Giving My Boyfriend Acrylic Nails

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JULIEN-UH. Everytime. Every single time. They are probably the most adorable couple on youtube <3

👍︎︎ 68 👤︎︎ u/purpleoreo28 📅︎︎ May 18 2017 🗫︎ replies

This video had me in hysterics, her videos (especially the beauty-centric ones) have been so hilarious lately.

👍︎︎ 131 👤︎︎ u/karenhardstark 📅︎︎ May 18 2017 🗫︎ replies

Also crying because marbles is getting so old

👍︎︎ 173 👤︎︎ u/pinkyellow 📅︎︎ May 18 2017 🗫︎ replies

I'm so happy about subscribing to Jenna after a break. I used to love her videos when she first started and then just sort of fell away from them. But they've all been so fire lately. I love their relationship too, they're so weird and sweet with each other.

👍︎︎ 118 👤︎︎ u/doewoes 📅︎︎ May 18 2017 🗫︎ replies

The sass level escalates so much with the nails ... I love them together

👍︎︎ 47 👤︎︎ u/btslovenotes 📅︎︎ May 18 2017 🗫︎ replies

Damn, this had me rolling!

Real talk, Cermit looked so stiff and scared of those nails lol:)

👍︎︎ 35 👤︎︎ u/Codename_Unicorn 📅︎︎ May 18 2017 🗫︎ replies

I'm obsessed with Jenna in general but her videos about makeup and beauty have got to be the best and Julien is so awesome about it. They're hilarious in this video especially, I was dying(:

👍︎︎ 57 👤︎︎ u/diannaforlife 📅︎︎ May 18 2017 🗫︎ replies

I was DYING when he used his nails to stab the banana

👍︎︎ 28 👤︎︎ u/cakeface78 📅︎︎ May 19 2017 🗫︎ replies

I honestly love how much they laugh together, it's so pure

👍︎︎ 46 👤︎︎ u/tokillamockingjay 📅︎︎ May 18 2017 🗫︎ replies
why are you making that face what can you just tell me how would you feel about letting me give you a beautiful set of acrylic nails are you kidding me on my hands I mean they don't come off well we can soak them off can I have a guarantee I can guarantee evil I'm pretty sure you won't have them but ever since I did a car like nails and toenails people just want me to give them to you so so much okay fine yay i scaled wonder Stan how excited are you I'm this the lens retracting back into the camera excited welcome back to another episode of I'm bored and Julien's an incredibly good sport I thought the most acrylic videos I ever was gonna make is to like I did my fingers and my toes and that was it but you know what people keep asking me to do your nails which I'd like is why why do you keep asking you should have stopped it - I'm gonna get a foot massage at the end no they're gonna like massage at the end no they're get a button massage at the end why am I here when is it being a good sport kind of start benefiting you can trail your inner Kylie Jenner alright now I'm excited that's all you had to say no kit this may be a problem because you got a big old thing in noodles how am I gonna get that hold on how in the [ __ ] am I gonna get this look it I have to flatten it all the way let's put it like have it perch no no no no no we don't what do you mean what what are you doing explaining the process I don't even know what's happening I'm gluing a tip on to your finger you've seen me do these videos you know how this works yeah but when you make me watch you do your nails I just I channel in like a blackout mode you're gonna have to use the thumbnail on all my nails I know I really am though dude why is it on there dude that tell me like it he talked when does the foot massage happen boy there is no button time there was talk of a foot massage no there is no okay extra focus no your hands looked so relaxed right now like look like Peter Griffin stop you have to be careful with them because that glue will come on down what they just scratched my nail with my nail enough under your breath comments about how [ __ ] thing like the fingers are very very very busy I don't see anyone and took me five hours of answer oh oh you have an adjoining cuts wait so I don't know this is a good idea it's a good - - that it looks like you need stitches I just think dripping blood vessel on well you can't give us a lot of an open wound like this in ER step one is done the ogre nails are covered that was the easy time you see two thumbs up what what is like being normal I know what you want from me so much dude right away so I'm going to put some priming liquid on here I swear to God every year I get older more of those sounds come on why what the [ __ ] dude oh that's your skin look feel baby good I feel like wait are you serious this is [ __ ] I tell you to soak you in acetone my whole body yeah your whole body there's plenty of boys that have acrylic now so you're in good company worst-case scenario I can't get these off but that is that is absolutely a worst-case scenario so you can't even make a fist no don't stroke me everything I do I'm afraid I'm gonna break my nail I mean I'm not even joking me this looks beautiful like you have these ten hands like pink nail beds like you look you does looks like you put a popsicle sticks on a sausage it looks like my fingers that chef hats off and I just want to play with it looks so fun to play with why are you think I like doing [Laughter] it like it really looks good though honey I know like you're really pulling it off don't do that oh my god I just did your nails for you do you mind up close oh my god what serving fierce vibes I'm like the Ultimate Universe James Charles who sucks at makeup like the glasses in the Hat in the nails though like I am serving James Charles vibes like the type that isn't talented like that is you know me do things yeah I'm capable queen give me something harder once you've got the dogs no no pedo would you pat him with your nails or your hand I feel like my hands are the claw machine at the arcade that's not how you pet her come in does it feel good no can't you enjoy this you would type with the nails well how the [ __ ] what else dude how else do do you ah this is the best video time just regrets I really know Julian there's no way I'm gonna be able to do this all right their herds doesn't know that's cheesy no you're doing the wrong side you'll kill them an enhancer on the side are you kidding me no bananas like this how long we've been dating you've never seen me pillow man peel it from this side Oh Queen it's gone just wanted you to peel it you gave me these tools I can do with them as I please no have to pick it up good seeing a family guy but he's trying to move the dead cat [ __ ] I can't put any pressure on them [Music] you think maybe you start with your flower tips wow it's so dramatic to her oh it is little snort getting banana all over his chest I'm gonna type in a really special number yeah oh I can't even unlock my phone no you can eat yourself over here come here okay no this banana in there Julian I hope I can get them off but I don't know I'm serious I know I can get the tips off I don't know about all the acrylic they tell me we're doing it for you I'm just filing it a little bit so that the acetone gets in there real good and so how does it feel I feel like I'd have me what is wrong with you that hurts so bad stop Hey oh yes a lot of money what do you got oh there's a price you're not robbing me okay no you know what you're doing it with banana oh it's gonna be acetone flavored banana flavored acetone you like legitimately scared this one I like that I'd try to eat the banana honey your nails you know he's such he's such a son always eating everything he could like what sort of sex I'm starting to really put things as cheeks - he's so upset he's say so how long do we keep these on for 5-10 minutes that's a big drop I mean that's two of one look at this bloodbath you're gonna have someone here are you cool with that 100% not you Julian did it oh hell yeah I believe so we're actually broken up now it was nasty guys live footage of our breakup pretty livestream here we go thank God easy with the cutes that sensitive cutes if this isn't peel porn I don't know what is oh god damn it no well Julian was it worth it it was actually kind of interesting to feel how that was though it sucks yeah I don't know why I honestly don't know why anyone can do that do you want this on now that they're gone though I kind of miss them yeah yeah I feel like a little part of you actually really liked um once you have them on gets you a little in the mood not like sex stuff you're like in the mood pretty pretty nails I love you so much but I love you more if you had a curls all isn't no you wouldn't because I wouldn't do a single dish I would do anything around the house see everything we're just piling yeah it's a good quality time together right and we just we ruined the table I know but there's no bonding like ruining a table together don't be sick I think she's got quite a view is a slash through say Julian thank you oh my god this is not for your skin this is like a hundred grit so tomorrow do you want to go to the nail salon and I both get really good yeah you are doing it like 1:00 a.m. tomorrow a better one right see you guys next week five take about you guys
Channel: JennaMarbles
Views: 14,240,942
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jenna, marbles, mourey, giving, my boyfriend, boyfriend, julien, solomita, acrylic, nails, fake, false, long, how to, tutorial, toe, toes, toenail, funny, application, banana, ad, hamster, dogs, kermit, peach, diy, home, set, design, french, manicure, tips, funniest, best, hilarious, awesome, vlog, table, rachet, ratchet, salon, jennas, boutique, fashion, cute, cutest, blue, lipstick
Id: p42rWr6D4Xc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 26sec (746 seconds)
Published: Thu May 18 2017
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