Exploiting Slave Labor for 100 Days in Palworld

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you know I was never much of a Pokémon guy as a kid not having a Nintendo DS probably helped I just could never really get interested in this type of thing up until now turns out all I had to do was combine Pokémon with Gorilla Warfare and now you have my attention welcome to PO world for the very few who aren't familiar it's an open world Pokémon like game where you have the splendid choice of either befriending the critters here or committing acts that can get you a spot on World Star I'll be honest I could have taken this one a lot more seriously but where's the fun in that today I'm spending 100 days here to see what sort of horrible things I can do for your entertainment if you guys like this and want to see me play more po world in the future leave a like and as always grab a snack settle in and watch me do various things to piss off Peta first things first you got to make a character ideally one that strikes fear into your enemies somebody that has the will to dominate all life and rule this Earth in other words I'm rolling with David gogin for this one okay gogin is here let's see what this gorgeous island has to exploit first I find this weird looking statue that evidently serves as a fast travel that's always welcome in my book I also noticed this random person sitting there so I guess I'll talk to them ah I see you're being pessimistic I hate that attitude that gun doesn't scare me time to teach you a lesson we can't be having that attitude here oh wait the police are here goggin never goes down without a fight okay fair enough I had to try Buckshot and I never really got along anyway I need to feel better about about myself so I'm just going to pray on the week for a while I did get a bit low on Health at one point but that's okay because David goggin never loses I made my way down the hill and caught sight of a deer it was gorgeous I wanted it I would have it at some point at the base of the hill I found this big dumb looking Mammoth thing and instantly knew I had to fight it it should be no surprise to anyone that it didn't take any time for this thing to absolutely delete me from existence I respawned back at the top of the hill and made my way down it again at the bottom the there was another fast travel as well as another NPC don't worry buddy I don't want to fight you instead I'm going to imprison you with these wooden foundations unfortunately the church ruins right next to him completely stopped me from surrounding him so I'll have to settle with mostly surrounding him I set up a couple storage boxes and evidently I'm so cool that I don't even have to hammer in the correct direction I call it the goggin effect I then stumbled across this chest and it gave me some money I like money money is good what a cute looking Fox thing beat it up I think the little guy accidentally hit the mammoth feels nice not to be the only one I'll just go find another cute Fox thing to enslave you're mine now after returning to my wab base I began cooking some berries and my new little friend helped thanks buddy I'll need these for my protein shakes later on now I could really use some tools even though I love using my fists for this I needed to make a workbench which is very cheap fortunately I mean come on all this opportunity for the price of two would say less on day two I in a few more Fox Sparks they were so cute I kept trying to find myself one of those deer but they were always in a pair which intimidated me finally I found a single one by itself and went toe to- toe and that went about as well as you imagine dear viewer I crafted a bow and used it to help catch some more Fox Sparks because if I caught 10 of them I'd get an XP bonus the NPC said so NPCs are always right I guess later in the day I found another deer all by itself now I have weapons to help me I can't lose now God damn it I got my stuff back and noticed that there were some sleeping deer I began my first degree assault and began beating it with my torch some other random pal also got hit in the Cross Fire which helped me a little bit the deer didn't like that though and it quickly removed that nerd from the fight was a worthy sacrifice however because I finally caught a deer y I needed a means to repair my tools so the next morning I set up a Repair Station you know to repair stuff that needed repairing like your dating life pretty much most of my time in the daylight was spent running a mock ens slaving all who dared to cross pass with me except for the mammoth dude we were chill now there was this one little Penguin man that just didn't want to submit to my will okay bro you're wasting my pal fears how about you just die I'll catch others of your kind later I had leveled up a few times out on my hunting spree and was now specifically at level 9 I learned some ingrams and began crafting a shield thingy from the wrong side of the workbench only David goggin could do this I also set up this pal workbench which would allow me to make things to let me interact with Pals on my battle roster all I really had currently besid besides the deer were a bunch of fox Sparks so I made the harness thingy they needed I don't really know what it does but I made it day four I harvested every single palum Rock I could find I needed a lot of this stuff to make lots of pal spars so having some extra never hurt I found a large sparkly pal called a goomas and beat the ever living tar out of it why Instinct I guess anyway I killed it and got some unique loot out of it also I love how the bodies never go away and you can kind of just push them around adds insult to injury then I did a bit of grinding for some basic resources and used it all to craft a metric butt ton of arrows so a unique thing about po world is that it has a base leveling mechanic which works by filling a certain criteria by building certain structures in the base through this thingy called a PO Box in this case for me it meant putting down some po beds and a feeding box every new level allows you to have one extra pal working in your base and eventually I'll be able to have multiple bases at a high enough base level after getting all of that out of the way I went out at dusk to catch even more Pals more Pals means more XP the next day I crafted myself a three shot bow because it sounded cool and we all know that David gogin only uses cool things like your mom I did a lot of mining so I could craft pal spheres and even more arrows then I went pal catching until I ran out of spheres again I'm starting to see how this might eventually get annoying day six I'm doing more of that boring mining stuff so I could eventually make a furnace to smell metal in ah survival games and their metal mechanics speaking of metal there was a deposit of little ways up the hill I couldn't harvest the whole thing because the stuff is mad heavy but I brought enough back to spelt into ingots which I turned into Nails which I turned into an advanced workbench also uh my monkey caught on fire I was a little concerned about him but he didn't seem to mind after some more metal related grinding I had enough to make myself a deer saddle baby I also made a metal pickaxe but who cares about the upgrade when you can have a deer settle baby you know this is kind of annoying but you already know David goggin loves the grind for the first time I rode my Noble Ste and felt Superior to everything thing I explored further and eventually stumbled across this small NPC settlement in this area where all the grass was yellow for some reason here I found a merchant and sold some of the valuable things that sparkly gumas gave me and I used the revenue to get myself some more pal spheres now that I had all these Spears you already know what I was back to doing remember kids slavery is only cool if they aren't sentient I got my chest desserts for that joke when I dismounted off my deer while swimming which for some reason caused me to fall to the bottom of the river hey um I I think I found a bug I managed to climb up the side and got to a point where I could swim on the surface again but this left my stamina low and caused me to drown well that was embarrassing getting my stuff back was easy and after I did I made myself a crossbow and a metal axe I did a bit more exploring and stumbled across my first field boss chill it I fought it and got it low on health and right as I threw a pal sphere at it it killed me come on come on yes no way I celebrated my half victory by upgrading to Pelt armor back at home I continued exploring further along the east coast on day eight catching lots of Pals as I went I eventually ran out of palis feres but I didn't really care and continued on with my adventure eventually I came across this huge wide open area with flat ground the perfect spot for a base I didn't have enough levels to build stone structures quite yet so I acquired more palis speres and continued catching stuff for experience the next 2 days we're spent relocating to the new base area one nice thing about pobox is that you can fast travel between them so that saved a lot of time after having some Stone platforms set up I put down some metal storage because the wooden stuff is cringe at this point I'm pretty much just adding any helpful structures I can to my new area this would help me level up my cool very Epic Base that is also very cool by the way among these structures were Berry plantations I promise I had no idea it was worded like that but you know what let's just move on from that I built a hot spring too unfortunately it isn't for me this is just here so that the pals won't Union eyes on day 11 I paid another visit to that settlement from earlier so I could buy some more arrows and pal speres after that I decided to continue exploring towards the central part of the map I came across a Syndicate Thug campsite and wiped them out dumb nerds that's what they get it was also in this area where I encountered my first dire HS hey you doggies of course I had to catch them I needed some good boys on my side oh another thing about Syndicate camps they always have a cage in the center with a pile inside that you can free there you go buddy from one slave owner to another I went on a huge capturing spree after that including this inceram that appeared to be fighting with The Syndicate thugs nope he's mine now as I went on discovering my travels took me down to a meadow where I found another Syndicate Camp David Goggins is my name extermination is my game as soon as I found the next fast travel I took it back home since my weapons and tools were pretty low on health I don't know why I haven't mention this yet but you can find eggs lying around in this game if you have an egg incubator like the one I'm setting up here you can hatch them into Pals the last thing I did that day was set up a medieval medicine bench even though I will most likely never use it all that medical stuff is for nerds as I was getting some metal on day 12 I couldn't help but noticed that this deer was chilling out all by himself hey don't mind if I do I used the metal to put down a cooler box and this let me level up my base again this time I got it to a high enough level that actually allowed me to have a second base somewhere else I would have to be strategic about this if I wanted my new base to be effective right now getting metal was pretty an annoying so ideally I wanted to set up somewhere where there was a plentiful Metal Supply I spent some time exploring and eventually found this excellent spot on top of a mountain with several metal deposits there was this big blue dude called a relaxa orus in the way but I happened to have a spare gigas spere on me so catching him wasn't a problem I had to find a fast travel and pay a visit back to the main base for some Stone then returned and began setting up my new mining base I also made sure to set up a mining site so I could have a source of stone there the following day I placed a bunch of pow beds and put every single pal I had available with the ability to mine to work a lot of the day was spent updating infrastructure adding beds and getting a food source set up for the pals at the mining base eventually I returned home out of boredom and found myself trying to catch some nearby rubies because I could but not really sure I just kind of did after that I put down some smelters in the mining base now we're in business after improving the mining base and adding more Pals to it for the first portion of day 14 I finally began to grind for metal I've played plenty of dark I know how fast a fella can run out of this stuff at the main base I set up some more metal storage but quickly realized an annoying issue my pals wen't putting the wood and stone they were farming into the right chest idiots all of them I shuffled the chests around a bit so that the one with stone and wood was over by the door hopefully this would work then it was back to more exploration for me I was quickly learning that this map was huge and I needed to start investigating obviously I was still capturing Palace as I went the XP was way too good to ignore I stumbled into another field boss later on a grin tail less thinking more fighting enslave It capture it put it to work who needs Freedom anyway eventually the sun began to set and it got way too dark to keep exploring so I found the nearest fast travel and returned home oh yeah I also set up a weapons workbench uh yeah a new day means more Daylight and more Daylight means exploring I continued catching as many Pals as I could but this inevitably led me to running out of Spears at one point I was in this marshy area right next to a fast travel where a trio of Goins seemed to decide I looked easy to bully they were right I barely managed to fast travel away with my life but not before they got my deer don't worry it's not dead I won't be able to use it for a while though later on I found my first cave and ventured inside it was a lot bigger than I thought it would be boy and there were a bunch of low-level thugs in there that gave me gold and pal fears when killed many twists and turns later I found myself staring down another field bus which was a jolt hog by fighting it wasn't hard but my chillet killed it before I could capture it upon leaving the cave I ran into a tomat so I caught it I mean why not it's right there the last thing I did that day was add in a ceiling to my crafting Hub which would be a second floor later on day 16 I crafted my first gigas as well as a bunch of basic pal speres after that it was off to the settlement to sell some more valuable loot to the merchant there nice I went home to craft chillet and dire house Saddles before heading back out a cool thing about this game is that the map tells you where the field bosses are if you've explored the area around them I Ed this to find another field boss as a robe or something you already know I was going to catch that silly goose and of course I was successful David goggin is always successful after that I wandered around capturing the various Pals in the area getting lots of experience and food eventually I returned home to cook said food gogin needs his balanced diet you know I also set up a ranch I'm not sure what it does but I'll probably figure it out later maybe another egg finished incubating and it gave me a pain hang King cool I guess there were some Syndicate thugs that made the mistake of getting a little too close to my base let's just say they will no longer be a problem hunting and catching Pals is going to be a very common theme in this video if you haven't already noticed sometimes you just have to be the bad guy I decided to go into another cave and it was identical to the first one aside from the thugs there were some newer Pals in there which I of course caught for the XP the final boss was a kilari and I caught it kilari what a dramatic name of the goodness of my heart I cleared out another Syndicate camp at the end of the day I'm just such a good person day 18 I CAU some alpacas not really much else to say there I paid a visit to my mining base to collect the metal which had finished smelting with this metal I took it back home to craft a musket and some more gigas speres I eventually found myself at an access point to a Boss Arena as I caught a bunch of deer for XP of course I began fighting the boss catus I didn't do so hot though and it ended up getting me killed in the end I returned to freezing in without armor for my stuff I fought her again and this time did so a lot smarter this made all the difference as I caught her in the end on day 19 I found two mamis duking it out I waited until they were very low on health and took one out with my crossbow I tried to catch the other but it quickly became obvious that I would need a better sphere in order to do this so I killed it instead at this point I was going around and defeating any field boss I could find like this here King Paca there's something about enslaving bosses that gives you a feeling of power as I continued to explore came across another cave but this one had a big tunnel I tried to follow it but it was way too dark and I didn't have a torch so I went back home and cooked the raw food I had instead I returned to that cave the next day and it turned out to lead me to another boss fight at first it didn't seem to be going too well for me but eventually I accidentally ended up letting it die because my azero went god mode on it after the fight I caught a few extra Pals to console myself before finding this weird looking Yellow Rock I realized it was a sulfur deposit as soon as I began to mine it I dropped it off at the mining base and began grinding for more metal it wasn't too long before a raid on my base began although they all spawned way down at the bottom of the cliff it got even funnier as I went to fight them and realized they didn't even care if I hit them they just didn't fight back they all just sat there at the bottom letting themselves die I got a whole bunch of cor ammo from this easy bullets baby the excitement died down and at the end of the day I finally had enough metal to upgrade to better armor all right let's try this falope fight again well I would have but he didn't seem to have responded when I got so I decided I would come back later I got some more Pals and wiped out another Syndicate Camp as I passed the time I explored even further north and the pals in that direction were a lot tougher to catch it was getting dark again so I paid another visit to the cave to check if the falope responded and it did all right bucko this time you're mine God damn it I'm just going to go home and build a tower you know Chuy things not really much to see on day 22 just kind of worked on this tower for the entire day the first half of day 23 was spent building as well later I made another attempt at the falope fight this time I actually caught him but that was mostly because he knocked out my aerobe before she could kill him another cool thing you can do is upgrade your Palace using these things called Palace hes as long as you have a statue at your base you can do this which I did to my falou as much as I could why I don't know I guess I'm just emotionally attached after trying to catch it for all that time I made some more Nails which turned into fancier pal Beds which are set up to upgrade my base once again that evening I finally had enough metal to make myself a falou saddle time to get my Yeehaw on you know what I'm saying guys yeah of course you wouldn't guys this falope is an amazing Improvement in terms of travel he's especially good at destroying my enemies especially the ones that drop bullets when they die using these bullets I fought another boss called a bushy this was the most anime looking character I had seen so far so when I caught him you bet I was going to use him I explored a little further north and caught a couple AR soxes get it cuz they're made of fire fire foxes and fire is where arson starts okay I'll stop I also got lucky and caught a Brun Cherry with a lowquality sphere I don't know why I get lucky like this sometimes I just do once again it got too dark to continue so I fast traveled home and went to bed hey you know that Tower I started well I need to finish it and it needs to be cool so for the next four days I worked on this thing you the building montage [Music] [Music] [Music] I finished the great tower on day 30 and once again it was something I feel very proud of I fast traveled off to a farther spot and you could still see it I'm so not used to this usually these types of things will have a render distance but this is so freaking cool okay 30 days in and I think it's time to see what this funny boss Tower thingy is all about hey [Music] hey [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we [Music] I think I might have been overleveled for that after all the excitement I decided to run another cave dungeon and the dungeon boss was a cery I caught her you can't stop the gaggin train I sold some things in the morning of the following day David gogin is always chasing that bag the entire rest of the day I grinded for metal at the mining base I don't have any slaves I mean Pals to mine the metal for me yet the only time I stopped my metal mongering was to stop a quote unquote raid but well they don't really do anything so it's more like free loot still grinding for metal on day 32 but I got to say that these R soxes are so much better at kindling than the fox Sparks are at the main base I crafted some prerequisite materials like cement then added falls to the second floor of my crafting Hub after this was finished I set up a production assembly line this is pretty much just an expensive fancy looking upgrade of the workbench this bled me drive metal so guess what time it is back to the mining base this also me more raids like this one guys I think I broke the game I don't think raids are supposed to go like this once I had more metal I replenished my supply of gigas speres the next day I continued to craft more spheres as well as some ammo for my musket this was all to prepare myself for the next bout of exploration there was so much to see and do early on I ran into a sparkly lift monk or lucky as the game calls it I don't really care I just enslaved it nonetheless then I realized it was right next to another field bus a unival of course I fight it gogin never runs from a fight especially when you only have a 2% chance of capturing it I don't know how I got that first try but we'll just blame it on that signature Chuy luck I kept exploring up the western coast and eventually came across a bron Cherry field boss cater was pretty simple by that point it had gotten dark so I went home to sleep I continued exploring on day 34 this time more centrally I came across a higher level Syndicate camp and decided to investigate there were a couple of relaxa orus there but they got Merk before I could try to catch them that's fine I'll settle for the cage Toco Toco instead and I'm still exploring and catching Pals I continue doing this into the wee hours of the day including taking down another Field Box it was called a sweeper my inventory had run out of space from all the loot and eggs I had been collecting on my travels so we returned home to put it all into storage day 35 I cut some more Bron cherries and found my first serpant as well I tried fighting one to catch it but uh that didn't work I found another boss cave and this one housed a Brun Cherry Aqua obviously I fought it but got overconfident when her health got low surely a musket wouldn't kill her right God damn it I attempted a second time to catch some Surfin after leaving the CATE and at at least this time I was successful man imagine the Terrible Things pedo wants to do to me with all this enslavement going on to be fair I'm probably the most dangerous person on this island like this Pang king boss I found that's right buddy fear me once again I sold stuff to the merchant at the settlement before continuing on my way funnily enough I found two mamars duking it out once again in the same exact spot as before I thought about attempting to catch one but figured it was not going to be worth it with those chances guess I'll just keep EXP exploring then I haven't even discovered half of this map yet day 37 I cooked some food and finished incubating another egg which gave me my 10th deer whoopee most of the day was dedicated to grinding for metal I had gotten a blueprint for a better crossbow on my travels and an upgrade was at order all this metal was also for a generator which I managed to have enough to make one before the end of the day this would keep my univolt busy and more importantly I could use the production assembly line now I began crafting the improved crossbow but uh oh jeez this is going to take a long time as the sun rose again the next day I was still making this stupid crossbow I hope it'll be worth it after I finally finished it I set some more eggs out so that they could incubate while I tried fighting the Brun Cherry Aqua for a second time the fight went much better since I didn't kill it with a musket this time who knew now I have a bron Cherry Aqua under my command that's not something you say every day I fast traveled back over to where those gobins were from before and journeyed north from there to see what I'd find on my travels I stumbled across a huge verant egg I didn't even know they got this big that's what she said it wasn't long before I found myself on the eastern coast and in the distance I could see what looked like a large desert so of course I investigated as I began to explore it it quickly dawned on me that the pals here were way stronger than what I could handle at the current moment so I began to make my way home instead of fast traveling on day 39 I explored more of the eastern coast as I returned to my main base I just have this need to make sure all parts of the map explored so having all that unexplored space really bothered me once I got home I incubated a merate which looked kind of gross in all honesty I put down a few stone walls on the perimeter but I ran out of cement so I didn't get far the last thing I did that day was attempt to fight and catch another boss patalia unfortunately she died before I had the opportunity to catch her wonder how that happened I caught some dinomes the next day and continued exploring for the sole purpose of filling out the map as I went along I caught more Pals although at this point that should pretty much be assumed at one point I found this small area with a bunch of lava and fire Pals I discovered a couple new Pals called wixon and caught a few they put up a bit of a fight but goggin never loses a 41 I was still out and about this time I officially discovered a new faction called the free pal Alliance and wasted no time committing war crimes on them what's this a camp full of free pal members we can't have that no one will know I was here if I kill all of you speaking of clearing camps I haven't gone after any syndicate Camp s in a while for the rest of the day I roed around every Syndicate Camp I could think of wiping them out for ammo I fought yet another boss on day 42 like qu or quivver I don't know there really isn't much to say for these fights honestly I just roll around then blast them in that until they're low enough to capture bada bing bada boom after dropping my loot off at home I continued My Expedition North there was another Syndicate Camp I ran into that had this humongous dude with a Gatling gun lovely fortunately it seems like a Gatling gun has no match for my angle up who messed this guy up all I had to do was dumb him with my crossbow and the job was done nice after capturing a few more Pals for the experience I returned home to sleep the night away at my mining camp I reallocated my pals so that I had ones with better mining traits working this way I could actually have them working on metal rather than Stone as I left the base at one point I ran into a funny looking black rock which turned out to be CO as soon as I began mining it with my pickaxe I went home now since I had the levels to make myself a better Shield a giga Shield after that it was back to farming horse ammo from Syndicate camps while I was in the area I cut the last few mil Packers I would need to get the 10 catch XP bonus after that I decided I had enough ammo for yet another boss fight it was lunaris and it was a very hardfought battle somehow once again I managed to throw a gigas spere right before getting killed come on come on no way it happened again day 44 I returned to the side of my death and recovered my stuff afterwards I grabbed a bunch of Ingot from the mining base so I could return to the main one to repair my armor I wasn't really in the mood to explore so I decided just to grind for metal this is how I spent my time that day and eventually i' had gotten enough to set up a sphere assembly line I was still missing some of the material to actually make it though now I almost had a more effective way to craft spheres but I didn't have any palum to replenish my sphere Supply yes I have to grind for that too at the end of the day I fought another boss the relax Source Lux this time I wasn't able to fight it because I ran out of spheres so I just killed him it was so sad so tragic anyways I'm going to make more megas spheres those boss fights really depleted my supply of musket ammo I wonder where I can get some more okay I think we both knew I just wanted to make it funny or something I went into another cave dungeon but for this time I only wanted the palum rocks and coal deposits that were in there it wouldn't be enough in the long run but that's an issue I'd have to tackle later un cave nah why not make it two I still have some weight capacity left in in my inventory before I'll get encumbered I dropped off all my loot at the main base and while I'm looking in these chests I didn't realize I had so many eggs remember that huge verant egg I found well it finally finished hatching on day 46 the pallet gave me ver Das was super good with handiwork though so it was totally worth it I finally got around to crafting a bunch of miscellaneous materials and finally set up a sphere assembly line then I began making a ton of cement some of which I used to craft a handful of hyperspheres of course the cement was going to take a while to make so I just set one of my wixon on it so I could go do other things like selling things to Merchants ah don't you love it when the NPCs have bottomless pockets of money to give you once that was all done it was time to go after some more bosses first I went after alren and then fought and caught him after that fight went better than I thought I decided to go after another boss it was this electric bird thingy called be gun then I um well fought it and caught it yeah listen I swear I'm not wiping out these Syndicate Thug camps for the sake of being unethical I'm only doing it for the ammo but I will say there's something satisfying about taking their stuff I caught some more Pals for XP ho hum and I even killed that aerobe boss just to flex I think I was bored I can't remember and I ran into this really creepy looking black marketeer listen I know they wanted to make him look Shifty and untrustworthy but I feel like if I make eye contact he'll steal my IP address and posted on Twitter remember that mamor boss from the beginning well now that I was Stronger it was time to try and catch him it was still a higher level than me but I still managed to get the upper hand atas it died in the end before I could catch it that was so sad day 48 I set up an improved furnace at the mining base and I finally figured out what the coal was for refined ingots I was immediately able to start smelting them due to the fact that I had collected coal for no reason in days previous then I realized that I was going to need a lot more coal I tried to solve this by paying a visit to another cave dungeon to get it and I quickly realized that I was going to have to level up my wait some more I also got some kilari in there for the XP why not also I can't get over that name kilari it's so corny on a side note I realized I haven't named a single one of my pals so I named my falope Orion he would be the only pal I ever named ever again day 49 I noticed my Bron Cherry was getting depressed tried to fix this by building a highquality hot spring and tossed her in she seemed happy about that so that's good I guess then it was finally back to exploring once again and I was going centrally again I found a desert there with lots of dig toy studs and some other Critters I had gotten from eggs I don't know if I pronounced any of their names right though listen I didn't know where they came from just what they were that's just what happens when you steal children not not that I would know of course as the sun set I found some gor rats next to a fast travel and worked on catching them it became quickly apparent that having higher quality spheres was going to be very helpful the further north I went I was in short supply of a few things in terms of material so on day 50 I spent time trying to stock back up I added another egg incubator to the base since the eggs I had been collecting all this time were piling up in storage I'm not about to drown in eggs what an embarrassing way did I I tried revisiting one of the caves I had gone to co for previously but for some reason I couldn't get in at first I thought it may have been a glitch but after reloading the game it was still blocked off bruh fortunately there are plenty of caves for me to plunder so I visited a different one instead to get what I needed I went to my mining base to grind out more metal ingots but couldn't help but notice all this wood lying around I guess some of my pals hate trees fine by me free wood a new kind of raid happened that night one with flying Pals of course even though they had wings they still somehow were stuck at the bottom of the cliff like all the others had been killing them obviously was a walk in the park two1 pal World zero for the first time in a long time I actually crafted my own ammo for a boss fight I know weird right I continued exploring the central parts of the map capturing Pals for XP as I traveled this included the desert where I CAU some dig to finally some Pals with a work ethic that even David Goggins can be proud of it started to get dark once again but I just could not find a new fast travel anywhere I did catch some Cognito though so at least there's that I suppose I think it's time to give the relaxa orus Lux boss another try don't you and would you look at that he's as good as mine at this point fellas let's just assume I'm selling things to the settlement Merchant every other day I'm getting so many sellable items that money is just flowing into my pockets it'll all be used on charity and protein shakes of course I replenished my supply of spheres at home before heading back out to fight the mandal boss of course I caught him I always catch them in the end say with me class David gogins never loses I was still in a devilish mood so I caught some dino blossoms until I had 10 of them also devilish mood why would I say that forget about it instead be satisfied as I grind for more cave resources on day 53 I organized some more and dude I'm going to be honest the amount of eggs I still have sitting around is really bugging me I'm coping so hard right now moving on from that I set up a second improved furnace at the mining base to speed up production of refined inot to eight in this effort I also put down some more pal beds along with putting up more mining Pals to work I went on yet another cave resource run and returned back to the mining base to grind for metal again I'm dying inside things got more exciting again when I had a rematch with the patalia boss and this time I caught her get wrecked idiot just because I was there I captured a few Brisas before going back home a 5 before I placed down even more storage at the bank base and crafted some highquality cloth this would be used immediately to make another upgraded armor type for me out of refined metal I set the stage to make a weapons assembly line by putting in a third floor in my crafting Hub I didn't have the metal to actually make the the yet so once again it was off to the you know what face do slave away for more metal while I was there another new type of raid happened and I was apparently being attacked by a gang of Love Anders I checked it out and they were these weird pink bipedal Pals I saw an opportunity to get some more XP so I caught several I returned home with the metal I needed and finally got to building that weapon assembly conveyor thingy out of pure curiosity I read the bio for the love Enders and oh oh oh I'm going to go bleach my eyes now you know what it's been super dark in this base for the longest time so I made a bunch of Nails in order to place a bunch of lamps all over the base let there be light something something David Goins okay I'm done the next day I set up a tomato Plantation just because I could M Tomatoes I guess I found this cool little Valley area and explored it a little bit I'm not really sure what I went there for but it happened I still had metal ingots on the mine so I paid yet another visit to my mining base to get some I got a little side checked though and went to the nearby Syndicate Camp just to commit some crime oh hey free serent you're mine now nerd I returned to the main base with the new wave of metal inets and crafted quite a few things first it was gigas speres then I moved on and made some cold resistant metal armor then some more hyperspheres followed by more polymer so to summerize I was holding down the F key for a very long time I made even more hyperspheres on day 56 you could never have too many I wanted to make some even better assembly lines but for that I needed circuit boards to make those I needed polymer and quartz say what there's Quartz in this game too where do I get that pain what's that another boss oh no you got enslaved too what a bummer after checking another Boss off the list I spent the rest of the day in that general area catching bee guards as it got dark I also captured my first Manda now that I finally made myself some cold resistant metal armor I could explore some of the snowy areas for the first time so I made my way towards the Fast Travel and boss Tower I started tussling with a ranger hey bro can you not freeze me like that all right you know what just shut up and get in the sphere I should also mention the rote Awakening I got when I realized that there was a much larger snowy mountain range to the north bro how big is this map I started making my way down the hill in that Direction but got distracted when I found a quartz deposit oh I see they're all so conveniently placed in the harder to reach areas I continued My Expedition North until I found a fast travel which I used to go back home there I placed down two more incubators because my egg situation was getting dire after dark I began making circuit boards Good Golly these are going to take forever it was all worth it when I set up the upgraded version of the sphere assembly line the next day look at how state-ofthe-art it is I can't wait to waste away in front of this thing to refill my supply of spheres every 5 days well since I used almost all of my stuff to make that new conveyor I headed back to my umth cave to exploit it for minerals there were also mouss in there which I made sure to catch for the XP another day another chance to give myself scoliosis with all this mining I'm doing also finally got around to making a quivver saddle I assumed this dude was going to be really fast because it was hard to catch right guys right this turned out to be false when I fought the mamist boss on my new Steed quite was slow but he did Packa punch it was painful but I did manage to secure the catch after a hardfought battle after that I went up to the marsh place with all the Gob fins and caught as many as I could until I got the 10 catch bonus there was a Boss Arena entrance right there so I decided screw it why not and went for it the boss there war SEC was cool not cool enough to beat David gogin but he was still very cool nonetheless day 60 began with another ethnic cleansing I mean battle it was a battle that ended with them all dead and me stealing their cage van worm there were so many black spots on the map and I needed to make sure they disappeared back to exploring as I explored centrally I found another huge verant egg and later also found a huge dragon egg what these exist I'm excited to hatch it found myself over by the Pali of B Arena again and decided to catch 10 cin moths all on one trip this was a great feeling I got so much xp from it day 61 I began a stream and to entertain the guests I tried doing something diabolical it's no secret that you can catch humans in the this game which is part of the reason it's so great but I had some plans for these guys oh you bet I did at a certain point as I was doing this the camp straight up despawned along with all the dudes I was trying to catch that was so unfortunate at first I thought the thugs would be able to mine so I set up another base around some coal deposits but then realized all of them could only do handiwork NOP they can only they're only good for handiwork that's fine that's that's kind of unfortunate though what was I going to do with these guys then of course I was going to put them to work but where ideally I wanted it to be somewhere very uncomfortable so I returned to the snowy area to scout I guess at night is too cold up there even though I had the resistant armor so I left before I could freeze to death hey you know what else would be an uncomfortable spot that volcano I haven't explored yet first I had to make the armor that would keep me from burning to death up there for that I need more wool okay Mr King Paca I'm going to have to take your skin nothing personal I'm just going to use it to make some clothes that I can build a sweat shop in comfortably that was time to begin exploring the volcano since I needed a nice spot to build the sweat shop in I came across a repo and began fighting it but I quickly got double teamed and had to flee I also found this wild falope going for a swim he didn't seem to mind but God sure did I tried to be all cool in a send the volcano all the way to the top with Orion but at a certain point I agreed I was just wasting time I used my quivver to fly the rest of the way up and boy that was slow I fast travel and went back home to start crafting a beacon saddle hopefully this would be faster decided to set up shop on top of the volcano over by the boss Tower it was a pack of TOA toos nearby that got a little too close so I showed them how to eat small metal objects traveling at the speed of sound with those heathens out of the way I could build my sweat shop in peace I set up a logging site on the first floor but it didn't really look good with the PO Box there so I moved it to the second floor I got to make this base even higher but as I put in walls I need to remember one very important Detail no windows I can't have any fresh air getting inside now after install ining the final walls I set up a bunch of primitive workbenches lining the room I think you can see where this is going okay okay fine I'll set up a feed box too can't have the thugs dying on me I still need them to do meaningless labor what kind of meaningless labor you might ask they're going to make me a bunch of arrows that's why I have the logging and Mining site for Endless arrows actually don't need arrows anymore but they don't know that I noticed a repo chilling out right next to the sweat shop so I caught him these guys were amazing at kindling so I took him to the mining base and set him loose towards the end of the day I returned to the main base to make a ragn hawk saddle since my chat insisted that it was a faster Mount than anything I had used up until that point I also crafted my first ever Ultras speres and briefly talked to my chat about the horrific lore of Love Anders so apparently some of the pals in this game they're called love Anders I read about them yeah so apparently they're lecherous they uh very horny evidently it's really it's really disturbing it's why they attack your base it's because they're fans of you they're going after you guys guys the dragon egg is about to hatch I can't wait to see what I get that is so disappointing did I just get scammed I made some more hypers spheres and decided to go on another boss hunt my first Target was elizabe a giant well be that is mean when I hit it so it hits me back also her minions are insane they all rushed at me and tried to explode if I make a joke about this they'll probably delete my channel the next up on The Hit List was Wo a weird name honestly it sounds dumb guys get along to this nerd's stupid name guys don't make fun of his name he's super strong he cleared out most of my pals and even after I got him low it took nearly all of my Ultras spheres to catch him even though I was low on my supply of highquality spheres I was a bit bold and went after another boss this violet or however you pronounce it was very strong and absolutely domed my bushy so I whipped out Orion to help me unfortunately my last ultrasphere didn't work but I somehow managed to catch it first try with a hypersphere despite the fact there was only a 3% chance of this actually working for me guys I don't even know how my luck works anymore that's right my pretties good work I went back to the volcano on day 66 and took a moment to enjoy the view wait a minute isn't that my tower over there no way I love this game well time to again do what I probably spent most of this video doing exploring but now there's a bunch of lava so it's cooler right this time I'm not catching Pals though I still haven't replenished my sphere Supply as I explored I discovered yet another faction of NPCs Brothers of the Eternal P they're called still they seem to have similarities with the other human enemies they don't seem to appreciate it too much when I hurl a ball of water the size of planet Mars at them I found another field boss a level 50 jet dragon I may be dumb sometimes in games but I kept my distance I mean 10,000 health no way I could fight that thing anytime soon my Expedition went on and I should mention that I was picking up a lot of fire eggs it soon got dark but since I was nowhere near a fast travel I just continued my adventure I followed the coastline the next day until I finally found a new fast travel point I took it back home so I could put the Legion of eggs I had collected into storage yesh I really got to hatch all of these it had been a fat minute since I went to the metal base so I stopped by to grab some in gets before heading back home for the night hey I haven't used the medicine workbench yet have I I began making some high-grade medical supplies since some of my pals were in a weakened condition what better to cure weakness than some random drug I made boy howdy these are going to take a long time to make okay I don't have the patience for this just the one will be fine for now right there was still a bunch of unexplored area in some of the more Central parts of the map and you know we can't have that so I wandered through that section capturing a bunch of AR soxes and Gil claws as I went oh hello mamist lovely day we're having lovely day to be enslaved I continued exploring and came across this area with a ton of these lift monk Effigies lying around these things are nice because if I collect enough I can increase my catching power at that pal upgrade statue thingy I returned to that fast travel next to the lava area on day 69 to continue exploring along the southwestern Coast there were some inceram and D muds here that I caught for some extra experience eventually I discovered a fishing Village which by itself wasn't anything super special I couldn't help but notice that one of the merchants here sold ammo that will be very helpful later I continue to investigate the area before eventually heading back to go on another resource run in a lowlevel cave you know I'd be getting better rewards if I ran a higher level cave but me I finished incubating some eggs the next day and they gave me some Pyon variants or to put it in simpler words different types of fire horses after making some carbon fiber and cement I set up another improved furnace this time at the main base this was purely just to smelt charcoal quicker since I needed charcoal called to make carbon fiber it was high time that I refilled my very empty supply of spheres as well so I did just that this time it was mostly higher quality spheres though I know I talked about running a higher level cave dungeon but now it's actually time to act this one I visited unsurprisingly had free pal alliance members in it instead of Syndicate peeps there were also quite a few new Pals in there like exploding PE no no oh no please I'm sorry the dungeon boss was a loop Moon catching him was no problem after leaving the cave there was a new kind of flying pal I had never seen before I managed to catch it in the spear but for some reason it didn't go into my inventory then I realized I had too many Pals once again well time to sell them into the slave trade oh hey I didn't see you there don't mind me I'm still selling Pals and being extra thorough dude 60,000 gold coins from selling Pals hell yeah I'm [Music] rich then I was off exploring again this time at a Northwestern Island I quickly noticed that this was another low-level area once I saw the palace that were spawning here I encountered another Boss Arena with a fbat boss I beat the crap out of it and caught it enough said eventually I had enough adventure for one day and I returned to the main base and finally began working on putting a roof over the sleeping area the sloped ceilings are kind of whack and could only be placed on walls so I had to move the structures that were in the way I was back on the road on Day 72 and I can't stress how much of this map there seems to be I wasn't prepared to see how huge this game was not a lot happened honestly I just explored until it got dark and fast traveled home day 73 and I'm still out filling in the map this time I wanted to investigate the northern part of the volcano and I honestly wasn't ready to find the ruins of a huge castle there filling out the map was sort of my priority but I made a note to go back and explore that later at one point I had to go back home and make another metal chest because I had that many eggs I seriously got to stop picking up every single one one I find there was this weird looking island off the coast of the South so I decided to investigate turns out it was definitely accessible there were also a bunch of Pals there that I had never seen before wait those cops what are they doing here I'm sure it has nothing to do with trespassing right I decided to pick a tussle with some Terra eader or whatever you call them I killed one but managed to catch the other at a certain point the game told me in big letters that I was at a wildlife sanctuary so you mean to tell me I just killed a protected species that's awkward I'm still exploring empty areas of the map on day 74 because it bothers me of course I'm catching Pals as I go I can be doubly efficient I came across a Nightwing roaming boss at a lower level area and since I already had 10 of these things I just murdered it instead ah the circle of life as I continued North the palace seemed to only require spheres that were of higher and higher qualities this was unsurprising and it also kept me from trying to capture anything it just wasn't worth wasting resources on at the end of the day I began making a a bunch of cement there had to be a more efficient way of making this stuff why aren't my pals helping me still crafting cement no seriously where are all my pals I tried to start crafting carbon fiber but there were some glaring issues about my base that I had to address Pals were getting stuck on my structures without roofs and my crafting Hub wasn't really great for the Pal's AI to navigate so step one was to actually finish the ceilings I don't know why I put this off next step was to modify my crafting Hub the current design with the stairs clearly wasn't working so I began tearing down walls and putting up some easier access stairs it looked like crap but I was sick of crafting everything by myself fortunately these new changes seemed to work wonders as some of the pals with the handiwork trait immediately got to work crafting carbon fiber I still wasn't done with base modifications however I repositioned my sphere assembly line so I could make a hole in the wall for easier pal access then I put an actual roof in would you believe it I know crazy with all the cement I had grafted I also finally finished the wall around the perimeter a bunch of older structur variants that I simply wasn't using anymore so I got rid of them this actually freed up a crazy amount of space the remainder of the day was entirely dedicated to grinding for metal and coal so that I could get even more reinforced ingots I was so close to being a high enough level to craft a shotgun so I caught a bunch of my sandas and gor rats near my coal deposit until I had captured 10 of each this gave me the experience I needed to level up which means I can get a boom stick okay now that I get a better look at my revamped cra in Hub it looks terrible honestly I don't really care as long as it works after crafting a bunch of ultr spheres I finally did it I made a shotgun I couldn't wait to use this on the innocent I was feeling pretty confident on day 78 and decided to go fight another boss Tower as soon as I arrived at the snowy biome I was attacked by a rangri cuz I look tasty or something kaboom baby not a gaggin watch now it's time for me to see what this boss has got in store for me a what [Music] hell yeah take that nerd's teabag of shame I explored some more interacting with any fast travel I came AC cross I also decided to fight this other dungeon boss that was in the area it died too but I honestly don't care that much eventually it got way too cold for me and I barely managed to escape it before dying so I returned home to sleep and recover day 79 I ran another intermediate cave dungeon for the resources and Pals to capture for XP after killing the boss and leaving the cave I went back to that fishing Village to sell the goods I used this money to buy even more ammo for my shotgun because violence is cool fun I have the levels to make an even better boom stick I know what I have to [Music] do I tried to reposition the advanced furnace at the main base so that it would be inside but the game wasn't letting me for some reason come on game just let me hot boox my base with toxic fumes why are my pals getting stuck on top of my statue I swear they all have three Collective brain cells I moved the statue over by my tower and that seemed to help resolve the issue also why are Pals always inside my tower that is my tower I moved the doors to a different spot and closed them hopefully this will fix that then I paid another visit to my homies at the sweat shop I see you guys have finished your work that must mean I can give you even more right I tried to go on another catching spree but then I got cocky and this repo set me on fire with low Health as I tried making a run for it I burned to death M I attempted to get my stuff back but died over a lava FL also got my falope killed since he was just chilling there idiot I responded at the mining base but for some reason I was on fire I jumped off a cliff in order to respawn again this time without Catching Fire I finally managed to recover my things on my ragnok before I could burn to death and spent the rest of the day grinding for Cole day 81 it's time to slave away over the sphere assembly line again guys someone please s help please remember that quartz deposit on mine well I needed a lot more quartz if I was going to keep upgrading my assembly line so was back to the Northern areas of the map to look for some more why can't I find any quarts please please game just give me quarts I returned home to use the little quarts I did find to make some more circuit boards unfortunately this amount would be nowhere near enough I guess it's back to the scoliosis forming process of mining coal I still need a lot of refined metal in gets on top of that pre-existing need for quartz yes yes I found quartzes we the nasty quartzes lot of h a smell off it's also worth noting that I came across a chest that gave me my first golden key which would help unlock other highquality chests in these Northern late game areas there was also yet another new group of NPCs I encountered on my travels the pal genetic researchers not a very friendly Bunch I'll try to avoid them as I continued exploring along the razor sharp peaks in the north I found the boss Tower with a fast travel up there I took it back home and started making more polymer but then I ran out of Po oil dude seriously there was only one one place that I knew that had the oil I needed which was the large area of land where the relaxa orus is spawn I spent a bunch of time hunting them and catching woolly pops so I could get closer to that sexy 10 catch bonus another cave I did find a bunch of noxes there which I didn't have a lot of so you know what I had to do aside from that I was mining that juicy palum as per usual also check it out a woolly poop boss that's convenient get caught idiot day 83 I'm still hunting stuff for po oil since I was in the area I caught maseras until I had 10 of them I don't know why I haven't done that sooner but whatever wait a minute I don't think I've caught 10 Surfin yet either how did I miss out on all this XP I can't let myself get distracted I need to continue killing the stupid blue dudes there's a word here that begins with a G that comes to mind but I don't think the YouTube terms of service will like it if I say that word holy guacamole this game is bringing out my hedgy side tone it down there chw when I finally traveled back home I finished incubating some eggs and began crafting loads of polymer okay maybe not that much polymer this makes me sad the following morning I made a whole whopping 15 circuit boards ladies ladies one at a time uh I'm going to die alone those circuit boards I upgraded my production assembly line to the next improved version with it I made for myself a giga glider since for some reason I hadn't bothered to make a glider up until now oh my gosh more coal this reminds me of the kids in the mine under my house I should probably feed them that was a joke FBI I'm back on the trail hunting relax SES on day 85 yippee I also ran another C for pum but that's so much less interesting next I paid another visit to the fishing Village so I can sell my mega shield for more buck shot now you might be asking yourself but Chuy why would you sell your Shield I'll tell you why I'm making an even better one at home that's why plus who wouldn't sell their soul for shotgun ammo what a dumb question after Sunset I constructed an electric kitchen as well as two large pal beds in the sleeping area so I could level up my base I'm back to my exploring ways on day 86 and of course it's in the northernmost mountains really not a lot happened as I filled in more of the map notably I did catch a bunch of cry linkes for the XP but I didn't really have the resources or high enough leveled Pals to be able to do much I picked up a lot of chests too some of which had some very useful looking gun schematics I also came across a frost Stellian field boss dude that thing looks amazing I want it I'm to weak to fight it right now of course but a man can dream day 87 I'm doing the same exact thing not much to see here I did make an effort to pick up any lift monk Effigies and chests I came across which gave me even more gun blueprints day 88 I got encumbered while on a coal mining spree I can't really make it anywhere if I'm moving like this so sacrifices must be made it pains me to drop this stuff since I need it but it must be done or I could just upgrade weight like a smart person after making some more palis speres I fast traveled to that huge desert area from for to start exploring there by this point I was at a high enough level to catch these Pals so that's exactly what I did turns out they wanted to be realistic about the temperature in the desert because I began freezing as night fell unfortunately I was very far from the nearest fast travel and I ended up dying before I could even get close getting my stuff back was easy since I had gold resistant armor at home all I had to do was throw it on find the spot where I died and Baboo my desert Expedition resumed the next day as I journeyed forth through the sand Orion hit Level 40 and leared this really funny ice attack as I continued on catching Pals left and right I eventually found another NPC settlement nestled in the dunes I talked to some of the police officers standing outside and something about the way they spoke about their leader seemed kind of funny I'll bet he's the guy I got a fight in the boss Tower I did notice that this Merchant here is selling po oil so how about that I bought a whole bunch of it and returned home to turn it all into polymer after making some more carbon fiber on day 90 I had everything I needed to build an electric furnace of course I had to put it outside the mining base because it won't let me build these things indoors after going on yet another caving spree to grab all the palum I could find I brought it all back to the mining base so I could smelt it into the newly available palings then I made the Ultimate Weapon at the main base a sword oh man David gaggin has a sword day 91 I made a suzaku saddle so I could see if this was a better flying Mount than the ragn hawk also I may have forgotten the fact that the electric furnace I had built the previous day was in back an electrical generator that needed electricity so uh that never happened okay guys this generator was always there then it was off to this weird ancient ruins looking place in the north to one explore and two test out my suzaku let me just say that this thing was freaking awesome there wasn't much to see up North so it was back to the desert to continue filling in the map exploring enslaving blah blah you all know the drill eventually I ran out of all my better palis speres so I had to resort to using gigos speres this meant using up a whole whole bunch while trying to catch things but honestly it wasn't that big of a deal to me nothing super interesting happened for the most part on day 92 just a whole lot of exploring eventually I did make my way back to a fast travel where I saw an elizabe I wanted to catch it but I kind of ended up sending it to Jesus instead she's in a better place now and I kind of just went home and made cement it was just one of those kinds of days and I'm still crafting cement how exciting I ran some more caves for the pum and coal then sold a bunch of valuables to get even more Booms to CMO you know it's been a while since I've been up here on the tower of Truth sometimes it's nice to just take a moment and relax on top of a ridiculously tall tower and assert dominance on everyone eventually I came back down to make even more carbon fiber which eventually was used to craft more Ultras speres and I'm still crafting ultr spheres how exciting wait I already said that but with the cement I'm running out of jokes I was feeling pretty good about myself so I decided to pick a fight with the geran tide field boss my suaka wasn't so lucky because she got absolutely wrecked by its water beam eventually I think I strayed a bit too far away because it had retreated and completely healed bro at this point I didn't care I just started fighting it again this fight went pretty well all things considered until it died that is I went back home depressed and had to reorganize my pals because somehow they keep getting stuck on my tower screw this I'm going to bed once again I'm a super low on carbon fiber so I set up my advanced furn to make a lot of jeral for me while I did other things I returned to the desert feeling quite mischievous and began fighting the suzaku field boss this one went a lot smoother than the Gman tide boss fight and I was able to catch it in the end then I went after the next desert field boss I could find a menace sting in the middle of the fight my shotgun broke so I had to resort to using my sword instead it nearly took every single one of my ultra Spears to catch but I did secure the capture in the end back at home I made some carbon fiber and polymer then used some of it to repair my gun then I realized I was out of palum so it's time to visit the cave dungeons again it's fine grinding is in character for me in this video or I should say in character for David gogins it's probably worth mentioning that I bought a whole bunch of Po oil from a merchant again too I would need to make even more polymer soon I made my first batch of legendary pal speres on day 96 and this took a long time to do after that task was completed I gave the geran tide boss another go this time in a different location I don't know why there were two German Tides they're just were this time also went a lot better for me since I did end up catching him too yeah scary water snake time before I could write it I needed to make the saddle obviously which required more palum day 997 I made the German tide saddle which means it's snake time I rode him to another wild animal sanctuary off the coast of the Volcano Island for some reason I thought my German died would be a lot faster as a mount but I guess I learned my lesson at least packs of punch at the sanctuary I got a few Pals but most of them were in tight-knit groups in large numbers with high levels so picking a fight was a little too risky as long as I'm discreet the cops will never know you know what I'm feeling pretty good right now I'm going to go catch that Frost alion oh no oh no this was a horrible idea this was a mistake a mistake I'm sorry well we're just going to pretend like that never happened I was never here nor did I get absolutely decimated David cogins May return another day I don't know why but I was in a boss fighting mood I went to the boss Tower at the volcano and began the fight [Music] you know this fight wasn't going too bad then the dude whipped out the this weird Trident attack and absolutely ended me I was kind of bored after that fight so I just C some more Pals on the desert after returning home I made some polymer and realized I was at a level where I could craft an assault rifle now it took a minute scrapping all the material together but I finally made it at the end of the day I spent half of the money I had which was a bit over 100 Grand completely on assault rifle ammo I wanted to check out the desert boss Tower to see if it was any easier than the volcano one my hopes weren't high but it couldn't hurt to look h [Music] ha [Music] oh [Music] [Music] the fight was going okay but I ran out of ammo at one point and eventually ran out of time too damn two failed boss fights in a row that blows I went to the smaller desert to go fight the Anubis field boss and this guy was so cool the way he just teleported around on top of the way he looked so cool catching him was really annoying it took almost every single one of my legendary spheres but in my opinion the capture was worth it well now it's day 100 and honestly there's so much more I have yet to accomplish there was still one last thing I wanted to try before the video ends I paid a visit to a free pal Alliance camp and captured some of the enemies here next I put down a breeding pen at the mining base I think you can see where this is going I gathered up all the ingredients I needed to make a cake then tried to put my plan into action alas I soon learned you can't breath the human NPCs in this game it was still a funny idea though instead I just decided to breed two other random Pals just for the sake of doing it and waited for them to give me an egg well there's no way I can hatch this thing considering it's day 100 as anticlimactic as that ending was I really enjoyed this game like I said in the intro like the video if you want to see me play more power world that's all for now fellas I'll see you in dark Ragnarok get this thing to 5,000 likes and I'll play this game for 200 [Music] [Music] days
Channel: Choofiie
Views: 23,377
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gaming, comedy, funny
Id: ORIM1Zujv-0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 43sec (4123 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 02 2024
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