I Combined Rare Gems And Ore To Make Millions in Super Motherload

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apparently i missed a nuclear bomb all the way at the bottom so you can guess where we're going today but because i have already hit the bottom guess what i can do teleport myself all the way back to the beginning as many times as i want so no more traveling all the way back up and wasting time we can just mine as much as we want plus we're going to take advantage of some of those rarer auras today like if i've mined gold and then bronze right away i get bronzium which is worth far more than a combined total of both of those things individually and then it's the same thing with silver and then bronze that's going to get me bronzium which again is worth more than a combined other two which means my first little cargo hold all spat out i have 2 400 to burn so naturally we're gonna spend that on more cargo otherwise known as more profit i wish i had nukes already we'd be mining so much faster this is iron it's stupid because it's kind of hard to combine with anything to make it more valuable so i'm mostly going to ignore it and now my slightly larger cargo has brought me back up to 2 500 so we're just gonna go straight down deep because we know where the good stuff is and i would obviously be stupid not to considering i can teleport back to the top anyways but also now that we're finding platinum that's the one thing that iron does combine with we put iron together with platinum and we're supposed to get something that is not that i'm not really sure why it's not doing it but we can figure that out later luckily gold combined with bronze and silver very nicely and even by itself it's just pretty valuable almost five thousand dollars to spend let's get a better something like a drill bit four thousand dollars probably worth it i'm definitely gonna need a bigger car or go hold very quickly because i'm getting full way too fast but maybe also a better smelter that way and combine better things i just needed another four thousand dollars for that and if the stuff we're finding down this deep that shouldn't take very long at all so now if i take this platinum and combine it with this iron we get the rare earth magnet and that's actually worth quite a bit more than basic platinum which makes things like that area in there worth quite a bit so i'm going to see if my bigger bomb can actually get me in there at all and if it can't while it's at least fun to just blow stuff up but there we go we have access to all that platinum the trick is gonna kind of be finding enough iron to suit it and we're running low on fuel so i'm gonna do this as quick as possible so that load of stuff obviously is worth a lot more because there is ten thousand dollars this is gonna be way easier than ever before so one thing we're gonna take is a bigger cargo size and then also a slightly bigger fuel tank for twenty five hundred dollars because it's super annoying to have to come back to refuel things and then for now i'm just gonna keep mining iron and platinum as i find it but then also if there's no iron immediately available it's probably faster just to mine the platinum into a chain for now which gives you some extra money but not nearly as much as it would if i was combining them properly do you think my bombs gonna blow any of those things up well that's a sacrifice i'm willing to make there's easy money plus some of these new gems which we can't get yet but we can combine those into better stuff too so it's pretty clear that next we're gonna need a better drill and that was worth 11 000 so we can afford a better drill just kidding our drill bit is maxed out for now so we can't do anything about that but what we can do is increase our drill speed twice because as i demonstrate every single day of our lives i'm a very busy person and i don't have time to wait so that stuff's just gonna have to wait i will however take this gold and then also all of this gold but just to give myself a little bit of a better boost to start we're going to take a little bit of bronze first now he's going to mix with at least the first gold and then after that it's going to be a nice streak ending with an emerald as long as we don't get full by then and i think we're full what timing that put me back up to about ten thousand dollars so i'm hoping to be able to buy a better fuel tank because that seems to be the biggest limitation right now emeralds like that one over there combined with diamonds to make green diamonds didn't mean to blow one of them up but since i don't have any access to diamonds well just be thankful we're getting any emeralds at all right now here's a good little pocket because both of these are going to turn into earth magnets and my first t-bomb usually used for solving puzzles but in my case they're used for ruining puzzles i'm not really stupid i just don't think a lot for example i can't really remember how the t-bombs work that was an absolute waste and yet somehow i regret nothing at all definitely still running out of fuel long before i fill up my hole so i need a bigger fuel tank now that i'm back with the appropriately sized bombs we can um well whatever i'm going for the platinum then i don't really care anymore and we found a nice little pocket of gold here i will combine some of this with bronze to get at least a little more money out of it but after looking downwards i feel like we're gonna find more gold here anyway so it might be faster just to mine it anyways i don't think i can ever play a mining game again where i don't have teleporting like this this is such a luxury and makes things so much quicker and easier but also considering that only gave me 13 000 dollars i need to be combining my oars i get so much more money out of it and this thing is kind of in my way i know i should probably mine these but i'm not going to well one lava block blow me up just about but i'm also back to where all that gold is one thing has become very clear to me and i hit the space bar too much but the other thing that's become very clear is i'm gonna need more bombs just little ones for now but enough that i can kind of maneuver around very quickly to get all those valuables and i found the next layer down but not before running into a seam of platinum so we're definitely gonna combine that with some iron as long as there's some iron somewhere nearby to mine there's a little bit over there and at least now i don't have to go any deeper than this but look how much the rare earth magnets were 7 500 i think there was three of them that's 2500 every time i combine one platinum with one iron downwards we go i mostly want platinum i feel like i should avoid everything right now except for platinum i don't know if it's worth my time to mine anything else except maybe rubies but also if you mind one of these explodium along with another explodium you get a tnt while we're at it we're gonna mine these rubies they do combine only with diamonds and since i'm not seeing any diamonds nearby i'm just taking the movies oh look there's a diamond don't know if i can really get to that one with my current memes okay so on that one my cargo is not even half full we're gonna buy some gas but then we're gonna sell everything and look at that twenty six thousand dollars i do have a chance to mine a singular diamond right now so i'm gonna take this and find the right kind of gem to combine it with like an emerald because that's gonna combine into a green diamond and those are certainly valuable i was debating for a minute whether it was worth it to mine so particularly like this but i really think it is you just get so much more value out of you or if you do it the correct way because this platinum plus this iron probably makes it five times more valuable so instead of mining five of those i just have to do that once pretty curious as to whether well never mind okay so now this stuff is going to take us on 26 000 all the way up to 56 000. time for some big boy upgrades but mostly just a bigger fuel tank and while we're at it a better smelter because i can actually be combining some of these things into much better things next i'm going to break into here i can't mind that but i can take the emerald plus the emerald and then combine that last emerald with a diamond to make a green diamond next i want to get into there that load of somewhat good stuff is worth enough to bring me up to 52 000 which means i get an upgrade now that we're back here we blow up the bomb which is gonna get us that much closer this might blow up one of those emeralds if i blow it up from here maybe not okay there we go now we're gonna mine all three emeralds in a row because that's gonna give us the most money there and then as long as i mine a ruby before the diamond we're gonna get a red diamond and that's gotta be worth a few dollars kind of wish i'd noticed this other diamond down here before mining all that because i could have combined this with something too and that would have been valuable so now we're basically just gonna go gem hunting until we find what we want is this is this gonna work i don't remember how the t-bombs worked oh that's a teleporter anyway never mind we're going back to sell stuff god i'm good at this game anyways we're going to sell that stuff that should be worth a lot because look at that money check upwards 18 000 at the end i'm also realizing too that it's worth it to buy even just the basic bombs because they can get me into some weird little spots that they need to get me some oars worth far more than fifteen hundred dollars so we're gonna buy that many couple more alien bones those are some easy money and i think they don't fill up my cargo hold so that's maybe the biggest benefit of those just picked up a ruby that means if i spend a i didn't think that through at all i know that's surprising luckily i get a do-over oh i guess i gotta mine through these huh all right well we're gonna might do one of those built the other one never mind alternative plan to make a map for my stupidity we're gonna go like that then we're gonna get the diamond which gives me the red diamond which was hopefully worth that effort and there's another diamond below so i know i just need to find a partner for that and i think we've got one not only do we have one we're gonna have two if that lady would stop screeching in my ear this would be a much more enjoyable experience please die quietly ladies and gentlemen and then we got our very own emerald farm oh wait my i don't know what that beeping was warning me of low fuel but that's okay we can mine these then we're going back to the top this will be the most valuable uh little tour yet that one's gonna take us from 37 000 all the way up to 122 000 so really almost 100 000 just from that one little expedition which means we can afford more bombs and i bought a few upgrades to my radar uh i just realized in brackets it says team so i'm not really sure if that is something for multiplayer or not because i'm not on multiplayer but we're gonna get more drill speed which definitely does make a noticeable difference and i also need to remember that when i find explodium i need to combine that with gold because that actually gives me a phrase c4 and c4s are pretty expensive and also pretty useful and i made it down to the beta level i don't know how much this one's going to be worth maybe not a ton but it's got to be worth something because i did find a few gems along the way you're asking for help down below unfortunately they don't really know much about me because i'm not really the helping type what i want is a better drill but we've already maxed out most of our upgrades if i had two million dollars for a rock drill i would buy it but for now our drill bit is maxed out that's okay we'll continue forward without mining very tempting things like that over there and amazonite is actually very good at mixing with many things so i'm actually just gonna open this up for now because i'm pretty sure that if i use a t-bomb nothing's gonna happen so then if i use a c4 there we go now i can mine one amazonite and then mix it with an emerald or if i mix it with a ruby a firestone and then i think i'm probably probably just gonna mine this because i'm way too lazy to find a good partner for those this could be a good one also amazon 8 plus diamond equals blue diamond and i was about going for the record of emeralds there but we're gonna have to call it quits there because i'm full but i've got a feeling this will be worth a lot so from 95 000 and that's a lot of big numbers going up up to 250 so a little over 150 000 so i've upgraded my smelter and my cargo size and that smelter upgrade is important because now if i combine uh one of those with an emerald or ruby we're gonna get a new kind of bomb either a t-bomb or shaft bomb both of which are very useful and very expensive so if i could be mining them they're gonna be that much cheaper for me just because i don't have one yet let's make a shaft bomb which should be as easy as collecting that and thanks to this well-placed explosion we can grab this diamond plus this amazonite why didn't those combine okay well we're gonna combine that amazonia with this diamond end it doesn't really matter the order now does it blue diamond and now we're getting into something interesting if we combine electroneum with explodium i'm supposed to get an electron bomb but it didn't activate there oh i need a higher level smelter that's why i'm getting to that point now where rubies and emeralds are very common so i'm not actually gonna bother to pick them up unless they're very convenient for me every time we're coming back now we should be making more and more money i don't really remember what we started at but as you can see 40 40 000 dollars back up to 250 grand what i would really like to do right now is find my way into there will a shaft bomb hit that nope but that's okay because look at some of the stuff we're finding now there's a fire stone then i'm gonna combine these two idiots into a green diamond and then we're gonna do the same for all of the diamonds in the area because look at them all now we just need to find something to combine with the electroneum and i should have been paying more attention before i picked that up to how much fuel i have because i'm not really gonna have time to find any amazonium oh wait maybe we are this will be worth it gonna blow that up and then mine that then we get a lightning stone and with the next one we're simply gonna combine with a diamond and for this we're just gonna combine with that to make explodium there's so many gems down there that i'm having trouble which ones to even focus on but that's gonna take us from i don't know where we had to start 250 000 maybe all the way up to 474 so almost 250 000. i just spent 350 000 on a bigger cargo hold and just as i was running out of fuel i made it down to the next landing zone so we're gonna sell what little bit of stuff i have there for 250 000 and my cargo hold was not full at all we're making progress very quickly but now we need an electron bomb just to move forward even then it's going to be that combined with another type of bomb to move past that but i'm glad now i know how to make electron bombs because that's going to save me some money okay so now the problem is i've got to find some more of those little pieces before i'm able to drill any further down so i'm going to wonder i'm looking for those while also collecting a fortune in very valuable gems next i want to upgrade my smelter one more time that's gonna be at level five for now and that's basically so that if i mine exfolium plus that i get an electron bomb which will then help me melt uh wait that down there i should have stood right next to it to use that i now understand my mistake remember that thinking thing we mentioned earlier i'm not really doing it i just spent 90 thousand dollars on bombs wastefully but now i can use that to melt that and then i can use one of my big c4s uh from here there we go and now i can mine electroneum or lightning stone then electroneum again for whatever one i combine this with probably a bomb that way get another electron bomb back not really sure if this is going to be worth it but i'm going to try and get in there until i remember that i don't have any bombs big enough to get in there because i'm out of c4 luckily i do know where to make some of that all i need is explodium and gold and well there's lots of that lying around at which point i can just plow through that lava block and scoop up these guys both of which i'm just going to combine with bombs because there's no uh amazonite around anyway so this will give me the electron bombs which i'm 40 sure i'm not going to waste and before i run out of fuel on this one i'm just going to mine a bunch of bombs found another piece of the puzzle had to go a lot farther than i wanted to to find it though two left and another piece of the puzzle way off to the left look what else i found two amazonites and now i can get them both i'm just gonna combine these with rubies for now for firestones i know those are worth a lot of money found it it was almost all the way to the top i just never really tucked into this corner so now we can mind even deeper better stuff look at all the diamonds and amazonite plus all of this electroneum so if my mind is in the right order we can make a lot of money just off this one deposit okay so my half full cargo is going to take us from 270 000 way way up up to 610 so 300 and something thousand from a half full cargo and then i increase the size of my fuel tank for 500 000 because fuel still seems to be the one limiting factor and then i'm not really sure what these are beacons for one thousand dollars that's kind of a cool deposit i just don't have the proper bombs to get in there right now actually i lied i was just being stupid now i can get in there and we're gonna get that probably shouldn't mind that last note i think about it but hey whatever it's easy money at this point it's almost ridiculous trying to pick and choose like what i want to mine and what i don't want to mine whatever that is over there though i do want to try in mine so this time we're going from 126 000 to somewhere way higher considering how full my cargo hold is 126 000 all the way up to 650 so that was worth about half a million dollars all by itself which means we earned ourselves some more drill speed i should probably also upgrade my hull at some point because i'm drilling through a lot of magma but we'll get there when we get there i know i have so much amazonian at night i don't even know if it's worth it to be mining these or if i should just be going deeper but then considering i've got the lightning bolts right here we can make some lightning stones pretty easily and it definitely seems kind of weird but i'm not sure if it's even worth it to mine all these diamonds i guess the chain is pretty valuable by itself but even though it's only next to 5 000 that's not a huge amount anymore and this is definitely a nice little chunk because now we can mine things like amazon eight combine that into a firestone times two there's so much amazon night that it's actually starting to hurt my brain how much thinking i'm having to do to combine it properly with something else but since my cargo hold is full i bet we're gonna make a lot of money 360 000 up to 1 million 350 000 so just under a million dollars so i use that to upgrade my hull twice we still have almost a million dollars left over but now i can mine through more magma without issue so i'm pretty sure once i can mine that that that's gonna be a lot of fun for me all right i made it deep enough that they told me what it is and it's unobtainium so we're gonna mine do that and then we're gonna go through that and then remind one of these and then one of these i just realized i did that wrong but we did still get an obtainium which is worth a lot of money but not to worry i have a plan coming back to the surface with a half full cargo hold would you still get us a ton of money because i'm just combining all the right things in all the right ways this time we're going to do it the right way we take the unobtainium and combine it with explodium and i still need a better smelter to make that work so that means next time we've got a 1.4 million dollars head start to hit the bottom
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 378,427
Rating: 4.9505668 out of 5
Id: 6QMT12B6AYo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 28sec (988 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 02 2021
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