I Used The Hidden Shop To Buy Nukes in Super Motherload

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we might already have a million dollars but what we don't have is a large nuclear bomb and that's i don't know kind of something i would like to find today but that's not to say we can't still find a lot of other valuables along the way and it's been a little while since i played so i don't really remember where everything is hiding so for now i'm just going to enjoy mining all those valuable gems and ore and i know that the rubies and diamonds aren't super valuable anymore but they sure are fun to mine these are more of what i'm looking for amazonite and maybe places like this where we get lots of little bombs that are just free for us to take and we're obviously pretty close to the bottom because there's a lot of magma everywhere but also a lot of valuables so as long as i'm paying attention we're gonna get pretty rich pretty easily and given that i just filled my cargo hold we're maybe gonna buy a bigger one of those this lazy initial load of stuff is going to take us a 1.4 million up to 1.6 million so not overly valuable but i was just kind of enjoying myself i think something that would be very much a help to me right now is the fuel converter for half a million dollars converts any ironium collected into fuel well i kind of like not running out of fuel and there's probably a lot of iron around okay the stuff that looks like coals is ironium anyways we're looking for the good stuff now i'm gonna accept nothing less than diamonds and probably not even those i thought i had a bomb highlighted i accidentally teleported myself back to the surface it is pretty tempting just to dive into that whole thing just because it's a bunch of diamonds but i'm going to not do that this is more the area i want to be in because look at all that amazonite and that is one of what i'm looking for down below i'm not sure if i can get away with this yet but if i mix explodium with that thing i might be able to get something that i very much want and i also don't really remember the range of these bombs so hopefully we don't destroy anything too valuable while we're doing this okay perfect that turned into magma then i just need to take one of these bombs drill through that magma and then into the unobtanium and a fine acquisition okay we apparently still don't have it we need to be able to build the nuclear bomb but we'll get there i'm just going to keep mining and building wealth until we need it i think we need a higher smelter level so that's exactly what we're going to do we're going to keep building up towards that while mining a bunch of very valuable stuff that's the kind of place we want to be look at all that stuff just kind of got to figure out how we would even get in there and i think that's probably with some kind of bombs maybe the next bomb's over because i haven't used these in a while yep that will start bringing me up the ladder but still not yet get me close enough therefore i conclude it's a series of bombs i need because i can't think of any other way to do it but i think this would actually get me all the way up to the top should i follow it to the top and i just got a lightning stone i'm not even sure if it's necessarily worth the effort to work my way all the way up there because by the time i get up there i've gone through so many bombs but now i'm also kind of committed to doing that because i really want to so i'm going to remember where this is but keep working my way down because i'm going to need money to buy those bombs for now i can see if i can survive my way down to that one which i probably can't but at least we have it set up for next time because i don't think those things are going to blow up i spent so much time screwing around trying to get into that place that i didn't actually end up mining a lot but what i did was worth a fortune well there's a couple hundred thousand dollars for a few items so i'm not gonna complain with that there's not a ton of stock left for bombs but i can buy some t-bombs which i don't really need but shaft bombs are definitely valuable to me so i'm gonna buy some of those for sure and even a few more electron bombs i just spent a hundred thousand dollars on those that's fine and i painstakingly made my way back down to here so the first thing i'm gonna do is remove a few things while i crash the game i think at this point what i somehow need to do is level up my smelter again because it's only level five and i think i need level six and it's also become abundantly clear to me that despite the fact that i have 1.2 million dollars i'm gonna need a lot more and one of the best ways i'm gonna have to make money is to mine one of these electroneum and then amazonite and that's gonna give me a lightning stone the second most valuable thing i can mine with the most valuable being the lightning stone combined with that and obtainium unfortunately i can't drill to it right now to display that but i'll hopefully find one that i can get to which clearly is going to be easier said than done but i think i can do it i might have to do some things along the way that are a little bit wasteful but wasteful is kind of also my thing so we're going to destroy that and also that then i've gotta melt this and then drill into it but i'm not entirely sure drilling through that melty thing just undid the combo i already have on me so i'm gonna make a new one so all i need now is one of these which is electroneum again with the amazonium to make the lightning stone combined properly with that unless my smelter still isn't up to the task of that so long story short i really need a better smelter pretty sure i'm getting pretty close to the bottom though and when you're down this deep you're gonna need a lot of bombs to be able to get anywhere at all or you're gonna have to sacrifice a lot of health i was running out of space so i had to come back to the surface so what i'm gonna do now is fit a whole bunch of money on bombs to get me all the way down i've bought 33 shaft bombs to 330 thousand dollars plus two repair kits because obviously okay our elevation can't decide on what height we're at so that means we're getting close so i'm gonna use these shaft bombs to go way far down and it really is just as much fun as it looks to navigate through this mess just to try and make it to the bottom for something that i hope is going to work i think we found it but i also think we need another two unobtainium before it's going to let us go any deeper but at least we got a route to the bottom and there was lots of valuables to find along the way in a really good start remembering the basic explodium combined with basic gold gets me a bomb that i really am in short supply of these days thanks to a few more of these big bombs i'm pretty sure i'm gonna be able to get up into there it might definitely take a few of these bombs but i do have a few and we're that much closer then it's just a few of my well-placed chef bombs and i get three of those in a row lucky for me i only need two for now so we're actually gonna save the third one for later because we can use it to make a bigger bomb okay so those things are now unlocked so we're gonna fuel ourselves up and once again head for the bottom to see what we can do we're back on the bottom my barrier is gone unfortunately i'm out of fuel so we've gotta do the whole trip again should have made a little bit of money on my way down i wasn't focused on value but i was focused on getting down well since we have such a simple opportunity let's see if we've unlocked the level 6 melter already nope but we did find some unobtanium and believe me i wouldn't have picked it up if there wasn't much of that stuff left to find but when you're down this deep you tend to see it basically everywhere so then if my information is correct as soon as we hit the lowest tile here we should get what we want i accidentally went too deep and now we're in the boss fight can i leave instead this is not what i wanted to do okay i want bombs not the boss fights but one thing i'm also gonna do is work my way back up to find what other upgrades you might have missed along the way because those are also gonna help me one thing i am gonna buy that's gonna help save me some definite damage is the radiator reduce make my damage by 50 that costs half a million dollars but i want it another one that would be really cool if i could afford it right now are air bombs for six million dollars detonating bombs midair would allow me to get pretty much anywhere i want to go and we're back to the surface for the first time in a long time and then from the surface we're going to go up because there's supposed to be a secret shop somewhere here just like this that we can actually use i see it gotta climb up on top and move to the right i was hoping you would have some cooler options but it does have a metal drill for 25 million dollars drills through metal plates would love that if i could afford it but i don't have 25 million dollars it does however have all sorts of bombs that i kind of want all of i don't know how many i'm gonna buy i'm just gonna buy a lot for now because 50 of those should work oh we can buy nukes here i don't currently have that kind of money so we're gonna go make our own kind of ironically i had that much money till i spent it on smaller bombs but now it's a matter of going from about four thousand feet up to ten thousand feet down all the way back down to the bottom and that's always a fun journey so now we gotta go through all this migma i could drill through it for half damage but instead i'm mostly gonna use the shaft bombs hopefully not bombing into anything too valuable along the way but here's the bottom and i can pretty cleanly dive into these without any issues there's unobtainium which i hopefully now can mix with the bomb to create a nuke and that still doesn't work for me i really don't know why my smelter isn't level 6 now as far as i can tell it should be i do have some very faint inkling that i was supposed to talk to that guy and he was going to tell me how to do it but i skipped over the conversation like i always do i don't really know luckily i have a backup plan and this just to make myself stupidly rich i can always buy nukes i just gotta be careful not to blow up any of these one entertainment two unobtainium three unobtanium that gave me an extra twenty thousand dollar bonus and then all these bombs i bought along the way well they're gonna help me get to where i'm going ah didn't mean to do that there is foreign obtainium i figure if i chain them all together i'm going to get a huge bonus out of it even if it's not huge the unobtainium by itself is worth a lot there's a colossal chain there's another colossal chain then we repair ourselves a little bit and then we get to mind some more of them that's eight plus nine plus ten there's an extra fifty thousand dollars for that and we're not done yet now we're gonna build a t-bomb to go up here to grab this one then we're just gonna plow through this and apparently all the way over there because we're being lazy there is a chain of 13. there's a chain of 14 an interplanetary chain and there's a solar chain of 15. i wonder how these go solar chain there's an extra 65 000 then if we set the t-bomb off there we get the last two there's a chain of 19. my cargo hold is going to be pretty valuable right now and i've still got a few minutes to go to grab some of this stuff there's still lots of amazon aid around i unfortunately have run out of fuel again but i think we're going to have made some money this time we're going to go from 1 million thousand and we got two million alone for that unobtainium so we're up to three point two million dollars so i'm going to return down to the bottom and mine a whole bunch more valuables basically whatever i can get my little hands on i bet i could get a pretty good streak of amazonite going our streak already is up to 12 and we get a 10 000 bonus for one fuel is getting low i've got a streak up to 16 right now so it's still going pretty well but i thought i could do a little bit better did it mean to blow those up but here is number 17 and 18. there's 19 and we're out of fuel i was hoping to get to 20. i'm not actually sure what that's going to be worth that was only 380 000 which isn't a lot comparatively luckily i know a guy in the sky that for some reason sells nuclear bombs and luckily for us i can afford seven of them not sure what we're gonna do with seven nuclear bombs but it doesn't matter because we've got seven nuclear bombs so naturally the first thing we need to test is exactly how big of a space they explode we're gonna set one off right here oh i like that that's bigger than the entire screen okay this is gonna be fun i knew it was gonna be big but i didn't think it was gonna be that big but does it blow up all of the valuables it sure does and then what about these things it doesn't blow up those because of course not those are the most annoying things in existence since we've got four left let's detonate four of these we see exactly how far down four these would conceivably get us say we blew another one up somewhere down here probably about here does that sound about right to you because then we should be able to drop all the way down it's like building a superhighway without actually having a drill this is great then for things like these regular old rocks we can actually blow a few of these up just to get ourselves down a little bit further and then we could detonate a nuke again how many way we got two left i really wish i found these earlier and was able to make them easier because these would have cleared out a lot of space i waste too much time in games like this just traveling up and down and the final nuke in my possession but oh i missed a spot pretty close though i cleared out a lot of room with that and probably blew up like a million dollars in value but nuclear bombs are fun i wonder how many would take to clear out the entire map
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 269,328
Rating: 4.951026 out of 5
Id: QzT528VbOVk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 12sec (672 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 11 2021
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