When You Go On A Family Vacation But Destroy The Entire Planet Instead in Air Marty

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buckle up I'd rather not you want me to bring your purse away shove it hide that's not gonna happen then we perv the nice lady and we don't enjoy the smoke you know it's gonna be a good vacation when the airlines named after you do game meet Marty and his family they're horrible can I get a new one Marty's hard work has finally paid off he saved enough money for a family vacation I hope they enjoyed themselves and don't come back won't you join them I'd rather not welcome aboard Paradise Air flight 316 says the lady with the world's Tonya's legs thank you for flying with us today you're welcome disproportionate lady now please buckle up and enjoy your flight buckle up now this might look really easy to a lot of you but trust me it's it's just not I usually do that gosh dang these belts sure are tricky yep you gotta take one end and the other and kind of make them meet in the middle it's a lot to take on especially for a bald guy Marty stop playing around to put my purse away is my very angular wife with a bad haircut I don't like her at all anything honey bun stole the purse well that depends and we do this Wow it's very late at night I'm very tired oopsie whose purse is this it's my wives feel free to push her right off the plane hide nope let's do this I'm down I okay yeah hello I would like I guess I can't catch me if I'm always behind them this is actually the perfect strategy we're hiding now they'll never find me here is this actually going to work whoops I got caught on a seize but this will work fine yeah I guess if I behind them they'll never find me never mind I didn't realize he could turn right around I say son you happen to catch a wink of the villain who disposed of their Bill Ford in such a violent manner I did not what oh no sir no it was my wife though if you want to go ahead and kill her feel free I'll see you about that do we stand up to the pressure he has a monocle after all so we got to go up and down up and down just what I'm good at okay well swords swords you know what I don't no time for this let's let him get me now son you wouldn't be telling a little old film would ya I wouldn't lie to a guy with a monocle i I I did it it was me I'm so sorry so sorry you sir are a vile scoundrel and I demand the satisfaction of a duel throughout whatever you have one eye it can't be that hard as you wish allow me to Don my dueling glove ready for battle we got a rapidly press space okay I'm ready uh okay we're just fighting to put the clip on at this point is it supposed to go in or not I'm confused okay oh great if you're ready sir well you see I used up all my energy put it on my dueling glove for some reason the fuel shell commands why does he have a gun I don't have a gun I have a glove but I'm still optimistic I can come out on top provide satisfaction speaking of coming out on top oh oh um yeah no I think I almost had that one it's a sit Marty who's actually a small man in shorts along with my wife who is also a small creature in shorts I got achievement for the fun now so I guess my top half died and my bottom half lived which is kind of a shame missed the seat belt got the purse good enough at least you don't have to get the whole thing in there we go two hours later getting famished here oh goody just in time we have a raw fish or fried chicken fish or chicken and go I think we got the fish we're eating a raw fish on an airborne life this couldn't be better thank you I will I will enjoy this terrible food what do you mean you're out of fish big dude it's Good Friday and I can't be eating no chicken Jack oh right I'm so sorry sir that gentleman there took the last one and I'm enjoying it to the fullest listen Jack the Bulls comater needs that fish and he needs it now daddy well I will give you it if you don't ever call me daddy again that's a deal make our stand don't you wrap any press this what do I need to do everything resulted me dying so it's just fake real life here you go thank you brother I can see you one of my noble thews iasts whatever you say weirdo please let me go back to my seat he's a little gift big jack go ahead and try it on are you giving me your belt put on the strap no I'd rather not this is a very weird concept we're not gonna be just gonna have to wait oh I should probably just like miss that huh yeah sorry I I can't do a seat belt I can't do a belt won't fit oh well as I hurl it off into space ladies and gentlemen this is the captain speaking we're expecting some turbulence please return to your seats turbulence my ass this shortcut over monster island is suicide in that case could you make the plane go faster because this plane ride isn't a lot of fun watch and learn Jackson I like a pro oh here we go I'm gonna nail yep nothing to see here we're just gonna avoid all the monsters while we go I don't really want to get to wherever it is we're going but you know what I've got to enjoin the minigame I'm gonna go happy with sunshine ease when the sun's happy everyone's happy oh I didn't realize I can move forward - backwards - video games these days huh gosh darn it Korg ax this is the third one you've let get away this week I'm sorry mr. Kron fire him if that sorry for the milkman sport I'm gonna have to let you go well Korg X lost his job today big ol loser preposterous you start with the me first thing Monday morning your 9-iron sir the end though what happened to Marty the monster got fired but did Marty have to go on vacation with his family cuz that's even worse you know what for the first time I realized here's the continue button I know right should have been obvious it's right there for me but I never noticed so that's the seat belt choice now next would be the wife's luggage depending a wall way we take things we can get all sorts of different endings now let's jump right past that annoying intro right into my annoying way from butter purse away but you look something like that I actually did that really nicely I'm proud of myself as easy as that is I'm very proud of myself the trick this time is to get the chicken cuz you know what happens when a gets a fish we could Hulk Hogan involved and we got the fish course we did I can't remember what we had to do here we shoot him do we not shoot him I'm pretty sure we just die either way okay so this time we will put on the belt I think I don't know if I can steer this and I whatever once it's in there I'll get it don't you worry about that I think I got it oh it's a multiple part challenge I didn't know that you can't ask me to say focus for this long I did get it again and things are getting weirder by the second am i turning into him that would be okay that's really better than my life yeah let me go it's like a glove when a man in a pink speedo asks you to do something you do it at last freedom wait but he disappearing is he a genie now you must bear the burden my friend I have a wife and kids how much worse could it get here well let's dance pretty boy ready to wonder what kind of airline we're on or where we're going defend the title why don't you prices rapidly I'm so tired of these yeah there we go a tic Rock'em Sock'em robots this one's easy though some of those are so hard yes I won I've always wanted to kill a man on an airplane and were crowd-surfing away on the plane and he is actually dead so oh that was the pilot we probably need that to fly the plane that's definitely an ending though isn't it you know a pilot's overrated anyway where we jumping in this time let's say we have the money for a drink can we actually buy it because that went super hard we'll jump right into whatever this one was there you go sir one drink for me kamar tea I think you've had enough remember a week Dadar remember my annoying wife she's why I'm drinking Oh a candy cane there's one little sip for the road a stir sweet release oh there's no release for me that things to wrap it out I guess you're right honey muffin matter of fact I have to tinkle already called a new belt stuck whatever that means unbuckle in time nope that's not gonna happen I don't have to do this challenge again hey wow I'm so bad at that one oh no oh goodness look at that fool oh heck oh I wet my pants well you know what if that's the worst thing that happens to me today it's still not that bad what a loser said the 3-round twins his damn pants I'm so ashamed yeah seat belts are hard and the shame uh wait what uh-oh and I can't even kill myself properly oops I missed and we're knocking a UFO out of orbit Oh quelle hostile target you never know what this games gonna do all we can actually do this yeah here we go oh I see we just have a clock on there that's not so hard to do thanks alien really appreciate you hard work not sure what's happening but the aliens are having a good time oh he prided taught you airplane home for his child you know what I'm sure everyone on the plane is perfectly fine nothing to worry about alright so let's say I do get the drink but then I do get to drink it if I can ever make it to my mouth oh you got a press is so fast seems like the hardest challenge ever I don't have the energy for this I might just let this thing go because this is okay finally got it never ever doing that one again oh Jesus doctor ordered you were days to keep him coming pathetic are you still here feel free to leave at any point world spinning must be getting sleepy yeah that has nothing to do with seventeen drinks on an airplane send Marty to Dreamland sleepy dust what oh I see we gotta do this I don't I don't know what this is I don't I don't get this at all oh yeah mr. Sandman this time Barton this time you really did a Marty you finally stayed up late maybe it's not true what they say about you after all these calls for a little dancey pew I really wish I'd put him to sleep now don't spill I think I might discrete that one up Oh No your prize shirt Marty what are you doing over there definitely not getting drunk and dancing also there was a ferry here for a minute nothing dear but another friend a new shirt I just bought it we can't buy me shirt and expect me not to spill alcohol on it gotta move fast Marty save this shirt yeah we're definitely gonna save this shirt just gotta keep wiping up all those stains that are everywhere and what kind of stain is this am I constantly spilling stuff on it there's like a storm on my shirt did I get it Marty any muffin I can explain I got way too drunk and fell over this is the last straw we're over the hole hold on I like where this is going sugarplum wait I can change but I'm not going to one divorce later he's now married to Hulk Hogan there's a child at the baby and I'm stalking them both I mean I don't have a wife anymore so that's a plus okay say we missed the purse really badly let them manage to successfully hide from that guy depending on which way he's going I'm gonna sneak in behind him perfect no as long as I'm staying behind him he won't ever find me as long as he doesn't do a 90-degree 180-degree turn like he did before but we learned from that didn't we mission accomplished no one's our thing I say son what are you doing here okay I guess he didn't find me before either whatever the case we will now stand up to his pressure which should be that very hard because I don't have to move very far no it's swords they might cut my hair if it gets too close oh I almost gave that up okay then that didn't happen oh yes of course my apologies my dear boy think nothing of it my good man really shouldn't lie like that Martin des who's there good little sweeties don't fit Martin yes I do yeah but flamin cool dudes do don't you want to be rad says they devil on my shoulder I'm gonna make you to fight to the death and whoever wins gets to tell me what to do dinner or a saint yeah we're probably gonna go with the devil here though I need to be careful how I do this pick one of each there a couple Devils here and yeah they should be easy enough we'll see you at the end got'em yeah time to be rad what do we do first mr. satin I think you mean Satan although I'm not actually oh right sorry about that Stanton anyways what do you say to a dance party sounds cool right Marty shoots a guy that's got it all figured out Oh to hell with this hey wait come back we haven't even got funky yet even the devil abandoned me escaped the devil is trying to get away from Marty now interesting okay well you know what we're gonna let him do that because no one deserves to be near Marty not even the devil and luckily Marty's not that bright so it's not that our die for them wait and double like teleport anyway the teleporter to my shoulder but great and he has a landline is this is 1999 hello no I can hang out I have to feed my fish now please stop calling well clearly obviously we just need to remove the fish from the equation until have time to hang out with me see we've got it all figured out no he has all the time in the world Daniel with me as long as doesn't get another fish there are a lot of endings what a game though if we missed the purse and then get caught by whoever's trying to find me hey did you drop this I sure did yes I did I'm very sorry but not overly because look at you compared to my wife you're both a little disproportionate but I like you better pervert do I want a pervert what does it take to pervert oh okay yeah I see you gotta keep your eyes up and I failed to keep him eyes up here's your purse back creep goodness what an emotional roller coaster I gotta go calm down obviously the only way I know how to do that is with a cigarette while watching a person levitate through the air enjoying the bold flavor ah yes we do need that after all we were working pretty hard as a pervert okay I think that works nothing like a trip through flavor country to take the edge off there you cannot smoke in an airplane put that out right this second okay I have a feeling me trying to put the cigarette out is gonna cause a lot of people to die like it yes what okay so I guess with his work our way all the way up oh there's a way to fail this Marty can fail anything he's that talented and he's having a flashback to when he was at war in this village probably somewhere in Africa by the looks of it the end I have no idea what Marty this did did he burn the plane down is that what I'm supposed to be getting alternatively but if poor Marty doesn't get this smoke what about that dang match there must be a draft in here yeah somebody probably left the window opened there you are you're in trouble nail pervert I've heard that before miss you're the one having a stroke you an eyeball and my woman well I mean look at her that's a stalk I'm here and it's on now city boy go over the top do we go over the top yeah we can take this guy literally Marty's is superhuman this one's not nearly as hard as some of the other ones we're okay we done no good cuz my arms getting tired he got champ here's your prize enjoy being king of the road and so Marty set out on his great journey never to return home again another good ending I like this one though what if we do try and smoke butt we do get to flick the cigarette that one can't be too hard to do right last time I got halfway up without even trying mom we can do it almost there and Kapow we're able to put out a cigarette which is opened a window and toss it on out causing the biggest brush fire in human history or the eight million people died that month just kidding we actually live every part of Earth on fire with a single cigarette the end okay but is there actually any way to not perf on this lady I feel like this one's actually impossible and I just said I wasn't gonna do another space bar challenge but here I go I think I could do this ready go because eyes up Marty I don't think there's any way to win that at all but barely there has to be and I might have to use like a macro key behind to get that one done then if we miss the seat belt but the purse away get our food but get chicken thank you miss I will enjoy this chicken or I will try to apparently that's easier said than done oh okay we gotta go up and down yep some really good chicken very realistic animation add some good chickens airline foods the best see friend what did surprise you to know you're eating professor whatever is baked chicken its Sherwood the fine folks at home were just dying to know how many stars he would give it why are you filming me on an airplane I was the chicken it is uh that good one star meanwhile at the as eco manner well sir if I'm being honest I'd see the jump off this airplane and have another piece I'd really only give it one star one it's me yes I have a job for you you're the job oh we could do Sasson a Marty now this is gonna be fun though we want to probably go in the head right that's what in this Assen would do I think we got him nothing personal friend and Marty is done job well done here you go mr. assassin here's your money just one more thing now these asin's dead too no loose ends I like his style okay so we take that chicken but we don't enjoy but is sit here and enjoy that animation chicken floating in front of a mouth it's a bit overcooked I couldn't even take a single bite pardon me miss can i exchanges for the fish to dry for my taste no of course you can't you idiot well I never I know I'll order out let's see if I have any coupons here surely someone deliveries to an airplane 35,000 feet in the air shop smart I don't think we have a choice and or whatever a dollar oh well guess I'll just cook something here that's a perfectly normal thing to do yeah we'll just fire up the grill right on the airplane why not build like a master I not sure we have any other choice did I get that right what the blue moon hell is that intoxicating aroma that's a smell of barbecue on the plane that's just my special mix of spices and herbs here have a bite sweet this Christ baby boy I get that a lot I'm tasting heaven maybe you're just drunk four months later I was worried we were gonna have a baby boy I tell you that recipe of yours is a gold mine JT and Marty's this year's a chicken town um okay professor ease chicken licken on the road oh yeah he'd aspire bomb does smoke kid the dream was dead yeah insurance is overrated anyway isn't it what happens if we just outright fail everything in true Marty fashion buckle up I'd rather not you want me to bring your purse away shove it hide that's not gonna happen then we perv the nice lady and we don't enjoy the smoke then the man that I romantically started a stakeout with must confront me but then we let him win the arm wrestling but you know a city boy why don't we look like dad now and he pulls my arm right off don't worry miss we're doing everything possible for your husband are we gonna get a bionic arm Oh Lord we'll never be able to afford all this nonsense don't worry miss we made arrangements for that that's unshaded I like it and now I'm a janitor with a metal arm that's our key an improvement over Marty's previous life okay so we get this seat belt we put that on we try and get a drink we miss a drink and then we're tempted to smoke and of course we're gonna let Marty smoke then we try and get to the cockpit but not very hard we're gonna walk right into her just who I wanted to see couple drinks for the road if he please six hours later so that's when I said what was I talking about again probably that guy's mom on the topic of conversation yes I would love to Marty's got a pretty big brain we need to navigate and the things seem to move around hey so we're basically if there's gonna go somewhere and wait for one to come to us then sound good so okay oh wait yep there we go that worked out actually pretty good ten hours later that 16 hours a drinks and clearly we're flying to another planet because that's a long flight so I say to him that's no oven that's my wife no I can understand the confusion you can fit an entire turkey in either one of in mmm did I remember to turn off that dang ol oven is the oven off well if it's been on we've already been on the plane for 16 hours so you know what here's hoping and boom 600 degrees and it's getting pretty hot by now luckily the entire kitchens fireproof nothing there can burn except for the earth itself and the oven radar is going nuts because my oven is headed for the Earth's core and there's nothing anyone can do about it things are getting warmer and warmer and there we go we enter the entire planet that's the incredible power that Marty has
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 261,779
Rating: 4.8400002 out of 5
Keywords: df, dangerously, funny, air marty, dangerouslyfunny, pc, gameplay, air marty ending, air marty gameplay, When You Go On A Family Vacation But Destroy The Entire Planet Instead, dangerously funny
Id: 5-_Qe2toNUU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 53sec (1133 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 08 2020
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