Skyrim Living a Normal Life Episode 1 | The Deserter

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oh my friends it is cold indeed a great storm has set in and I stand Here guarding the border gate to cyrodiil Perhaps Perhaps this storm gives me great opportunity to abscond to go AWOL from this encampment I think it's I think it's time I said farewell to the legion I'm done with this lot besides I saw black smoke Rising on the horizons towards my hometown of Helgen and these men here will not give me leave to go check even though I'm about a stone's throw away so I think my friends I think it's time I desert here to the Imperial Legion but before we do that my friends I welcome you to the first episode of what is possibly gonna be a new series and that is a living a normal life in Skyrim with the first episode of all these new series of course I want to hear your feedback in the comments below so let me know if you want to see more of this character when you're done watching this episode and I will indeed make more this is going to be kind of like life as a peasant if you were on the channel back in the day when I released that years and years ago um where I'm essentially going to be living a normal life obviously once I've absconded here once I've deserted from the Imperial Legion I'm gonna stop my normal life uh as you know I'm done with this Legion it's cold freezing I'm just done here man I don't even believe in this you know I don't even believe in the Empire anymore look at everyone's miserable here I don't look if you notice there's a lot more men there are tents this doesn't add up does it quite it's misery here it's misery and this is the border gate to cyrodiil you know these aren't even my land Skyrim's my home this is henith a Nord he's also the scout or a scout for the Imperial Legion and he's the Scout for this encampment here look they're eyeing me up they know what's up oh yeah they they know they know they know about abscond here let's close the uh the gate to the pale pass or the pale pass that leads to cyrodiil we'll come down this way actually it leads uh oh okay it's warm up that's nice it leads to the barren Wasteland of the pale pass and to sear it ill but no we must turn our way to Skyrim and to a normal life I will use the cover of this storm my friends to to escape I'm sorry but I no longer believe in the in the legion I will I will just say that I'm uh going out to to hunt some game to bring back to the camp my friends obviously we're low on food here we are surviving on scraps and mere rations and maggoty bread for three stinking days I think it's time we've got some meat in our bones so uh give me leave to to hunt some game and I'll be back my friends a couple meters and I'll be lost in the storm and they will never be able to find me my footprints will be covered in a matter of moments due to the storm so uh yeah we're gonna take this time to to complete dessert I'm gonna have to ditch my Imperial Armor though as uh I don't want anyone knowing that I served a legion once I arrive to hell again uh all right let's let's get our bearings here luckily I made off with a map and Helgen lies just ahead okay very good let's go around this one let's follow the roads I want to get to halogen before it gets uh too cold as I'm not wearing any Furs right now just the Imperial rags there we all got some snowberries right off the bat oh yeah you know it already you know it's gonna be foraging hours we already know my friends perhaps uh perhaps I can make some teas and such I won't be doing any Grand Alchemy stuff as a normal citizen obviously um but perhaps I can make some teas and such like should I cross a Wilderness here should I go over this way yeah let's get lost in the world in this a bit just in case these guys do decide to give Chase when I do not return right then are we approaching Helgen I can't quite see that although this storm has given us great cover to escape good for my bearings at all where am I some there's a fortress over there that's not halogen is it there's plenty of snowberries though I think I think how we're going to just just passed this mountain here is this home this home yes there's Helgen it's time I returned down the Mountainside right very nice we'll be sipping juniper berry Mead in no time my friends although I think I'm like a hearty pot of stew first that's for sure I guess we're good in this way yeah there's the black smoke Rising Helga no my home the air the air warms though oh oh no by the guards Dragon takes flight from the ruins of Helgen my home no and the rain begins to fall what misery what misery what happened here five of Gods they would not give me leave to check saw the smoke rising in the horizons no hell again let's go investigate what's going on here and then I think I must make my way to Riverwood this is not inhabitable anymore must be out of here are the gods by the gods indeed okay there's a body here a charred body burned corpse the body tends to Ash as you touch it but somehow a leather journal survived the attack right read the journal right let's uh let's get some shelter first shall we yeah the storms are okay yeah the storms are pounding pounding in let's um let's make oh my word who is that oh another traveler hello there friend I mean no harm these are these are mercenaries okay they've also just discovered halogen the same time as me I guess they also saw the black smoke Rising by the gods right I'm gonna have to ditch this armor I think Riverwood lies this way there's a vision on the road as well by the gods at least it's a shelter how much corn have I got on me my wages I've only got 78 coin that's not enough it won't be able to afford a room tonight not with realistic room rentals installed anyway by the guards the rain it batters me all right is there anywhere I can store this armor as I might want to return to it one day who knows we'll go to Standing Stones first and then we'll uh it was a hunter there maybe I could trade with a hunter hello would you like to buy my armor sir I cannot sell my armor right for now I am gonna have to get rid of it luckily I am wearing clothes beneath this armor so let's equip that shall we just some common boots and some clothes yes some gloves as well actually let's put these plain brown boots on Joey there we are let's remove my hood as well I think that'd be for the best there we are oh yes and now you may notice Kenneth isn't is indeed missing an eye another reason oh what's that another reason he wishes to leave I'm gonna do a cool Fox friend please I know you're a hunter another reason hennith wanted to leave the Imperials is that he was wounded in battle and still they did not give him you know adequate care oh I feel truly my exposure's up there's some friends here on the road actually yes there's a merchant here right here's our first bit of coin to begin our life as a normal as a normal peasant we'll sell our armor this will um you know pay our way a little bit there we always want actual coin to our name now my Amazon I want to keep that what else can I sell my Imperial so oh I've got I'm great Where'd I get that from I don't want that I'll keep my Imperial blade though my and my bow as well the only signs well I've got Scrolls as well I'm just like starting with this stuff let's get rid of those I'm not gonna be a magic wielder today right thank you since uh I didn't collect my last wages from the Imperial Legion I might as well sell the armor they gave me uh stop my life I'm gonna need to buy some tools and some shelter anyway once I get into Riverwood other gods and luckily which I got arm off just in time as we've now reached a guard Tower very good Standing Stones hello there Let's uh let's grab this guy why not yeah sure that would help us hunt anyway we're not gonna do it it's not gonna be a combat focused uh character of course we're living a normal life but I will not avoid combat should uh neduels attack me but I'm not seek it out like Amber schad minor put up there and I'll be seeking out then Edwards there but the Wolves up ahead I'm gonna put my bow ready for them oh there's a Warg as well oh the gods oh an alpha wolf okay your meat will feed me well I'll sell your skins perhaps I can be a hunter well I'll do anything as this character I think any odd job will do the last thing I want was to be bitten by these walls I don't want to catch rock joint come on then oh no I missed oh no what about you Alpha huh so much for being the alpha but allow me first to collect my arrows back please I'll take all that and I will field dress you presently once I collect on my arrows actually you know what I'm gonna die out here the exposure I've collected pelts by manual looting I'll come back to skin them later if they've not rotted by then but I really want to get into Riverwood and stop my life as a normal Folk a normal foaming if you will oh look there's a known right there rabbits all the gods oh please I'm drenched I'm drenched and here we are Riverwood this will begin our new life and who are you good sir we're looking for me surely not he gave me he gave me nothing Dragon yes I saw it too I too saw the Dragon all but me all but me I will not I saw it to my home burnt to Ash right I need to get inside the end for now I need to get out of this this God forsaken uh storm once the day clears up we'll come out and start working let's get inside let's read this journal let me know if you want your wine oh yes I got a clean bucket mud somewhere perhaps I will uh have an ale but for now the only thing I require from you sir is a place to sit in a warm fire and here we are my friends we've arrived in Riverwood to start our new life having deserted from the Imperial Legion and here we are that's it rub your hands friend and if my friend rub your hands warm your soul your spirit your new life begins my friend I think we should start by reading that journal we got from Helgen and figure out what the freak happened there but the gods what happened it's at the adventurers Journal it is indeed in basically the cave mentioned the journal or warn the residents of Riverwood yes we shall warn the residents indeed tells of the Dragon coming down and mid-execution Ulfric Stormcloak was to be beheaded because the Imperials had over a storm cloak my word maybe this maybe this commotion will be would also Aid me in my escape from the legion as what just happened at Helgen they will not be looking for one measly Imperial Scout not when Ulfric stormclook has escaped brilliant this works for us yet again although it'd be nice if my home wasn't completely burnt down right I have no coin to spend here right I need to get outside there's a free woodcutter's ax by the mill let's go grab that and start wood cutting shall we oh okay the storm has passed on that's that's helpful that's very nice indeed okay nice I don't have to work through the rain the bitter rain it's a pilgrim here as well hello there sir what have you got a few Merchants yes uh perhaps I can trade with you later but for now it's honest work for me so I can scrape off enough coin to buy myself some gear I want to get myself a backpack a tent um and some cooking supplies a water skin that kind of stuff because I have no home right now I I am homeless I'm kind of a Drifter if anything uh and so I might lay a tent down by the edge of town and fish and woodcut and stuff and that would be the start of my normal life I guess uh as yeah we don't have a home here in Riverwood nor could we afford one and we've got a measly we've got amazing amount of skip uh symptoms to scrape together so yeah honest work for us by the looks of it my friends so let's go grab ourselves a woodcutter's ax luckily there was a mill here and they're always in need of honest labor honest work if you're looking for work go see how that thank you yes is that is exactly what I'm looking for I'm looking for work indeed brilliant goodbye Beau for now I'll only use you when I go hunting and hello would cut his ax there we go look at that yes The Lumberjack Life Begins today my friends it's very nice right then pod you're looking for work my friend hello there I too got business here in Riverwood eh um there are worse Villages okay so I think I just need to cut some wood and it'll be done all right all right there we are uh hopefully he gives us a fair price of the wood but you know I'm sure I'm sure there are plenty of foamers out here willing to uh chop wood so we probably won't get a fair price but oh well yes oh there's a fisherman here as well okay no we could sell fish to him and there I believe there is a fishing hole down that way get ourselves a free Rod all right let's begin cutting some wood first shall we maybe we'll end uh end the app with some some nice uh some nice fishing my friends yes oh yes this is a simple life that's what we want we're getting too far with a chop very nice I could change those values I have got a um a mod that allows me to change wood cutting values but I want to keep this kind of you know realistic I don't want to get rich quick so I think this is this is fair keeps it naturally uh keeps wood cutting naturally low I guess as it is a very basic job there's menial work but there's nothing like it yes it's honest my blade my Imperial sword by my side as well should any neder doors attack this settlement Let's uh let's sell this after this last chop I want to see how should we actually get per wood so this this might not be good work for us but as long as we can afford the supplies we need then we can live off the land and feed ourselves so we should be good very nice very nice right then how much wood we cut there then we cut a humble 12 firewood and when they get a very humble pay for this I think here for work hello friend honest gold or honest work and we get a piece per wood okay so it's literally all right hey I made it easy for us at least so we're getting one septum per piece of wood so I say let's continue cutting wood we've got a lot more a lot more to cut once I could put my sword on me no idea there we are let's continue I don't know how long I should stay here cutting wood for we'll see what time it is after this uh this chop but I could just sit here and cut like a hundred wood just get 100 septums going and the blade pocket old fendle if you remember Life as a peasant you'll remember fiendl well as well yes what time is it it is oh actually it is getting late it is getting on actually so let's uh turn this in and figure out uh where we're gonna sleep tonight honest gold or honestly are we gonna pay all our wages just just for one bed in the end tonight or can we can we cheekily sleep somewhere outside I wonder if there's somewhere we can lay our head our weary head down hmm we shall see oh it is a glorious evening isn't it look at that not bad for our first day right come morning we'll uh drop into the river Trader and see what supplies we can buy actually it is open right now we could we could peek in right now I said Thief chasing well what are you going to do then huh let's hear it we are done talking about this indeed I'm a customer this has nothing to do with me a customer yes indeed sorry you had to hear that so no worries I just want to see if you've got some suppliers good friends take a look right have you got he has got a tent by the gods that cost so much but that allow us to sleep somewhere basically for free permanently he has got a backpack as well honestly we should see if we can craft this stuff by hand I think perhaps I should go back and uh indeed uh skin those those wolves has he at least got a water skin that would make my life easier he has not I guess that's something I need to make warskins are very hard to me actually he like rolls of paper you need a bunch of stuff like a lock pick everything it's got a travel cloak as well right all this stuff we're gonna make ourselves for now we'll get water from the Inn that's fine this guy that the River Trader never has the stuff I want anyway when I make a new camera what a mess indeed I'm gonna go to the Inn now I think actually I'll double check what supplies I need to make a tent oh yes this is such a fine Village a hamlet I feel I feel safe here I feel good I don't know if this is where I'll live for look at this yes after The Escape of this in the storm this is such a pleasant sight right what do we need here to make a tent can I don't even have the skills to do it let's make a small leather okay 12 leather and eight leather strips I say we go skin those uh those wolves I think we do that my friends because that'll provide us plenty of leather right I don't think it's been too long hopefully no Beast has gotten to the uh the wolf bodies and I can I can claim those pelts I need a lot of leather all which are these kind of catches that live off the land and uh kind of you know RP focused characters and immersion based builds uh the start is always a big grind for the leather I've noticed so once once we get you know a few pelts to one name we're kind of good on the leather front maybe I'll sell these flowers yes the corpse is still there I'm gonna do a lot of foraging as well I'm gonna do every odd job as this character I'm not gonna stick to one profession I'm kind of gonna drift and do do what needs to be done there might even be drops in the in for us so like all these yes and even sell these to Apothecary shops and whatnot and all the mushrooms as well there's already some fish I see jumping there we can actually catch some with our hand we don't even need a rod first let us feel dress these guys let me skin your Pelt I wonder if we can um sell the ingredients at the end or maybe the General Store I mean an apothecary would probably buy them but there isn't one in town so I'll grab the meat as well that'll sell for something we only get a measly one piece I've got dispose of the body there all right we've got three more carcasses to uh when I pick up this Arrow please oh no I can't what a shame arrow is gonna be of great value to us for sure let's still dressed this guy this geezer scanning away taking all the pelts I need I'll take your meat Let's uh skip hell first shall we these are all gonna be poor quality for probably oh no oh no yeah ruined one yeah uh we need to get ourselves a hunting knife and then we can start um upping our skinning game we're gonna get ingredients wise oh I'm looking for my experience half sink bones and organs from animals eye of wolf canine tooth wolf claws large a large animal I can make a contest cash and let's make a hunt as cash my friends we'll uh we'll lay that down outside of town and put any Treasures we find in there because one day my friends I'll buy myself some land and retire it's gonna be hard living for us for now but the end goal for this series will be to uh to buy our own land I think yes come on give me give me a good quality pedal for once oh yes I'm improving nope still poor so when they're poor and ruined they don't give us great Returns on leather sadly but uh I guess this is a numbers game here so just keep killing more it doesn't matter in the end inefficient hunting where we kill more than we need another large animal bone brilliant how much we gonna get from this guy Don't Wanna Give me some meat all five yes brilliant dispose of you good sir and one of the alpha the alpha must give us much meat surely I would think so anyway another poor Pelt to our name that's okay and let us get your meat I wonder how much meat this guy's gonna give us oh five again okay the alpha didn't really give us any more than the uh the underlings and the rest of the pack so let's dispose of that and also I do really want to start fishing there is a free fishing rod up that way but I might go collect that come morning I think yes you're talking about leather from my friends talking about leather do not flee friend I'm sorry but I need you your Meats your skin will feed me clothe me I'm sorry wait for his head to pop up again come on we'll probably have to give Chase once we fire this Arrow Oh No Maybe not maybe not indeed yes a well-placed shot uh well not really but according to the game was a well-placed shot where we're gonna have to get a bit wet here uh let's try and jump these Stones shall we I don't want to get cold right now there we are brilliant and who's that there who is that that does not look like a friendly let's hide down here a person does not look like a friendly soul oh don't do not come down here please oh no he's coming right to the water luckily I'm An Imperial Scout I've been troubled oh I've been trained I've been trained he has found me and he's a friend but he is a friend okay he's a mercy Warrior I thought he was maybe a bandit okay that was Cloud's all for nothing but there's for sure ban this up here I believe which I'll indeed ignore that where's my elk where's my where's my game what if what is it for where did the Beast fall oh there it is okay and the brushes here oh for a second I thought I'd lost it that would have been a waste indeed got a deer hide very cool very cool and let's do uh let's do some field dressing very nice very nice a good day of hunting or a good night of hunting a line from my experiences but it's still a poor Pelt I do need to get that knife sorted I could probably make a bone knife actually now that I've got a bunch of um animal bones from these walls and stuff I might just craft myself a knife being cash poor makes you uh actually needs to craft your own stuff animal fat and venison very good right we should also have enough meat as well to make ourselves some uh some charred meat which is my favorite Trail rationers it's a medium meal and you can all you need is meat to cook it and that keeps me alive on the road it keeps well so it's essentially jerky I treat it as jerky good trail rations good honest food although I'll get very bored of eating just charred Meats uh constantly I imagine they're not being very flavorful Beggars can often be choosers in this day and age no okay that's this has been a very successful first day I think um we did actually see there was a there was a poacher I think over this I think he's a poacher or see disease cells and skins he's a pelt bias I could sell my pelts to him for coin I want to turn my pelts into leather there might be a poacher around as a fisherman to if we can find a poacher we could sell that meat straight up oh release rest my word this is a grand house indeed oh to to live in such a place would be it would be amazing the poachers do normally uh exist on the outskirts of towns as they're they're not well liked as I mean their trade is illegal by Nature so yeah let's uh let's see if we can find one maybe come morning there might even be any Inn because those pelts I do indeed want to uh turn into leather for my own usage right let's uh let's jump inside the info now shall we oh my words Imperials oh need something I'm good traveler I'm good and Marie says oh I can buy salt from him Alvarez here the blacksmith is here visitor been poking around I'm not poking around I'm existing raw venison we're all venison State let's charge me because that is immediate meal let's make a couple of those all right let's see if we can sell the rest of our start to get older uh drinks take a look right I'm gonna sell to you good sir I'm gonna sell to you yeah I also my large antlers uh and there's some antlers as well I have wolf I'm gonna sell all this stuff I I really don't need it I can't turn the animal bone that's fine because I want to use this anyway all right then so let's uh let's do some scrim Shoring shall we actually you know we'll do that come morning for now I'll spend some corn on the room talk to Delphine okay till next time 50 coin it's yours are the gods but I need someone to rest my weary head that's for sure right I'm just that because my room here that is my room right asleep let's sleep for a nice nine hours shall we we've been working hard I awaken feeling well rested it's about ten to eight in the am so nice early start for us well there's probably people out there even earlier than us but I guess it's an early start uh okay let us jump back outside shall we you're that visitor who's this wondering magician are the gods this is a local favorite and uh actually I think there's work we can do here as well isn't there um we got rooms and food looking for work I cook ain't much else to tell if it drops oh the drops of sky and books shops are Skyrim added okay this will tell us what we can do for work around here drops of Skyrim Riverwood poaching jobs there is a poetry so there is apparently a poacher in Riverwood okay there's scuba dealers and everything here help buyer I want honest work here bounty hunting Merchant jobs courier jobs delivery assassination necromancer bartender oh there's a bartending jobs have you got work for a bartender right now need a room talk to Delphine looking for work here take a look at this oh no that's one of the Yards no thank you by and left this bounty letter I want no bounties I'm The Innkeeper until next time oh no I'm a cook and I'm looking for work go and then what we've got can we ten chicken stews okay I can do that we don't get a lot of traffic nine and ten stews cooked Let Us return it to our cook friend here that's easy here's your money what we're getting for that come on 20 20 okay I mean it's quicker I guess than wood cutting let's jump back outside of my way strange oh easy friend easy you've been drinking at the end all night but it's a very pleasant crisp morning today look at this smoke from the forge billowing very nice it's good stuff this is what I want this is the life I want right let us uh make some leather shall we and then after that I'm gonna go get a fishing rod and then start fishing very nice right leather let's just go full on leather mode wolf pelts okay so not as much leather as I would have hoped um but yeah you can't make leather of poor pelts but you can uh you can make uh strips so we'll get our strip I'll strip our strip from the poor pelts the ruined pelts that's not to waste so yeah wolf up Paul let's do that I do not want to turn my leather into strips they've helped four gives us two strips another wolf out for another strip yeah we've got leather so we've got uh some other instruments not enough yet I believe not I think we need like 12 for the uh the 10 don't we small leather tent yeah we need 12. uh we got this we got I mean two more strips okay cool okay so we might actually be hunting a few more beasts uh once we head out and find the uh fishing rod who knows I mean wolves welcome to attack me you're welcome to attack me what a pleasant what a pleasant morning I wish all day's gonna be like this would make life a lot easier not being cold not being tired I must remember to avoid Ember shot mine as it has been taken over by banners I will defend myself if attacked by Bandits but this is not an Adventure character I will not seek out conflict or not seek out combat uh we actually I'm actually I I have more coin than I thought I would by now we've already got uh five hunski so I might actually straight up buy some ingredients so buy some gear use my coin I do also want to save up for some land though of course so I will be saving a lot of money as well I hope not to give any more coin to the Inn as a I'll have a tent soon my own house right down here I believe is a fishing rod who's this kind sir is this a fisherman look I've not seen you here before friend good morning oh who you who you good sir I've never seen you before give me give me one second here here's the fishing rod uh line and lure I'll just take that uh I will not go deep into fishing but I will I will of course fish I've been hunting and fishing in these parts for years oh very good means this place is richer rich with game and fish right there's a a fishing map as well free to take oh okay it tells us some good fishing spots thank you fisherman thank you very oh good a broad bass as well I'll take that it's not like my potent is hurting anyone the yard can hardly eat every deer now Ken Hey listen I'm with you there I'm with you there I I don't think the yard should be able to claim the forests and those that live inside it for his own we only wish to feed ourselves but that's all right and who are you friend my good sir barist yeah what do you need oh he's The Boatman he's a Boatman all right okay that's cool uh I could use fishing supplies but I might actually do the fishing back in Riverwood I think for that fishing spot there let's see let's see what it'll do this week we catch and what's this oh my word okay that's free for the taken I'll take it oh wow oh that's it oh that's the Alchemy stuff oh no Alchemy for me I'll save that from what I'll say that to guys has got that front covered I'm sure I think this is a perfectly pleasant day then to do a spot of fish look it just even gets better and better as the day goes on the water should be cool enough actually for me to have a little dip in so I might see if I can catch a few fish here on the bank with my hands my bare hands all right let's jump across here don't get sucked away don't get so no I was freaking sucked away no oh man it was a catch the fish actually I can just climb back up here oh here this is a great spot grabbing seven grabbing seven oh there he is they're still jumping come on all right let's let's go a bit higher sound like a bear I'm just grabbing some of my own two hands oh here they are boom grab another one a little more there's another one there jump oh no I missed it okay that's fine I think we got enough anyway oh there's another seven there the water is cold and refreshing that's nice oh there's a that's a bass there Brook Bass oh okay I'm just catching so many with my own hands see what else we can catch all right so there's some dragonflies let's grab him that'll be useful another bass my word there's so many down here I'm not even seeing them when I'm catching them this is this this has always been the more efficient way of fishing in Skyrim than the rod method like let's just be honest here just diving in just diving and swimming around look at this oh they swim in shallow water these bats these bass fish okay well we've got a lot of fish here that we can actually shelter up to the the fishermen over there on the bridge so as I catch a few more I'll uh I'll sell them what we got here hopefully no Slaughter fish look I don't think they exist in such shallow Waters which is nice oh my word look at all these guys I'm drenched but the water is cool and refreshing which is nice boom oh my word I'm actually pillaging these Waters I'm leaving nothing left to have it I'm destroying the habitat I'm actually pillaging nothing remains I can't even catch this boy perhaps Skyrim knows I must leave the habitat intact but let's see how much we get for these fish shall we very nice and then I'll do some I'll do some more fishing with the rod but that's more for the the Cozy uh Chill Vibes of fishing with a rod Travelers something okay if I handle there the right friend uh I have some fish for you good sir hello there need something uh uh oh can I not um oh I normally you can just sell straight up to him maybe he doesn't want salmon maybe he wants a rarer fish it's okay I can sell the uh I can sell the other fish straight up all right let's talk about the Inn probably the end will not turn down fresh salmon I'm sure that's a drool crafter tools here um we can make emeralds and things sure house Jewel crafter you have a fine house indeed must be said all right I think then under a spot of fishing and I might actually think about wrapping up the uh the app there I believe the fishing spot was around here somewhere was it not I don't know maybe it's down this way no it's not uh I think Leaf's rest has replaced the fishing fishing spot you know so I believe it was it was here can I do it here oh it would seem which would seem the fishing spot has been taken over by uh by Leaf's rest like guy guys his god-forsaken home well actually it's very much not got the shaken um that's a bit of a shame but there is still that fishing spot where we got the rod so we can always go back there I guess um which I might do actually let's go back there that'll be a good place to end the app as well a nice cozy I do want to do some some Rod fishing here just a quick reminder my friends before closing out this episode in a few minutes uh this is the first episode in in what is possibly a new series so please do let me know in the comments below if you want to see more of hennith living his normal life uh and the next honestly I'm not sure what I'm gonna get to the next episode probably just more labor more work I might even head to White Run possibly see if there's any jobs there I'm essentially going to do any job I can Under the Sun really um travel around and then work you know and then I want to buy the farm uh the Croatian Club Farmers as I've not um actually done that yet I've not experienced that farm so I'm gonna grab that I think it was Golden Hills Plantation was it I think uh I'll do that I'm not sure if any coin to buy it but I'm Gonna Save a coin anyway and yeah that'll be the kind of goal for this cat a very simple goal probably won't be drawn out too long uh but yeah just a nice little character it's nice it's nice to kind of dip into these these cozy characters from time to time yes luckily yeah luckily the fishing spot is not too far from Riverwood as I would be very much sure distraught if I could not fish I just want to fish Bros where's my rod and I Rod a nice staff comfort me here we go fishing supplies there we are in these parts for years oh very good I shall join you in that come on fish bite bite the bass it's not like my potion is hurting anyone the yarl can hardly eat every deer now can he indeed indeed it cannot we've had this discussion uh fisherman what have I got there I've got listen just because I'm a successful fisherman um my pockets are kind of currently Laden with fish with raw fish do not be jealous please it's this uncoming so I'm becoming let's catch two more suckers and then uh yeah look at this perfect day by the guards I would like to catch a rarer fish if possible or a pogfish pog poge all right let's uh do another one give me give me a rare boy a rare boy would be nice oh a haze developed a Shannon Pines okay a fog is coming in please don't stop raining I beg of you I have no tent yet oh you River Betty okay so nothing nothing uh let's do one more nothing rare so far oh yeah the haze is definitely setting in now look at that why the Gods oh here we go and we've got oh we've got ancient Northern maze okay you want to wait and fishing in these parts for years what a way to end it I'll sell that to the blacksmith I have no need for an ancient Nord mace but actually as the fog sets in and the crisp chill sets in Ending by a nice campfire will be a good place so my friends I hope you've enjoyed the first episode of living a normal life in Skyrim as well I think that's what I'm gonna call it I don't know yet Skyrim living a normal life episode one but yes uh thank you for watching and if you got all the way to the end here uh on what it's probably gonna be a quite a long video then uh yeah thank you cards for years and if you have reached this point then I'm guessing you probably do want to see more so but still feel free to let me know if you do want to see more of hennith and his humble ways in the comments below and if you haven't yet feel free to subscribe my friends your viewership is always appreciated I'll see you in the next video goodbye for now
Channel: Jacoby Wakeby
Views: 306,703
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: skyrim living a normal life, skyrim normal life roleplay, living a normal life in skyrim, skyrim normal life mod, skyrim normal guy, skyrim challenge run, skyrim roleplay playthrough, jacoby wakeby
Id: T_OfYIYhbe0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 24sec (2544 seconds)
Published: Mon May 08 2023
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