I Earned $100,000,000,000 For Digging 100km Down in Mr.Mine

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yesterday we were blowing everything between us and the moon well today we're going deep all the way to the bottom of the lettuce we're already six kilometers down and our reward for digging unreasonably deep very quickly is just a bunch of coal and just a little bit of copper so i bet you can guess what we're going to do with that we sell it and buy more peasants because i assume they do have a purpose if i click on the cold it disintegrates but if i click on them nothing happens wants me to hire someone already cost a higher 100 okay give me someone you hired worker number two the next one is fifteen hundred dollars so they're going to get expensive quickly oh it hires a whole row of workers we're getting much more copper which is much more valuable than coal and since we're only eight kilometers down and finding relative garbage let's see about upgrading his drill uh can we just skip seeing as we have the money to buy at least a copper drill blueprint all we need for that is 500 coal and 100 copper also let's start with the cheaper one as soon as i have some money again because it'll quicker mind the stuff we need to make the further better one i wonder how far down the bottom is in fact i hope there is no bottom i want infinite depths but also let's buy this steam engine because all that's gonna take is 940 coal by the time we're there i'll probably have enough for this one anyways but i'm stupid so let's just go for it i discovered silver and my drill got away silver should be extra valuable so coal is worth one per coal copper is two silver is four so if you idiots want to focus on that for a little bit i would reward you with some breathing air actually i probably won't it's cheaper to let them die and hire new ones oh good news our patients paid off we hit 11 kilometers and we can already craft our better drill which means we need to equip it here oh we are equipping different pieces so this is going to be an engine that's completely different it uses more power but it's going to be a lot quicker but we started finding gold which is worth 16 per ore and we get 12 kilometers in theory for every kilometer down we're gonna find more stuff because our idiots just keep multiplying downwards somehow there is definitely a joke somewhere here about a hundred guys going as deep as they can and one thing i'm not supposed to do is let this hit capacity so let's see if we can upgrade our drill real quick oh we need 940 calls to do that okay i've got to sell that then i've got to sell that once i have enough call we'll upgrade that engine and see what the drill does i think it's simply going to add more power which is going to help because the bigger the drill the more power it's gonna need oh i'm at capacity and the game's yelling at me okay we're gonna sell that and we're gonna build one of those all we gotta do is equip it now and hopefully that doesn't have any detrimental effects but that should make our drill go deeper faster maximum penetration well the number of call we're getting is going up very quickly we're only finding a little bit of silver and gold but i'm pretty sure before long we're going to be jacking those numbers up faster than we can even see speaking of which i'm going to sell everything i have right now which is going to put us over 1500 so i can hire another the one after that is gonna cost ten thousand dollars but there we have three rows of men so let's just keep the upgrades going double fan blueprint absolutely what does it take to make one of those 700 calls that shouldn't take too long at all because we're getting like 10 per second and where did i get all this money from and we're at capacity already okay we're definitely overdue to upgrade our cargo blueprint which is gonna take 25 silver and 15 gold so that definitely might take a little while but i've got time but this new cargo hold is needed because i'm already back at 30 percent and i just sold and since we apparently need to go deeper before we're gonna find gold let's buy a better engine which as it turns out is ridiculously expensive uh 4 000 coal 300 copper and 200 silver and after selling my quickly accumulating coal and copper i've got enough to hire another idiot so we're going to be making money faster than ever the next one's going to cost 30 grand seems expensive for people that don't really have a great range of motion or a single intelligent thought in their brain and i just realized we finally have the gold we need for our next upgrade storage capacity 5000 oh and we hit level 20. there's a trading post at least i think it is it's a little bit hard to find without that big white arrow pointing to it i guess he just makes me deals if i give him 172 gold i get 6 100 which i'm not that interested in yet 20 death dig down to 20 kilometers i'll take it what do we get 25 000 that means i get another row of since i have the money and still not a great capacity let's unlock the next cargo blueprint to hopefully get us more capacity all we need is 125 gold and 20 statue heads so if you guys down here happen to see any of those let me know right away since i feel like the drill is a little bit slow let's spend 15 000 on the triple fan blueprint because that's what we want cooling and that will at least give us a nice option to spend 900 copper should we find we have an abundance suddenly which we always do but we discovered platinum so we got a new valuable mineral to be mining for the two-cylinder engine otherwise known as the most annoying upgrade in existence so we'll go ahead and upgrade that every upgrade makes us that much faster we just hit 100 gold under question 23 kilometers that means we get our ten thousand dollar basic treasure chest which is a five minute time lapse which definitely maxes out our numbers and also means that we can build and install our triple fan so we're gonna go ahead and slap that bad boy on now and then we'll take a look at what our drill looks like well pretty much the same but i assume it's just running quicker and better and we discovered uranium good news for the workers they don't get protective gear they just get cancer look at how fast their numbers go up now though 20 30 coal a second even the copper silver is even going up very quickly gold is continually going up and we got so much platinum already that we can make a bigger cargo hold and that's really all i wanted because that's going to give us six times what we have currently and 30 times the base cargo now i can let this pile up forever so now when i hit a full capacity of 30 000 items i can sell it all for 82 thousand dollars that's worth more than this guy's entire life uh speaking of which we're going to hire another one another row for 75 000. look at the numbers going up now blueprints on the other hand are getting expensive the next one's going to be 75 000 then it's 100 200 350 a million and i also just realized i can sell isotopes uranium one two and three these are worth a lot so i'm gonna go ahead and sell all these just for some quick easy money pretty sure we can find more of that and after selling more assorted garbage time for the four cylinder engine blueprint which is probably going to be an absolute nightmare to make five thousand coal 3000 copper and 2000 silver won't actually take me that long and before you know it we're already there four cylinder engine coming up we've officially hit lower 30 and we've got a hundred and ten thousand dollars which is great because we're gonna need faster mining because the next upgrade is two hundred thousand dollars we finally just discovered another new ore this one is diamond and that's gotta be hugely valuable yeah one diamond is worth sixty four dollars i'm pretty sure platinum is thirty two dollars each gold being sixteen and you get the point but one diamond is worth a ton as we unlock plutonium which is worth 1 000 or 20 000 so money's gonna get easier and easier so we absolutely should buy a quad fan blueprint not sure what these do but i got to assume it's helpful but look how fast we're making money that was 1500 that was another thousand every few seconds we make another thousand i mean i make another thousand not these guys these guys don't get paid once i buy them look how fast we're even mining diamonds now i had seven of those a second ago next on our upgrade list is an ever increasing capacity bigger cargo and i kind of forgot about the fan already the cargo doesn't look that hard to build except for the uranium that one might be a bit difficult and you can see our wealth growing then we reinvest it then it grows deeper we reinvest it it grows bigger we reinvest it and it grows bigger but the end of these are going to look like tiny little blips compared to what we're going to do then by the time we got that and crafted quad fan time and that increased our drill power by almost double and reduced our time by about half i realize the colors change too the background dots are gray by the time we get down to here they're almost a goldy color but here's level 40 and this guy seems to have found me a treasure chest we found half a million dollars which i'm going to spend hiring more idiots so yes let's hire another miner to further increase all of these numbers ever quicker 120 diamonds already then it hopefully won't be long to get the six cylinder engine and to hire more idiots is going to cost just 3 million dollars and we're definitely making the most on gold right now for some reason reminding so much of it that it's flying ahead of the other things in value and using that incredible amount of gold we're gonna buy the six cylinder engine plus you know a whole bunch of other stuff we definitely can't afford yet but this might not be so bad i remember trying to get 100 gold seemed impossible now we've got 600 since we last spoke you and i so i knew it would take a long time to get 50 000 coal but i didn't realize it would take this long we just crossed 11 000 but we hit 42 kilometers so that should mean probably more diamonds and platinum and valuable things and i suspect that actually helped us out in a big way because i've suddenly got almost 50 000 coal in fact it would take me 14 and a half minutes to fill it up which is completely embarrassing i want the biggest possible cargo hold there is in existence and i want that thing to fill up every second i just love sitting here watching the numbers go up now let's make one of these then we're gonna equip that bad boy and that changed things a lot our drill power's up to 5600 watts and it knocked our time to from about nine minutes down to three and a half but does anyone want to guess what it takes to make a try platinum drill bit probably something obnoxious ten thousand gold three thousand platinum that's actually not too bad it is called cotan it is very dark it is worth five hundred dollars each but we also have enough for a tri-platinum drill so let's slap that bad boy on i feel like this is gonna do some good work for us with our triple stabby action wait look idiot found me something that increases the chance of selling for two times the price when selling minerals and isotopes by fifty percent for five minutes so that means i want to mine up as much as i can for the next five minutes and then sell it hopefully getting the two times price for it all right right as we hit 48 kilometers i have 30 seconds left i might just touch so we're gonna go ahead and sell everything right now hopefully getting double the value and that definitely helps because our next blueprint is 2 million then the one after that is 3.5 we got 524 thousand dollars and i kind of like that because that's going to get us our upgrade at least then until we have to fill it with is that 800 thousand nope i'm just stupid only eighty thousand silver which is still pretty bad so uh i'm gonna have to hope that this old guy's got a pretty good reward for me right now to be able to afford anything at all though i think i did just get 10 million dollars so that's actually pretty good help plus nine minutes which still doesn't get us anywhere close to enough of the silver we need but we sure can buy a decent cargo blueprint and to make that of course you're probably gonna need something horrible without giving that any thought i'm just gonna go ahead and do it because that's going to encrypt boost my ship yes you heard that right my ship and that puts everything up to here my capacity is now 500 000. if the 10 million dollars seemed like a lot of money but it's not even enough to buy the basic nuclear engine blueprint so we'll spend 3 million of our remaining 6 million dollars on idiots the next one's gonna cost 10 million but that's going to boost all our numbers up even faster since we seem to have crossed that threshold where we're just waiting and waiting and waiting i think it's time to explore the tickets tickets it appears can be bought 10 for 1 1400 for 100 you can use tickets to buy chests so naturally i went ahead and bought 1400 of them for only 100 they haven't appeared yet i probably need to restart also i'm not really sure how to actually exit the game okay i've located my tickets you should give us a healthy little speed boost so if i buy a regular one what kind of stuff does it give me a three minute time lapse well that's gonna add up but that's not quite the progress we're hoping for so let's try it ten times one you got a blueprint for an intermediate nuclear engine if that sounds like something i would like to build but i bet you it's not super easy to do we need uh like six trillion coals and a lot of uranium but santa's pretty stoked about something what's he got for us find a golden chest i get a million dollars for that in a decent treasure chest because i basically opened a treasure chest we got 900 000 coppers which we can't even hold though i went ahead and sold all that we're up to 11 million let's spend more tickets maybe before we do we're going to hire more guys for 10 million dollars and then we can start upgrading their efficiency so for another 10 million dollars we can make the miners better but for now we've got 10 miners all across the board so that's going to be crazy amounts of minerals so let's go talk to the golem for a second and try and buy a 50 million dollar upgrade do we work our way down it probably makes more sense to work our way down so we'll buy that plus this for a total of 35 million dollars spent i am gonna continually sell all my stuff before uh redeeming tickets because sometimes they give me ores and i need as much room for those oars as possible another 15 million dollars a blueprint for enormous cargo i'll let you guys know when i find some oregon here we go i just got 1.5 million platinum and i have no idea what i'm gonna do with that it's a shame i didn't have like 10 000 coal because i could have actually made a segmented heat pump which is way down the list but i can make a spike drill for now so that's actually going to help in a big way then we slap that bad boy on there and we're good to go again that gave our drill a nice little boost up to 17 600 watts and i guess it probably actually if we sell some of the other stuff first we might still get the calling for that other upgrade no we're still at capacity so we're going to sell all that for 43 million let everything run again there's a six hour time lapse that i could have done at a different time but look at those resources even now to go down to floor 69 hilariously is going to take us 43 minutes basically what i need to get is the large cargo for 50 000 diamonds once i get that that's gonna open up a lot more options so i need to sell everything except the diamonds and i need to let the diamonds keep on mining and we discovered uh pay night old man river wants to get me something else because i guess i hit 70 kilometers because we're skipping ahead through time you got a scientist mr mustache links when the chest is detected so when you find a chest down there he'll let me know there we go our capacity is at a million it's currently full of diamonds but we got it now which hilariously means we can already buy this sifting drill so we're gonna go ahead and slap that bad boy on and that's gonna help us make a lot of progress downwards because i don't think i was supposed to have this for a while this is a level nine drill its base power is twenty thousand hey look at that another four million diamonds is this a joke the next chest is another 4.5 million diamonds i don't have room for all these diamonds game i'm sorry i would like to use them but i need other stuff 75 of these chests just seem to be filled with diamonds and more diamonds than i can even hold 5.6 million diamonds and i've got the path capacity for one million has this always been here set minimum amount of coltan to keep i didn't know i could do that and i discovered black opal which is the next gem along my journey worth 2 000 each then i just received 284 000 pay night well that could actually be a big one for my upgrades well it will be when we get just a few other things to combine that with and because we managed to skip through some time we're down to 86 kilometers which is going to give us red diamonds also but you wear 10 000 each all through hard work and perseverance obviously there's another billion dollars not because i uh bought something or cheated or anything not at all so i'm thinking i should spend some of that on my workers to get them working a little bit harder so there's six billion dollars the next one costs 40 so clearly things still have some room to grow they're all riding drills now if i hadn't known i was giving them that kind of help i wouldn't have invested in them i've just discovered blue obsidian which is the most valuable thing we found so far that was at a depth of 95 kilometers down we haven't even found any yet but i'm sure we will soon finally look at we can build a giant cargo it only took 500 plutoniums which took forever to be able to get and that holds 5 million and i feel like we can't just stop there we have 53.8 billion dollars in the bank we're only down 95 kilometers we gotta hit a hundred we just hit a six hour time lapse so i'm hoping that means i have the materials to build some more things and look at all the options that are suddenly available to us i think we'd better do a segmented heat pump that's an upgrade of three hole levels then we're gonna build an intermediate nuclear engine because that's also gonna be a big upgrade that's going from level five to level seven so my monstrosity now has seven million watts of power and that's going to chew through the ground pretty quick and because of all those upgrades and a little time boost we hit 103 kilometers down perfect an enormous cargo this hole is 10 million so that's double the size of my current one we're definitely going to strap that bad boy on right away now we have 10 million of pretty much everything our reward for digging down 100 kilometers is a billion dollars to add on to our 67 billion plus an awesome treasure chest which gives us a five minute time lapse and do we want to upgrade their drilli chairs we might as well it is going to cost 40 billion do we need money for anything else now we can invest 40 billion in the workers what's the worst that could happen i can almost make the fish an engine we're so close pretty good effort drilling down 107 kilometers look at all the upgrades we still have though like we can't even buy these then there's still all of these pages to go we're gonna have to buy more tickets next time
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 713,704
Rating: 4.9268937 out of 5
Id: j3252zzpWkE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 12sec (1032 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 12 2020
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