I Made That Awful Soap Hand

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we watching yes explain have you ever sat around and thought to yourself how can I make my house just a little more demonic I've literally made two videos like this now where I've watched something from five-minute crafts and it like it does this like thing to me where it goes into my brain and then it never leaves until I perform the act of catharsis of having it in my home for myself at first it was that hot glue hat and those hot glue flip-flops then it was that terrible jeans chair and now it is the soft caressing of a soap and well this suction cup to the wall that I can't get out of my head at first I was like maybe there's actually like a practical use for this like maybe it's Halloween and you made the soap like red and it's like creepy and scary then I realize that's ridiculous there is no practical use for this just like everything else on this channel I'm not gonna fight it I'm not gonna think about it because it like it hurts my brain but this soap aunt needs to be like exercise for my body because I can't stop thinking of that image of the person caressing this soap hint and I have a dog that really likes soap so Kermit do you remember when we made you a soap it they cut away from the fact that this in theory should be too heavy to be able to suction cup to the wall it looks like it's gonna fall off the wall but they cut away attention when she takes it out there it looks like [ __ ] part of the suction cup that she puts in the soap is like that big it's gonna break off or fall off is it not probably yeah okay it's falling right now what if you just stuck them to the bottom of your sink and then they were standing up I don't know I feel your first video it's a cursed video that's a curse video and what I'm making right now is a curse video maybe it's so that any like evil spirits they get attached to these cursed objects and they stay away from me you know what else is cursed that bald cap had it covered in eyelashes one yeah anyway so let's make some [ __ ] soap pins am i right you can't be in the self videos you owe me money this is not my first rodeo but is this it's so right like it's gonna clean my hands if I actually make a soap and out of it it has aloe vera and stuff that's nice you excited oh you owe me money I already told you you can't be his video you owe me money I have never failed the rubber glove with soap before and it doesn't really give you any specific measurements of how to fill your glove with soap so I guess we'll just start cutting away does this look like enough soap to fill one glove so we got soap coloring shall we make it blue like in the five-minute crafts a demonic possessed video I think these are the suction cups that we got because these are how suction cups are sold tell me you DIF I leave this hookin that that is enough space for the soap to be ripped absolutely not I'm sick of them profiting off of my stupidity and curiosity it's taking you for a ride it's really manipulative I'm a victim Trina this is cool am I allowed to keep these like can I put on the shower and wash my feet with them well if we just like put them in the guest room for when our guests come over and there's just hands sticking out of the bathtub like I think that's fun well that's a good way to go from happy guess there's hair in it look at probably your hair you know what why are you assuming it's my hair I'm gonna microwave this I'm gonna try and see if we can do this because this I feel like was something that was also glazed over I got a very large mason jar I try and suspend the glove you know what that's gonna work oh don't don't laugh at me I need support during this curse demonic video oh it's ripped look at I ripped it like there's a weird amount of air happening okay so far this is the only 5-minute craft that's actually taken anywhere near five minutes I thought this was food coloring that they're using in their video and I was like well then aren't your hands just gonna be blue it's on its self coloring it's a nice sterile blue color here we go is it time this is horrible look at that what is happening I don't keep pouring no I can't oh it's like full yeah that's like the air in here is trapped and so we can't do it what do we do this is a lot so far this is a lie getting the thumb or else I'm gonna be severely disappointed see you and even to make more self stop don't laugh at my women crafts hey so we're supposed to leave it like that and then put the suction cup on it so you're gonna have to hold that I need to make more soap cuz it's not full enough I just want to shake hands of soap is that so much to ask the demon filler 5000 that's hot I'm not holding that for you like what if you just tape it here I mean five minute crafts is such old [ __ ] you've already had to make a modification in order just to make our demon so pants look at this baby ingenuity I'm scared Oh what's happening oh my god wait be careful be really careful with this oh oh oh oh [Music] Julie oh my god oh my god I feel like this soap was a little too hot and this is what happens it looks good to me Julianne should we put the suction cup in no we have to wait until this abomination dries to try it again because I'm not moving that that's hot soap thank you five-minute cracks it's probably this one should fit this is not like a five-minute craft first of all second of all working with hot soap and pouring it into things it's definitely not just like a chill thing like safety measure babies Joe Schobert your invention actually did help how did it not break through gloves already well I guess we're gonna let this cool and then I do want to try again to actually make a hand can we do that oh this looks nothing like a hand and we also dropped a rogue suction cup onto the inside of it I don't know how long we have to wait so we'll just stare at it oh my god 30 seconds because we literally you know we just cut the camera to wait for this to harden and it just exploded we need to save here and mention cuz that's actually helpful and I'm gonna pour this soap into there's sashan cup I'm a little upset because I was looking forward to having that the [ __ ] up and over reason yeah hell yeah thermometer more like 3rd daddy Tudor it'll lead you wanna try it again show you another glove ready yeah I'm gonna stick this sucker right I mean it really doesn't matter if there's chunks of soap in it because after all it's a [ __ ] soap and that is a good point is the food coloring poisonous Juliet I put it in there for 30 seconds I'm just hoping it doesn't melt the glove again I'm scared of this soap it I think the problem is that this is just not meant to happen I don't know we'll find out all right as this cools we can add one of these stupid things oh yes let's go this is definitely better than our first attempts but this officially makes it nowhere near five-minute crafts am i right ladies what's dope dude Ready Set soap int how are we gonna be able to tell when it's dry I think we just wait and then hopefully you will get to meet it the worst thing ever are you sure because I don't want to arrest it I'm gonna be so clean do you think if you use it enough it wouldn't have fingers anymore it would just be like a soapy nub all right so we're gonna wait and let this cool and try not to mess up hand looks awful though whatever it'll add to his charm the fingers are nice and far apart so you never get in there it's like still warm and mushy but I wanted to get it out of the jar before we couldn't get it out of the dark so we just have a creepy hand in average three think smells good sick so it's only been five minutes I'm kidding it's been like three or four oh it got dark this should be solid enough to cut it out of this terrifying demon bolster well so the video had them like cut it with a knife look at the end that ain't even right I don't want to cut this beautiful hand I want to take the glove off I don't want to break the finger though don't wish bad things on me look at that oh my oi wait I can't suction it a because there's soap right here but also be like there's soap behind the suction cup so as I can be able to function so I think I'm gonna have to cut some of this soap off this is a cursed object this is so cursed that's not gonna suction and it's crooked as hell what the hell is this is not gonna support that that's what I'm saying no sir dear God it's me Jenna just getting bamboozled by five minute Krabs yet again they lied how did they shoot that shot with it sticking out on the side like that they straight up live live for our craft five minute lie they lied to me this is a sham this is a lie you still haven't been facing up with gravity right that's what I want can I go to the sink so I can correct this finally look at so clearly even if I were to stick that there like there's it would break off no matter what this is heavy that's heavy right as heavy as [ __ ] like the suction cup would have to go all the way through the middle of the hand it does stand give me a stand give us a hand stand all right there we go I'm excited I wanna see what it feels like I want to caress it just like they did in that video oh it's so wrong it's so wrong there's not the worst thing in the whole world I don't know I kind of love it so weird do you like it I've never felt anything like that it's bizarre I want it to be like that so I can shake hands with it but I can't like they totally screwed that thing into the wall and lied to us and posted it we don't put it in like a bathroom we see how it looks okay so out of all the cursed objects that I've made how cursed is this No so what do you think I should put it like up here yeah like next to this oh yeah I'm not joking I'm I'm full-on leaving this in here I think it looks nice what here you're hanging out our house and then you're like oh where's your bathroom we're like oh it's right there and you're like okay cool so you come over here and you just I think it looks nice Julian does it not I think it definitely unsettles me you know what's that looks like a cactus it's beautiful art okay when you use a bathroom with a soap and in it you're like wow these people are really out you live it or they call the cops I don't know I feel like it's a piece of modern so part I feel similar to how I feel about the about the jeans chair do you remember how after I finished the jeans chair I was like you know what the worst thing about it is is that it's actually kind of comfortable and I was mad so this is the effect of five-minute crafts is the whole time you're making it it's miserable and you hate and it's over and you're like I hate that I like it and I wanted to desperately make fun of the fact that this took four hours to make but like I'm not moving it you don't like myself is it cursed you don't like my soul why not look bud what do you think it doesn't smell in the flank Irish Spring and that's interested thank you very much okay all right I don't think it looks tasteful I kind of hate that you're a little bit right with that because it does look like a piece of art it's a conversation starter what's that creepy hand doing in your bathroom and you're like it's soap I've made worse things have a not oh yes I have this is pretty much the worst thing you ever made it's looking at it so today's the day that I was born do you like it or what I like it you like it why do I like it I really shouldn't enjoy this but I really like it name is work so that's squirt squirt squirt thank you for joining us how do you spell squirt sk q RP sk q RP square and for sure that's what you don't want like squirt my mom do you think do you like it you don't like it huh we can only tell by putting the curse item in front of a pure being to tell if it's truly cursed or not does this cursed is that cursed it's very funny don't eat that thank you does that curse no as cars all in all this is a four hour project that is relatively dangerous because you're pouring hot soap into a rubber glove just like that stupid awful jeans chair I don't hate this I don't I'm sorry I want to with every fiber of my being that's the curse of it that's why it's cursed it's evil I just wish that I had one that was shaped like a foot though so that I could put it on the floor in my shower and wash my feet on it with a foot that's [ __ ] you five minute crafts yet again [ __ ] you make sure you subscribe to my channel I'll put out new videos every Wednesday / Thursday what is so close to sport right you almost broke on his corpse fingers off stop it oh just chuck the whole thing in the toilet [Music] welcome to your new life's work it may develop reciting the exorcism I listen what are you really clean I think I think I think that's okay all right I'll see you guys next week goodbye
Channel: JennaMarbles
Views: 7,323,896
Rating: 4.9692922 out of 5
Keywords: jenna, marbles, mourey, girlfriend, boyfriend, kermit, mr marbles, soap, hand, five, minute, crafts, 5 minute crafts, Jenna crafts, Jenna soap, kermit soap, diy soap, soap hand craft, Jenna soap hand
Id: Fo3HwJNgi9M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 41sec (1001 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 05 2020
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