Get Ready With Me To Go Nowhere

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welcome to get ready with me to go absolutely nowhere cute thank you let's talk about the mass I never make videos like this because I don't know I feel like no one wants to watch them because who cares because I'm not a beauty guru but I am in the beautiful people club whether they want me or not this feels like the kind of thing that I'm comfortable doing right now you know I'm saying I'm just gonna get ready for a beautiful day in the millionth in a row and we're gonna get gussied up to go downstairs what does that mean dressed up cuz I'm not all gonna dress up in the outfit cuz that's too much and I'm also not gonna dress up in the hair because I'm letting it chill yo chill so I thought we would just do a little get ready with me and I'll do like a nice exciting look Julian would you like to get ready with me yeah let me just show my color okay um that's from Japan from like six years ago so you should probably like that so I'm gonna start with a little bit of foundation well also with some shimmery this is probably expired too I mean hopefully you guys feel me and are on the same page that listen okay we have this makeup sitting around and we want to put it on our faces yeah no one's gonna see it it's probably gonna expire soon so we gotta use it expired makeup and in college Julian what do you like to do to get ready yeah skin care is paramount for me paramount to what I don't know I just burned that word I'm gonna do a little concealer because what what concealing are our feelings and insecurities and these circles [ __ ] that looks cool just leave it like that looks like you cried in formation crying information babe I used to wear so much more makeup on my face when I was younger because I could pull it off and now that I'm showing the signs of living so many years my skin just looks sorta better with less product on it all the YouTube videos that I watch are always like bake this and put all this on and then I do that and I just look like the dustiest dust ball have these piercings yeah I need this there's also some hollow taco if you want to paint your nails oh I do want to pay my nails it's now a good time yeah that's a great time to paint your nails I'm just gonna set this a little bit I'm using a little little thing see I don't really be that bad really be that [ __ ] I get my mango real quick no come on I got piercing it looks so painful Trillian I can't feel it also make sure before you sit down everybody if you're sitting down you are responsible and put a coaster down before that ass do some colored eyebrows let's have like a fun look so I'm just gonna shave off this tail and go ahead and leave all your angry comments below but I do not care and also do not care if you don't like my purple brows or you don't like anything I'm about to do do you think I should just go in with some mini controversy this purple or I also have I like the mini controversy perfect my favorite way to do a colored brow is to use like a matte shadow or like a matte liquid lipstick I feel like it works really well and then I can blend in some Brown make it look as natural or unnatural as I feel like I don't know where we're going today or what we're going for but we're just going for it I know what maybe looks a lot right now but I'm gonna make it look fun and normal what are we gonna do when we get downstairs I hear there's a couple of popping clubs there's one called the Greyhound it was just going around and then there's a another Club it's supposed to be very productive locative it's called the bark feel like stuff on inside it lives New York's hottest club is the nightclub called bark ya Marvel is the bouncer of the owner and I wanted to put in a little slit in my eyebrow cuz I'm 33 and I can do whatever the this guy want Beach I'm just gonna very professionally clean this up so I just do like a little line and then I draw a triangle out and then we can fill that in with a little purple yeah I actually have like a flat brush that I usually use with concealer to clean up my brows but I misplaced it so long ago I don't know where it is nothing else works the same I've tried have you tried looking for it yes we'll find it hope that helps I'm just gonna shade in some of my brow here what would you usually do get ready me yeah so for my grwm I basically like to wash my face mm-hmm and then maybe put a little bit of mustache wax or beard oil into my facial hair nice to make sure we're all nice and moisturized and feeling good nice I slap myself a couple times and also that if I get slapped anywhere else in the day I've already been slapped before so it doesn't shock me as much oh then I brush one tooth at a time see I want to clean that line up so bad but I don't have that flat brush I don't know what to do stop come on hold me here I'm doing me oh we're cute okay you're so fun and do you think you weigh different amounts if you do a handstand on a scale and if you stand on it shut the hell up [ __ ] sure so just take a bath look fully naked right now Bitcoin could crop it I don't want to crop your naked body out of my video but thank you I leave it in what their faces upside down grwm what I was thinking what I was thinking might look nice so the purple brow is this yellow eyeshadow or like a yellowy Goldy but subtle whatever you're doing stuff alright so since I don't have any clean makeup brushes right now because although we're on lockdown your girl still lazy as hell and I don't feel like cleaning these brushes at all Beach so I'm gonna do a little transition which is low started hurting my ass stop sitting on a coaster I don't wanna leave this thing losing your ass I [ __ ] love wiping my ass so I'm not gonna put like a base or anything under this cuz I'm I do want it to be kind of subtle what you're doing right now is hella subtle oh my god your skin is glowing huh how's it feel yeah saying a small prayer for all of you and Ares season before you dealing with in Aries at home my newest Aires trick is when you wear crosses to keep him on tighter just put them over your ear what color should I like brighten things up with like that oh yeah that could be dope more of a goal yeah it looks like nutria Julian do not call my eyeshadow mooch I want an akan Tanika is gonna make this poppin you know with my face I'm gonna do something a little exciting which is still an experiment I don't know if I like it yet I don't want to hear about how it's not blended I've never been good at blending can look at pictures of me from years ago which got harsh lines everywhere I'm gonna take a little bigger brush and I'm gonna take more tannic on and I'm gonna go like this oh yeah you guys remember in my girl makeup video when I was putting like the blush on my nose and under my eyes and all that I've been trying it just a little bit with bronzer to see how it looks if it gives me like a similar effect haven't quite decided if I yet or not see like sick in a hot way but like sick in a tan way sick and I've been outside but I'm quarantined kind of way I don't hate it then I'm gonna take more of it and contour it with it I'm just gonna do like a little bit of blush but it's mostly bronzer so little girls Coco you girl okay Julie what if I went in with this pretty like purple over to match my brows yeah the other vision that I had for this look tons of freckles and I finally got that little product that everybody every girl seems to have which is Freck and I'm gonna make tiny little freckles all over my face freckles are a good save on grwm look for sure when your girl gets up early gr WOM get ready without me now I'm gonna do something I feel like I don't see people do anymore but I still do all the time I'm gonna tight line my eyes when you go inside the eye yeah how do you keep your eye open just hold it open I got my hands on recently the magnetic [ __ ] lashes I've tried the kind where you put the lashes like on top of your lash and sandwich them in a magnet hated it did not work fell right off but this one I'm having a little better luck with so you do two coats of the magnetic base I'm making a mess so I'm gonna stop there and then I'll use an eyeliner to wing it out that's one coat I'm gonna do it all go in and wash this for the blush t.o.p okay there you go it's my choice is blush no it's not toy is blush it's lush no it's blush I am doing my second coat of magnetic eyeliner can you pull your lid while you're doing your eyes like shut up I'm 33 and going start now babe Julian oh that looks so good don't mess up that line now I want to put on my magnetic lashes Oh fun for all my fellow professional eSports players out there you know how when you game in and everything's like normal and fine but then all of a sudden [ __ ] really starts to pop off and you're like damn I wish I could see without these lashes on you can just take these off look at what they're magnetic yeah how cool to what your brain what do they move to the liner I just put on did you see that that's so cool this is not an added oh my god that's insane okay I'm gaming but I'm cute and then you're like oh no I can't see you should pop it off and you just pull it off and then you're ready to play the perfect eSports tool when shits done pop it off though you're just booboo back on beat what is my self look how shiny Wow beautiful I see taco what do I do with my lips leave them kind of neutral I think nude lips would go well with this look a little setting spray oh yeah set me up like you're an undercover cop set me up last thing I really wanted to try because I saw a video of Grimes do this because I was watching like every Grimes interview I could find online because I couldn't tell if I like adored her hated her so I just had to watch like seven hours of videos on her to find out I think I'm leaning towards that I adore her but she did a video where she was doing her makeup and she just took her eyeliner and just drew out a choker and I was like but you really did something with that so I'm just gonna do that and see if I like it oh by the way I did it like kind of made us again I did it like facing that let's do another one shall we okay that is so fun I'm always constantly like moving this up because I want to be like in a certain spot and my neck and I can never get it to sit there I didn't know or didn't think that you could just draw on a choker because I'm dumb and Grimes is brilliant and that's what I learned from watching seven hours of Grimes videos anyways that's a good time what if I do like a little star or something cute what do you think or what about use a dot Oh cute Oh fun so subtle so little I like that ah when I like something then all of a sudden I'm like what if I just did like 20 more if I keep myself like a little 90s beauty mark oh I don't think that suits me oh I don't think that's right oh honey oh you should have left it at your eye you Virgo with you too much gene gone disappeared never happened you didn't see anything let's try it again maybe like over here although that's worse oh you didn't see anything are you telling you about this I swear to God okay never happened fun okay nice ah all right I'm gonna take this off the tripod and then I'll show you in like the daylight since we all ready to go downstairs you guys ready to go downstairs or what Oh get ready well what do you think what do you feel like we got ready with me we got ready with you because we did and now here we go on our way to to nothing okay thank you how are your nails I'm feel ready to do whatever it is that we're about to do eat food yes oh that's it I mean felt nice I'm not gonna lie to do just a nice sit-down get ready with me because although the beautiful people keep vehement ly ask you need to get the [ __ ] out of their community I'm not I'm here to stay literally you're gonna stay I'm not going anywhere and I just have some makeup and he's just sitting there saying put me on [ __ ] touch me [ __ ] what do you think of my purple brows wearables cut me mine leotards though I wanted to wear like a bathrobe or like a leisure suit you know so we're going downstairs and we're here but uh all my bathrooms are in the wash in fact everything I open is in the wash I just haven't done it yet you know some people while they're in quarantine I've been incredibly productive I haven't done any luxury okay you need a hug I'll see you guys next week I'm gonna go just kidding I'm there all right goodbye
Channel: JennaMarbles
Views: 4,803,635
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jenna, marbles, mourey, how to, makeup, tutorial, girlfriend, boyfriend, kermit, mr marbles, get, ready, with, me, get ready with me, Jenna grwm, Jenna makeup, Jenna julien grwm, eyeliner, controversy palette, magnetic lashes, bunny, dogs, at home, yellow, freckles, purple brows, brush, scrunchie, bathroom, vlog
Id: TNuurt3mpr8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 4sec (904 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 01 2020
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