I Mined 21,781,902 Pickaxes While Looking For Rare Materials in PickCrafter

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today we're collecting dirt i don't really know why we're collecting dirt but we're gonna go with it probably because once we get enough dirt we can upgrade to cloth boots for an extra 0.5 pps so now that we have an extra half a pee pee we're going to continue mining because i assume every time i take a bite of dirt now it's going to give me a little bit more or maybe it automatically mines i'm not really sure yeah it seems to be mining all by itself but i can also click to make it a little bit quicker and in traditional fashion the more we mind the more we can upgrade which means the more we can mine find blocks abilities pickaxes and more in chests oh we found one already six wood that'll compliment my peepees nicely plus some pumpkins and clay and a drill a drill sounds something that would be handy in the world where pickaxes are the ruler one of two dig through blocks dealing sustained damage for a period of time we're going to go ahead and equip that and now we're drilling and pickaxing at the same time all in search of more pee-pees large gold chest large diamond chest large mythical quest we just need 800 balls of pink salt and we can unlock a new area we're gonna do that right away because that's probably gonna have the best stuff for us don't need to buy anything at least not yet all we need is another 60 dirts apparently i found a boss fight good luck finding me i literally just did okay that makes more sense it was the red one wasn't he gonna hit the red one and he's dead that was as easy as it looks hopefully i get rewarded very well with pumpkins uh i think i got his soul which probably isn't worth a lot but i'll take it look at all the pickaxes we can go through there's so many we have just the basic one oh i can't wait till we get all the way up there rip tide for now i'm just going to auto click my way up to 200 dirt then we're going to buy the desert right away because i don't want to be here anymore i always assume the new areas have better stuff and i can actually buy some materials if i give up the pickaxes i have 537 picks currently so if i want to buy one of these i can buy one for 10 picks okay we get a reward for doing that click to open i love treasure clay pumpkin and wood oh also sand cactus well now it's a party now where was i unlocking a new area desert coming on up now or at least get different background material and i'm just going to mine like this then we're going to upgrade some stuff we've unlocked critical strikes chance and tap or swing to critical strike cause more damage in generating more picks yes not even sure what i have for material right now but i'm gonna buy the paper because that's 20 pps a second and that started my picks moving a long ways up and at this rate we're going to be able to afford new things very quickly we're already at almost 2 000 pics i've noticed in the desert here though we don't get a lot of dirt or wood and those might be two things that i kind of need at least for the early upgrades and then again we can buy things for what looks like sand like a headscarf or a water canteen so we're gonna save up for those and we can also craft useful blocks with the excess blocks in the furnace yes we're gonna turn this into that as it is level myself up by using my picks because the more picks i have the more i can level up the number goes up as the pickaxe mines so once that hits 100 we can level up again and then spend some of those skill points on whatever we want like increased chance of critical strike times three and then one point to increase pickaxe damage by five percent and then one point into increased damage of critical strikes now we'll be mining quicker than ever and i think we can actually buy a clay pickaxe which might be better than ours i think it's at least gonna look different than the one we had and that's a big enough change for me speed wise i can't really tell but i'm just gonna let it do its thing for a while then i'm also gonna activate the drill at the same time and we're gonna make a giant mess but look how many picks we have there's 15 000 already and then we can unlock the cactus pickaxe just like that so they should transform into what's hopefully a better one i will say that it looks better and thanks for our 26 000 and growing picks we can level up a few more times so let's increase the number of block types dropped in chests and probably just increase our luck i think luck could be good for basically anything and then we managed to mine 50 what i assume is glass so we're going to buy that and then water canteen because of all that sand and the cactus and now we're at 255 pps and then while i'm at it i'm just going to buy some of the other things because i really had might as well it's all going to add up to more value for me i'm also going to go back to the planes for a bit because i feel like i'm going to need lots of dirt and we're mining lots of it i think we're getting 105 per chunk and i'm just going to do this until we're up to 100 000 picks and we're going to spend that value and move to the tundra and that really didn't take long at all so let's level up a few more times and then we're probably going to increase our pickaxe damage again because i want to be able to break stuff faster so let's do two more levels to increase pickaxe damage and then probably one more to luck and now we have enough pumpkins to buy pumpkin spice for an extra 70 pps and i guess i'll just spend some of the wood because well what else am i gonna do those are gonna add a little bit of peepees whatever the case went up to 382 pps and it won't take long to build our way back up to 100 000 picks again so we're going to do 150 000 and counting and before we can unlock the tundra we need to spend more mine more sand again from the desert so we'll be back in a sec then if i activate my two abilities we're mining quicker than we have yet well there's the 200 whatevers i needed but we might keep going just a little bit because if we get enough glass we can get a glass pickaxe alright we definitely do not have enough for the glass pickaxe which is what i was hoping for so we're gonna sit here until we do have enough you know what we're gonna settle for the standstone pickaxe because it looks like it does more damage in the glass pickaxe anyways it kind of blends in but i'm sure it does more damage to mine quicker than ever before alright i actually needed all those blocks to go to the tundra we did this break the 1 million pixmark but i have a feeling by the end of today we're gonna have a lot more than that before moving on we need to upgrade our levels a few times there's another three hole levels so let's increase critical damage twice and then we're gonna increase our luck one more time then find out what this is increase the duration of pixar's power can't afford that anyway so food for thought now we can go to the tundra which is nice and icy but i'm also gonna buy the head scarf for an extra 450 pics per second and then the clay sword for 75 you get the drill i'm just going to keep clicking these so i get more per second 455 pps oh these look like sapphires i should probably be minding these more well we're getting a lot of new materials so we're just going to let them go we get a free chest won't we mind another thousand vlogs so that won't take long at all because there's a hundred already so let's open this one right now to take its spoils which didn't have much there's a bit of glass and a strength potion but i can also spend some of my eyes to add a ice helmet ice chest plate etc so that's gonna give me more pps per second but the real magic comes from me physically clicking which means i'm probably gonna want these sapphire pickaxe over all of them for 200 sapphires because that seems to be the strongest it only took me gathering 2.1 million picks but we have enough sapphires for the sapphire pickaxe so we're gonna buy one of those while clicking on the creep but look at this bad boy but it mine's very quick yeah that seems to be going pretty quick we're making tons what now we got a little boost so we're making 2500 pps a second but the pickaxe is a big improvement so once this little boost is done uh we're gonna upgrade some of our other gear we always look for the ones with the biggest gains so for one thousand icebox we get an extra 230x per second that basically adds fifty percent of what we were doing before that's going to be a big improvement this is going to be a big improvement so is this one so we're up to 1045 pps can probably afford a few levels up at this point there's two more i'm not really sure what companions are but this increases our chance to find companions so we're gonna take a few of those and let's unlock the cave while we're at it we're mining about ten thousand picks every two seconds maybe a little over two seconds we need to get that up to under one second but i'm pretty sure i'm starting to mine some diamonds we're definitely getting some gold and looks like obsidian emeralds but also diamonds that makes me wonder what the diamond pickaxe is like the ruby pekkax is definitely very strong at 15 attack power the diamond is good for 12 damage the emerald for 13. so we'll see which one of those we unlock first we're already at 6 out of 100 for the emeralds the layers on these levels are also much stronger sometimes it takes me a few seconds just to get through a single layer and there's 100 emeralds so let's upgrade our pickaxe to the emerald that's gonna give a big boost of damage plus it just looks better so let's see how much faster it works yeah it's tearing through those levels these usually take sometimes up to two seconds each to tear through this one goes quick and if we get a little boost at the same time that puts us up to 5 582 pickaxes per second so also we should probably upgrade some of our gear because we mined a lot of new materials some of which should be worth some pretty good upgrades like the sharpening stone for 200 pics per second the lantern for 260 plus the iron gear for 200. everything else is lesser but maybe still worth it i don't really know diamond boots who doesn't like diamond stuff if we get full diamond gear while we're at it is that worth it probably not realistically whatever the case we're now up to 2350 pps naturally and 11.5 million picks so we can level up a few more times for sure so let's upgrade companion chance one more time we just need a few chests to actually activate that so maybe increased chance to fight mobs i assume they drop me good stuff so that can only help now to unlock the nether we're gonna need 400 what i assume is obsidian so i'm going to be mining a little while longer but at least we're doing it at a faster rate now we're getting 939 per click time really flies when you have an emerald pickaxe we're up to 400 obsidians and almost 15 million picks in total before moving on to a new level let's level up a few more times to see what else we can get increase the duration of pickaxe power i think that means the hyper boost it gives me like a five times boost to my picks per second then let's unlock the nether before spending all the resources we need to unlock the nether and then we can upgrade our gear this stuff is expensive that's 350 uh redstone for 400 pps though that's actually pretty good and that's 300 pp so both of those were up to 3000 pps i don't know what materials are here but it would be cool to get a ruby pickaxe or better which maybe makes me think i'm overlooking some of the details of this game but we'll just keep doing what we're doing for now because it seems to be working so far collecting rubies is taking a little while we do have enough for glowstone pickaxe which is a little bit better so we're gonna go for that just to speed up the process to get the ruby pickaxe plus a new visual never hurts as much fun as it is staring at uh swinging pickaxe all day well it's really just not and when i get my bonus we're up to 15 000 pickaxes per second you know what while we're at it let's upgrade some of our gear because if i get this number up a little higher we'll get to where we're going a lot quicker so maybe i'll just start with the clay axe and hopefully we can work our way through to nevermind well we'll buy what we can i'm not spending any rubies but i will spend emeralds maybe i should go back and mine some of that stuff at super speed there is a sapphire amulet for 400 pps and extra gold bars maybe we worth going back to mind some of that basic stuff plus we just get to see how much more powerful we are now as we blink through the levels because i'm way overpowered for money and stuff already we can afford a sandstone sword and then an ice sword because we have lots of that stone so we're done an iron sword oh we're working our way up actually pretty quickly now this was actually a good idea on my part one of the few i've ever had now hopefully we have enough leftovers to upgrade the sandstone axe we're gonna need more ice for the ice axe anything else we can buy yet nope i think we're going back one more level you can kind of hardly even see what kind of level it is what kind of ground it is because it just blinks away so it shouldn't take as long to upgrade our wooden shovel and clay hoe there's our shovel and now we just need lots of clay and i just realized the furnace i can combine other things to make more valuable things i'm probably not going to mess with that too much yet because i feel pretty confident in my mining abilities but when things start getting slow we're going to start furnacing upgraded my shovel so now we just need a little bit more for that clay hoe there's the clay ho there's the cactus hoe back to the sandstone i guess there's just so many things to upgrade and so little time but there's a clay pot which might have disappeared altogether anyways we need to go to the next area to mine sandstone luckily it's pretty quick to mine so this won't take more than a minute but we got enough for the sandstone hoe and almost enough of the sandstone shovel which means we're back to mining ice which is exactly the kind of thing it sounds like i would be doing with my time 20 million pics later let's get some ice upgrades i sculpture for an extra 150 ice axe for that ice hoe i shovel wow i'm surprised we were able to afford all of those hopefully the stone stuff is all the same and then the not quite the iron the gold though okay do we get iron here at least it appears we don't well at least we get a new backdrop and we're up to 4278 picks per second mobs drop more blocks i haven't seen a mob maybe i have and i'm doing this wrong whatever the case i feel i'll get more use out of upgrading my pickaxe fuel another 20 million pics later we can get our iron shovel our gold hoe and our diamond axe then we're back to mining golden diamonds again because of course we are but at least these are starting to add up my bonus at this point gets me 22 505 picks per second which is pretty considerable amount we're back over 20 million already i could afford to buy a bunch of other pickaxes if i want to i'm just not really sure if there's a point i'm not really sure what these symbols on this side actually mean i guess the ruby pickaxe is a slight improvement so let's give that one a try that looks pretty good and it's probably moderately faster mining through this stuff and that's going to be a big help to me because things are getting a little bit slow at least until i do this we're at least mining some blocks now we're also going to give ourselves a ruby chest plate just because we want to be fancy and another level up means i can get a better one of these longer pickaxe fuel maybe we should try and summon the next boss spend 10 runic uh i think we have 60 of those so let's give that a try and see how this goes that work oh we got to mine 100 blocks then we get the boss but i'm hoping the boss shows up and then unlocks something very good a few more blocks to go there we go summon boss is it the same as last time guacamole bowl the mole this idiot again all right well i'm just gonna use my auto clicker once again and all i gotta do is mess over them when they die in a clicker game i know right it's very surprising i actually missed one i don't want to talk about that one i didn't actually think this was going to be at all anything of a challenge so they rewarded me i kind of auto clicked through that but i assumed there was some good stuff in there probably and then it's only three hours till the next boss or is it 85 more blocks to go we're gonna fight the boss because i want to see what they actually give you as a reward this is a new one i assume it involves lots of clicking oh do i have to follow that thing around oh i see i like send it back at him and then i smack his booty like any good boss all right well let's do that again here you can have that back you're probably not going to click me considering i'm kicking like a thousand times a second oh right okay good yep my weak spot maybe you should have you know not covered that with a band-aid now we got netherright brick uh riptides tied mud nether quartz another brick for sure is good those bricks are what i need to unlock the mesa and i can actually make those out of uh netherrack or whatever it's called we can make 25 of those so we're going to smell 25 of those while i'm mining away i guess in theory this is the quickest way to be mining because i'm mining lots of netherrack and stuff right now and it's going to turn into another bars didn't get anywhere close to done my furnace melting before unlocking the mesa so we're going to do that right away because i need new stuff and new scenery i'm sure there's lots of good stuff here for upgrades there's even blocks that fly across the screen sometimes that i need to click on pretty sure there's going to give me a hearty bonus when they do show up and i do manage to hit them but most importantly what kind of pickaxes are we after here probably the topaz for 100 topazes will put my damage up to 18 and i think i'm at 15 now also i should have checked back on this after the boss because i can buy the cursed amulet another star and then this crimson stuff also now so i'm up to 5500 pps 5500 so now i just let this game run at 5 500 pps for the next four days until i record another video and then we'll be rich
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 831,003
Rating: 4.9187164 out of 5
Id: qKL8HSi8bwQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 21sec (921 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 08 2021
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