Spilling Massive Amounts Of Oil While Profiting in Turmoil: The Heat Is On

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alright watch a magic happen we're all connected up we let that go we let the oil all go that way the price is gonna skyrocket up to probably $2 per barrel which is huge money for me over $2 today we're drilling for oil and yes that is a euphemism right Walter before we get started we've got $200,000 to work with which is considerably more than my competition because I'm considerably better than my competition we have the option to upgrade or stable workshop factory until we actually know what we're doing none of that's gonna matter let's make some money but the way this works is in place a few these are the Esso here they're gonna find some oil using magic because magic is a large part of the oil and gas industry once they find it we send down some pipes pumped oil to the surface which one was that okay him good idea pipe two there you want to do it incrementally you don't want to go pass the oil but you do want to find it I couldn't time that one any better now we hire some horse and wagons to haul the oil to whatever side is paying more which is currently the right side oh right he found oil so let's actually go dig to the to the oil that's another deposit very close to the surface so I'm pretty happy about that not sure if it matters no you go to the right side I've went to the right side the prices dropped too much other side I can build a silo and store it until prices get better where is this guy going but let's hope it doesn't come to that and for now since I have $500 just continue these pipes downwards hopefully finding some more oil the more we can find the more money we're gonna make though this does look like a pretty big deposit Wow if you get way to earn your money it's guarantee February 8 as I kid of rock I have this that until December 31st so I've got lots of time left there are rocks underground that will stop me from moving and there's some magma here too so I'm probably not gonna go any further that way I can upgrade to heat-resistant pipes and apparently that can be used to my advantage but for now it's mostly just really really in the way but the pools of all I found so far are actually seemingly pretty big so I'm happy with what I have though I still want more I always want more at some point it's not going to be worth it to keep building more and more pipes because it costs money and it's not making me anything back but for now I'm just having fun and as you probably paid ng no oil prices it was a dollar 30 here it's 70 cents where they were going so I'm making considerably more just from paying attention and if these things get too full they will start spilling oil on the ground which is kind of a good problem to have but we're just gonna throw more horses at the problem let's assume I solve any problem in life real horses at it and we do have a spill so let's get another horse for only $150 Jory oh I see they did know which side to go to so they chose neither of them like good workers forget about the silo right now because oil prices are pretty bad on both sides I'm actually sort of impressed I found two such big deposits to the point where I'm running this even any other deposits out there I found rocky rocky magma here a rock here the dozer didn't find anything else I don't think so I'm wondering if it's just two big deposits but because it's me and I have $5,000 I'm gonna put another oil rig over here and drill down here there's gotta be all I know somewhere I think my daughter just was stupid so let's go to there good news we found a rock let's go probably up this way then takes money to make money so you know what I've never been afraid to spend no so far we found a rock and I just did something really stupid with my pipe layout because this is all garbage now maybe for now I'll just keep going because it's already October 28th and my deposits well one of my deposits is still flowing at least so I'm still making money if I had a thought about this a little sooner I would have put another Tower and pump down to this oil again because it's not to feed yet so we're leaving with money in the ground because that's the end of our lease it was more oil down there was hiding on me oh and good news there spillage fine so I'm not really gonna make a lot of profit but I did make $6,000 which is maybe a little bit less than my competition so I'm gonna have to step up my game only $30,000 uh heat was no longer a problem and I like the sound of that cuz that was really annoying that stopped me for getting a lot of oil and this guy lets me drill through rocks I'll take it Oh a second branch would actually be nice to you but it sized you extra layer on top of it eggs no don't care about that increase capacity of pipes we're not gonna worry about that yet because I'm already having trouble handling the oil getting to the surface deeper dousing though I didn't realize they had a limit of what she told me that beforehand and quicker dousing quicker deeper dowsing quicker deeper dowsing for oil and you know what let's make them carry more oil as for horses we solve $100,000 we'll be fine oh we gotta buy land now they gave me the first one for free so uh yeah I'll take you know this one not really sure what just happened but I'm going digging two thousand dollars to cover our start-up costs and every one instant money I can sell exclusively to one of the other for a bunch of money but probably isn't worth it that's a short-term profit all right idiots get to work hundred dollars better be worth my time yep so far these upgrades are just amazing oh we got one bout time thank you pipes going down get out of the way and dummy number two found us something get in that oil please right now oh we were so close we're gonna give it three horses to start cuz I don't want any spillage fees and that's just more oil to be carried around for profit anyway but we've got $250 right now let's hire one more dowser to hopefully be able to find one more patch of oil if not we'll just do some drilling exploration once again we're good deal December 31 you know we're just gonna kind of drill around for a minute anyway see some of this early money to hopefully get us where we need to go Authority I hit a rock I was sure I paid quite a bit of money to get a technology that means I could go through rocks but I guess not oh he's signaling me alright do we want to put another I guess we have to put it all the brake down here so there you go let's go find whatever's here this is a big oil deposit this will last a while and we found another one right here which makes me wonder if there's any more down here and we're also gonna send this one out kind of that way I did find another little pocket over here which is all well and good but I still need to find more big pockets or really anything at all at this point these oil reserves won't last forever but I'm gonna milk them for what I can I really gotta learn to just say enough is enough and like mine the oil I have but I just can't help looking for more and I think I found some actually so this one will be a big producer for me nope nevermind that's gas apparently if I connected over to here that's gonna boost oil price well do that hopefully there's nothing in here oh right so horses are over there all four of them and apparently that's gonna help gas prices so I don't know what's gonna pop oil anymore does it do both I think it's one of the other so I'm gonna put a second oil rig down into that hopefully it can help carry stuff around I'm gonna do more horses and yep hopefully that guest's works this magic is the gas already empty I'm ready to space to my time doing that Oh more spillage hold on horses get in there why is no one doing their job yeah there we go look at horses doing all sorts of stuff by doing this one I can't really mine anything over here now unless that we've this one underneath which I might try but it's gonna be hard to do for a $750 I can upgrade my wagons so I don't know if that makes them bigger or faster but that probably means more money for me Oh prices suck right now is a little too silo and not give to anyone and I didn't take long at all before we're back up to a dollar so that was worth it looks like my oil reserve probably is gonna run out on this one before my lease runs out but it might be close I'm okay with this is still profit I mean that was pretty good timing it's still pumping oil in his December 10th I did a little bit of unnecessary exploration but I mean that's working out pretty good I definitely made some profit that's what was left I just realized now there it really Rock option I didn't see before cuz the top of my screen was cutting it off $6,600 one day I'll be as good as those idiots but they probably have all the cool upgrades anyways hey Maeve's I think the only thing we're gonna change this time is by maybe getting a mole though were once again bidding on land I have this one oh I see the number actually tells you how much oil was there so I picked a good one by taking this one is it's next to 43 and 35 there's got to be oral here alright this is it we're gonna put a dowser and a mole a mole tease randomly crawls through the ground and we'll find stuff on occasion so that's going to help me kind of realize what's down there we got our first hit down we go with the pipe the moles getting into the area anyway it's gonna be right here I can see it thanks to the mole oh look I found a rock we're gonna go right through that though using my money that I probably shouldn't have spent we got oil now probably shouldn't have put down that second oil rig before getting a horse to bring my oil tea other thing because now I can't actually move my oil anywhere I guess I'm selling too particularly this side then yep deal that's a really really bad decision for me to make right now but it's the only one I had but you know what we're gonna send some gas over to this place and that's gonna drive up the price hopefully and then we found another bit of oil below this does a guy who's fading oh hey cuz that's what they do once a fried oil they're just ghosts they disappear forever yeah well maybe do some more exploring or I'm gonna let another mole go over here hopefully find some stuff down here already it looks like it found something I don't know what it is but we're definitely gonna drill right into it words to live by drill first ask questions later alright we gotta close that and then maybe we didn't do that properly with this one by the way I don't know we got gas now but I can't do anything with it cuz this place is closed got really really lucky and found more oil over here I'm gonna leave the gas for now and just go exploring for oil never mind okay we're going through Rock are we that's expensive we still might one thing we are gonna do is build a silo penis look at those prices 26 cents per barrel not gonna happen and there are so many rocks that I don't even know what to do with myself right now but you know what oil is 87 cents I can I can handle that I did go right through another patch of oil it's a little bit of a strange way of doing it but there we go we got more oil coming up oh we let the gas out but the oil is coming too so whatever profits profit now we're finding kind of in that production mode but we just sit back and watch a money roll in except when the prices drop any more than that we hit some gas so we're gonna get oh we had a time already that was quick I really made any money cuz I was searching for oil I can don't you remember there's usually three or four big pockets of oil down there and that's it 124 dollars we made 124 dollars you may like a four thousand dollar spillage fee and we can find treasure underground you can barely find oil so one thing at a time your game and I need to remember that I do have a joint thing now so I can branch out a little bit well let's make the pipes bigger and let's make our horses a little better maybe a counter we need a counter I guess so all right well buy some more land we have a 42 of 4444 here so maybe gamble on this one give me that one until we upgrade our bowls for $10,000 yeah we should I don't want to go below $50,000 ever so whatever we'll make that work to prevent spillage you can no control joints before they're finished well how about that game all mole get on there please there you go and a dowser to to get things started we need to find the oil as soon as possible I definitely found some gas right away which might help the oil prices there's some oil over here though too so far we found two pockets of oil and two gas pockets so I should be able to make this work I think my biggest enemy I learned last time was his spillage fee so I'm gonna try and do things a little bit more efficiently more horses less spillage more methodical dough managing to spill a little bit Wow 11 cents get away from that oil refinery and you know what moles are only $100 why am I not just unleashing an army of these everywhere they will find stuff eventually you see that he's already paid for himself because we found oil right here and I honestly might just ride all of this profit for now not so much oil stuff than this one but we're gonna keep going just for now because if this is easy profit at this point I got all year to do it alright since we really look like we might be running low let's take a look around for more and there might be some right here what you think right well there's at least a little bit more we'll keep on doing with some pipes it costs 400 to do these things so that's worth it at this point it's just a rock what is this thing I guess is just a lightly colored rock who is curious long story short it's the end of November I'm gonna stop my exploratory pipes and just my know whatever's left of this one and I actually got most of the oil on that one so I'm pretty happy about that I didn't do anything with the gas cuz I just needed a bit of profit $9,000 those this guy's saying every purchases we can find their stuff I mean okay I think so alright let's work a little bit more also on our exploration astir moles yes please I'm all about those moles are all I need now let's find us some land but since we had a 37 and a 40 that's probably gonna be a good spot that's only gonna ask me well no we gotta open this person now $4,000 that's mine get out of here I love a fresh piece of land moles get in there I'm gonna do like three moles maybe to start and then one dozer those are good null but most can actually give you a depth if they do find something they're not guaranteed but like this one did find something and I know exactly where it is and how deep it is and I found a second one over here thanks to moles and a third one even right here and there's more right here so this is gonna be a really profitable one look at him you say hey look there's oil down below yeah I think I know that now I've got lots of really easy oil here there's three decent-sized ones and one unknown one here so even if I just mined piece I'm doing good and these all seem like pretty big ones so this is easy money I'm gonna keep a head on the horses I'm gonna let a few more moles go just to see what they can find if there's any more oil down there but I'm pretty happy as it is but forty hundred dollars well bowl away I've just realized too when I select them all I can actually pick kind of where it starts so if I want to see a particular tile or an area that's helpful and I've routed some of that gas over to this one that way hopefully we can boost the price of oil for a while we are starting to run low but we're into October now yeah look at the price go up we're almost $2 a barrel now easy money and now there were already into November we're going to start storing our oil and our thing and watch the prices go up for the past month which works out pretty good because we just emptied our silo we're still getting decent prices everywhere and we're gonna run out of oil I did pretty good on now when thanks to the moles and the leão is actually pretty nice for me $15,000 profit I'm still in last place but you know what I'm having fun and it really matters let's do faster drilling because that's the one kind of hiccup were having now do we want wider pipes more horses more pipes faster stuff yeah let's go for it it's time to ramp it up I know I said I wasn't going below $50,000 but I did it hopefully these idiots families and valuable ground somewhere it's not really looking overly promising there's well maybe take this one here we go unleash the moles just throw anywhere moles I don't even care right now how many we doing four five maybe then a dowser that we were for sure gonna find some oil right away but hopefully honest so far it's not looking crazy found some big man that guy found some they're so great we can finally get started is there drill really that much faster it's moving faster I don't know how much faster there we go is starting to get into the oil alright the oil is getting pumped we don't have huge deposits so I might need to Misha more moles to find some more this might just be a bad map for oil as it is although this is definitely some right here so let's forget a few more horses down to make sure that oil gets to where it's going oh I see so we have to worry about the upgraded drill we need to pay to get the upgrade to drill to work we need to set a few more moles loose on the world they don't seem to get super deep but might need deeper moles but for now we're still pumping oil so that's ok but I do need more but we're gonna have to send this one to rock and that's ok cuz that's worth it it's gonna hit a bigger old deposit down there and we're gonna make some money off it kind of accidentally went into a guest pocket and now we're Nikki oil everywhere so that's kind of fun and also pretty expensive I always closed around valve what I do that but like I've opened this one the oil flows oh that's gas - ok yeah she probably start paying attention to that we're good as soon as his left her service out of oil I'm gonna pump that gas into this driving up the price and we'll take what little oil we have left and put it in there actually maples dog pal for now now we don't really have enough time enough to do that and there we go let's close this well open this and is that sending the gas now gasps can you get in there I think that's the gas going into that should drive up the price yeah look at it go now we did go when you have a lot of oil descender right now because we didn't really find a lot cuz I don't think there's a lot down there to be fair there was a few more pockets but not really a lot of bigger good ones so I regret nothing there was a gold nugget did you see it $7,600 all right information is everything so I'm gonna send 20 thousand of my thirty thousand dollars making my moles a little bit better more stuff they reveal from me the more educated I can be oh if he connect your pipes to make my will increase the speed of oil flow I had no idea there was tips all of which I'm pretty sure are great but I don't need tips I'm clearly an expert I'm thinking this spot is next to a 44 into 30 a can't get out of here I'm not giving up this land hey get out of here mine yeah you take the neighboring lock I have five thousand dollars after my name these moles better get to work I need gold nuggets I need gas I need oil I need a whole bunch of things just get out there and we will give one more than a dozer alright we got some pretty close to the surface oil pretty happy about that we'll get a horse one of two horses on the job wait away the dough just kind of always finding the oil now that the moles have already found I'm not sure if they're really useful anymore this deposit on the right might be a big one we do have a gas on the left so I'm gonna use it to jack up the price over here all right watch your magic happen we're all connected up way to let that go we let the oil all go that way as the price is gonna skyrocket up to probably $2 per barrel which is huge money for me over two dollars almost 250 so that's easy money and let's set some more moles go into oil because these old deposits aren't as big as I thought they were I was kind of assuming that this right here was all one but it was two and this one on the right probably isn't very big I did find another deposit here of oil and another gas deposit here so I'm gonna use that to raise the prices again we hit a rock of course we're gonna drill right through that because I don't have time for rocks and we're actually about to overflow oil so let's upgrade everything let the oil went that way and everyone's going that way right now then we just watch the money roll in we got an oil deposit here that's gonna be hard to get to probably seeing a dollar is $70 80 thats still pretty good considering oh let's be drilled into magma accidentally so we're getting lots of oil to the surface now but you guys are all connected to that which you'll probably connect to what I assume is oil here but I'm worried it's gas I guess we can put a mole on the job to actually check these things now let's see what happens he's going down and we got his oil perfect so we have lots of all going up through this middle one and I think we could probably run this out to the end I think we got enough oil going through this one the horses are capacity what does make easy money and those prices don't really want to play ball but you know what ninety cents that's gonna work it looks like with the amount of oil we had it would have been worth tapping some of these other ones into it just to get it to the surface even faster I thought when oil derrick has to make my would cover it but in hindsight this was a poor choice and there was that much oil left not bad overall and a diamond thing look at that not one spillage fee though there's our earnings graph no money earnings yeah there we go see we're getting good at this not a lot of prime real estate left but I'm gonna go for this one right here beside the 37 bit of a gamble but you know what I plan on mining every ounce of oil out of that ground anyways no matter what alright moles work your magic find me big deposits of oil criticals to the surface they're not really good listeners I think there's probably some yeah okay there's some here so we're gonna put one down here and also over by idiot in just a moment I do kind of want to confirm where exactly this oil is so I'm gonna put him over there and hopefully he finds where he's at with that perfect I knew I could do something right eventually and we found another one down here and over here perfect we can get three Derrick's going pumping lots of oil even with everything flowing along nicely I'm gonna send it a few more moles to either find some gas or hopefully more oil I did find some gas on this side which I am gonna pump to this surface and that's gonna drive the price up on this side cuz I want all that money and I'm gonna do the same thing over here I think is to build an all-new tower just to boost the price and there goes the price it's fighting to combat whatever I'm doing but that's okay that was it boosted the price made me some money I'm fine with that I'm gonna do the same thing on this side all the oil is going in there we're gonna take it out of heavy where we can and it's up to two dollars we got lots of gas that price might go really high oh there's gonna be a big profit I'm liking this great deal we're up to almost $3 per barrel well we hit it yep there we go $3 per barrel there's lots more where that came from but this one's gonna turn into an oil one again now because it's more oil right here well we're at it we're gonna figure out exactly what this one is cuz that could be gas or oil and I can keep reformatting nice as I need to I can use guess when I have to that's oil so that's all right you kind of need to find more oil for this one so I'm gonna put another mole down somewhere in this area there's got to be another bit of oil out there somewhere I'm gonna keep exploring till we find it these lazy moles definitely make the surface area better we did find some magma here on my trowel and - that's so low we should drill those that would cost me nine hundred nineteen dollars just to pump oil a little bit quicker I don't want to do that there was some here that's a little closer for $300 we'll just run that out to the end oh my reserves are fall I should start paying attention alright guys start sending an oil somewhere or where you're gonna start spilling it like a lot oh and there was another big reserve of oil right here well we'll just have to tie him with that one cuz we don't have time I think was this was my best map for oil so far like looking at all of this one still pumping from the beginning this one's a huge deposit and this one's still going else I'm gonna push it into the Meg my so it gets that heat pressure there we go super oil to the surface all right we're gonna put more horses and wagons on the job for only $150 each cuz I got some oil I got to get rid of fast alright I didn't get rid of all the oil but I did get rid of most of it yeah those are some really big deposits that was definitely the best one so far don't miss a diamond but $22,000 profits so we're actually getting it right finally and it wasn't in last place for once we finally figured it out professional oil drillers
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 277,604
Rating: 4.9272532 out of 5
Keywords: df, dangerously, funny, dangerouslyfunny, dangerously funny, turmoil, turmoil gameplay, turmoil the heat is on
Id: anPbOxZJ6Nk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 38sec (1178 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 12 2020
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