Stellaris: Have You Been Chipped? - Ep 1 [3.0 Update / Nemesis Expansion] #sponsored

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hey folks quilly team here and welcome to a brand new let's play for stewart's it's been a while since we've done one of these in fact we didn't even do the necroid's flavor pack when it came out but don't worry we're going to be a necrophage today but more on that in a bit uh we're also going to be featuring the 3.0 patch the big free update for stellar's 3.0 this is the second time well in a sense really kind of the third time that solaris has gone through a pretty radical transformation a giant 3.0 patch uh like all the other updates that paradoxes put out for stellars they're named after uh notable science fiction authors this time it's philip k dick so of course this is the the dick patch it's the dick update because paradox are 12 years old and thank you very much speaking of paradox for sponsoring this video uh we've also got a brand new dlc which we're going to be featuring today it is the nemesis expansion uh the nemesis expansion finally embraces what basically happens for most players games all the time in stellaris where we officially become the baddies we can finally officially actually become the end game crisis and the two of those things together but then the um the necrophage and the in-game crisis i think is going to give us a really good theme for this game i'm very excited do check out the links down in the doobly-doo uh for where you can get the nemesis expansion as well as i will include a link to the patch notes they are i mean the dick patch it's it's huge it's big it's it's very massive and impressive this patch um in all seriousness actually there's a pretty significant one the game balance is gonna be uh interesting to see how it is in a sense like it won't look as dramatic as some of the others right like the ones that um completely changed how populations and uh districts and stuff work although there's a lot of those changes in this patch as well uh it's not the one that changes uh that redid the entire map and transportation for the hyperlink system so like it's one of these that cosmetically it doesn't look quite as dramatic but in practice there's a reason this is a 3.0 change because it is actually pretty dramatic let's go ahead and jump in i have spent all day today basically working on a race for this uh i've been doing a lot of research on the necrophage because the necrophage out of all the origins might be the one that's the most dramatic to me even in terms of the the sort of the sort of kind of like min max and management and shenanigans there you go shenanigans that you pull off with the necrophage might even be more than say the cybernetic races and things like that it's actually really really impressive uh what goes on in here let's jump in and take a look at this race and we'll talk about how the game balance of these things work actually first thing i'm going to do is i'm going to put down to origin so the origin over here is where we picked the necrophage to a certain extent the theme of my story is also going to be fairly similar to the remnants over here right the remnants background is this civilization once spanned the void controlling much of the galaxy they were eventually defeated and almost destroyed but after a long period of destitution they are returning to the stars thematically this is a lot what we're going to be going with and in particular the theme of the necrophage race we're going to kind of override right the text the flavor text for necrophages this civilization evolved as a parasite feeding off other sapient life forms for growth as it extends its reach across the galaxy other species will come to be seen either as apprentices to be brought into fold or merely as food to sustain its growing might so i'm going with a slightly different vibe i got a biography guys i even i wrote flavor text for our techno-chipped empire over here get chip today why live a boring analog life when you can get chipped and enjoy life in high def apply visual filters to make your friends look like the hottest rock stars and or internet influencers enjoy access to any information at the mirror's thoughts or delete memories unwanted habits or inconvenient political opinions be you but better be chipped i got a typo over here now this uh this dialog box isn't really designed for multi-line editing there we go get that fixed up let's go ahead and save that probably other typos in here but that was the only one i noticed so yes our race is gonna be chip now in terms of appearance the vibe the story i've got here right again going on the the sort of uh the sort of relics background with this empire in my head previously in the previous galactic cycle we were effectively one of these ai m-game crisis kind of things right a giant robot species that was trying to take over the entire galaxy and almost almost succeeded but was eventually uh defeated and obliterated every single planet purged of its presence except one planet was missed a few of our i don't know neural chips or something like that you know like neuro-organic uh brain chips kind of thing survived on some planet somewhere petra prime over here and uh the primitives of that planet or you know eventually created a civilization found some of these chips and integrated them found the saline technology and realize that they could be really interesting brain implants to you know basically give you it's to give you 6g in the head and then once they start once they did that the brain trips actually took over their bodies but this time around our chipped empire have learned their lesson right the last time they were overt in their conquest and this time around they've learned to be as subtle as the bee in the word subtle um and they are really going to go and pretend as much as possible to just be this organic race um and even though we are going to actually deal with quite a few diplomatic malices as we play there's going to be a few penalties to our diplomacy stuff but we're going to try as much as possible to make the uni the universe or the galaxy if not like us at least be neutral to us until we reach a certain critical mass at which point we pull the trigger and we take advantage of the new nemesis expansions um features to become the end game crisis so let's go through it appearance i'm just going to take bog standard sort of human looking person as our appearance again as part of our cover uh species named we're just going to be the chipped that seems okay i like the hive mine uh names over here for things uh h plus plus for sort of humanity plus plus was the idea i had going on there i might you know maybe we should the chip plus plus the c plus plus there we go c plus plus update all right let's talk about what it means to actually be a necrophage the necrophage race because we didn't again you know the uh the necroid species pack dropped a little while ago but we never did a video for it so let's talk about it the neck phages are really interesting in that they they really don't grow on their own they've got that minus 75 percent pop growth speed malice but apparently um what i was reading is that effectively if there's any other species on the planet that can grow the other species will always grow instead of necrophage race so our chipped race will never grow on their own is the idea on the other hand they have very long lifespans they got the plus 80 years 80 years is about the base for the species by default so this is effectively doubling the lifespan which is really handy because it means that all of our leaders will have a huge opportunity to level up a bunch right so any leaders who put in terms in charge of ships or governors or scientists or anything like that will live a long time so they will be able to reach maximum level now by default maximum level is level five we're going to try to pick some things that will increase the level cap as much as possible so that we can reach higher and higher levels and hopefully live long enough to reach those levels and then reap the benefits for a very long time one of the interesting things about necrophage no matter what your policies what your politics are what your civics are no matter how nice to other species you are as a necrophage only the necrophage are allowed to be your rulers and leaders so our chipped population have a complete lockdown on the higher echelons of the of the society even if you want like fanatic egalitarian egalitarian even if you're completely equal egalitarian there you go fanatically so um only your next phage people could actually be rulers and leaders um and they actually the necrophage race actually have the minus ten percent penalty to worker pops uh so they have five percent bonus to rulers which is very unusual five percent uh bonus to specialists which there's a few different ways to get that so your all your necrophage people really will you'll you'll want them to be rulers and specialists you don't want them to be workers in practice though you will actually have few necrophage people so our chipped people we actually won't have very many of them so it's a very unlikely lab to ever have to be a worker in fact it'll probably be hard to fill the ranks of our specialists with our chipped people unless we do a lot of necro purging which we'll talk about a little bit later um is an interesting way of converting some people because normally that's the way it works you actually convert it says consumes pops of other species but really what you're doing is you're converting pops from another species into the necrophage race so we're going to be chipping people as effectively the way it works and that's how we end up with more of our primary species more of our chipped rays more of our necrophage race uh so they don't they don't um they don't reproduce naturally uh and yeah only they can be rulers so getting the five percent boost is nice they can also work as specialists they can work as workers but they're crap at it um so and they don't grow very much they do require less food less mineral upkeep uh which is kind of handy they have no impact on consumer goods stuff which is actually important to note because rulers and specialists tend to consume the most consumer goods and one of the things i'm not going to be running it here but one of the things that a lot of people seem to like with the necrophage because it seems quite strong is conservationist is quite good on your primary necrophage race because they're only ever going to be there's not going to be that many of them so maybe they don't add up to that much but the positions they're going to be in are always pretty expensive on consumer goods so it's quite it's quite nice to have conservationists whereas your other species you could make them um uh you could make them uh slaves and things like that where they don't need as many consumer goods so that could be a high value one in terms of our actual picks we're gonna be a little bit cheesy here in that we're gonna take slow breeders which is basically a freebie because our necrophage species don't really breed at all so slow breeders is two points for free with basically no penalty the rest of it is all here to try to maximize what they are going to do charismatic gives us 20 more amenities from jobs traditional gives us 10 more in unity from jobs our rulers will be generally in jobs that generate amenities and unity uh they're in their specialist positions they've got some jobs that are available there i mean it's not going to apply so much if they're just working as a scientist or something like that but this should actually be very handy i don't normally pick charismatic i haven't really done in the past but i've been looking into it and it looks like it's actually quite potent because higher amenities will generate higher stability and high stability generates um much better output from all your population in the planets it's also going to be really helpful for some of the conquests we're going to be doing uh one of the interesting things with the necrophage origin pick so normally when you create a game of stellaris uh one of the sliders you can set is how many guaranteed habitable worlds are nearby those are worlds so let's say so let's say we're tundra world over here right um this means that within i think within two jumps of our starting planet there's guaranteed to be by default two other tundra worlds that we can inhabit well as a necrophage they are going to have um primitive nations instead which actually i think kind of fits our vibe very much um and means we can rather than colonize the planets we have we'll probably conquer them uh and that can lead to a lot of instability and therefore lots of crime and things like that so by having these boost to our amenity production it can really help offset that originally which is nice and then yeah we'll be theoretically putting our necrophages in jobs with lots of unity production so traditional should help as well quick learners i was i'm kind of torn between quick learners and talented i always tend to pick these or i often tend to pick these with any empire i play i really like um optimizing for high level leaders um and so a you need to increase the level cap right the default is five so if you can increase the level cap that's one thing and then b is how do you get to that level cap well either you live really long or you gain extra experience or maybe both which is the case here we could live an extra 80 years the necrophage i'm going to pick quick learners over here um i'm going to be starting with philosopher kings as a government civic pick or yeah civic or civic which gives plus to cap so we're going to get that later on we might be able to do some gene editing and throw in talented or something like that as well uh so we'll see how that goes um but i was kind of worried that maybe we wouldn't be hitting the cap as is if i take philosopher kings so i figured quick learner might be better than talented if i'm picking that so we've got a long-lived species here that should get to fairly high levels of experience and the only people that can be leaders are always ever going to be the chip so that's going to be fairly optimal over there which i quite like then as a necrophage you start with your pre-patent species pre-patent species i don't know what exactly it's pronounced or even what it means these are the people who have not yet been necrophaged or in our case they have not yet been chipped in theory what i would have liked is if our our chipped species looked like a machine species because that might kind of fit the problem is if you click on this you're no longer biological so it invalidates some of your picks so it's it's a little weird and a little bit different um there's also the necroid photos but they didn't feel right i like the idea we mostly just look human we just happen to have a chip behind our ear that's controlling us um you can't as the the necroids you can't actually pick the uh the same species photo twice so i just picked the vulcan one over here i'll notice our primary photo over here is still just of our chip species so that's gonna be fine um so these are just gonna be known as the unshipped so we have the unshipped and the chip i thought about like oh are they actually humans and things and for a while i was running with the species name being like humans plus plus and stuff i'm like no you know what i just like the the chipped and the unshipped over here um the name list i don't think will matter well it might if somehow someone conquers one of our planets they will gain access to our unshipped and we'll be able to make them into leaders and stuff and then all of a sudden their names might actually matter but in our let's play in our empire we actually should never see these names at all because they can't be leaders okay so here's where we're going to get or a little bit more min maxi over here oh i did want to note one of the crazy things you can do with the necrophage species you pick lithoid as the lithoids it gives you an extra trait over here that is a zero-concentrate just like necrophage which is built in um and it gives you an extra 50 years of lifespan it reduces your growth rate by 25 which doesn't bother you for necrophage race at all um and and of course there's there's other normal litho things like you eat minerals instead of uh instead of food but it can give you really long-lived races uh which is kind of nice uh but both your primary species and your pre-patent species will both be lithoids and thematically that's not what i was looking for for the story that i was telling over here but i did want to note it's a really powerful combination lithoid plus necrophage sick sick good um yeah all right so here's our unchipped race over here we're giving them rapid breeders because here's the thing um pop growth speed is really really powerful it is actually really useful to have in general uh so it's going to be pretty handy i think for us to have rapid breeders we don't necessarily need it the slow breeders thing is like it's just a freebie over here for a chipped race whether unchip need rapid breeders i don't know um but the others are really no-brainers these guys are well first of all slow learners is 100 free these guys will never be leaders so the 25 decrease in leadership experience doesn't matter fleeting they're never going to be leaders so the reduced leader lifespan literally doesn't matter repugnant could theoretically be a thing because these guys they can't be rulers but they can still be specialists um and theoretically i think the artist like the artists or whatever the entertainers jobs i think are specialist jobs so they could theoretically be it but it will preferentially give those jobs to our chipped because they have the bonus to it and these guys have the malice so it should be fine but they're still going to be perfectly fine researchers and things so theoretically you know if we have more specialist jobs than we have chipped people the chip people should uh optimize for things that give um amenities these guys should optimize for things that don't give amenities so this should be fairly safe um to me these are just you know in my head these guys are kind of like humans and just have you seen humans we're terrible to be around who would want to hang out with humans out of all the species in the entire galaxy so we're gonna go with that um there were a couple of other decent options in here um unruly unruly was actually a pretty decent one to consider for our primary race right increases empire sprawl from pops but our primary race we won't have a huge number of them so unruly may have been good for that and empire sprawl is not that hard to manage anyway so instead of repugnant we could have taken unruly over here which wouldn't be bad um the other thing is in terms of positive picks rapid breeders pretty good there's a few others that would be good picks i mean some of the tech boosters aren't too bad because again um unless we are going aggressive with necropurge likely we are gonna have a lot of specialist jobs filled by unshipped people and as a result um having intelligent or one of the natural blahs for the science things over here might be a really really good pick um the other thing that's quite nice is ingenious for extra energy because extra energy early on is pretty valuable uh industrious just you know because these guys are going to be working could also be very valuable so uh maybe that would be better than rapid breeders extremely adaptive is a bit i'm just experimenting with i was doing some reading um in terms of ideas and things like that that might be fun uh and this might have some real potential here uh the the one issue is that uh on planets you know and planets we um we colonize the unchipped are going to be perfectly comfortable and the chipped might be less so but i i think it might be okay the big thing is we can get so many points for free i ended up in a situation here where it's like well these feel like freebie points and i can only pick one thing left and i've got four points um i could pick very strong for three and sort of waste one but i guess i could cancel you know i could drop something else or whatever um otherwise i don't know like you know maybe may we could pick ingenious and drop repugnant that wouldn't be so bad i think that's the other valid one because slow learners inflating is free we could drop rep we could pick up ingenious drop repugnant that puts us as a zero but i thought i was going to try this with the extremely adaptive with the 20 habitability it does become maybe a little obsolete later on although maybe we can do some genetic editing to remove that later on when it's less important so we'll do that um our homeworld oops go back over here uh of course we're gonna be petra i'm gonna go frozen just to mix it up a little bit uh even though really it should be a desert place but with my custom races i tend to um um i think i tend to do a lot of continental things and things like that so mostly i was picking something that a lot of my custom races don't have so there's a little bit less of a of a conflict over there i'm gonna pick the necroid city background just because i haven't seen it before not terribly important but there we go necrophage origin of course we can't change that all right let's talk about our government picks over here so i'm gonna go philosopher king which you can only take if you're a dictatorial or imperial there's some really good traits if you're democratic or maybe oligarchic but i like the idea of going philosopher king for the plus two ruler level cap it also reduces the chance of uh getting negative traits with our leaders which is quite nice because if they get something like arrested development they get like minus one thousand percent xp gain so basically they just don't level up anymore we don't want that given how long our people live um if they were especially if you went the lithoid if you want lithoide necrophage i think philosopher king is just absolutely freaking required uh to prevent them from just getting stuck and being shitty all of a sudden then after that there's a lot of really good options to pick um i think exalted priesthood has a lot of really interesting potential because it does generate more unity and we've got modifiers that generate more unity for us so exalted priesthood becomes really good in my opinion like we've got sort of the spiritual vibe i don't think it's literally a belief in a higher power necessarily so much as the people who are chipped are are worshipped as just being better and all of our population they want to become chip right they they they hope to do it because it'll make them better um and you know they go through this process to try to become elevated by being chipped uh so that we've created this whole like myth system around what it is to be chipped when it is you know just being taken over by some ai basically so um the spiritualist situation is handy because the the bonus to unity which is going to stack nicely with our generally we're just going to stack a lot of a lot of unity generation so i think that's going to be kind of nice but it's not actually required the other thing too is um because materials can make a lot of sense especially well we'll talk about it right yeah okay materialist um is always good because of the research speed boost um and it actually does enable some good traits oh like technocracy right who doesn't love technology replaces some of the administrative job as science directors which also produce unity which sounds pretty good so there's a couple of little systems that way for that we would have to go materials the thing is i don't think i want to go robots um couple of reasons one you know necrophage is already a lot to deal with and two and so not you know not want to add robots management to that as well but two is that again we're trying to stay under the radar we're trying to really disguise like if we start building a bunch of like sentient robots people might start to raise some eyebrows over there and remember the history so we're gonna try to just avoid that so we're gonna spiritualist and we're just going to ban robots completely in our empire so that should keep people fairly happy uh you know we're emphasizing that no of course we're totally organic so we just you know we've augmented ourselves with this chip but that doesn't mean anything else right exactly memorialist is pretty cool that's that was added in with uh i think the necroid pack um the reanimated armies could do some fun things reanimated armies is really tempting because because we're gonna start with two primitives as our habitable guaranteed habit of world we're going to want to probably conquer those right away and the rehabilitated armies are quite nice because they cost i think only energy instead of minerals so early game it's going to be a lot easier to raise up an army out of that uh and they're like immune to morale damage they're actually really potent arm like troops um but i think flavor wise it didn't really fit with what we're going for over here so that's why i opted uh to not go that way um barbaric the spoilers so if we did pick uh militarist we could actually do some pretty crazy stuff with this this gives you the ability to uh get a different bombardment stance which is rating that lets you kidnap populations which then you could go in and you know necro purge them and convert them into more of your primary species uh it looks like this is actually quite powerful um but isn't what we're gonna go for in this game it's it's really really seems quite good but isn't the vibe that i particularly want deathclaw's really cool you can't do it with necrophage uh it's it's mutually exclusive but it does look like it's a lot of fun distinguished admirality would be another way to get a plus one level cap just for admirals but it would still be pretty good uh fanatic purifiers and an uh necrophage is actually an insanely good combo as well um what else might be good for us oh meritocracy there's another plus one leader cap if you're yeah if you were going democratic or oligarchic you'd got meritocracy here but i'm taking uh philosopher king instead so philosopher king plus two level cap meritocracy is only plus one but it does give you the specialist pop output so you get like insane tech rate merotox is probably better than philosopher king but i'm gonna be happy with this uh and then the technology but i'm gonna opt for slaver guild over here because i am gonna do slavery with um with like the aliens and stuff that we capture in here um and i think that's gonna be quite handy so we get plus ten percent uh um resource output from our slaves uh we can enslave more pops now here's what i'm wondering if we're gonna have slaves i'm wondering if the unshipped who probably won't be flagged as slaves maybe i should give them more traits compatible with being specialist well the thing is we don't have to have everyone saved right we can we can choose we can have like different caste systems assigned for things um and speaking of so we've got authoritarian over here which is going to allow stratified economy which might be useful it allows enslave aliens but so does xenophobe um what else is can't use democratic government forms just fine because i'm not using that we're throwing the spirituals just for the unity and for some amount of story flavor and then xenophobe i decided early on we have to be xenophobe because we got beaten by all these organics ones before it is our plan you know we're trying we try to be a little subtle with it but the other you know the other species will still know that for some reason we don't like them that much they may not know why um but we're definitely gonna have the xenophobe in here uh plus the xenophobe enables purge which is in our case is going to be a necro purge as an option we're gonna have to be very careful how we use it but necro purge is a forced conversion of a species into the chipped version into the necrophage version of our species here and this is just going to give us more options we'll have to be careful with it because if we want to play semi diplomatically and we do we may have to be a little careful then one of the things is if we hav if we capture one of these um primitive worlds early and then purge them like immediately before we meet other people or many other people they won't know that it's happened and that can be that might be really useful for us so we might do something like that like asap i'm not sure but anyway that's going to be the setup there for the voice we're going to take necroid um empire names so we're the techno chip empire we've got i think a very cool flag over here with the green background split like that the sort of circuit board ship appearance i really like these imperial ships with the little swirly bits very very very cool so i'm going to take that instead of the necroids or anything else um and yes our title male or female is going to be prime this is just the random name it gave me consciousness i like that prime consciousness i thought was really cool and with that we're ready to go i can't remember i fixed the typo i think i saved but that's going to be all right i'm going to hit done and this is the start we're going to go with i'm going to go with a huge galaxy here um the more things with the 3.0 patch have promised performance improvements so we're going to really put it to the test with a huge galaxy um i think elliptical's fine i mean there's there's a few shapes that are interesting elliptical is pretty strong i think a lot of people think it's it's maybe the most interesting most balanced um ai on pirates this was the default at 15 more less i think the default's gonna be fine i turned off the advanced ai starts and i brought the fallen empires from four down to two i think four maybe five maybe it sits at four uh i thought i'll still want some fallen empires but i won't want them to be too much and too involved uh there's one fallen empire i think the spiritual fallen empire gets really cranky with us in particular something like that um marauders i'm gonna leave on there we're gonna leave the tech cost normal i'm going to bring down the habitable worlds one notch from a 1x to a 0.75 i actually often like the really low habitability game it's actually quite fun it makes finding those habitable worlds really really special and it does mean less micromanagement you know maybe with 0.5 this will make the um some aspects of the game harder in that the empires will be effectively weaker versus things like marauders and the indian crisis um yeah you know what i will i will bring that down a little bit that's going to be okay um primitive civilizations we're going to leave them at 1x uh crisis strength i think this is the default 1.5 uh crisis type this is new in 3.0 you can choose what crisis but we'll leave it on random i'm going to leave the same date difficulty grand admirals there's going to be maximum difficulty but we're going to put scaling difficulty on so it will slowly ramp the ai up to grand admiral over here so they're not going to start with obscene bonuses from turn one so they won't snowball quite as hard so i think if you play high difficulty scaling difficulties really nice to have on ai aggressiveness empire placement that's all normal advanced neighbors are off hyper lane density i brought from a 1x down to 0.75 again i feel like it gives a it gives a really interesting feel to the galaxy sometimes i like to go all the way down to 0.75 or 2.5 we'll do 0.75 i left the abandoned gateways at 1x um but the wormhole pairs i've dropped down considerably so it is gonna be a lot harder to get around the galaxy until people start popping dimensional gateways and or building ones uh guaranteed habitable worlds i'm leaving at a default of two and for us that's going to mean uh primitives instead of actual habitable worlds uh because i'm curious about that i've turned caravaners care veneers off uh they're they're interesting but they don't really do it for me and some at some point i sort of get tired of them you know popping up and bothering me about things i should leave them on because there's more you can do good strong things with them but i for me i'm like i'll just turn them off xeno compatibility will leave on i don't think we're gonna use i think it's mostly multiplayer balance and things like that um but uh i'll leave on for me and that's that i'm gonna hit play we're gonna see our start and then we'll go ahead and put in a cut this is just episode zero man it's all set up there's a lot to talk about the necrophage race is something else i mean i guess i could have just said okay here's my race and then we're going to jump in the game but i wanted to talk about my picks my reasoning my story so there's a story here but it really doesn't apply to um to our story exactly because it's it's really the base necrophage which are like you know little parasites and things like that we work a little bit differently uh than that where are we in the galaxy all right i was sort of hoping for this because story wise i feel like it makes a lot of sense if we're just on the edge of the galaxy that's one of the reasons that we were we'd been missed right during the big purge of the previous the previous species i don't even know what our you know previous empire name was it's not important we're chipped now well the chipped is really the the organics that have the chip in their head really whatever the the robotic race was but yeah so a few just a few of our neural chips were left on this planet were eventually discovered by these species and the rest is history or rather the rest of the galaxy is going to be history once we unleash upon them but i like that i'm very excited for this game i hope you are too uh if you are new to the channel of course subscribe hit the bell like comment lick the screen do all the things it really helps the channel a lot and otherwise i'm gonna see you guys next time bye bye you
Channel: quill18
Views: 101,726
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: quill, quill18, quill18creates, video, game, commentary, gameplay, footage, vod, fpvod, english, live, games, review, preview, strategy, tutorial, beta, alpha, release, official, walkthrough, playthrough, howto, mods
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 15sec (1815 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 15 2021
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