I Played 100 Days Of Conan Exiles...

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I'd like to explain how I got here but first welcome to Conan the souls like Survival game with a vast open world and thousands of secrets that we need to unfold biomes are harsh and enemies are undeniably strong but I have 100 days to prove that I am the king of the exiled lands before we get started please consider subscribing because I put a lot of work into this but without further Ado watch me become an absolute Beefcake within a hundred days thank you on day one when I spawned in I was in a massive desert with no water so I just started Gathering some nearby resources and then figured I would be on my way if a dragon pops out of nowhere I will probably turn off the game oh there's some branches here too nice job front door brother what oh there's a dragon over there I have available points I've won so it has to be there we go so I can unlock this attributes let's do another into grit craft craft craft craft there we go and it just immediately equips it to me when it crafts that's that's really nice okay every level you gain one attribute Point can be spent to improve okay let's just keep going grip so now that I have this can I now ah beautiful beautiful look at that give me that sword baby the first 10 minutes or so of this playthrough was me just figuring out all of the controls learning the game and then crafting all of the starter tools we have to kill an enemy now let's go kill an enemy shall we okay so it's like Alden ring survival oh man I like this combat a lot this is fun oh that's really fun dude let me craft this these wraps real quick and how many does that give you it gives you three okay oh we got some hides some bones some flesh oh there's the water that's all oh look at those statues man owie I'm not good at fighting yet I'm not just get give me a break uh how do I take all spacebar okay [Music] okay okay I'm out of stamina I'm out of stamina leave me alone leave me alone hey hey food goes on oh easy enough crafting cook cute okay and then that comes out of it nice I like it I like it I like it I like it use your Hatchet to cut down a tree okay I don't know if I should be following all these or kind of just doing my own thing what [Music] oh that's cool okay um just a regular wall nighttime was approaching quick so I wanted to get this box built up that way I could hide out inside because I'm afraid of the dark and new survival games you know you feel me but by the time I got the box finished it was daytime already so nice nice look at that we have our little home this is our home my name is seizen I'm a warrior all right let's kill this guy I've had it with the way you're looking at me oh look at that Flawless Dodge done by your boy sizing yours truly what are you attacking dude Sit down you're nothing what's the supply materials let's let's use this what's in there what did that give me a bunch of stone my goodness already gave me a lasting Feast owie oh the club is crazy the club is crazy did you see that purple stuff dude that's really cool man oh an iron sword I will take that gladly you can keep my stone sword oh I really like the swimming in this game press C to go down oh that's nice is it just mirrors this one bigger than normal this one looks bigger than normal it has a skull all right I'm gonna run away I'm gonna run away because he looks really scary and he has a skull oh my God that almost killed me in one shot I'm swimming I'm swimming I'm swimming I'm swimming I'm swimming note to self do not mess with the guy with the skull he looks like uh a Pokemon I wasn't 100 sure on what I was supposed to be doing at this point in the game so I was just doing all the starting Journeys so I could level up I wanted to get a decent Foundation built for my character before I left this area for good you know all right I think um let's pull up the whole oh my goodness how do I zoom out oh my goodness gracious where am I you know I kind of want to build more Central of the mat that way things are easier to access kind of like it already shows me everything that's on this map so maybe somewhere like right around here you can you can just climb in this game that's cool so it looks like I'll be traveling for a long time I think I'm fast enough to kill one of these guys no that's a hyena oh I'm about to die here I'm about to die here I'm about to die here I was quickly realizing how dangerous this game was and also the fact that I had to travel probably five days to get to where I wanted to go oh no keep running keep running I'm sorry oh there's a lot of spiders bro oh hell to the no you got me messed up bro please give me my stamina back please give me my stamina I I can scale down a mountain right I can do that that's a thing well I guess you can now just figure that out let's see this looks like something I might need Cole no why in the hell does this look so creepy oh we got we got someone worshiping [Music] all right that's one down that's one down nope those look like tarantulas no thank you what have I done what have I done what have I done all right there's one dead that went well oh there's some metal there oh my goodness man there's so many no way no way no way no way no way no way no way no way no way no way no way no way no anyway that was so clutch sit down dude get obliterated man what do we got in here leather satchel brimstone don't know what Brimstone is but we'll take it I kept getting sidetracked on my way to my destination by fighting through camps which didn't really give me much of anything until this one what do you have on you though what is that a Cutlass that's hot and black hand vest is that any better than what I'm wearing right now medium armor armor value 59. oh my goodness oh that is so much better what is that like a big pirate ship oh damn it that scared me I don't know what this green aura is up here but it's frightening as hell so I guess we'll find out once we get up here y'all never heard that saying curiosity killed the cat well you could have told me I was gonna die so after getting my stuff back I decided to stop being curious and just head to my destination I just marked something random on the map and hoped for the best but this is beautiful man oh this is so pretty I'm definitely building here after scouting the area I found a place that I liked so I started clearing out all the rocks and trees and then placing down my Foundation though it was tedious I'm glad I kept up with the journeys because they taught me all about The Crafting stations and what I could do with each and every one of them I need a lot of twine a lot of wood and a lot of stone okay here we go with the grind yet again oh there's metal over here that's nice armor is bench we can now place it sweet okay I got that Journey finished now it wants me to do craft light padding uh craft light padding and a crafting bench I won't go through what every crafting station does but for the main ones I'll talk about briefly for those of you who don't know this game we'll start with the obvious the armorer's bench is how you make armor to equip this now sweet now we look like a complete dweeb but it's a lot better than we started off before going off on any crazy Journeys I wanted to get all the essentials crafted off the furnace the armors workbench the blacksmith all of the good stuff that way I could suit myself up before fighting anything else what does a furnace need it needs wood to burn plus Ironstone a mix iron okay so it's two to one ratio in between my Journeys and all my farming I also had to kill some boars because you know Hyde was a little bit hard to come across for a wee little lad like myself oh that's a lot of Ironstone look at that I don't know how necessary Ironstone or Iron's gonna be I guess we'll find out it wants us to do coal now dude there was I I've already harvested coal why do you want me to do it again oh Cole does okay coal is way better than wooden wires a bunch of stone which I think I have actually yes I can place this damn thing that's perfect iron pick oh that's not that bad Branch that's really easy actually in crafts let's get this sickle crafted because for some reason twine is so hard for me to freaking deal with let's see how well this sickle works oh my goodness oh my goodness get all that cooking I'll take that I took a short break from grinding to check out all of the things I could spend my knowledge points on and I was quite confused with the weapons and what would be the best thing I could use at the moment should I craft some head armor just to have it because what is that a six armor which isn't much but it's better than nothing I think now I look like a crazy mother I think I could have skinned the corpse of an animal we'll try that first I'm not gonna lie getting everything set up at the beginning of the game all of your stations is quite tedious and it takes a long time but once all of that is out of the way the meat of the gameplay is next oh okay cool I could do it on an animal oh my goodness the armor gives you carrying capacity and as you've just witnessed I learned that different armors have different attributes I am so smart man and it also makes tar okay cool why are there so many things it's wood okay I need to make a second floor apparently [Music] I kind of want to put like a little overlook let's get fancy with the building shall we that we're moving up in the world friends dude I look like Johnny Depp man do I not do I not look exactly like Johnny Depp two-handed sword let's let's up our damage here oh this is way stronger man this is way stronger now we can make a lot of brick there we go and just like that we were approaching day 10. I had already done all of the basic stuff around my house I got all of the basic crafting stations placed oh damn Savory fish exotic fish all right well I'm feeling pretty damn good about our progress so far it's day 10 and we have done a lot we're level 25 we have our our full little workshop base going here so what I'm hearing is we need to go out on an adventure and fight some people I think over armor I need stronger weapons and I think I'm getting better at dodging and stuff I just need I need better weapons I need to do more damage oh is is this where I'm trying to go what the hell is that place ah screw it right come on God that's a lot of health and there's another dog up there oh my gosh why do these have so much health oh damn 42k what are they fighting over there oh it's about to be me I was not ready I was not ready I was not ready I'm running I'm running I'm running I'm running dude I am not ready can you have a dragon in this game that would be nuts man just being able to fly around God I wish whoa It's a bridge to nothing why did I think otherwise or is this just nothing this is just emptiness it's just a building of emptiness bullcrap another stone wall that talks to me and means nothing how much do you want to freaking bet oh damn am I gonna have to fight through like armies of people maybe I'll find some good stuff maybe it'll be rewarding sizen spends 100 Days running across the vast desert and never finds a single enemy I hear people where the people at I hear people but there's no people oh dude what is that a damn werewolf oh wait are these Sorcerers oh oh that scared the hell out of me bro oh my God my heart's beating so quick that scared me so much I died there we go no no no no come on that's so cheap oh God I just barely made it out of that I'm better than all of you uh my chest is 59 armor this is so much better plus 20 Health now we have over 300 health where does you have hyena for boots okay hold up hold up 60 armor eight oh man my current is armor value three that's 24 man that's so good screw the hook I'm looking sick now my armor is 318 before it was like or 150 or 100. I spent almost three full days in this place but luckily it helped me learn a lot about combat and my fighting skills seeing as I was struggling with just your common everyday enemy I was going to have a lot of trouble in the future all these people respawned all these people respond bro that is the dumbest thing I've ever seen in my life I'm just not ready for that I'm not ready for that I was getting way too ahead of myself I headed to the black Galleon where as you can see I got swarmed by a thousand people and I was never gonna have a chance at surviving here is there like is there anything that's reasonable for me to take on by myself why am I gaining corruption I don't know what that means when I get close to this place I gain corruption oh this is a sorcerer hold on hold on hold on hold on I don't care about the chef I don't care about the chef I didn't defeat a sorcerer oh let's go man okay what does he have on them cloth Satchel okay what does this journey want me to do now find the hidden sorcerer's cave the map drops from the defeated sorcerer leads to where the the secrets of sorcery can be learned I don't know what the hell that means this looks exactly like this the Y is over here it goes into the curve it looks exactly the same so I need to be going somewhere that's that's where I need to be going that that looks exactly look keep this in your mind keep this in your mind and tell me if I'm right that's the Y that bends before going back out I wanted to look for some aloe because I wanted to make the concentrate potions since I was getting pretty messed up during fighting and it would allow me to heal a lot easier but I searched through the entire night and found literally not a single plant so this was a bust my weapons my damage just sucks man what does this do a person that causes hallucinations and visions What the freaking hell after playing around at home for a little bit I decided to just hit up the sorcerer's cave oh there it is I think when they get into this cave oh is this it when I first entered the cave and started fighting the shell back I noticed that my corruption levels were going up yet again and that's when I learned that as your corruption goes up your maximum health gets reduced permanently I'm dead Kappa 57 000 experience all right let's heal oh wait does it permanently take away my health what in the dog water brother it took me about 10 minutes to kill one of these things and then there was two more so uh you do the math it took me a while all right baby there's two down two down these things are giving a lot of experience all right there we go there's another Kappa dead keep making it through but let's keep it going let's keep going spider webs oh what the hell is this journey completes All Right Touch the Tome and you will gain Blasphemous and sorceress powers why do I feel like it's not that easy why do I feel like I have to fight through someone basic sorcery where to power ice bridge where to power reveal corruption I feel like I'm gonna start needing to extend my base um because I'm running out of spot for all these stupid tables there can't just be like two things that you can craft everything and oh what the hell Arcane staff a one-handed staff used by Sorcerers as a focus to cast spells and iron bar already have where do I find Crystal at spoiler alert I never used magic I didn't really care to and it didn't seem like my path that I wanted to take so going forward I won't explain too much about it what is this can I farm all this oh there's a big boy there's a big boy today there we go EMP King that gave me nothing for experience keep going though steel let's let's just explore this whole cave while we're here might as well oh is there like a whole thing under here man I really trusted the process on that one what the hell is this what in God's creation man's has so much health yeah when I tell you this fight went on forever I'm not joking it was into the night into the next morning and he wasn't even at half health shoot man I'm about to die I gotta go he's gonna full heal but that's I I can't do anything about that yep I'm dead hello and then I died again because my weapon broke and I said a lot of bad words here so I had to cut out the audio but I had a different plan bring a katana with us all right damn it let's do this thing let's do this thing one thing I did love about this game is when you went to go pick up your stuff the enemy that killed you wouldn't aggro you for a little bit giving you that chance get me in the water get me in the water oh man I don't have crap for armor turns out my assessment was absolutely correct bringing the katana was the best thing I could have done because the heavy attacks staggered this guy enough to where he wasn't breaking my guard and as you can see the bleed damage stacking up was gonna help me kill him a lot faster thus bleed damage which is really nice and then I learned that you can spam the light attack until you run out of stamina so literally infinite attacks but just because I had the katana and I was doing way better doesn't mean this fight still didn't take forever come on come on come on katana's crazy all right here it is here it is this is it oh my goodness gracious we finally got there we finally got there give me that what is that our penetration a curved sword with a single sharp edge take I'm over encumbered withered hearts I feel like I should take that your sacrifice has been accepted you don't have the required item I I gave the sacrifice so you're not gonna let me into the chest that I just gave the withered heart for oh I have five unspent points let's go before you guys judge my attribute Point tree please know that I had no idea what I was doing but I would fix this later on don't worry don't worry I finally got the thamaturgy bench placed down which is where you upgrade your book of karak or whatever it's called but I never use sorcery so we'll skip this what do I have here it is a soul into flesh eliminating their path I have a strong feeling at 200 days will be in the future so maybe we'll mess around with sorcery then find the summoning place I wanted to do the Cartographer Journey because it seemed like it brought me to a bunch of important locations so I needed new armor my situation was looking a little rough my chest piece was broken all I had was pants and boots easy that gives me fur a little bit of hide okay we need to go on a hide Farm baby look at that Katana makes life easy 78 hide we're still gonna need more I think there's a bunch of bears over here I should be able to take them on now you're easy you're easy you're easy I can definitely say that early game at least impatience is what kills most people especially me because I don't do enough damage to this bear so I'm wanting to get more attacks in per Dodge and it's going terribly because I've gotten hit quite a few times already this bear is taking forever to kill come on come on come on come on oops that was a mistake oh my God he just almost destroyed me passive heel pass appeal [Music] let's go 52 000 experience oh that was a close one huh bear pelts and feral flesh man that's heavy and now that I had all of this hide in fur I was hopefully going to be able to craft some decent armor which would help my survivability maybe what is that oh thick leather that bears are how you get thick leather that's nice that's good to know okay so heavy padding is 40 thick leather that's a lot man that puts us at 40 so we can make some heavy padding now craft one that's a hundred and forty dude we can craft that how much does that weigh 29 pounds carrying capacity gives me a lot more though so it kind of evens out look at that Armor All right and with that I can craft the cowboy hat oh my goodness I look like half pirate half Knight half Barbarian I'm going with all the role playing I don't think there's any more big bears around here since we are approaching day 30 already I just wanted to quickly say that if I had played this game before I probably could have gotten everything set up a lot sooner maybe even 15 days sooner but on a side note I'm also really happy with my progression let's finish off my armor and then we will go on an adventure is it a bear up there I think I see a bear friends I think I see a bear come on big boy oh that's a boss bear there we go we got two stacks of blood oh that's not good 152. this whole fight took me 10 minutes so we're gonna speed it up a little bit because uh it was a long one this bear jacked me up he did 152 damage per hit which was scary because if I took two hits I was dead so I had to play Super patient which is not my forte oh let's go though it was a tough fight it was worth it because I needed that last bit of bear Pelt for armor this is your boy sizing getting sidetracked because I was supposed to go on an adventure uh we have to unlock it first okay so now we can craft a stove oh man there's some cool stuff you can cook in here eggs exotic Feast I need exotic flesh craft fish strips and the crafting panel of the stove fish strips is used with each of the fishies got some fish here there's some fishes here damn why can't I take that thank you all right let's see how this works let's go to our stove put all of our fishies in here and I should be able to craft fish strips oh good Lord it took me an embarrassingly long time to figure out that the stove just needed wood to fire okay after doing so craftar and a Tannery I've done that a thousand times but it's fine for a while I thought you could only craft weapons so I started the steelsmith journey that way I could craft Steel weapons I didn't know that you could find really good weapons from doing certain dungeons but I would soon find out so for the next 10 days I went out on a huge Adventure trying to find better gear dude I can just the katana's wild man I gotta slice through everyone there's a lot of them oh dude this armor is crazy I could just tank these guys out sorcerer lightning rod Guardian head all right let's continue this is fun and especially since I have the uh uh that perk that regenerates my health passively I feel Unstoppable [Music] let's go friends this place wasn't overflowing with weapons or armor as far as loot goes but what it did offer me was Guardian parts and I had no clue what to do with those iron Guardian torso explosive Guardian head okay I want to take that Katana is so good katana's so great Katana kills everyone in my face you're like that's like a Billy Madison song damn okay okay she messing me up she's messing me up Arrow guy is so annoying bro let's go big man he's so big and bad from a distance I'll take it what you got a stone okay I found I found Brimstone but it wants me to harvest it wait all right uh dude where the hell am I gonna find this Brimstone and he Brimstone oh oh we're close to that thing oh hell to the no brother [Music] my hair screams oh these are my people are not my people but oh what are you doing dude the more the truth I said this guy bored the hell out of me I didn't listen to a single word he said so I just skipped through his dialogue and it offered me nothing so I left all right I have a feeling that I might be able to find Brimstone if I go back to that area so I'm gonna head there and that's the place with the uh I think there was a werewolf and it originally screwed me up but now I'm way better suited up the strength what is that one uh quick drummer 25 less okay three more points there I love how I said I was way better suited up to take on this place yet here I am under half Health getting screwed up by humans now that I'm watching this part back this is actually hilarious what is that mold Brew oh I'm very hot that was stupid my health is going down so quick [Music] why am I dying so quick because I have a heat stroke please do not let me die like this I can't handle it what do you want from me oh thank you good God that was so scary I saved my Katana for you big boy are we are we okay I've had enough I've had enough werewolves kind of scary brother War hyena that's all I got from you that doesn't feel good it really doesn't okay this cook is crazy bro this cook is crazy oh dude that's a big boss down there I have no idea what I was trying to achieve in this place but I feel like it was Vengeance rather than loot hunting oh God I'm so dead oh hell no bro is it possible with two of these guys ouch come on man if I get hit one time by this guy I'm dead all right big boys left oh God oh God oh God no I'm gonna have to re-fight that big werewolf that sucks dude I had him so low am I supposed to even be here right now guys I don't have the uh that's pretty good Stone iron arm after continuously getting beaten up with no way to heal I figured I would go look for some aloe next I'm gonna go look for Aloe and then we're gonna go back to that location we have three katanas I think we're set on fighting all right you can get aloe with a sickle right oh damn bro you get so much aloe oh my gosh I can make those weak aloe extracts in my inventory and it only takes 30 aloe okay rough wraps goodbye Brimstone is somewhere in this area while I sit here and search for brimstone like a dum dum I just wanted to say that by this point I had thought about getting the thrall or some kind of pet but I had no idea how to do it what I did know is that having one would make surviving a hell of a lot easier I found brimstone that's definitely Brimstone they're guarding it damn okay okay I gained a level I dodged a bullet where are you going where are you going Brimstone is a beautiful looking thing my friends attributes I have a level I need one more level and then I can make my armor weigh 25 less and carry a lot more okay that's all we can carry before we're encumbered 363. I got a bunch of aloe I got what I came for and I'm going home a rich man there's something wrong with it I'm doing something wrong maybe I just don't want to be a chef screw it I don't care I craft steel fire still fire is crafted and a fireball cauldron and his key ingredients recipes such as steel bars and dragon powder tar and this brimstone now we should be able to make quite a bit 159 Place iron bars steel fire and fuel in the furnace damn Steel's expensive your boy is gonna get himself a damn Rhino I need a rhinoceros how do I get a rhinoceros I have to steal a rhinoceros oh look at that look at that gruel okay okay all right your boy just needs to go steal a baby rhinoceros that should be fun and we are approaching day 40. in the morning it will be day 40 and I feel like we are so far behind I couldn't have said it better playing something new for a 100 day video is hard when you have no Direction but I'll catch on very soon I promise give me that steel pick baby oh steelsmith has done hardened steelsmith oh good God gather black ice oh what get the ham right next to the snow biome there we go strength Second Skin oh look at that our armor weighs so much less now okay 61 so we have half of our almost half of our inventory empty let's go to the snow biome baby if you've never played this game before that is probably the dumbest thing I've ever said I'm very cold [Music] I don't even know where to begin to look for black eyes extremely cold hunger rate slightly increased health is dropping fantastic so I can't be in this area yet but I want to go up there that looks so cool what is this bro Health damage one oh it's for knocking people out I have a feeling I should take that but I'm not going to I don't remember doing this but I'm so upset at myself for it oh I don't know if I'm gonna be able to take on this place by myself what is this Mammoth writer Shanty chasing our Lord study oh damn oh chill dude I'm gonna die come on come on come on all right the wolves are dead I got another level let's go uh expertise let's just say that everything you're about to witness was the reason I had a huge shifting point in this playthrough okay bro the chicks swing in the hammer man why'd you have to come out of nowhere and do that you're not a chick you're just a crazy looking old man oh my gosh there's it's such an unfair thing fighting like three people at once bro [Applause] oh that's a lot of people that's a lot of people I'm dipping bro chill have some relaxation in your life please tell me there's not more people coming in there is you serious right now all right we got this we got this we got this all right wolf left wolf left come on come on let's go oh I didn't chicken out that time and it paid off what are these it felt like there was infinite enemies in this camp and it was starting to get overwhelming oh there's the little boss we got a yellow health bar oh we got a bunch of people too I'm so dead and I was met by my demise once again I don't know what to do about weapons man we need to find a better weapon but we can't find a better weapon without looting but when we loot we die when I returned home I unfortunately had to do some research about this game because I was getting nowhere and It ultimately came down to the fact that I needed a pet or a thrall because they would greatly help me in battle and I was struggling right now while I don't know much about pets I do know that the place below my base had elephants and rhinos so I was headed there oh my Lord there's so many rhinos here we go that's it you're not gonna chase me talk about some oh dude you're easy hit me all you want I don't care I have a rhino guys I stole a rhino and it was 50 pounds and I almost I almost peed myself all right now what do we do with this rhino how do I raise the Rhino calf oh my goodness okay 400 with 300 Stone 20 twine easy enough [Music] do you see this why is it so what okay pets plus food give me my rhinoceros okay I'll have a rhino oh my goodness gracious I can't see I can't see but that's a big ass Rhino all right let's go make a rhinoceros saddle he's a greater rhinoceros okay um I need to go find a horse to complete this Quest and I also need to find spiders and slay them for the gossamer I know my Rhino can't be ridden and this whole saddle thing was a huge detour but I didn't know so I still have to show my little Adventure going to get gossamer and a horse is that a baby horse is that a baby horse can I take this I got a horse I got a horse taking a step back I also crafted these steel Pawn yards which ended up being a lot better than anything I've used so far put the fiber in there horse in there horse raises up I have a horse oh my gosh I love these little daggers War Horse light saddle crafts okay for this the Rhino saddle oh the Rhino saddle I can craft the easier one with just iron bars attributes we have two levels expertise for both damn how did my how did my weight just go up to 175 from leveling up okay so each level gives you maximum carrying capacity each level of strength deals damage oh my gosh I don't even know that all right we can craft the Rhino saddle let's go all right not a huge fan of the horse it's very slow and it steers like crap wait what can I not ride this rhino okay so I don't ride this guy he just fights for me I I understand I wasted my time with that Rhino saddle after all of that I crafted two more sets of daggers that way I would have backups if I was out fighting and one of them broke follow me this is so cool man I feel on top of the world right now Bobby attack oh my gosh the Rhino is wild all right how do I heal my Rhino does he just heal over time slowly rhino fight let's go buddy I quickly found out that getting a pet or a thrall is something that I should have done way sooner they take the enemy's aggro off you so you're not as stressed while fighting and it's also an extra damage dealer on top of all of that these daggers go to show that changing your weapon to something that deals more damage makes a world of difference yeah my Rhino is freaking nuts okay oh this isn't good my rhino versus a bunch of werewolves oh it's go time baby it's go time Rhino help me Rhino help me if my Rhino dies I will be more than upset I'll kill the boss Kill the Boss no my Rhino die screw you butthole I cannot believe that man just killed my rhino I was so excited I'm so sorry we were such a good team I will kill everyone in this damn town I will kill everyone in this damn town I'm sorry you are nothing bro fire water tastes like death but packs a kick no actually I should take that just for the snow biome in case I can't find any oh there's another part to my iron golem while my Rhino died he did teach me an important lesson that I was able to fight all of these guys alone and I was strong enough and it gave me the confidence I needed to do the rest of this play through so Mr Bobby Mr Rhino thank you where's that gold dust iron Guardian head oh my gosh we almost have the whole iron Guardian with some research I was told to head back to the altar where the chick was getting sacrificed then talk to this guy so he can teach me how to craft a Golem learned Golem Constructor animated Guardian guardian oh my gosh a top okay when I got back to my base I went on a little building Bender because my base was in dire need of an upgrade and I was trying to place my new golden bench and there wasn't enough room so that was another reason sailing open okay so we need two arms two legs chest and a head animate Guardian animate the guardian locking its parts together and imbuing it with life okay we need one more arm one more leg of the iron guardian and we can build them after doing a lot of thinking I figured everything I've been doing so far hasn't gotten me anywhere I need to do something different maybe explore maybe go to different parts of the map to see if I can uncover any answers greater blood Crystal Rock nose what hold on blood Crystal little did I know the further east I went the closer I got to something that was crucial to this playthrough but the creatures got a lot more dangerous the further I went oh my gosh that's ridiculous I feel like all these dangerous things blocking my path should Mia should be a sign to not go this way but we're doing it anyways and when I got to this Temple looking place the game immediately turned into Planet of the Apes and I was in grave Danger well in the hell dog where is this place okay we're coming up on it finally Celestial Plaza and more monkeys what are you smashing this is terrifying this is actually terrifying oh we just go straight in wait is this even a dungeon or is it just I fight the boss right off the bat right here can I leave if I want to guys I'm so scared oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa there's a purple aura oh I have to fight these statues okay I didn't let me Dodge I crouched instead this is insane this guy has so much health what am I safe here in the middle yes he will all right that was good damage wait is she she coming down yet oh she is I guess I didn't kill this Golem fast enough Golem's almost actually dead there we go there we go there we go it's just one-on-one now let me get a heads in let me get the hits in come on damage oh oh we got these to worry about now all right these lasers are getting a little crazy oh my goodness man age damage damage damage what come on get me there oh my gosh man this is so scary come on we got it we got it what'd she have on her take and take oh my goodness hold on is there anything up here or is this just her throne you have acquired knowledge lemarian Royal armor oh no way okay so I guess I just unlocked the Full Witch Queen set I think that's everything okay what is this what do I do with it I was extremely excited to have beaten this boss it was the first thing that I actually did for a greater purpose in this entire playthrough and I felt amazing when I returned home I started farming immediately for the improved armorers workbench that way I could craft the new lumerian armor I achieved from beating the witch Queen just to find out that I have to be level 60. I have to reach level 60 before I couldn't even craft that armor okay I just got my Boost in 100 health now we're at 500 health we should be at 6 22 but I have uh corruption so that's a thing looking back at this it was super extra but I decided to make a casting table so I could then make glass flasks and then boil it on the stove for purified water it was a lot I could have just used water skins water craft 10. okay why is the stove taking so long there's something wrong with the stove that's bugging out man this ain't right does this need fuel it needs fuel and that would be why oh my gosh there's no way I've been this dumb the whole time there's no freaking way bro oh that was the issue the whole the whole time I'm so stupid start oh my goodness finally we've done it eat a proper meal use beautifulness beautifulness beautifulness since I was sure there was other bosses rather than just the witch Queen I picked up the Cartographer Journey again that way I could maybe find another important Story Boss location let's fight through this entire black galleon oh man it's so easy it's so easy we were just coming to all these places at the wrong point in the game when I was just too weak I'm ready if you're ready I'm ready you're ready I'm ready [Music] you're next dude I'm so tired of these archers [Music] you have something else you want to say anyone anyone I feel like this place is super low level and it's giving me terrible loot after fighting through the black Galley in the next place on my list was Sir permuru for the Cartographer Journey okay looks safe enough so far I don't see a dragon no dragon baby I just get into this Village safely what's in here what the hell [Music] nope nope no unnamed City I hear a freaking Dragon bro and I think I'm in the wrong spot corruption no no no no no no no no oh supper supper meru foreign Hunters okay it looks safe unless I make it not safe guess we're just gonna roam around this Village for a little bit and see what happens just like a little bar that's cute oh look at the dancers get it get it oh I'm losing corruption by watching them dance okay we're just gonna sit here and what that's what that's crazy what what yes I'm at Conan the man himself the man of the hour but it wasn't really important for my playthrough he just told me a little bit of lore and how he was the one that saved me from the cross but other than that I don't really think I had any purpose of talking with him you guys remember the key I got from beating the witch Queen well it was named the key of rosma's quarters and this is rosma so I discovered her in this town as well all she really told me is that she herself was the witch Queen but the mask made her crazy and something about the volcano but nothing else how am I supposed to discover the volcano if I can't get to the volcano because I freeze to death before I even get to the volcano shut up when I got home I finally wisened up and had the idea of going to get myself a thrall quickly get some bark for everything for our fuel and then I want to go try to find a thrall so I need to find out how to make a trunch in or whatever it's called truncheon I want a companion that can go with us that that Rhino was awesome I just like I didn't know he was gonna die that quick to that werewolf so I want to find a companion that is just strong and beefy as hell we lift pain unlock oh I can unlock this now okay steel trunch and crafted that torture his work table okay leather bindings crafted a torturers work table as well so I wonder if just the the higher tier trunches just do more uh like torp or damage or something like that okay so I can craft this we got our steel truncheon and then our leather bindings uh so this is the best Shield here uh like sick on my back too I like that so I was looking at the the a list of the best fighters and Leon seemed to be one of the really good ones that stuck out to me so we're going to try and kill everyone in this Camp other than Leon and we will knock him out uh and try our best to get him back home I guess all right maybe this was the wrong place maybe he's somewhere else is it this over here where's my boy Liam oh there's Liam okay okay okay okay oh damn let's go Leanne it's you and me oh this guy has high freaking knockout okay okay okay okay all right damn cousin [Music] it took me a while to figure out the best way to knock thrall out and using the shield was not one of the best ways I got this i got this okay so heavy attacks do more yes they do I don't know if it was because of the type of thrall I was going after but this whole interaction took forever one more chain let's go all right we got him knocked out we got him knocked out he messed me up all right we got him bound we got him bounds baby now we have to go back home not only did I have to spend a lot of my time knocking him out now I had to carry him home it's like he's not my slave I'm his when I finally got Liam back to base I had to drop him here go find a boar and then I went AFK for like 20 minutes because I had to take an important phone call and little did I know there's a freaking despawn timer on thrall that you knock out what where'd he go where'd he go where'd they and go guys no I'm going to lose my mind I have to go get him again let's go we have everything okay let's make this stupid thrall thing let me go get my freaking Liam man again I hope that this isn't going to be an issue here gruel okay all right let's go get Liam again for the second time for those of you who haven't played this game you'll soon find out that the thrall wheel of pain that I crafted is to break them down and then make them yours Lee and why'd you have to go and despawn on me man oh we got it we got it we got it okay we got him let's go back you dumbo do not despawn again you hear me do you hear me finally freaking Home Leon play we got him baby crafting Q oh okay so there's a certain time that he has to do this got it two ten elephant hide I can craft that for myself I just need a bunch of elephant hide for this whole set killing elephants wasn't hard it was just more time consuming so I spent most of the day doing this harvesting them for that elephant hide and then returning home to greet Leon my new friend all right is my man Liam ready he is okay hey buddy come on now look at you okay so this is what you have on you all this stuff all right you stay here give you all of your armor I had a bunch of hand-me-down gear that I had used at some point in this playthrough and I put it all on Leon to make it more beefy the reason I wanted that elephant hide is so I could make the high Cranium Raider armor set which made me look really cool but also gave me an ass load of armor 210 armor follower damage plus four percent wow oh my goodness guys we are looking sick all right so we have steel no Steel battle ax we can craft all right Liam let's go level you up man now that I had really good armor it was time for me and Liam to go take on some things that I wouldn't be able to do alone my follower leveled up all right my follower's not following me though this excites me man I'm excited for our little journey together it's you and me I'm not alone anymore you better not die like my Rhino you hear me let's go oh my gosh he is a menace bro he's stronger than me I've been doing everything wrong watch this man he is an absolute tank is a tank I'll help you I'll help you I'll help you take him out baby take him out oh my gosh she's so strong oh he can hold heavy items for me let's continue on our path where we're supposed to be going there's a crazy freaking Beast up there no Surrey we are not doing that James where are you Bond Bond where the hell is the Mounds oh it's just this whole area wait are these enemies oh those are enemies what on Earth are we fighting right now why am I gaining corruption why am I gaining corruption this reminds me of uh spirit summons from Elden ring hardened steel pick that's nice what is that incense oh okay well I thought it was gonna be something cool it took me a while to figure out that the yellow health bar enemies are actually named thrall and they're way better than generics what does he have an ancient crest ah I'll tell you remember when I crafted those battle axes well I wanted to use something different rather than the daggers and I was testing to see if it was good so we can try to use this for a little bit see how it works I think we were just out to level him up I guess getting me to level 60 is pretty important too so we'll just keep fighting [Music] okay he killed two to my one I feel not so great about myself so the fire water should keep me alive while we venture off into the snow I don't know how smart it was for me to go into the snow biome yet but I knew that I wanted to head towards the volcano will you eat raw meat oh y'all eat raw meat you crazy crazy man ah what's the last thing we have to do man find the volcano and then we get a Valeria sword uh volcano it is I'm nervous for this but we gotta get there we gotta finish this journey and get this Valeria sword or whatever it may be am I freezing or is my armor actually good I guessed this on a whim but fun fact for anyone who doesn't know you can eat ice and it'll cool you down while you're in the volcano and keep you alive not yet at least very cold there we go all right uh hold on hold on hold on years you're feeling Tipsy but I'm warming up okay I have a minute and 25 seconds we need to put that fire water like in our slot do I have enough time to make it to this volcano I think I can take this Ridge the whole way there expertise expertise now my weight is 310. that's beautiful man I'm very cold but I'm not getting any colder and I'm not dying which is good so I don't even really need this fire water this game is like extremely impressive sometimes I'm just in awe I don't even know what to say the exploration like there's so much to explore on this map oh I think I see black ice what the hell okay seven I wonder how much of this stuff I can carry how in the hell do I make it in there all right we're gonna have to do this the hard way but it's fine am I wait am I seeing the volcano down here Dragon mouth I don't think I want to do this there better not be a dragon over here dude we can't we can't fight a dragon what's this is a dungeon oh God what on Earth are we doing here this doesn't feel right did I not is this not the volcano have I not found the volcano I don't want to do this man there's a green beam coming from the ground there's some scary stuff happening right now there's a little demon right there I don't want to fight that what is this this is just like a little mini guy and he's like he's screwing us up a living magma who are these guys there's a lot of them I can't tell how much health he has well of skelos don't be dying over there each floor of this well was kicking our butts there was waves of enemies and let me tell you they hit hard oh this is terrifying oh I'm level 60. I just realized I'm level 60 I'm max level I'd prefer you to not fall off the map what is this obsidian Greatsword what did I just find all right we're gonna use this we're gonna use this what is your health looking like you're oh you're level 10 stats perk followers plus three quickness are you kidding me we're doing damage now is this as far as we go no there's definitely a way to keep going up but I don't know how to do that I guess I gotta try to climb up I guess that's one way of doing it there was endless enemies on this Tower and it took me a few days to fight through all of it but what I was about to find was come on come on serpent man whoa is that all this place was was just a bunch of knowledge part of me wants to jump into that here we go here we go here we go I trusted my gut I made the leap of faith and the well in fact was where I needed to go well that's breathtaking I hope we have enough ice till I get through this whole thing I hope I can complete this I really don't know what I'm in for that's a lot of people I'm pretty terrified to be honest this is like this place is nuts I'm so scared right now bro I'm so scared oh he could just run over fire or lava that's so nice man okay I'm not worried here's where things get a little weird I don't know if he's gonna make this jump with me oh he does nice I was worried that they're all weren't gonna work in here but we're chilling baby we're chilling oh what do we have to do here I just want to get to this damn boss obsidian spear Iron Golem torso might as well right oh the gate opened when we killed him you know Mr Bond I could really use some help with this please okay nice nice what's this obsidian mace we got all them obsidian tools why aren't you coming up man which way do we go or does it not matter I don't know if it matters we'll just go this way all right looks like we gotta fight some more people yo Mr Bond why'd you run away or go down this way up that looks right I don't know what the hell this is this place is very impressive I love this scenery here oh yeah this is definitely the boss room oh no yeah still the last of your kind huh called in this many worlds let's go fight me oh there's more let's go man let's go oh my gosh she just keeps spawning him dude there we go let's go big boy he just died there's a bunch of chests back here what's this oh damn okay let's get out of here I guess I'll wait you know what I just realized this looks very similar to The Witch Queen Palace I guess we're gonna take this really ominous staircase upwards The Black Keys and here that Bond we're at the black keep I'm going crazy what is this place should I be worried to go in here this place was a maze-like dungeon and it was confusing as hell to say the least I had no idea where to go and I spent a lot of time in here I'm gonna go ahead and spare your beautiful souls and just skip to the part where I found the key to get into the boss room they don't do that much corruption damage but it's enough to like be annoying you know I didn't check everything in here is that a chest [Music] press e to interact you have found a key where'd that key go ancient key okay well I have the key then all right if this is a boss door if it is I need to be ready oh God all I wanted to do was find the volcano and I still haven't even gotten that achievement oh damn okay okay okay his attacks are so freaking long James Bond I'm sorry man you're gonna have to take the heat of these that does not feel good okay okay come on put in the work baby he's almost dead he's almost dead this guy looks crazy we got this let me get the last hit let me get the last hit the double in iron heart of the king Scourge tears of two races a crystalline Tierra from tyros the deathbringer oh there's a tablet part of a sandwich and King Scorch weapons light silent Legion armor medium silent Legion armor we just did that that wasn't bad right what a what a trip am I right nah that doesn't really give me much man I don't think I care about these Journal things anymore all right let's go ahead and place this here improved armors bench let's throw some crap in here silent Legion armor star metal where the hell do I get star metal from elephant hide a lot of elephant hide hardened leather wow that's expensive okay let's place that there I want to try to craft this sorrow sword when I got home I realized that for most of the things I wanted to craft all of my benches were outdated so you know what that means it's time for house chores craft a weapon handle I need 22 black ice and 33 hardened steel now if I put steel iron this in here hardened steel I have a bunch that I can craft more work benches means more space so I got to that as well I then crafted a tinkerer's workbench which allows me to craft mods for armor and weapons increasing durability damage and a couple of other cool things oh wow this stuff's easy to make and we can craft it okay this looks like the long sword I hope it is but here we go let's get that crafted hopefully now we can crank out some crazy DPS all right let's see how this works ready foreign let's get some weapon upgrades on this oh it shows my Golem being assembled on here so I'm just missing an arm that's so cool I ran into the issue of needing oil for pretty much any end game piece of gear so I got started on farming for the fluid press all you got to do is throw berries or fish into this bad boy and over time it'll make a bunch of oil for you oh look at that look at that look at that we need a bunch of icor and we also need to get a farm going for gold and silver that way we could dismantle them or grind them down to make dust and then we'll have our alchemic base and once we have that then we can make all the crazy armor we want I want to be able to put me and my dude in a legendary set of level 60 armor but before I went out to do anything my base was in dire need of reorganization So I placed down six storage chests that way I could throw stuff into their designated areas and then I reorganized all of my appliances alright hardened steel and oil should now be able to craft to me advanced kits let's craft one of those and see what that does for our damage on our weapon all right now what does that do 66 damage one two three four five six seven eight nine ten we interrupt this program to let you guys know that subscribing is in fact free and it doesn't harm you in any way whatsoever if you guys like what you see don't forget to hit that subscribe button all right let's get back to it now I should be able to boop boop boop boop and Boop now I need to figure out how to make dies I wanna I wanna dye my dude's armor just straight black I also got James Bond the third's armor suited up that way he didn't die because if he did I would be sad and go into a deep depression now that as James Bond I also had to add even more onto my base because there's 19 000 workbenches in this damn game so we'll just skip forward to when I'm done now we've got this place all decked out it's roofed water filled flasks and oil craft six this is a huge waste of oil but it's fine the things I do for beautiful Cosmetics after getting that all situated I started dyeing my armor jet black to get a final look that looked like this look at us all right you're almost looking as cool as me it's fine we're riding in style my man I'm a dum-dum I just figured it out you just throw it in here composit obsidian okay the dismantling bench was super convenient for all of those old tools and gear that I wasn't going to use I just broke them down for decent resources we need to find a bunch of spiders and I don't necessarily know how we're gonna do that like I said earlier we needed a bunch of icker to be able to craft alchemical base so finding spiders was the next thing on my list oh there was that spider boss at the beginning of the game that I avoided like crazy wait this is where all the spiders work it is it is come out to me spiders it's a question of where the hell are you oh there you are am I gonna die a sad death or are we gonna kill this spider oh I hate that I hate the way that looks Oh Lordy that's a big spider oh okay that hit me that hit me oh damn man is upset he is upset thank you we got this baby we're almost there let's go 285 000 experience we're rolling in the icker now is there a chest here for beating that guy that would make sense wouldn't it it would momentum what the hell is that a mace that swings with great force legendary Shield smash weapon 53 damage let's see if that's any better for you bud let's go kill some spiders oh my gosh it's way better to an eighth of ichor and there so I need you following me we're gonna make our way back over to the volcano what the hell is that thing over there man I don't know what that is but we're gonna go fight it bud [Music] I decided we wanted to head back to the volcano because I needed to farm obsidian nodes for gold and silver both of those were highly necessary in crafting alchemical base which is what you needed to craft hardin's leather oh no way oh baby let's go oh that's a boss the fires that's cute what the hell did he just do to me oh my goodness why did this man just give me so much stuff potion potion of natural resets knowledge points oh no way I still have not discovered the volcano are you freaking kidding me what in the Kentucky Derby is going on here it's like two huge structures I kind of want to see what that is this looks terrifying Temple of frost oh he's coming he's coming this Temple was way too cold for my little body to handle my health was dropping rapidly and there was no way I'd be able to get through this entire thing how the hell am I supposed to survive in this freaking biome all right we need to go home we need to regroup and decide what we're doing next the obsidian I can't even do anything with unless I go to an actual location and smelt it it's 10 per that's going to be around a thousand I wanted to take a break from grinding and head back to the unnamed City to see if I can uncover any more answers I never fully explored this place because of the corruption so let's see what's here there's a legendary chest up here hey come on James Bond where are you sixteen thousand are we oh bond is not doing great on health we need to take this guy down now ow come on he's at 900 health come on come on strangely familiar ax are you kidding me that was so worth it I guess not really dude what you got jacked up brother James Bond pull out your damn your damn sword and shield let's go ah Jack him up man that didn't feel good oh he's pissed damn it oh there's the tail swipe sent me flying keep slicing and dice and keep slicing and dicing 800 600. he's going down he's going down let's go dragon head dragon bone what'd you have I have the Watcher that's a sword that's a thing that looks like a boss fight if I've ever seen one let's go let's go down there I decided to go deeper into the city because of stated earlier I wanted some answers and things kept getting weirder oh that's where you can jump down I'm glad I didn't I thought there was going to be water down here what is this is this like a map room and who are you I am just a shadow this place sucks who are you I am me [Applause] oh that is a boss I wonder if guys like this can be like thralls you know like if we could capture guys like this what does he even have heart of a hero oh damn that's a lot of skeletons Bond you got this buddy you got this this is all you the bosses in this town were plentiful and I wanted to fight through all of them to make sure I wasn't missing any crucial information what [Music] this guy is crazy looking he's not that hard oh man this is a cool fight I like this guy ah okay I actually got hit twice there that's fine come on let me kill him let me kill him okay where did we get here legendary weapon repair kit fragment of power don't know what that is gold coin steel bar lying bastard sword did I just get his sword oh damn is that a bat oh he flies after taking my aggression out on literally every enemy in this town I decided that I should get back to the main story and figure out how to beat this game oh what the hell is that no way I did not know there was silver I might be able to make this Legion armor soon abandon silver mine now I have a feeling there's gonna be a bunch of silver in here but also a bunch of scary stuff I didn't know at the time but what we had found was the dungeon of the Scorpion Queen okay I hope we can do this James has already taken a lot of damage thank you he does not do good with poisonous creatures he he almost died to that spider too oh come on please tell me we can beat this he's at 800. 600. I will be so upset of James Bond dies come on kill him please we're almost there we're almost there oh my gosh 173 health oh my goodness there's another boss there's another boss that wasn't even the main boss once man's is done healing I guess we'll go fight this thing here we go here we go oh we're stacking up the and bleed damage he's not moving that's so good this one's so much easier than that other scorpion look at that look at that what do you got in your inventory no what scorpion Ward and a skeleton key what's the Scorpion Ward it's a shield with heat yet he is great saber 60 damage legendary armor penetration 23. oh it's electricity guys I think we have everything we need now to be able to craft this Legion armor yeah that's funny you're forgetting about the star metal there bud are we about to get our Iron Golem my Golem turned out to be a farming Golem when I thought he was going to be some crazy big strong beefy fighter so I didn't want to spend too much time on this because I didn't use him okay okay I didn't use him often I just gained corruption from doing that what no chance 14 000 Health silent Legion pauldrons which I need star metal for damn it all right we need to figure out star metal Then star metal is probably the hardest resource to find especially on the exiled lands map which I'm playing on because you can only find it when an event happens which is called the meteor shower and those happen every couple of hours as far as I'm concerned as much as I've been in the snow biome this entire playthrough I haven't seen it once and to top it off this happened when we got jumped by a mammoth and a wolf what he died my best friend my follower he died stupid mammoth oh my goodness I am livid I am so upset that my man just died like that after dropping some stuff at home I headed back out to try and find a resource called glowing goop which is used in crafting absinthe and that's when I found this crocodile boss that was necessary for the story he gave me another piece to this broken Scourge whatever the hell let's go big boy come on after destroying that alligator within a couple of hits I headed back to this Crystal Cave and I went down into the water on a whim and found glowing goop what is this glowing goop I also put this guy in his place for bullying me really early on the only difference is this time when I offered the sacrifice it gave me a damn gorilla Boon of gorilla I got a gorilla oh by the way I had to head back to the den where the werewolves were so I could find the recipe for the absinthe which is located here all right guys after finding that Brewing recipe I should have absinthe unlocked I do so leaving a leaving agent where the hell do I find that and then purified water purified water is easy oh I have a bunch of those absinthe was a drink that warmed you up like crazy and it was gonna be the only way I could survive long enough in the snow biome to find Star metal and absinthe I can craft to 19 baby let's go so I'm gonna have my Golem come with me that way I can just stack up like hundreds and thousands of pounds take it from me if you're new to this game before you go and look for Star metal craft these Dragon powder bombs explosive jars whatever you want to call them before you go and spend hours looking for Star metal finally find it just to find out that you can't Harvest it without bombs oh my gosh guys the meteors just fell oh my gosh that just happened all right let's see there we go and then four I should be able to place that there oh my gosh guys it worked there we go all right star metal time let's go oh my gosh we just got 1044 star metal oh the weight the weight was so worth it okay let's deposit all of this into our Golem and then we'll keep moving we'll see if we can find another one how do I light this thing oh I have to press e that's wild man 12 we just got over 2 000 star metal we can't carry any more though so it's time to go back home I think I just figured it out and I'm glad that I had this man get black ice for me okay so it's star metal black ice and brimstone Brimstone I have a lot of Brimstone and once we throw all of this in here we get star metal bars would you look at that silent Legion pauldron 385 armor craft craft crafts guys we have a full set of Silent Legion armor equip equip equip equip oh that looks sick all right now let's go ahead and dye all this armor guys look at me I look like an absolute freaking Menace 1280 armor no one is breaking my damn stance anymore okay so let's go find ourselves a really good thrall and then we'll go do the sinkhole after we level them up a little bit how about Dad look at me damn I heard from a very reliable faithful source that The Relic Hunter treasure Seeker was the best thrall you could get for fighting so naturally I had to beat him with a club for 10 minutes straight until he was knocked out jeez he almost killed me that was so messed up don't do that crap to me don't do that crap to me let's go home there we go that wasn't too bad oh now that I have all these rare resources I wonder if I can make better potions pure aloe extract is 50 aloe leaves in alchemical base okay we're just gonna go ahead and stick with the concentrated aloe extracts because I'm not I'm not wasting 20 alchemical days per one of these he's gonna wear what I was wearing before the high cranian armor set come to Papi hello mister damn look at his health and he's level one what does he come with the fire orbs and iron pawniards look at him after suiting up my new thrall I headed back to the unnamed City to farm this brute because I heard that you can get one of the best weapons from him but to your surprise I never got it all right let's go Brew it's time to it's time to die now it's time to die this is annoying to hell out of me die there we go what you got on you a fragment of power legendary weapon up okay I then took myself and Yoshi over to the big sinkhole in the middle of the map to fight the Bone Dragon if that's what it's called okay um there might have been a better way to do this that looks a lot more dangerous than the ones we've fought in yet man My Level 5 Yoshi are about to fight this I don't want to do this we're gonna let's call these skeletons first 14k all right we've got this oh thank you this is a big boy dragon huh a really big boy dragon oh he is upset he is upset this thing's crazy looking oh it has reached yeah bro Yoshi has cracked out of his mind all right all right all right all right yo yo yo chill [Music] foreign let's go baby what the hell dude I don't know what all this random stuff is that I'm getting wait what is that oh there's a tablet here oh so here it is I finally caved and looked up how I'm supposed to beat this game and I didn't like the answer that I found but basically the way you beat the game is by removing your bracelet and escaping but in doing so it kills your character and it deletes them forever oh there's just a boss right there [Music] you do no damage bro I can fight through this you're easy who is this guy this is like one of the easiest boss fights I can just tank him out let's go man he's already almost dead let's go what you got for me is that it oh my gosh is that another freaking artifact and with the Barrow King dead there was only one more boss I needed to take down before I had all pieces to both the scourge Stone and the Keystone Buccaneer Bay it's like a big pirate ship they built a whole little city out of it they're thriving wait Gallo the spirit and who are you shattered scored Stone piece what is this stuff one two three four five six seven eight nine we have a bunch of artifacts I don't know what to do with any of this stuff though dude oh man it's so it's so sad that we're already on day 100. I feel like we haven't even scratched the surface of what we can do on this map there we go look at that man that's so cool thank you guys so much for sticking with me through this entire Journey it's been one of my craziest ones yet but it's not over with the time we have left let's go and fight one more boss [Music] all right there it is oh gosh all right all right your full health it's time to go baby oh damn bro they do so much damage okay okay okay okay okay holy crap dude they get pissed off so quick here we go baby here we go I get it you're upset come on I want to take this thing down so bad laughs okay okay damn there we go man's is going crazy foreign damn okay okay wow that obliterated me I'm running I'm running I'm out she's doing fine I need to heal that really hurt man [Music] dude come on baby this is it get him get him let's go oh we got there oh man oh there he is there it is what is The Shield okay whatever let's go ahead and head home and we will call it a day all righty my friends thank you so much for hanging out with me this video was a lot of fun to make but all good things must come to an end for now I'll see you guys in the next video and remember I love you all [Music] foreign
Channel: iSyzen
Views: 873,007
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: N0Iy8K9IQU4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 48sec (5628 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 13 2023
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