the boss like I'm I'm I'm boss level now feeling like such a boss as always there's that one insect that reminds me or you I'm not as strong as I think and I'm really curious yo these guys are kind of tough what the fudge foreign oh my God yo you guys are tougher than the roly-polies taking our travels to the charcoal Hot Springs this place was hot simply put it was an open barbecue and charcoals all around one slight move and it could be your last on top of being afraid to fight more of those larvas I needed my Sizzle Sizzle outfit again staring at this ladybug it just wanted to leave my house unfortunately for it I wouldn't allow such a thing and finished it off with a death blow okay okay it's okay and you're gone get out of here nerd I'm running my way outside the other thing I wanted to do was clear the rest of the wolf spiders two more I spotted the other night were underneath the charcoal area all right we got the one yo you look so scary right now if you get the perfect stun you actually don't take any uh poison damage that is absolutely amazing holy crap okay I have to try to do this with what I have left ah did I hit it okay we'll fight it here then just because I don't want to run it I mean I can't run that was no fair dude I hate when they like go back so far okay I gotta kill it now go go come on come on oh baby okay I need the death not to kill me now holy geez Louise guys curious to also see how fast the boat was and worked stink bugs it was coming after me buddy come on come on I don't have much HP to go off of here oh hello foreign okay that stuff is going to kill me you come up here too Coolio Coolio okay with a new day here the first thing I get greeted with was a red ant charge and because it was dark outside that made it twice as hard no no no no no no no no no no no where where red oh red ants is fine okay why like I haven't been trying to block or I guess Parry properly back at the charcoal area now we had the full Sizzle outfit on rather be safe than sorry [Music] Safety First got another milk bowler [Music] yeah yeah with full Sizzle we're good okay so we might be able to like walk up here I think we have to cross the Heats oh boy oh boy oh boy what is that is that a roly-poly that don't look like no roly-poly I've seen before Oh okay we're in New Territory though black Oh Black Ox Beetle oh my God that thing looks tough as fudge but I think the roly-poly is the well to be honest I have no idea with how far I made it in this game 100 days was definitely not enough for me as I did find another Field Station there were some weird looking ants Due West is that a spider oh there's other ants oh I can't I can't but okay there's different ants here like I'll really play different set of ants done with this place though for now I needed to make my way back home and safely the only other place I needed to go was that darn Haze lab from before so with our gas mask on the journey began right next to this thing this thing actually if I'm right next to it okay so we got in here what do we need though we needed something down here what was it again I really don't remember oh God get the exploding is right okay that was yeah I remember that now the answer she's running home really quickly and once I have it I'll be back soon hi [Music] I belong s that I killed it I killed it oh my God oh my God truffle Tish tussle tussle foreign oh you can know that dude cool okay um I did not know that that's awesome I like that almost there we go so many of these little might dudes holy smokes and they give you fungal Oh I thought that's awesome holy super computer oh all right the last purple chip holy crap the last purple chip guys I'm going for it we're going for the last Burger chip we're running it I thought I had to like I guess that the the thing that cut the grass was the milk molder and I could do this from the start but I didn't know hello as you could imagine Virgo was the next visit of my chip at all yes please come on dial up really location s5432 why 74356 thank you holy crap thank you thank you thank you buddy oh my God we can find Tully now Wendell Tully we found the last chip holy crap but we have to go to the the thing okay so that's gonna be tough locate Windows scab and his favorite trade another [ __ ] you got it um hold on we did get Advanced building oh we got the oven we got the oven guys guys got oh how do I get that what is that I'll find it I'll find it I'll find it we got the oven finally oh my God the final cutscene I would see oh oh there's another one here they are the outfits and backpacks they were snatched in as requested they're strapped in synced with scabies for whatever they might run into down there the director will have our heads if he finds out we're removing company property can you sleep at night with what this company is doing we need to do something is Dr Tully even alive the field team reported him missing months ago are prolonging the inevitable this is so cool this is so cool hello this I'll make the delivery to his yard discreetly no one is even going to know I hope you know what you're doing so this is us this is like those kids holy crap so that's how I ended up in this mess interesting like there's someone at ominous with a conscience another one that is true and all before I even had a chance to go to prom while that finished I took a look at the oven and saw we needed some charcoal bits next stop barbecue pits wait did that rhyme too I need to find out I don't really know how to get this ever Charles stuff definitely like other armor now all right guys are you ready we're gonna fight this better because why the heck not here we go here we go I don't know I gotta move back a bit come on come on my turn my turn [Music] no come on keep going keep going nope come on foreign [Music] all right oh what the other ones there as well come on dude there was another wolf spider around but the poor thing was stuck look at it creepy crawling legs man so they did such a good job at making these things so terrifying oh maybe it's this [Music] oh God it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts me because stop making stop making some I gotta go get those pieces now go go go go go go one I think that was it okay finally home this was it the moment of truth and sadly I didn't have enough boiling glands so that sent me outside looking for more Bombardier beetles I see another one I'm coming for you buddy boy oh there's two of them wait what oh oh okay it like rolled over here got it I don't see a single Bombardier over here oh yes we had four we had four we had four we had four holy crap okay this is good this is good this is good um wait we can do super build all right what do we want to make mushroom bricks whoa you can make mushroom bricks do we have to make one of these to make the other ones is that how this hold on that's so weird it's like if we go here right and then I go let's say we want to do this we go like you see how it shows sour spicy Mighty glop it says question my question my question mark so we don't have that I searched high and low looking for what I missed even went back to burgle although thinking back on it I could have just sat at the Field Station to check the sign shot it hit me though there was something we missed back at that sandbox and super important the same boss we met and fought had its own room the assistant manager's locked door so with that in mind the next few days it took me a bit but we eventually remembered where it was smack dab in the middle of the sandbox again at this point I thought it was located in that sand castle on the far right so trying my best to jump the little ledge I just couldn't make it however we had our big brain and the ability to build a bridge that made it 10 times easier let's go I think we only needed two yeah it's okay I made it I mean we created a bridge this is so dumb but it works oh I was just so glad we didn't have to go back to like another location actually I should probably hold the melee or that oh well hello there yay science oh geez [ __ ] stupid bug let's get the crap out of me oh yeah cool this is good this is really good really really good really really good I did eventually get the chip for the Globs but man did that take a while with everything finally coming together I was back at burgle handing in the chip and getting exactly what I needed there it is look flavored Globs man you want this one this is the one you want guys you want the oven you want the flavored Globs and you're good to go this will allow you to start upgrading more and building better much better things thrilling right about now now with the other Globs mint in one hand and blobs in another we started the mint Globs yeah I hope you guys are ready glue Master the glue Master 3000 um just like right here actually we'll do this so for the glue Master what do we need why is there like 50 things oh it takes a lot of stuff but a lot of different stuff Oh I thought that was something else I was like is that me repair repair mint glob mint mace oh look at this look at this weapon you ready look at that and the stun like the speed there's really no difference in the speed it's just this is better I was more than excited to start using this weapon give an interview we need ten we need 10 for the next oh this one upgrade and then we need Mighty glob five to upgrade to level six do you see how strong that weapon already was right watch this oh God look at that look at that look at that now with only one way of really testing out this weapon strength we started with the biggest thing I could think of in the moment a wolf spider hello hello oh maybe it's over there a lot of movement going on right now wait is that the spider yo that might straight up be the spider I might actually try killing this thing hold on I want to see how good yeah yeah yeah come on come on freaky boy come on oh I stunned it too with that head oh yeah baby now [Music] [Music] come on come on and he did yo I didn't take as much damage as I thought I would holy smokes oh my God that was really good next was something called a Black Ox beetle I want to fight you oh that's what I want to fight yes please dude that is scaring me but I'm gonna try I'm gonna try I'm gonna try you get him oh okay okay okay thank you hello little guy invite little guy yo yo okay you get stunned again cool wow oh did I kill him oh I killed the Black Ox part yo okay they're actually like the roly-polies of this area and then I actually got lucky with this third thing the something called a ladybird which was pretty much a ladybug ladybird what the [ __ ] okay let's go well you actually go for two hits can we play nice now I don't like this all righty mint mallet's in the house lady bird shell now yo I'ma kill a bunch hold on I gotta scan you with a few spare moments left we continued to follow the path of the next story marker maybe he's over there guys we gotta run all the way over there okay let's do it that's cheating don't even try it buddy oh I made it hopefully whoa where do I go from here I don't know oh no no I know exactly what to do if I still have it oh my god um equip I think it's this I think it's this I think I think I think oh I don't have that now Clipper oh hold on hold on hold on hold on listen oh nail clippings yeah oh wait I need level three for this two what the heck level three what do you want hold on what do I need for level three it seems like level three is everywhere now is it the oh it is the term I dag where do I find termite I don't no way I'd be able to get that right now with potions made in food cooked the next thing I needed was a tier three weapon that was in fact the Mallet but at the time I thought it was an ax all right so I believe the termites are over here this is like I thought they were ants at first it could be termites it could be ants I really don't know how the heck did they get over here then what happened hello oh hey [Music] okay why are we fighting in dead zone can we stop that I need to go eight to do more damage foreign [Applause] give me thermites these guys are dangerous nice if I wasn't fighting so many but I mean I'll take it whatever okay you guys are dead finally holy crap that was actually a lot more than I bar oh it's literally right there that's why this was definitely the next level stuff bluntly put the boss level stuff with everything collected in no real way of skipping the dark that covered the sky I needed to make my way back home in one piece oh all right I'm going home screw it out I'm going this way don't touch it oh why'd you have to touch it all right all right already I got food for just emergencies okay oh my God I can't believe we made it home all right sleep dude oh my God sleep today I was able to finally finish up that new tier ax still it's not what I needed but you'll see so making my way back to the other side of the map here we go here we go here we go all right oh man oh man I'm glad I brought extras of these these things are Lifesavers they wait can I drop this now oh no okay it's the other one oh is it this one please beat this one no it's the wrong one uh I mean there's gonna be another hundred days of course guys but oh God damn it do we even I don't even have that one oh my God what do I do I can't even continue this story if I wanted to that's so sad so that said I jumped down and started claiming some might's lives oh my God now what the [ __ ] [Music] yo these things are annoying as fudge I'm coming for you come here come here come here yo yeah you like that don't you hey you do what is this what is this what is this I can chop with this I don't even know what that is but I can chop with it oh this is the lint sick there's so gonna be another 100 days man at this point like I thought there's so much more I want to do foreign this garden pot and let me tell you I thought I was dead for sure from the noises and Arena alone yo there I don't like this oh I don't like this this is so dumb this is so dumb this is so dumb what is this place yo this is like some sort of Arena yo oh my God oh oh we'll come back we'll come back you know you know we'll come back no uh-uh not happening I'll come back when I have more time because that's gonna take a lot of time but you guys really want to see that don't you all right you guys really want to see it watch me just go in here and lose all my stuff I'd be impressed all right here we go seven eight we got all of our stuff on let's go hello not gonna say anything because I'm gonna drinks myself kind of nice in here I like it nothing bad could happen unless I attack that thing I'm running I'm running I'm running I'm running I'm running I'm running I'm running oh wait oh right okay oh thank God day 100 was finally here and I was glad not only for me but for all of you patiently awaiting this one this game was definitely so much fun with all the new stuff from updates and even the biggest one being 1.0 I'm gonna show you guys right here day 100 I actually went to day 100 did as much stuff as I could night times sometimes I would skip obviously because there's wolf spiders and I ain't doing that no no later on it got better but I do want to say thank you so much for being patient for this one again this felt like Arc in the sense of the day in night cycles were really really long no mods were used and on top of that I I the only time you can really kind of skip I'm doing air quotes right now quote unquote skip you only have like maybe five to seven hours in game two Skip and that's not much the rest of the time you have to go through which is like 40 minutes give or take that's a night and I mean it takes a long time I've I did it 100 days but again guys thank you so much for being a part of this thank you so much for being so patient with me and I really and truly hope you enjoy this one I'm going to do my best to add some fun little things but nonetheless thank you so much I love and appreciate every single one of you I mean it honestly and sincerely mean that thank you guys so much from the bottom of my heart this is Ray of pandas signing out with another 100 days on this game coming because there was so much I missed apparently or maybe I don't know if you guys want it let me know if we get 100 likes on this video please and thank you it helps feed my two cats I love you guys bye okay [Music]
Channel: Rayofpandas Gaming Channel
Views: 1,200,164
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rayofpandas, rayofpandas plays Grounded, Grounded 100 days, I spent 100 days in Grounded, Grounded 100 days 1.0, I survive 100 days in Grounded, I spend 100 days in Grounded, Grounded 100 days survival, Grounded 100 days survived, 100 days Grounded, rayofpandas spent 100 days in Grounded, I survived 100 days in Grounded game, rayofpandas Grounded, I Spent 100 Days in Grounded and Here's What happened, rayofpandas gaming channel, rayofpandas gameing channel 100 days, Grounded 1.0
Id: 95ljX2tPKKg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 171min 43sec (10303 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 19 2022
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