I Spend 100 Days in Skyrim and Here's What Happened

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Skyrim a fantastic game to spend hours upon hours going through Dungeons and Kane defending off the occasional Bearer or two and to even fighting the most ferocious of beasts Dragon this game has been out for over a decade now and people have hundreds if not thousands of hours in Skyrim I myself however well I'm gonna be spending 100 days in Skyrim and try my best to become Arc mage of Winterhold and defeat the strongest of dragons I'll do it there is going to be lots that I either missed or just didn't attempt with the time I had so I hope you enjoy no mods were used during this playthrough Ichi dubs if you enjoy this type of video leave a like down below hit that subscribe button and let me know what game you want to see me record next without further Ado I spend 100 days in Skyrim and here's what happened my very first day in Skyrim was like any other day steal some stuff get caught and be stuck on a horse carriage leading to my death are we finally oh we're here this is it Skyrim baby let's go oh I can move oh that's right yeah oh get me you hello right across the border right no I didn't do that and that Thief over there Stormcloaks Skyrim was fine until you came along Empire was nice and lazy what is this guy looking at do you see him he's just he's staring at me like whoa what are we doing are we dead rail off of Riverwood do I go forward what about me oh no okay no care of rorick's Dad oh hey he's gonna die anyone else feel like running all was going well until it came time to create our character for the journey ahead who are you go here we go here we go okay so we got Nord I look exactly like that other dude I got orc ooh I'm World of Warcraft now get some Red Guard which is say what else so it's either you get noted for their stealth and Magic skills or this right here which is regenerative and Magic quickly uh let's do this why not how do I how do I space mark I got it if you know this reference your coolest fudge you are not with the thalmer embassy are you high enough okay let's go wait isn't that kind of should you move the body I feel like okay I guess that all right cool sure fine all right let's do it look at the Dragon behind you buddy that Dragon watch is awesome trying to find our way out of this mess I felt it was safe to say that the target wasn't on my back where are we going where are we going where are we going where are we going where are we going I'm going I'm going let's go let's go wait wait oh my God imagine to be true Legends don't burn down villages I'm coming what are you okay oh holy crap that was close did this die yeah this die what this guy die sorry I didn't uh okay oh I can't believe I made that you've got a missing eye look at that hello little kid okay I gotta run I think I gotta run hold on I'm coming I'm coming I'm coming I'm coming who can't leave you yet holy crap we do right and then left are you ready I'll take the one on the right and one on the left you take nothing hello [Music] get the fire okay hold on hold on hold on uh I don't need any of this what surviving and looking for a way out of Helgen was the easy one yellow torturer who did unspeakable things to their prisoners pick a really easy lock fight some spiders because we definitely haven't done that before and say hello to a nice sleeping hair finally outside from those chains as we watch the dragon fly off into Skyrim we did it okay so complete Unbound one thing I do remember about magic is that there was um hold on there was a thing over here to give us like extra Magic stuff this is it okay what are we what do we got the Thief Stone yeah those under the sign of the Mage will learn all magic skills 25 20 faster you may also only have one sign yes taking the time now to speak with girder we were told a place that would soon become a white run Ah that's how you take the hands and like take the hands of them put them away I was trying to figure that out for the longest time yes I am no I'm not I want to touch nope yeah yeah kill the crop ooh take that crabby crab hey oh there's a widow crab over there can I take you though yeah do I help this man free shared items free presenter what's up so if you mix them you do even more that's pretty sweet look at that good night guys good night give me steel arrows gold oh actually you have a better bow oh I can't use bows though oh here we go I'm Chris oh dude thank you wait you guys killed this man over here wait what did he have hold on all right I got more magic look at me go I am on a roll today I really don't know much else about magic or how to get better spells so I'm kind of just going off of what I have right now whoa whoa whoa can you just die thank you [Music] don't think that I swear I found him like this I did not do anything okay I found you like that come on tell the audience tell them tell them I swear to God I'm not lying okay oh wait hey I didn't okay cool there is a this apparently I just need to get level two who's that Rudolph hey somebody get down here oh okay I I kind of ran into magic oh my God to wait where is this like the end of it I think this is to the to another side here are people here oh crap can you stay right there please stay right there right there see it right there yeah just yep there you go just stay right there buddy old pal Dang if you were any harder I would have lost that for sure uh we also did level up there so now we can do destruction uh dude Magicka of course so we got cast novice level destruction spells for half oh yes Wicked okay there we go I will take that beautiful sword baby God look at how beautiful this is put our hands away for a second look at this this is just gorgeous oh my goodness look at that I mean I know I have to go in there talk to the dude do a whole bunch of stuff kill a dragon all that but I want to explore a little bit before we get into the actual thick of this story it's not even day one yet and I've already feeling like I've done everything oh do I kill him sorry buddy sorry guys what are you doing here Jesus that kind of scared me search okay hey you had the healing oh 75 faster oh my God hold on is that better than the one I have on too let's see uh hold on hold on hold on where is it Necromancer 75 faster yeah it is oh my God cool oh should I be here what is that is that a guy where's that should I kill him hello hi should I be worried yeah okay okay okay you win you win you went crossless I'm so sorry buddy I don't even need my fist up dude I'm just running I can't look back right look back oh my God that dude I don't like just before the night ended we met some other sorcerers and witches who didn't take lightly to our Magic fell glow keep discovered uh uh oh here we go Sparks work Sparks work Sparks work parks are good Sparks are really good oh my God kiss kiss you someone banging metal I'm right here where are you hello goodbye fellow glow keep cool chest okay okay magic oh wait we had something we had this one which is increases your magic up by Temperance or you know what let's do this now we got the additional thing hold on I leveled Now give me a second please all right we're going for magic yo with us safely in Whiterun by this point we explained to the yarrow belgraph the greater of the dragon's Discovery and that I was a nice and honest person definitely wasn't being sent to death row for something I didn't do nope we should send troops to Riverwood at once okay everyone talking at once is not gonna help the situation you gotta stop that stop stop I'll not stand ice and Slaughters my people uh were you carrying too much hold on I gotta sell stuff apparently I'm not able to related thanks I'm just oh wait okay see when I'm encumbered here I mean I'm just a happy camper look at this I'm just walking just casually walking don't mind me look at this place this place is beautiful can I sell stuff to you this is my stuff this has to be my stuff no way this isn't my stuff yo where's my stuff Imperial Imperial with a quick reload it was like it never happened testing out the disenchantment table next as I soon realized the gems would need to be filled with souls to work properly personally I didn't really use them much throughout my playthrough I talked to I need to figure out some man the woman Khajiit I talked to oh you guys weren't here before hello how may this one serve you I don't know what do you I have traveled far take a look I will take a look hold on can I sell stuff to you I can start selling everything um cool all right Imperial though cool cool arrows I don't know why but I'm Gonna Keep the arrows they don't weigh anything so I just want to see how many we can keep getting talking with what I considered the fairy man here is the divide and Ventures I took to become the all-knowing and all-powerful argument Marcus morsel Riften Solitude Winterhold yes coming back and we'll be off I'm climbing I'm uh did climb literally oh no nice weather here we go hope it lasts yeah literally okay as we made haste towards the college I'd have to speak with feralda first and the gate will not open you shall not gain entry what why are you up what is this place forgive me most who arrive here do so because they have heard of the college beforehand this is the College of Winterhold a safe haven for Mages in Skyrim a place what about destruction I like destruction matter perhaps but what is it you expect to find Within destruction I want to use power of Ice and Fire desire to bend the will of those around me I want to unravel the mysteries of a theorius let's do that one because I feel like you might hurt me if I say the others The Immortal plane it is said to be the source of all magic yeah indeed yeah it is it would seem that the college has what you seek the question now is what can you offer the college destruction anyone is allowed inside those wishing to enter must show some degree of skill with magic I got magic a small test if you will do it uh I think we'll we both know I'll succeed here no I'm afraid I don't know anything dang it okay fine I'll take your Testament what is it fear spell has saved the life of many an illusion Mage winterhold's Glory Days May lie behind you but the college lives on do I just let go what do I do well done indeed indeed thank you oh this is cool across the bridge once you're inside speak with Mirabelle Irvine please follow me you master wizard hold on I gotta put that flame back on though all right hi everyone what is this I have no idea let's do the the fire yeah let's put the hands away oh I just wanna I just I just wanna look at oh look at this place oh it is an asset to Skyrim even if it goes unnoticed or unappreciated oh what the fudge why what are we yo don't scare me like that this girl just went weirdo on me can I jump on that I want to jump in there oh okay College of Winterhold discovered that's it that's the one that's the what was happening oh she's going crazy you're going sicko mode on those things you are new here are you not we have not spoken oh sir how quaint I am savos Aaron archmage of the College of Winterhold I am quite content to see nearly any aspect of magic explored and investigated here okay not and will not approve of any research or experiments that cause purposeful harm to your fellow members of the college are we clear no dangerous research must be a pro what's the purpose of the college I'd like to know more about the college history sure not often some risks must be taken to be sure we also must make an effort to avoid worsening I'm simply trying to understand the reasoning behind the decision okay we are bowing to your every whim Empire bowing I'm gonna steal your flowers they're mine now thank you flower flower flower flower flower flower flower flower flower flower flowers the next step to becoming a fully fledged Mage was talking to 12th dear learning and understanding the basics of what needed to be done that and a new location to travel to understand I meet you under out here cool this is so cool so we're actually getting like things that could help me in the game too because I kept dying or not getting dying but like things were hitting me hard with magic and now I have this like that's awesome is this is from supposed to meet the dude learn here will last you a lifetime several if you're talented oh hello so where did you want me to go meet tall sphere outside this oh I gotta actually travel now cool we're doing real things oh my God I'm going down there uh well I did not take the Safeway but I don't know what is technically safe or not or could we go oh wait I could sneak in this way look at this all right that works oh man where's this dude at oh I got it okay that was a far path good to see Skyrim still has such fine people you give an old man hope what a sight to bear as something mystical was upon us wait can I get can I get a torch I need to see okay yep sacked by the elves in the infamous Knight of tears me too buddy me too yeah yeah yeah that's what I'm saying that's what I'm saying do you see that some kind of resonance and the wall I wonder what effect might your spells have oh secret hello I didn't know you could follow me I thought I was trapped what all right I mean I'll take it what are we doing we're going through that oh hey oh sorry buddy my bad I did not mean to do that to you oh my god what the fudge which just hit me hold on I got I gotta I gotta do a little bit of this oh my God geez that scared me was that a trap or oh what is this well now would you look at that I'm looking I'm looking why is this Marriott so far with it what was that was what what happened what are you oh nothing seems to work are you gonna help me buddy wait what does he oh I see what he's doing I see what he's doing no attack oh I got him I got oh my God oh my God I'm hold on let me search oh Chris is Magic okay uh no yes yes oh hold on what did I I just picked up something really cool I want to put it on this thing to be unique find the danger wait okay we found it talk to the archmage uh well how do I get out of here oh hey is this a way out aha I think we found the way out oh my God it's a dragon thing holy crap what do we get word of power learned ice ice form trying to fully understand what we found back inside those caves it was important for us to speak with a certain few at Winterhold savos and urag hello sir ma'am one of the two oh look at this place this place is really nice looking what you learn here will last you a life oh you're the archmage the college is oh my God the Skyrim is ah please don't tell me that another one of the apprentices has been incinerated the next time you find yourself exploring Nordic ruins perhaps this will be helpful you are now in the arcanium in charge it might as well be my own little plane of Oblivion ah I get it I get it I believe it was the last game do you require assistance as I was about to leave the college we were stopped by encano for questioning of course I wasn't going to tell him my previous finding speaking with the yarl of Whiterun once more we were off in our adventure whoa what's happening down there hold on I want to see what that is does somebody need help I'm gonna help you yeah it is the best I can do yep uh-huh you're right you right ooh Fire Star yo that's a lot of value I'm gonna take that oh I'll take that too oh she naked sorry I'm so sorry I sorry is that a giant oh that's a giant that's a big boy Giant [Music] thank you think I could kill him like this maybe let's try wait do you like that or Sparks I don't really know I think Fire's better kind of just like Burns I need a stronger fire spell that's what it is destruction God keep going these guys are awesome just get them stuck on a cliff oh he's down hold on I almost have this I almost have this oh got him got him got him got him first giant down all right what do you got iron gauntlets knee Giant's toe sure ooh lots of gold hello what else is coming [Music] hello Hi how are you can you oh can you hold this for a second just hold this hold the fire hold the fire where you going hold the fire it's a fire hold the fire hold the fire oh he's coming back he's coming back he's coming back you dead yet got him there we go okay oh man two down have any more to go we were lucky enough to find our first piece of armor but sadly it was just heavy armor oh destroyed this and put it on my other thing destruction spell cost 70 less to cast that would be insane from here on out it was easy to kill a few more Bandits along the way find yourself stuck at a puzzle and then the spider oh my God I forgot the spider was here away from me yeah and it's dead I mean to be fair on level six I have quite a bit on me we did find quite a bit not gonna lie goodbye sorry I I'm not letting you run I know you run you're not gonna do that to date you in here what do I do oh do I go up to this thing word of power learned okay oh yep here we go here we go here we go okay how do we how do we do this cast oh I fell I keep falling Fireball I got another Fireball I got another Fireball uh no I don't firestorm well I need more time to cast this give me okay here we go no no no come closer awesome really you're gonna be a douche okay hold on did I do it did I win did oh oh that killed it oh my God yo one hit was like nothing all right cool I will take that oh Dragonstone yes uh can we carry this no as excited as I was to have my very first dragon read it was back to Whiterun for some disenchanting oh this is gonna be good destruction spells this is trust reference the names with other later texts okay getting ready for our biggest fight ahead we finished speaking with the yarl and started the prep here who comes again what what are you talking about should I be worried huh hello dragon you're making me dizzy now oh my God what the fish I'm coming yo this guy picked something up so that blocks magic not okay this is not good uh hold on what do you mean we don't stand a chance we do stand a chance you just gotta hit it hard okay all right hello hello hello hello hello can we not can we not no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no uh oh I almost died there that I gotta go inside I gotta go inside it's not safe it's not safe okay oh crap hello it's okay it's okay we might be on fire kill it kill it come on guys kill it oh we got it we got it we got it we got it we got it we got it we got it we got it now we gotta heal dead damn good shooting boys look at you silly dragon look at what is happening with the thing I think get back he's going inside of me it's going inside of me oh okay that was the hairiest fight I've ever been in I guess we go back now oh you are the power well I guess I just did that oh my God taking some more personal time at the College of Winterhold I did some perusing around the ground I think I went the wrong way too can I go this way open Skyrim where does this even how did I get on top of this thing uh I'm going down just gonna take out that Healing Hand oh what come on man there wasn't that big of a fall I'd be like a ledger source no nope okay fine I'll go back down you're no fun okay fine parkour just doesn't work in this game who did I talk to that sold me stuff before so I take the Scrolls I put them on favorite go here to this one [Music] think it could help make me a powerful mage dude what where are you okay you didn't tell me this was an AOE spell it said cloak of the undead or something I guess the cloaks mean fire okay to be fair that was my first time ever using any scroll before being back at the Feld glow keep in what I thought I already searched there's a few books I missed in my findings you're gonna die I'm a little stronger than you we go down here oh okay so the dungeons we go do people respond I feel like that's a thing 's do respond apparently okay holy crap is this it's in here it's it's it's literally in there I don't know where there is but it's it's there is there like an entrance or something I'm missing here what is going on whoa what's this come on didn't know there was people up here still okay I mean I've never actually been up here but this is cool oh healing so that oh this is a rip you're the one who barged into how nice to meet you hi names no longer no do you have a reason so you're just one of Aaron's laggies yep you come here kill my assistants okay interesting you've annoyed me so I don't think I'll be giving you anything oh can I just take it please I'm afraid you don't have anything what now you can go back to your college and leave me be or I can kill you something to threaten me well then you won't be leaving here at all I'm gonna win I'm gonna win I'm going I'm gonna win I've gotten so much stronger lady I don't know what you're doing you think you're so cool huh you think you're so awesome oh God ow that hurts hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on give me a second I gotta eat my food just let me eat all the foods this is actually fantastic I'm glad I picked up this stuff foreign excuse me are you punching me and then I gotta kill your Lackey what where are you going oh oh interesting pose there lady okay uh all right we got the stolen books Let's Do It last but not least this book yeah well I didn't realize there was so much going upstairs I missed a lot of this stuff and now I guess we take a store oh this is where it went to okay wow that was okay I'm glad I like went around and tried the other doors I would have been stuck there forever the missing books and had we made our way back to winterfold speaking with healthier once more in hopes of learning what the importance was to them that and we had another encounter with cornier please good to meet you in person I'd simply like to talk to you okay giving us a chance to speak privately but I'm afraid I can't do this for long we must be the situation here at your college is of dire importance to contact you as we have previously oh this was from before we had another attempt like this very source of our concern interesting this object the Eye of Magnus as your people have taken to calling it The Energy coming from it has prevented us from reaching you with the Visions you have already seen the longer it remains here the more dangerous the situation becomes and so I have come here personally to tell you it must be dealt with now it is within you to succeed all right within me to succeed I will never forget it let's do it with a new Quest ahead of us we would go on to finding the Helm of Winterhold inside the pride of televost oh what is this hello oh good what's happening what I don't get it okay what what do you want from me I don't know oh man what's up there's like a magical mine or something I don't know I can't step on that foreign I think it's because of those staff of spikes ice this looks like some sort of saw a thingy offering thing lovely Bandits hello goodbye hello Mother Bandits goodbye all right what do you got what do you got gold cool what do you got even more gold even cooler all right foreign blizzard too wow I could not speak there for a second oh fishing map take oh there's like marked places for us to go okay use tanning rack oh there's a person and the chief [Music] Justice Just a flesh wound do you think this is a flesh one nobody this is a little more than a pleasure I don't think so is there something else that's supposed to pick up what hello it's legit hold on oh the helmet of winter thing right that was the literally the thing we're supposed to okay continuing our Quest back to the College of Winterhold I was curious about other spells we could use and something stronger than just the average novice Flames we had Mirabelle oh there you are oh my God yes I'm no doubt she'll be promoted so you wish to master the artist yes oh my god I've been looking for you forever now jeez okay so firearm this is cast on nearby surface exposed 15 points of fire damage whenever the enemies oh wait this looks really scary uh holy crap um okay hello okay maybe I crouched a little bit sell everything I can because I'm just I'm over encumbered so much successfully fast traveling back to Winterhold we ended up with a little surprise here yes it's all clear now I'm getting ready oh I'm getting so ready this will teach you not to take things that don't belong to you uh thank you guys for helping holy crap thank you I love you guys oh my God thank you holy this is so hired thugs can come after me and try to kill me great love it I'm taking all your stuff the fight over as we collected the valuables it was back to Whiterun for me my morning ritual and what I typically do like any other day is to sell stuff I sell stuff to Adrian I sell stuff in Dragon reach I even sell a lot more stuff to people at the College of Winterhold it's more currency in my pocket now it was time to venture forth into a creepy basement oh and now for the scary place okay let's do it I'm ready what do you got for me here we go oh I love that oh throwing Fireballs is so cool it's different because it's not like a constant damage per second you hold it kind of thing you just charge it up and that's it to scare the crap out of me don't do that oh wait really oh thank you activate Okay which you have been seeking hello sir okay it has already begun from magnus's eye without being minded you require his staff events and I'll survival quickly towards the inevitable Center where you must act with haste take this knowledge to your archbage all right cool Savas I come with great news and terrible news honestly not not good news at all it's just really bad news so do I just run through oh this is where we came before cool with that part of the quest finished it was only a matter of time until we found the staff in some ruin speaking with both savos and Mirabelle at the college's reputation in Skyrim is tainted really and what might that be I'm sorry what well I'd certainly love to have such a powerful staff but I'm not really sure that any of us need it I see well yes I suppose I did mention it though I'm not sure what he expects me to tell you I only brought it to his attention a few months back when the Synod showed up here looking for it they were apparently under the impression we were keeping it in a closet somewhere the Synod seemed convinced it was somewhere in Skyrim they inquired about the ruins of misoft but that's all I remember okay I figured the best way to travel in Skyrim was using the fairy man something that I would soon come to learn was how big this Quest was and what it asked of me there be something here what is it what there's like I was chasing that wolf okay never mind oh Crag wallow slope discovered oh I will take that oh right here cool okay uh yeah let's do it I got my fans fans what not fans I got my hands I was going to say Fireball hands but I was like fans you know quick way let's just uh let's do a little bit of a crouchy stuff shall we oh crap okay we got two people uh I might just have to do double Fireball so a lot more dangerous in here than I than I thought okay let me talk about this can we can we talk about can we can we talk oh my God can we talk about this foreign that's that's good okay oh my God we did level oh we got the adapt hold on hold on hold on hold on so we get impact which is most destruction spells will stagger now um what is this can place runes five times farther oh it's the placing thing ah I don't really use that too much even manage to find another dungeon the dwarven's store room am I allowed to be here it's a store room so we got this one open okay what what is in here though oh Dwarven Metal Dwarven Metal I didn't have to open the expert gate cool I can just go through the gorvin glowing crystal Shard okay that's not bad identify the crystal shard what do you mean identify it uh whoa look at that thing look another location discovered here had a voice going through my head was I able to make it all the way through answer yes so I got there yeah what's the guy so guys it's a guy hello hello hello what are you what do you guys what okay no Escape got it wait this guy's kind of tough too oh this guy's really tough start running back no no no stay right there okay we got the magic you're dead they're both dead oh no not one of these again okay so it's snake whale bird bird is it snake whale bird bird how do you know how do I know what it is what happened did I hit something oh I did good it didn't hit me okay is there a way to tell what this could be finally oh my God that took forever that took way too long God okay oh all right what do you got for me any Spooks any scaries I know I'm fighting some sort of boss that oh this is it okay let's go oh this is it this is it okay okay good thing I looked up okay oh okay well oh we gotta come back or wherever where did we last a lot of traps on this thing my goodness if that skeleton didn't come after me I would have been hit by that too so thank you buddy finisher oh this was a pretty intense battle oh man this lady was tough not gonna lie like it's a couple heads hits and I'm dead [Music] oh hello hi you're welcome whoa okay take this without with pleasure uh what what take what oh look at this ghost blade I just want to see what that looks like oh my God look at that that looks so cool it does three points of extra damage ignoring armor I mean I would never use it but I'm not gonna get rid of it it's only one weight too standing outside of the actual location we needed to be it was time to find out where and why this Quest led us here oh baratas in oculory okay reach the oculory can I go through them or requires the key I can search and we got the key Hello whoa what the [ __ ] oh oh okay okay my inventory is just full and I like I like picking stuff up and selling stuff part of the fun but I thought I saw a snake okay oh my god with a new day here and back in Whiterun curiosity got the best of me as we found our new Pastime while feeling as strong as I did we gave our magic another go with some giant searching around the ground some more we came across this random person just lurking about hello what are we are we fighting someone what are you doing where are you going what's up what's going on what are you doing talk to me all right do I you're stuck what are you doing are you okay you there please you have to help here I'll show you on your map so you can stay away please if you can help me let me know or get out of my way so I can try to find a priest with us headed back to the Dwarven Temple it was time to see what all the fuss was about Gathering our strength for the cavern as we slayed creaker after creature battling a deadly foe called the Fulmer Gloom lurker who had just as tough of spells as we did all of this to meet some guy called Paratus the semius all right who's here is that you yeah I have given up hope let me get the door do it do it you won't what the what are you doing what have you done with gabros it was the Falmer wasn't it curse them they've ruined everything if gavros is gone there is no hope and you if you're here for Treasure or wisdom or anything I'm afraid you've wasted your time where where am I what is uh this is kind of what what is this oh this is like an atlas or something or like a magical Compass I I'm stuck okay hold on I gotta go up oh frostbite okay let's go oh yeah yeah yeah yeah this is the one I wanted before all right oh okay you got it place the crystal in oh oh my God oh this is where I gotta do it I got wait do we move no no we gotta go up here and focus it we have to focus the ocularly okay okay okay okay oh it's Skyrim should be lit up like the night sky oh look at this creative interference something in window I think my work no no it's the eye so what is it what have you done something immensely powerful yes we do I think I've anticipated what is it the Eye of Magnus the Eye of Magnus well I suppose that that means what I think it does well that's interesting uh hello you have done well thus far oh hey okay uh-huh yeah it is imperative that you return to your college at once oh you will be called on to take Swift action rise to the challenge and discover what you are capable of you are on the right path you will prevail back at Winterhold ankano was up to no good again how what it is I want it down now doing in there um I don't think that's gonna work that's really not gonna work there buddy what are you doing what are you doing is hello okay oh okay yeah sure uh give me one second you guys have that sure I do what do I do what do I do we did it we did it we did it we did it we did it we did it guys guys stop guys guys you got through cut it up do I hit him or oh oh is he dead uh yeah it looks like it can I take a shot whoever did this while all of this was happening the college was under seat whoa uh I think I need Sparks for this magic anomaly uh that's not good I need help I need help I need help I need help guys I need help I need help punching these things all right report to Marabella get back you got it okay on your guard well is everything out wish I could say the same for us tolfear and I can try and keep this contained you need to get your hands on the stuff what are you are you sure the statue yep take it and get out of here bring back that staff before oncano brings the whole College down around us uh oh there you go you fixed your legs I think right [Laughter] venturing forth once more from Whiterun we stumbled upon the silent Moon's Camp what are you even trying to do what are you trying to do never no mercy okay you gotta stop that you gotta stop stop can you stop okay just did no soul gem large enough oh wait really oh we have a little 50 now okay hold on so we can do intense Flames we have two points ooh yes okay so we're gonna do this for sure and we're gonna definitely do uh cash to adoption yeah this yeah yeah yeah there we go even better they're light armor too yo I can just use that found a little dungeon with more joggers inside looking for the ceremonial weapons needed and instead found some stronger opponents than the norm oh you know foosro does too oh oh this guy right this this thing oh wait I missed I missed I missed a Miss come on come on come on come on give me the fireballs come on oh thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you ceremonial sword cool all right what do I do with it place it somewhere okay uh yes [ __ ] defeat van now okay dang look at this place oh I'm almost dead oh that's not good one more one more ooh Meridia's Beacon uh restriction spell yeah I could sell it or we could sell these but I don't have room a new hat oh my God listen hear me and obey no Darkness has seeped into my temple a darkness that you will destroy oh hey return my beacons amount kill crease kill creep okay and I will make you the instrument of my cleansing light [Applause] what does it do [Music] dragon souls are required to unlock charts shouts what dragon souls oh we gotta kill more dragons to unlock these that's right without wasting any more time I was set in my ways to finding the next location oh look at this place oh some big and bad is going to be here for sure unless that's me no there's got to be something else here is that a bad ghost oh oh my God Savas what the heck come on oh let's not waste any more time no traps right oh um okay can I can I leave oh it's not that bad see look at that dead somehow I don't know how but it's dead God that was a fight of uh huh couldn't believe what I just went through for all of that Sons of Guns tricked me into a solo battle that wasn't going to stop me there though pressing on further into the dungeon we went from clearing more joggers and loot about the deeper parts that went into the cave the harder that things became no way was I about to quit while so close to the next part of my story firestorm that's kind of dope not gonna lie still on the wrong side wait am I on the wrong side die die die I got my fire staff come on let's go let's go let's go get it get it get it oh you best believe we got it it's okay I got the stuff let's do this filling off just a few more draggers now we found the death Lord in all of its Glory holy crap this is gonna be a big fight isn't it do I have to like shoot these guys down okay should I be worried about that guy oh okay okay okay okay okay okay hold on hold on oh my God yep I knew it I freaking knew it dude morikai you're going down buddy I'm sorry but it's just it's just true get him oh okay you're done you're gone dead go ahead oh staff of Magnus absorb 20 magic up per second if the Target is out of magic oh dang that's actually really strong it's a magic holder uh oh my God look at that magically generates 100 faster with the College of Winterhold before our feet some Aura was keeping us from getting inside the place whoa do you see this what's happening to this place it's grown even more oh do I need help here oh it's these things again hey guys hello who survived have it then let's hope it's as powerful as the siddix believe it to be uh guessing I just keep walking through you just have to enter the college so you stole the magic all right that's how that works I don't know what you're up to hello this guy can't destroy you uh dude probably not to make the world and you think you could do anything about it still you persist there he was what the [ __ ] yo this man is falling can't get up you're dead you're dead you're good you're not good thank you can I take your stuff ooh you got the Thelma too well that's great oh whoa It's You Again we knew you would succeed your Victory here justifies our belief in you you have proven yourself more than worthy to guide the College of Winterhold you now have the opportunity to maintain your college and carry on carry on with your lives you have our gratitude archmage yo I'm an archmage whoa this is cool look at this yo they're taking over done it the college is safe again thanks to your work I knew you had it in you I dare say the subjects are right there's no one more deserving to be Arch made in my opinion uh archmage quarter rope oh I got the Rope this is what we've been using for Destruction and then the 75 faster also helps a lot but we also got the archmage robe which is all spells okay so that is the burp oh my God look at that plus 50 Magicka and Magicka regenerate by a hundred percent yo we got to go that what do I look like now oh look at us look at this oh I'm a full arcade me legit though I'm never coming this far as anything look at me now I'm a mage struggling through most of the game we finally found a way around inventory space something I would keep running out of because of my reporting problems I can buy a house yes yes yes yes yes right now yeah yeah give me give me give me uh I'll take it I'll take it I'll take it here's the key to your new home uh visit Bree's home your new house uh okay enjoy your visit to dragon's reach oh oh it even shows it look at that it's so close too perfect yes this is my house baby eventually it'll look beautiful but for now it ugly it ugly as heck with the new day and a bigger taste for stronger spells back to feralda it was that would be good for multiple people ooh interesting so if the fireball instead of fire bolts that is so cool and then this is gonna be on there [Music] okay so that's huge that is huge um ice storm that is interesting okay that's really cool and then two makes it bigger we didn't have anything now we have everything right fire left that bruh goodbye I got a heel that hit me dang foreign take this and hold on to it I'll get back for it later I'll pay you good don't lose it okay well okay wait a minute can you not do that while I'm in a fight in a battle something else I didn't expect to fight so soon but glad I did was this winged Beast just above us oh that's a dragon holy crap I'm guessing ice dragon so I use a fire I think this isn't good foreign this dude oh my God I can't fight this it's closest and the dragon oh crap oh hey foreign guys I feel so good [Music] oh the arc Mage versus the dragon let's go oh I missed kill it kill it kill it come on come on come on come on oh my God look at that yo you done like that is that going in me who's happening this next part both big and small took hold and didn't let go as I needed to fix for my exploration in Skyrim [Music] p what is this stuff I found a new place with four sworn the only two things that happened today was myself not killing this Mage and saying hi to a big old mud crap it's also that time in the video and if you've made it this far comment sweet roll down below it was probably a bad idea here to try and overthrow the bandits but for others failed I succeeded what I shot a fireball first I don't think so you know what that means right Cave Bear equals cave unfortunately for me it was just my worst nightmare waiting for us in the cave not a fan of this cave already oh man I do not like spiders holy crap while on the road to a new location we found ourselves a dead horse on the side at times it would but that also made me angry and I needed to steal something yeah you have committed crimes against Skyrim and your people what say you in your defense well that wasn't worth it part ways through here and we were in search for this new destination it was definitely off course but it also felt like a great idea to just stumble on down the side of the mountain so I think I made it but I was on top of a mountain now I'm not okay is this the place I mean what could go wrong in solitude now we were given simple instructions to do someone else's bidding here to campus Bandits and show no mercy so I did none of that and stored a few items in my chest back at y-ron trying to figure out how to get closer to iversteed and the closest we had at the time was this ritual Stone speak to the gray beards oh that's what I was doing because the last question we finished was with the the dragon and that it's been a long time because I've been at winter College was it I've been like I'm a full-on archmage yeah like I mean what else do you want for me game we gotta go where do we gotta go do I need to go gotta go over here speak to the Gray beard headed down the path some more as we were greeted with a not so friendly hello what the [ __ ] are you doing assassin you're so oh you look really cool goodbye got ya really tempted to go and have some fun here figured it was smarter to just continue towards the quest what did I do next I became distracted okay no no no more distractions I want to do this I can it's super easy but I'm not going to I just want to go to this gray dwarf Place feeling exhausted with traveling on foot the next best idea I had was the fairy man taking him all across the lands to get every main location I could foreign oh uh dragon I gotta use ice uh uh okay well this man I didn't know there should be dragons here hit it again hit it again hit it again you're getting bloody there buddy kill it kill it we got it oh my God we actually got it holy okay oh they're coming back okay wait maybe a blacksmith here you guys having problems there going on oh it looks like a love story waiting to happen I don't know what's going on all right you give back to your blacksmith and let me talk 20. here we go oh my God thank you oh thank you thank you some damage come back if you need steel oh we can move Whiterun was probably my number one spot because of the quick loot drop-off we had in the house that and Lydia also thought it was time to bring Lydia alongside us on this Venture of ours making my way all across Skyrim and the wackiest thing happened here oh look at this what's up I cannot bust you good job what do you get on here cool if you killed this person nice for sure too oh come on stay back where's Margaret's house Margaret which one is your house I don't know something that really started to drive me crazy now was that vampiric occur curse I wish I knew at the time of how to get rid of it but I hadn't the slightest clip oh hey look another dragon foreign no way you're dead I just killed you making some real progress now we found a way that led us towards the Gray beard a bunch of hooded people that shouted really loudly and I think this is yeah hi hot rod discovered I do let's go let's go let's go let's go why is this so dark it's like the darks are dark so the brights are really bright you see that oh what okay what did you do hey can I have this what is it all right einhardt hey thank you buddy holy crap all right and I like how Lydia is just like what's going on what's this dude about that's weird yeah that's right dumb and training the unrelenting Force who's bruh [Music] thank you very much all right we started a horn of Jurgen wind caller first thing I found while fast traveling back down from the Mountaintop cultists what are you talking about Dragonborn oh God who would I kill uh about this I guess call this okay why would they why would they do that what does that do for you guys nothing Cultus orders without even knowing it I picked up a new Quest thinking that this would be the next part of what the gray beards asked him I was wrongly mistaken talk to Juventus oh man's got to make a living after all oh no not the vampire while in any type of foreign lands especially in Skyrim always take precaution I I did not I can't run so I can't get to you faster I'm coming I'm coming just wait oh these guys are very strong ah can I help them up I did no we gotta foreign world or something whoa whoa whoa burnt spriggan that's not gonna work uh okay yeah like these things are really really strong part of me really wanted to travel back because of my inventory of course so round two felt in order up the guard outside the walls kill some Hoppers along the way and that overpowered creature in the wood don't kill Lydia wait did she actually just die yo she just died no way are you dead now cool sad day for losing another friend more than that losing Lydia to my AOE we weren't finished there though Lydia wasn't about to die in vain soon after slaying another Camp close by we made it to the next part of the story Raya hello oh foreign oh my God that's one of those oh God we got him oh we got him we got him we got him just straight up attack me I mean honestly I hit her so many times I would not be upset foreign whoa oh hey it's one of these what do I get what do I get what do I get come on come on give me the good stuff oh strength Dragon Aspect which is what's behind me hello [Music] come on okay you just you're gonna have some fun there okay okay I can kill oh cool we got two of them kill him kill him what oh I didn't even see that that just okay Blended in so well it's just I knew it a secret passage in the dining area just opened up really I'm coming I'm coming wait for me wait for me wait for me I knew that was a way okay that was an entrance it looked too good it was just everything about it was screaming at me after many battles and what almost seemed endless this weird Vision started taking place oh what am I doing oh what's going on yo it just pulled me somewhere cow yo look at this Dragon Ball you have done little the young killing a few friends what you have no idea of the true how a Dragon Ball can lead you have no power and it is only a matter of time before Soul's time is also mine I already control the minds of speed soon they will finish building my temple and I can return home she can await my arrival with the rest of Canada I'm am I gonna die what's happening oh God oh this is so cool not the dying part what happened to you you read the book and then seemed as though you were not really here you but also see through you where where is he can we reach him can we kill him not right now his name's really powerful this is a dangerous thing then perhaps Thorn can make sense of what is going to become there looks to be a way out through here things were getting spicy and it would only build from here on out checking out a new marker on the map it started leading us in a direction that scared me silly a lot of these roots here holy smokes oh my God what's a lurker oh God can I get Freya to help me again oh my God I kill you whoa whoa whoa okay there we go oh my God that you terrifying son of a gun with 300 gold I definitely shouldn't be here there's no way else regenerates 24. oh the black book was weird as it would pull your Consciousness out from your body and into these dark lands oh it's we're going back to this place oh God okay this is kind of cool but like I hope we don't die oh God so another Secret [Music] and Lord oh holy craps we're all knowledge is ordered oh look at this perhaps you will prove clever enough to other s welcome this is so cool hold on what is chapter one you're so okay chapter two to chapter one and then we go over here please fall over this is so cool Maybe goodbye see you forever give me so much money and destruction spells what the fudge what is that oh it's one of these things the things that we're shooting the green Abbey there's one down uh yeah I think there's two more somewhere oh it's in here and I can't shoot in there all right here we go oh it's right here foreign look at you guys oh crap oh crap oh crap but there's a lot of them there's a lot of them uh I'm gonna activate that now put the one in front there yep okay I'm going for it I'm going for that ow oh it hurts oh glass Shield whoa I want that uh in Chrissy's your magic uh are 10 points yeah I mean I can sell it I'm gone see ya where do we go oh nope it's going the other way okay this is so creepy man oh I feel like I'm playing Harry Potter now like oh I think okay I think we can go to this thing now this whatever it is the book I mean I hope I can let's see uh black book oh is this how we get back gotta like read it the turn activate Black Market record servant Arctic knowledge Black Market someone says Remora Merchant to trade with you you only accept one ability from his book at a time let's do it I don't know what's happening man I it's kind of cool okay you know what I will take it never mind I kind of like this for what seemed like the longest time I truly thought I wasn't getting out oh literally that's okay so oh my God now we're back oh that book is so trippy man oh that is so weird but arriving back at the pillar it called to us here we go time to bend some will oh what are you guys doing holy crap um use Ben will shout on the Windstone defend alert defeat the lurker oh no that's we got to do this now the money created potions or for you oh that's pretty cool knowing who I was I had to be done with this place for now taking a quick Gander at what quest the greybeards assigned us it was time to find fate and stop what was about to happen in Skyrim I'm dragging at a hero dragon what hold on hold the phone hold the phone a blood dragon blood dragon come on oh god oh this is not good oh God hold on you're not fun when you're doing that to me aren't you hello foreign please just go away can I actually kill this really quickly hold on okay look at that single-handedly another dragon did you just say sword what are you doing now we can talk oh can I close this hey wait this one oh that is so dope dude it even moves you got to close those things when you go into them come on people could just walk in I traveling gear all right it's all you lady go ahead that was so fast okay kind square of it is dude I've killed so many dragons and they still haven't gone into me that that's weird but it's true for the first time ever we actually saw and met Alduin I'll do it I can't hit you this guy's bringing dragon's Life by shouting salon near you think you can take me apparently dragons just die so quickly but is this one going to me now oh thank you thank you thank you I got soul finally oh hey deafening at the place back at Riverwood and finishing up the quest line with Delphine our next location would take us back to Solitude so that's exactly where I went party without being fingered as a spy oh cool you gave me stuff to wear awesome let's see what I look like now oh look pretty cool let's go where are we going I guess I'm ready to board the carriage to the Embassy yep thank you Mom go right in here's my name thank you all right let's go was that guy still talking to me my plan was Summit or so I thought we had to create a diversion of sorts but with no real way of doing that I attempted to talk with everyone and thankfully we found that same guy who had one too many drinks oh I gave him the drink your wish is my command okay what's he gonna do what's he gonna do let's see who this man does one could I have your attention please I have an announcement today I propose a toast to Ellen win let's go let's go before anyone notices us let's hope nobody saw us slip out we need to pass through the kitchen your gear is hidden in the Larder just stay close and let me do any talking all right you got this buddy I believe in you he's against the rules vomit do I put my stuff on now no I didn't realize that eating moon sugar was permitted perhaps I should ask the Ambassador get out the future what was that what am I doing what am I doing oh wait do I actually have to like run away now let's put part of the thing is oh God oh God I don't want to kill these guys they seem pretty nice other than you know trying to kill me oh that's a lot of people hey yo do I have to kill them I don't want to but I will oh trap door key he had it okay so we had to kill these guys oh to scar we go yes yes oh we finally got out okay okay taking a little stroll through Riverwood we were on the hunt for another the next few days here had be so confused because I was told to do one thing I forgot that two quests were activated so it was just throwing me back and forth we did figure it out and got to stealing the precious ring okay Lass good wait until I start the distraction then Show Me What You're Made Of foreign blood elixir oh come on are you talking about the snow elves nope filthy pickpockets it's a chance so it's definitely tricky okay we got a pickpocket but instead of pickpocket we gotta carefully Place modesty's ring looks like I chose the right person for the job I did it I did it I did it no your payment just as I promised okay so we gotta go downstairs given my next step I was to make it through the sewers alive and in one piece while looking for the thieves skill the biggest Crux here was the Ambush resources that attacked easy enough I just had to escort esburn to Riverwood but you said that I'm trying to open the door you wouldn't let me so let me take a moment okay I mean looks like you got a lot of locks there so oh you buddy all you come on now come on let's go yeah uh-huh that's right oh here we go watch this instant transformation you ready no it's been to Riverwood luckily we had fast travel and take him with us it's good to see you too esbern it's been too long old friend too long in search for the Sky Haven Temple it seemed Alduin was creating a lot more dragons than we anticipated all right we're going to carthspire are you are you just going your own well cool I'll go my way yo is that another dragon literally another dragon all right cool hey there's a dragon over there oh my God there's dragons everywhere got him I actually hit you there too oh give me soul give me soul please give me soul there's also a guy looking at me right there I don't like that yeah give it a soul must have been my lucky day because there was another dragon flying over another Village yup that is all doing holy crap this dude is raising the Dead foreign oh this is a stronger Dragon too oh God we're not okay nothing like a little trial and error to defeating a dragon it almost seemed like with each death the dragons only became harder to kill foreign did I do it did I think I did it oh thank goodness oh my gosh I can't believe it oh this dude was freaking tough as nails and no soul it wouldn't be a complete set without another Dragon trying to kill her only a matter of time before we found Alduin's Wall which led to secrets and a way of defeating him no doubt three goodbye your blood come you see how the ancient blades reviewed uh no but okay oh this is okay it's coming to life oh learn the secret of Alduin's Wall freaking out doing the wall what is that Sky Haven oh sorry Sky Haven Temple it is I know right alduins order as defeat is the centerpiece of the wall you see here is falling from the sky all right how do I leave how do I gotta get out of this place okay just have to go through back here thankfully we had a plan now that was left from those before us the only way we would be able to figure out the shout to end elduin's Reign was for us to speak with the graveyards Atop The Mountain I'm ready let's do this see this in action here we go here we go here we go that stuff actually hurts holy crap what's happening yo he's a dragon oh my God it's a dragon whoa what brings you to my stream mark my Mountain oh my God I didn't know you have a dragon the asked him adrift on the currents of time that is so interesting oh cool we need the Elder Scroll as well I did not know I would find you here though man this is so interesting oh continuing a research that led us back to Winterhold okay we're looking for an elderson what do you plan to do with it do you even know what you're asking about following you I want to see where you keep this stuff here you go oh try not to spill anything on them uh the ruminations on the Elder Scroll ask Greg about the insane book I that's the work of Septimus cygnus he's the world's Master of the nature of Elder Scrolls but whoa he's been gone for a long while too long okay so transcribe Deluxe the Congress he recovered the Elder Scroll all right it looks like we got our next task here before the Elder scrolled oh wow I feel like we're coming close to the end too which is surprising the Elder Scroll was something important that and the missing ingredient for stopping Alduin in his track uh uh oh okay don't worry this thing uses half my Mana hold on actually we probably shouldn't be using this then foreign don't worry I got it oh you created stairs okay I thought I was about to die that it looked like the floor was disappearing which I mean it was but not the way I thought it would oh look at this place oh this place looks so fresh wait can I shoot this um do it again and there it is okay lever Tower some more stock I'm sorry I'm sorry we're going to umzark there's a door at least another lover what is this oh there goes the Skyrim okay oh okay I want that what is that what is it uh oh you is the Elder Scroll Elder Scroll I just got the Elder Scroll yo what started elduin's Bane retail to scroll at the time wound okay oh my God I'm actually curing the Elder Scroll this thing is like one of the biggest things in Skyrim and it didn't technically it didn't kill Alduin not really nothing could technically kill aldoin it pretty much trapped eldwin and then sent elduin elsewhere that's what happened I can't believe that that is actually insane all we had left to do now was learn from the past and defeat the mightiest of foe go then what's happening I'm going through magic portal learn the dragon wrench shout in the Nord oh wait today I'll do his lordship will be restored but I honor your courage die now in vain kill him kill him oh my God are you actually killing him yo look at this these guys are killing the dragons something's weird going on there but I mean hey you kind of get what's happening who's this dragon let's go Envy us this day holy crap they just used it and I got the thing or maybe this is the three of them that he was talking about oh yo she did Gone he gonna die too what's happening oh alderman the world summer the feet wait am I just fighting eldwin now oh crap I think I hit him oh I did I did I got him foreign so much oh my God oh my God this is crazy this is the last of oh my God you're getting hurt where did he go hello oh there he is [Music] sure hold on I don't want to die minor healing but I did it by myself how impressed are you you I will Outlast you mortal you truly have the voice of a Dover Alduin's allies will think twice after this victory the Hof Casa Yoon has been known as dragon's reach ever since this would become the biggest task for us across the land of Skyrim trapping a dragon and interrogating we needed the yarl's help because Dragon reach was the only place to trap said dragon inside the way to do that however was bringing together all kingdoms and coming to some sort of agreement through the grapes we would have to talk to Ulfric and then the general tullius getting both of them to agreeing and accompanying us all I could do now was wait and listen this meeting was very intense and quite long for us trying to stop the end of Scar the only thing I really learned was us needing another shell called the next day and what was very fruitful us using that same shout we learned the previous night and calling out to a dragon foreign picked up this man goodbye I'm so sorry all right here we go here we go here we go I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready here we go here we go we can trap him whoa we actually got a dragon oh my God look at this look at this look at this feet and track look at his face is truly the strongest and it looks like a face though you see that like mouth thing and then the eyes [Music] of course I could fly you there not while imprisoned like this team TV had an impasse then oh set I'm free and you can trust me here we go come on let him go awesome all right what are we doing here are you just turning around I think are you ready to see the world as only a Dover can yes let's do it yeah yeah I'm ready take me to skoda let's go oh look at us oh my God that is beautiful ah goodbye guys see you next time and here it was the last battle to end all of Skyrim or stop the dragon war here and now trying our best to fight multiple dragons at once was something of a true challenge oh my God oh there are so many dragons we just gotta make it I don't have that much this is the toughest one I've ever had to do there's like four dragons and I gotta fight them all right Alduin are you ready I'm not let's do this next was us reaching the portal of Alduin that led to soving oh my God you see this do I have to jump yo that's kind of spooked though all right here we go oh my God the world eater's eerie dolphin God I guess technically we only know how to like stagger or bring him down to the ground not actually kill a100 was finally here and I could officially say that I finally completed scarp and was about to fight the final Story related Bop I feel like I'm gonna need that healing out just in case foreign talking to another gentleman just before clearing more Skies we came across this beefy looking guy named to son or son this is so cool man look at this I've never gone this far in the game oh what was that all of Valor it's been too long since last I faced a doom-driven Herald the dragon mode living or dead by decree of shore none may pass this perilous bridge till I judge them worthy by The Warrior did we gotta fight oh crap um okay we're fighting that's not good oh he's uh so he won hits you okay that's um feel like I need slow time then oh did we do it already thank you very much all right cool we get to whoa look at the bridge the bridge is just like a dragon's carcass that's kind of creepy actually oh someone light up the rooms look at this place all right I'm down able to enter the Hall of Valor now there was so much life and things going on we even met the mighty three wait have you guys with me no way cool shadowy glue group is his shield and cloak but with four voices joined our Valor combined we can blast the mist and bring him to battle all right speaks wisdom the world eater coward fears you Dragonborn we must drive away his Mist shouting together and then unsheath our blades in Desperate battle without black let's do it I'm so down here we go baby I got I got saved it I gotta save that quick save that actually help the heroes Sovereign God dispel alduins mist an holy crap hold on hold on hold on I want to do [Music] wait where's that other one got him oh I actually hit him too that was really good uh High Barn oh you know we should use a storm foreign existed Dragon run oh my God look at this look at this hold on and we leveled up I think almost holy crap oh dragon slayer of outlands the Southern guard [Music] look at these guys we did it everybody we did it everyone's so happy oh they look so happy look at this look at you you look so heavy we did it we did it everybody you know what I think I think you kind of sound like Optimus Prime I don't know why now I know there's a lot more to do in this game I know there is a bunch of stuff I probably missed it's a huge game okay there is hundreds of hours on this people still play to this day using either mods or different devices of ways to playing it for themselves but that said I hope you guys enjoyed this I really really do and I can't thank you enough for all the support you guys have shown me over the past year and Counting it's been insane like imagine that it is more than a year now since I first posted my first ever 100 days video and now we've got a Skyrim video here there's more coming out I'm finally feeling so much better thank you guys so much thank you for being so patient thank you for being so understanding I really and truly appreciate that you guys have no idea I'm so thankful I am grateful to still have so many of you here I will never stop doing this because I love it I truly do I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did you know what to do this is Ray pan is signing out bye guys
Channel: Rayofpandas Gaming Channel
Views: 176,094
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rayofpandas, rayofpandas plays skyrim, skyrim 100 days, I spend 100 days in Skyrim, I survive 100 days in Skyrim, I spent 100 days in Skyrim, skyrim, Skyrim 100 days survival, Skyrim 100 days survived, rayofpandas spent 100 days in skyrim, 100 days skyrim, 100 days skyrim gameplay, I survived 100 days in skyrim game, 100 days, rayofpandas skyrim, rayofpandas gaming channel, I Spend 100 Days in Skyrim and Here's What Happened, rayofpandas goes live
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 115min 17sec (6917 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 18 2023
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