I Mined Until I Ended The World in Super Motherload

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okay so now what I need is all of the upgrades and with five dollars to start with this could take a few minutes luckily for me I'm already deep enough that there is plenty of easy gems to get hold of it's just a matter of exploring I've gone down not very far at all and look at this whole jump field I've been going by all this time and with a little clever thinking we can actually get whatever those are imagine gives you the answer right here you're gonna use the t-bones to get up there so something like this and then they can move up here and then I used that again right here and there we go one two electrode iam so a lot of my mining right now is probably gonna be doing exactly that trying to get all of those that I can possibly find cuz they're never that easy and they're hard to get into you think we get ourselves fall on cargo but that's okay well Sophie oh but there it is this should be waste of money and I didn't even run out of fuel for once we're gonna find out how much money we made first cuz I know we started with five dollars about three hundred and ten thousand dollars so not great but we still a good shape we'll be able to afford our things as we need them one thing I met cannon nervous to get but it's gonna be helpful is it rotor speed because I crash into everything as it is and that really hurts and we're back down to ten thousand dollars but we did get a rotor upgrade plus I bought the teleporter that way and spend more time mining the good stuff and his teleport out to the top instead of having to run around I think we're gonna be back to playing rubies or better anything that's in a ruby I don't want on this one I'm actually close enough for their surface and I filled up with enough stuff I'm gonna go dump it off before going deeper because I'm so close anyway but there was some easy money I want to buy a few more bombs maybe before I go back down anyway those would be fun to get a hold of but they're gonna be hard to get up in there for then again maybe not yeah I can miss Coe I think is gonna cost me a little bit of health but that's gonna be so much money it's worth it less once those bucks are compromised I can actually break them with bombs which is a little bit expensive way to do it but you know what we're getting the valuables and there's more in order to sacrifice a little bit of health again but that's alright I'm willing to do it for the money this rock girl was definitely worth the two million it saves me so much on Bob it's definitely a big initial investment but it makes it so much easier for me sometimes it feels I got mind all the jumps already and then I find a new area like this and then I realized there is still tons of money out here to be made and if I'm gonna be using teleporters like that I've got to make sure I'm finding lots of the good stuff because that's costing me $150,000 per run I'm just like I made about $600,000 so that's worth it but not by a lot you think it's worth going for all the rubies they're not the most valuable but since they're here I'll take them that right there is what I'm really after unfortunately I used my bomb chasing rubies so I'll come back for this one later and that puts us over a million dollars already a little bit quicker than I thought I'm actually so close to being able to get my bigger cargo capacity but I would spend all my money doing that and I want to be able to buy a teleporter so next time we're buying bigger cargo size cuz it's the thing that's limiting me right now and thinking about it moving forward if I'm gonna use any electron bombs they've got it make me some money because they cost $30,000 each so whatever I find has to be worth more that is a spot that's worth an electron bomb because I'm pretty sure there's were 30,000 feet so that's $120,000 sitting right there so one of those should work and then our holes gonna take one for the team that might be the next thing to be upgraded because yep mining into that one pocket took me down to about half health and that's kind of scary cuz I don't want to blow up I definitely pick up these wrenches anywhere I find them but they're not that common there's one of the good things that I will try and get a hold of I'm just trying to figure out how to get in there as you probably are cute factor in the time and how long these are gonna take because if I'm wasting a lot of time not mining valuables or chasing one little valuable well you know how much is this worth unobtainium I can't remember but I know it's high more of the good ones gonna see if I can get these before I have to go back up so electron bomb oh never mind that was the wrong day I knew that that's fine I love endlessly going back to the shop anyways it's my favorite thing to do okay first upgrade cargo size is maxed out I think I can still make it bigger on a specializing for $5,000,000 but we were ways away from that teleporter and repair kit maybe to repair kits because you never know let me rephrase that I dunno I dunno I'm me and I'm definitely gonna hurt myself there need to wonder if even rubies are worth it at this point I think I'm gonna go diamonds are better and I'm pretty sure diamonds are more valuable than rubies so yeah we'll fill up on extra extra good stuff target acquired really glad I remember how to use these bombs really hope this doesn't blow up how do I get up there now that was something I didn't consider can I mine into that all right well we're saving up for a later date there's another one I can get a hold of with a few proper bomb placements that should work I really need to pay attention to the value of unobtainium once I grab this one Tim really see if these are worth it either my cargo hold is enormous or my fuel is running out quicker than I thought because somehow I'm actually running out of fuel and my cargo is at a quarter full though all this very quickly mine whatever I can hear lucky as a diamond cluster and we'll head back to the surface and hope that we actually made some money this run I did find one more of these unobtainium so that should put me over the top so profit should be there but not by a lot I just got to be much more efficient with my mining okay when is unobtainium worth two hundred thousand for two of them I believe sat there $100,000 each but they're probably worth it but I've still got to get them fairly quickly I think I'd have spent $500,000 and bombs look at all the lightning bolts over there I'm going over there and for those of you that are paying attention I've used up half my fuel tank and I've done about one-tenth of my cargo capacity noise is this actually gonna be worth it now that I look at it is there a cheaper way to get in there no there's not alright well we're gonna do this anyway because I don't have time to think oh that's not gonna be worth it cuz Sue's are gonna be $120,000 just to get through these well we're committed now let's just do it I mean how often is you can find six of these side by side even the bonuses are gonna help because $8,000 $10,000 $12,000 in extra $30,000 just on bonuses enough to pay for one entire bomb that I used to get in there or what that feel really bad I'm gonna see if I get to that cuz that's gonna let me keep going for quite a bit longer getting in there it's gonna be a bit of a disaster though isn't it do we think it's worth using repair kits to do it sacrificing all that he'll probably and one more okay we got the fuel alright we're good to go for a little more repair kits are probably gonna be a big saver of money for me in the long run because look at all these new things I can get now and there was a bunch of repair things right here anyways so look like one of those for now because I know gonna be drilling to more magma because I'm getting greedy and I might even get my cargo full on this one full of many valuable things oh I'm out of fuel right there seventy-five thousand after fuel but we're gonna make a lot of money here about a million dollars I'll take that all day long next is definitely gonna be the fuel tank for 1.5 million after that I pretty much as efficiently mining as I can be and so I'll just make as much money as possible upgrade so come easy after that believe it or not I'm actually go for this diamond cluster because I think the bonus itself is gonna be pretty high yeah the bonus will probably pay for the bomb in itself you know it's kind of hoping this would spit me out down below but that's alright I can just mind on three because there's a lot of valuables right below that cluster again probably using more bombs and I should be but this thing's worth a hundred grand so still making a profit but the time maybe isn't worth it next friend I think I want to try and get into there with the unobtanium and the lightning bolt I somehow did manage to find my way back to here so let's find our way in really quick is we're losing fuel I think it's gonna start with a tea bomb I've just got to kind of set it off right this time falling off the edge I've got to be quick with this or I'm not gonna make any money actually I've just realized a shaft bomb will work to get me to where I need to go and then I just need to find my way upwards from here without blowing up any of the gems I'm trying to get to I spent all that time getting to here now I can't even get to that stuff I'm at the bottom already I thought it was way further down you know what I'm gonna stop this time a miner all of these because the bombs are actually fairly expensive so this will save me some money if I could go back and do my upgrades over again I would get two fuel tank before the cargo tank because I've ran out of fuel way before I filled with the cargo tank right now areas that guests are getting rarer and rarer because I'd mined out most of everything already but it's always fun when I find one of these pockets are more that has everything from least valuable to most possible no if I could just find a way to make them approve my little unit I wouldn't have any issues anymore everything here is so hard to get to now right so here's how you get these ones here's one of those to melt those then use a tea bomb to go up and over then you can mine right in there hundred thousand dollars if only I had like a quarter bar more fuel here's what I'm gonna do right now since mining is a pretty slow processor it's not a lot of valuables left I'm barely breaking over a million continually I'm gonna buy a whole bunch of bombs I've already got ten repair kits at a bunch of stuff then we're gonna use that to defeat boss then hopefully there or resets and I'm just gonna take a few minutes turn mine around very shallowly hopefully build up a little bit of money this way I'm even tempted to mine pockets have or like this right now there's not actually a lot of value here but the bombs for sure I will take cuz I'm gonna need lots of those anyway why is that thing always there that's a new I'll see what that is in a sec but look at all these bombs oh so it's a fuel station that just hanging out here that's cool I also made my way up to the next little station here because I could buy c4 here c4 only costs $3,000 so I can buy a lot of that alright we're all stocked up on bombs and everything so let's make our way to the bottom and find that boss good news though I made it at the bottom and the game crashes on me lucky for me it did save where we left off I think I still got all my bombs and everything so I'm good to go I just got to go down again but I noticed this last time but look how many valuables are sitting right there there's like a million dollars right there I already forget how to do this I remember I got a change to the surface and it's not fun and we're off this part is the worst part of this fighting the boss itself is easy I took a wrong turn I don't want to talk about it let's try this again made it to the first area my strategy here is gonna be boring and simple sit in the corner and use bombs where'd you look something like that and then it's back to chasing us idiot through the ground at least c4 does not too damaged to him we're back on alpha now got plenty of bombs were in good shape the boss is definitely tougher now but I've already got him down to 3/4 health and we're back on the surface destroying a planet is that what we're doing become the last human commit suicide I wish I'd paid attention to this story more loved ones took to the sky hopeful of your safe return you could control this world interesting and there's blue skies abundant with life yeah I don't like the sound of that at all you're gone no I get to control the other world though right hopefully there's some resources I've done it's not all mined out like mine is something happening wait is waiting yeah it's fading to white that's okay you know the world can end on its own time I guess is my new home no I own this one though what do I do now you've unlocked a simulacrum electrum okay cool does that mean I can do stuff now when I hit continue now it brings me back here so no more mining for me
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 727,920
Rating: 4.9134851 out of 5
Keywords: df, dangerously, funny, dangerouslyfunny, dangerously funny, gameplay, pc, super motherload, super motherload gameplay, I Mined Until I Ended The World
Id: _6qKe_YXEKY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 18sec (618 seconds)
Published: Tue May 19 2020
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